RFLink Protocol Reference

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RFLink Gateway Commands and Data fields

The use of this protocol is free for both server and client sides of the
Data is send serial (via USB) as "text" at a speed of 57600 baud (N,8,1)
It is sufficient to open a port and listen to the data.
Each text line contains information that has been received via RF signals.

Check www.nemcon.nl/blog2 for the latest protocol details!

Packet structure - Received data from RF:


20 => Node number 20 means from the RFLink Gateway to the master, 10 means
from the master to the RFLink Gateway
Node number 11 means from the master to the master (Echo command -
creation of devices), see below for explanation
; => field separator
02 => packet counter (goes from 00-FF)
NAME => Device / Protocol name (can be used to display in applications etc.)
ID=9999 => Device ID (often a rolling code and/or device channel number)
LABEL=data => Data fields, contains the field type and value for that field, can
be present multiple times per device.

Data Fields: (LABEL=data)

ID=9999 => Device ID (often a rolling code and/or device channel number)
SWITCH=A16 => House/Unit code like A1, P2, B16 or a button number etc.
CMD=ON => Command (ON/OFF/ALLON/ALLOFF) Additional for Milight:
SET_LEVEL=15 => Direct dimming level setting value (decimal value: 0-15)
TEMP=9999 => Temperature (hexadecimal), high bit contains negative sign,
needs division by 10 (0xC0 = 192 decimal = 19.2 degrees)
HUM=99 => Humidity (decimal value: 0-100 to indicate relative humidity in
BARO=9999 => Barometric pressure (hexadecimal)
HSTATUS=99 => 0=Normal, 1=Comfortable, 2=Dry, 3=Wet
BFORECAST=99 => 0=No Info/Unknown, 1=Sunny, 2=Partly Cloudy, 3=Cloudy, 4=Rain
UV=9999 => UV intensity (hexadecimal)
LUX=9999 => Light intensity (hexadecimal)
BAT=OK => Battery status indicator (OK/LOW)
RAIN=1234 => Total rain in mm. (hexadecimal) 0x8d = 141 decimal = 14.1 mm
(needs division by 10)
RAINRATE=1234 => Rain rate in mm. (hexadecimal) 0x8d = 141 decimal = 14.1 mm
(needs division by 10)
RAINTOT=1234 => Total rain (per 24 hours) in mm. (hexadecimal) 0x8d = 141
decimal = 14.1 mm (needs division by 10)
Only reported by a very limited number of sensors
WINSP=9999 => Wind speed in km. p/h (hexadecimal) needs division by 10
AWINSP=9999 => Average Wind speed in km. p/h (hexadecimal) needs division by 10

WINGS=9999 => Wind Gust in km. p/h (hexadecimal)

WINDIR=0123 => Wind direction (integer value from 0-15) reflecting 0-360
degrees in 22.5 degree steps
WINCHL => wind chill (hexadecimal, see TEMP)
WINTMP=1234 => Wind meter temperature reading (hexadecimal, see TEMP)
CHIME=123 => Chime/Doorbell melody number
CO2=1234 => CO2 air quality
SOUND=1234 => Noise level
KWATT=9999 => KWatt (hexadecimal)
WATT=9999 => Watt (hexadecimal)
CURRENT=1234 => Current phase 1
CURRENT2=1234 => Current phase 2 (CM113)
CURRENT3=1234 => Current phase 3 (CM113)
DIST=1234 => Distance
METER=1234 => Meter values (water/electricity etc.)
VOLT=1234 => Voltage
RGBW=9999 => Milight: provides 1 byte color and 1 byte brightness value

Sample data of received RF packets:

20;A2;Auriol V2;ID=008f;TEMP=00a3;BAT=LOW;
20;36;Alecto V1;ID=ec02;TEMP=00d1;HUM=14;
20;3D;Alecto V1;ID=2000;TEMP=0011;HUM=61;
20;26;Alecto V1;ID=0086;RAIN=02ac;
20;30;Alecto V1;ID=0020;WINSP=0068;
20;16;Alecto V1;ID=0020;WINSP=0020;
20;17;Alecto V1;ID=0020;WINDIR=0002;WINGS=0088;
20;36;Alecto V1;ID=0020;WINDIR=0002;WINGS=0040;
20;74;Oregon TempHygro;ID=0ACC;TEMP=00be;HUM=40;BAT=OK;
20;b3;Oregon TempHygro;ID=1a2d;TEMP=00dd;HUM=43;BAT=OK;
20;e5;Oregon BTHR;ID=5a6d;TEMP=00be;HUM=40;BARO=03d7;BAT=OK;
20;46;Oregon Rain;ID=2a1d;RAIN=0012;RAINTOT=0012;BAT=OK;
20;83;Oregon Rain2;ID=2a19;RAIN=002a;RAINTOT=0054;BAT=OK;
20;32;Oregon Wind;ID=1a89;WINDIR=0015;WINSP=0068;AWINSP=0050;BAT=OK;
20;4a;Oregon Wind2;ID=3a0d;WINDIR=0002;WINSP=0040;AWINSP=005a;BAT=OK;
20;ba;Oregon UVN128/138;ID=ea7c;UV=0030;BAT=OK;
20;FC;Plieger York;ID=dd01;CHIME=02;
20;47;Byron SX;ID=a66a;CHIME=09;
20;41;Conrad RSL2;ID=010002;SWITCH=03;CMD=ON;

Note that for sensors that only report values like temperature, only the data and
the ID are required.
Name labels can be thrown away or used for cosmetic purposes.

For switches, the protocol name has to be stored and re-used on the transmission
Thus, when a remote control is used to control a device data like below will be
send from the RFLink Gateway over USB:
When the state of this switch needs to be changed the following command has to be
The name label (here "NewKaku") is used to tell the RFLink Gateway what protocol it
has to use for the RF broadcast.

Special Control Commands - Send:

10;REBOOT; => Reboot RFLink Gateway hardware
10;PING; => a "keep alive" function. Is replied with: 20;99;PONG;
10;VERSION; => Version and build indicator. Is replied with: 20;99;"RFLink
Gateway software version";
10;RFDEBUG=ON; => ON/OFF to Enable/Disable showing of RF packets. Is replied
with: 20;99;RFDEBUG="state";
10;RFUDEBUG=ON; => ON/OFF to Enable/Disable showing of undecoded RF packets. Is
replied with: 20;99;RFUDEBUG="state";
10;QRFDEBUG=ON; => ON/OFF to Enable/Disable showing of undecoded RF packets. Is
replied with: 20;99;QRFDEBUG="state";
QRFDEBUG is a faster version of RFUDEBUG but all pulse times
are shown in hexadecimal and need to be multiplied by 30
10;RTSCLEAN; => Clean Rolling code table stored in internal EEPROM
10;RTSRECCLEAN=9 => Clean Rolling code record number (value from 0 - 15)
10;RTSSHOW; => Show Rolling code table stored in internal EEPROM
10;STATUS; => Reports the status of the various modules that can be

10;setRF433=ON => enable/disable scanning of received 433/868 mhz signals
10;setGPIO=ON => enable/disable scanning of IOPIN changes
10;setBLE=ON => enable/disable scanning of Bluetooth LE signals, requires an
NRF24L01 wired for Milight use, not together with Milight/MySensors
10;setMySensors=ON => enable/disable scanning of MySensors signals, requires an
NRF24L01 wired for Milight use, not together with Milight/BLE
10;setMilight=ON => enable/disable scanning of Milight RF signals, requires an
NRF24L01 wired for Milight use, not together with BLE/MySensors
10;setNodoNRF=ON => enable/disable scanning of Nodo NRF signals, requires an
NRF24L01 wired for Nodo use
10;setANSLUTA=ON => enable/disable scanning of Ikea Ansluta signals, requires a
CC2500, not together with Livingcolors
10;setLIVINGCOLORS=O => enable/disable scanning of Living Colors Gen1 signals,
requires a CC2500, not together with Ansluta
10;LicoClean; => Erase the Living colors lamp address table
10;LicoShow; => Show the Living colors lamp address table
10;EEPClean; => Clean all settings in EEPROM

Packet structure - To Send data via RF:

10;Protocol Name;device address,button number;action;

Sample data of transmitted RF packets:

10;Kaku;00004d;1;OFF; => Kaku/ARC protocol;address;action (ON/OFF)
10;AB400D;00004d;1;OFF; => Sartano protocol;address;action (ON/OFF)
10;Impuls;00004d;1;OFF; => Impuls protocol;address;action (ON/OFF)
10;NewKaku;00c142;1;ON; => Newkaku/AC protocol;address (24 bits);button number
(hexadecimal 0x0-0x0f);action (ON/OFF/ALLON/ALLOFF/15 - 1 to 15 for direct dim
10;NewKaku;128ac4d;1;OFF; => Newkaku/AC protocol;address (28 bits);button number
(hexadecimal 0x0-0x0f);action (ON/OFF/ALLON/ALLOFF/15 - 1 to 15 for direct dim
10;Eurodomest;123456;01;ON; => Eurodomest protocol;address;button number;action
10;Blyss;ff98;A1;OFF; => Blyss protocol;address;button;action
10;Conrad;ff0607;1;OFF; => Conrad RSL protocol, address, button number, action
10;Kambrook;050325;a1;ON; => Kambrook protocol, address, unit/button number,
action (ON/OFF)
10;X10;000041;1;OFF; => X10 protocol;address;action (ON/OFF)
10;HomeConfort;01b523;D3;ON;=> HomeConfort protocol;address;action (ON/OFF)
10;FA500;001b523;D3;ON; => Flamingo protocol;address;action (ON/OFF)
10;Powerfix;000080;0;ON; => Powerfix/Quigg/Chacon protocol;address;action
10;Ikea Koppla;000080;0;ON; => Koppla protocol;address;action (ON/OFF)
10;HomeEasy;7900b100;3;ON; => Home Easy protocol;address;action
10;EV1527;000080;0;ON; => EV1527 protocol;address;device 0x00-0x0f,action
10;Chuango;000080;2;ON; => Chuango Protocol;address;action
10;Selectplus;001c33; => SelectPlus protocol;address
10;Byron;112233;01;OFF; => Dyron SX protocol;address;ringtone
10;DELTRONIC;001c33; => Deltronic protocol;address
10;BYRON;00009F;01;ON; => Byron protocol;address;chime number,command
10;FA20RF;67f570;1;ON; => Flamingo FA20RF / FA21 / KD101 protocol, address,
button number, action (ON/OFF/ALLON/ALLOFF)
10;MERTIK;64;UP; => Mertik protocol, address, command
10;RTS;1a602a;0;ON; => RTS protocol, address, command (zero is unused for
10;RTS;1b602b;0123;PAIR; => Pairing for RTS rolling code: RTS protocol,
address, rolling code number, PAIR command
10;RTS;1b602b;0123;0;PAIR; => Extended Pairing for RTS rolling code: RTS
protocol, address, rolling code number, eeprom record number, PAIR command
10;MiLightv1;F746;00;3c00;ON; => Milight v1 protocol;address;button/unit
number;color & brightness;command (ON/OFF/ALLON/ALLOFF/DISCO+/DISCO-/MODE0 - MODE8
10;MiLightv1;F746;01;34BC;PAIR; => Milight v1 protocol;address;button/unit
number;color & brightness -not relevant-; PAIR command
10;MiLightv1;F746;01;34BC;UNPAIR; => Milight v1 protocol;address;button/unit
number;color & brightness -not relevant-; UNPAIR command
10;MiLightv1;F746;01;34BC;BRIGHT; => Milight v1 protocol;address;button/unit
number;color & brightness; Set brightness
10;MiLightv1;F746;01;34BC;COLOR; => Milight v1 protocol;address;button/unit
number;color & brightness; Set color

Device creation using the Echo command (Node 11):

RFlink auto detects remote control signals and home automation software should
create the device automatically.
However, sometimes the original remote control is not available anymore
For this purpose Node 11 commands can be used from the home automation software.
The user can input a command as below:

11;20;0B;NewKaku;ID=000005;SWITCH=2;CMD=ON; => 11; is the required node info it can

be followed by any custom data which will be echoed

RFlink will reply with

20;D3;OK; => Notifying that the command has been
20;D4;NewKaku;ID=000005;SWITCH=2;CMD=ON; => sending the data "as if" a remote
control button was pressed.

The home automation software can then process the received command as any other
RFlink command.

More Information:
If you have any questions about the protocol or require assistance with
implementing the protocol on home automation software
then just send a mail to frankzirrone@gmail.com

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