Kimair SI Series Instruction Manual K30SI K75SI 20190814
Kimair SI Series Instruction Manual K30SI K75SI 20190814
Kimair SI Series Instruction Manual K30SI K75SI 20190814
(K30SI - K75SI)
Therefore, all the personnel who need to operate, maintain or repair machinery have to
read the instruction carefully and follow the safety instruction strictly. If necessary, the
relevant personnel are required to confirm the information with their signatures.
This series of KIMAIR Air Compressors must be operated under the proper technical
conditions. The operators must operate the machinery in accordance with the manual’s
application scope and instructions. Operators must have the conscious of safety, fully
understanding the danger associated with the machinery’s operation. Any functional
breakdown, especially appropriate breakdown relating safety, must be repaired by the
professional persons in time.
1.3 Maintenance
The air compressor must be maintained with care for best performance. The air
compressor must be maintained thoroughly in accordance with the manual, especially at
worse working environment conditions.
If you need help troubleshooting or replacing parts, please feel free to contact with
KIMAIR Air Compressor’s dealers. If the machinery has some problems, our well trained
technician will provide prompt service with original and authorized parts. Original and
authorized KIMAIR parts are made with the matured and latest technique, and these
accessories can ensure the best performance of the machinery.
Read through the entire manual and fully understand air compressor’s instruction
information exactly before starting machinery.
KIMAIR does not take any responsibility of machinery’s safety if the actual application
scope does not accord with the machinery’s application scope, or application purpose is out
of the scope mentioned in this manual.
KIMAIR’s warranty is not reliable for any of the following conditions:
misuse or abuse air compressor
maintain air compressor improperly
using accessories wrongly
not using KIMAIR original and authorized parts
changing or modifying machinery
For the statements mentioned above, KIMAIR does not increase general warranty and
liability provisions.
KIMAIR does not liable or warrant any unauthorized changing or modifying air
compressor or air compressor station, or installing unauthorized air compressor parts.
Safety Instructions
The safety regulations must be strictly followed in the 3 rd chapter of this manual.
Technical Improvement
Owing to KIMAIR’s policy of continuous improvement, KIMAIR reserves the right to
make changes on the part of KIMAIR, not obligating to giving notification separately.
2. Table of Contents
1. Foreword ………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.1 Introduction to Air Compressor …………………………………………… 2
1.2 Application Scope ………………………………………………………… 2
1.3 Maintenance……………………………………………………………..… 2
3. Safety Regulation………………………………………………………………… 5
3.1 Define Safety Regulation ………………………………………………… 5
3.2 Safety Regulation in General …………………………………………….. 5
3.3 Change and Modify Machinery……………………………………………. 6
3.4 Installation and Normal Operating………………………………………… 7
3.5 Special Operation / Maintenance ……………………………………….… 9
3.6 Special Danger Warning ………………………………………………….. 12
3.7 Air Compressor Storage ………………………………………………… 13
7. Adjustments…………………………………………………………………… 25
7.1 Initial Adjustment……………………………………………………… 26
7.2 Adjustment after Fault ………………………………………………… 26
7.3 Running Method ………………………………………………………… 26
7.4 Monitor ………………………………………………………………… 26
8. Maintenance ………………………………………………………………… 27
8.1 Maintenance and Suggested Lubrication……………………………… 27
8.2 Motor Maintenance …………………………………………………… 27
8.3 Maintenance Schedule………………………………………………… 27
8.4 Changing Oil ………………………………………………………… 29
8.5 Replacement of Oil Filter…………………………………………….. 31
8.6 Replacement of Oil Separator………………………………………… 31
8.7 Changing/ Checking Air Filter………………………………………… 33
8.8 Normal Maintenance and Cleaning …………………………………… 35
9. Troubleshooting ……………………………………………………………… 36
3. Safety Regulations This Instruction Manual must be put
in the machinery’s working environment,
3.1 Define Safety Regulations
such as put in the tool room or in the box
of manuals for reference.
KIMAIR is in not liable for any
damages or injuries arising from Apart from the Instruction Manual,
neglecting of following the safety the operators must observe any other
regulations, or non-observance of the related requirements and regulations of
normal caution and care required for accident prevention and environment
transportation, installation, operation, protection, and request other personnel
maintenance and repairs, even if not observing. These regulations may relate
expressly stated in this manual. to the transportation of dangerous
material, or labor protection articles
If any of the statement in this granted or taken, or transportation
manual does not comply with the local regulations.
legislation, especially the instructions
relating to safety, the stricter of the two The instructions in this manual shall
shall apply. also include supervising responsibility
and notice responsibility. Different
These safety regulations are general factors inside the factory must be
for many types of machine and considered, such as working organization,
equipment. Hence, some statements may operating flow, labor allocation, etc.
not apply to these models in this manual.
Repairman must read through the
Danger instruction manual before starting
repairing the machinery, especially
Indicating a hazardous situation related safety. It is too late to read the
which, if not avoided, WILL result in instruction manual after starting working.
death or serious injury. It is very important the users operating
machinery occasionally to read the
Important Note instructions in advance, such as persons
who do setting and maintenance.
Indicating a hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, COULD result in The operators must be checked
damages to machinery or its parts. frequently whether their operating
procedures are followed the regulations,
Description and they observe the safety requirement.
Scrupulously operate the screw air If repairs work will cause heat,
flame or sparks, nonflammable material Make sure that no tools, loose parts
must be used to protect the surrounding or clothes are left in or on the machine,
parts. motor or driving device after repair work.
Reciprocal machine must be moved with
Before clearing the machine for use return at least once. Rotating machine
after maintenance or repair, check that must be rotated several times to make
operating pressures, temperatures and sure that there is no mechanical problem
time settings are correct. Check that all with machine or driving system. Check
control and shut-down devices are fitted motor’s rotating direction for the initially
and that they function correctly. After machine adjustment and every time after
above checking, connect the electric modifying the electrical connections to
power and operate the machinery. prevent air compressor damaged.
Protective precautions must be Skillful specialized personnel must
noticed when using steam-cleaning to be responsibility of fixing the loading
protect the motor, air filter, electrical and parts and directing lifting equipment.
regulating components, etc. to prevent
moisture from entering them. Operating with vehicle. The
operators must see or hear the
Never dismantle or change sound supervisor’s direction.
damping material.
Before maintenance, machine must
Never use caustic solvents which be cleaned and wiped clearly, especially
can damage materials of the air net the oil, fuel, and preservative on the
connector or screw threads. Never use
Whenever there is an indication or
caustic detergent. All the exposed
any suspicion that an internal part of a
openings must be covered when clean
machine is overheated, the machine shall
machinery with no wool cloth with a
be stopped.
little water or steam-cleaning (high
Periodically check and clean the pressure cleaning), or any other detergent.
surface of the discharge device, e.g. Prevent the detergent mentioned before
radiator blind, inter cooler, from entering the machine, especially the
water-cooled jacket to prevent exposed openings of motor and power
increasing operating temperature. The switch.
best cleaning schedule must be made
Take all coverings after cleaning.
for every machinery accordingly.
All oil pipes must be checked after
Avoid damages to safety valve or
cleaning to prevent leaks, loose
any other pressure relieving parts. Make
accessories, parts fray or damaged etc.
sure that these devices are not obstructed
Any such these cases must be solved
by paint, carbon or dust to ensure that
they function properly.
Unfastened parts during
Make sure that part weight over
maintenance and repair must be
15kg shall not move or roll when
re-fastened tightly.
removing or repairing an air compressor,
motor or other machines. If a safety device is dismantled
during settings, maintenance or repairs,
this safety device must be re-fixed in red and white safety chains and warning
place immediately and check after such symbol enclosure. Only use insulated
operations are performed. tools.
The methods of disposing
consumable parts and replacements must 3. Safety Regulations
be safe and not polluting environment.
Gas, Dirt, Vapor and Fume
3.6 Special Dangerous Warning
Only with definite authorization,
such operations as weld, flame cutting,
Electricity and polishing shall be performed. These
operations may cause explosion and fire.
All fuses of electrical connections
must be in accordance with the rated Before the operations of welding,
current. The machinery must be shut flame cutting, and polishing, the
down immediately when the electrical machine, its environment around and
system is in a failure. other flammable materials must be
Repairing electrical system or cleaned clearly, and the room must be
devices must be done by skillful ventilated, which there is potentially
specialized electrician or personnel explosive danger.
supervised and directed by such
electrician in accordance with related Must comply with operating area’s
electrization regulations. regulations.
4.1 Layout of Machinery
4.1 Layout of Machinery
4.2 System Flow Diagram of Machinery
4. Design and Functions
Note: In the preceding figure, solid lines indicate the recommended shortest
wiring during system running,
while dotted lines indicate the recommended wiring when air compressor
configuration varies.
4.4 Oil System will automatically reduce side road and
even close the bypass to ensure the oil
All oil is removed from oil tank, majority is cooled, and then
flowing through oil cooler and filter to automatically control the air outlet
compressor element. temperature is within the suitable ranges.
Oil removed by oil separator was The oil functions of injected oil
forced to compressor element through oil screw air compressor are shown as the
pipe. The entire circulation is driven following three aspects: (1) cooling:
through the system’s natural pressure plentiful heat-energy is generated while
differences. The pressure in oil system is the air is compressed. The oil injected
around 0.15MPa, and oil can inject into into the machine will absorb and take
the compressor element at pressure away the heat to get cooled. (2)
0.55MPa, when air outlet pressure is, for Lubrication: Oil will create oil film
instance, 0.7MPa. between two rotors to prevent female and
male rotors contacting directly to avoid
When the screw air compressor runs rotors being abraded. In addition, oil
unloaded, air inlet valve is closed, and a reaches each oiling point, lubricating
vacuum status is generated at the air bearings and gears via the oil piping
receiving area or oil injection area to inside the compressor element. (3) Seal:
ensure that adequate pressure difference viscous oil can fill up the gaps between
and oil-injection volume required. rotors or between the rotor and the
enclosure, in order to reduce the leaking
The oil inside oil separator enters oil loss of compressor element and to
cooler with the function of air pressure, increase the air compressor’s efficiency.
and goes through the compressor element
after cooling, is compressed with the
inspiratory air, and then flows into oil 4.5 Air Flow
separator to complete a circulation.
The function of oil filter is to filter Air drawn through air inlet valve,
the dusts in the oil and make sure that going through air inlet valve to enter
the pure oil is obtained for the compressor element. During the course
compressor element’s bearing and of air compressing, air received is cooled
driven gears and its working cell. by the injected oil, and compressed air
and oil flow into oil tank. After
If the compressor element’s pre-separating and refined separating
temperature is too low, the condensated through oil separator, compressed air
water will be separated out from the with little oil flows through minimum
compressed air, and flows into oil, which pressure valve, after-cooler and to flow
influences the oil life time. To prevent into the user’s general pipe.
the compressor element’s over low
temperature, a temperature control valve
is designed in the middle of oil pipe. 4.6 Air Volume Adjusting Valves
When oil temperature is too low, part of
oil will goes into oil filter directly
through bypass without going through The air volume adjusting system of
the cooler; when oil temperature reaches the machinery is mainly consisting of
a certain value, temperature control valve the following parts: air inlet valve (with
servo air cylinder), air volume adjusting This is to reduce the suction air volume.
valve, air release valve, solenoid valve, The air inlet valve’s throttle effect and
maximum pressure selection valve, system pressure are in direct ratio; the
depressurization valve. higher the system pressure, the smaller
the openness of the air inlet valve is, and
(1) Starting stage the more obvious the throttle effect is.
Press starting button, the motor The air volume adjusting range is
drives the compressor to start working. 100%~30%.
The solenoid valve is deenergized, the air
inlet valve is closed, a little fresh air (4)Unloading running
flows into through the small hole of the When the air volume is 30% less
air inlet valve with the work of suction than the rated exhaust volume, the
vacuum, and then pressure is created pressure inside the system will increase
inside the oil separator. The motor immediately. When the pressure reaches
completes Y-Delta start at a pretty low the rated pressure value +0.02Mpa, the
back pressure. Y-Delta start is converted solenoid valve will close because of
completely in about 6 seconds. de-energizing, releasing the pressure
(2) Normal running through the air release valve to decrease
the pressure inside the oil separator, and
After Y-Delta start is converted, the air compressor is working
solenoid valve is energized, the air unloadingly under at a pretty low back
control piping is connected, the air inlet pressure to save the running energy. If
valve is open, and the compressor is the customer increasing the air used, the
working under the condition of full load. system pressure is decreasing. When
When the pressure inside the oil the pressure is less than unloading
separator reaches approximate 0.35Mpa, pressure, the energized solenoid valve is
the minimum pressure valve is open and open, and the automatic air releasing
the air compressor starts supplying air valve is closed. At the same time, air
outside. At this moment, air inlet valve volume adjusting valve regulates the
keeps the maximum openness, and the suction air volume, and the air inlet valve
machinery is under the condition of full is open, and the air compressor is under
load. As long as the pressure inside the the conditions of full loading.
system is not more than rated pressure,
this kind of status will be kept
continuously. ( 5 ) Shut off the machine and air
(3)Air volume adjusting depressurization
When the air volume is less than Press stop button, and the air
the rated exhaust volume, the pressure compressor stops running. At the same
inside the system will increase. When the time, the solenoid valve is closed
pressure is more than rated pressure, air because of de-energization, the
volume adjusting valve starts moving, controlled air is cut off, and the air
controlling air volume flown into air releasing valve is open to
inlet valve, reducing suction air volume depressurization to complete air
and reducing the air inlet’s openness. depressureization.
5. Transportation and Installation
Important Note
Never lifting binding the
bodywork of air compressor to lift air
Screw air compressor must be
lifted by forklift. The distance between
forks and fork’s length must be
considered in the transportation
Lifting point must be clearly
marked. Machine on the floor must
not be dragged to move.
Danger 6.1 Refrigerating Air Inlet/Outlet
The ground base’s loading
capacity must be considered.
Our company’s Screw Air
The ground base must be solid
Compressor’s rating environment
and level.
temperature and refrigerating air
Arrange air inlet in the place
temperature is -5℃ ~ +45℃. Please
where the aspirated air must be
inquiry with our company if the actual
free of dangerous ingredients,
environment temperature is in excess
such as solvent vapors, dust and
of above rated values.
other dangerous material. This
applies to sputtering sparks.
Important Note To ensure good cooling conditions,
The operator must provide the user must equip with air outlet cover,
ventilate conditions for air which leads the hot wind outside of the
compressor. room. Please see page 11 for the sizes of
Screw air compressor must be kept air outlet cover and the air compressor.
Air compressor must be kept 6.2 Compressed Air Connections
minimum distance from other machinery
to ensure adequate space for
maintenance and repair work.
When screw air compressor is
running, driving motor and compressing
process will generate heat. Screw air
compressor shall relieve part of heat to
the atmosphere around.
Proper ventilation has a great effect
on the air compressor’s working life
and its functions.
7. Adjustments
Maintenance Item
W Change oil
1 New machine must be changed
after running first 500 hours, see
the functional parameter on page
Under the normal working
environment, the oil changing
interval is 3000 hours.
Drain oil at the running temperature. volume, other air such as SO2, solvent
Open the oil filler opening. vapor volume etc, having an very
Close the oil outlet valve of oil tank. important effect on oil changing interval.