SM2ed Teacher's Resources Worksheet E L1 U4

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The passages provide worksheets and activities to teach food vocabulary and language structures related to possession and locations of foods.

The worksheets teach vocabulary related to different foods like fruits, vegetables, and meals.

The worksheets provide exercises for students to practice language structures like 'I've got/I haven't got' and 'Have we got any...', to talk about foods.

4 Lunchtime

Worksheet 1: Food Worksheet 3: Have we got any … ?

Using the worksheet Using the worksheet
• This crossword activity practises food vocabulary cheese, • This reading and writing activity practises Have we got any … ?
cake, sandwich, carrot, sausage, peas, steak, banana, apple, Yes, we have. / No, we haven’t. and food vocabulary chicken,
pizza, chicken. steak, banana, cheese, sandwich.
• Students use the numbers under the pictures to complete the • Students look at the pictures in the story and complete the
crossword, copying the words from the word box. speech bubbles with Yes, we have. or No, we haven’t., then fill
KEY: 1 ↓ cake, 2 sandwich, 3 carrot, 4 sausage, 5 peas, in the missing food word in picture 5.
6 steak, 7 banana, 8 apple, 9 pizza, 10 chicken • In pairs, students can then act the story out.
Optional follow-up activity: Do a drawing dictation. Draw the KEY: 2 No, we haven’t. 3 Yes, we have. 4 Yes, we have.
foods on the board and check lexis. Then say some foods you 5 banana
like and don’t like and your favourite food, e.g. I like sandwiches Optional follow-up activity: Students make up their own
and I like chicken. I like apples and bananas, too. My favourite version of the story, using different food combinations in their
food is pizza. I don’t like steak. Students listen and draw the sandwiches. Write the nine lines of the dialogue on the board,
things you say you like on a piece of paper. They don’t draw any leaving blanks for the food words and answers. Students copy
items you say you don’t like. Students can also do this activity this into their books and add their own food words to each
in pairs. line. Provide a list of food words for them to choose from if
necessary. Students see who can invent the most delicious or
Worksheet 2: I’ve got … most disgusting sandwich. They can then draw their sandwiches
Using the worksheet and display them, with their dialogues, in the classroom.
• These reading and writing activities practise I’ve got  / I haven’t
got and revise food vocabulary cake, steak, pizza, peas, Worksheet 4: Where does it grow?
cheese, chicken, sandwich, carrots. Using the worksheet
• Students look at the picture of the boy with a cake and a • This worksheet practises students’ knowledge of where food
sandwich. They complete the food poem by circling I’ve got comes from, using key Think and learn vocabulary.
or I haven’t got in each sentence.
• Students draw a line from the food items shown to the correct
• Students then complete the second food poem by choosing picture of where it grows.
and writing either I’ve got or I haven’t got in each line. (There
is no right or wrong answer.) They then read the poem aloud
• They then work in pairs and take turns to say the name of the
food and where it grows.
and draw all the items for which they’ve written I’ve got on
the girl’s plate. KEY: in the soil – carrot, potato; on a tree – pear, orange, apple;
on a plant – grapes, peas, tomatoes
KEY: Activity 1: 2 I haven’t got, 3 I’ve got, 4 I’ve got;
Optional follow-up activity: In pairs, students quiz each
Activity 2: Students’ own answers. Check that students
other on where food is grown. One student points to a food
have drawn the correct items on the plate according to how
item and intentionally says an incorrect sentence about it,
they’ve completed the poem.
e.g. A: A carrot. It grows on a tree. B: Wrong! It grows in the soil.
Optional follow-up activity: Students write their own version
of the food poem. They can either keep the rhyming words
cheese, peas, cake and steak or they can write a version that
doesn’t rhyme.

1 Super Minds 2nd Edition Unit 4 Level 1 Teacher’s Resources PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2022
Worksheet 1
4 Food
Name: ...................................................
Class: ....................................................

1 Look and write the words.

banana chicken cheese sandwich sausage

cake steak apple pizza peas carrot

1 → 1 ↓ 2 3 4 5

c h e e s e
2 3

5 6

8 9


6 7 8 9 10
Vocabulary: Food

2 Super Minds 2nd Edition Unit 4 Level 1 Teacher’s Resources PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2022
Worksheet 2
4 I’ve got …
Name: ...................................................
Class: ....................................................

1 Look and circle I’ve got or I haven’t got in the poem.

1 I’ve got / I haven’t got chicken,

2 I’ve got / I haven’t got steak,
3 I’ve got / I haven’t got a sandwich,
4 I’ve got / I haven’t got cake!

2 Write I’ve got or I haven’t got. Then draw.


Language focus 1: I’ve got / I haven’t got …

3 Super Minds 2nd Edition Unit 4 Level 1 Teacher’s Resources PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2022
Worksheet 3
4 Have we got any … ?
Name: ...................................................
Class: ....................................................

1 Look. Write Yes, we have. or No, we haven’t. What sandwich

has the boy got?
1 2
Have we got any chicken? Have we got any steak?

No, we haven’

3 4
Have we got any cheese? Have we got any bananas?

Here. A cheese and


Language focus 2: Have … got any … ?

4 Super Minds 2nd Edition Unit 4 Level 1 Teacher’s Resources PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2022
Worksheet 4
4 Where does it grow?
Name: ...................................................
Class: ....................................................

1 Look, read and match.


peas pear

apple onion
on a tree

tomatoes grapes

orange on a plant in the soil carrot

An onion grows in the soil.

Science: Food

5 Super Minds 2nd Edition Unit 4 Level 1 Teacher’s Resources PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2022

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