Activity 1 Conceptual FrameWork

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Activity 1: Conceptualize me

Read and analyze the Statement of the Problem below and prepare a Conceptual Framework.
Illustrate and explain your conceptual framework.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to assess the readiness of locally-produced products in the municipality of Narra
in International Trade.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What locally-produced products in the Municipality of Narra have potential for
 Rice is the product in the municipality of narra that has potential to exporting.

2. What are the issues encountered by local product manufacturers affecting export
readiness; and
 Improved financial performance: If you have product that sells in your domestic
market, having a larger market base will allow you to increase sales volumes. As your
sales grow, you can also increase your profitability by reducing costs through
economies of scale.
 Risk mitigation: As you expand into new markets, you can reduce your
dependability on the performance of a single market.
 Gain new knowledge: The experience your company gains in the global market will
help you to become more competitive both domestically and internationally. If your
product proves to be successful in new markets, it will provide some resilience from
foreign competition in your domestic market.

3. What is the level of readiness of local products to exportation?

 Your business must have a developed product or service, an established business
model, and an established international market entry strategy in order to be

Activity II : Provide the conceptual and operational definitions of the following variables.

Variables Conceptual Definition Operational Definition

Extracurricular activities are an activity, performed by

defined as academic or non- students, that falls outside the
Extra-curricular activities
academic activities that are realm of the normal
conducted under the auspices curriculum of school, college
of the school but occur or university education.
outside of normal classroom
time and are not part of the
School readiness School readiness can be School readiness means each
defined generally as the child enters school ready to
skills, knowledge, and engage in and benefit from
abilities that children need to early learning experiences
succeed in formal schooling, that best promote the child's
which, for most, begins at success.
Skills and competencies the ability to do something the ability to do something
successfully or efficiently; the successfully or efficiently; the
scope of a person's or group's scope of a person's or group's
knowledge or ability; a skill knowledge or ability; a skill
or ability'. or ability'.
Academic performance Academic performance/ Academic performance is the
achievement is the extent to measurement of student
which a student, teacher, or achievement across various
institution has attained their academic subjects.
short or long-term
educational goals and is
measured either by
continuous assessment or
cumulative grade point
Bridging Program A bridging program is a A bridging program is a
short-term, targeted short-term, targeted
preparation course that preparation course that
supports student's success, supports student's success,
taking various forms such as taking various forms such as
language acquisition and/ or language acquisition and/ or
other existing differences other existing differences
between home and host between home and host
education curricula and education curricula and
systems for entry into a systems for entry into a
different type of certified different type of certified
education. education.

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