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STANDARD 26262-12

First edition

Road vehicles — Functional safety —

Part 12:
Adaptation of ISO 26262 for
Véhicules routiers — Sécurité fonctionnelle —
Partie 12: Adaptation de l'ISO 26262 pour les motocycles

Reference number
ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

© ISO 2018
ISO 26262-12:2018(E)


© ISO 2018
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Contents Page

Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. vi
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4 Requirements for compliance................................................................................................................................................................. 2
4.1 Purpose........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4.2 General requirements........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
4.3 Interpretations of tables.................................................................................................................................................................. 3
4.4 ASIL-dependent requirements and recommendations........................................................................................ 3
4.5 Adaptation for motorcycles........................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.6 Adaptation for trucks, buses, trailers and semi-trailers...................................................................................... 4
5 General topics for adaptation for motorcycles...................................................................................................................... 4
5.1 Objectives..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.2 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
6 Safety culture............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
6.1 Objective........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
6.2 Requirements and recommendations.................................................................................................................................. 5
7 Confirmation measures.................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
7.1 Objective........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
7.2 Requirements and recommendations.................................................................................................................................. 6
8 Hazard analysis and risk assessment...........................................................................................................................................11
8.1 Objectives.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
8.2 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
8.3 Input to this clause............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
8.3.1 Prerequisites..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
8.3.2 Further supporting information....................................................................................................................... 12
8.4 Requirements and recommendations............................................................................................................................... 12
8.4.1 Initiation of the hazard analysis and risk assessment................................................................... 12
8.4.2 Situation analysis and hazard identification......................................................................................... 12
8.4.3 Classification of hazardous events................................................................................................................. 13
8.4.4 Determination of safety goals............................................................................................................................. 17
8.4.5 Verification.......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
8.5 Work products....................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
9 Vehicle integration and testing............................................................................................................................................................18
9.1 Objective..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
9.2 Requirements and recommendations............................................................................................................................... 18
9.2.1 Vehicle integration....................................................................................................................................................... 18
9.2.2 Test goals and test methods during vehicle testing......................................................................... 18
10 Safety validation.................................................................................................................................................................................................20
10.1 Objective..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
10.2 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
10.3 Inputs to this clause.......................................................................................................................................................................... 21
10.3.1 Prerequisites..................................................................................................................................................................... 21
10.3.2 Further supporting information....................................................................................................................... 21
10.4 Requirements and recommendations............................................................................................................................... 21
10.4.1 Safety validation environment........................................................................................................................... 21
10.4.2 Specification of safety validation..................................................................................................................... 21
10.4.3 Execution of safety validation............................................................................................................................. 22
10.4.4 Evaluation............................................................................................................................................................................ 23

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10.5 Work products....................................................................................................................................................................................... 23

Annex A (informative) Overview of and workflow of adaptation of the ISO 26262 series of
standards for motorcycles........................................................................................................................................................................24
Annex B (informative) Hazard analysis and risk assessment for motorcycles.......................................................30
Annex C (informative) Example of controllability classification techniques...........................................................38
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 42

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www​.iso​.org/directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www​.iso​.org/patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following
URL: www​.iso​.org/iso/foreword​.html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 32,
Electrical and electronic components and general system aspects.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www​.iso​.org/members​.html.
A list of all parts in the ISO 26262 series can be found on the ISO website.

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

The ISO 26262 series of standards is the adaptation of IEC 61508 series of standards to address the
sector specific needs of electrical and/or electronic (E/E) systems within road vehicles.
This adaptation applies to all activities during the safety lifecycle of safety-related systems comprised
of electrical, electronic and software components.
Safety is one of the key issues in the development of road vehicles. Development and integration of
automotive functionalities strengthen the need for functional safety and the need to provide evidence
that functional safety objectives are satisfied.
With the trend of increasing technological complexity, software content and mechatronic
implementation, there are increasing risks from systematic failures and random hardware failures,
these being considered within the scope of functional safety. ISO  26262 series of standards includes
guidance to mitigate these risks by providing appropriate requirements and processes.
To achieve functional safety, the ISO 26262 series of standards:
a) provides a reference for the automotive safety lifecycle and supports the tailoring of the activities
to be performed during the lifecycle phases, i.e., development, production, operation, service and
b) provides an automotive-specific risk-based approach to determine integrity levels [Automotive
Safety Integrity Levels (ASILs)];
c) uses ASILs to specify which of the requirements of ISO 26262 are applicable to avoid unreasonable
residual risk;
d) provides requirements for functional safety management, design, implementation, verification,
validation and confirmation measures; and
e) provides requirements for relations between customers and suppliers.
The ISO 26262 series of standards is concerned with functional safety of E/E systems that is achieved
through safety measures including safety mechanisms. It also provides a framework within which
safety-related systems based on other technologies (e.g. mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic) can be
The achievement of functional safety is influenced by the development process (including such
activities as requirements specification, design, implementation, integration, verification, validation
and configuration), the production and service processes and the management processes.
Safety is intertwined with common function-oriented and quality-oriented activities and work
products. The ISO 26262 series of standards addresses the safety-related aspects of these activities and
work products.
Figure 1 shows the overall structure of the ISO 26262 series of standards. The ISO 26262 series of
standards is based upon a V-model as a reference process model for the different phases of product
development. Within the figure:
— the shaded “V”s represent the interconnection among ISO  26262-3, ISO  26262-4, ISO  26262-5,
ISO 26262-6 and ISO 26262-7;
— for motorcycles:
— ISO 26262-12:2018, Clause 8 supports ISO 26262-3;
— ISO 26262-12:2018, Clauses 9 and 10 support ISO 26262-4;
— the specific clauses are indicated in the following manner: “m-n”, where “m” represents the number
of the particular part and “n” indicates the number of the clause within that part.

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

EXAMPLE “2-6” represents ISO 26262-2:2018, Clause 6.

Figure 1 — Overview of the ISO 26262 series of standards

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Road vehicles — Functional safety —

Part 12:
Adaptation of ISO 26262 for motorcycles

1 Scope
This document is intended to be applied to safety-related systems that include one or more electrical
and/or electronic (E/E) systems and that are installed in series production road vehicles, excluding
mopeds. This document does not address unique E/E systems in special vehicles such as E/E systems
designed for drivers with disabilities.
NOTE Other dedicated application-specific safety standards exist and can complement the ISO 26262 series
of standards or vice versa.

Systems and their components released for production, or systems and their components already under
development prior to the publication date of this document, are exempted from the scope of this edition.
This document addresses alterations to existing systems and their components released for production
prior to the publication of this document by tailoring the safety lifecycle depending on the alteration.
This document addresses integration of existing systems not developed according to this document and
systems developed according to this document by tailoring the safety lifecycle.
This document addresses possible hazards caused by malfunctioning behaviour of safety-related E/E
systems, including interaction of these systems. It does not address hazards related to electric shock,
fire, smoke, heat, radiation, toxicity, flammability, reactivity, corrosion, release of energy and similar
hazards, unless directly caused by malfunctioning behaviour of safety-related E/E systems.
This document describes a framework for functional safety to assist the development of safety-
related E/E systems. This framework is intended to be used to integrate functional safety activities
into a company-specific development framework. Some requirements have a clear technical focus to
implement functional safety into a product; others address the development process and can therefore
be seen as process requirements in order to demonstrate the capability of an organization with respect
to functional safety.
This document does not address the nominal performance of E/E systems.
This document specifies the requirements for adaptation for motorcycles, including the following:
— general topics for adaptation for motorcycles;
— safety culture;
— confirmation measures;
— hazard analysis and risk assessment;
— vehicle integration and testing; and
— safety validation.
Annex A provides an overview on objectives, prerequisites and work products of this document.

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 26262-1, Road vehicles — Functional safety — Part 1: Vocabulary
ISO 26262-2:2018, Road vehicles — Functional safety — Part 2: Management of functional safety
ISO 26262-3:2018, Road vehicles — Functional safety — Part 3: Concept phase
ISO 26262-4:2018, Road vehicles — Functional safety — Part 4: Product development at the system level
ISO 26262-5:2018, Road vehicles — Functional safety — Part 5: Product development at the hardware level
ISO 26262-6:2018, Road vehicles — Functional safety — Part 6: Product development at the software level
ISO  26262-7:2018, Road vehicles — Functional safety — Part 7: Production, operation, service and
ISO 26262-8:2018, Road vehicles — Functional safety — Part 8: Supporting processes
ISO 26262-9:2018, Road vehicles — Functional safety — Part 9: Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL)-
oriented and safety-oriented analyses

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms, definitions and abbreviated terms given in
ISO 26262-1 apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:​//www​.electropedia​.org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:​//www​.iso​.org/obp

4 Requirements for compliance

4.1 Purpose
This clause describes how:
a) to achieve compliance with the ISO 26262 series of standards;
b) to interpret the tables used in the ISO 26262 series of standards; and
c) to interpret the applicability of each clause, depending on the relevant ASIL(s).

4.2 General requirements

When claiming compliance with the ISO 26262 series of standards, each requirement shall be met,
unless one of the following applies:
a) tailoring of the safety activities in accordance with ISO 26262-2 has been performed that shows
that the requirement does not apply; or
b) a rationale is available that the non-compliance is acceptable and the rationale has been evaluated
in accordance with ISO 26262-2.

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Informative content, including notes and examples, is only for guidance in understanding, or for
clarification of the associated requirement, and shall not be interpreted as a requirement itself or as
complete or exhaustive.
The results of safety activities are given as work products. “Prerequisites” are information which shall
be available as work products of a previous phase. Given that certain requirements of a clause are
ASIL‑dependent or may be tailored, certain work products may not be needed as prerequisites.
“Further supporting information” is information that can be considered, but which in some cases is not
required by the ISO 26262 series of standards as a work product of a previous phase and which may be
made available by external sources that are different from the persons or organizations responsible for
the functional safety activities.

4.3 Interpretations of tables

Tables are normative or informative depending on their context. The different methods listed in a table
contribute to the level of confidence in achieving compliance with the corresponding requirement. Each
method in a table is either:
a) a consecutive entry (marked by a sequence number in the leftmost column, e.g. 1, 2, 3), or
b) an alternative entry (marked by a number followed by a letter in the leftmost column, e.g. 2a, 2b, 2c).
For consecutive entries, all listed highly recommended and recommended methods in accordance with
the ASIL apply. It is allowed to substitute a highly recommended or recommended method by others
not listed in the table, in this case, a rationale shall be given describing why these comply with the
corresponding requirement. If a rationale can be given to comply with the corresponding requirement
without choosing all entries, a further rationale for omitted methods is not necessary.
For alternative entries, an appropriate combination of methods shall be applied in accordance with the
ASIL indicated, independent of whether they are listed in the table or not. If methods are listed with
different degrees of recommendation for an ASIL, the methods with the higher recommendation should
be preferred. A rationale shall be given that the selected combination of methods or even a selected
single method complies with the corresponding requirement.
NOTE A rationale based on the methods listed in the table is sufficient. However, this does not imply a bias
for or against methods not listed in the table.

For each method, the degree of recommendation to use the corresponding method depends on the ASIL
and is categorized as follows:
— “++” indicates that the method is highly recommended for the identified ASIL;
— “+” indicates that the method is recommended for the identified ASIL; and
— “o” indicates that the method has no recommendation for or against its usage for the identified ASIL.

4.4 ASIL-dependent requirements and recommendations

The requirements or recommendations of each sub-clause shall be met for ASIL A, B, C and D, if not
stated otherwise. These requirements and recommendations refer to the ASIL of the safety goal.
If ASIL decomposition has been performed at an earlier stage of development, in accordance with
ISO 26262-9:2018, Clause 5, the ASIL resulting from the decomposition shall be met.
If an ASIL is given in parentheses in the ISO 26262 series of standards, the corresponding sub-clause
shall be considered as a recommendation rather than a requirement for this ASIL. This has no link with
the parenthesis notation related to ASIL decomposition.

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

4.5 Adaptation for motorcycles

For items or elements of motorcycles for which requirements of this document are applicable, the
requirements of this document supersede the corresponding requirements in other parts.

4.6 Adaptation for trucks, buses, trailers and semi-trailers

Content that is intended to be unique for trucks, buses, trailers and semi-trailers (T&B) is indicated
as such.

5 General topics for adaptation for motorcycles

5.1 Objectives
The objective of this clause is to give an overview of the adaptation of the ISO 26262 series of standards
for motorcycles.

5.2 General
In order for E/E systems on motorcycles to comply with the ISO 26262 series of standards, all of the
requirements of ISO  26262-2 through ISO  26262-9 shall be met. However, as described in 4.5, some
requirements may require a degree of tailoring in order to apply to motorcycles. In such cases, these
tailored requirements supersede the corresponding requirements of the ISO 26262 series of standards.
The specific requirements for motorcycles described in this document correspond to requirements of
ISO 26262-2:2018, 5.4.2, requirements in ISO 26262-2:2018, 6.4.9, requirements in ISO 26262-3:2018,
Clause 6, ISO  26262-3:2018, Annex B, requirements in ISO  26262-4:2018, 7.4.4, and requirement in
ISO 26262-4:2018, Clause 8.
NOTE The following definitions and abbreviations are specific for motorcycles and are used in this
document. These are described in ISO 26262-1:

— expert rider;

— motorcycle;

— Motorcycle Safety Integrity Level (MSIL); and

— Controllability Classification Panel (CCP).

Annex A provides the overview of and work flow for motorcycles to implement ISO  26262-2:2018,
ISO 26262-3:2018 and ISO 26262-4:2018.
Annex B gives a general explanation of the hazard analysis and risk assessment.
Annex C provides examples of controllability evaluation techniques considering motorcycle dynamics
in the context of conventional product development.
Figure 2 shows the relation of this document and the other parts of ISO 26262.

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

Figure 2 — Overview of this document and the relation to the other parts

6 Safety culture

6.1 Objective
To provide a tailoring of ISO 26262-2:2018, 5.4.2 for motorcycles.

6.2 Requirements and recommendations

6.2.1 The organization shall create, foster, and sustain a safety culture that supports and encourages
the effective achievement of functional safety for motorcycles.
NOTE ISO 26262-2:2018, Annex B provides more details of what can constitute a safety culture.

6.2.2 The organization shall institute, execute and maintain organization-specific rules and processes
to achieve and maintain functional safety and to comply with the requirements of the ISO 26262 series of
NOTE Such organization-specific rules and processes can include the creation and maintenance of generic
plans (e.g. a generic safety plan) or generic process descriptions.

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

6.2.3 The organization shall institute and maintain effective communication channels between
functional safety, cybersecurity, and other potentially interacting disciplines that are related to the
achievement of functional safety, if applicable.
EXAMPLE 1 Communication channels between functional safety and cybersecurity in order to exchange
relevant information (e.g. in the case it is identified that a cybersecurity issue might violate a safety goal or a
safety requirement, or in the case a cybersecurity requirement might compete with a safety requirement).

EXAMPLE 2 Communication channels between functional safety and quality.

NOTE Guidance on potential interaction of functional safety with cybersecurity is given in ISO 26262-2:2018,
Annex E.

6.2.4 During the execution of the safety lifecycle, the organization shall perform the required safety
activities, including the creation and management of the associated documentation in accordance with
ISO 26262-8:2018, Clause 10.

6.2.5 The organization shall provide the resources required for the achievement of functional safety.
NOTE Resources include human resources, tools, databases, guidelines and work instructions.

6.2.6 The organization shall institute, execute and maintain a continuous improvement process,
based on:

— learning from the experiences gained during the execution of the safety lifecycle of other items,
including field experience; and
— derived improvements for application on subsequent items.

6.2.7 The organization shall ensure that the persons responsible for achieving or maintaining
functional safety, or for performing or supporting the safety activities, are given sufficient authority to
fulfil their responsibilities.

7 Confirmation measures

7.1 Objective
The objective of this clause is to define the independency requirements of confirmation measures
associated with ASIL.

7.2 Requirements and recommendations

7.2.1 The functional safety of the item and its elements shall be confirmed, based on:

a) confirmation reviews to judge whether the key work products, i.e. those included in Table 1, provide
sufficient and convincing evidence of their contribution to the achievement of functional safety,
considering the corresponding objectives and requirements of the ISO 26262 series of standards, in
accordance with Table 1 and ISO 26262-2:2018, 6.4.10;
NOTE 1 For motorcycles, Table 1 of this document replaces ISO 26262-2:2018, Table 1.

NOTE 2 The confirmation reviews are performed for those work products that are specified in Table 1
and required by the safety plan.

b) a functional safety audit to judge the implementation of the processes required for functional
safety, in accordance with Table 1 and ISO 26262-2:2018, 6.4.11; and

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NOTE 3 The reference processes required for functional safety are defined in the ISO  26262 series of
standards. The processes pertaining to an item or element are defined through the activities referenced or
specified in the safety plan.

c) a functional safety assessment to judge the achieved functional safety of the item, or the
contribution to the achievement of functional safety by the developed elements, in accordance with
Table 1 and ISO 26262-2:2018, 6.4.12.
NOTE 4 The aim of the independence defined in Table 1 is to ensure an objective, unbiased viewpoint and
to avoid conflict of interest. The use of the term independence in this document relates to organizational

NOTE 5 Guidance for the confirmation measure is given in ISO 26262-2:2018, Annex C.

NOTE 6 A report that is a result of a confirmation measure includes the name and revision number of the
work products or process documents analysed (see ISO 26262-8:2018, Clause 10).

NOTE 7 If the item changes subsequent to the completion of confirmation measures, then the pertinent
confirmation measures will be repeated or supplemented (see ISO 26262-8:2018,

NOTE 8 Confirmation measures such as confirmation reviews and functional safety audits can be merged
and combined with the functional safety assessment to support the handling of comparable variants of an item.

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

Table 1 — Required confirmation measures, including the required level of independence

Level of
Confirmation measures applies to Scope
Judgement of whether the impact
analysis in accordance with ISO 26262-
2:2018, 6.4.3 correctly identified the
item as being a new item, a modifica-
Confirmation review of the impact analysis tion of an existing item or an existing
at item level (see ISO 26262-2:2018, 6.5.1) item with a modified environment.
I3 I3 I3 I3
Independence with regard to those creating Judgement of whether the impact
the work product analysis in accordance with ISO 26262-
2:2018, 6.4.3 adequately identified
the implications on functional safety
caused by the modification(s); and the
safety activities to be performed.
Judgement of whether the selection of
the operational situations pertinent to
the hazardous events and the defi-
nitions of the hazardous events are
Confirmation review of the hazard analysis Judgement of whether the determined
and risk assessment (see Clause 8) ASILs, quality management (“QM”)
I3 I3 I3 I3
Independence with regard to those creating ratings of the identified hazardous
the work product events for the item and the parameters
resulting in no ASIL e.g. C0/S0/E0 are
Judgement of whether the specified
safety goals cover the identified haz-
ardous events.
Confirmation review of the safety plan (see
ISO 26262-2:2018, 6.5.3)
Independence with regard to those creating
the work product

NOTE 1 A confirmation review of the safety

plan includes a review of the impact anal-
yses at element level performed due to the
reuse of existing elements (see ISO 26262-
2:2018, 6.5.2).
Applies to the highest ASIL among the
— I1 I1 I2
safety requirements
NOTE 2 The safety plan includes the proven
in use arguments (analysis, data and credit)
of the proven in use candidates and the
corresponding tailoring, if applicable (see
ISO 26262-2:2018, 6.4.6 and ISO 26262-
8:2018, Clause 14).

NOTE 3 The safety plan includes tailoring

due to the use of software tools, if applicable
(see ISO 26262-2:2018, 6.4.6 and ISO 26262-
8:2018, Clause 11).

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Table 1 (continued)
Level of
Confirmation measures applies to Scope
Confirmation review of the Functional Safety
Concept (see ISO 26262-3:2018, Clause 7),
supported by the results of the correspond-
ing-safety analyses and dependent failure Applies to the highest ASIL among the
analyses (see ISO 26262-9:2018, Clause 8 and — I1 I1 I2
safety goals of the item
ISO 26262-9:2018, Clause 7, respectively)
Independence with regard to those creating
the work product
Confirmation review of the Technical Safety Applies to the highest ASIL among the
Concept (see ISO 26262-4:2018, Clause 6), functional safety requirements from
supported by the results of the correspond- which the technical safety require-
ing safety analyses and dependent failure ments are derived.
analyses (see ISO 26262-9:2018, Clause 8 and — I1 I1 I2
If ASIL decomposition has been applied
ISO 26262-9:2018, Clause 7, respectively)
to the functional safety concept then
Independence with regard to those creating the resulting ASIL from the decomposi-
the work product tion may be considered.
Confirmation review of the integration
and test strategy (see ISO 26262-4:2018,
Clause 7) Applies to the highest ASIL among the
— I0 I1 I2
safety requirements
Independence with regard to those creating
the work product
Confirmation review of the safety valida-
tion specification (see ISO 26262-4:2018,
Clause 8) Applies to the highest ASIL among the
— I0 I1 I2
safety requirements
Independence with regard to those creating
the work product
Confirmation review of the safety anal-
yses and the dependent failure analy-
ses (see ISO 26262-9:2018, Clause 8 and Applies to the highest ASIL among the
ISO 26262- 9:2018, Clause 7, respectively) — I1 I1 I2
safety requirements
Independence with regard to those creating
the work product
Confirmation review of the safety case (see
ISO 26262-2:2018, 6.5.4) Applies to the highest ASIL among the
— I1 I1 I2
Independence with regard to the authors of safety requirements
the safety case

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Table 1 (continued)
Level of
Confirmation measures applies to Scope
Functional safety audit in accordance with
ISO 26262-2:2018, 6.4.11 Applies to the highest ASIL among the
— — I0 I2
Independence with regard to the developers safety requirements
of the item and project management
Functional safety assessment in accordance
with ISO 26262-2:2018, 6.4.12 Applies to the highest ASIL among the
— — I0 I2
Independence with regard to the developers safety requirements
of the item and project management
NOTE   Figure 3 shows a simplified structure for a better understanding of independence. In different compa-
nies, the organizational units could be named differently.
a   The indicated levels of independence are intended to represent minimum requirements. The notations are
defined as follows:
—   —: no requirement and no recommendation for or against regarding this confirmation measure;
—   I0: the confirmation measure should be performed; however, if the confirmation measure is performed, it
shall be performed by a different person in relation to the person(s) responsible for the creation of the consid-
ered work product(s);
—   I1: the confirmation measure shall be performed, by a different person in relation to the person(s) respon-
sible for the creation of the considered work product(s);
—   I2: the confirmation measure shall be performed, by a person from a team that is different from that re-
sponsible for the creation of the considered work product(s), i.e. by a person not reporting to the same direct
superior; and
—   I3: the confirmation measure shall be performed, by a person from a different department or organization,
i.e. not reporting to the same department leader responsible for the release of the work product(s).

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Figure 3 — Independence levels for confirmation reviews

7.2.2 The persons who carry out a confirmation measure shall have access to, and shall be supported
by, the persons and organizational entities that carry out safety activities during the item development.

7.2.3 The persons who carry out a confirmation measure shall have access to the relevant information
and tools.

8 Hazard analysis and risk assessment

8.1 Objectives
The objectives of this clause are:
a) to specify the necessary requirements that need to be complied with in order to perform a
motorcycle specific hazard analysis and risk assessment;
b) to identify and classify the hazardous events caused by malfunctioning behaviour of the item; and

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

c) to formulate the safety goals with their corresponding ASILs, mapped from MSILs, related to the
prevention or mitigation of the hazardous events, in order to avoid unreasonable risk.

8.2 General
Due to the fact that the dynamic behaviour of motorcycles differs greatly from that of other vehicles
within the scope of the ISO 26262 series of standards, and that controllability of motorcycle specific
hazardous events could place more emphasis on the rider, it is recognised that the method of performing
risk assessment requires a degree of tailoring to best suit motorcycle specific hazardous events.
Hazard analysis, risk assessment and MSIL determination are used to determine the safety goals for the
item. For this, the item is evaluated with regard to its potential hazardous events. Safety goals and their
assigned MSIL are determined by a systematic evaluation of hazardous events. The MSIL is determined
by considering severity, probability of exposure and controllability. It is based on the item’s functional
behaviour; therefore, the detailed design of the item does not need to be known.
NOTE Product development processes and technical solutions within the motorcycle industry differ
from those of the automobile industry. The worldwide established level of technology (“state-of-the-art”)
in the motorcycle industry suggests that ASIL classification is inappropriate for motorcycles. Therefore
MSIL classification as the output of the HARA is used. An alignment between MSIL and ASIL classification is
established to use requirements as defined in other parts of ISO 26262 and accommodate worldwide capability
of the motorcycle industry.

8.3 Input to this clause

8.3.1 Prerequisites

The following information shall be available:

— item definition in accordance with ISO 26262-3:2018, 5.5.1.

8.3.2 Further supporting information

The following information can be considered:

— relevant information on other items (from an external source).

8.4 Requirements and recommendations

8.4.1 Initiation of the hazard analysis and risk assessment The hazard analysis and risk assessment shall be based on the item definition. The item without internal safety mechanisms shall be evaluated during the hazard analysis
and risk assessment, i.e. safety mechanisms intended to be implemented or that have already been
implemented in predecessor items shall not be considered in the hazard analysis and risk assessment.
NOTE 1 In the evaluation of an item, available and sufficiently independent external measures can be

NOTE 2 Safety mechanisms of the item that are intended to be implemented or that have already been
implemented are incorporated as part of the functional safety concept.

8.4.2 Situation analysis and hazard identification The operational situations and operating modes in which an item's malfunctioning behaviour
will result in a hazardous event shall be described; both when the vehicle is correctly used and when it is
incorrectly used in a reasonably foreseeable way.

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NOTE 1 Operational situations describe conditions within which the item is assumed to behave in a safe manner.

NOTE 2 Hazards resulting only from the item behaviour, in the absence of any item failure, are outside the
scope of this document.

EXAMPLE 1 A normal motorcycle is not expected to travel on unimproved or unpaved surfaces at high speed.

EXAMPLE 2 A normal motorcycle is not expected to be used for road race, motocross or trial events. The hazards shall be determined systematically based on the possible malfunctioning
behaviour of the item.
NOTE FMEA approaches and HAZOP are suitable to support hazard identification at the item level. These
can be supported by brainstorming, checklists, quality history, and field studies. Hazards caused by malfunctioning behaviour of the item shall be defined at the vehicle level.
NOTE 1 In general, each hazard will have a variety of potential causes related to the item's implementation
but they do not need to be considered in the hazard analysis and risk assessment for the analysis of the
malfunctioning behaviour.

NOTE 2 Only hazards associated with malfunctioning behaviour of the item are considered; every other
system (external measure) is presumed to be functioning correctly provided it is sufficiently independent. If there are hazards identified in this clause that are outside of the scope of ISO  26262 (see
Clause 1), then these hazards shall be addressed according to organization specific procedures.
NOTE As these hazards are outside the scope of ISO 26262, this document does not provide guidance for MSIL
determination and ASIL compliance of these hazards. Such hazards are classified according to the procedures of
the applicable safety discipline. Relevant hazardous events shall be determined. The consequences of hazardous events shall be identified.

NOTE If malfunctioning behaviour induces the loss of several functions of the item, then the situation
analysis and hazard identification considers the combined effects.

EXAMPLE Failure of the vehicle's electrical power supply system can lead to a simultaneous loss of a number
of functions including “engine torque” and “forward illumination”. It shall be ensured that the chosen level of detail of the list of operational situations does not
lead to an inappropriate lowering of the MSIL.
NOTE A very detailed list of operational situations (see for one hazard, with regard to the
vehicle state, road conditions and environmental conditions, can lead to a fine granularity of situations for
the classification of hazardous events. This can make it easier to rate controllability and severity. However, a
larger number of different operational situations can lead to a consequential reduction of the respective classes
of exposure, and thus to an inappropriate lowering of the MSIL. This can be avoided by aggregating similar

8.4.3 Classification of hazardous events All hazardous events identified in 8.4.2 shall be classified, except those that are outside the
scope of ISO 26262.
NOTE If classification of a given hazard with respect to severity (S), probability of exposure (E) or
controllability (C) is difficult to make, it is classified conservatively, i.e. whenever there is a reasonable doubt, a
higher S, E or C classification is chosen.

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E) The severity of potential harm shall be estimated based on a defined rationale for each
hazardous event. The severity shall be assigned to one of the severity classes S0, S1, S2 or S3 in accordance
with Table2.
NOTE 1 The risk assessment of hazardous events focuses on the harm to each person potentially at risk —
including the rider or the passengers of the vehicle causing the hazardous event, and other persons potentially at
risk such as cyclists, pedestrians or occupants of other vehicles. The description of the Abbreviated Injury Scale
(AIS) can be used for characterising the severity and can be found in Annex B, along with informative examples
of different types of severity and accidents. Where available, motorcycle appropriate accident databases can be
used to provide a basis for determining severity levels.

NOTE 2 The severity class can be based on a combination of injuries, resulting in a higher classification of the
severity than from considering a single injury.

NOTE 3 The estimate considers reasonable sequences of events for the operational situation being evaluated.

NOTE 4 The severity classification is based on a representative sample of persons at risk.

NOTE 5 Standard protective equipment (e.g. helmet, protective jacket, gloves and boots) as prescribed in the
vehicle user manual is assumed to be in use.

Table 2 — Classes of severity

S0 S1 S2 S3
Light and moderate Severe and life-threatening Life-threatening injuries (sur-
Description No injuries
injuries injuries (survival probable) vival uncertain), fatal injuries There are operational situations that result in harm (e.g. an accident). A subsequent
malfunctioning behaviour of the item in such an operational situation can increase, or fail to decrease, the
resulting harm. In this case the classification of the severity may be limited to the difference between the
severity caused by the initial operational situation (e.g. the accident) and the malfunctioning behaviour
of the item.
EXAMPLE For an automotive application, the item under consideration includes an airbag functionality to
reduce crash violence. For an accident in which the airbag fails to deploy, the crash violence could be assumed to
correspond to a severity class of S3. If a correctly operating airbag would have reduced the crash violence to a
level corresponding to a severity class of S2, the difference would be one severity class. Hence the severity class
for the failure to deploy the airbag in this situation can be set to S1. The severity class S0 may be assigned if the hazard analysis and risk assessment determines
that the consequences of a malfunctioning behaviour of the item are clearly limited to material damage.
If a hazardous event is assigned severity class S0, no MSIL assignment is required. The probability of exposure of each operational situation shall be estimated based on a defined
rationale for each hazardous event. The probability of exposure shall be assigned to one of the probability
classes, E0, E1, E2, E3 or E4 in accordance with Table 3.
NOTE 1 For classes E1 to E4, the difference in probability from one E class to the next is an order of magnitude.

NOTE 2 The exposure determination is based on a representative sample of operational situations for the
target markets.

NOTE 3 For further information and examples related to the probability of exposure see Annex B.

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Table 3 — Classes of probability of exposure regarding operational situations

E0 E1 E2 E3 E4
Very low Low Medium High
Description Incredible
probability probability probability probability The number of vehicles equipped with the item shall not be considered when estimating the
probability of exposure.
NOTE The evaluation of the probability of exposure is performed assuming each vehicle is equipped with
the item. This means that the argument “the probability of exposure can be reduced, because the item is not
present in every vehicle (as only some vehicles are equipped with the item)” is not valid. Class E0 may be used for those operational situations that are suggested during hazard analysis
and risk assessment, but that are considered incredible and therefore not explored further. A rationale
shall be recorded for the exclusion of these situations. If a hazardous event is assigned exposure class E0,
no MSIL assignment is required.
EXAMPLE E0 can be used in the case of “force majeure” risk (see B.3). The controllability of each hazardous event, by the rider or other persons involved in the
operational situation, shall be estimated based on a defined rationale for each hazardous event. The
controllability shall be assigned to one of the controllability classes C0, C1, C2 or C3 in accordance with
Table 4.
NOTE 1 The evaluation of the controllability is an estimate of the probability that someone is able to gain
sufficient control of the hazardous event, such that they are able to avoid the specific harm. For this purpose, the
parameter C is used, with the classes C0, C1, C2 and C3, to classify the potential of avoiding harm. Some examples,
which serve as an interpretation of these classes, are listed in Table B.4. Estimates can be made using either
experimental or analytical procedures.

NOTE 2 For motorcycles, It is assumed that the rider is in an appropriate condition to ride (e.g. they are
not tired), has the appropriate riding training (they have a rider's licence), understands the operational
characteristics of the motorcycle in use and is complying with the applicable legal regulations, including due care
requirements to avoid risks to other traffic participants.

NOTE 3 Where the hazardous event is not related to the control of the vehicle direction and speed, e.g.
potential limb entrapment in moving parts, the controllability can be an estimate of the probability that the
person at risk is able to remove themselves, or to be removed by others from the hazardous situation. When
considering controllability, note that the person at risk might not be familiar with the operation of the item or
may not be aware that a potentially hazardous situation evolves.

NOTE 4 When controllability involves the actions of multiple traffic participants, the controllability
assessment can be based on the controllability of the vehicle with the malfunctioning item and the assumed
action of other participants.

NOTE 5 For motorcycle hazardous events, the evaluation of controllability levels is described in Annex C.

NOTE 6 Dedicated regulations that specify a functional performance with regard to the applicable hazardous
event can be used as part of a rationale when selecting a suitable controllability class, if applicable, and supported
by evidence, e.g. real usage experience.

NOTE 7 Dedicated regulation refers to requirements set by a governmental agency, which can specify
minimum performance limits that must be met by all manufacturers in order for their vehicles to be approved for
sale and use.

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Table 4 — Classes of controllability

C0 C1 C2 C3
Controllable in Simply Normally Difficult to control or
general controllable controllable uncontrollable Class C0 may be used for hazards addressing the unavailability of the item if they do not affect
the safe operation of the vehicle (e.g. some rider assistance systems) or if an accident can be avoided
by routine rider actions. If a hazardous event is assigned controllability class C0, no MSIL assignment is
required. An MSIL shall be determined for each hazardous event based on the classification of severity,
probability of exposure and controllability, in accordance with Table 5.
NOTE Four MSILs are defined: MSIL A, MSIL B, MSIL C and MSIL D, where MSIL A is the lowest safety integrity
level and MSIL D the highest one.

Table 5 — MSIL determination

Controllability class
Severity class Exposure class
C1 C2 C3
E4 A B C
E3 A B C
E4 B C D The MSIL shall be mapped to an ASIL in accordance with Table 6, prior to the definition of the
safety goals, so that the applicable requirements of the ISO 26262 series of standards can be adopted.
NOTE 1 In addition to these three ASILs, the class QM (quality management) denotes no requirement to
comply with ISO 26262. Nevertheless, the corresponding hazardous event can have consequences with regards
to safety and safety requirements can be formulated in this case. The classification QM indicates that quality
processes are sufficient to manage the identified risk.

NOTE 2 The MSIL is mapped to ASIL so that the most appropriate degree of rigour is used in avoiding
unreasonable residual risk associated with malfunctioning E/E items or elements used in motorcycle

NOTE 3 The indicated ASIL levels, determined from MSIL levels, are intended to represent minimum

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Table 6 — Mapping of MSIL to ASIL


8.4.4 Determination of safety goals A safety goal shall be determined for each hazardous event with an ASIL, mapped from MSIL,
evaluated in the hazard analysis and risk assessment. If similar safety goals are determined, these may be
combined into one safety goal.
NOTE Safety goals are top-level safety requirements for the item. They lead to the functional safety
requirements needed to avoid an unreasonable risk for each hazardous event. Safety goals are not expressed in
terms of technological solutions, but in terms of functional objectives. The ASIL, mapped from MSIL, determined for the hazardous event shall be assigned to the
corresponding safety goal. If similar safety goals are combined into a single one, in accordance with, the highest ASIL shall be assigned to the combined safety goal. The safety goals together with their ASIL shall be specified in accordance with ISO 26262-8:2018,
Clause 6.
NOTE The safety goal can specify the fault tolerant time interval or physical characteristics (e.g. a maximum
level of unwanted acceleration) if they were relevant to the MSIL determination. Assumptions used for, or resulting from the hazard analysis and risk assessment which are
relevant for ASIL determination (if applicable, including hazardous events classified QM or with no MSIL
assigned) shall be identified. These assumptions shall be validated in accordance with Clause 10 for the
integrated item.
NOTE Assumptions, if any, that are considered during the HARA include assumed actions of the rider or
persons at risk and assumptions regarding external measures.

8.4.5 Verification The hazard analysis and risk assessment including the safety goals shall be verified in
accordance with ISO 26262-8:2018, Clause 9, to provide evidence for the:

a) appropriate selection with regard to operational situations and hazard identification;

b) compliance with the item definition;
c) consistency with related hazard analyses and risk assessments of other items;
d) completeness of the coverage of the hazardous events;
e) consistency of the safety goals with the assigned ASILs mapped from MSILs and the corresponding
hazardous events; and
f) consistency of MSIL-ASIL mapping.

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8.5 Work products

8.5.1 Hazard analysis and risk assessment report resulting from requirements in 8.4.1 to 8.4.4.

8.5.2 Verification report of the hazard analysis and risk assessment resulting from requirements
in 8.4.5.

9 Vehicle integration and testing

9.1 Objective
This clause provides a tailoring of ISO 26262-4:2018, 7.4.4 for motorcycles.
The vehicle integration is the integration of the item with other systems within a vehicle and with the
vehicle itself.

9.2 Requirements and recommendations

9.2.1 Vehicle integration The item shall be integrated into the vehicle and the vehicle integration tests shall be carried out.
NOTE When planning the vehicle level integration and verification, the correct vehicle behaviour under
typical and extreme vehicle conditions and environments can be considered, but with a subset being sufficient
(see ISO 26262-4:2018, Table 3). The verification of the interface specification of the item with the in-vehicle communication
network and the in-vehicle power supply network shall be performed.

9.2.2 Test goals and test methods during vehicle testing Test goals resulting from the requirements to shall be addressed by the
application of adequate test methods as listed in the corresponding tables.
NOTE 1 These will support the detection of systematic faults during vehicle integration.

NOTE 2 Depending on the implemented functionality, its complexity or the distributed nature of the system, it
could be feasible to perform tests in other integration subphases provided adequate rationale is given.

NOTE 3 If concerns over rider safety exist, it can be appropriate to select alternative test methods or move
test activities to other sub-phases.

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E) The correct implementation of the functional safety requirements at the vehicle level shall be
demonstrated where feasible using test methods listed in Table 7.

Table 7 — Correct implementation of the functional safety requirements at the vehicle level
1a Requirement-based test a ++ ++ ++
1b Fault injection testb ++ ++ ++
1c Long-term testc ++ ++ ++
1d User test under real-life conditionsc,d ++ ++ ++
a    A requirements-based test denotes a test against functional and non-functional requirements.

b     A fault injection test uses special means to introduce faults into the item. This can be done within the item via a
special test interface or specially prepared elements or communication devices. The method is often used to improve the
test coverage of the safety requirements, because during normal operation safety mechanisms are not invoked.
c     A long-term test and a user test under real-life conditions are similar to tests derived from field experience but use a
larger sample size, normal users as testers, and are not bound to prior specified test scenarios, but performed under real-
life conditions during everyday life. These tests can have limitations if necessary to ensure the safety of the testers, e.g.
with additional safety measures or disabled actuators. Long-term tests can be infeasible for motorcycles.
d User tests can be infeasible for motorcycles. This requirement applies to ASIL (A), (B), and C. The correct functional performance, accuracy
and timing of the safety mechanisms at the vehicle level shall be demonstrated using test methods listed
in Table 8.

Table 8 — Correct functional performance, accuracy and timing of safety mechanisms at the
vehicle level
1a Performance test a + + ++
1b Long-term testb + + ++
1c User test under real-life conditionsb,c + + ++
1d Fault injection testd o + ++
1e Error guessing teste o + ++
1f Test derived from field experiencef o + ++
a     A performance test can verify the performance (e.g. fault tolerant time intervals on vehicle level and vehicle
controllability in the presence of faults) of the safety mechanisms concerning the item.
b     A long-term test and a user test under real-life conditions are similar to tests derived from field experience but use a
larger sample size, normal users as testers, and are not bound to prior specified test scenarios, but performed under real-
life conditions during everyday life. These tests can have limitations if necessary to ensure the safety of the testers, e.g.
with additional safety measures or disabled actuators. Long-term tests can be infeasible for motorcycles.
c User tests can be infeasible for motorcycles.
d A fault injection test uses special means to introduce faults into the item. This can be done within the item via a special
test interface or specially prepared elements or communication devices. The method is often used to improve the test
coverage of the safety requirements, because during normal operation safety mechanisms are not invoked.
e An error guessing test uses expert knowledge and data collected through lessons learned to anticipate errors in the
system. Then a set of tests along with adequate test facilities is designed to check for these errors. Error guessing is an
effective method given a tester who has previous experience with similar systems.
f     A test derived from field experience and data gathered from the field. This requirement applies to ASIL (A), (B), and C. The consistency and correctness of the
implementation of the interfaces internal and external to the vehicle shall be demonstrated using test
methods listed in Table 9.

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NOTE Internal interfaces are between items/systems. External interfaces are between an item and the
vehicle environment.

Table 9 — Correct implementation of internal and external interfaces at the vehicle level
1a Test of internal interfacesa + + ++
1b Test of external interfacesa + + ++
1c Test of interaction/communicationb + + ++
a     An interface test at the vehicle level tests the interfaces of the vehicle systems for compatibility. This can be done
statically by validating value ranges, ratings or geometries as well as dynamically during operation of the whole vehicle.
b     A communication and interaction test includes tests of the communication between the systems of the vehicle during
runtime against functional and non-functional requirements. This requirement applies to ASIL (A), (B), and C. The level of robustness at the vehicle level
shall be demonstrated using test methods listed in Table 10.

Table 10 — Level of robustness at the vehicle level

1a Resource usage test a + + ++
1b Stress testb + + ++
1c Test for interference resistance and robustness under certain environ-
+ + ++
mental conditionsc
1d Long-term testd + + ++
a     At the vehicle level, resource usage testing is usually performed in dynamic environments (e.g. electronic control unit
network environments, prototypes or whole vehicles). Issues to test include item internal resources, power consumption or
limited resources of other vehicle systems.
b     A stress test verifies the correct operation of the vehicle under high operational loads or high demands from the
environment. Therefore tests under high loads on the vehicle or with extreme user inputs or requests from other systems
as well as tests with extreme temperatures, humidity or mechanical shocks can be applied.
c     A test for interference resistance and robustness, under certain environmental conditions, is a special case of stress
testing. This includes EMC and ESD tests (e.g. see References [4] and [5]).
d     A long-term test and a user test under real-life conditions are similar to tests derived from field experience but use a
larger sample size, normal users as testers, and are not bound to prior specified test scenarios, but performed under real-
life conditions during everyday life. Long-term tests can be infeasible for motorcycles.

10 Safety validation

10.1 Objective
This clause provides a tailoring of ISO 26262-4:2018, Clause 8 for motorcycles.
The objectives of this clause are:
a) to provide evidence that the safety goals are achieved by the item when being integrated into the
respective vehicle(s); and
b) to provide evidence that the functional safety concept and the technical safety concept are
appropriate for achieving functional safety for the item.

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10.2 General
The purpose of the preceding verification activities (e.g. design verification, safety analyses, hardware,
software, and item integration and test) is to provide evidence that the results of each particular
activity comply with the specified requirements.
The safety validation of the integrated item in representative vehicle(s) aims to provide evidence of
appropriateness for the intended use and aims to confirm the adequacy of the safety measures for a
class or set of vehicles. Safety validation provides assurance that the safety goals have been achieved,
based on examination and test.

10.3 Inputs to this clause

10.3.1 Prerequisites

The following information shall be available:

— hazard analysis and risk assessment report in accordance with 8.5.1; and
— functional safety concept in accordance with ISO 26262-3:2018, 7.5.1.

10.3.2 Further supporting information

The following information can be considered:

— technical safety concept (see ISO 26262-4:2018, 6.5.2);
— item definition (see ISO 26262-3:2018, 5.5.1); and
— safety analyses report (see ISO 26262-4:2018, 6.5.7).

10.4 Requirements and recommendations

10.4.1 Safety validation environment The safety goals shall be validated for the item in a representative context at vehicle level.
NOTE This integrated item includes, where applicable: system, software, hardware, elements of other
technologies, external measures. For the definition of a representative context, representative vehicles based on vehicle types
and vehicle configurations shall be considered.
NOTE The Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment report might be used as a source of information regarding
relevant input for the choice of representative vehicles (see 8.5.1). Safety goals shall be validated giving consideration to variance in operation that impacts the
technical characteristics, which have been considered in the hazard analysis and risk assessment.

10.4.2 Specification of safety validation The safety validation specification shall be defined, including:

a) the configuration of the item subjected to safety validation including its calibration data in
accordance with ISO 26262-6:2018, Annex C;
NOTE If a complete safety validation of each item configuration is not feasible, then a reasonable subset
can be selected.

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b) the specification of safety validation procedures, test cases, riding manoeuvres, and acceptance
criteria; and
c) the equipment and the required environmental conditions.

10.4.3 Execution of safety validation If testing is used for safety validation, then the same requirements as provided for verification
testing (see ISO 26262-8:2018, 9.4.2 and 9.4.3) may be applied. The achievement of functional safety for the item when being integrated into the vehicle shall
be validated by evaluating the following aspects:

a) the controllability;
NOTE 1 Controllability can be validated using operating scenarios, including intended use and
foreseeable misuse.

NOTE 2 One acceptance criterion for the safety validation might be a sufficient controllability in a safe
state defined in ISO 26262-3:2018,

NOTE 3 A single acceptance criterion might not be sufficient to verify a safe state.

b) the effectiveness of the external measures;

c) the effectiveness of the elements of other technologies; and
d) assumptions that influence the ASIL mapped from MSIL in the hazard analysis and risk assessment
(see that can be checked only in the final vehicle.
EXAMPLE If a mechanical component is assumed to prevent or mitigate a specific hazard potentially caused
by a malfunction of an E/E system, the effectiveness of this component to prevent or mitigate that hazard is
validated on vehicle level. The safety validation at the vehicle level, based on the safety goals, the functional safety
requirements and the intended use, shall be executed as planned using:

a) the safety validation procedures and test cases for each safety goal including detailed pass/fail
criteria; and
b) the scope of application. This may include issues such as configuration, environmental conditions,
riding situations, operational use cases, etc.
NOTE Operational use cases can be created to help focus the safety validation at the vehicle level. An appropriate set of the following methods shall be applied:

a) repeatable tests with specified test procedures, test cases, and pass/fail criteria;
EXAMPLE 1 Positive tests of functions and safety requirements, black box testing, simulation, tests under
boundary conditions, fault injection, durability tests, stress tests, highly accelerated life testing (HALT),
simulation of external influences.

b) analyses;
EXAMPLE 2 FMEA, FTA, ETA, simulation.

c) long-term tests, such as vehicle driving schedules and captured test fleets;
NOTE 1 Long-term tests with targeted users can be infeasible for motorcycles.

d) user tests under real-life conditions, panel or blind tests, expert panels; and

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NOTE 2 User test can be infeasible for motorcycles. Real-life condition can be conducted using simulated

e) reviews.

10.4.4 Evaluation The results of the safety validation shall be evaluated to provide evidence that the implemented
safety goals achieve functional safety for the item.

10.5 Work products

10.5.1 Safety validation specification including safety validation environment description

resulting from requirements in 10.4.1 and 10.4.2.

10.5.2 Safety validation report resulting from requirements in 10.4.3 and 10.4.4.

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

Annex A

Overview of and workflow of adaptation of the ISO 26262 series of

standards for motorcycles

A.1 General
This annex provides the overview of and work flow for motorcycles to implement ISO 26262-2:2018,
ISO 26262-3:2018 and ISO 26262-4:2018.

A.2 Overview of and workflow of management of functional safety

Table A.1 provides an overview of objectives, prerequisites and work products of management of
functional safety for motorcycles.

Table A.1 — Overview of Functional safety management

Clause Objectives Prerequisites Work products
ISO 26262-2:2018, The intent of this clause is to ensure the None ISO 26262-2:2018, 5.5.1
Clause 5 organizations involved in the execution Organization-specific
Overall safety of the safety lifecycle, i.e. those that are rules and processes for
management responsible for the safety lifecycle or are functional safety
performing safety activities in the safety
lifecycle, achieve the following objectives:
In this document a) to institute and maintain a ISO 26262-2:2018, 5.5.2
safety culture that supports Evidence of competence
Clause 6
and encourages the effective management
Safety culture
achievement of functional safety and
ISO 26262-2:2018, 5.5.3
promotes effective communication
Evidence of a quality
with other disciplines related to
management system
functional safety;
ISO 26262-2:2018, 5.5.4
b) to institute and maintain adequate Identified safety anoma-
organization-specific rules and ly reports, if applicable
processes for functional safety;
c) to institute and maintain processes
to ensure an adequate resolution of
identified safety anomalies;

d) to institute and maintain a

competence management system to
ensure that the competence of the
involved persons is commensurate
with their responsibilities; and

e) to institute and maintain a quality

management system to support
functional safety.
This clause serves as a prerequisite to
the activities in the ISO 26262 safety

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Table A.1 (continued)

Clause Objectives Prerequisites Work products
ISO 26262-2:2018, The intent of this clause is to ensure that Organization-specific ISO 26262-2:2018, 6.5.1
Clause 6 the following objectives are achieved by rules and processes Impact analysis at the
Project dependent the organizations involved in the concept for functional safety item level
safety management phase or the development phases at the (see ISO 26262-
system, hardware or software level: 2:2018, 5.5.1)
In this document a) to define and assign the roles and Evidence of compe- ISO 26262-2:2018, 6.5.2
responsibilities regarding the safety tence management Impact analyses at ele-
Clause 7
activities; (see ISO 26262- ment level, if applicable
2:2018, 5.5.2)
measures b) to perform an impact analysis ISO 26262-2:2018, 6.5.3
at the item level to identify Evidence of a quality Safety plan
whether the item is a new item, a management system
ISO 26262-2:2018, 6.5.4
modification of an existing item, or (see ISO 26262- Safety case
an existing item with a modified 2:2018, 5.5.3)
environment; and in the case of one ISO 26262-2:2018, 6.5.5
or more modifications, to analyse Confirmation measure
the implications of the identified reports
modifications on functional safety; ISO 26262-2:2018, 6.5.6
Release for production
c) to perform an impact analysis at report
element level in the case an existing
element is reused, to evaluate
whether the reused element is able to
comply with the safety requirements
allocated to that element,
considering the operational context
in which the element is reused;
d) to define the tailored safety
activities, to provide the
corresponding rationales for
tailoring and to review the provided

e) to plan the safety activities;

f) to coordinate and track the progress

of the safety activities in accordance
with the safety plan;
g) to plan the distributed
developments (refer to
ISO 26262-8:2018, Clause 5);

h) to ensure a correct progression of

the safety activities throughout the
safety lifecycle;
  i) to create a comprehensible safety    
case in order to provide the
argument for the achievement of
functional safety;

j) to judge whether the item achieves

functional safety (i.e. the functional
safety assessment), or to judge the
contribution to the achievement
of functional safety concerning an
element (i.e. the functional safety
assessment activities performed by
a supplier) or work product (e.g. a
confirmation review); and

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

Table A.1 (continued)

Clause Objectives Prerequisites Work products
k) to decide at the end of development
whether the item, or element(s),
can be released for production
based on the evidence that
supports confidence in the achieved
functional safety.
ISO 26262-2:2018, The objective of this clause is to define Organization-specific ISO 26262-2:2018,
Clause 7 the responsibilities of the organizations rules and processes 7.5.1 Evidence of safety
Safety management and persons responsible for achiev- for functional safety management regarding
regarding produc- ing and maintaining functional safety (see ISO 26262- production, operation,
tion, operation, regarding production, operation, service 2:2018, 5.5.1) service and decommis-
service and decom- and decommissioning. sioning
Evidence of compe-
tence management
(see ISO 26262-
2:2018, 5.5.2)
Evidence of a quality
management system
(see ISO 26262-
2:2018, 5.5.3)
Release for pro-
duction report (see
ISO 26262-2:2018,

A.3 Overview of and workflow of concept phase

Table A.2 provides an overview of objectives, prerequisites and work products of concept phase for

Table A.2 — Overview of concept phase

Clause Objectives Prerequisites Work products
ISO 26262-3:2018, The objectives of this clause are: None ISO 26262-3:2018, 5.5.1
Clause 5 a) to define and describe the item, Item definition resulting
Item definition its functionality, dependencies on, from requirements in
and interaction with, the driver, ISO 26262-3:2018, 5.4
the environment and other items
at the vehicle level; and
b) to support an adequate
understanding of the item so
that the activities in subsequent
phases can be performed.
In this document The objectives of this clause are: Item definition 8.5.1 Hazard analysis and
a) to specify the necessary (see ISO 26262- risk assessment report re-
Clause 8
requirements that need to be 3:2018, 5.5.1) sulting from requirements
Hazard analysis and
complied with in order to perform 8.4.1 to 8.4.4
risk assessment
a motorcycle specific hazard
analysis and risk assessment;

b) to identify and classify the 8.5.2 Verification report

hazardous events caused by of the hazard analysis and
malfunctioning behaviour of the risk assessment resulting
item; and from requirement 8.4.5

26  © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved

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Table A.2 (continued)

Clause Objectives Prerequisites Work products
c) to formulate the safety goals
with their corresponding ASILs,
mapped from MSILs, related to
the prevention or mitigation of
the hazardous events, in order to
avoid unreasonable risk.
ISO 26262-3:2018, The objectives of this clause are: Item definition ISO 26262-3:2018, 7.5.1
Clause 7 a) to specify the functional or (see ISO 26262- Functional safety concept
Functional safety degraded functional behaviour 3:2018, 5.5.1) resulting from require-
concept of the item in accordance with its ments ISO 26262-3:2018,
Hazard analysis
safety goals; 7.4.1 to 7.4.3
and risk assessment
report (see 8.5.1) ISO 26262-3:2018, 7.5.2
b) to specify the constraints Verification report of the
regarding suitable and timely System architec-
functional safety concept
detection and control of relevant tural design (from
resulting from require-
faults in accordance with its external source)
ments in ISO 26262-
safety goals; 3:2018, 7.4.4
c) to specify the item level strategies
or measures to achieve the
required fault tolerance or
adequately mitigate the effects
of relevant faults by the item
itself, by the driver or by external
d) to allocate the functional safety
requirements to the system
architectural design, or to
external measures; and
e) to verify the functional safety
concept and specify the safety
validation criteria.

A.4 Overview of and workflow of product development of system level

Table A.3 provides an overview of objectives, prerequisites and work products of product development
at system level for motorcycles.

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

Table A.3 — Overview of and workflow of product development at the system level for
Clause Objectives Prerequisites Work products
ISO 26262-4:2018, The objective of this Clause is to — —
Clause 5 provide an overview of the product
General topics for the development at the system level.
product development
at the system level
ISO 26262-4:2018, The objectives of this Clause are: Functional safety ISO 26262-4:2018, 6.5.1
Clause 6 a) to specify technical safety concept, see ISO 26262- Technical safety re-
Technical Safety requirements regarding the 3:2018, 7.5.1; quirements specification
Concept functionality, dependencies, resulting from require-
System architectural de-
constraints and properties ments in ISO 26262-
sign (from an external
of the system elements and 4:2018, 6.4.1 and 6.4.2
source, see ISO 26262-
interfaces needed for their 3:2018, 7.3.1) ISO 26262-4:2018, 6.5.2
implementation; Technical safety concept
Requirements to the
resulting from require-
b) to specify technical safety item from other safety
ments in ISO 26262-
requirements regarding the relevant items if appli-
4:2018, 6.4.3 to 6.4.6
safety mechanisms to be cable
implemented in the system ISO 26262-4:2018, 6.5.3
elements and interfaces; System architectural de-
sign specification result-
c) to specify requirements ing from requirements
regarding the functional safety in ISO 26262-4:2018,
of the system and its elements 6.4.3 to 6.4.6
during production, operation,
ISO 26262-4:2018, 6.5.4
service and decommissioning;
d) to verify that the technical Hardware-software
safety requirements are interface (HSI) spec-
suitable to achieve functional ification resulting
safety at the system level from requirements in
and are consistent with the ISO 26262-4:2018, 6.4.7
functional safety requirements;
e) to develop a system ISO 26262-4:2018, 6.5.5
architectural design and a Specification of require-
technical safety concept that ments for production,
satisfy the safety requirements operation, service and
and that are not in conflict decommissioning result-
with the non-safety-related ing from requirements in
requirements; ISO 26262-4:2018, 6.4.8

f) to analyse the system ISO 26262-4:2018, 6.5.6

architectural design in order Verification report for
to prevent faults and to derive system architectur-
the necessary safety-related al design, the hard-
special characteristics for ware-software interface
production and service; and (HSI) specification, the
specification of require-
g) to verify that the system ments for production,
architectural design and the operation, service and
technical safety concept are decommissioning, and
suitable to satisfy the safety the technical safe-
requirements according to ty concept resulting
their respective ASIL. from requirements in
ISO 26262-4:2018, 6.4.9
ISO 26262-4:2018, 6.5.7
Safety analyses report
resulting from require-
ments in ISO 26262-
4:2018, 6.4.4

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Table A.3 (continued)

Clause Objectives Prerequisites Work products
ISO 26262-4:2018, The objectives of this Clause are: Safety goals from the ISO 26262-4:2018,
Clause 7 a) to define the integration steps hazard analysis and risk 7.5.1 Integration and
Item integration and and to integrate the system assessment report (see test strategy resulting
testing elements until the system is ISO 26262-3:2018, 6.5.1) from requirements in
fully integrated; ISO 26262-4:2018, 7.4.1
in this document Functional safety
concept (see ISO 26262- ISO 26262-4:2018,
Clause 9 b) to verify that the defined 3:2018, 7.5.1) 7.5.2 Integration and
Vehicle integration safety measures, resulting test report resulting
and testing from safety analyses at the Technical safety con-
from requirements in
system architectural level, are cept (see ISO 26262-
ISO 26262-4:2018, 7.4.2,
properly implemented; and 4:2018, 6.5.2)
7.4.3 and 7.4.4

c) to provide evidence that the System architectural

integrated system elements design specification (see
fulfil their safety requirements ISO 26262-4:2018, 6.5.3)
according to the system
architectural design.
interface specification
(HSI) (see ISO 26262-
4:2018, 6.5.4, ISO
26262-5:2018, 6.5.2 and
ISO 26262-6:2018, 6.5.2)
In this document This clause provides a tailoring Hazard analysis and 10.5.1 Safety validation
Clause 10, of ISO 26262-4:2018, Clause 8 for risk assessment report
specification includ-
Safety validation motorcycles. (see 8.5.1); ing safety validation
environment description
The objectives of this Clause are: Functional safety
resulting from require-
a) to provide evidence that the concept (see ISO 26262-
ments in 10.4.1 and
safety goals are achieved by the 3:2018, 7.5.1) 10.4.2
item when being integrated into
the respective vehicle(s); and 10.5.2 Safety validation
report resulting from
b) to provide evidence that the requirements in 10.4.3
functional safety concept and and 10.4.4
the technical safety concept
are appropriate for achieving
functional safety for the item.

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

Annex B

Hazard analysis and risk assessment for motorcycles

B.1 General
This annex gives a general explanation of the hazard analysis and risk assessment. The examples in B.2
(severity), B.3 (probability of exposure) and B.4 (controllability) are for information only and are not
For this analytical approach, a risk (R) can be described as a function (F), having three parameters:
The frequency of occurrence ( f ) of a hazardous event, the controllability (C), i.e. the ability to avoid the
specific harm or damage through timely reactions of the persons involved, and the potential severity
(S) of the resulting harm or damage:
R = F( f, C, S) (B.1)

The frequency of occurrence f is, in turn, influenced by two factors. One factor to consider is how
frequently and for how long individuals find themselves in a situation where the aforementioned
hazardous event can occur. In ISO  26262 this is simplified to be a measure of the probability of the
operational situation taking place in which the hazardous event can occur (exposure, E). The other
factor is the occurrence rate of faults in the item. This is not considered during hazard analysis and risk
assessment. Instead, the MSILs that result from the classification of E, S and C during hazard analysis
and risk assessment determine the minimum set of requirements on the item in order to control or
reduce the probability of random hardware failures and to avoid systematic faults. The failure rate of
the item is not considered a priori (in the risk assessment) because an unreasonable residual risk is
avoided through the implementation of the resulting safety requirements.
The hazard analysis and risk assessment subphase comprises three steps, as described below.
a) Situation analysis and hazard identification (see 8.4.2): the goal of the situation analysis and
hazard identification is to identify the potential unintended behaviours of the item that could lead
to a hazardous event. The situation analysis and hazard identification activity requires a clear
definition of the item, its functionality and its boundaries. It is based on the item’s behaviour;
therefore, the detailed design of the item does not necessarily need to be known.
EXAMPLE Factors to be considered for situation analysis and hazard identification can include:

— vehicle usage scenarios, for example high speed and urban operation, parking and off-road;

— environmental conditions, for example road surface friction, side winds;

— reasonably foreseeable rider use and misuse; and

— interaction between operational systems.

b) Classification of hazardous events (see 8.4.3): the hazard classification scheme comprises the
determination of the severity, the probability of exposure, and the controllability associated with
the hazardous events of the item. The severity represents an estimate of the potential harm in a
particular riding situation, while the probability of exposure is determined by the corresponding
situation. The controllability rates how easy or difficult it is for the rider or other road traffic
participant to avoid the considered accident type in the considered operational situation. For each
hazard, depending on the number of related hazardous events, the classification will result in one
or more combinations of severity, probability of exposure, and controllability.

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c) MSIL determination (see 8.4.3): determining the required motorcycle safety integrity level.

B.2 Examples of severity

B.2.1 General
The potential injuries that result from a hazard are evaluated for the rider, passengers and people
around the vehicle, or in surrounding vehicles to determine the severity class for a given hazard. From
this evaluation, the corresponding severity class is then determined, for example, as shown in Table B.1.
Table B.1 presents examples of consequences which can occur for a given hazard, and the corresponding
severity class for each consequence.
Given the complexity of accidents and the many possible variations of accident situations, the examples
provided in Table B.1 represent only an approximate estimate of accident effects. They represent
expected values based on previous accident analyses. Therefore, no generally valid conclusions can be
derived from these individual descriptions.
Accident statistics can be used to determine the distribution of injuries that can be expected to occur in
different types of accidents.
In Table B.1, AIS represents a categorisation of injury classes, but only for single injuries. Instead of AIS,
other categorisations such as Maximum AIS (MAIS) and Injury Severity Score (ISS) can be used.
The use of a specific injury scale depends on the state of medical research at the time the analysis is
performed. Therefore, the appropriateness of the different injury scales, such as AIS, ISS, and New ISS
(NISS), can vary over time (see References [1], [2] and [3]).

B.2.2 Description of the AIS stages

To describe the severity, the AIS classification is used. The AIS represents a classification of the severity
of injuries and is issued by the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM). The
guidelines were created to enable an international comparison of severity. The scale is divided into
seven classes:
— AIS 0: no injuries;
— AIS 1: light injuries such as skin-deep wounds, muscle pains, whiplash, etc.;
— AIS  2: moderate injuries such as deep flesh wounds, concussion with up to 15  minutes of
unconsciousness, uncomplicated long bone fractures, uncomplicated rib fractures, etc.;
— AIS 3: severe but not life-threatening injuries such as skull fractures without brain injury, spinal
dislocations below the fourth cervical vertebra without damage to the spinal cord, more than one
fractured rib without paradoxical breathing, etc.;
— AIS 4: severe injuries (life-threatening, survival probable) such as concussion with or without skull
fractures with up to 12 hours of unconsciousness, paradoxical breathing;
— AIS  5: critical injuries (life-threatening, survival uncertain) such as spinal fractures below the
fourth cervical vertebra with damage to the spinal cord, intestinal tears, cardiac tears, more than
12 hours of unconsciousness including intracranial bleeding;
— AIS 6: extremely critical or fatal injuries such as fractures of the cervical vertebrae above the third
cervical vertebra with damage to the spinal cord, extremely critical open wounds of body cavities
(thoracic and abdominal cavities), etc.

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

Table B.1 — Examples of severity classification

Class of Severity(see Table 2)
S0 S1 S2 S3
Description No injuries Light and moderate Severe injuries, pos- Life-threatening
injuries sibly life-threatening, injuries (survival
survival probable uncertain) or fatal
Reference for AIS 0 and less than more than 10 % prob- more than 10 % more than 10 % prob-
single injuries 10 % probability of ability of AIS 1-6 (and probability of AIS 3-6 ability of AIS 5-6
(from AIS scale) AIS 1-6; or damage not S2 or S3) (and not S3)
that cannot be classi-
fied safety-related
Informative Falling alone/loss of Collision with road- Collision with road- Collision with road-
examples balance. side infrastructure/ side infrastructure/ side infrastructure/
stationary vehicle at stationary vehicle stationary vehicle at
Collision with road-
typical urban vehicle at typical main road typical highway vehi-
side infrastructure/
speeds. vehicle speeds. cle speeds.
stationary vehicle at
walking speed. Impact with pedestri- Impact with pedestri- Impact with pedestri-
an/cyclist at typical an/cyclist at typical an/cyclist at typical
Rear collision (pas-
walking speed. urban vehicle speeds. main road vehicle
senger car into rear
of motorcycle) with Low side fall at typical Low side fall at typ-
differential speed urban/main road ve- ical highway vehicle Side collision (pas-
equivalent to typical hicle speeds with no speeds with no subse- senger car into side
walking speed. subsequent impact. quent impact. of motorcycle) at
typical main road
High side fall at typi- High side fall at typical
vehicle speed.
cal urban road vehicle main road/highway
speeds with no subse- vehicle speeds with no Rear collision (pas-
quent impact. subsequent impact. senger car into rear
of motorcycle) with
Side collision (passen- Side collision (passen-
differential speed
ger car into side of ger car into side of
equivalent to typical
motorcycle) at typical motorcycle) at typical
highway vehicle
walking speed. urban vehicle speed.
Rear collision (pas- Rear collision (pas-
Front collision
senger car into rear senger car into rear
into an oncoming
of motorcycle) with of motorcycle) with
passenger car with
differential speed differential speed
differential speed
equivalent to typical equivalent to typical
equivalent to typical
urban vehicle speed. main road vehicle
main road/highway
Front collision into an vehicle speed.
oncoming passenger Front collision into
car with differential an oncoming passen-
speed equivalent to ger car with differen-
typical walking speed. tial speed equivalent
to typical urban
vehicle speed.

B.3 Examples and explanations of the probability of exposure

An estimate of the probability of exposure requires the evaluation of the scenarios in which the relevant
environmental factors that contribute to the occurrence of the hazard are present. The scenarios to be
evaluated include a wide range of riding or operating situations.
These evaluations result in the designation of the hazard scenarios into one of five probability of
exposure classifications, given the nomenclature E0 (lowest exposure level), E1, E2, E3 and E4 (highest
exposure level).

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

The first of these, E0, is assigned to situations which, although identified during a hazard and risk
analysis, are considered to be unusual or incredible. Subsequent evaluation of the hazards associated
exclusively with these E0 scenarios may be excluded from further analysis.
EXAMPLE Typical examples of E0 include the following:

a) a very unusual, or infeasible, co-occurrence of circumstances, e.g. a vehicle involved in an incident which
includes an aeroplane landing on a highway; and

b) natural disasters, e.g. earthquake, hurricane, forest fire.

The remaining E1, E2, E3 and E4 levels are assigned for situations that can become hazardous depending
on either the duration of a situation (temporal overlap) or the frequency of occurrence of a situation.
NOTE 1 The classification can depend on, for example, geographical location or type of use (see

The exposure (E) to a hazard can be estimated in two ways. The first is based on the duration of a
situation and the second is based on the frequency in which a situation is encountered. For example,
a hazard can be related to the duration of a given operational situation e.g. the average time spent
negotiating traffic intersections, while another hazard can be related to the frequency of the same
operational situation e.g. the rate of repetition with which a vehicle negotiates traffic intersections.
In the first case where the exposure is ranked based on the duration of a situation, the probability of
exposure is typically estimated by the proportion of time spent in the considered situation compared
to the total operating time, e.g. ignition on. Note that in some cases the total operating time can be
the vehicle life-time (including ignition off). In the second case it is more appropriate that exposure
estimates are determined using the frequency of occurrence of a related riding situation. An example
where this is appropriate is where a pre-existing E/E system fault leads to the hazardous event within a
short interval after the situation occurs.
Examples of riding situations classified by duration and typical exposure rankings are given in Table B.2
and examples of riding situations classified by frequency are given in Table B.3.
In addition to these riding situations, the specific context of that operating situation needs to be
considered. This is required in order to determine the actual exposure in terms of exact time and exact
location that leads to the hazardous event.
A riding situation can have both duration and a frequency, such as riding in a parking lot. In this case,
the examples in Table B.2 and Table B.3 might not lead to the same exposure category, so the most
appropriate exposure ranking is selected for the analysis of the considered operational situation.
If the time period in which a failure remains latent is comparable to the time period before the hazardous
event can be expected to take place, then the estimation of the probability of exposure considers that
time period. Typically this will concern devices that are expected to act on demand, e.g. airbags.
In this case, the probability of exposure is estimated by σ × T where σ is the rate of occurrence of the
operational situation and T is the time over which the failure is not perceived (possibly up to the lifetime
of the vehicle). This approximation σ × T is valid when this resulting product is small.
NOTE 2 With regard to the duration of the considered failure, the hazard analysis and risk assessment does
not consider safety mechanisms that are part of the item (see

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

Table B.2 — Classes of probability of exposure regarding duration in operational situations

Class of probability of exposure in operational situations(see Table 3)
E1 E2 E3 E4
Description Very low probability Low probability Medium probability High probability
Duration ( % of
average operating Not specified <1 % 1 % to 10 % >10 %
Informative Large lean angle Intermediate lean angle Small lean angle Slight lean angle
Examples or less
In the process of Refuelling Passing (other vehi-
(Event) jump/bump start- cles) Cruising
Performing a hill-start
ing bike
Accelerating EV bike plug-in
Using directional indi-
Engine starting recharging
cators Decelerating
Using side stand (up Parked (incl.
Pulling out of an inter- Engine idling, motor-
or down) bike on centre/
section cycle on stand
side stand)
Emergency braking
Performing an overtak- Stopped at traffic
(immediate danger
ing manoeuvre light or intersection
is present)
Pulling away from a
Riding across rail or
tram tracks
Negotiating lost
cargo or obstacle in Normal cornering
lane of travel (pub-
lic road) In a tunnel

Shifting transmis- Feet down motorcycle

sion gears balancing and manoeu-

Table B.3 — Classes of probability of exposure regarding frequency in operational situations

Class of probability of exposure in operational situations(see Table 3)
E1 E2 E3 E4
Very low Low Medium High
probability probability probability probability
Occur less often Occur once a
Occur a few times Occur during
than once a year month or more
Frequency of Situation a year for the great almost every ride
for the great ma- often for an aver-
majority of riders on average
jority of riders age riders
Informative Road layout Off-road/ Mountain roads Motorway/ Secondary road
Examples uncategorised Highway (incl.
Cobbled roads Urban road
roads divided)
  Road surface/ Snow and ice on Riding on low Riding in rain/mist —
riding road friction (leaves,
Wet roads
conditions loose stones, oil,
diesel, mud) Riding across rail
or tram tracks
Riding in heavy
rain Speed humps/
speed reduction
Unexpected side-
Uneven road sur-

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Table B.3 (continued)

Class of probability of exposure in operational situations(see Table 3)
E1 E2 E3 E4
Informative Environment/ Lost cargo or In a tunnel Traffic congestion —
Examples infrastructure obstacle in lane
In a fuel station
of travel (public
Unlit roads at night
(riding in the dark)
  Bike In the process of In repair garage Refuelling Engine starting
stationary jump/bump start-
Using side stand
state ing bike
Parked (incl. bike
on centre/side
Feet down motor-
cycle balancing
and manoeuvring
Engine idling, mo-
torcycle on stand
Stopped at traffic
light or intersec-
  Manoeuvre Large lean angle Intermediate lean Small lean angle Slight lean angle
angle or less
Intentional front Performing a hill-
wheel lift (wheelie) Urgent braking start Using directional
(potential for indicators
Intentional rear
wheel lift (stoppie) Pulling out of an
Overtaking (low intersection
performance mo-
Passing other
through several
stationary or mov- Pulling away from
ing cars a stand-still
Evasive manoeu- Accelerating
vre, deviating
from desired path Braking

Executing a curve Decelerating

at high lateral Cruising
Normal cornering
Minor front wheel
lift EV bike plug-in
Minor rear wheel
lift Shifting transmis-
sion gears

B.4 Examples of controllability

To determine the controllability class for a given hazard an estimate is made of the probability that
the representative rider or other persons, involved in the situation, can have a controlling influence in
avoiding harm.

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

This probability estimation involves the consideration of the likelihood that representative rider will
be able to retain or regain control of the vehicle if the hazard were to occur, or that individuals in the
vicinity will contribute to the avoidance of the hazard by their actions. This consideration is based
on assumptions regarding the control actions, necessary by the individuals involved in the hazard
scenario, to retain or regain control of the situation, as well as the representative riding behaviours of
the rider involved.
NOTE 1 Controllability estimations can be influenced by a number of factors including rider profiles for the
target market, individuals’ age, skill level, riding experience, cultural background, etc.

To aid in these evaluations, Table B.4 provides examples of riding situations in which a malfunction is
introduced, and the assumptions about the corresponding control behaviours that would avoid harm.
These situations are mapped to the controllability rankings, clarifying the 90 % and 99 % breakpoint
levels for judging controllability.
NOTE 2 The controllability classification examples provided in Table B.4 are assumed to be based on a mid-
sized motorcycle intended for road use. The informative examples provided will be reviewed with respect to the
type and performance of motorcycle under consideration.

NOTE 3 Table B.4 provides indications on possible hazards which can occur and to whom it is necessary to
make reference when evaluating a specific item.

Table B.4 — Examples of possibly controllable hazardous events by the rider or by the persons
potentially at risk
  Class of controllability(see Table 4)
C0 C1 C2 C3
Description Controllable in Simply Controllable Normally Difficult to Control
general Controllable or Uncontrollable
Riding Factors and Controllable in More than 99 % of Between 90 % Less than 90 % of
Scenarios general representative riders and 99 % of repre- representative rid-
or other traffic par- sentative riders or ers or other traffic
ticipants are able to other traffic par- participants are
avoid harm ticipants are able able to avoid harm
to avoid harm
Hazard Operational situation (control actions by rider/persons potentially at risk)
Loss of traction (loss of while accelerating while accelerating
lateral and/or from a standstill during a banking
longitudinal tyre force) (declutch, cancel — — manoeuvre (cancel
acceleration) acceleration, coun-
ter steer, brake)
Undemanded acceleration in congested
(equivalent to wide open urban traffic
— — —
throttle) (apply brakes,
Undemanded decelera- in congested urban during a cornering
tion (equivalent to engine traffic (riders can manoeuvre (riders
braking) declutch, other can declutch) — —
vehicle users can
apply brakes)
Undemanded (maximum) in congested urban during a cornering
braking (not locked traffic (other vehicle manoeuvre (coun-
— —
wheels) users can apply ter steer, weight
brakes) shift)
Loss of tractive power whilst cruising on a during an over-
highway (brake and taking manoeuvre
steer to side of road) (brake and steer to — —
cancel overtaking

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Table B.4 (continued)

  Class of controllability(see Table 4)
C0 C1 C2 C3
Undemanded rear wheel when approaching a
lock — stop junction (steer — —
and apply front brake)
Undemanded front wheel when approaching
lock a stop junction
(weight shift)
— — —
during a cornering
manoeuvre (steer,
weight shift)
substantially reduced when approaching
braking capability a group of pedes-
trians crossing
(steer around
— — —
pedestrian, down
shift, sound horn,
pedestrian can
avoid motorcycle)
Rollaway while on an incline
(apply brake, accel- — — —
Loss of forward whilst riding on an
illumination unlit rural road at
night (slow down
— or stop if necessary, — —
switch on alternative
lighting if available,
e.g. high beam)
Loss of steering damping on uneven road
surfaces at highway
— speeds (increase — —
steering activity,
reduce speed)
Excessive steering during an overtaking
damping manoeuvre (apply
more steering force,
reduce speed or stop)
— — —
while manoeuvring
in a car park (apply
more steering force,
reduce speed or stop)
Unexpected pitching when approaching a
stop junction (weight
— when accelerating — —
from a standstill
(weight shift, reduce

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Annex C

Example of controllability classification techniques

C.1 General
This annex provides a general introduction to some recognised techniques that can be used to
assist with the assignment of the controllability class for motorcycle specific hazardous events. This
annex also introduces the concept of using a Controllability Classification Panel (CCP), which assigns
controllability class considering the results of evaluation and the output from controllability evaluation
This annex does not provide guidance on how to select the controllability class for specific hazardous
events but rather focuses on the available methodologies and techniques that can be used to assist with
controllability evaluation.

C.2 Concept of controllability classification panel

The assignment of the controllability class can be performed by a CCP, which can have expertise in the
areas of:
— evaluation of motorcycle controllability [performed by expert rider(s)];
— motorcycle dynamics;
— electrical/electronic system;
— functional safety; or
— rider behaviour.
Motorcycle manufacturers and system suppliers can be allowed the flexibility to tailor the numbers
and make-up of the CCP on a project by project basis. A suitable rationale can be provided for the CCP
selected. Involved organisations can share the role of forming a CCP as part of any functional safety
planning activity in the safety lifecycle. During the concept phase, it is allowable for the CCP to perform
evaluations of the controllability classification for particular hazardous events, provided a rationale
supports the selection.
Evaluations by the CCP can be based on a common understanding of classifications for severity,
exposure and controllability during the hazard analysis and risk assessment, the results from previous
safety validation tests, previous safety analyses, the functional safety objectives and available
documentation, as well as an understanding of the representative riders’ abilities and the intended
use of the motorcycle. A single technique or an appropriate combination of the techniques described
below, or others, can be used to confirm controllability evaluations during the hazard analysis and risk

C.3 Evaluating controllability of motorcycle hazardous events

The evaluation of controllability is an estimate of the probability that if a hazardous event occurs,
representative riders would be able to retain or regain control of the motorcycle, or other persons
potentially at risk would be able to gain sufficient control of the hazardous event such that they would
be able to avoid specific harm. An evaluation can be accomplished experimentally or analytically.

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)

Historically, automotive hazardous events have been assessed for controllability initially by evaluation
based on the responses of the representative driver or other persons potentially at risk. This can
involve, where allowable, groups of representative drivers to make an evaluation on the level of vehicle
controllability when system malfunctions are introduced.
Since the dynamic behaviour of a motorcycle places far more emphasis on human interaction to
ensure stability, intended trajectory and composure compared to passenger car dynamics, it is not
always possible to evaluate controllability in the same way as the automotive industry. Furthermore,
representative control behaviours of riders can differ substantially from those of passenger car drivers,
therefore a motorcycle specific evaluation is necessary.
As such, one evaluation approach is to make an evaluation of controllability based on feedback from
actual riders in order to understand how motorcycle stability, trajectory and composure can be
influenced as a result of the rider’s responses (e.g. by counter steering, throttling, braking and weight
shifting). Therefore, one generally accepted method to evaluate controllability of motorcycle hazardous
events is to use expert riders to make a judgement on how a representative rider would have coped with
a specific hazardous event. Expert riders have the experience and skill to handle some fairly extreme
hazardous events. Use of expert riders can however be subject to appropriate controls to ensure his/
her safety.

C.4 Expert riders

This annex does not require that expert riders be certified to any particular standard or hold a particular
type of advanced riding licence, but rather recommends that vehicle manufacturers, test organisations
and/or suppliers select expert riders based on their own internal procedures, which places the safety
of the expert rider as the highest priority and calls for adequate risk reduction controls to be in place to
minimise the risk of harm to the expert rider(s). Company procedures can include guidance on how to
select expert riders. The following informative examples can be used for expert rider selection criteria:
— experience in motorcycle riding for several years in all target group relevant situations and
environmental conditions;
— knowledge of using company specific standardised classification of controllability;
— experienced in accomplishing evaluations;
— capability to translate the test results to representative riders;
— technical ability to discuss the test and the results in terms of technical background;
— participation on company specific rider training courses; or
— holds an official statement as expert rider by the company.

C.5 Controllability evaluation techniques

The assignment of the controllability class, made by the CCP, can be made using an appropriate
combination of common evaluation techniques such as for example through a group of representative
or expert riders, using riding simulators or mathematical modelling techniques. If there are situations
where the safety of the expert rider cannot be assured, the highest controllability class would be
assigned (i.e. where a particular manoeuvre is considered uncontrollable even by an expert rider). No
particular controllability evaluation technique is preferred and no specific recommendation is made as
to which techniques can be used. The following techniques can be considered:
a) Evaluation by a group of representative riders
This remains a common method used within the automotive industry, and there can be examples
where the risk is acceptably low for this type of evaluation to be useful, i.e. where hazardous events

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do not affect stability, intended trajectory and composure of the motorcycle (e.g. electronically
controlled grip heaters).
b) Evaluation by expert riders
It is a commonly adopted technique to use evaluations by expert riders. Expert riders can make a
judgement on how a representative rider would have coped with a particular hazardous event. It
can be useful to use more than one expert rider to evaluate controllability (see C.6).
c) Evaluation using riding simulators
This approach could use typical riders and a riding simulator capable of providing a sufficiently
realistic representation of the motorcycle dynamic control properties and riding environment
when subject to a system malfunction situation. Note that the word “simulator” in this context
implies the use of a human rider controlling a physical, electro-mechanical dynamic representation
of a motorcycle using handlebars, throttle, brakes, etc. The simulator can have suitable control feel
characteristics and appropriate perceptual displays. The function of the simulator can be tailored
for the purposes of the controllability evaluation.
d) Evaluation using mathematical modelling and simulation techniques
This computer simulation method uses mathematical models of the motorcycle dynamics and
rider/controller. Note that the word “simulation” in this context implies a software representation
of both the motorcycle and rider/controller and their dynamic interaction.

C.6 Evaluating Controllability

Evaluation of representative riders’ controllability classification can be done on the basis of:
— vehicle response and performance as shown, for example, in Table C.1;
— awareness as shown, for example, in Table C.2; or
— control behaviour as shown, for example, in Table C.3.

Table C.1 — Vehicle response and performance

There is no change in vehi- There is a slight change There is a moderate There is a substantial
cle response and in vehicle response and change in vehicle response change in vehicle response
performance performance and performance and performance

Table C.2 — Awareness

The hazard and resulting The hazard and result- The hazard and result- The hazard and resulting
vehicle response is impercep- ing vehicle response is ing vehicle response vehicle response is percep-
tiblea or has no effect on the perceptible but does not is perceptible and can tible and can substantially
operation of the vehicle. (e.g. alarm the rider. alarm the rider. alarm the rider.
Sound volume of radio)
The timing of the rider’s The timing of the rider’s The timing of the rider’s
control actions can have control actions is impor- control actions is critical.
a small effect. tant, but not critical.
a e.g. for small relative motion between vehicles, a rider may not be able to distinguish between deceleration of a nearby
vehicle or acceleration of his own.

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Table C.3 — Control behaviour

It is not necessary for the Normal compensato- The rider can need to Extraordinary skill and
rider to change his/her ry control actionsb are adapt his/her control or unusually high control
control behaviour. a adequate for the rider to behaviour beyond normal force effort is necessary
maintain control of the compensatory control ac- to maintain control of the
vehicle. tions to maintain control vehicle.
of the vehicle.
a This may include, for example, controls necessary to maintain a constant following distance to a leading vehicle, whose
speed may be expected to vary.
b Normal compensatory control actions means a range of operating force, effort or other control action needed to control
a motorcycle subjected to typical disturbances, such as wind gusts, rough road surfaces etc.

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ISO 26262-12:2018(E)


[1] Abbreviated injury scale; Association of the advancement of Automotive medicine; Barrington,
IL, USA Information is also available at www​​.aaam​​.org [viewed 2018-12-11]
[2] Baker S.P., O'Neill B., Haddon W., Long W.B. The injury severity score: a method for
describing patients with multiple injuries and evaluating emergency care, The Journal of Trauma,
Vol.  14, No. 3, 1974
[3] Balogh Z., Offner P.J., Moore E.E., Biffl W.L. NISS predicts post injury multiple organ failure
better than ISS, The Journal of Trauma, Vol.  48, No. 4, 2000
[4] ISO  11451 (all parts), Road vehicles — Vehicle test methods for electrical disturbances from
narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy
[5] IEC 61000-6-1, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 6-1: Generic standards — Immunity
for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments

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