Human and Biocultural Evolution
Human and Biocultural Evolution
Human and Biocultural Evolution
Socioeconomic Class
Your take on "tambays" and "political dynasties".
Culture, Society,
and Politics
Came from the Latin word colere (to inhabit, to
cultivate, or to honor).
Political Anthropology
“Anthropos” means human.
"The study of humans"; the social science that seeks to
understand human origins and adaptation, and the
diversity of cultures and worldviews.
It examines and provides explanations for the
existence of different cultural patterns as well as the
similarities and differences between different cultures.
Relativistic Ethnocentric
Approach Approach
Relativistic Approach
Considers cultures as equal. This view holds that there
are no "superior" and "inferior" cultures, and each is
unique in its own way.
Ethnocentric Approach
The belief that one's native culture is superior to other
Ethnocentrism diminishes or invalidates "other" ways of
life and creates a distorted view of one's own. As a
result, this could affect individual behavior and
relationships with other cultures.
Some societies that have the tendency to consider
their culture as inferior to others.
Some Filipinos share the perception that some aspects
of Philippine culture are inferior compared to foreign
cultures, particularly those of our former colonizers.
Sociology is the systematic study of relationships
among people.
Sociology relates culture with the overall context of
social order.
Structural Functionalism
The perspective which describes the society as a
social system that has a social structure of its own,
made up of different parts which are interconnected
and works together in harmony to achieve balance or
social equilibrium.
Symbolic Interactionism
Emphasizes that human behavior is influenced by
definitions and meanings that are created and
maintained through symbolic interaction with others.
Symbolic Interactionism
1. Human beings act toward things on the basis of the
meaning that things have for them.
2. Through interaction with others, the individual
identities the common meaning linked or connected
with the symbols, but may be modified or changed as
time passes by.
Political Science
It is the “master science”. Everything happening in
the society is based on politics.
1. Infographic;
2. A video minimum of 45 seconds