1 Introduction

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: Tunisian Electric

Mohamed Ben Zineb (a52491)
Achref Ben Mabrouk(a )
List of Figures
Figure 1: The Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company............................................................................1
Figure 2 : evolution of the installed power.............................................................................................2
Figure 3: the installed power..................................................................................................................3
Figure 4: the evolution of national production........................................................................................5
Figure 5: The elecricity distribution network.........................................................................................5
Figure 6: the electric transport network..................................................................................................6
Figure 7: The evolution of the structure of consumption........................................................................7
1. Introduction

Tunisia’s power sector is well developed, and nearly the entire population enjoys access to
the national electricity grid. Tunisia has a current power production capacity of 5,653
megawatts (MW) installed in 25 power plants, which produced 20,086 gigawatt hours in
2021. State power utility company STEG controls 91.7% of the country’s installed power
production capacity and produces 84% of the electricity. The remainder is produced by
Tunisia’s only independent power producer (IPP) Carthage Power Company (CPC), a 471-
MW combined-cycle power plant. The CPC plant was officially handed over to STEG in
May 2022 ending a 20-year power purchasing agreement between both companies. As a
result of delays in power plant construction, the power sector does not possess excess
generation capacity and is susceptible to brownouts. STEG is hard-pressed to meet peak
summer electricity demand, let alone keep up with Tunisia’s annual 5% growth in power


Figure 1: The Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company

1.1 STEG: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

On the eve of independence, the electrical activity was managed by seven concessionary
companies in charge of supplying the main regions of the country, with a total installed
power of nearly 100 MW and a production of about 240 GWh.
In 1962, in order to harmonise the electricity and gas sector, the Tunisian State, law N°62-8
of 3 April 1962, created the Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company (STEG) and entrusted it
with the production, transport and distribution of electricity and gas.

1.2 The Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company

Confronted with the difficulties of coping with a growing and sustained demand with very
limited energy resources, STEG has been called upon to take up many challenges in order to
succeed in its development and achieve its main objective: the electrification of the country
and the interconnection of the network.
STEG, 58 years after its creation, the electricity activity has seen in 2020 :

 The global electrification rate from 21% to 99.8%,

 The rural electrification rate from 6% to 99.5%,
 The installed capacity from 100 MW to 5934 MW (against 5653 MW in 2019),
 National production from 288 GWh to 20355 GWh in 2019,
 Gas consumption of the electricity production centres is 4,089 Ktoe (compared to
4,196 Ktoe in 2019).

 The number of customers from 183,000 to 4,233,754 (against 4,142,369 in 2019) for

Figure 2 : evolution of the installed power

2 Electricity production
2.1 Installed power
STEG's generating fleet is divided into 27 units (gas turbines, steam turbines, combined
cycles, hydro, wind). Between 2010 and 2019, the installed capacity has increased by about
5% per year, from 3599 megawatts in 2010 to 5934 megawatts in 2020, i.e. a capacity of 234

megawatts per year.

Figure 3: the installed power

The installed capacity is distributed as follows :
 2004 Mw equivalent 39.5% of the installed power is produced by Combustion Turbine
 1612 Mw equivalent 31.8% of the installed power is produced by combined cycle
 660 Mw equivalent 13% of the installed power is produced by steam turbine
 498 Mw equivalent 9.8% of the installed capacity is produced by independent power
 240 Mw equivalent 4.7% of the installed capacity is produced by wind technology
 62 Mw equivalent 1.2% of the installed capacity is produced by hydro technology
2.2 National production

In 2020, the national electricity production reached 19 578 GWh, against 14 795 GWh in
2010, which represents a growth of 3% per year. The energy mix is dominated by natural gas,
which accounts for 97%, compared to 3% for renewable energy.


The electrical network is the set of infrastructures that allow electrical energy to be
transported from production centres (power stations) to electricity consumers.
The network is made up of power lines operating at different voltage levels, connected to each
other in substations.
The substations are used to distribute the electricity and to transfer it from one voltage to
another through transformers.
An electricity network must also ensure the dynamic management of the generation-
transmission-consumption system, implementing adjustments to ensure the stability of the
system. {The frequency, the supply voltage must be stable and the concordance of the phases
3.1 The Tunisian network
The Tunisian electrical power transmission network is currently organised in 3 levels: 90 KV,
150 KV, 225 KV. The 400KV level is a step level (under study)

For regional and local distribution and dispatch, the 30 KV and 10 KV levels are used.
For the transport network, the voltage levels are used according to the need:
- In the greater Tunis area and the northwest, a voltage of 90 KV is used.

- On the coasts and in the south, a voltage of 150 KV is used.

Figure 4: the evolution of national production

The elecricity distribution network extended to 180 419 km at the end of 2019, distributed by
voltage level as follows
60966 Km for the low voltage network
119453 Km for the high voltage network

Figure 5: The elecricity distribution network

The electricity transmission network has expanded to 6,985 at the end of 2019, broken down
by voltage level as follows :

 208 km for the 400 kV transmission network

 2921 km for the 225 kV transmission network
 2377 km for the 150 kV transmission network
 1479 km for the 90 kV transmission network

Figure 6: the electric transport network

3.2 The transport equipment programme

The programme of equipment in means of transport in 2020 has known mainly the following
- The commissioning of the 225Kv line with a length of 94.5 km from Bouficha to Msaken
- The commissioning of the 400Kv line with a length of 208 km and all the lines of the 11th
- The commissioning of a 400/225Kv shielded substation in Mornaguia and its 400/225Kv-
400MVA autotransformer.
- The notable progress in the realization of the 90 Kv Kchabta-Mateur line (70%) as well as
the Sousse-Msaken II double-terminal line (80%) and this single-terminal 400Kv Msaken II-
- The overall progress of 55% in the realization of the 225Kv links of the high voltage
underground cables.
Within the framework of the elaboration of the program of equipment in means of Electricity
Transport XIIIth Plan and taking into account the implementation of a Combined Cycle (CC)
single-shaft of 450 MW in 2019/2020 at the site of Skhira, a study of static operation and
short circuit of the transport network has been carried out.
It shows the need to reinforce the national transmission network by means of the following
high voltage structures:
- The connection of the combined cycle in arterial break on the 225 Kv Sidi Mansour
Bouchemma link.

- The reinforcement of the transformation capacity of the 225/150Kv substation of Sidi

In terms of transport equipment projects, the year 2020 saw the following achievements
- The commissioning of the 225 kV / 33 kV high voltage shielded substation and two power
transformers at Chotrana in February 2020;
- The commissioning of the following overhead high voltage lines: The 225 kV Mateur-Oued
Zarga-Mornaguia lines on 17 June 2020 and Chotrana-Mnihla on 26 February 2020;
- The commissioning of two links within the Gobâa substation on 29 June 2020 and the 90 kV
inter-station link in Mateur on 26 December 2020.
The demand for electricity in 2020 reached approximately 15 353 GWh against 13 015 GWh
in 2010, i.e. a growth rate of 2% per year.
As for the structure of consumption by voltage level between the years 2010 and 2020, we
conclude the decrease of the share of HV from 9.9% to 7.7% and the share of MV from
46.5% to 41.4%, while the share of LV increased from 43.6% to 50.9% during the same
period, as a consequence of the development of individual consumption. Also, the evolution
of the percentage of rural electrification, which reached 99.9% in 2020.
The evolution of the structure of consumption by voltage as follow :

Figure 7: The evolution of the structure of consumption

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