Assignment 8 Epf3304
Assignment 8 Epf3304
Assignment 8 Epf3304
SEMESTER 1, 2012/2021
2(s+0 .5 ) −5 s
G(s)= e
(s+2)(2 s+1)
Use the excel file or simulation.
1. Approximate it to be 1st order process
2. Use the methods learnt in class: ZN, TL, CC and IE method for setpoint change
3. Discuss and compare the values of Kc Ti and Td obtained using the different
methods. Predict the performance of the tuning methods
4. Run the simulation
5. Discuss the performance of the tuning methods based on several performance
criteria such as overshoot, rise time and settling time
1. First Order Equation
A general first order system can be written as:
Note that gain and time constant define the behaviour of a first order
2 ( s +0.5 ) −5 s
G(s) = e
( s+ 2 )( 2 s +1 )
EPF 3304, SEM 1, 20/21
2 s +1
G(s) = e−5 s
( s+ 2 )( 2 s +1 )
We need to cancel out the numerator and denominator (2s+1),
G(s) = e−5 s
Then, divide by 2,
½ −5 s
e 0.5 −5 s
G(s) = s+2 = e eqn.1
( 0.5 s+1 )
1st order system with gain K, dead time θ and time constant τ; 3 parameters to be
K e−θs
G(s) = eqn.2
Compare between equations 1 and 2 to get the value of K, dead time θ and time
constant τ,
K = 0.5
τ = 0.5
Table 1 Kc T1 Td ZN Method
Kc τ1 τD
0.6 K CU PU /2 PU /8
= 0.6(1) = (20)/2 = (20)/8
= 0.6 = 10 = 2.5
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Table 2 Kc T1 Td TL Method
Kc τ1 τD
0.45 K CU 2.2 PU PU /6.3
= 0.45(1) = 2.2 (20) = (20)/6.3
= 0.45 = 44 = 3.17
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Kc τ1 τD
K KC = A (θ/ τ)B τ/ τ 1 τ D /¿ τ
= 0.796 + (-0.1465)*( 5 −0.85
= 0.965 ( ) = 0.965 ( )
0.5 0.5
= 0.1363 ¿ = 0.1363
Kc τD
= -0.669
= 0.1363/0.5 τ1 = 0.1363*(0.5)
= 0.2726 = 0.5/-0.669 = 0.06815
= -0.7474
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Table 4 Kc T1 Td CC Method
Kc τ1 τD
K K C = 1.35
θ +0.270 τ 1 /τ =θ τ D /¿ τ
5 [32+6 (5/0.5)] 0.37(5 /0.5)
= 1.35(0.5/5) + 0.270
= 5 = 5
13+ 8( ) 1.0+ 0.2( )
= 0.405 0.5 0.5
Kc = 4.946 = 1.233
= 0.405/0.5 τ1 τD
= 0.81 = 4.946*(0.5) = 1.233*(0.5)
= 2.4731 = 0.6167
Graph Comparison
1) ZN Method
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2) TL Method
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3) IE Method
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4) CC Method
Question 3:
EPF 3304, SEM 1, 20/21
Table 5 Kc T1 Td for ZN TL IE and CC Method
ZN 0.6 10 2.5
TL 0.45 44 3.17
IE 0.2726 -0.7474 0.06815
CC 0.81 2.4731 0.6167
The value of Kc, T1 and TD had been obtaining from the four different method. The value of the
controller gain, Kc for ZN method is 0.6, T 1 is 10 and TD is 2.5. The graph obtain was not that
stable although it reaches the set point. The value of Kc for TL method is 0.45, 44 for T 1 and
3.17 for Td. As the value of T1 increase the value Kc decrease, this will lead to faster set-point
response. Thus, the graph showed for TL method had reach the set point and least overshoot.
Next, for the IE method the value of Kc was 0.2726. T 1 value was -0.7474 and TD was 0.6167.
The graph obtain was didn’t reach the set point and there was no overshoot. Lastly was CC
method. The Kc value obtain was 0.81 which was the highest value compare to other method.
The T1 value was 2.4731 and TD value was 0.6167. The graph obtain show that it didn’t reach
the set-point also. This graph shows large overshoot.
Question 5:
Between these four graphs plotted, TL method showed the best graph shape since it gave the
least overshoot, good controller gain and reached the set point. It also had a better stability in
the control loop compared to the other methods. The performance evaluated
using time response parameters Rise Time (Tr), Settling Time (Ts) and overshoot. The general
effect of each controller parameter on closed system are shown below.