EnglishFile4e Upp-Int TG PCM Vocab 9B
EnglishFile4e Upp-Int TG PCM Vocab 9B
EnglishFile4e Upp-Int TG PCM Vocab 9B
Complete the column on the right with the correct form of the word in brackets.
Add a prefix
1 The bill should have been less than this. I think the waiter has us. (charged) overcharged
2 Teachers don’t earn enough. They’re definitely . (paid)
3 My cousin won a fortune on the lottery. She’s a now! (millionaire)
4 Do you prefer watching a dubbed film or one which is ? (titled)
5 Is that dictionary or is it French–English? (lingual)
6 Famous people often write their when they are still quite young. (biographies)
7 You should always install good software to protect your computer. (virus)
8 Sorry, I must have the number. I thought it was a ‘3’ and not an ‘8’. (read)
9 Much of London was rebuilt in the era. (war)
My first computer only had half a of memory. (byte)
Add a suffix
1 I like to wear clothes when I’m at home. (comfort)
2 We had a night last night. The baby just wouldn’t stop crying! (sleep)
3 My mum’s one of the most people I know. She’s always happy! (cheer)
4 One of the most easily symptoms of an allergic reaction is a rash. (recognize)
5 One of the main problems facing governments today is . (terror)
6 Since Jane’s been going to the gym, she’s noticed a definite in the way she
looks and feels. (improve)
7 The rate of has been very low in my country this year. (inflate)
8 Martin’s biggest is that he can’t concentrate for very long. (weak)
9 Kathy always dresses with such . (elegant)
Medicine bottles have to be so that young children can’t open them. (child)
Irregular nouns
1 Although there’s a sauna at my gym, I never use it because I can’t stand extreme
. (hot)
2 There are hundreds of weight books on the market at the moment.
Do you think any of them actually work? (lose)
3 Did you know that the average of a European male is 1.77 metres? (high)
4 My mother inherited a lot of money after my grandmother’s . (die)
5 is still a big problem in several African countries. (hungry)
6 The band’s recent tour was a great . (succeed)
7 Could you tell me what your greatest is? (strong)
8 It’s about 5 metres in . (wide)
9 The of going to the dentist makes me feel ill. (think)
Contrary to popular , drinking coffee can be good for your health. (believe)
Cover the column on the right. In pairs, read the sentences and try to remember the words.
English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Upper-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2020