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Power to X Review

Yogi Kipianto, Terry Fernando Roy

Gas Management, Chemical Engineering Department,
University of Indonesia


Economics of many countries is supported by various industries that have a crucial role in the
their national economy. These industries are spread across various sectors ranging from oil &
gas exploration and production, petrochemicals, primary chemical industries, fertilizers,
cement, pulp & paper, power generation, metal smelters, automotive, and other industries
manufacture, making Carbon emission becomes unavoidable, where CO 2 gas as the main
problems affecting environmental sustainability many countries, furthermore at G20 countries
where they already commit to follow Paris Agreement since 2016 in order to reduce carbon
emission (decarbonization). Various scenario options have been studied to offer the most
reliable, efficient, and economical, including the development of CCUS (Carbon Capture
Utilization & Storage) which is integrated with Renewable Energy such as Solar, Wind,
Hydro, and Geothermal. Which, in the end, will not only help to overcome the problem of
carbon emissions or decarbonization but is also expected to produce significant added value in
sustainably improving the national economy of those contries. Power to X will take the
important role to realize that things to realize sustainable energy.

Keywords: Decarbonization, Renewable Energy, Power to X, Sustainable Energy

I. Introduction

Before describing the important role of Power to X to develop sustainable energy, then
we need to know what is Power to X ? Power to X (also known as P2X) describes the
conversion of renewable electricity from wind, water (hydro), solar, or geothermal as primary
energy into an energy carrier (“X”). Power to X allows storage of excess energy for later use
while also absorbing energy fluctuations. These solutions provide an efficient alternative to
curtailment of power generation during periods of surplus production. In addition to balancing
supply and demand, P2X solutions also offer the opportunity to reduce global CO 2 emissions,
which in turn has a positive impact on achieving the goals set out in the Paris Agreement. The
Paris Agreement provides a roadmap for growth based on low-carbon energy, with the target of
replacing fossil fuels with carbon-neutral or zero-carbon energy. There are many usage of
Power to X, but the most common is Power to Syngas. The main steps from Power to X is how
to produce Hydrogen gas (H2), from renewable energy source (wind, hydro, solar, geothermal)
which is clean and not resulting emission of carbon to the environment. The electricity which is
resulted from those renewable energy then is used for splitting water (H2O) into hydrogen and
oxygen, through process called electrolysis by reaction

2H2O(l)  2H2(g) + O2(g)

When renewable power is used for this process, hydrogen becomes a complementary carrier of
renewable energy, therefore that process can be mentioned as “Green Hydrogen”

The hydrogen which is produced then can be used for many usage, it can be used directly for
fuel, heat, or converted furthermore with reaction of another gas where in this case is carbon
dioxide (CO2) for reducing emission to result syngas which has high economics value.

II. Methodology

After hydrogen produced from Electrolysis process, it has been becoming product to be
utilized directly for several purpose, the simple things is becoming fuel to produce energy or
heat. Some of industry has been using Boiler with hydrogen fuel to produce steam since many
years ago. The others industry also already use Gas Turbine with hydrogen fuel, because
hydrogen fuel has plus point where it has caloric value 142 MJ/kg, which is higher than
methane (55 MJ/kg), Gasoline (46 MJ/kg), or coal (32 MJ/kg). In transportation sector,
hydrogen has been used for fuel of electric vehicle such as car through fuel cell. In German the
train with hydrogen fuel also has been developed, and even Airbus has been starting to develop
hydrogen propulsion to power aircraft. All of those hydrogen direct using is environmental
friendly, no carbon emission at all which is becoming the goal to meet The Paris Agreement.


Indonesia has long explored and produced activities as one of the oil and gas-producing
countries. Over time, the production of oil & gas produced at the existing reservoir continues to
decline. Various efforts to increase oil & gas acquisition continue to start from secondary
recovery by injecting steam or gas into the reservoir that has been done until tertiary recovery
using CO2 injection, which is classified as Advance Technology and is one of the applications
of Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Technology Applications and Storage (CCUS).
CCUS technology is still expensive to implement in Enhanced Oil & Gas Recovery. However,
several oil & gas companies in Indonesia have implemented this technology, including being
developed in the Sukowati oil and gas field, East Java by Pertamina EP with commissioning
planned for 2025, and the latest one will also be developed in the Ubadari and Vorwata fields
in West Papua by British Petroleum. Although currently, the technology is still expensive,
imagine how big the benefits are. Reservoirs in Indonesia have varied CO 2 content, around
20% or 30%, and the CO2 content in Natuna's reservoir reached 70%. With CCUS technology,
the huge number of CO2 emissions can be controlled, and even get an increase in oil & gas
acquisition in the existing reservoir (Enhanced Oil & Gas Recovery). So that it has made not
only environmental preservation efforts but also get economic benefits at the same time where
the fluid available for free and massively as associated gas, no need to do a certain steam
injection or chemicals such as alkaline or polymer that requires the cost of consumption units
from injection fluids.
Not only focusing on fossil energy, but the Indonesian government has also targeted the energy
mix in 2025, where the portion of Renewable Energy will be 23%. Of course, this is significant
progress and must be successful. One of Indonesia's most potent forms of renewable energy to
develop is geothermal. Why geothermal? Geothermal energy is very clean and environmentally
friendly energy, varying by the decarbonization effort in Indonesia, where geothermal energy
does not produce carbon emissions because it originates in magma activity so that natural heat
transfer occurs in a certain volume of the earth's crust layer where heat is transferred from
"heat source" (heat source) to "heat disposal" (heat sink) which is generally on the surface of
the earth. The heat obtained is then used to produce steam in the power plant system. In
addition, the extraordinary thing to be grateful for is that Indonesia is blessed with such an
enormous wealth of Geothermal energy; this energy source is abundantly available in
Indonesia and is the largest in the world. The installed power capacity in Indonesia has reached
2130.7 MW of the potential power of 23965.5 MW spread across various parts of Indonesia, so
there is still a huge opportunity to utilize Geothermal energy because not yet 10% of this
energy source has been utilized.

In addition to geothermal energy, nuclear energy is another energy treasure that needs to be
considered. Currently, Indonesia has a large enough Uranium mining potential which is
estimated at 90 thousand tons, which can build approximately 12 Giga Watt (GW) Nuclear
Power Plants (PLTN) for 30 years. Even then, the potential for Thorium mines is estimated to
reach 140 thousand tons that can be used to develop nuclear power plants with a capacity of
548 GW for 30 years. In the Draft Law (RUU) on New & Renewable Energy that is being
discussed, this energy is categorized as a new energy source. Electricity generated from
Nuclear energy does not even produce carbon emissions at all. Nuclear power plants do not
release smoke or dust from combustion either through the chimney or directly into the
environment. Nuclear power plants are environmentally friendly energy whose carbon
footprint is relatively small, and the waste has clear control rules, which is very in line with the
Decarbonization efforts that are being carried out in Indonesia. Nuclear power plants will
relatively reduce oil-related consumption to overcome the energy crisis due to declining oil
reserves and provide energy independence and supply security, especially during the current
global and geopolitical situation, such as the Ukraine-Russia war, which resulted in high oil
and gas prices. Thus, several countries focus on nuclear energy to ensure energy availability.

II. Main idea

The use of CCUS has the potential to be developed in increasing oil & gas recovery (Enhanced
oil & gas recovery) in existing reservoirs. Its working principle is based on CO2 injected from a
wellhead into an oil and gas reservoir. In addition to its abundant availability, CO 2 is classified
as a fluid that has "friendly" or miscible properties to hydrocarbons, where CO 2 then occupies
the hydrocarbon space in the rock shaft and pushes the hydrocarbons toward the Producing
Well. According to standards from the US Department of Energy, the process is carried out at
pressures above 1200 psi and temperatures in excess of 250 ˚F. Sources of CO 2, apart from the
reservoir (associated gas), can also come from emissions from fossil energy combustion in
various industries such as petrochemicals, basic chemicals, fertilizers, power plants, cement,
metal smelters, and so on. So far, CO2 emissions from these factories are discharged directly
into the air through chimneys. This is certainly one of the main sources of air pollution.
Suppose the CO2 produced by these industries can be channeled through a pipeline to be used
as an injection fluid for Enhanced Oil & Gas Recovery in oil and gas fields. In that case, it will
certainly help the decarbonization process.

For this reason, it is necessary to formulate policies that regulate this, such as implementing a
carbon tax imposed on industries that produce carbon emissions. Conversely, tax incentives are
given to industries that want to accommodate CO2. Thus a carbon trading scheme will be
formed and will certainly support Decarbonization in Indonesia. For example, industrial CO 2
emitting industries operating in South Sumatra, such as the Pertamina Plaju refinery, PT Pupuk
Sriwijaya, PLN generators, and other factories there, can conduct carbon trading through
pipelines to be sent to the oil and gas field in Prabumulih. In addition to pipelines, carbon
trading can also use vessels or ships if the distance between the industrial CO 2 source and the
oil and gas field is very far across the sea. Still, it is also necessary to build a CO 2 storage tank
at the collecting and receiving land stations.

CCUS technology is not only implemented to increase oil & gas recovery, but more than that,
it can produce something more value-added if it is integrated with Green Hydrogen technology
which is based on New & Renewable Energy, where Geothermal and Nuclear Energy can play
a very vital role. Geothermal Power Generation systems can be classified into three types:
1. Dry Steam Cycle. The hot steam from the geothermal production well is directly used
to turn the turbine. After the hot steam leaves the turbine, it is condensed in the
condenser, then the water produced is injected back into the earth through the injection
2. Flash Steam Cycle. Where the production well produces steam and water, it needs to be
separated first in the separator, and then the steam fraction is flowed to rotate the
turbine. At the same time, the water fraction is combined with water flow from the
condenser to be re-injected back into the injection well.
3. Binary Cycle. Generally found in reservoirs that have low temperatures, which consist
of 2 cycles. Cycle 1 comes from hot water originating from the production wells, is
channeled to the Heat Exchanger, and then returns to the injection well. Cycle 2 comes
from a working fluid that has a lower boiling point than water (generally vaporized
butted) which is flowed to the heat exchanger so that it changes the phase to steam to
then flow to rotate the turbine and return to the heat exchanger.
4. Dry Steam Cycle. Where the hot steam originating from the geothermal production well
is directly used to rotate the turbine. After the hot steam comes out, the turbine is
condensed in the condenser, then the water produced is injected back into the earth
through the injection well.
5. Flash Steam Cycle. Where in the production wells produce steam and water, so it needs
to be separated first in the separator, then the vapor fraction is flowed to rotate the
turbine, while the water fraction is combined with the flow of water from the condenser
to be injected back into the injection well
6. Binary Cycle. Generally found in reservoirs with low temperatures, which consist of 2
cycles. Cycle 1 comes from hot water from the production well, flows into the Heat
Exchanger, and then returns to the injection well. Cycle 2 comes from the working
fluid, which has a lower boiling point than water (generally vaporized butane) which is
flowed to the Heat Exchanger so that it changes phase to steam to then be flowed to
rotate the turbine and back again to the Heat Exchanger.
Meanwhile, the technology of nuclear power plant reactors or nuclear power plants has
undergone several developments, namely as follows:
1. Generation nuclear reactors 1. Generation 1 nuclear reactors are nuclear reactors
developed from 1950 to 1960, built during the early development of nuclear energy
2. Nuclear reactor generation 2. This nuclear reactor was built from around 1960 to 1980.
Basically a second-generation nuclear reactor. The design of the second-generation
nuclear reactor is no longer carried out per unit but is developed towards a standard
design. The second-generation reactor has been equipped with a reliable and adequate
safety system. The types of second-generation nuclear reactors include: Pressurized
Water Reactor (PWR), Boiling Water Reactor (BWR), Pressurized Heavy Water
Reactor (PHWR), Gas Cooled Reactor (GCR), High-Temperature Reactor (HTR),
Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR) and Bolshoy Moshchnosti Kanalniy
Reactor (RBMK)
3. Nuclear reactor generation 3. Nuclear reactors are designed to increase safety and
reliability. The third generation nuclear reactor is still of the same type as the 2 nd
generation nuclear reactor
4. Nuclear reactor generation 3+. This reactor is a further development of the 3rd
generation nuclear reactor, which applies more passive safety systems and simplifies
the design. The 3+ generation reactors include APR (Advanced Power Reactor), EPR
(European Power Reactor), APWR (Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor), AP-1000,
SBWR (Simplified Boiling Water Reactor), and CANDU-9. In general, nuclear reactors
built after 2000 are generation 3+. nuclear reactors
5. Nuclear reactor generation 4. This generation reactor was developed to answer the
problems that had not been solved in the previous generation, namely the problem of
availability of nuclear fuel, long-term handling of nuclear waste, and increased safety of
nuclear materials.
6. The six types of generation IV power reactors are Very High-Temperature Reactor
(VHTR), Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR), Gas Cooled Fast Reactor (GFR), Liquid
metal cooled Fast Reactor (LFR), Molten Salt Reactor (MSR), and the Super Critical
Water-cooled Reactor (SCWR).

Some of the electricity generated from Geothermal and Nuclear plants can be used to carry out
the electrolysis of water to produce Hydrogen (H2) gas, also known as Green Hydrogen,
because there are no carbon emissions.

2H2O(l)  2H2(g) + O2(g)

The hydrogen gas will then become the main raw material for producing various chemical
products with high selling values. One of them is to produce ammonia (NH 3) which can later
be processed into fertilizer. In contrast, the other main raw material, namely Nitrogen (N2), is
available in nature massively in the air.

N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)

The other chemical derivative products that can be produced by involving CO 2 sources as raw
materials through Green Hydrogen are Methanol (CH3OH), where the manufacturing process
is referred to as the Hydrogenation process.

CO2(g) + 3H2(g)  CH3OH(g) + H2O(l)

Methanol production is a form of added value from CCUS technology, where methanol can be
used as plastic raw material, solvent, and alternative fuel. Even methanol can be further
processed into Dimethyl Ether / DME (CH 3OCH3) through the Dehydration process using an
Al2O3 catalyst.

2CH3OH  CH3OCH3 + H2O

Currently, the government has announced the substitution of LPG with DME but still uses coal
sources, where the production facilities are now being developed through the cooperation of
PT. Pertamina, PT Bukit Asam, Air Products in South Sumatra to save LPG imports which
have touched 80 trillion rupiahs. By utilizing CO 2, without using coal, it turns out that DME
can also be produced, which can provide enormous savings for the country.

III. Conclusion

Thus it can be said that CO2, which has been a source of environmental pollution problems, can
be a raw material for producing high-value chemical products such as methanol and DME.
Besides can also be used for other important things, namely as an injection fluid in increasing
the acquisition of oil & gas in the reservoir (enhanced oil & gas recovery). This is certainly a
double advantage because CCUS technology not only produces high economic benefits but is
also in line with the decarbonization business to strengthen the sustainable economy in

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