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Complete housing solutions

for layer production

Optimal layer production
Best housing equipment for layers

Jansen Poultry Equipment systems for the layer sector are designed to produce

a maximum number of clean eggs. Stimulating natural behaviour, a healthy

environment, nest acceptance, and careful handling of the eggs are essential

factors for an optimal performance of the layers.

Optimal layer production 2
Table of content
Table of content 3

4 Housing systems
• Comfort 2® aviary system
• Comfort 2inside® aviary system
• AviaView® aviary system
• Compact 2® aviary system
• Comfort 3® layer system
• VolMaxx® mini aviary system
• LayMaxx® laying nest
• Premium+® laying nest

13 Rearing systems
• NivoVaria® rearing system
• NivoMaxx® rearing system
• RearMaxx® rearing system

18 Egg handling
• Rod conveyor
• FlexBelt® egg conveyor belt
• MultiFlex® elevator
• Egg packer for consumption eggs

23 Manure discharge and emission reduction

• FloorBelt® cross conveyor belt
• Trough-shaped cross conveyor belt
• Compact® manure drying
• Classic® manure drying
• AutoShov® litter removal system
• AluBreeze® heat exchanger
• AmoControl® chemical air scrubber
• EcoFriend® biological air scrubber

32 Why choose Jansen Poultry Equipment

• Poultry management
• Turnkey solutions
Housing systems
Optimal housing systems for layers

Jansen Poultry Equipment aviary systems are alternative housing systems for

layers. The open, multi-tier systems make optimal use of the space in a new or

existing house. Feed and water are based at different levels, and perches are

placed on top of the systems, stimulating the natural behaviour of the layers. The

design of the systems maximizes the performance of the layers.

Comfort 2® aviary system
Designed for farmers, inspired by layers

The Comfort 2® aviary system is an open, multi-tier system The construction is made of high quality materials giving it a
making optimal use of the space in a new or existing house. a long lifespan. It is equipped with TwinWorld® or wire mesh
Perches, feed, and water are situated at different levels in slats. The Comfort 2® aviary system meets the needs and
the system to stimulate the natural behaviour of the birds. capacities of the modern laying hen.
The system gives a good overview and the birds are easy to Both LayMaxx® and Premium+® nests are possible in the
manage. Comfort 2.

8 1 LayMaxx laying nests

2 Feed system
4 3 Drinking lines

6 4 Air tubes

3 1 5 Manure belt

6 Stairs

7 Side platform

8 Perches
7 9 Wire mesh panels
9 10 LED lighting

Image of Comfort 2 with Premium+ nest

Comfort 2inside® aviary system
For optimal performance

Jansen Poultry Equipment designed the Comfort 2INSIDE® to Approach platforms along the aviary system are not necessary,
make it easier for the birds to move between the different the birds move inside the system. The aisles can be wider. The
tiers of the system. Wire mesh stairs in the system connect Comfort 2INSIDE® aviary is equipped with the unique TwinWorld®
the different tiers. This enhances the bird movement within slats and wire mesh slats in front of the nests.
an aviary row. Feed, water, and the nests are easily reached.

8 1 LayMaxx laying nests

2 Feed system
4 3 Drinking lines

4 Air tubes
1 5 Manure belt
6 Stairs

7 Side platform

8 Perches
7 5
9 Wire mesh panels
9 10 LED lighting

Image of Comfort 2INSIDE with LayMaxx nest

AviaView® aviary system
A perfect view on birds

The AviaView® aviary system provides a perfect overview of birds and provides a comfortable environment to lay eggs. The
the birds and nests, and stimulates an optimal production of design of the systems stimulates the natural behaviour of the
high quality eggs. Integrated walk ways are easy accessible birds with feed, water, and the nests at different levels. The
and make inspection of the upper nests easy. All birds and nests AviaView® aviary system meets all the needs of the modern
are located at eye level. The LayMaxx® laying nest attracts layer while providing the farmer a perfect overview.

6 1



1 Nests 3 Feed system 5 LED lighting 7 Egg belt

2 Manure belt 4 Drinking lines 6 Perches 8 Slats

Compact 2® aviary system
Optimal use of space

The Compact 2® aviary increases the living space of an Feed and drinker lines can be added to any tier. Perches are
existing system. More animals and more eggs, in a healthy placed on top of the system, stimulating the natural behaviour
environment. The Compact 2 aviary system is made of high
of the animals. The Compact 2® aviary system makes optimal
quality durable materials with a long lifespan. The system is use of space without compromising on performance and
standard equipped with TwinWorld® slats or wire mesh slats. quality.

1 1 Feed system

2 Air tubes
3 Manure belt

4 Perches
Comfort 3® layer system
For maximum results

The Comfort 3® aviary system is specially designed to create up. The manure belt transports the manure out of the house,
more living space in a house. A manure conveyor with slats contributing to a healthy environment for the animals. The
is placed above LayMaxx or Premium+ laying nests. Stairs
® ®
Comfort 3® layer system makes optimal use of space without
are attached to the sides making it easy for the layers to go compromising on performance and quality.

6 4
1 5

1 Premium+® laying nest 3 Plastic slats 5 Feed system

2 Manure belt 4 Stairs 6 Drinking lines

VolMaxx® mini aviary system
Perfect overview with optimal results

The VolMaxx® gives a perfect overview of the layers. The

system is in accordance with the longstanding requirements
of animal welfare organizations. Feed drops are placed over
the scratch mats stimulating the natural behaviour of the hens.
The feed and drinker lines are placed inside the system and 4

accessible from all sides. A woven egg belt is integrated on

both sides of the system. 2

The wide size of the system requires less aisles compared to a 8

traditional enriched cage system. It uses the space in a house 3

optimally allowing more hens to be housed. 9

The VolMaxx® is a durable aviary system. The Feed Conversion
Rate is very low. The clean and healthy environment prevents 10
the animals to get diseases. 6 7

1 Laying nests 6 Scratch mats

2 Feed system 7 Egg belt

3 Drinking lines 8 Slats

4 Air tubes 9 Wire mesh doors

5 Manure belt 10 Perches

LayMaxx® laying nest
For maximum results

The LayMaxx® laying nest has a unique nest floor which is

tilted to expel the hens. The red nest flaps are rolled up at
the same time the nest mat is tilted. This gives the hens easy
access to the nest mats and pick them clean. The egg belt is
able to run when the nest mats are tilted.
1 2

The LayMaxx® nests are perfectly suitable for both aviary

systems and traditional layer houses.

1 Closed position 2 Open position

Premium+® laying nest

For maximum results

The Jansen Poultry Equipment Premium+® laying nest is a high

quality nest, manufactured of first-class shuttering plywood
and plastic side walls. The nest floor consists of a wire mesh
floor covered with a perforated mat which allows any dirt to
fall through and ensures clean eggs. The nest is designed to
fulfil the natural needs of the hens by creating comfortable 1 2

surroundings. Our nests have the best possible acceptance

by the birds and the birds will be more productive. Due to the
wooden construction and specific design, the conditions in the
1 Closed position 2 Open position
nest are optimal.
Unique Selling Points

World class nests:

• Patented expel system (with intelligent expel programme for LayMaxx)

• Highly accepted reliable nests

• Open structure nest mat

• Minimal contact surface between nest mat and egg for optimal hygiene

• Ergonomic shaped nest floor

System made of high quality durable materials:

• Optimal mix of specially design TwinWorld® and wire mesh slats

• Slatted floor has no obstacles

• Optimal combination of platforms and oval perches

• Standard medium feed line

• Ample choice of different drink nipples

The combination of Jansen Poultry Equipment systems for layers guarantees

optimal performance of the layers and maximum return on investment for the
Rearing systems
Training pullets for optimal performance

Key to an optimal performance of layers in an aviary system, is being reared in

a compatible rearing system. The systems of Jansen Poultry Equipment train

the pullets to move around an aviary system in a natural way. The systems are

completely adjustable to the age and needs of the pullets for effective training.

Well trained layers for an optimal performance.

NivoVaria® rearing system
Takes pullet-training to the next level

The NivoVaria® is designed to rear pullets into well trained The platforms are opened up during the rearing period,
layers. The open system makes controlling the flock easy. The allowing the pullets more space. The specially designed
winchable platforms, drinking lines, and feed lines are easy to rearing slats provide the correct support for the legs and feet.
adjust to the age and size of the pullets. The foldable platforms The smaller mesh size allows for thinner brooding paper. All
on the side are in a vertical position at the start of the flock, slatted areas, platforms, feed lines, and drinker lines can be
keeping the young pullets in the central slatted area. raised to make cleaning the house easy after a flock.

1 Feed system

2 2 Drinking lines

4 3 Fold away platforms

4 Winchable platforms
5 Central slatted area
NivoMaxx® rearing system
Compact design with big results

The NivoMaxx® is based on the same principles as the obstacles, making it easier for the pullets to move between the
NivoVaria rearing system. Feed and water lines are situated
central slatted area and the scratching area.
at different levels and are easy to adjust to the age and size An integrated manure belt reduces the build up of ammonia
of the pullets. This encourages the pullets to fly and jump and contributing to a healthier environment in the house. Due
move through the system. to this manure belt, the height of the system is increased
The fold away platforms on the side start in vertical position, considerably, which provides extra living space under the
restricting the chicks to the central slatted area. In vertical system, allowing more birds to be housed. The NivoMaxx®
position, the wire mesh slats provide an excellent overview rearing system efficiently trains pullets for the future in an
during inspection. aviary system, stimulates natural behaviour and provides a
The narrow width of the system reduces the number of maximum bird density.

1 Feed system

2 Drinking lines
3 Fold away platforms
4 Winchable platform
1 5 Central slatted area

5 6 Air tubes
7 7 Manure belt
RearMaxx® rearing system
Intensive training for effective rearing

The RearMaxx® is a 2 or 3 tiers system specially designed

to train pullets effectively and use the house area optimally.
Each tier has a lengthwise partition in the middle. The foldable
doors are easy to open and close. The feed lines and drinking 8
lines on the first and second tier can be adjusted to the age of 6 4
the pullet. The third tier is equipped with a fixed drinking line
and is used when the pullets are older and move around in the
The pullets use the foldable perches on the sides of the
system to move to the different tiers. The specially designed
rearing slats provide the correct support for the legs and 1
feet. The smaller mesh size allows for thinner brooding paper.
Manure belts are placed underneath each tier, contributing
to a healthier environment. Pullets trained in a RearMaxx®
perform optimally in an aviary system.
1 Feed system 5 Manure belts

2 Drinking lines 6 Perches

3 Slats 7 Winchable perches

4 Air tubes 8 Wire mesh

fold away doors
Unique Selling Points

Excellent rearing for aviary systems:

• Pullets are trained to move around in an aviary system, and find feed and

• Layers reared in our rearing systems perform optimally: maximum number

of eggs, good movement and high flock uniformity

System made of high quality durable materials:

• Standard hot dipped galvanized frame with stainless steel legs

• Excellent overview with wire mesh and/or plastic slats

• Automatic winching system with a stretch-free cord (NivoVaria and


• Specially designed plastic rearing slats for excellent support

• Platform frames are made of galvanized steel strips to prevent build up of

manure and red mites (NivoVaria and NivoMaxx)

Excellent living conditions:

• Guaranteed access to feed and drinking lines

• Different tiers for extra living space

• Integrated manure belt for healthier environment in the house

(NivoMaxx and RearMaxx)

The combination of Jansen Poultry Equipment systems for layers guarantees

optimal performance of the layers and maximum return on investment for the
Egg handling
Quick and save transport of eggs

Careful transporting and handling of eggs produced in optimal circumstances is

essential for ensuring the best quality eggs, with no difference between hatching

eggs or consumption eggs. The simple and efficient egg transport systems of

Jansen Poultry Equipment result in a negligible number of cracked eggs and

Rod conveyor
Straight forward transportation

The Rod Conveyor consists of straight belts and does not make any turns left or right. It only has bends upwards and downwards
up to 20°. The eggs are stable between the rods. The system is made of high quality durable materials. It is easy to assemble and
to clean. This compact system is available with a one speed motor or variable speed motor.

1 Drive motor
2 Vertical bend

3 Rods
4 Brush transfer

5 Return unit
5 4
FlexBelt® egg conveyor belt
Suitable in any space

Eggs produced with the utmost care, should be transported It can turn left and right up to 180° and up to 35° upwards and
with the same care. Jansen Poultry Equipment designed the 30º downwards. This saves a lot of space in the house and
FlexBelt egg conveyor belt specially for this purpose. This
collection room. The various possibilities of curves and angle
conveyor belt has unique egg carrier rods and needs little sizes makes the FlexBelt® suitable for every situation. Extra
maintenance. Cracked eggs are a thing of the past with this motors supply power efficiently without the need for extra
conveyor belt. transfers.

1 Return unit

2 Horizontal bend

3 3 Vertical upward bend

4 Rods

4 6
5 Brush transfer

5 6 Drive motor
MultiFlex® elevator
Egg transportation from different tiers

The MultiFlex® Elevator transports eggs from egg belts located

at different tiers in an aviary system to a cross conveyor. It is
able to bridge large differences in heights without the need
of complicated conveyor systems. Special designed transfers,
consisting of rods and brushes, ensure the careful transfer
between the egg belt to the MultiFlex® Elevator and from the
elevator to the cross conveyor. 2

The transfers separate shell-less eggs from the other eggs and
remove any possible dirt into the dirt collection trays. The trays
are easy to remove and clean. At both the input and the output
unit, a unique curved guide system has been installed which
prevents eggs from bouncing into each other. The minimal
contact between the eggs, and between the eggs and system
result in a minimum number of cracked eggs and breakdowns.
The system is designed for every size egg.

The simple design of the MultiFlex® Elevator makes it easy to 4

operate, maintain, and clean.

1 Egg carriers

2 Input unit with dirt collection tray

3 Output unit with dirt collection tray

4 Dirt collection tray

Egg packer for consumption eggs
High setting accuracy

The Jansen Poultry Equipment egg packer is robust and made The suction cups have minimal contact with the eggs
of high quality non-corrosive material. The careful treatment preventing them from contamination. The eggs are placed with
of the eggs results in more first class (hatching) eggs. The perfect point setting. The installation is easy: plug and play.
hatchery packer has an ergonomic design and is available in a
wide range of capacities and lay-outs. It contains an integrated Farm grader
‘de-nester’ which automatically separates egg trays from the The farm grader is a universal grading unit. It can be
stack and places the trays on the conveyor. programmed for four different weight classes at one exit. The
grader is operated with a touchscreen. It can be used at any
poultry farm where a pre-weight selection is required.

4 3 2 1

1 Plastic accumulator belt 3 Plastic scopes 5 De-nester

2 Rollers 4 Transfer head 6 Egg conveyor belt

Image of Farm grader

Manure discharge and emission reduction
Innovative solutions for a cleaner environment

Jansen Poultry Equipment develops and produces different solutions for the

discharge of manure out of the house. Contributing to a cleaner and healthier

environment in the poultry house. We apply the latest techniques to reduce

the emission of ammonia, fine dust and odor. Products like the heat exchanger,

air scrubbers, and manure drying systems all benefit the environment. These

systems prevent the build-up of ammonia, and remove ammonia and fine dust

out of the poultry house. The low energy use of the systems results in a reduction

of CO2 emission.

All systems are developed and designed in-house. The modular approach makes

it possible to adapt the systems to any situation. They are tailor made depending

on the available space and number of animals now and in the future.
FloorBelt® cross conveyor belt
Removing manure without manure pit

Jansen Poultry Equipment developed the FloorBelt® cross It is easy to oversee build-up of manure around the belt.
conveyor belt to transport the manure out of the house The belt can be rolled up and removed, to easily clean the
immediately. It is placed on the floor behind the manure belts. floor. Reducing the build-up of ammonia and contributing to
The FloorBelt consists of a horizontal belt placed at the end
a cleaner environment in the house and thus improving the
of the manure belts, and an elevating part outside the house. performance of the hens.
The horizontal belt is frameless and its height from the floor
is minimal. Making it very easy for the AutoShov® to shove The FloorBelt® cross conveyor belt is available in various
the excess litter and manure onto the belt. No manure pit is versions.

1 Frameless horizontal part

5 2 Return unit

3 Manure belt dropping

manure on FloorBelt
3 4 Knee joint

5 Elevating part

6 Drive unit

Trough-shaped cross conveyor belt
Easy removal of manure

Jansen Poultry Equipment designed the trough-shaped cross belt or to the manure storage, truck, or container.
conveyor belt to transport manure out of the house. The cross
conveyor belts are modularly built and available in a variety The drive motor is placed directly on the drive roller, making
of sizes and designs. An additional advantage is their small it more durable. The motor can be placed on the left or right
transport volume. side, depending on the lay-out of the house. The drive unit and
return unit are the same for all versions. The elevator belt can
The horizontal belt, with or without knee joint, is usually be fixed at a certain position or is able to rotate. A V-shaped
placed inside the house in a pit. The manure belts drop the scraper is placed in the system, near the return roller. It cleans
manure onto the cross conveyor belt. The cross conveyor belt the inside of the belt. A scraper at the drive roller side cleans
transports the manure to the elevating belt which is placed the outside of the belt. The legs are adjustable in height and
outside the house. This belt transports the manure to another are used to level the system.

1 Horizontal part

2 Return unit

3 Manure belt dropping

4 manure on conveyor belt

3 4 Knee joint

1 5 Elevating part

6 Drive unit
Compact® manure drying
Energy efficient manure drying

The Jansen Poultry Equipment manure drying systems

contribute to a cleaner environment. Drying the manure
reduces the build-up of ammonia, and the Compact® system
reduces fine dust by 60%. The energy efficiency reduces the
CO2 emission.

The system consists of several tiers with a perforated 2
belt each. Manure is distributed evenly by a spreading
mechanism. Air from the house is forced through the
openings in the belts and thus through the manure. The
system can be placed along the outside wall under a roof or
in an existing building.
1 The air is blown into the pressure room

Dry manure has a much smaller volume and can be marketed The fans blow air into the manure drying system
as a natural fertilizer.
3 Each airstream section serves two manure conveyor
belts (Twin-Flow principle)

Classic® manure drying

Drying manure with optimum results Unique Selling Points

The Classic manure drying system dries manure with • Inexpensive
minimal energy costs, reducing the CO2 emission. It reduces • Low installation costs
the build-up of ammonia, and fine dust is reduced by 30%. • No additional heat required
• Variable length and height
Like the Compact , the Classic manure drying system
• Variable speed belt
consists of several tiers. Manure is transported to the
top tier and is evenly distributed over the system. Special Compact
perforations in the manure conveyor allow the air to • Rapid drying, more air inlets
circulate through the manure and dry it quickly. The speed • Compact, suitable for small spaces
of the conveyor can be adjusted for optimal distribution and • Cheaper than Classic version
drying. It uses less counter pressure making it more energy
efficient than the Compact® version. Classic
• More energy efficient, less counter-pressure
Dry manure has a much smaller volume and can be marketed • Easier to clean due to bigger inlets
as a natural fertilizer.
AutoShov® litter removal system
Effective removal of litter

Jansen Poultry Equipment designed and developed the meters. Each slider has a pivot point above litter level, ensuring
AutoShov to remove the litter underneath the system to
that the slider doesn’t get stuck and glides properly over the
reduce the build-up of ammonia and fine dust. The excess litter when returning to the original position or standing still.
litter and manure drop onto a conveyor belt at the end of the
system and is transported out of the house. The sliders of the The AutoShov® has a programme to run during the laying
AutoShov litter removal system move automatically through
period to reduce floor eggs. The sliders go back and forth
the house with the help of a steel cable and motor unit. Each without moving the litter. Hens are encouraged to lay the eggs
circuit has a litter slider every five meters and slides seven in the nests, significantly reducing floor eggs.

1 Corner wheels

2 Litter slider
3 Steel cable

2 4 Slider with spring tensioner

5 Drive unit

6 Chain
AluBreeze® heat exchanger
An aluminium heart for optimum results

The AluBreeze® is a counter flow heat exchanger with temperature sensors to measure incoming and outgoing air,
a compact design for high performance. The patented and a frequency control for fan adjustment.
Aluperfect heat conduction profiles are made of double

anodized aluminum. Aluminum transfers heat a 1000 times The stainless steel frame prevents corrosion of the system.
better than plastic. The AluBreeze® ensures a healthier The multiple removable doors and hatches make the heat
and improved house environment due to pre-warmed exchanger easy to maintain and clean. The patented cleaning
fresh (outdoor) air, while reducing the use of energy. The brushes are optional for an optimal efficiency. The AluBreeze®
AluBreeze® heat exchanger is optionally equipped with heat exchanger reduces fine dust against low energy use.

1 Intake of fresh outdoor air

2 AluPerfect profiles guide the air into

the barn
3 Intake of house air from the ridge of the
1 8

6 4 Warm barn air circulates along the

5 AluPerfect profiles

5 Moisture and dust are removed by
vertical brush units
2 6
6 Vertical brush units conduct the airflow

7 House air leaves the system

8 Fresh and pre-warmed outdoor air is

blown into the house
AmoControl® chemical air scrubber
Controlling the reduction of ammonia

The AmoControl® chemical air scrubber reduces ammonia, up The AmoControl® gives steady results in fine dust and ammonia
to 95%, and fine dust very effectively. It consumes very little reduction due to accurate control of the use of sulfuric acid. It
water, acid and energy. Using less energy results in reduction works instantly when operating starts. The air scrubber is built
of CO2 emission. The air scrubber utilizes a chemical process inside the existing house which makes it almost invisible from
in which water and acid convert the ammonia into a recyclable the outside.
end product (fertilizer). The separate dust and mist sections
makes it extremely efficient.

1 The air is blown into the pressure chamber

2 The fan blows air through the air scrubber

3 The air is cleaned of dust, feathers and dirt

7 4 Ammonia is removed out of the air

5 Water basin for acid spray water

1 4 6 Spray water is reused continuously

2 7 Filter packages remove the last ammonia

8 Spraying of filter packages

5 6 9 Drip catcher

10 10 Water basin underneath dust filter

EcoFriend® biological air scrubber
Cleaner environment

The EcoFriend® biological air scrubber eliminates a high The air scrubber is built inside the existing house which
percentage of ammonia, odors and fine dust from the air but makes it almost invisible from the outside. The air scrubber is
uses very little water and energy. Using less energy results in easy to access and maintain through the spacious passages
a reduction of CO2 emission. The air scrubber uses a biological between the filter packages. The large contact surfaces of the
process in which water and bacteria convert the ammonia into filter packages efficiently collect dust, feathers, and fine dust
a reusable end product (fertilizer). separately from ammonia.

The EcoFriend® works completely efficient after a few weeks

when the bacteria, which react with the ammonia, have grown.

1 The air is blown into the pressure chamber

2 The fan blows air through the air scrubber


3 The air is cleaned of dust, feathers, and dirt

4 The bacteria in the filter package absorb
1 2 3 4 6
5 Sprinklers atomize the water

6 The purified air is blown out of the air

8 7
7 The water is recycled

8 Reuse of dirty water for dust filtering

Mission statement

Jansen Poultry
Equipment develops and
produces poultry systems
with the focus on animal
health, human health and
the environment.
Why choose Jansen Poultry Equipment
Knowledge of technology and poultry

The key to the success of Jansen Poultry Equipment is the knowledge of technology and
poultry within the company. This is essential for the development of new products and
to cater to the different needs of our customers. Innovation is the cornerstone of Jansen
Poultry Equipment. The base of all our developments and products is the strong believe
that animals, humans and the environment should be treated with the utmost respect.

Optimal production results are inextricably tied to the behaviour, habits and health of the
animals. The performance is defined by healthy animals living in efficient and high quality

The relationship between Jansen Poultry Equipment and our clients is based on being
attentive to our clients’ wishes with an understanding of each other’s cultural differences,
opinions, and convictions.

High quality
Jansen Poultry Equipment delivers a high level of service. The system is assembled on-
site by trained professionals. A 24/7 service after completion is guaranteed.

Jansen Poultry Equipment offers an entire range of complete poultry systems. All systems
are made in-house and made of high quality durable materials. This guarantees an optimal
control on quality and a long lifespan.
Poultry management
Professional advice for better results

Small changes in the supply of feed, water or lighting

Research, analysis and advice
schedule can result in a better performance of the animals.
Jansen Poultry Equipment provides advice to poultry When a farmer seeks advice, the poultry manager starts
farmers worldwide to successfully improve their production with a study of the current situation. An analysis of the
results. Our poultry managers are experts on the behaviour house data and management will often give a quick insight
and needs of broilers, breeders, and layers. where changes can be made to better the performance
of the animals. The report of the analysis consists
of recommendations for improvements to better the

Key factors for success performance of the flock. If necessary, the poultry manager
helps the farmer to implement the recommendations.
All sectors, systems, and houses have their own challenges to
obtain an optimal production result. The years of experience
and poultry knowledge enables Jansen Poultry Equipment to
give tailor made advice. The aim of this service is to create Contact
the best possible conditions for every specific situation to Do you want to know what our poultry managers can do for
ensure optimal production results. you? Contact us now!
Turnkey solutions
The complete production chain

The design of a productive poultry farm is quite intricate.

Feed and water
You need to take into account production capacity, local
(weather) conditions, farm/housing conditions and A layer house requires other feeding solutions than a
requirements of the farmer, just to name a few basics. The broiler or breeder house. Fundamental in all solutions is
demands made on the farmer building the new system a guaranteed supply of feed and water. The differences
are just as complex. Jansen Poultry Equipment designs, in feeding and drinking solutions are well-known at
produces and delivers poultry systems turnkey. One Jansen Poultry Equipment. Based on the situation specific
point of contact for all questions, a trusted company with requirements, like bird density, our experts give advice
knowledge of technique and poultry, and over 30 years’ on the best solution for feed and water. At Jansen Poultry
experience: Jansen Poultry Equipment. Equipment we carry different specific solutions for feed and
water for different types of poultry houses, guaranteeing
ample feed and clean fresh water.

Constructions and buildings

Some farms have existing buildings where they build

new systems and some farms build completely new
constructions. Jansen Poultry Equipment manages the Climate solutions depend on factors such as the needs
project from start to finish: a specialized team experienced of the animals, geographical circumstances, quality
in designing poultry houses oversees the project from of the building, kind of poultry system, and customers’
design to delivery, manages all companies involved, and requirements. Jansen Poultry Equipment advises, delivers,
unburdens the entrepeneur. We work together with trusted and manages the optimal climate solution for any specific
partners. situation. We deliver and assemble poultry systems
worldwide. Having encountered (almost) every specific
Assembly of the system is done under the watchful eye of climate condition, we have the knowledge and experience
an experienced Jansen Poultry Equipment supervisor. He to manage any climate challenge.
manages the local workmen and is the contact point on site
for the farmer during assembly.
Lighting Contact

One of the key aspects of an optimal living environment for Do you want to know what we can do for you? More
poultry is lighting. Broilers, breeders and layers all have information about our turnkey solutions? Or information
their specific requirements regarding lighting during their about one of systems? Contact us now!
lifetime and during harvesting. Lighting is an essential part
of the system. Jansen Poultry Equipment has solutions for
any system and requirement. We advise, supply, implement,
and manage the correct lighting system in your poultry

Emission reduction

Reducing fine dust and ammonia is key for a healthy

environment for animals and humans. Jansen Poultry
Equipment develops and produces different solutions for a
healthier environment. Manure disposal solutions ensure no
build-up of ammonia in the system, preventing respiratory
and feet problems. Air scrubbers absorb fine dust, making
the air inside and outside the house healthier for animals
and humans. Jansen Poultry Equipment has a solution
for any regulation and is proud to be one of the forward
companies when it comes to emission reduction worldwide.
CONTACT Fore more information and all your questions,
please contact us at:

+31 (0)342 427 000

Don’t forget to check our social media:

Jansen Poultry Equipment

Harselaarseweg 32 tel: +31 (0)342 427 000

3771 MB Barneveld fax: +31 (0)342 427 001
The Netherlands

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