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Administration Reference Guide

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TAW Wide - Community Document

Last Updated: 27th Sept 2022

Made by Taw University (Last Updated: )


This document is to be used as a reference document for any member of TAW who
wishes to learn how any aspect of Administration works within TAW.

Please note that some images and clips have been taken from a CC Standpoint and
you may not have all of the required permissions to view what you can see in the clips.
This is on purpose but please do not be alarmed we have made it member friendly
and has been explained to suit TAW Wide Membership.

Contents Page:

Contents Page: 2
Recruitment: 4
1.1 Onboarding System 4
1.1.1 How to Access Onboarding 4
1.1.2 The 4 Stages of the Applicant 5
1.1.3 Editing Notes: 6
1.2 Boot Camp Guide 7

2. Battalion Command & TFO 8

2.1 Event Management 8
2.1.1 Event Attendance 9
2.1.2 Event Creation 10
2.1.3 Reporting Events: 11
2.2 Commendations 12
2.2.1 Awarding Commendations 12
2.2.2 Commendations Approval 14
2.3 Awarding Medals 14
2.4 TAW.net Forums & Blogs 15
2.4.1 TFO Action Required 15
2.4.2 Blogs Explanation 16
2.5 Member Dossier: 18
2.5.1 Officers Notes: 18
2.6 Unit Management: 19
2.6.1 Changing ‘Reports To’ for Units 20
2.6.2 Creating A Unit 21
2.6.3 Deleting a Unit 22
2.8 Mailing 23
2.7 - Positions 24
2.7.1 Unit Positions Available 24
2.7.2 Promotions & Demotions 25
Promotions (Edit page): 25
Promotions (Roster Page): 26
Demoting: 27
Changing Positions: 27
2.8 Member Movement 29

2.8.1 Discharges & Reinstatements: 29
2.8.2 Transfers: 31
2.8.3 Leave: 32

3. Treasury (Internal) 33
3.1 Ordering A Server: 33
3.2 Cancelling A Server: 34

1. Recruitment:

1.1 Onboarding System

The Onboarding System refers to the process in which we complete all new applicants
into TAW in any Division. All applicants must apply to a ‘Division’ (a game). An applicant
can’t apply to join any specialist Divisions or units within Operations (Graphics, RD, MMD
etc.) A new applicant will apply through the TAW.net website. Once they apply you
must be in a DI position or higher to view the TAW Onboarding Page for your unit.

As a DI you will only have access to view who is on the onboarding system but you will
not have the ability to approve or view individual applicant details. To view this
information you must be an Admin Leader. (This is normally the role of the Head Drill

1.1.1 How to Access Onboarding

Below you can see how to find the Onboarding Management Page, this is where we
view all of the applicants for each unit.
TAW.net → Admin → Onboarding Management

Once you get onto this page, it will ask you to select a Division & Battalion, select this
for your assigned Division & Battalion and click “ Apply Filter”. This will load all of the
applicants that have outstanding applications to be completed by the Recruitment

1.1.2 The 4 Stages of the Applicant

We break the process down into 4 stages that can be seen below.

Stage 1: Approval: This is the process where an Admin Leader will review the
applicant’s approval by clicking on the ‘Approval Button’; at this point, they will check
that all the information is both in compliance with TAW policy and Divisional
Expectations. This is especially important with regards to Callsign Requirements that
can be found HERE Upon Approval, this will change to Approved which sends an
automated email to the applicant to congratulate them as well as inviting them to
complete step 2.

Stage 2: Introduction: The Introduction is something that needs to be completed by the

applicant. They are sent a link once approved to ask them to complete a ‘Self
Introduction’ it will come through as ‘click here to take next steps’. Once they click this
it will ask them some questions and ask them to confirm that they understand TAW
Code Of Ethics and member requirements to be a part of this community.

P.S Should they not be able to find this link you can manually give them the link by an
AL copying the URL from Step 1(“https://taw.net/onboarding/00000/step_1.aspx”) and
changing the step 1 to a 2.

Stage 3: Drill Instructor: This is a very quick step and is normally done by Admin Leader
in charge of looking after Onboarding. They will click on the ‘Drill Instructor’ which will
then display them with a list of all the current Drill instructors or they can assign
another member by manually adding their name. A comment is normally left to show a
record of what they have done. “Assigned to DI Bob by HDI Bill on the 1st January 2020”.
This will trigger an automated email to the Applicant to inform them which DI/member
is assigned to complete their onboarding process.

Stage 4: Drill Instructor: This should be completed by the DI assigned to the applicant
and should be kept updated based on the situation. The Bootcamp is referring to the
Indoctrination Slideshow that is completed to explain TAW rules and protocol. Upon
completion of this slideshow the Bootcamp section can be switched to ‘Bootcamp

Completed’; do note this will remove them from the onboarding system as this is the
last step.

Upon completion of the Bootcamp, the recruit can then receive their token from the
taw website
Edit → Taw Options → Generate Token (Copy Token) → TS3 Permissions → Use Privilege Key.

Then they can put on their tags according to their unit in the format shown.
[DIV 1/2/3] respective of their Division & Battalion.

1.1.3 Editing Notes:

It is very common practice throughout TAW that the ‘Edit Notes’ function on the
Onboarding System is used and kept up-to-date as it can and should display important
updates, progress and information that all parties may need from a back end point of
view. Below I have drafted an example of what it could look like. PS. This will vary
slightly from Division to Division so please consult your CoC if you have any

Approved by HDI Bill- 27.06.20

DI Bob Assigned by Bill - 28.06.20
DI Sent 1st Email - 29.06.20
DI Sent 2nd Email - 02.07.20
Contact Made & Boot camp Scheduled by DI- 03.07.20
Boot camp Completed by DI - 05.07.20

This has just been created as a demonstration to see a format in good practice. It is
recommended to send Applicants a maximum of 3 emails before rejecting their
application, normally this is one every 3 days on the basis no contact has been made.
Notes & Stages should be updated throughout the whole process.
FYI: If the ‘Edit Notes’ is Red it means it is empty.
1.2 Boot Camp Guide

The Boot Camp Guide is a requirement for every Division to complete before allowing
any applicant into TAW. It covers important information and details regarding the TAW

Code of Ethics and our standard member requirements that each member agrees to
before joining this community.

Every Division will have its variant of the TAW Standard Document; however, all
information should still be covered in the guide. On average to complete this
Bootcamp guide it will take between 15- 30 minutes depending on the applicant.

Tips & Tricks for completing a Boot Camp Guide:

1. Don’t just read what is in front of you.
a. It can be a real drag just listening to someone repeat exactly what is on
your screen without stopping and with no variation. Try to form your
mental script in which you can explain the slides to give them a personal

2. Get to know them while going through the guide.

a. This is a really important point, this is their first interaction with a
member of TAW and we want it to be a good one. Find out their interests
and have a good laugh with them. This will be the first bond in many and
it is important to make them feel welcome & remove any ‘industrial
approach to recruiting’ where they might feel like just another number.

3. Don’t keep going on & on.

a. It is extremely boring to sit there for someone new into the community to
listen to a massive speech about every policy & rule we have. Our job as
recruitment staff is to make sure they understand the rules, ethics and
expectations but come out of it with a friend.

4. Just remember once you complete it try and introduce them to other members
of the Division so they can build relationships with multiple people increasing
their bond with members within TAW.

2. Battalion Command & TFO

2.1 Event Management

It is important that as Battalion Command you keep regular events happening each
week per TAW Policy.

TAW Policy states that you have to have a minimum of two hours a week. Division by
Division you can have more than this should you choose as well as also using optional
events to allow other members to boost their attendance.
It is important to also note that events shouldn’t be back to back on the same
day unless specifically approved by your CoC. Please contact your CoC if this is
something you feel is necessary within your Unit.

When deciding how to select the right day to run an event always consider a few
● Time of day/ Timezone - Are you picking a time that is too late or too early for
the majority of your membership.

● Which Day - It is important to select a day where people on average tend to

have more free time. If you only have one mission a week you may want to have
this on a weekend, you should have two, as this encourages people to remain
active. Having an optional event in between your two mandatory events can
allow you to try and keep a very active Teamspeak/ Discord server.

● How long is the event - is the event too long? Some games may be better suited
to a shorter playtime as it may be tiring and quite tiresome after two hours. Or
is it too short? Make sure your missions are a suitable time to allow your
members to get the most out of their mission so they feel like it is worth coming.

2.1.1 Event Attendance

When you are running an event it is a requirement to always have an Admin Leader
present, you will also need an Admin Leader to record an event attendance.

To take attendance follow the steps below:

1. Click on the event that you wish to take attendance for.
2. Select Edit Attendance
3. Scroll to the bottom and click ‘Take Attendance’.
a. NOTE: If you have any ‘non-divisional’ guests in your event they will
appear in the box at the bottom and you must click on them and highlight
them so they will also have their attendance reported for the event.

From this same page, you can also change people to excused if they were AWOL’d
and contacted you after the event within 48 hours. You can do this by simply moving
the selected circle on their name to Excused instead of missed.

2.1.2 Event Creation

It is recommended that Battalion / Division Events are normally created in bulk

however, it is advised not to create events any further than 3 months into the future
should any changes occur. You need to confirm they will regularly fall on the same day
and time each week.

1. On the Admin Panel on taw.net - Click ‘New Event’

2. It will bring up a table which will need to be filled in as shown below:

● Name: This is the name that you want the event to be called Please refer to THIS
DOCUMENT which will guide you. (what will appear on members homepage)

● Description: A brief description of what the event is.

● Mandatory? Do you want this to be a required event that people will need to
excuse should they not be able to make it.

● Type: What type of event is it (an average game event is recorded as either
training or match).

● Unit: Select the Division for which it is relevant.

● When: Select the start time & date for the event. (NOTE: THIS IS IN YOUR

● Repeats: Do you want this to create events each week on that particular day.
Just remember if you call the Event by a day you will need to do this twice for
different events.

● Invited: You have to type the full unit name and then it will invite that whole unit.
Click Save to add it to the events page.

2.1.3 Reporting Events:
Not all Events are scheduled ahead of time. Your division may allow you or your
officers to report ad-hoc events (unplanned play sessions) if the session meets certain
requirements. These events then count for attendance as an optional event.

To report an event, click on the “Report Event” link in the Quick Navigation on the
TAW.net home page (right side of the screen). The link will bring you to a screen that
looks like the image below.

Reported Events must be approved before they are official and affect attendance.
Any Admin Leader can approve these reported events from their unit. This is done by
navigating to the Admin tab (Rightmost button in the top row)

2.2 Commendations

Every commendation is given a Class which is required to award that particular

commendation. These classes can be seen below:

● Class 1000 - TFO Vote required to award

● Class 2000 - Commander In Chief Level (CiC can award)
● Class 3000 - Central Command Level (CC members can award)
● Class 4000 - Division Command Level (DC/DO can award)
● Class 5000 - Battalion Level (Battalion Officers can award)
● Class 9000 - Automatic (Awarded automatically)

It is important to note that although Years of Service medals fall under Class 9000 they
are not automatically received and Battalion Command or Unit Leaders should keep
on top of this and award them manually.

2.2.1 Awarding Commendations

To award a commendation as an Admin Leader go to the Admin Tab on the website

and you will see the Commendations section as shown below.

Here you can Award Commendations as well as approve commendations. To Award, a

commendation click the ‘Create New Commendation’. It will bring you to a screen as
shown below.

Fill in the information that it asks for. Do note; when you type the member name click
enter and it will bring up what unit that member is in and ask you to add it. Ensure that
you select the relevant commendation from the list below and put accurate notes

Once you have chosen the award, click save and it will ring up a box saying you do or
do not fill the requirements to award that tab.

If you are awarding commendations outside of your Unit or permissions. It will

alert you to say that it will need Officers in the members Chain of Command to
approve it. It is advised if you are awarding commendations to another unit
that are not already pre-approved by CoC. Speak to the Unit Leaders for
clarity on this.

2.2.2 Commendations Approval

Some badges & tabs will require the approval of either BATCOM, TFO, CC or CIC, you
can approve all relevant badges for your Battalion / Division by going on the Admin
Tab on TAW.net and the click on ‘Commendations Awaiting My Approval’ on the basis
you have the required level of permissions to do so for that Commendation.

It will bring up a view similar to the above. By clicking on the ‘ID Number’ this will take
you directly to the commendation page, where you can view who has submitted it and
what it is for. As well as add your comments and approve it.

Should you need to approve them in large quantities you can click the ‘check box’ to
the right-hand side on all relevant badges and then click the ‘Approve Selected’ you
can then add a comment and it will approve all selected badges with that comment.

It is good practice to try and add a personal touch to each badge, however; not

2.2.3 Awarding Medals

Medals in TAW show the success, contributions, development & best moments within the
community. They should be awarded sparingly and only when you strongly feel that a medal is
deserved. There are different tiers of medals that require different levels of approval. You can award
all medals the same as any badge or tab through the Admin → Create new Commendation.

It is good practice when awarding medals to discuss with a group of Admin Leaders to
get multiple views so that both agree that a medal or commendation is warranted and
the correct medal for the situation is being given. Do also remember that although
they should be given out carefully, it is very important to recognise members when
they have gone above and beyond for the community as this stays with their profile
for life and can often be a massive confidence boost as they have been recognised
for the time that they have dedicated to TAW.

2.3 TAW.net Forums & Blogs

TAW.net Forums are an open discussion where proposals and changes are made with
the incentive of improving the community across the board for all the membership.
Proposals regarding policy, fresh ideas and issues that have been spotted can all be
raised through the forums. This is mainly at a TFO level however, it should be
encouraged that BATCOM also read these forums and provide their opinion on topics
to their Division TFO’s.

The fundamentals are all based on providing meaningful change that will have a large
& positive impact on the community. We try to avoid very small meaningless changes
that in the grand scheme of things do not alter our experience. We must remember
our roots which is we are a gaming community and every member is here to have fun.
The policy should be kept simple and easy to understand. All TFO’s must try and
contribute to the forums especially on topics that they feel strongly about, this will
allow all opinions to be considered to ensure that a fair and just system is followed.

2.3.1 TFO Action Required

TFO Action Required is where a proposal or policy change requires TFO action. This is
something that will be discussed and voted on in the monthly TFO meeting. Once a
vote is conducted it will either be approved, rejected or sent for a second revision to
amend any discussed aspects of the proposal.

2.3.2 Blogs Explanation

Blogs in TAW is the equivalent of your

daily news. Most of the blogs you will see
on the TAW.net homepage once you log
in. These will be a collection of blogs
created across the whole of TAW from
events, offers to advertisements. Every
blog is given tags that correlate it to the
correct area so you know what the blog
is about and who it is primarily aimed at.
By clicking the blogs tab on your
homepage it will display all of the blogs
in order of ‘Most Recent’ you can change
this or arrange blogs by tags if you are
looking for something specific in the

2.3.3 How to Create a Blog Post

To create a blog you have to follow the following steps:

1. Which Unit do you want to write a blog in? To get the list to follow the gif click
Blogs then, OPML on the right side use THIS LINK.

2. It will then show you a long list of blog pages. Select where you would like to
post your blog. This will then bring you to the selected blog page.

3. Once you are on the unit page look in the right-hand side column and you will
see a ‘Write a Blog Post’ button shown in the photo below. Click this and follow
the on-screen instructions to create your blog post.

4. Once you have written your blog it is important to give it the correct tags. Do so
by selecting the ‘Select Tags’ and choose any appropriate tags, this will make
sure that your blog is seen in the correct areas on the website.

Member Dossier:

Viewing a Member Dossier can be done one of 3 ways:

1. Click top right and open your dossier; edit the URL to the required
member where it says ‘Callsign’ below.

2. Open the Units page, select Unit of Member and select their callsign.
3. TFO or above can use the Member Management and use the Member
List as shown below.

Simply enter the first few letters of their callsign and search members this stops you
from needing to know the exact spelling of a callsign.

2.4.1 Officers Notes:

Officers notes are used to record members history throughout their time in TAW.
From positive notes on a members progress, conduct, promotions in TAW to the
negative notes for poor conduct, breaches of policy, demotions etc. As well as good
and bad it is used to document a member's time in TAW showing when they take LOA’s
or discharges & reinstatements in TAW.

It is important that all member transgressions are recorded as this information would
be useful to future units and CoC within TAW when reviewing their history. It is just as
important that Officers and Admin Leaders should NOT share Officers notes with any
Non Officers or Admin Leaders.

All Admin Leaders upwards can see Officers Notes however most Officers Notes
should be placed by Battalion Command upwards. Officers notes cannot be removed
so it is important to ensure that you are writing accurate information and even consult
with another Officer involved to ensure the notes you are writing are accurate and
relevant. Sometimes you may see Legacy on Officers Notes this is before the Website
was created and is just Officers Notes before the website being created.

2.5 Unit Management:

Unit Management is important in the daily running of any unit.

From Division Level to Fireteam level it still applies. It is
usually managed at a Battalion Command level. On the Unit
Page for your unit if you click on the unit you will see a list as
shown to the right. You will see examples below such as
adding or removing a member.

Please remember that unless special circumstances occur and are approved by CoC a
member should only belong to one Battalion. Other than the unit names themselves,
you can also click on the member’s name and a similar format will appear (each
example is with different permission levels):

To generate an attendance report go to your Unit

Roster and on the right-hand side click the
Attendance Report as shown in the photo below.
This will open up the whole unit attendance where
you can filter by the number of days. TAW
Attendance policy is set by Corps and could vary
across TAW. Below we have shown TAW Wide Standards that are followed. It is
important to consult your CoC for further information regarding your Attendance

Do remember the following:

● 4 AWOL’s within 30 days is a discharge.

● 37 days of Inactivity is a discharge.

For further information please consult Section 2.7 Membership Resources.

2.5.1 Changing ‘Reports To’ for Units

The final three sections of the edit page can be grouped due to their small amount of

“Reports to Unit” shows the parent unit that you are looking for. Eg. If you are Selecting
Alpha Squad the Parent Channel would be the Platoon it is under. It is important that
you only edit parent channels for the level you are at. Battalion Command can edit all
Battalion Units, TFO Divisional etc.

“Directly Subordinate Units” is the opposite of the previous option. It is simply for
reference and you cannot change anything on this section.

“Add Member to Unit” is the second way to add members to a unit, the first being on
the roster/management page by clicking on the member’s callsign. See the Red section
within Unit Management for more details on doing this.

This covers managing your units that already exist.

2.5.2 Creating A Unit
To create a new unit proceed to the Admin tab and navigate to Unit Management, it is
at the bottom of the Admin menu.

Click the hyperlink and you will be presented with a somewhat familiar page:

This set of boxes and options is a blank version of the edit unit page explained above.
For full details on what the drop-down menus mean and what option is appropriate
see the explanation on the previous few pages.

Do not change the Icon/Banner images, nor the TeamSpeak settings unless you have
received Army command approval to change them.

Make sure to choose the parent unit that this unit will be a subordinate to. Doing this
correctly allows for well-organized rosters. Finally, click “Create Unit” and it will be
visible and active on the roster. To add staff positions to it see the Changing of
Positions section below, and to edit the unit further see the previous few pages of this
guide, which covered editing units.

2.5.3 Deleting a Unit
There are three steps to delete a unit:

> Remove all members that have a position within that unit.
> Remove all positions within the unit.
> Remove all members from that unit.

(To complete the steps see above in the explanation of the Edit Unit section, and below in
Changing of Position)

Once the above has been done a button will appear midway through the “Edit Unit
Page” by the “Save Changes” and “Cancel Changes” options for the Unit Definition. You
may need to refresh the page first:

Click “Deactivate Unit” and a confirmation box will appear with the name of the unit
and the Yes or No options:

Choose yes if you are sure and then it will automatically delete the unit from view.
Note that once this is done it is permanent and cannot be undone, you will have to
create a new unit (as shown earlier) to replicate what you had before.

This fully covers managing your unit(s) within TAW.

2.5.4 Unit Positions Available
The ‘Type’ will correspond with the positions available. Once you’ve chosen the type of
unit you can assign and add various positions. This is very complicated to explain, and
so is covered in Section 7 - Changing of Position.

2.6 Mailing
Sending emails to your units is a necessary part of keeping information flowing
between the Officers and the rest of a unit. To send an email to every person (or a
group) within a unit.

Look in Quick Navigation on the TAW.net home page

and click on your unit.

Go to the right-hand side column and choose the ‘Mail

Unit’ option.

2.7 - Positions

2.7.1 Promotions & Demotions

Changes of Rank and Position happen to someone in a unit almost constantly. This is a
very important task that higher Officers need to be able to execute properly. Please
look at TAW Wiki for further information on Ranks.
There are two ways to promote someone:
➢ Through “Edit” on their dossier (see earlier in Section 4 - Member
➢ Through their unit’s Roster/Management page (see earlier in Section 5 -
Unit Management).

Promotions (Edit page):

Once at their edit page simply expand the promotion section to see something along
these lines:

If they are of equal or higher rank than you then what is seen in
the picture above will be displayed; a blank dropdown with no
options. Assuming you’re a higher rank than the member, each
rank you can promote the member to (up to your own) will
appear in the dropdown box automatically.

When promoting someone simply click on the dropdown to see a

full list of ranks you can promote them to (one above their
current rank to your current rank). Here is an example:

In the above example, the member is a Private First Class and I

am a Major, therefore I can promote them to any rank up to and

including Major. Once the rank is chosen, simply write in an officer note that will pair
with the promotion in the officer notes tab. For example:

They appear together under the same note (although you can also provide a separate
note with an explanation of why they have taken the position). Once done simply click
Promote and the website makes the change.

Promotions (Roster Page):

To navigate to the roster click on “Units” at the top of the
website and then scroll to find the correct unit. Then click on
“Roster” on the right of the screen. Once here click the
desired member's name and something similar to the right will

The Promote button opens a box as seen below. It once again shows the rank you can
promote up to and gives you the same options as the previous method.

To demote a member, first, navigate to the member’s edit page. Once there you
should see a “Demote” button:

The format is identical to that of the Promotion except for the drop-down menu that
shows the rank below their current one all the way down to Recruit. Note however that
you cannot demote someone to a rank that is higher than your own. If they are of a
higher rank than you the list will only display the ranks below you rather than them.
For example, as a Major one would be able to demote anyone to Captain and below
but not to a Major, Lieutenant Colonel, or higher.

Changing Positions:
Like demotions, there is only a single way to change someone’s position: through the
Unit’s Edit page (explained in Section 7 - Unit Management). The type of unit as shown
earlier changes the positions available to create and assign. The list of the types is
repeated below.

The following positions can be created within the listed “Type” of sub-unit. They are
listed in the order they appear on the website list:

Division Type (top of Division) - Division Commander, Division Officer, Spin Up Leader
and Public Information Administrator.

Battalion - Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Staff Officer, Training Specialist,

Field Specialist, Head Drill Instructor, Server Administrator, Public Information Officer.

● DI Office - Drill Instructor

● Fire Team - Fire Team Leader
● Platoon - Platoon Leader

● Server Administration Office - Server Technician, Server Administrator
● Squad - Squad Leader
● Training Office - Training Instructor

Once you know the member you want to put in the position you have chosen simply
move them to the relevant unit within that Battalion or Division (there should be each
of the outlined types in every Division except for Fire Teams, Squads and Platoons
which are not obligatory depending on the game).

For information on how to move members see Section 7 - Unit Management.

Once they’re in the correct unit, head to that unit’s Edit page and head to the positions
area of if which looks like this:

Now if the position you want to move a member to is not listed yet, choose it from the
dropdown menu and click add position. It will then appear (like the Public Information
Administrator in the image above) “not assigned”. If you don’t see the position in the
dropdown menu then you’ve got the wrong type of unit, and cannot create the
position you want. You need to create the correct type of unit and continue the
process from there.

When the position can be viewed simply click “Assign Member” to open a window that
looks like this:

Type in their callsign (or part of it and then search for the rest) before continuing to
“Assign” them to the Position. Once done their name will appear in the assigned role.
The website will automatically put this in their “Movement” section within their dossier.
If they’re being promoted to a position with a minimum rank requirement higher than
their current rank make sure to promote them appropriately.

2.8 Member Movement

This section will cover member Discharges, Reinstatements, Transfers and also placing
Members on leave. Note - it will not cover moving members between units as that was
covered previously in the Unit Management section.

2.8.1 Discharges & Reinstatements:

This section only applies to TFO and above due to their heightened management role
and need for these permissions. Although as a battalion level officer it is always useful
to know this either way. To do either of these processes you will want to head to the
member’s edit page. If a member requires a reinstatement then it can be trickier to
locate his or her dossier. You can still use the generic format:
http://www.taw.net/member/CALLSIGN.aspx or find them through the Full member list.
For more information on this see the Member Dossier section of this guide.

It is important to remember to check how long a member has been in position if they
hold any positions. This is to see if they are still within their probation period. If they
are they will need to be demoted to the rank before where they held 90 days in
probation. If a member went up 2 positions and received 2 promotions for these with
each of their 90 days the member will go down twice as an example.

Before Discharging a member you must remove them from any position they hold.

Once at their edit page you will either see a “Discharge” or “Reinstate” area. Naturally,
if they’re still in TAW it will be “Discharge”, if they are not currently in TAW it will show

When clicking “Discharge” the
section will look like this:

The first dropdown will display

the three types: Honorable,
Regular or Dishonorable, and
the second will then narrow
the previously chosen type to
a particular reason. This guide
will not cover the policy on
discharges, but instead, this
should be viewed here.

Once the type and reason for

discharge have been
explained there are two text
boxes, one for the explanation to the member and the second for the officer note that
will tie in with the discharge. Usually copying the Officer note into the explanation is
acceptable along with a few other words.

Click Discharge to finalize the process. Note - you need to remove them from position
before you can discharge them (it will tell you if you have made this mistake).

To reinstate a member make sure you check the policy and confirm the member is
eligible, assuming they are you must go to the edit page on that person’s dossier. You
will see the “Reinstate” area which you can expand:

Choose a unit (you can see any of your units - All your divisions at CC level and all of
your battalions at TFO level), fill in a message and officer note, and then click
reinstate. The member will be added to the selected unit.

Please note: a TFO member is only authorised to bring back members who were
discharged honorably or received a regular discharge. CC members however, can
reinstate a member within any type of discharge assuming policy & officers notes
provided are not breached.

2.8.2 Transfers:

Always check policy (Operations and Army) before transferring anyone. Policy
currently states the sending division must transfer the member to the unit receiving.
To do this (as outlined briefly in Unit Management) navigate to the roster page and
click the member’s callsign.

NOTE: If ANY transfer is going from Army to Operations it MUST be conducted by

Operations. They will move the member out of Army.

From the pop-up list of options choose the Transfer. Another screen will appear
(shown below).
Select the correct unit to move them to, click transfer and the member will appear on
the new roster.

2.8.3 Leave:

To put a member on leave, follow the same steps to transfer a member (shown on the
previous pages) but choose the “Put on Leave” after clicking their callsign:

In order for someone to be put on leave they must request it themselves. No other
member can put them on leave without their consent. Every member only has 2 LOA’s
per year and if someone has chosen for them to put them on leave this could cause
the members further issues a few months down the line. If contact cannot be made
with the member and their attendance is dropping below what is required then they
must be discharged instead.

Type in the notes that get sent to the member along with an
officer note (usually a brief explanation for why they need to go
on leave) before clicking “Ok” and proceeding onwards. One
should also then move them into the Division unit (where the
DC/Do are listed on the roster) or they will still show as missing
events within their battalion despite them being on leave.

To return someone from leave is almost an identical process: click the member’s
callsign and choose the “Return From Leave” option, which pops up instead of “Put on
Leave”. A page asking for officer notes and messages will appear. Fill the boxes in and
click ok to return the member from leave.

3. Treasury (Internal)

Treasury management for TAW is done externally through the Xero system. For
further information, seek your TFO Level Officers/Chain Of Command, or the
Treasury Corps team and ask them about Xero. Xero will not be shown here due to
the sensitive nature of monetary funding through donations.
There are a couple of things you can as a TFO officer within the scope of the treasury
system. Navigate to your admin tab, at the bottom you will see the “Treasury” section
(assuming you’re TFO or above):

3.1 Ordering A Server:

Now obviously this is only applicable to some divisions due to the nature of their
games. Discuss with your Chain of Command before deciding if this is necessary.

Start by selecting your division (from the drop-

down list) then fill out the details. Make sure
the details you enter are correct if you are
unsure ask your Chain of Command. The cost
should be shown in American dollars. If in
another currency add the relevant sign, for
example, British £. Next, explain why you need
the server with specific details.

Finally choose ‘Send’ which will send the form

to the treasury team in TAW for them to
either approve or reject, if they reject the
form they will contact you explaining why.

3.2 Cancelling A Server:

This form is accessed the same way as the form for ordering a server (admin tab).

Fill in the appropriate info (which should be the same as it was when you ordered the
server) and fill in comments to explain why/any other relevant info. Click send to send
the form to the treasury department. Remember that the form will not be instantly
seen by the Treasury so do not wait to the last second to send this in or you may have
to pay for longer than you planned.


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