Renewal of Contractual Employees
Renewal of Contractual Employees
Renewal of Contractual Employees
दिनांक: 21.12.2022
With the approval of the Competent Authority, it has been decided to extend the
contract of persons engaged in this Authority as per the list given below for the period
indicated against their names. All the persons whose names are appearing in the list are
required to collect the agreement proforma from HR division and execute it latest by
13.01.2023. In case of failure of execution of agreement, the remuneration of the concerned
shall not be released. The list is as under:-
2. The controlling officers must observe the need for continuous appraisal of their
performance. Instruction for improvement wherever required may be issued by the
Controlling Officer. In the case personnel indulging in misconduct and non-performing as
required, the Controlling officer shall issue necessary caution note. Copies of such
advices/displeasure notes should be endorsed to HR division for record and appropriate
(Keerti Raj)
Assistant Director (HR)
1. ED(HR)/ED(CS)
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