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Food Hygiene and Safety Practices of Food Establis

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Article  in  International Journal of Advanced Research · May 2021

DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/12904

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2 authors:

Jamie Ann Dollentas Fely Antes Habla

Sorsogon State University 3 PUBLICATIONS   0 CITATIONS   

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(05), 794-797

Journal Homepage: -www.journalijar.com

Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/12904
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/12904


Jamie Ann Tamano Dollentas RN LPT and Fely Antes Habla, EdD
Sorsogon State University, School of Graduate Studies, Sorsogon City
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History Everyone has anequal right to adequate, appropriate,nutritious, and safe
Received: 25 March 2021 food but along with this right comes a great responsibility which is to
Final Accepted: 29 April 2021 ensure food safety for all. Republic Act 10611 otherwise known as the
Published: May 2021 “Food Safety Act of 2013” was signed into law by President Benigno
Aquino to strengthen the country’s food regulatory structure. It
Food Hygiene, Food Safety, Food Safety primarily adheres to the declaration of the Philippine constitution to
Practices Food Establishments, Food- safeguard and promote the right of the people to health and keep them
Borne Illness from risk of trade mismanagement as well as hazardous and unsafe
products. The law affirms food safety as a vital componentof nation-
building to facilitate healthy economy, system, community, and people.
On the other hand, altered food safety and security hampers economic
development by straining the health care systems, weakening
productivity, and damaging the economy.It istherefore imperative to
realize the significance of food safety to attain a nation’ssustainable
advancement. Nonetheless, there has been less evidence on the status of
food hygiene and safety practices of food establishments.Mainly, this
study aimed to determine the food hygiene and safety practices of food
establishments. Inparticular,it answered the assessment of the
respondents on food hygiene practices of the food establishments along
personal hygiene, food preparation practices, safe food storage,
andutensils and equipment. Likewise, it identified the food safety
practices as perceived by the same groups of respondents in terms of
food handling, physical condition, food management system, and health
standards implementation. It also investigated if there is a significant
difference between the perspectives of the respondents as well as the
problems encountered by food establishments. To attain the purpose of
this study, a survey type of research was conducted employing a
survey-questionnaire as the main instrument in data gathering.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2021,. All rights reserved.

Food safety, nutrition, and food security are integrallyassociated and interrelated (WHO, 2019). Food hygiene and
food safety are essential to safeguard the health and avoid health risks that will threaten the well-being of the
consumers. In food businesses, it means adhering to processes and practices hygienically while carrying out food
tasks. Unsafe food does not only impact human health but adversely affects socioeconomic productivity as well.
Many of the food-related crises and problems thatmost consumers are facing now are not new. Since history was

Corresponding Author:- Jamie Ann Tamano Dollentas 794

Address:- Sorsogon State University, Graduate Studies.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(05), 794-797

first recorded, under-reported foodborne diseases have already been an existing health problem thatgreatly
endangersoptimum human health and well-being.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that in 2010, 600 million illnesses and 420,000 deaths
occurred from consumption of contaminated food (2017). Another study by Azanza, Membrebe, Sanchez et al.
(2019) detailed 209 reported Philippines Foodborne Disease Outbreaks (FBDOs) for the period of 2005 up to June
of 2018. This portrays that everybody is unprotected to the endlessfoodborne and food-related health risks if food
safety is non-meticulously laid into practice.

In addition, these lengthy crisesare worsened by the occurrence of a worldwide pandemic brought about by the
Covid-19 Virus. Severe outbreaks of theillnesscaused by this virus along other food-relatedillnesses symbolizethe
present public health status of our society. Consequently, itimplies the need for a reinforced social action to grasp
the significance of food safety to combat these diseases that have been documented on every continent of the world.
The young, elderly, immunocompromised, and poor are the sectors who are most unprotected and susceptible to
these hazards. Moreover, it does not only disturb people’s health and well-being, but also partakesunfavorable
economic effects for individuals, families, communities, industries, countries, and the world at large.

Furthermore, this Covid-19 pandemic is one of the major challengesin food safety validation system to determine
thefood hygiene and safety practices of these food establishments. During this time of the pandemic, the
Government’s focus is diverted and divided thus, causing restricted time for monitoring to ensure food safety among
these food establishments.

Statement of the Problem
This study determined the Food Hygiene and Safety Practices of Food Establishments as perceived by service crews
and customers. Specifically, itanswered and identified the food hygiene practices of the respondents in terms of
personalhygiene, food preparation, safe food storage, and utensils and equipment. Additionally, food safety practices
along food handling, physical condition, food management system, and health standards implementationwere also
determined. The difference between the perception of the two groups of respondents was established. Also, it
enumerated the problems encountered by food establishments regarding the implementation of food hygiene and
food safety practices; and as a result, proposed food hygiene and safety moderation plan was developed to improve
the food hygiene and safety practices of these food establishments.

To determinethe food hygiene and safety practices along the identified variables as perceived by the respondents of
this study who are servicecrews and customers of food establishments,asurvey type of research was conducted. It
utilized a survey-questionnaire with three parts that was subjected to reliability test using a Cronbach’s alpha. A
survey-questionnaire and unstructured interviewwere used asinstruments to collectthe actual data from the
respondents that were selected through purposive and convenience random sampling. Prior to actual data gathering
to a total of 100 respondents from 20 registered food establishments, a dry run was accomplishedon 20 respondents
on 4 random food establishments to ensure the validity of the instrument. The results of the data gathered were
tabulated, analyzed and interpreted using appropriate statistical toolssuch as weighted mean, T-test for independent
sample, frequency count, and rank.

Result And Discussion:-

Based on the analysis and interpretation of the data, the following findings revealed that the service crews strongly
agreed on alltheidentified variables. They strongly agreed that employees of food establishments have good
personalhygiene with a weighted mean of 4.76 andobserves suitable food preparation practices with 4.81 weighted
mean. In terms of safe food storage,it had a result of 4.75 and lastly, result also showed a weighted meanof 4.67
along utensils and equipment which suggests that this group strongly agreed that food establishments have safe food
storage and uses appropriate utensils and equipment. In relation,the customers also agreed that all the variables
under Food Hygiene are being employed. Results of weighted mean on specific variables such as Personal hygiene
practices showed a result of 4.29 and along food preparation with 4.31 whichreflected that therespondents agreed
that employees follow both personal and food preparation practices. Moreover, it was also agreed on that food

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(05), 794-797

establishments have safe food storage and uses proper utensils and equipment with a weighted mean of 4.36 and
4.31, respectively.

Similarly, the service crews strongly agreed that food establishments follow food safety practices of in terms of
proper food handling with a weighted mean of 4.67 and has good physical condition of facilities with a result of
4.65. The result also showed that it adheres to strict food safety management system with a weighted mean of4.68.
Additionally, enforcement of Covid-19 minimum health protocols was also strongly agreed by the respondents as
result disclosed a weighted mean of4.60.The assessment of the customers in general, agreed that food establishments
adhere to food safety practices along food handling with a 4.25 weighted mean. Provision of suitable physical
condition of facilitiespresented a result of 4.43 and adherence to applicable food safety management system with
4.27 which means that it was agreed upon by this group.Lastly, along health standards implementation, results
displayed that they agree that food establishments obey strict Covid 19 health standard protocols with a 4.19
weighted mean.

Relative to personal hygiene, the t computed value of 3.69 is greater than the t critical value of 1.98 with degrees of
freedom of 98 at 0.05 level of significance. Therefore, there is a significant difference between the assessment of
service crews and customers on food hygiene of food establishments. Similarly, there is a significant difference
between the assessment along food preparation of service crews and customers as the t computed value of 2.70
exceeds the t critical value of 1.98 at 0.05 level of significance with degrees of freedom of 98. Hence, the rejection
of the null hypothesis. In addition, there is a significant difference between the assessment of the service crews and
customersas result showed that the t computed values of 4.28 and 4.83 are greater than the t critical value of 1.98
with degrees of freedom of 98 at 0.05 level of significance in terms of safe food storage and use of proper utensils
and equipment, respectively.

There is also a significant difference between the assessment of the two groupsof respondents in terms of food
handling, food management system, and health standards implementationas the t computed values of 3.04, 2.56, and
2.44 are greater that the t critical value of 1.98 at 0.05 level of significance with degrees of freedom of 98,
respectively. Nonetheless, the t computed value of 0.70 is less than the t critical value of 1.98 with degrees of
freedom of 98 at 0.05 level of significance which means that there is no significant difference between the
assessment of both respondents on the physical condition of the establishments.

The service crews and customers identified the three most critical problems encountered by food establishments
along food hygiene. These are as follows; 1) Insufficient supplies used in food preparation, 2) Inadequate utensils
and equipment and limited water supply and toilet facilities, and 3) Unavailability of protective personal equipment
(PPE) among food handlers.

With regards to food safety practices, there were also three similar critical problems encountered by both
respondents. The following problems are as follows; 1) Insufficient floor space, lighting and ventilation, 2) Poor
working relationship with co-workers and 3) Time pressure caused by poor staffing and volume of customers.

Based on the results, a proposed food hygiene and safety moderation plan was developed to improve the food
hygiene and safety practices of these food establishments.

The following conclusions were drawn based on the findings of the study. As perceived by service crews and
customers, food establishments display appropriate food hygiene practices along personal hygiene, food preparation,
safe food storage, and utensils and equipment. Similarly, suitable food safety practices were also perceived to be
implemented in terms of food handling, physical condition, food safety management, and health standards

There is a significant difference between the perceptions of service crews and customers in terms of Food Hygiene
along personal hygiene, food preparation, safe food storage, and utensils and equipment.However, in terms of Food
safety practices, there is significant difference between the assessment of the two groups of respondents in terms of
food handling, food management system, and Health Standards implementation but there is no significant difference
along the perception of respondents regarding physical condition.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(05), 794-797

Three most critical problems in food establishments as assessed by both groups of respondentsalong food hygiene
are 1) insufficient supplies used in food preparation, 2) inadequate utensils and equipment, and limited water supply
and toilet facilities, and 3)unavailability of protective personal equipment (PPE) among food handlers.
Correspondingly, with regards to food safety practices the following problems werediscovered: 1) insufficient floor
space, lighting and ventilation,2) poor working relationship with co-workers and 3) time pressure caused by poor
staffing and volume of customers.

The following recommendations were suggested based on the prior conclusions. Food Establishments may develop
and employ an approach to furnish long-term accomplishment in delivering excellent customer satisfaction through
Total Quality Management System (TQM). Food establishment Owners may work collaboratively with Related
Government Agencies to enhance the Food safety practices by creating policy groundwork and clear-cut protocols
on food safety.They may also adapt the standards of the TQM and make improvements by employing effective
methods for a continuous and constructive communication with the customers though feedback mechanisms and
other activities that involve customer’s participation. Further, Food establishment management may develop
operational management policies focused on areas such as personal and must address the need for food handlers to
comply with the health standards by ensuring the provision of required work resources and trainings on food safety,
customer relations and teamwork. The Food Hygiene and Safety Moderation Plan may be submitted to proper
authorities for further review and evaluation prior to its implementation. And lastly, further research in line with the
present study may be conducted in a wider scope to supplement the findings revealed in this study.

1. Azanza, M. V., Membrebe, B. Q,Sanchez, R . R., Estili, E. C., Dollete U. R, Feliciano, R. J., and Garcia, K. A.
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University of the Philippines. Retrieved from https://philjournalsci.dost.gov.ph/images/pdf/pjs_pdf/vol148no2/
2. Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 10611. Joint DA-DOH Administrative Order
No.2015-0007. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/3g7Ytqd
3. World Health Organization (2020). WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-
19.Retrieved from:https://tinyurl.com/cbb2tm6d
4. World Health Organization (2020). “Corona Virus Diseases (COVID-19) pandemic” Retrieved from:
5. World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2020). COVID-19
And Food Safety: Guidance for Food Businesses. Retrieved from: https://tinyurl.com/hc8jr6v4.


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