Master Grinding Wheel Brochure

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Grinding Wheels
Solutions for Industry

Master Abrasives
Master Abrasives has a hard and long
earned reputation in the UK abrasives
market for providing solutions with high
quality products and professional service.
Established in Daventry in 1967, we have
served British industry for over half a century,
now as an independent UK owned abrasive
company with an extensive range of abrasive
products and applications engineering
support. The MASTER® brand provides
solutions for industry, offering high quality
as well as affordable products and
Master branded grinding wheels are
manufactured to EN 12413 and provide
consistently high quality under ISO 9001. The
product range is extensive covering vitrified
and resin bonds. Complementing the Master
branded grinding wheel selection is the comprehensive
range of dressing tools and auxiliary equipment.
Our engineers can assess your application needs and work with you
to develop both the product and process with a view to optimising your
productivity. Offering high quality products at competitive prices backed
up by a professional and technical service, we aim to provide ultimate
solutions for industry.



Grinding Process 4
Types of Bonds 8
Abrasive Types, Properties and Usages 10
Elements of Abrasives 13
How to Specify a Wheel 14
Standard Grinding Wheel Shapes 15
Nomenclature of Grinding Wheel 19
Bond Information 20
Wheel Selection 22
Technical Grinding Information 26
Standard Recommendations Guide 31
Storage 49
Safety 51
Right Mounting for Safe Grinding 54
Problem Solving 59
Reference Tables 66
Conversion Charts 68
Coolant Nozzels and Dresing Tools 71


“Grinding” in simple terms can be defined as a process of abrasion. The material is removed by
using sharp abrasive grains on the face or on the sides of bonded grinding wheels. The grains
actually cut chips out of the work. The two major types of grinding are off-hand grinding and
precision grinding.

A Grinding wheel actually cuts away

chips from the piece being ground

Off–hand grinding or non-precision grinding is where the grinding wheel is applied

manually to the work or where the work is applied off-hand to the grinding wheel. Off-hand
grinding includes snagging of castings/forging, tool sharpening, weld grinding, cutting off,
bench grinding or pedestal grinding applications.

Precision grinding is machine grinding where the traverse and or feed rates can be set and
process parameters are measured and controlled. As the name indicates, here the need is
more on surface finish, geometry, size control etc. Precision grinding operations include
Cylindrical grinding, Centreless grinding, Internal grinding, Surface grinding , Tool and Cutter
grinding, Thread grinding, Crankshaft and Camshaft grinding.

A Grinding Wheel is basically a precision tool composed of abrasive grains held together by a
bonding material or ' bond'. The abrasive grains provide the wheel with its cutting points , which
in turn help in cutting the material to the required dimensional accuracy or help impart a fine
surface finish.

The arrangement of the abrasive grain and the bond in the grinding wheel gives a definite
characteristic known as 'structure' or 'pores'. These pores are designed based on application
needs and provide for chip clearance.



A - Centre of Wheel
WHEEL B - Centre of Work
DC - Radial Depth of Cut
EF - Grain Depth of Cut
ECG - Size of Chip

The abrasive grain cuts into the work until it becomes dull. Then it breaks down
(fractures) and exposes new cutting crystals with sharp edges to the work.
Types of Abrasives :

Aluminium oxide and Silicon carbide are the two major abrasives used in the manufacture of
grinding wheels. These synthetic or manufactured abrasives allow accurate control over the
form and physical characteristics of the abrasive grain. It is therefore used in the manufacture of
grinding wheels with very specific requirements of performance allied to application needs.

Aluminium Oxide

This grain is derived by refining bauxite ores in an electric furnace. The bauxite is first heated to
drive off moisture and then mixed with coke and iron borings to form the furnace charge. After
the mixture has been fused and cooled, the resulting rock–like mass is crushed and screened
into various sizes.

The colour and the toughness of the abrasive is determined by the amount of impurities (iron
oxide, titanium oxide and silica).Toughness is also strongly affected by additives.

Aluminium oxide, the most popular abrasive by a wide margin, is usually recommended for
grinding most steels, annealed, malleable and ductile iron, and non-ferrous cast alloys.

White Aluminium Oxide is a highly refined form of aluminium oxide containing over 99 % pure
alumina. The high purity of this abrasive not only bestows its characteristic white colour, but
also lends it with its unique property of high friability. The hardness of this abrasive is however
similar to that of Brown Aluminium Oxide (1700 – 2000 kg/mm2 knoop).

This white abrasive has exceptionally fast and cool cutting and grinding characteristics,
especially suitable for grinding hardened or high speed steel in varied precision grinding



Specialised alumina or Zirconia Aluminium Oxide is a fused mixture of zirconium oxide and
aluminium oxide which is used for high production snagging. While sintered alumina, which
is extremely tough, is ideal for billet conditioning and very high stock removal snagging

Pink Aluminium Oxide

Aluminium oxide and chromium oxide alloy is used to combine the cool, low stress grinding
action of high purity aluminium with low abrasive wear. The result is a pink grinding abrasive
which is slightly tougher and less friable than white abrasive, while still retaining its free cutting
properties. This is particularly well suited for grinding abrasive resistant, heat sensitive tool

Ceramic Aluminium Oxide

Ceramic aluminium oxide abrasive is an extremely tough and durable abrasive produced in a
unique sol or seeded gel process. The resulting grain is chemically quite pure, of uniform quality
and is comprised of a complex polycrystalline micro structure. This is blended in varied
percentages, with more friable conventional aluminium oxide, to make sol – gel wheels.

The wheel made out of this abrasive stays sharper because the grains actually discard
microscopic crystals during use, which creates new grinding surfaces. Free cutting and with a
much longer and more productive life, these wheels are best suited for a variety of applications
including centreless, centred, micro-centric, surface, internal, tool and cutter grinding applic-

Silicon Carbide

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is produced by fusing a mixture of pure white quartz (sand) and fine
petroleum coke in an electric furnace. This process is one of synthesising or combining the
sand and coke, in contrast to refining bauxite into aluminium oxide. Again the resulting
crystalline mass is crushed and graded by particle size.

Silicon carbide abrasives are not only harder than aluminium oxide abrasives but also more


These characteristics make silicon carbide abrasives ideal for grinding low tensile materials
like grey iron and unannealed malleable iron, non-metallic materials such as glass, gem
stones, plastic and rubber.

There are two types of Silicon carbide, Black Silicon carbide “C” & Green Silicon carbide “GC”.

Black Silicon carbide is very hard and more friable than Aluminium Oxide. It is used for general
grinding, heavy duty snagging, cylindrical, centreless and internal grinding. With a specialised
bonding process, it is also used for grinding cemented carbide, for bench grinding and
centreless grinding applications. Also used for non–ferrous material, cast iron, stainless steel
and rough grinding applications.

Green Silicon carbide is also hard and friable. It is used for hard and high chilled cast iron,
rolls etc.


Diamond is the hardest known substance. Until recently, use of diamond abrasive was
generally limited to hard and dense materials like cemented carbides, marble, granite, glass
and ceramics. However, recent developments in manufactured diamonds leading to controlled
crystal configurations and surface coatings have expanded its use in some specialised cases,
for grinding of other metals also.

Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN)

This newest manufactured abrasive has a hardness second only to diamond and is 2.5 times as
hard as aluminium oxide. It can withstand a temperature of 300o C, unlike diamond which
begins to burn around 600oC. In its metal-coated form, CBN has proven generally superior to
both manufactured diamond and aluminum oxide in grinding super hard, high speed steel, tool
steel and die steel.

Aluminium Oxide / Silicon Carbide Mix (AC)

A blend of Aluminium Oxide and Silicon carbide, this is used for specialised precision and
non-precision applications.


Types of Bond used in grinding wheels

The various bonds used in grinding wheels or bonded abrasives are Vitrified, Resinoid, Rubber,
Silicate, Shellac, Magnesite and Metal bonds. Besides holding the grains in the wheel, these
bonds also help in defining the type and character of the grinding wheel.

Illustration showing bond “Post” holding abrasives grain

particles (Cyan portion representation bond “Post”)

Vitrified (V) or Ceramic bonds

These are made from clays, feldspar and other fusible materials in a carefully monitored
process. Wheels which use this bond have a porous structure and are fired in kilns with
temperatures exceeding 1000O C. Vitrified wheels are unaffected by water, acids oils or normal
temperature variation. The porosity and strength of these wheels make them ideal for
high stock removal operations. Added to this, Vitrified bonded wheels have a high modulus of
elasticity and this rigidity makes them suitable for precision grinding applications.

Resinoid or Organic (B) bonds

Resinoid or Organic Bonds are made from phenolic type ‘plastics’ or ‘resins’ and cured in ovens
under carefully controlled conditions of temperature ranging between 150o c to 200o c. Resinoid
wheels are tougher and less rigid than vitrified wheels and are ideally suited for high operating
speeds and also for heavy duty of operations, often with the aid of fabric or steel ring
reinforcement. Their lower modulus of elasticity helps in achieving finer finishes. Unlike vitrified
wheels, resinoid bonded wheels are affected by alkali, humidity or extremes of climatic
conditions and tend to deteriorate over a period of time.


Rubber (R) bonds

These are made of both natural and synthetic rubber in a varied range of formulations. Used
mainly in centreless and control wheels, these are ideally suited for grinding operations that
require a high degree of precision and fine surface finish. In wet grinding operations, thin cut-off
wheels used to produce burr and burn free cuts are also made of rubber.

Silicate (S) bond

This type of bond releases abrasive grains readily and thus gives the wheels a comparatively
mild and cool cutting action ideal for operations that require minimum heat and for sharpening
edged tools.

Shellac (E ) Bonds

Denoted by the letter “E” these are made of both natural and synthetic shellac. Wheels made
from these bonds have exceptionally cool cutting properties and are particularly suited for
grinding very soft materials such as copper. Shellac bonded wheels are highly recommended
for very special grinding applications that require high surface finish such as razor blade and roll

Magnesite (O ) Bond

Magnesium Oxychloride denoted by the letter “O” is once again used in a very limited range of
wheels. It is cool cutting even without a coolant and is greatly favoured in disc grinders. Being a
cold setting bond this is also used for grinding heavy stocks like spring grinding, file grinding etc.

Metal Bonds

Compared to vitrified and organic bonds, the use of metal bonds is very limited. The major use
of metal bonds is with diamond abrasive for grinding under harsh conditions. The metal bonded
diamond wheel removes material slowly and frequently with high heat generation, but in many
applications such as certain glass grinding, abrasive wheel shaping and concrete or stone
sawing, the long life out weighs these disadvantages.

Metal bonds are also used with aluminium oxide or diamond abrasives to provide conductive
wheels for electrolytic grinding.



Abrasive Abrasive Properties Major Applications

Brown “A” Very tough abrasive Used for heavy duty work such as snagging steel
Aluminium casting and for stock removal in cylindrical
Oxide grinding, on all but the hardest and most heat-
sensitive steels like low alloy steel, cast cast steel
and rough grinding applications.

White “WA” More friable than WA is used for light grinding of all kinds of hard,
Aluminium Brown Aluminium Oxide. heat-sensitive steels. It is excellent for tool room
Oxide This is also a cool cutting grinding, sharpening of high speed steel, cast
grain. alloy tools like hardend steel, H.S.S., Tool steels
S.S (400 series) and chrome plated material. It is
also recommended for cylindrical, surface and
internal grinding applications of tools, dies and

Mixture of “DA” DA is a blend of brown Used in applications where high stock removal
brown and or regular A and white WA rate with less thermal damage and better form
white “MA” and therefore, has holding is required. E.g. : Cylindrical plain and
aluminium intermediate grinding angular head grinding, camlobe grinding, Inner
oxide actions. ring track grinding, bore grinding.

Pink “PA” PA (Pink)-Chromic oxide Very cool cutting, retains better form and a sharp
Aluminium alloyed with Brown cutting edge for a longer time. Used for bore
Oxide Regular alumina give a grinding, cylindrical and some specialised
darker pink abrasive, precision applications, good on tool steel, H.S.S.
which is very sharp and applications where protecting components from
less friable than white thermal damage is of critical importance.
aluminium oxide.


Abrasive Abrasive Properties Major Applications


Pink “PWA” PWA (Pink)-Chromic Excellent for dry grinding in tool sharpening and
aluminium oxide alloyed with tool room grinding applications. Very cool cutting
oxide white aluminium and sharp on 5% to 10% cobalt steels, Alloyed
gives a pink HSS and on difficult-to-grind materials. A popular
abrasive. Free abrasive and cost effective for tool room
cutting properties, applications.
slightly tougher and
less friable than
white aluminium oxide.

Black “C” Very hard and more It is used for general grinding, heavy duty
silicon friable than snagging, cylindrical, centreless and
carbide Aluminium oxide internal grinding. With specialised bonding
process, it is also used for grinding cemented
carbide, for bench grinding and centreless
grinding applications. Also used for non-
ferrous materials, cast iron, stainless steel
and rough grinding applications.

Green “GC” Hard and friable Used for grinding cemented carbide tools,
silicon hard and high chilled cast iron rolls etc.

Combination “CGC” Combined Used mainly in the mining field and

of black and properties also in double disc grinding application for
green SiC of C and GC grinding piston rings.

Blend of “AC” Combined Used mainly in specialised precision and non

Aluminium properties precision applications.
oxide & of A and C.


Abrasive Abrasive Properties Major Applications


Zirconia “ZA” Free cutting, Ideal for heavy stock removal operation.
with Brown very tough and Used for de-scaling in stainless steel
Aluminium long life abrasive applications.

Micro "MCA" High hardness It is suited for a wide variety of applications

Crystalline and micro from general grinding to precision grinding of
Grains fracturing high hardness tools and steels. E.g. Internal
Grinding wheels, gear grinding wheels, Tool
Industry (flute grinding wheels).

Ruby "RB" The presence of Used mainly in vitrified bonds for precision
Grains chromium oxide grinding of hardened steel, high speed steel
in the lattice of the fused and tool steel.
aluminium oxide alters
the friability of the

Semi "FS" Its friability and Good form holding and a high degree of
friable chemical composition versatility makes its suitable for precision
Aluminium is in between grinding operations E.g. crankshaft,
Oxide that of brown and surface and cylindrical grinding of sensitive
white aluminium oxide. steels, metal, and alloys due to its particularly
cool and fast cutting qualities.

Sol Gel "CG" Multi fracturing Very cool cutting with self sharpening cutting
Grain edges. Very durable, this abrasive is ideal for
very high material removal. E.g.: Used in
centerless micro-centric, surface internal,
cylindrical, tool & cutter, roll grinding gear
grinding etc.


Grain or Grit Size

The size of the abrasive grain is expressed by the size of the screen opening through which the
grains are sifted or sorted. For instance, a grain or grit which goes through a screen 8 mesh or
openings per linear inch is called 8 grain or grit size, while a 24 grit size is roughly twenty fourth
of an inch across. The higher the grit size, the finer its type.


This is basically the spacing of the abrasive grains in a wheel or the volume content of the
abrasive in the wheel. This is defined by the 'voids' or spaces between the abrasive grain and
the bonding material and is called wheel 'porosity'. A 'close' structure wheel is one where the
volume of closely packed grains are more. These are given structured numbers of 1 and 2.
Conversely, 'open' structure wheels are those with wider grain spacing.

Wheel Grade

This is generally a measure of 'hardness' or bonding strength of the wheel. For a wheel of a
particular bond type, the amount of bond used in the wheel mainly determines its hardness.
When the amount of bond is increased, the size of the bond posts connecting each abrasive
grain to its neighbours is also increased. The larger bond post is naturally stronger, thereby
increasing the wheel's hardness.

Strong “Posts” Medium Strength “Posts” Weak “Posts”

(closed structure) (open structure)

Grade is therefore not a measure of the hardness of the abrasive material but of the durability of
the wheel. A hard abrasive can be bonded into a 'soft', free cutting wheel by using less bond,
while an increase in the amount of bond can make the wheel act harder. Wheel gradings range
from 'D' for the softest, to 'Z' for the hardest.



To specify a grinding wheel requirement, it is important to follow the following steps:

Standard Wheels :

1. Specify the wheel size by quoting in mm the overall dimension of

Diameter x Thickness x Bore

The diameter and thickness can be specified in nominal dimension whereas the bore
diameter should be indicated to the closest two decimal places.

E.g 400 x 53 x 127 mm

2. Indicate the type and shape of the wheel face.

3. Specify wheel grading.

Customised Wheels:

1. Specify the dimensions in the order of

Diameter x Thickness x Bore

2. Mention the type of wheel required.

3. Indicate the recess size and depth for types 5 & 7 wheels (ROS & RBS)

4. Indicate the shape of the wheel face, if it is applicable

5. If the dimension has special tolerance of diameter, thickness or bore, this needs to be

6. Specify wheel grading.

7. A detailed drawing of the wheel to be provided.

Grinding wheels can be manufactured in a wide range of standard shapes or customised to

different application requirements. For ease of selection, refer to the list of Standard Grinding
Wheel Shapes.



Straight Wheels Types
Type No. 1 – Straight Type No. 5 – Recessed One Side

Straight Wheels
Wheel Type Nos.1, 5 & 7 are standard for
E internal grinding, cylindrical grinding, tool
grinding, off-hand grinding and snagging. The
H G recesses in Type Nos. 5 and 7 give clearance
for the mounting flanges.
Type No. 7 – Recessed Both Sides

Cylinder Wheels

Wheel Type No.2 is used for surface grinding

on both horizontal and vertical spindle
machines with the grinding performed on the
face of the wheel.

Type No. 2 – Cylinder

Straight Cup Wheels W W

Wheel Type No.6 is a straight cup wheel and is

used primarily for surface grinding on R
horizontal or vertical spindle machines. It is
also useful for off-hand grinding when a flat E
surface on the work being ground is desired. H
Available in either plain or bevel face.
Type No. 6 – Straight Cup


Flaring Cup Wheels
R Wheel Type No. 11 is a flaring cup wheel used
for grinding in the tool room and in resinoid
E bonds for snagging. It is supplied with either a
H plain or bevelled face.

Type No. 11 – Flaring Cup

Dish Wheels M
Wheel Type No. 12 is a dish wheel for grinding U
in the tool room. Its thinness permits the E

insertion of the grinding edge of the wheel into H

narrow places.
Type No. 12 – Dish

F Saucer Wheels
T Wheel Type No. 13 is a saucer wheel or saw
R gummer. Its name is derived from its use for
re-sharpening saws. (saw gumming).

Type No. 13 – Saucer

D Diameter (overall) K Diameter of inside flat

E Thickness at hole or back thickness M Large Diameter of bevel
F Depth of recess (see type 5 & 7) P Diameter of recess
G Depth or recess (see type 7) R Radius of corner
H Hole T Thickness (Overall)
J Diameter of outside flat U Width of edge
W Wall thickness of grinding face



Type 16. - Cone. curved side Type 17. - Cone.
straight side square tip.



Type 18 - Plug. Type 18R - Plug. Type 19 - Plug.
Square end Round end Conical end, square tip



Type 20R - Wheel, relieved one side. Type 21 - Wheel, relieved two sides.



Type 22 - Wheel, relieved one side. Type 23 - Wheel, relieved and recessed
recessed other side. same side.



Type 24 - Wheel relieved and Type 25 - Wheel, relieved and
recessed side, recessed other side. recessed one side, relieved other side.



Type 26 - Wheel, relieved and
recessed both sides.



650 45 0

900 R

Face-A Face-B Face-C Face-D
450 450
65 0
65 0
80 0
600 600 R

Face-E Face-F Face-G Face-H

Dotted Lines Show Angle of T T T

Bevel For E Face on Glass R= R= R=
2 8 8
230 230
650 650

Face-I Face-J Face-K Face-L

T T 7T
R= S= R= R=T
8 3 10

V0 A B

Face-N Face-P Face-O Face-R

V0 300 300

Face-S Face-Y Face-Z


TO TYPE - 6 TO TYPE - 11



A 46 3 L 5 V15

Type of abrasives Grain size Combination Hardness Structure Bond Type

A : Regular Aluminium Oxide 8 1 D 3 V - Vitrified Bond

WA : White Aluminium Oxide 10 E 4
DA : Regular + White Aluminium Oxide 12 3 F 5
PA : Pink Aluminium Oxide 14 G 6 BS - Resinoid Bond
PWA : Pink + White Aluminium Oxide 16 5 H 7
ZR : Zirconia Grains 20 I 8
CG : Ceramic Grains 24 7 J 9 EF - Shellac Bond
SZ : Special Zirconia Grains 30 K 10
MCA : Mono Crystalline Abrasives 36 L 11
FS : Semi Friable Aluminium Oxide 46 M 12
RB : Ruby Grains 54 N 13
C : Black Silicon Carbide 60 O 14
GC : Green Silicon Carbide 70 P 15
CGC : Black + Green Silicon Carbide 80 Q 16
90 S 18
100 T 19
120 20
150 21
180 22
220 23
320 24


Sr.No Name of the Bond Characteristic Application
1 V4 & V4 - M Suitable for Black & Green Silicon (1) S.S. Bright - Bar Grinding
Carbide Wheel (2) Cylinder Line Grinding
(3) S.G. Cast Iron Grinding
(4) Carbide Tips Sharpening Grinding
(5) V4-M is used for Saw Gumming Industry
2 V5 Suitable for Alu.Oxide Grain i.e. (1) Bore grinding for Bearing Industries
White, Pink, Brown, Ceramic Grain (2) Internal Grinding for Automobile Parts
& Ruby Grain
3 VC 8 Suitable for Alu.Oxide grain like (1) Surface grinding and Tool Room Application
White, Pink, Ruby, MCA & Ceramic (2) Bearing Industries for centreless wheel
Grains (3) Hard grade Wheel for Thread Grinding/Precision Grinding
(4) Non porous segment for surface grinding application
(5) Cylindrical Grinding Operation for general purpose

4 V15 - M Suitable for Brown Alu.Oxide Grain (1) Centreless Wheel for Brightbar grinding application
(2) Surface Grinding Application
(3) Cylindrical and Roll grinding Application
5 VC10 Suitable for Brown Alu.Oxide Grain (1) Surface grinding and Tool Room Application
(2) Bearing Industries for centreless wheel
(3) Hard grade Wheel for Thread Grinding/Precision Grinding
(4) Non porous segment for surface grinding application
(5) Cylindrical Grinding Operation for general purpose

6 V5C Suitable with Brown, White, Ceramic (1) Crank Shaft Grinding
PA, MCA grain having speed required (2) High Porous Segment for surface grinding
60 M/S & Good Form Retention (3) Creep-feed grinding
(4) Gear grinding for open structure soft grade Wheel

7 VP7 Suitable with Brown, White, Ceramic (1) Inner Track, Outer Track of Bearing Industries
PA, MCA grain having speed required (2) Gear Grinding Application
60 M/S & Good Form Retention
8 V9 Suitable with Brown, White, PA Grain (1) Fettling and Snagging Industry
(2) Spring Industry
(3) Offhand Tool Grinding
9 V13 Suitable with Black & Green Silicon (1) Works well in Rice Whitening Roller, Fettling
Carbide Grain operations for in SG Cast Iron Industry.

10 V18 Old Suitable with White Alu.Oxide Grain (1) Surface grinding Application for Segment & Ring Wheel
used in Bearing, Con-Rod and Autoparts Grinding
11 V84 Suitable with White Alu.Oxide Grain (1) Used in Tool Room Industries as a Orange Colour Bond.

12 BS Resinoid Grinding Wheel (1) Snagging Operation in Foundry & Casting Industries.
(2) Face Grinding Operation in Bearing, Spring &
Con Rod Grinding
(3) Automobile Industries
(4) Surface Grinding Operation
(5) Centreless Wheels for Brightbar Polishing
(6) Cylinder & Liner OD grinding
13 EFP & EF Shellac Bonded Wheel for (1) Surgical Blade Grinding
Cool Cutting (2) Hypodermic Needle Grinding
(3) Razor Blade and Roll Grinding Industries
(4) Lapping Application for Mirror finishing



Continuous bond developments include cool grind bonds for Vitrified Aluminium oxide grinding.

Sr.No. Name of Characteristic Application

the Bond

14 VTR - High fusibility bond suitable for - Crank shaft application

Brown, White, Pink, MCA Grain. - Creep feed application
- It is highly suitable for ceramic grain - Gear grinding
having cool grind properties - Surface grinding operation for segment
- Excellent form retention suitable - I. R. Track grinding wheel for 60
for high speed wheel (60 m/s) m/s speed for above 300 mm dia.

15 V31 - Semi fusibility bond suitable for - Tool room industries

Brown, White, Pink & MCA Grain - Centreless grinding wheel for bearing, bright
- Highly suitable for ceramic grain bar and automobile parts.
wheel having good Cool Grind - Thread grinding application for hard
properties grade wheel non-ferrous segment &
- Suitable for high speed wheel ring wheel for surface grinding
(60 m/s) - Cylindrical grinding operation for general
- IR track grinding operation up to 300mm
dia wheel
- Regrind crankshaft application

16 V68 - Highly fusible bond suitable - For Internal wheel up to 100mm

for Brown, White, Pink, MCA dia Wheel
& Ceramic grain
- Suitable for 60 m/s wheel speed
- 1000º Temp. cool cut Bond
- Good form retention

17 V32 - Highly glossy fusible bond - IR Track, precision grinding,

suitable for ceramic grain, automobile industries.
MCA, White, Pink & Ruby Grain - Tool room application
- Suitable for up to 60 m/s - Highly suitable for ceramic grain
Wheel speed grinding wheel
- Cool cut and good form retention - Ceramic wheel for crank shaft

18 V75 - Semi Glassy fusible bond suitable - Highly suitable for porous and open
for Aluminium oxide grain like structure wheel up to operating
Brown, White, Pink, Ruby, speed of 60 m/s
MCA, Ceramic Grain - Creep feed wheel


Available in standard sizes or customised to specific grinding applications, wheels are
manufactured to suit the grinding needs of all customer requirement. Since there are as many
types of wheels as there are grinding applications, correct wheel selection is of critical

Factors affecting the Selection of a Grinding Wheel

Wheel selection is dependant on the kind of material to be ground and the type of grinding
operation. The eight important factors that need to be considered in the selection of a grinding
wheel are:

1. Material to be ground and its hardness

2. Stock removal and surface finish
3. The grinding process - wet or dry
4. Peripheral speed of the wheel
5. The area of grinding contact - large or small
6. The grinding application
7. Condition of the grinding machine
8. The type of grinding machine


1. Material to be ground and its hardness :

The type of material to be ground determines the selection of abrasives, its grit size and grade.
Aluminium oxide abrasives are ideal for grinding hard or high tensile materials such as alloy
steel, high speed steel, annealed malleable iron and other ferrous metals.

Silicon Carbide abrasives are excellent for grinding or cutting low tensile strength materials
such as cast iron, bronze, aluminium, copper and other non metallic materials.

While choosing the grit size, the hardness of the material is a major determining factor. While
finer grit wheels are required for hard and brittle materials, coarser grit wheels are ideal for soft
and ductile materials.

Material hardness also dictates the choice of wheel grades. For optimum performance, harder
grade wheels are recommended for soft and easily penetrated materials while softer grades
are ideal for hard materials.

2. Stock removal and surface finish :

The amount of stock removal and the degree of surface finish required also depends on the
abrasive size and the type of bond. When an operation demands high stock removal rates, as in
fettling, coarse grit wheels are used. Whereas, fine grit wheels are ideally suited to achieve
extremely close surface tolerances and fine geometrical finish.

Resinoid, rubber or shellac bonded wheels are usually recommended for operations that
require fine finishes. The following table illustrates the grit size vs form radius for grinding
wheels that are commonly in use :

Grit Size vs Form Radius

Work Radius Grit Size Abrasive Particle

(mm) Dia. (microns)

1 36 500
0.75 46 350
0.50 60 250
0.40 80 177
0.20 120 100
0.13 180 70
0.10 220 60


3. Grinding Process - Wet or Dry

The grade of the wheel is influenced by whether the operation is wet or dry. During dry grinding with
vitrified wheels, in order to minimise the heat generated, soft grade wheels should be used. These
can be at least one or two grades softer than the ones chosen for wet grinding operations.

In wet grinding applications, where coolants reduce the heat, harder grade wheels can be used.

4. Peripheral Speed of the Wheel

The speed at which the grinding edge of the wheel passes the work surface is called the
'Peripheral Speed' of the wheel. This is a very important factor in grinding wheel selection.

The maximum operating speed for standard vitrified wheels can be up to 60 m/s. This is
indicated on the blotter or on the face of the wheel. Organically bonded wheels (resinoid, rubber
or shellac) are used for most applications where the required speed rate is up to 48 m/s. Higher
speeds for reinforced products can go up to 100mps. Reducing the wheel speed reduces the
wheel hardness.

The following table illustrates the effect of speed on grinding action:

Speed Effect on Grinding Action when Speed is

Increased Decreased

Wheel Speed Harder Softer

Work Speed Softer Harder
Traverse Speed Softer Harder
Infeed rate Softer Harder

5. Area of Grinding Contact - Large or Small

The area of grinding contact influences the selection of wheel grade and grit size. As far as wheel
grade is concerned, it is normal practice to use soft grade wheels where the area of grinding
contact is large and harder grade wheels where the area of grinding contact is small.

In surface grinding, for instance, where the area of grinding is large, coarser grit, open structure
wheels are recommended. Conversely, fine grit, closer structure wheels are ideal for use in
narrower and close precision areas of contact, as in cylindrical grinding operations.


6. The grinding application :

Severity of a grinding operation can be due to various factors such as, the pressure of shock
loads, heavy in feeds, high work speeds and traverse rates and intermittent grinding contact.
Hence, for wheel selection, the grinding operation influences the choice of abrasive type, grade
and even type of bond.

The greater the severity of the grinding operation, the harder the grade of wheel required and
tougher the abrasive that should be used. For example, for severe grinding operations, like
snagging, a tough abrasive like A or ZA is required. Medium and soft grade wheels are ideally
suited for precision grinding jobs.

7. Condition of the Grinding Machine :

Many grinding faults can be traced to poor machine conditions. These can vary from loose
bearings, uneven or improperly spliced belts, belt slippage, worn gears, wrong alignment of
machine, inadequate foundation or general machine vibration. It is very important that all
grinding machines must be installed or fixed on flat and strong foundations.

8. The Type of Grinding Machine :

A very important factor in a grinding wheel selection, is the type of the grinding machine. The
type of wheel and grinding operation defines the type of machine to be used. Therefore the
correct choice of the wheel for the application and the machine is essential.

a. The Power of the Machine (Kw) :

The power of the machine is also an important factor. This greatly influences the stock removal
rate. If the motor power is insufficient, then the speed of the grinding wheel will be
correspondingly reduced, along with the cutting power. This can result in increased
temperatures and excessive pressure between the wheel and the work piece. If the power of
the machine is high then a wheel of a harder grade can be used for more efficient operation.

b. Machine Speed :

The user should take care to check that the maximum rpm stated on the wheel is compatible with
that stated on the machine. Under no circumstances should the user exceed the permissible
speed limits. Machines with adjustable rotational speeds should be fitted with a locking system to
prevent wheels from exceeding the stated maximum permissible speed.



Wheel Spindle :

The design of the wheel spindle should suit the requirements of the grinding wheel with which it
is to be used (dimensions, weight, speed etc.) and the loads to which it will be subjected.

The wheel should be a good locational fit on the spindle which should not be worn, damaged
and must be burr free.

The spindle should be of sufficient length and threaded to ensure that when the wheel and
flanges are mounted there will be a bearing for at least a full nut on the spindle.

Spindles should be properly lubricated to prevent them from becoming overheated during grinding.

Mounting Flanges :

The mounting flange is used to clamp the wheel to the machine and to transfer the driving
forces from the machine spindle to the grinding wheel.

The design and type of the wheel flange varies according to the machine and type of grinding
wheel. The flange should not be less than one-third of the diameter of the wheel used. The grinding
machine manufacturer should clearly state the type of material to be used and the thickness of the

Flanges should be of a matched pair and of equal diameter. They should have equal bearing
surfaces and be properly recessed or undercut.

The area between the grinding wheel and the clamping flanges should be flat and free from all
foreign matter. The flange should be fixed to the machine spindle.

The screws or nuts used for clamping the flanges should be tightened uniformly in diametrical
sequence and just sufficiently to hold the wheel firmly.

Safety Guards :

All grinding machines should be fitted with safety guards, designed specifically for the type of
wheel and grinding application. These safety guards should conform to standard specifications
and cover the entire wheel, except the area of grinding. Certain operations however, require
even the working area to be guarded. Mainly, safety guards should be able to effectively contain
wheel fragments and protect the operator, in the event of a wheel breakage. These guards
should also be adjustable to allow for wheel wear.


Work Rests :

Work rests should be fitted with fixed grinding heads to help in the easy guidance of hand held
work pieces. They should be strong and rigid and be adjustable to allow for wheel wear. Work
rests should be placed on the horizontal centreline of the wheel at a distance of not more than
3 mm from the wheel.

Safety Guard


Wheel Balancing System :

Grinding wheels are balanced for normal use. However, for certain grinding applications, closer
limits of wheel balance are required. In such cases the machine manufacturer's instructions
should be followed.

Using an out-of-balance wheel can result in damage both to the wheel and the spindle.

Blotters :

Blotters are very important in the operation of a grinding wheel. These are made of a flexible
and compressible material, like cardboard or plastic of around 0.2 to 1.0 mm thickness and are
placed between the flange and the grinding wheel.

Blotters of identical sizes are usually fixed to both sides of the wheel face or supplied loose with
the wheel.


The purpose of using blotters are :

• To act as a cushion between the metal mounting plates and the abrasive surface of the
grinding wheel
• To eliminate any distortion, between the wheel and the flange within the locating area.
• To minimise the risk of slippage between the wheel and the flanges.
• To distribute equally, the axial clamping force, when the nuts are tightened, over the entire
flange locating area.
• To prevent any uneven wear of the mounting flanges.

Wheel types for which blotters are not required :

• Small wheels up to 20mm diameter.

• Type 27 depressed centre wheels
• Type 29, semi-flexible wheels
• Types 41 and 42, reinforced cutting off wheels, up to 230mm diameter
• Type 43 steel centred saws
• Type 4 taper sided wheels
• Type 6 and 11 straight and flared cup wheels, with centre nuts
• Type 35 and 36 cemented or nut inserted disc wheels
• Type 2 and 37 cemented cylinder and nut inserted cylinder wheels
• Type 31 segments
• Type 52 mounted wheels and points
• Types 16 to 19 plugs and cones with central thread insets
• Type 54 honing stones
• Type 90 hand stones
• Thin cutting and slitting wheels, up to 0.5mm thickness.
• Dove-tailed recessed wheels

Dressers :

Dressers are used for Truing and Dressing a grinding wheel. Truing a wheel is done to obtain
the required geometry or form on the grinding face of the wheel.

Dressing a wheel changes the shape and cutting action of the grinding face. It restores the form
and surface of a grinding wheel and also increases grinding efficiencies.


Guidelines for dressing :

• The dresser should be held as rigidly and as close as possible to the point of dressing to
ensure vibration free operation.
• The diamond point of the dresser should be presented at an angle between 3o to 10o relative
to the centre line of the wheel.
• To maintain the sharpness of the diamond point, the dresser should be rotated in the
machine tool holder at an angle of 15 to 45 .
o o

• Dressing should be carried out at normal speeds with copious amount of Metal working

Grinding Fluid/Coolant :

One of the most critical factors in achieving a good finish is the Grinding Fluid or Coolant.
Grinding fluids are used to lubricate, reduce and dissipate the heat generated during a grinding

Other functions of the coolant are as follows:

1. Dissipation of the heat generated during grinding thus keeping the work and wheel cool and
reducing work distortion due to heat.
2. As a lubricant, it reduces the amount of friction between the cutting tool and the chip.
3. Influences the form of chip.
4. Reduces the diamond dressing tool while dressing.
5. Reduces loading to improve finish.
6. Assists in keeping work area clean.

Types of Coolants

Coolants can be classified as follows:

1. Neat Cutting Oils

2. Water based Cutting Fluids.

Water based fluids can be further classified as Synthetic, Emulsion and Semi - Synthetic.



Synthetic metal working fluids are fluids which are free from mineral oil. The constituents are
finely distributed in water and form a transparent solution. The mineral oil free chemical
solutions contain corrosion inhibitors and wetting agents. They have exceptional cooling and
lubricating properties especially in very high speed cutting applications and hence are ideally
suited for high speed CNC machines.


The most common form of water miscible metal working fluid is the emulsion. An emulsion is a
dispense system which arises through mixing together of two liquids which are not soluble in
each other. Emulsions basically contains higher proportion of mineral oil viz- 30 to 70% along
with corrosion inhibitors and wetting agents. Product concentrates are diluted with water to
form milky, opaque emulsions.

Some fluids in the above category contain synthetic lubricants and/or EP additives to extend
their application range and enable the fluid to perform more difficult operations.

Semi Synthetic

Semi Synthetic are so called because they form in the main, clear emulsion combined with
synthetic or natural emulsifiers. They contain 10 to 30% mineral oil, corrosion inhibitors and
wetting agents. Product concentrates are dissolved in water to form stable, translucent mixes.

Selection of Coolants

Coolant type selection is based on the following factors:

• Application type & severity of operation, e.g. stock removal
• Nature of machine operation (cutting method)
• Water quality ( Soft, Hard, Chloride, Sulphate, Bi-carbonate %)
• Material to be machined
• Surface finish
• Filtration system in the machine tool

Good housekeeping is essential for effective and optimal use of grinding fluid. We would
suggest selection and application of coolants for specific needs be discussed with your
selected coolant supplier.



Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond

Off hand C 60 P 5 V 13
Cylindrical C 46 J 8 V4
Centreless C 46 L 5 V4
Surfacing C 24 K 8 V4
Internal C 36 K 8 V4
Portable Grinders C 24 O 6 BS
Cutting Off C 36 P 6 BS
Cutting Off C 24 T 8 BS
Centreless A 60 J 5 V 15
A 60 L 5 V 15
Cylindrical A 60 J 5 V 15
A 60 L 5 V 15
Ball Bearings
Bearings O.D – Centreless DA 80-5 K 8 V 18 N
Bearings O.D – Centreless FSW 60 J 7 VC8
Grinding O.D – Centreless A 60 J 5 V 15
Grinding O.D – Centreless A 60 L 6 V 15
Grinding outer races (plunge cut) A 120 L 6 V 15
Grinding inter races (plunge cut) DA 180 L 8 V5
Internal bore grinding DA 80 M 8 V5
WA 80 M 8 V5
MCA 80 M 8 V5
Billets (Alloy, H.S.S., Stainless)
Swing frame 7000-9500 s.f.p.m A 14-3 T-R-Q 3 BS
Billets (portable Grinder)
Portable Grinder 7000-9500 s.f.p.m A 16-3 S 3 BS
Bolts (screw)
Cylindrical A 60 N 5 V 15
A 60 N 5 V C 10
A 60 N 5 V 18 N
Centreless A 80 N 5 V 15
A 80 N 5 V C 10
A 80 N 5 V 18 N
Brake Lining
Surfacing Discs C 24 J 8 BS
Cutting Off (Dry) C 24 Q 6 BS
Brass & Bronze (Soft)
Centreless C 46 M 6 V4


Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond

Cylindrical C 46 L 6 V4
Internal C 36 K 8 V4
Sharpening WA 46 I 5 V 18 N
Bushings (hardened Steel)
Centreless A 60 J 5 V 10 C
A 60 J 5 V 15
A 60 J 5 V 18 N
A 60 K 5 V 10 C
A 60 K 5 V 15
A 60 K 5 V 18 N
Cylindrical A 60 M 5 V C 10
A 60 M 5 V 15
A 60 M 5 V 18 N
Internal A 60 L 8 V C 10
A 60 L 8 V 15
A 60 L 8 V 18 N
Cams (Auto) (hardened Steel)
Roughing A 46 N 5 V 15
A 46 N 5 V 18 N
Finishing A 80 P 6 BS
Camshaft Bearing (Auto)
Cylindrical A 46 N 5 V 15
A 46 N 5 V 18 N
Cast Iron
Centreless C 46 L 5 V4
Cylindrical C 36 L 8 V4
Internal C 46 J 5 V4
A 60 L 8 V C 10
A 60 L 8 V 15
A 60 L 8 V 18 N
Surfacing (Cups & Cylinders) C 24 H 8 V4
WA 36 I 8 VC8
WA 36 I 8 V 18 N
Surfacing (Segments) WA 36 I 8 V 18
WA 36 I 8 V C8
Surfacing (Straight Wheels) C 36 K 8 V4
Snagging (Floorstands)
5000-6500 s.f.p.m C 20 S 5 V1
Snagging (Floorstands)
7000-9500 s.f.p.m C 20 Q 4 BS


Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond

Snagging (Swing Frame)

5000-6500 s.f.p.m C 20 R 5 V1
Snagging (Swing Frame)
7000-9500 s.f.p.m C 16 R 5 BS
Snagging (portable Grinder)
5000-6500 s.f.p.m C 24 R 5 V1
Snagging (portable Grinder)
7000-9500 s.f.p.m C 20 R 5 BS
Cemented Carbides
Roughing (Wet and Dry) GC 60 J 8 V4
Semi Finishing GC 120 I 8 V4
Roughing (wet & dry) GC 60 K 5 V4
Semi finishing (wet & Dry) GC 120 J 5 V4
Roughing and finishing (Wet) GC 80 K 5 V4
Roughing GC 60 I 8 V4
Roughing (Wet) GC 60 I 8 V4
Finishing (Wet) GC 120 H 8 V4
Roughing (Wet) GC 60 K 5 V4
Finishing (Wet) GC 120 J 7 V4
Chilled Iron
Snagging (Floorstands) C 20 S 5 V1
5000-6500 s.f.p.m
Snagging (Floorstands) C 20 R 4 BS
7000-9500 s.f.p.m
Surfacing Cups & Cylinders C 24 H 8 V4
Surfacing (Straight Wheels) C 36 I 8 V4


Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond

Chromium Plating (Cylindrical)

Ordinary Finish WA 80 L 8 VC8
WA 80 L 8 V 18 N
Fine Finish C 280 J 10 BS
Auto A 54 M 5 VSC
A 54 M 5 V C 10
Diesel A 54 N 5 VSC
A 54 N 5 V C 10
Roughing – Heavy side removal A 36 K 5 V C 10
A 36 K 5 V 15
A 36 K 5 V 18 N
– Light side removal A 54 N 5 V C 10
A 54 N 5 V 15
A 54 N 5 V 18 N
Finishing A 60 M 5 V C 10
A 60 M 5 V 15
A 60 M 5 V 18 N
Roughing and Finishing A 54 N 5 V C 10
A 54 N 5 V 15
A 54 N 5 V 18 N
Snagging – 5000-6500 s.f.p.m. A 20 P 5 V9
Snagging – 7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 16-3 P 4 BS
Automotive (Regrinding) A 54 N 5 V C 10
A 54 N 5 V 15
A 54 N 5 V 18 N
Surfacing sides WA 120 I 8 VC8
WA 120 I 8 V 15
WA 120 I 8 V 18 N
Sharpening (Production) WA 120 M 8 VC8
WA 120 M 8 V 18 N
Snagging A 60 Q 5 V9
Sharpening (Machine) WA 60 K 5 VC8
WA 60 K 5 V 18 N
Sharpening (Offhand) A 60 M 5 V 15
A 60 M 5 V 18 N


Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond

Cylinders, Cast Iron Auto (Internal)

Regrinding (Wheels) C 36 I 8 V4
Ordinary Finish C 120 P 8 V4
Very Fine Finish C 280 M 8 V4
Cylinders (Aircraft) (Internal)
Roughing WA 46 J 8 VC8
WA 46 J 8 V 18 N
Finishing WA 60 I 8 VC8
WA 60 I 8 V 18 N
Regrinding WA 46 J 8 VC8
WA 46 J 8 V 18 N
Before WA 46 J 8 VC8
WA 46 J 8 V 18 N
After C 60 I 8 V4
Regrinding C 60 I 8 V4
Dies (Forgings)
Mounted Points & Wheels (Coarse) COARSE
Mounted Points & Wheels (Medium) MEDIUM
Mounted Points & Wheels (Fine) FINE
St. Wheels-Roughing
5000-6500 s.f.p.m. A 46 P 5 V9
St. Wheels-Roughing
7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 36 R 5 BS
Dies (Drawing)
Straight Wheels (Dry) WA 60 G 8 VC8
WA 60 G 8 V 18 N
Straight Wheels (Fast Traverse, Wet) WA 60 I 8 VC8
WA 60 I 8 V 18 N
Cup Wheels (Wet) WA 46 H 8 VC8
WA 46 H 8 V 18 N
Discs WA 46 H 8 VC8
WA 46 H 8 V 18 N
Segments WA 46 H 8 VC8
WA 46 H 8 V 18 N
Straight Wheels (Dry) WA 46 J 8 VC8
WA 46 J 8 V 18 N


Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond

Cup Wheels (Wet) WA 30 H 8 VC8

WA 30 H 8 V 18 N
Segments WA 24 H 8 VC8
WA 24 H 8 V 18 N
Drill (Manufacturing)
Cutting off Soft (Wet) A 46 R 6 BS
Cutting off Soft (Dry) A 24 T 8 BS
Cutting off Hard (Wet) A 60 Q 6 BS
Cutting off Hard (Dry) A 46 P 6 BS
Cylindrical A 60 M 5 V C 10
A 60 M 5 V 15
A 60 M 5 V 18 N
Centreless (Soft) A 60 M 5 V C 10
A 60 M 5 V 15
A 60 M 5 V 18 N
Centreless (Hard) A 80 L 5 V C 10
A 80 L 5 V 15
A 80 L 5 V 18 N
Precision Sharpening WA 46 L 5 VC8
WA 46 L 5 V 18 N
Pointing WA 60 M 5 VC8
WA 60 M 5 V 18 N
Grinding Relief WA 60 M 5 VC8
WA 60 M 5 V 18 N
Hertline Grinding Machine A 120 V 8 BS
Drills (Resharpening)
Machine WA 100 J 8 VC8
WA 100 J 8 V 18 N
Offhand WA 80 L 8 VC8
WA 80 L 8 V 18 N
Cutting Off (Dry) C 24 P 6 BS
Fibreglass Insulating Board
Cutting Off C 24 P 6 BS
Surfacing C 24 J 8 BS
Cutting Off C 36 P 6 BS
Centreless A 60 M 5 V 15
A 60 M 5 V 10 C
A 60 M 5 V 18 N


Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond

Cylindrical DA 46 M 5 V C 10
DA 46 M 5 V 15
DA 46 M 5 V 18 N
Snagging-7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 20 R 4 BS
Snagging-5000-6500 s.f.p.m. A 24 R 4 BS
Surfacing – Discs A 24 K 8 BS
Gauges (Plug)
Cylindrical WA 80 L 8 V C 10
WA 80 L 8 V 15
WA 80 L 8 V 18 N
Cylindrical (High Finish) C 280 J 10 BS
Gears (Cast Iron)
Cleaning Between teeth (offhand) C 24 T 4 BS
Gears (Hardend Steel)
Teeth-Form Precision Grinding WA 60 K 5 V 18 N
WA 80 J 8 V 18 N
Tooth Generating Precision Grinding WA 54 K 5 V 18 N
WA 60 L 5 V 18 N
Internal WA 60 K 8 V 18 N
Surfacing (Cups and Cylinders) WA 36 I 8 V 18 N
Surfacing (Segments) A 36 I 8 V 18 N
Surfacing (Discs remove burrs) WA 36 I 8 V 18 N
Surfacing (Straight Wheels) WA 36 I 8 V 18 N
Coping-solid type C 36 M 8 BS
Surfacing (Planer Wheels) C 16 O 4 BS
Surfacing (Portable) C 16 O 4 BS
Knives (Machines)
Cutting off (Dry) A 46 R 6 BS
Cutting off (Wet) WA 60 M 8 BS
Chipper and Barker, Sharpening WA 36 I 8 VC8
WA 36 I 8 V 18 N
Hog Sharpening WA 36 I 8 VC8
WA 36 I 8 V 18 N
Leather Fleshing, Sharpening (Bricks) A 36 Q 5 V9
Leather Shaving, Sharpening-Cylindrical A 60 P 5 V9
Leather Splitting, Sharpening A 36 K 8 BS
Molding, Offhand, Sharpening A 46 M 5 V C 10
A 46 M 5 V 15
A 46 M 5 V 18 N


Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond

Machine Sharpening WA 60 I 8 VC8

WA 60 I 8 V 18 N
Paper, Sharpening WA 60 I 8 VC8
WA 60 I 8 V 18 N
Section Beveling A 46 M 5 V C 10
A 46 M 5 V 15
A 46 M 5 V 18 N
Surfacing Backs WA 46 H 8 VC8
WA 46 H 8 V 18 N
Sugar Best, Routing WA 80 N 8 VC8
WA 80 N 8 V 18 N
Veneer Sharpening WA 60 I 8 VC8
WA 60 I 8 V 18 N
Veneer Surfacing WA 46 J 8 V 18 N
WA 60 I 8 VC8
Snagging – 5000-6500 s.f.p.m. C 20 P 5 V 13
Snagging – 7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 20 O 4 BS
Malleable Casting (Annealed)
Floor Stands 5000-6500 s.f.p.m. A 16/20 R 5 V9
Floor Stands 7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 20 R 4 BS
Swing Frames 5000-6500 s.f.p.m. A 16/20 R 5 V9
Swing Frames 7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 20 R 4 BS
Portable Grinders 5000-6500 s.f.p.m. A 24 R 5 V9
Portable Grinders 7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 20 R 4 BS
Malleable Casting (Unannealed)
Floor Stands 5000-6500 s.f.p.m. C 20 R 5 V1
Floor Stands 7000-9500 s.f.p.m. C 20 R 4 BS
Surfacing – Discs A 24 K 8 BS
Cylindrical WA 60 K 5 VC8
WA 60 K 5 V 18 N
Surfacing WA 46 H 8 VC8
WA 46 H 8 V 18 N
Monel Metal
Cutting off (Dry) A 36 Q 6 BS
Cutting off (Wet) A 46 P 6 BS
Floor Stands 5000-6500 s.f.p.m. A 24 R 5 V9
Floor Stands 7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 20 R 4 BS
Cylindrical C 60 K 7 V4


Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond

Needles :
Pointing A 80 R 7 V9
Nickel Rods And Bars
Cutting off (Dry) A 46 R 6 BS
Cutting off (Wet) A 46 P 6 BS
Pipe (Cast Iron)
Cleaning-inside 5000-6500 s.f.p.m. C 20 T 5 V1
Cleaning-inside 7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 16/20 T 4 BS
Pipe (Soft Steel)
Cutting off (Wet) A 80 P 6 BS
Cutting off (Dry) minimum burr A 60 Q 6 BS
Pistons (Aluminium)
Cylindrical C 46 J 8 V4
Centreless C 46 K 7 V4
Regrinding WA 46 J 8 VC8
WA 46 J 8 V 18 N
Pistons (Cast Iron)
Cylindrical C 46 J 6 V4
C 36 K 8 V4
Centreless C 46 L 6 V4
Regrinding WA 46 J 8 VC8
WA 46 J 8 V 18 N
Pistons (Pins)
Roughing A 60 M 5 V C 10
A 60 M 5 V 15
A 60 M 5 V 18 N
Semi-Finishing A 80 L 5 V C 10
A 80 L 5 V 15
A 80 L 5 V 18 N
Finishing C 240 N 10 BS
Surfacing Ends (Discs) A 60 I 8 BS
Lapping C 240 M 10 BS
Piston Rings (Cast Iron)
Surfacing Rough (Cylinders) WA 36 I 8 VC8
WA 36 I 8 V 18 N
Roughing C 24 J 5 BS
Semi-Finishing C 46 I 8 BS
Finishing C 80 H 8 BS
Surfacing (Straight Wheels) WA 80 J 8 BS


Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond

Lapping C 240 K 8 V4
Internal (Snagging) C 30 T 5 V1
Piston Rods (Locomotive)
Cylindrical A 46 M 5 V C 10
A 46 M 5 V 15
A 46 M 5 V 18 N
Cutting off (Dry) C 60 K 8 BS
Cutting off (Wet) C 60 M 8 BS
Cutting off (Dry) Fired C 120 M 8 BS
Cutting off (Low Speed) (Dry) Prefired C 36 M 8 BS
Cylindrical C 60 K 7 V4
Removing imperfection (Bricks) WA 80 L 8 VC8
WA 80 L 8 V 18 N
Centreless C 36 K 8 V4
Surfacing Welds 5000-6500 s.f.p.m. A 24 R 5 V9
Surfacing Welds 7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 16 Q 4 BS
Cup Wheels A 16 P 4 BS
Straight Wheels A 16 Q 4 BS
Removing Corrugation A 24 M 5 V9
A 16 N 5 V9
Slotting after Welding A 24 R 6 BS
Razor Blade (Safety)
CARBON STEEL – Roughing A 220 I 8 EF
Semi-Finishing A 400 M 8 EF
STAINLESS-Roughing C 240 M 10 EF
Finishing C 400 M 5 EF
Backing off WA 80 H 12 VC8
WA 80 H 12 V 18 N
WA 60 K 5 VC8
WA 60 K 5 V 18 N
Cylindrical DA 80 M 5 V C 10
DA 80 M 5 V 15
DA 80 M 5 V 18 N
Roller Bearing Cups
Centreless O. D A 60 M 5 V 10 C
A 60 M 5 V 18 N


Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond

Internal WA 60 M 5 VC8
WA 60 M 5 V 18 N
Surfacing (Cylinders) WA 80 G 9 VC8
WA 80 G 9 V 18 N
Rollers for Bearings
Centreless – Roughing A 80 N 5 V 10 C
A 80 N 5 V 18 N
Surfacing Ends (Discs) A 80 L 8 BS
Rolls, Aluminium Foil
Roughing A 80 K 5 V 15
A 80 K 5 V 18 N
Finishing C 220 I 10 EFP
C 220 I 10 BS
Rolls (Brass or Copper)
Cylindrical-Roughing C 46 L 8 BS
Finishing C 120 I 8 BS
Rolls (Granite)
New Rolls C 36 I 8 BS
Regrinding C 60 K 8 BS
Rolls (Cast Iron)
Cylindricals (Roughing) C 36 L 6 BS
Cylindricals (Finishing) C 80 J 6 BS
Rolls, Hot Mill (Chilled and Alloy)
Regrinding C 36 K 8 BS
C 36 M 8 BS
Roughing CA 24 K 8 BS
Finishing C 36 K 8 BS
Rolls, Cold Mill (Hardened Steel)
First Stands WA 36 I 8 BS
Other Stands WA 80 H 8 BS
Rolls Paper Mill (Two-Wheel Grinders)
Cast Iron, Granite, Rubber-covered
Press Rolls C 46 J 8 BS
Steel PA 46 L 8 BS
For Coarser Finish Papers C 46 J 8 BS
All-purpose Wheel for all Rolls C 46 H 8 BS
Rolls, Rubber
Soft Rubber (Dry Grind) C 24 G 12 V4
Hard Rubber C 36 J 8 BS


Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond

Rolls (High-Speed Tool Steel)

Roughing A 120 I 8 V 15
A 120 I 8 V 18 N
Semi-Finishing C 280 H 10 EFP
C 280 H 10 BS
Rolls, Scoring Bricks
Cold Mill Rolls C 80 L 6 EFP
C 80 L 6 BS
Hot Mill Rolls C 120 K 8 V4
Rotors Laminated (Cylindrical)
Roughing WA 120 I 8 VC8
WA 120 I 8 V 18 N
Finishing WA 240 H 10 BS
Rubber (Soft)
Cylindrical (Dry) C 24 G 8 BS
Rubber (Hard)
Cutting off C 36 K 8 BS
Cylindrical C 30 K 8 BS
Rubber Hose
Cutting off (Dry) C 24 R 6 BS
Cutting off (Dry) (Steel Mech) A 36 S 6 BS
Sand Cores
Cutting off (Dry) C 24 R 6 BS
Saws (Band and Circular)
Grinding WA 46 M 5 VC8
WA 46 M 5 V 18 N
Saws (Metal Cutting) A 60 O 5 V9
A 80 P 6 BS
Shear Blades (Power Metal Shears)
Sharpening (Segments) WA 36 G 12 VC8
WA 36 G 12 V 18
Sharpening (Cylinders) WA 36 H 12 VC8
WA 36 H 12 V 18 N
Spring Coil
Squaring Ends (Discs) A 36 M 8 BS
Small Gauge Wire DA 46 M 8 V9
Medium Gauge Wire DA 36 N 8 V9
Large Gauge Wire DA 24 P 8 V9
Spring End Grinding CG 24 K 5 BS
Springs (Leaf)
Grinding Eyes A 24 M 8 BS
Chamfering A 24 P 8 V9
Steatite (Ceramics)
Centreless C 60 K 7 V4
Surfacing C 46 J 7 V4


Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond

Steel Castings (Low Carbon)

Swing Frames-5000-6500 s.f.p.m. A 20 R 5 V9
Swing Frames-7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 16 R 4 BS
Floor Stands-5000-6500 s.f.p.m. A 20 R 5 V9
Floor Stands-7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 16 Q 4 BS
Portable Grinders-7300-9500 s.f.p.m. A 20 R 4 BS
Steel Castings (Manganese)
Swing Frames-5000-6500 s.f.p.m. A 20 Q 5 V9
Swing Frames-7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 16 R 4 BS
Floor Stands-5000-6500 s.f.p.m. A 20 Q 5 V9
Floor Stands-7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 20 P 4 BS
Portable Grinders-7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 20 R 4 BS
Steel (Hard)
Centreless (Com.Finish) A 60 M 5 V 10 C
A 60 M 5 V 18 N
Centreless (Feed Wheel) A 120 S 8 BS
Cylindrical (Smaller Wheel) A 60 M 5 V C 10
A 60 M 5 V 18 N
Cylindrical (Larger Wheels) DA 60 L 5 VC8
DA 60 L 5 V 18 N
Internal PA 60 M 8 VC8
PA 60 M 8 V 18 N
PA 60 K 8 VC8
PA 60 K 8 V 18 N
Surfacing (Straight Wheels) WA 46 I 8 VC8
WA 46 I 8 V 18 N
WA 60 H 12 VC8
WA 60 H 12 V 18 N


Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond

Surfacing (Cup & Cylinders) PA 46 H 8 VC8

PA 46 H 8 V 18 N
Surfacing (Segments) WA 46 I 8 VC8
WA 46 I 8 V 48 N
Surfacing (Discs-Rough) A 24 L 8 BS
Surfacing (Discs-Finish) A 46 K 8 BS
Cutting Off (Wet)9000-12000 s.f.p.m. A 60 O 6 BS
Cutting Off (Dry) 9000-12000 s.f.p.m. A 46 P 6 BS
Billet Grinding 5000-6500 s.f.p.m A 20 R 5 V9
Billet Grinding 7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 14 T` 3 BS
Steel (Stainless)
Centreless A 46 L 5 V 10 C
A 46 L 5 V 18 N
Centreless (Com. Finish) C 60 N 6 V4
Centreless(Feed Wheel) A 120 S 8 BS
Cylindrical WA 120 L 5 VC8
WA 120 L 5 V 18 N
Internal WA 46 J 8 VC8
WA 46 J 8 V 18 N

Surfacing (Straight Wheels) WA 46 K 8 VC8

WA 46 K 8 V 18 N
Surfacing (Cups and Cylinders) WA 46 H 8 VC8
WA 46 H 8 V 18 N
Surfacing (segment) WA 46 H 8 VC8
WA 46 H 8 V 18 N
Cutting Off (Dry) 12000-19000 s.f.p.m. A 36 R 6 BS
Steel (High Speed)
Centreless (Com. Finish) A 60 M 5 V 10 C
A 60 M 5 V 18 N
Centreless (Fine Finish) A 120 Q 6 BS
Centreless (Feed Wheel) A 120 S 6 BS
Cylindrical (Smaller wheels) DA 60 M 5 V C 10
DA 60 M 5 V 18 N
Cylindrical (larger Wheel) DA 60 L 5 V C 10
DA 60 L 5 V 18 N
Internal DA 60 L 8 V C 10
DA 60 L 8 V 18 N
DA 60 M 8 V C 10
DA 60 M 8 V 18 N


Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond

Surfacing (Straight Wheels) WA 46 H 8 VC8

WA 46 H 8 V 18 N
Surfacing (cups & Cylinders) WA 60 G 8 VC8
WA 60 G 8 V 18 N

Surfacing (segments) WA 46 H 8 VC8

WA 46 H 8 V 18 N


Portable Grinder-7000-9500s.f.p.m. A 20 T 4 BS
Steel (Stainless- Hardneded)
Centreless (Commercial Finish) A 60 M 5 V 10 C
A 60 M 5 V 18 N
Centreless (Fine Finish) A 120 Q 6 BS
Cylindrical (Feed Wheel ) A 120 S 8 BS
Cylindrical (Smaller Wheels) DA 60 M 5 V C 10
DA 60 M 5 V 18 N
Cylindrical (Larger Wheel) DA 60 L 5 V C 10
DA 60 L 5 V 18 N
Internal PA 60 L 8 VC8
PA 60 L 8 V 18 N
Surfacing (Straights Wheels) WA 36 H 8 VC8
WA 36 H 8 V 18 N
Surfacing (Segments) WA 36 I 8 V 18 N
Surfacing (Cups & Cylinders) WA 36 H 8 VC8
WA 36 H 8 V 18 N
Cutting off (Dry) A 46 R 6 BS

Cutting off (Wet) 9000-12000s.f.p.m A 60 O 6 BS


Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond


Cutlery-Small (Roughing) WA 60 G 8 VC8
WA 60 G 8 V 18 N
Strove Parts (Cast Iron)
Roughing C 36 Q 5 VI
Finishing C 36 Q 6 VI
Surfacing (Discs) C 24 J 8 BS
Fluting (Small Taps) A 60 R 5 BS
(Large Taps) WA 46 M 5 VC8
WA 46 M 5 V 18 N
Grinding Relief WA 46 M 5 VC8
WA 46 M 5 V 18 N
Squaring Ends A 60 O 5 V C 10
A 60 O 5 V 15
A 60 O 5 V 18 N

Tubing Steel
Centreless A 60 M 5 V 10 C
A 60 M 5 V 18 N


Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond

Centreless C 60 K 7 V4
Surfacing - 2000 s.f.p.m. WA 46 J 8 VC8
- 6000 s.f.p.m. C 46 I 8 BS

Tungsten Carbide: 3CG 60 J 5 V31

Valves (Automative)
Refacing C 80 N 6 V4
A 80 K 8 V C 10
A 60 M 5 V 18 N
Cylindrical DA 60 M 5 V C 10
DA 60 M 5 V 18 N
Centreless A 60 N 5 V 10 C
A 60 N 5 V 18 N
Cutting (Dry) A 36 S 6 BS
Surfacing Ends (Discs) WA 36 K 5 VC8
WA 36 K 5 V 18 N
Valves Seat inserts-Regrinding
Roughing : Cast Iron C 60 M 6 V4
Alloy Steel WA 80 N 8 VC8
WA 80 N 8 V 18 N
Stellite WA 80 L 8 VC8
WA 80 L 8 V 18 N
All Seats C 120 K 8 V4
Valve Tappets
Centreless A 60 O 5 V 10 C
A 60 O 5 V 18 N


Work - Material - Operation Abrasive Grit Size Grade Structure Bond

Cylindrical DA 60 M 5 V 10
Walboard (Hard)
Cutting off (Dry) C 36 T 8 BS

Portable Grinders 5000-6500 s.f.p.m. A 24 R 5 V9
Portable Grinders 7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 20 R 4 BS

Stainless Steel
Portable Grinders 7000-9500 s.f.p.m. A 20 R 4 BS

Wrought Iron
Floor Stands 5000-6000 s.f.p.m. A 24 R 5 V9


Storage of Grinding Wheels :-

Grinding wheels must be handled with extreme care and great importance should also be given to the
method of storing them. A grinding wheel, if handled or stored badly, can cause serious problems
when in operation.

Given below are a few basic guidelines in handling and storing of grinding wheels:

On receipt of a wheel :-

When you receive a grinding wheel, first check to see if the wheel shows any sign of damage, such as
chipping, cracking or discolouration. If the wheel has any one of these problems, then it may be faulty
and you should contact your supplier.

Ring Test :-

A ring test should always be conducted on receipt of a grinding wheel as well as before mounting it.
This is mainly done to detect if there is any damage to the wheel. To conduct a ring test, small wheels
should be held with the fore finger inside the bore while large wheels should be placed on a stand or

The wheel should be tapped lightly with a non metallic implement like a screw driver handle in case of
small wheels or a wooden mallet in the case of heavier wheels.

While conducting the ring test, tap the wheel on either side at 45° of its vertical axis and at 1" or 2" from
its periphery. Rotate the wheel again to 45° and repeat the test till the entire circumference of the wheel
is covered. A good wheel will give a clear ring while a cracked or damaged wheel will produce a dull
sound. The wheel giving a dull sound should not be used and you should contact your supplier.

A ring test should be held in a place where the 'ring' can easily be heard. It should be conducted
only by a person qualified or skilled enough to interpret the result.


Plain wheels

Cylindrical cups

Plain wheels
Profile wheels

Flared cup wheels Flat cutting - off wheel


Thin wall and soft cylinders Thick hard cylinders



Large centreless
wheels Medium size plain wheels

Large plain wheels

Rack design suitable for storing a wide variety of grinding wheels


Wheel Mounting Procedures :

• The wheel must be mounted only by a trained and certified person, competent to carry out the job.

• Before mounting, a grinding wheel must first be checked for damage and a 'ring test' should be
conducted to ensure that the wheel is in good condition.

• The wheel should be mounted only on the machine for which it is intended.

• The area surrounding a grinding machine should be free from obstruction. For wet grinding
operations splash guards should be provided to prevent the floors surrounding the machine
from becoming slippery.

• Wheel guards should be securely fitted before a wheel is run. This will protect the operator by
containing or diverting the fragments of an accidentally broken wheel.

• Work rests should be adjusted as close as possible to the grinding wheel.


Wheel Mounting Procedures :

• The speed marked on the machine should not, under any circumstances, exceed the speed
marked on the wheel blotter or any other document. Operating wheels beyond the maximum
permissible speeds or 'MOS' indicated may cause them to break and lead to fatal accidents.

• The wheel should fit freely, but not loosely, on the spindle. The grinding wheel should be fixed to
the spindle without applying force and then securely clamped to it.

• Flanges should be clamped firmly and run true to the spindle. Their bearing surfaces should be
flat and free from burrs. Any foreign matter between the wheel and the flange can trigger local
pressure or stress and cause the wheel to break.


Grinding wheel mounted with

flanges and blotters

Blotters which are slightly larger than the flanges should be fixed without wrinkling, on
bonded abrasive wheels.


Wheel Mounting Procedures :

• The bush, if used, should not project beyond the wheel and the blotters.

• After mounting, a wheel must be allowed to run freely, at its full operating speed, for at least 1
minute. This test run is applicable for both new wheels as well as old wheels re-mounted for

• Never grind material for which the wheel is not designed.

• Do not grind on the side of the wheel unless the wheel is specifically designed for that

• Since a grinding operation generates sparks and swarf, the operator should compulsorily wear
safety goggles and face shields as required. Protective clothing like aprons, gloves and safety
shoes should also be used to enable the operator to work safely and efficiently.

• In certain types of grinding where the swarf or dust generation is very high, operators
should be provided with dust masks.

• Wheels should never be stopped by applying pressure or force to the periphery or face.
Instead the wheel should be allowed to stop by itself.



Though all grinding wheels are relatively fragile, they are safe operating tools if handled and used
properly. However, if abused they can pose serious safety hazards.

The most common type of abuse is in the form of wrong mounting and studies have established
that a high percentage of the total number of accidents on the shop floor are the result of incorrect
mounting. In many countries regulations have been brought out to make training in the correct
mounting of abrasive wheels mandatory.

Grinding wheels will withstand substantial compressive stresses but under tensile or bending
stresses they give away easily. All major stresses that develop in a grinding wheel under operating
conditions are at a maximum near the bore. Mounting flanges are designed in such a way that
wheels are subjected only to compressive stresses and such stresses act on the wheel away from
the bore. Most of the wheels are held between symmetrical flanges. These flanges are relieved
near the bore and the bearing area is sufficiently away from the hole. The bearing area depends
upon the size of the wheel and forces acting on the wheel. The flanges should be made from good
quality mild steel or similar material and possess sufficient rigidity and resist deflection when they
are tightened on to the wheel.

Refer Flange Selection table Nos. 1, 2, 3 & 4 which show the important dimensions of the various
types of flanges commonly used for mounting grinding wheels.

(For additional information please refer to the FEPA guidelines).

Types of mounting

The manner of mounting wheels depends upon the size and shape of the wheel and the grinding

1. Straight Wheels with small holes

These wheels are generally used on Bench and Pedestal grinders (fig. 1)

A straight-sided wheel with a An incorrectly mounted wheel. Method of mounting a small wheel
small hole, correctly mounted. Flanges not recessed and washers not fitted. used for internal grinding.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3


The wheel is held between 2 flanges having equal diameter. The driving flange is key to avoid
slippage between the flange and the spindle. Both flanges are symmetrical in all other respects.
The recesses shift the mounting stresses away from the hole. Fig. 2 shows a wheel which is
incorrectly mounted. The flanges are not recessed and there is no blotter between the wheel face
and flanges to provide a cushioning effect when the nut is tightened, with the result that the
stresses concentrate at the bore region. This type of mounting can easily cause wheel breakage.

However, when the wheel diameter is very small as in the case of the internal grinding wheel,
suitable mounting is shown in Fig. 3.

2. Straight wheels with large holes

Straight wheel with large holes are commonly used for high speed snagging. Instead of mounting
the wheel directly on the spindle, adaptor flanges are used (Fig. 4). These flanges are similar to
the ones shown in fig. 1 in all other respects. The undercut at the corner facilitates proper location.

Large precision grinding wheels are mounted by means of sleeve flanges (Fig. 5 & 6). The wheel
holder or collet is machined to form one of the flanges for gripping the wheel. The collet fits the
tapered end of the spindle and is held in place by means of a lock nut. It is usual to keep wheels of
different specifications mounted on the sleeve and kept ready so that the complete mounting can
be replaced to save time.


A flange assembly for a wheel with a A sleeve flange can be used on wheels A method of mounting a precision wheel
large hole. The corners of the wheel with a large bore. for external cylindrical grinding.
seatings must be undercut as shown.
Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6


3. Taper Wheels

Whenever it is impractical to fit the guards on the machine, the breakage risk can be reduced by using
a taper wheel and protection flanges as shown in (Fig.7). The taper on the wheel prevents it from flying
apart and causing injury to the operator in case of wheel breakage. However, this will not eliminate
such risks.

Protection flanges used with a tapered wheel.

To be effective, the degree of taper of the flanges
must correspond with that of the wheel



It has been proved that protection flanges can cause wheel breakage if the wheel face and bearing
surface are not absolutely parallel. Such flanges will cause stress concentration, which may develop
cracks in the wheel. Therefore, protection flanges should be used only if the guard cannot be used.

Protection flanges provide no protection if a portion of the wheel breaks up outside the flanges. For this
reason minimum exposure of the wheel is important.

Table 4 specifies the minimum diameters of protection flanges for various diameters of taper wheels
used on portable machines. Here also it can be seen that no blotters are used between the wheel face
and protection flanges.

4. Cylinder Wheels and nut inserted discs.

(a) Cylinder Wheels are mounted to a back plate or wheel head by means of mechanical
clamps or by using cements. When mechanical clamps are used they should conform to the OD of the
wheel and provide good gripping (Fig. 8, 9, 10).

A bonded abrasive disc cemented to

A cylinder wheel mounted
in a protection chuck.
The chuck should be kept
adjusted for minimum
(a) a plain backplate and exposure of the wheel.

b) a lipped backplate


Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 10


(b) Nut inserted discs. These wheels are commonly used for disc grinding operations and are
mounted by means of steel nuts embedded on the side. The hole on the face plate and nuts on the
wheels should be accurately matched. The penetration of the screw should be less than the depth
of the nut, otherwise the screw will pull the nut off the wheel. The face plate should be of adequate
thickness and flat to provide even support over a large area of contact. Before mounting, the face
plate should be thoroughly cleaned. The screws should be tightened uniformly in a diametrical
sequence (Fig. 11).
A typical mounting for abrasive segments

Incorrect nut mounting for a

cylinder wheel. The screws
must not come into contact
with the abrasive material.



5. Grinding Segments

Fig. 12 shows typical arrangements for mounting segments. The segments are held in position by
dovetailed wedges fitted on the periphery of the chuck. It is advisable to use blotters between the
segments and the wedges. These wedges should be regularly checked to see that worn out
wedges are not used for clamping. Such wedges will develop uneven mounting stresses and
cause breakage. The overhang of the segment should not exceed its thickness.

6. Cup Wheels

On fixed machine situations, cup wheels are commonly used on tool and cutter grinding
machines, for sharpening cutting tools (Fig. 13). Flanges used for mounting cup wheels are
similar to the sleeve type flanges described earlier.

An adaptor flange for an unthreaded-hole cup wheel.

To provide proper support, the adaptor flange
and back flange should be equal in outside
A cup wheel mounting for a fixed machine.
diameter and diameter of recess.
Fig.13 Fig.14


On portable machine situations, cup wheels with plain or threaded holes are used. Plain wheels
are mounted by means of adaptor flanges as shown in Fig. 14. Wheels with threaded holes are
screwed on to the end of the machine spindle against the flange. The flange should be flat and not
recessed (Fig. 15). Recessed flanges (Fig. 16) would tend to strain the threaded bushings.
Blotters are not necessary.

A correctly mounted threaded-hole wheel. An incorrectly mounted threaded-hole wheel.

The recessed flange does not provide proper support.

Fig. 15 Fig. 16

7. Nut inserted cones

These are used on portable grinders in place of mounted points. Before mounting, the hole should
be checked to see that it is free from foreign matter. Threaded spindles should be shorter than the
depth of the nut but long enough for sufficient threaded engagement. Flanges should be flat and
not recessed, otherwise the nut will be pulled out while tightening (Fig. 17 & 18).
Spindle too Long Spindle too Short

Note : Space Here

Wheel Will Crack Load Concentrated on few Threads Busing
Off Here will Brake Here and Pull Out

Spindle not Threaded Relieved Flange
far Enough

A correctly mounted cone wheel

Bushing will be pulled out

Fig. 17 Fig. 18


Indication Cause Methods of Correction

Chatter Wheel out of balance Re-balance wheel on mounting.

Re-balance wheel after truing. Run
wheel without coolant to remove excess
After removing wheel from machine,
store on side to prevent water from settling
at lower edge of wheel.

Wheel out of round True before and after balancing. True

sides to face.

Wheel grading too hard Select softer grade, more open bond
or coarser grit. See “Wheel Grading”.

Work centres or work Check fit of centres and rests.

rests not true or improperly Provide constant and even lubrication.

Dressing Use sharp diamond dresser rigidly

held close to wheel.


Indication Cause Methods of Correction

Spirals(traverse lines) Mis-alignment Check alignment of head and

same lead on work as tail stocks, also wheel head to work.
rate of traverse

Truing Have truing tool set on work wheel

contact line, but pointed down 30. Round
off edges of wheel face.



Indication Cause Methods of Correction

Lack of cut, glazing, Wheel too hard in effect Increase work and traverse
some loading; burning speeds and wheel pressure(in feed).
of work, chatter.
Decrease spindle speed wheel diameter
and width of wheel face.
Open up wheel by sharper dressing.
Review coolant.
Avoid dwelling at end of traverse.
Use coarser grain size and softer grade.
Check filtration system

Wheel marks, short Wheel too soft in effect Decrease work and traverse
wheel life, not holding speeds and wheel pressure(in feed).
cut, tapered work Increase spindle speed, wheel diameter
and width of wheel face.
Dress with slow traverse and slight
Review coolants.
Do not pass off work at end of traverse.


Indication Cause Methods of Correction

Metal lodged on grains, Incorrect wheel Use coarser grain size or more
or in wheel pores open bond to provide chip clearance.
Review coolant.

Faulty dressing Use sharper dresser. Dress faster.

Clean wheel after dressing.

Faulty coolant Review coolant.

Faulty operation Manipulate operation to soften.

effect of wheel. See” Wheel Grading Effect”.
Use more in-feed.



Indication Cause Methods of Correction

Shiny appearance, Improper wheel Use coarser grain size, softer grade.
smooth feel Manipulate operation to soften effect.
See”Wheel Grading Effect”.

Improper dressing Keep wheel sharp by using sharp

dresser. Use faster dressing tool
traverse. Allow more dressing tool

Faulty coolant Review coolant.

Coolant contamination Review coolant.

Faulty operations Use greater in-feed.

See “Wheel Grading Effect”

Indication Cause Methods of Correction

Work out-of-round, Work centres or work Check fit of centres and rests.
out-of-parallel or tapered rests not true or improperly Provide constant and even
lubricated. lubrication. Provide adequate
steady rests.

Improper dressing Make sure machine conditions are the

same at dressing point as at point of
grinding position.

Improper operation Do not permit wheel to pass off work at

end of traverse, which causes taper at
work ends. Decrease pressure, which
springs work. Use harder wheel.

Expansion of work Reduce temperature of work by using

more coolant & lighter cuts.



Indication Cause Methods of Correction

Work Shows check marks Improper wheel Prevent wheel from acting too hard.
manipulation Do not force wheel into work.
See”wheel Grading Effect”.
Use greater and even flow of coolant.


Indication Cause Methods of Correction

Work shows Improper wheel Use softer wheel or manipulate to get

discolouration softer effect. See “Wheel Grading
Effect”. Prevent glazing & loading. Use
more coolant.

Faulty operation Bring wheel to work more gradually,

use less in-feed. Prevent stoppage
of work while in contact with wheel.



Indication Cause Methods of Correction

Narrow and deep Wheel too coarse Use finer grain size.
regular marks.

Wide irregular marks Wheel too soft Use harder grading.

of varying depth. See "Wheel Grading Effect".

Widely spaced Oil spots or glazed Balance and true wheel.

spots on works. areas on wheel face. Avoid getting oil on wheel face.

Fine spiral or Faulty wheel dresser Replace cracked or broken

thread on work diamonds. Use slower dressing
traverse. Set dressing tool at angle
of 50 down and 30 side. Turn diamond
every third dressing.

Tighten holder or diamond. Dress with

less penetration. Do not allow tool to
dwell in contact with wheel. Do not
start dressing cuts on face-locate
tool on face but start cuts from edge.
Make final pass in dressing in opposite
direction to grinding traverse. Traverse
diamond evenly across wheel face.
Round off wheel edges-just chamfering
or dressing back is not enough.

Faulty operation Prevent penetration of advancing or

following edge of wheel by being
careful to dress wheel face parallel to
work. Reduce wheel pressure.
Provide additional steady rests.
Reduce traverse in relation to work
When making numerous passes,
make slight change in traverse rate
at each pass to break up pattern.



Indication Causes Methods of Correction

Wavy traverse lines Ragged wheel edges Round off wheel edges.

Isolated deep marks Improper wheel dressing Use sharper dressing tools. Brush
wheel after dressing using a stiff
bristle brush.

Coarse grains or foreign Dress out.

matter in wheel face

Bond disintegrates; Coolant too strong for some organic

grain pull out bonds.

Irregular marks Loose dirt Keep machine clean.

Irregular marks of Dirty coolant Clean tank frequently. Flush

varying length and width, guards after dressing and
scratches usually 'fishtail' when changing to finer wheels.

Deep Irregular marks Loose wheel flanges Tighten flanges, using blotters.

Grain marks Wheel too coarse or Select finer grain size or harder
too soft grade wheel.

Too much difference in Use finer roughing wheel or

grain size between finish out better with roughing
roughing and finishing wheel.

Dressing too coarse Less dresser penetration and slower

dresser traverse.

Improper cut from Start with high work and traverse

finishing wheel speeds, to cut away previous wheel
marks; finish out with high work and
slow traverse speeds, allowing
wheel to spark out entirely.



Indication Cause Methods of Correction

Radial break, three or Excess wheel speeds Reduce wheel speed to rated speed.
more pieces

Improper mounting Correct improper mounting such as

of wheel lack of blotters, tight arbors,
uneven flange pressure,
dirt between flanges and wheel.

Over heating Prevent overheating by using

sufficient amount of coolant.

Excessive wheel Prevent excessive wheel pressure

pressure on work.

Jamming of wheel Do not allow wheel to become

jammed on work.

Radial break, two pieces Excessive side strain Prevent excessive strain on the side
of the wheel.

Irregular break Wheel jamming Do not allow wheel to become

jammed on work.

Wheel damage Prevent blows on wheel. Do not use

wheels that have been damaged in
handling. Examine wheel before
using. Check wheels for damage by
'ring test' or tapping.

General Wheel arbor too tight Do not use a wheel that is too tight on
the arbor as wheel will break when

Excessive wheel Prevent excessive hammering

hammering action on the wheel.



FEPA grain size (mesh) in mm and inches

Average Grain Diameter
1/1000inch=25 microns
1 micron = 0.001 mm
FEPA Designation Average Dia. In mm Average Dia. In inch

8 2.40 0.096
10 2.00 0.080
12 1.70 0.068
14 1.40 0.056
16 1.20 0.048
20 1.00 0.040
24 0.71 0.028
30 0.59 0.024
36 0.50 0.020
40 0.42 0.017
46 0.35 0.014
54 0.30 0.012
60 0.25 0.010
70 0.21 0.008
80 0.18 0.007
90 0.15 0.006
100 0.13 0.005
120 0.10 0.004
150 0.08 0.003
180 0.07 0.0028
220 0.06 0.0024
240 0.05 0.0021
280 0.04 0.0017
320 0.03 0.0012
400 0.02 0.0008
500 0.014 0.0006
600 0.010 0.0004
850 0.007 0.0003
1200 0.004 0.0002



Ra Rt Rz RMS CLA PVA Roughness

m m m  inch  inch  inch

0.025 0.2 0.16 1.12 1 6

0.05 0.4 0.32 2.2 2 12 N1
0.06 0.5 0.38 2.7 2.4 16 N2
0.08 0.6 0.5 3.6 3.2 20
0.1 0.8 0.6 4.5 4 25
0.12 1 0.75 5.3 5 32 N3
0.16 1.25 1 7.1 6.3 40
0.2 1.5 1.25 9 8 50
0.25 2 1.6 11.2 7.1 63 N4
0.31 2.5 2 14 12.5 80
0.4 3.2 2.5 18 16 100
0.5 4 3.2 22.4 20 125 N5
0.6 5 4 28 25 160
0.8 6.3 5 35.5 32 200
1.0 8 6.3 45 40 250 N6
1.25 10 8 56 50 320
1.6 12.5 10 71 63 400

Ra = DIN Centre line Average

Rt = Maximum Peak to Trough Height over the surface
RMS = Root Mean Square Avg. Height
CLA = Centre Line Average
PVA = Peak to Valley Avg. Height
RZ = Average of fine absolute maximum peaks and troughs within the length of 1m.
Calculation Basis :
1Rt  8 Ra
1Rz  0.85 Rt


Rockwell VPN Brinell Tons/Sq. in. Kgf/ sq. mm
Scale (C) Hardness

68.0 940
67.5 920
67.0 900
66.5 883
66.0 865
65.5 848
65.0 832 150 237
64.5 817 147 232
64.0 800 145 229
63.5 787 142 224
63.0 772 140 221
62.5 759 138 218
62.0 746 137 216
61.5 733 135 213
61.0 720 133 210
60.0 697 129 204
59.0 674 126 109
58.0 653 123 194
57.0 633 120 189
56.0 613 117 185
55.0 595 114 180
54.0 577 112 177
53.0 560 510 109 172
52.0 544 500 107 169
51.0 528 487 104 164
50.0 513 475 102 161
49.0 498 464 100 158
48.0 484 450 98 155
47.0 471 442 96 151
46.0 458 432 94 148
45.0 446 421 92 145
44.0 434 410 90 142
43.0 423 401 88 139
42.0 412 390 86 136
41.0 402 381 85 134
40.0 392 371 83 131
39.0 382 362 81 128
38.0 372 353 80 126
37.0 363 344 78 123
36.0 354 336 76 120
35.0 345 327 74 117
34.0 336 319 72 113
33.0 327 311 70 110
32.0 318 301 68 107
31.0 310 294 67 106
30.0 302 286 65 102



Rockwell VPN Brinell Tons/Sq. in. Kgf/ sq. mm

Scale C Hardness

29.0 294 279 64 101

28.0 286 273 62 98
27.0 279 267 61 96
26.0 272 261 59 93
25.0 266 258 58 91
24.0 260 253 57 90
23.0 254 248 55 87
22.0 248 243 54 85
21.0 243 239 53 83
20.0 238 235 52 82
228 226 50 79
217 216 47 74
207 206 45 71
196 195 43 68
187 187 41 64
176 176 39 61
165 165 37 58
145 145 33 52
131 131 30 47


Bore Diameter H11 Tolerance
Above Up to and Including Maximum Minimum
(mm) (mm) (mm) (inches)

3 6 +0.075 +0.0030 0
6 10 +0.090 +0.0035 0
10 18 +0.110 +0.0042 0
18 30 +0.130 +0.0050 0
30 50 +0.160 +0.0060 0
50 80 +0.190 +0.0075 0
80 120 +0.220 +0.0085 0
120 180 +0.250 +0.0100 0
180 250 +0.290 +0.0115 0
250 315 +0320 +0.0125 0
315 400 +0.360 +0.0145 0
400 500 +0.400 +0.0160 0



Revolutions per minute for various diameters of grinding wheels to give
peripheral speed in meters/sec. as indicated



22 23 25 28 30 33 35 40 42 45 48 50 55 60 70 80
m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s
25 16800 17600 19100 21500 22900 25000 26500 30500 32000 34500 36500 38000 42000 46000 - -

50 8400 8800 9500 10800 11500 12600 13400 15300 16100 17200 18300 19100 21100 23000 - -

80 5200 5500 6000 6800 7100 7900 8400 9500 10100 10700 11400 12000 13200 14300 - -

100 4200 4400 4750 5400 5700 6300 6700 7600 3100 8600 9200 9600 10600 11500 - -

125 3350 3500 3800 4300 4600 5050 5600 6100 6500 6900 7300 7600 8400 9200 - -

150 2800 2950 3200 3600 3800 4200 4450 5100 5400 5700 6100 6400 7000 7600 - -

180 2330 2430 2650 3000 3200 3500 3800 4250 4450 4750 5100 5300 5900 6400 7400 8500

200 2070 2160 2350 2620 2820 3100 3300 3750 3950 4250 4500 4700 5200 5600 6600 7500

230 1820 1910 2070 2320 2490 2740 2900 3320 3490 3730 4000 4150 4670 4980 5820 6600

250 1650 1720 1880 2100 2230 2500 2650 3000 3150 3400 3600 3750 4150 4500 5300 6000

300 1370 1440 1570 1750 1880 2070 2190 2500 2600 2800 3000 3150 3450 3750 4400 5000

350 1180 1240 1350 1500 1610 1780 1890 2160 2250 2400 2600 2700 2950 3250 3750 4300

400 1030 1080 1180 1320 1410 1550 1650 1880 1970 2120 2260 2350 2600 2850 3300 3750

450 900 960 1050 1170 1250 1380 1470 1680 1760 1880 2010 2090 2300 2500 2950 3350

500 830 870 940 1050 1130 1240 1320 1500 1580 1700 1810 1880 2060 2260 2650 3000

550 750 790 860 960 1030 1130 1200 1370 1440 1550 1650 1710 1910 2085 - -

600 690 720 780 880 940 1030 1090 1250 1320 1410 1500 1570 1750 1910 - -

650 640 670 720 810 870 960 1020 1160 1210 1310 1390 1450 1615 1765 - -

700 590 620 670 750 810 890 940 1080 1130 1210 1290 1350 1500 1640 - -

750 550 580 630 700 750 830 880 1000 1050 1130 1210 1260 1400 1530 - -

800 520 550 580 660 700 770 820 940 980 1060 1130 1170 1315 1435 - -

900 460 480 520 580 630 690 730 840 880 940 1000 1050 1170 1275 - -

1000 415 430 460 530 560 620 660 750 790 850 910 940 1050 1145 - -

1060 395 415 450 505 540 595 630 720 760 810 865 900 990 1080 - -

1100 380 400 430 490 520 570 610 690 730 780 830 870 - - - -

1200 345 360 400 440 470 520 550 630 660 710 750 780 - - - -


Coolant Nozzles
Polishing : - An operation to smooth off roughness
To achieve optimumfrom a workpiece,
performance from or putgrinding
your a high finish on
metal by using a polishing wheel. it is important to ensure that all aspects of the application have
been analysed and suitably addressed. After many years of
Polishing wheel :- A wheel made offering
of oneabrasives and dressing
of several kinds ofsolutions
abrasive grain and glue. Abrasives now offers the complete solution to coolant nozzle
design and application. Cool-Grind Technologies are expert in
the development and application of coolant nozzles to ensure
Portable grinder :- A hand-held grinding
of theuses portable
grinding processwheels, depressed
and Master are the
centre discs, plugs or cones. sole UK distributor for Cool-Grind Technologies.

Dressing Tools
Portable wheel :- A grinding wheel used for portable grinding and stock removal. These
wheels usually have hard, durable abrasives, coarse grit sizes, organic bonds, and may have
molded-in bushings.
Diamond Dressing Cups Diamond Dressing Discs
This type of dressing tool is one of the most Diamond discs are becoming
popular for thegrinding :- Theoftypes
rotary dressing small of grinding which
internal result in the workpiece
more popular being
especially with theground to
exact measurements, finish, etc.
grinding wheels. There are basically three differing development of CNC interpolation
bond types available. of forms. Here again the various
bond systems can be utilised with
Reinforcing : One or more layers of fibre glass material molded into the grinding wheel to
The electroplated type uses the plating process as metal bonding being the most
add strength and stability in operations. Cut-off wheels, depressed centre discs, floor stand
described earlier to deposit a single layer of popular. Once again Master is
snagging wheels and portable wheels use reinforcing. Cylinder wheels often have several
Diamond onto the steel body. This type is less able to offer the complete range,
bands of wire wound to reinforce their periphery, adding stability and protection.
expensive and very free cutting but wears relatively including the latest technology
quickly so requires changing on a regular basis. of vitrified and hybrid bonded
Resinoid bond : - An organic bonding material madediscs, up of synthetic
to ensure resin.
complete process
The metal bonded type is much more durable and optimisation.
provides longer life. The latest development in this
Rockwell Hardness : - A measurement of hardness of all metals. The indentation hardness
field is the vitrified bonded Diamond cup. This utilises
a metal is measured
vitrified against to
bonding technology a standard
produce a numbered Diamond
scale. TheForm Roller
higher Dressers
the number, the
harder the metal.
dressing tool that is as free cutting as electroplating To ensure Master is able
but with the durability of the metal bonded cups. to offer the complete
package, we can also
Roll grinding : - A specialised type of cylindrical grinding used to finish or refinish the long, large-
supply reverse, random,
Hybrid Diamond
diameter Dressing
rolls used toolsrolling
in metal are customised
mills, paper mills, rubber and plastic processing plants.
high precision products with a unique and or hand set precision
innovative bonding technology. The tools offer Diamond roller dressers for
Rough grinding : - A type of grinding
outstanding characteristics, producing a safe used for stock the forming
removal, and dressing
or where a precision dimension
finish is not the primary
dressing requirement.
operation with of accurate profiles.
significantly improved economics. Thanks to
: - structure, General
these per minute, or speed of a revolving
The revolutions Diamond
object Toolingwheel.
such as a grinding
tools work in a self- To complete our range of dressing tools,
sharpening mode, Master also offers high quality and
while :- Marks left on a ground surface causedengineered
the multilayered by a dirtysingle
coolant or and
point a grinding wheel
fliese type
Diamond for the operation.
structure dressers. Master Abrasives offers
guarantees an the complete superabrasives
extended lifetime. package for industry.








Oil & Gas

Solutions for Industry

For further information on Master products and services or

technical applications support, please contact us

High March, Long March Industrial Estate, Daventry, Northants NN11 4PG
Tel: 44 (0) 1327 703813 Email: MA-190118

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