Out of Borneo - Biogeography Katak
Out of Borneo - Biogeography Katak
Out of Borneo - Biogeography Katak
Received 8 April 2016; revised 7 July 2016; accepted for publication 7 July 2016
Subsequent to the Miocene (approximately 35 Mya), Borneo has served as an insular refuge and a source of
colonization for a broad range of species emigrating to others parts of Sundaland. A phylogeny-based historical
biogeographical hypothesis for the Stream Toad genus Ansonia supports multiple instances of an out-of-Borneo
scenario. An ancestral range estimation indicates that in situ speciation of Ansonia on the island of Borneo
during the Late Miocene and Pliocene (approximately 2–13 Mya) eventually resulted in an invasion of the
Philippines, Sumatra, and two independent invasions of the Thai-Malay Peninsula. When collecting material for
the biogeographical analysis, a new species of Ansonia, Ansonia khaochangensis sp. nov. was discovered in a
limestone cave from the Khao Chang karst tower in Phangnga Province, in southern Thailand. Ansonia
khaochangensis sp. nov. can be differentiated from all other species of Ansonia by having a unique
combination of morphological and colour pattern characteristics. Phylogenetic evidence based on the
mitochondrial genes 12S and 16S indicates that it is nested within a clade of other species distributed north of
the Isthmus of Kra. The cave lifestyle of this new species is a unique and a significant departure from
lotic environments common to most other species of Ansonia. The reproductive biology of this species is
unknown. © 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017,
2016, 120, 371–395.
00, 000–000.
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395 371
et al., 2014), convincingly demonstrates that Indochina it is nested within the phylogeny of other species of
and Borneo have been the major sources of coloniza- Ansonia from the Thai-Malay Peninsula and is a dis-
tion for species immigrating into all other regions of tinctive, separately evolving lineage. These data are
Southeast Asia. The unique tectonic and climatic his- corroborated by morphological analyses that dis-
tory of Borneo in particular, enabled this Sundaic cretely differentiate this population from all other
landmass to serve not only as an insular refuge since congeners. It is therefore described here as new.
the Miocene, but an area rich in in situ speciation.
Of the 61 plant, invertebrate, and vertebrate lin-
eages analyzed by de Bruyn et al. (2014), three were
widespread, semiaquatic frogs from the families
Dicroglossidae and Ranidae. We wanted to test their P HYLOGENETIC AND BIOGEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSES
hypotheses of a Bornean origin and colonization in Ingroup samples consisted of 105 individuals repre-
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
Table 1. Specimens used for the molecular phylogenetic analyses (voucher specimen numbers are available in the refer-
enced citations)
Taxon Range number Reference
Duttaphrynus melanostictus East Malaysia, Sarawak, Marudi AB331714 Matsui et al. (2007)
Duttaphrynus melanostictus West Malaysia, Penang, Penang Island AB435318 Matsui et al. (2010)
Ghatophryne ornata India FJ882797 van Boxclear et al.
Ingerophrynus divergens Borneo AB331715 Matsui et al. (2007)
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
Table 1. Continued
Taxon Range number Reference
Ansonia latidisca East Malaysia, Sarawak, Penrissen AB746461 Matsui et al. (2012)
Ansonia latirostra West Malaysia, Pahang, Sungai Lembing AB435260 Matsui et al. (2010)
Ansonia latirostra West Malaysia, Pahang, Sungai Lembing AB435261 Matsui et al. (2010)
Ansonia leptopus East Malaysia, Sabah, Tawah AB435297 Matsui et al. (2010)
Ansonia leptopus East Malaysia, Sarawak, Gunung Gading AB435298 Matsui et al. (2010)
Ansonia leptopus East Malaysia, Sarawak, Kuching AB746457 Matsui et al. (2010)
Ansonia leptopus East Malaysia, Sabah, Croker, Mahua AB331711 Matsui et al. (2007)
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
Table 1. Continued
Taxon Range number Reference
Ansonia sp. 2 East Malaysia, Sabah, Croker, Ulu Kimanis AB435279 Matsui et al. (2010)
Ansonia sp. 2 East Malaysia, Sabah, Croker, Ulu Kimanis AB435280 Matsui et al. (2010)
Ansonia sp. 3 East Malaysia, Sarawak, Bario AB435273 Matsui et al. (2010)
Ansonia sp. 3 East Malaysia, Sarawak, Bario AB435274 Matsui et al. (2010)
Ansonia sp. 3 East Malaysia, Sarawak, Bario AB435275 Matsui et al. (2010)
Ansonia sp. 3 East Malaysia, Sarawak, Bario AB435276 Matsui et al. (2010)
Ansonia sp. 4 Thailand, Phuket Island AB435254 Matsui et al. (2010)
hosii, Pelophryne brevipes, Pelophryne misera, and deoxynucleotide pairs (1.5 lM), 2.0 lL of 5 9 buffer
Pelophryne signata based in part on the relation- (1.5 lM), 1.0 lL of MgCl 10 9 buffer (1.5 lM),
ships of Chan et al. (2014), Matsui, Yambun & Sudin 0.18 lL of Taq polymerase (5u/lL), and 7.5 of lL
(2007), Matsui et al. (2010), and Wilkinson, Sellas & H2O. All PCR reactions were carried out on an
Vindum (2012). More distant outgroups used were Eppendorf Mastercycler gradient thermocycler fol-
Duttaphrynus melanostictus, Ghatophryne ornata, lowing the thermal profile in Wilkinson et al. (2012):
Phrynoidis asper, and Phrynoidis juxtasper. initial denaturation at 94 °C for 2 min, followed by
Sequence data were generated for five individuals 35 cycles of a secondary denaturation at 94 °C for
from the new Thai population at Phang Nga. 30 s, annealing at 55 °C for 30 s, and elongation at
Sequences for all other individuals from the ingroup 72 °C for 1.5 min, with a final extension at 72 °C for
and outgroup were downloaded from GenBank and 10 min. PCR products were visualized on a 1.0%
all new sequences were deposited in GenBank agarose gel electrophoresis. PCR products that were
(Table 1). the same size as the targeted regions were purified
Genomic DNA was extracted from liver samples using MANU 30 PCR ultrafiltration (Millipore)
and stored in buffer using the animal tissue protocol plates and the products were re-suspended in diH2O.
in the DNeasyTM tissue kit (Qiagen). A 2439-bp frag- Purified PCR products were sequenced using an ABI
ment of the mitochondrial genes 12S, tRNA-VAL, Big-Dye Terminator, version 3.1 Cycle Sequencing
and 16S was amplified using a double-stranded poly- Kit in an ABI GeneAmp PCR 9700 thermal cycler
merase chain reaction (PCR) under the conditions: using internal primers (Chan et al., 2014). All cycle
1.0 lL (approximately 10–33 lg) of genomic DNA, sequencing reactions were purified using Sephadex
1.0 lL of forward external primer (10 lM), 1.0 lL of G-50 Fine (GE Healthcare) and analyzed on an ABI
reverse external primer (10 lM), 1.0 lL of 3730xl DNA Analyzer at the Brigham Young
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
University Sequencing center. Sequences were edited amphibians using a wide range of calibrations, taxa,
and aligned in GENEIOUS, version 8.1.5 (Drum- and mitochondrial DNA fragments have inferred
mond et al., 2011). Alignment was constructed using model-corrected sequence divergence rates from 0.8%
the MUSCLE, version 3.831 algorithm (Edgar, 2004) to 1.9% total divergence per Myr (Tan & Wake,
implemented in GENEIOUS, version 8.1.5 (Drum- 1995; Macey et al. 1998; Macey et al., 2001; Craw-
mond et al., 2011). ford, 2003a,b; Wang, Crawford & Bermingham, 2008;
The phylogenetic analysis applied two model-based Sanguila et al., 2011). Our run was calibrated to a
methods: maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian 1.4% mutation rate sensu Sanguila et al. (2011) for
inference (BI). The ML analysis was performed using Philippine Ansonia using a lognormal prior distribu-
IQ-TREE (Nguyen et al., 2015) with 1000 bootstrap tion and a mean in real space with an SD of 0.05. A
pseudoreplicates using the ultrafast bootstrap maximum clade credibility tree using mean heights
approximation algorithm. The data set was parti- at the nodes was generated using TREEANNOTA-
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
M ORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS to the Bayesian tree and thus its topology is pre-
Colour notes were taken from the digital images of sented here with both ML ultrafast boostrap values
living and euthanized specimens prior to preserva- and BPP indicated at the nodes that they share in
tion. The characters measured with a Control Com- common (Fig. 2). The phylogeny indicates that the
pany digimatic caliper to the nearest 0.1 mm were: new population from Phang Nga in southern Thai-
snout–vent length (SVL), from tip of snout to vent; land is embedded within a well-supported (1.00/100)
head length (HL), from posterior margin of mandible clade of other species from the Thai-Malay Peninsula
to tip of snout; head width (HW), measured at the and is the sister species to a well-supported (1.00/97)
level of the jaw articulation; snout length (SL), mea- clade composed of the Thai and Burmese species
sured from the anterior margins of the eyes to the Ansonia sp. 4 and 5 from Phuket Island and Kan-
tip of the snout; snout width (SW), distance between chanaburi, respectively; Ansonia inthanon from
western Thailand; Ansonia kraensis from the Thai-
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
Paratypes. Five paratypes (ZMKU AM 01145, rounded; no dorsolateral row of enlarged tubercles
001147–50) all have the same collection data as the on sides or back; no oblique flap of skin on either
holotype. Their sexes are listed in Table 3. side of vent; abdomen and gular region coarsely
Diagnosis. Ansonia khaochangensis sp. nov. granular; iris black; no light spots on the gular
can be differentiated from all other species of Anso- region or abdomen; no suborbital or postorbital
nia by the combination of the following characters: white markings; no light interscapular spot; no light
maximum SVL of 35.5 mm (34.0–35.3 mm) for crossbars on hind limbs, no light vertebral stripe.
females and 32.0 mm (31.9–32.0 mm) for males; These character states are scored across all species
snout projecting beyond lower jaw; tympanum visi- of Ansonia in Table 4.
ble; vocal sac opening on right; no white or yellow Description of holotype. Adult female, SVL
tubercle at rictus; no tuberculate, interorbital ridges; 34.2 mm; head longer than wide (HL/HW = 1.16);
finger and toe tips rounded, bulbous but not forming snout shorter than wide (SL/SW = 0.91), extending
discs; first finger not reaching disc of second; web- beyond lower jaw, dorsally convex with a midline
bing formula on foot I 1, II ½–2, III 1½–2, IV 2–2, V depression; canthus rostralis distinct; external nares
1; tarsal ridge present; inner and outer metatarsal open laterally just below canthus, almost terminal
tubercles present; submandibular tubercles absent; on snout; distance between nares less than snout
dorsal tubercles present but small, low, and length (IND/SL = 0.45) and snout width (IND/
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
Figure 3. BEAST chronogram for species of the genus Ansonia. Numbers at the nodes are mean ages in millions of
years. Bars represent the 95% highest posterior probability (HPD).
SW = 0.41); eyes large (ED/SL = 1.07), protruding diameter (TD/ED = 0.58); choanae subcircular, sepa-
beyond jaw line in dorsal view, diameter slightly rated by a distance larger than their diameter;
greater than snout length, less than one-half size of vomerine ridge and teeth absent; tongue narrow, ter-
interorbital distance (ED/IOD = 0.90); tympanum minating in median point, posterior one-half free;
distinct, circular with horizontal axis less than eye upper eyelid, interorbital region, and dorsal part of
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
AIC corrected
raised tubercles bearing keratinized tips; interorbital
ridges absent, paravertebral oval areas present; lores
Table 2. Biogeographical model selection with and without founder-event speciation(+j) based on the lowest Akaike information criterion (AIC) values atuberculate; single row of small spinules on outer
margin of upper eyelid; no large tubercle above ric-
tus; supratympanic fold and parotoid glands absent;
submandibular and mental region bearing small
tubercles; gular region coarsely granular to weakly
1.000000 9 10–12
1.000000e 9 10–12
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
toes I–III and V; having as opposed to lacking an on toes I and III; and having a coarsely granular
outer metatarsal tubercle; having as opposed to vs. a finely granular abdomen. These characters
lacking a dorsolateral row of enlarged tubercles on and others are scored across all other nominal spe-
the back; and lacking as opposed to having gular cies of Ansonia with the diagnostic differences of
spots and an interscapular spot. Ansonia each species highlighted (Table 4).
khaochangensis sp. nov. can be separated from Distribution. Ansonia khaochangensis sp. nov.
all Thai-Malay Peninsula species except Ansonia is known only from the type locality at Takua Pa
siamensis and A. latiffi by lacking as opposed to District, Phang Nga Province, southern Thailand
having submandibular tubercles in males. From A. (Fig. 1).
siamensis, it can be differentiated by the males Natural history. Ansonia khaochangensis sp.
being larger (maximum SVL = 32 mm vs. 28 mm); nov. is only known from the Khao Chang tower
having a visible tympanum; more extensive webbing karst formation that rises precipitously to an
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
Figure 5. Type series of Ansonia khaochangensis sp. H ISTORICAL BIOGEOGRAPHY OF THE GENUS ANSONIA
nov. from Khao Chang karst tower, Phang Nga, Takua Understanding the role that evolution has played in
Pa District, Phang Nga Province, Thailand. Upper: holo- the current composition of the megadiverse biota of
type ZMKU AM 01146. Lower: above from left to right, Sundaland is not possible without considering the
holotype ZMKU AM 01146, paratype ZMKU AM 01150, abiotic stage upon which tectonics and climate have
and paratype 12457; below from left to right, paratype performed over the last 50 Myr. From the middle
ZMKU AM 01148, paratype ZMKU AM 01149, and para- Eocene (approximately 42 Mya) onward, much of
type ZMKU AM 01145. what is today considered to be southern Sundaland
had subsided, leaving most of southern Borneo and
elevation of 125 m and frames the northwest border Java submerged beneath the South China Sea up
of the city of Phang Nga (Fig. 6). Along the southeast until the late Oligocene (approximately 25 Mya: de
face of the karst formation is the massive Phung Bruyn et al., 2014; Hall, 2013). However, as a result
Chang Cave that has a subterranean water system of the formation of upland areas in central Borneo
that runs beneath the karst tower. This southeast during the early Miocene (approximately 23 Mya),
face is also riddled with several smaller caves. this area remained land-positive and maintained a
Approximately 0.5 km southwest of the mouth of broad connection through the Thai-Malay Peninsula
Phung Chang Cave is a very small opening at the and the central Sunda Shelf with mainland Indo-
base of the karst tower that winds its way inward china, enabling everwet rainforest to expand north-
for approximately 20 m wherein we found A. ward (Morley, 2000, 2012). de Bruyn et al. (2014)
khaochangensis sp. nov. (Fig. 6). During the day, studied the phylogenetic structure of 61 Sundaic lin-
specimens were found only within the recesses of the eages of plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates and
cave on the vertical cave walls as high as 3 m above convincingly demonstrated that, as a result of Bor-
the cave floor. To escape, toads were able to move neo’s long history of being an upland refuge with a
sideways up the cave walls in an attempt to wedge generally stable climate, it served as a significant
themselves into narrow cracks near the celling. source and promotor of in situ speciation and the
Toads were also observed in the cave at night but predominant source of colonization for taxa emigrat-
would venture out to climb on the outside of the ing to other Sundaic landmasses, as well as the
karst tower. Some specimens were found as high as Philippines. Indeed, they demonstrated that, during
10 m above the forest floor both on the karst and the Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene (approximately 1.5–
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
Table 3. Selected characters states on the type series of Ansonia khaochangensis sp. nov. from Phang Nga, Takua
Pa District, Phang Nga Province, Thailand
Sex F F M F M F
Snout projecting beyond lower jaw (1) or not (0) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tympanum visible (1) or not (0) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
White or yellow wart at angle of jaw (1) or not (0) No No No No No No
Large yellow wart at angle of jaw (1) or not (0) No No No No No No
Interorbital tubercle ridges present (1) or not (0) No No No No No No
F, female; M, male; SVL, snout–vent length; HL, head length from tip of snout to vent; head width, from posterior mar-
gin of mandible to tip of snout; SL, snout length, measured at the level of the jaw articulation; SW, snout width, mea-
sured from the anterior margins of the eyes to the tip of the snout; IND, internarial distance measured from the medial,
distance between the anterior margins of the eyes; ED, eye diameter, distance between the medial margins of the upper
eyelids at their closest point; IOD, interorbital diameter, inner margins of the nostrils; TD, tympanum diameter, the
length between anterior and posterior margins of the eye; CL, crus length, the length of the vertical axis; the distance
from the proximal edge of the outer metacarpal tubercle to the tip of the third finger; PL, pes length, the distance from
the knee inflection to the tarsal inflection.
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
Table 4. Diagnostic characters differentiating the species of Ansonia khaochangensis sp. nov. from all other nominal
species of Ansonia. Diagnostic characters are in bold text
23 Mya), more species from Borneo colonized the facilitated repeated range expansions during epi-
Philippines and the Thai-Malay Peninsula than from sodes of lowered sea levels followed by range retrac-
any other Asian landmass. Additionally, Pliocene tions and potential, vicariant speciation events with
and Quaternary climate and glacial-driven fluctua- their subsequent rise (Cannon et al., 2009; Gower
tions in sea levels ranged between 40 and 60 m et al., 2012; de Bruyn et al., 2013, 2014).
below present-day levels (Lohman et al., 2011). At The phylogenetic and biogeographical history of
their lowest levels, approximately 50% more terrene Ansonia aligns itself well with the overarching
of the Sunda Shelf was exposed than is exposed results outlined in de Bruyn et al. (2014) in that,
today (the smallest land-positive geographical area of subsequent to the early Miocene (approximately
the period) leaving the current Sundaic biota in a 23 Mya), Borneo served as an insular refuge, a
highly refugial state (Cannon, Morley & Bush, 2009; region of in situ speciation, and a source of coloniza-
Woodruff & Turner, 2009; Woodruff, 2010). These tion. Given that the current range of Ansonia
glacioeustatic events are considered to have extends throughout southwestern Indochina, most of
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
Table 4. Continued
Sundaland, and the Philippines, suggests that its landmasses (Fig. 2) indicates that the phylogenetic
diversity and distribution was probably much greater structure within Ansonia and the current distribu-
on the exposed Sunda Shelf during any of its 50+ tion of its species are not the result of single vicari-
episodes of maximum exposure over the last 5 Myr ant episode and the reconstruction of the
when approximately 50% more terrene was land- biogeographical history of this genus’ major lineages
positive (Woodruff, 2010). Thus, extant, extra-Bor- could potentially be a reflection of multiple invasions
nean species of Ansonia merely represent refugial over broad expanses of time facilitated by the
lineages restricted to the continental fringes of the dynamic, episodic, physiogeographical history of Sun-
Sunda Shelf and, therefore, any fine-grained analysis daland (de Bruyn et al., 2014).
attempting to piece together their historical biogeog- The Dispersal–Extinction–Cladogenesis +J model
raphy in the absence of what are probably many, clearly indicates that Borneo is the ultimate source
extinct, more centrally located, basal lineages will of origin for all Thai, Peninsular Malaysian, Suma-
always be somewhat speculative. Nonetheless, the tran and Philippine populations of Ansonia (Fig. 4)
non-monophyly of suites of species on Sundaic in that all the basal lineages occur in this region.
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
Table 4. Continued
This pattern of Borneo being the source of origin for one major clade and a polyphyletic group in another
Sundaic lineages predominates other biotic groups as (Fig. 2).
well (de Bruyn et al., 2014). Lines of evidence point- At 13.0 Mya, an ancestral Bornean lineage
ing to Borneo as the centre of origin and diversifica- diverged into two major clades. By no later than
tion of Ansonia are that: (1) no species are known 11.7 Mya, one of these clades (clade 1) split into two
from Java, the southernmost island in the Sunda monophyletic groups, one of which remained in Bor-
Shelf that was submerged during much of the Mio- neo and began diversifying from approximately 9.2
cene when the uplands of Borneo were forming; (2) to at least 3.3 Mya and is represented currently by
Ansonia’s centre of diversity is on Borneo, 11 nomi- Ansonia platysoma, A. vidua, A. spinulifer, A. han-
nal species of at least 28 species as well as at least itschi, A. minuta, and at least two undescribed spe-
three undescribed species occur there; (3) the molec- cies (Fig. 4). The other monophyletic group of clade 1
ular analyses indicate that Bornean taxa form the gave rise to a monophyletic upland lineage that
ancestral lineages in the two major clades (Fig. 4); eventually invaded the southern portion of the Thai-
and (4) Bornean taxa form a paraphyletic group in Malay Peninsula south of the Isthmus of Kra no
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
Table 4. Continued
later than 11.1 Mya (Figs 4, 7). Colonization was the southern Thai-Malay Peninsula giving rise to an
most likely by way of stream-capture-dispersal dur- upland and a generally lowland clade. The upland
ing this period of maximum everwet forest distribu- clade is currently composed of species endemic to
tion (de Bruyn et al., 2014) being that a wide land- montane regions of Peninsular Malaysia and con-
positive connection existed between Borneo and tains A. smeagol, Ansonia penangensis, A. lumut,
southern Indochina (Hall, 2013) and the climate was A. malayana, and A. jeetsukumaran. The lowland
relatively stable (Morley, 2000, 2012). This group is group dispersed northward out of the southern por-
currently represented by A. latidisca from the tion of the Thai-Malay Peninsula into southern Thai-
uplands of northwestern Borneo and a monophyletic land, crossing the Isthmus of Kra into the northern
group containing 15 species from the Thai-Malay portion of the Thai-Malay Peninsula (southern Indo-
Peninsula. Between 9.7 and 11.1 Mya, the Thai- china) no later than 6.7 Mya (Figs 4, 7). Dispersal as
Malay lineage of this group separated from the Bor- opposed to vicariance is invoked for this event given
nean lineage and, by 9.7 Mya, began diversifying in that the species south of the Isthums of Kra are
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
Table 4. Continued
paraphyletic with respect to those north of the Isth- of these lineages, currently composed of species found
mus of Kra. A vicariant event of that age would have primarily in northeastern Borneo (Ansonia fuliginea
most likely resulted in two reciprocally monophyletic and Ansonia guibei), invaded the Philippines early on
groups. By at least 5.5 Mya, the monophyletic (approximately 8.1 Mya) via the Sulu-Mindanao
Indochinese lineage began diversifying and eventu- Archipelago (Sanguila et al., 2011). Sanguila et al.
ally gave rise to A. khaochongensis sp. nov., Anso- (2011) proposed the mode of dispersal through the
nia sp. 4 and 5., A. inthanon, A. thinthinae, and archipelago was by island hopping, which appears to
A. kraensis (Figs 3, 4). be inconsistent with this group’s lotic habitat require-
The other major Bornean clade (clade 2) gave rise ment but, given there was no continuous land-posi-
to two lineages no later than 10.0 Mya (Fig. 4). One tive connection between Borneo and Mindanao
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
Table 4. Continued
during this time period (Blackburn et al., 2010; Siler The other lineage of clade 2 began diversifying in
et al., 2012; Hall, 2013), this hypothesis is followed Borneo no later than 9.0 Mya and eventually gave
here. Once established, this lineage began diversify- rise to a upland group composed of Ansonia albomac-
ing by at least 3.7 Mya following the uplift of the ulata and Ansonia leptopus and a related group of
Mindanao highlands, giving rise to the Ansonia muel- similar species designated here to form a species com-
leri complex and its sister species Ansonia mcgregori plex. By 5.0 Mya, the latter began diversifying into
(Sanguila et al., 2011). Although the age of this clado- what is now a complex of species in dire need of taxo-
geneic event is older than that proposed by Sanguila nomic study. Recently, one lineage of the leptopus
et al. (2011; approximately 2.2 Mya), the error bars complex entered Peninsular Malaysia by no later
of both time-calibrated BEAST trees overlap widely. than 1.1 Mya, probably during one of the many
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
Table 4. Continued
episodes when lower sea levels produced a land-posi- vicinity of 0.84 Mya (Fig. 3), this continuous popula-
tive connection between Borneo and Peninsular tion became restricted to separate, upland regions.
Malaysia and lowered temperatures allowed upland This separation is represented today by A. latiffi in
forests and their associated riparian habitats to Peninsular Malaysia. Similarly, by approximately
migrate downslope and expand across the interven- 2.0 Mya, another lineage of the leptopus complex
ing lowlands (Cannon et al., 2009). When higher tem- diversified and subsequently invaded Sumatra
peratures and higher sea levels returned in the (Figs 4 and 7).
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
Figure 6. Upper: the karst tower Khao Chang at the type locality. Lower left: entrance to the small cave where speci- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/biolinnean/article/120/2/371/2954941 by guest on 05 February 2022
mens the type series were collected. Lower right: interior of the cave where specimens were collected.
© 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 120, 371–395
Grismer et al. (2016, 2014) discussed the rich, departure from the typical reproductive biology of
underappreciated, and understudied herpetological this genus assuming breeding is not taking place in
diversity of karst ecosystems throughout Southeast subterranean bodies of water. More importantly,
Asia west of Wallace’s Line. These discussions, how- however, this highlights the fact that not only do
ever, pertained to reptiles, most notably gekkonids, karst ecosystems promote the evolution of new spe-
whose scansorial proclivities somewhat preadapt cies, but also they can contribute to the evolution of
them to these microhabitats. The discovery of a new notably different life styles.
species of karst-dwelling anuran in Southeast Asia is
not unprecedented (Siler et al., 2010), although it is
the first such record from the Thai-Malay Peninsula.
Of more probable significance, however, is the repro-
ductive biology of this new species. The karst-dwell- Funding for LLG came from grants from the College
ing species described by Siler et al. (2010) of the of Arts and Sciences at La Sierra University and from
genus Platymantis from central Luzon Island in the a National Geographic Society Explorers Grant (9277-
Philippines, probably have direct-developing eggs, as 15). Partial funding for PLWJ and CA was from a NSF
has been reported for other species of Platymantis dimensions grant EF-1241885 issued to Jack W. Sites
that have been observed to deposit their eggs in Jr (JWSJ). Additional funding for PLWJ was from a
limestone crevices. Ansonia, however, do not lay Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (DDIG
direct-developing eggs and the majority of the species 1501198) issued to PLWJ and JWSJ. We wish to
are restricted to lotic environments. From what we thank two anonymous reviewers and Masafumi Mat-
can surmise so far, this represents a significant sui for many helpful comments.
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