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Maintain an operator logbook to capture critical events and corrective actions in the data center.

Confirm that each duty shift in the data center has a handover report written on the completion of their
shift on activities performed and key issues to assist with smooth takeover until the next shift.

Confirm that the registry or portal is frequently reviewed by management.

Keep track of End of Day (EOD) or End of Month (EOM) events and processes to prevent system
breaches, suppression of malicious acts, or service failures.

Confirm that EOD/EOM activities and processes are regularly reviewed to ensure no service issues or
malicious acts are overlooked.

Confirm that incidents recorded during EOD/EOM processing are promptly forwarded to relevant
administrative persons for resolution.

Data Center Capacity Utilization

Implement capacity management and planning measures.

Ensure that resource monitoring software is installed to monitor the capacity usage of resources on all
relevant servers, especially critical systems and applications.

Review system resource usage reports and identify times of peak resource demand during the
processing day.

Confirm that IT management receives feedback on system capacity usage reports to plan future server
or application acquisition as part of their strategic function.

Determine whether the capacity planning performed, such as processor, memory, or disk, is consistent
with and integrated into long-term strategic plans.

Data Center Performance Management

Implement performance measurement and monitoring systems.

Determine if performance measurement process services and infrastructure are in place.

Determine if the system outage is recorded or monitored.

Confirm that alerts and notifications are set to follow agreed resource thresholds so that systems trigger
or alert Operators when set points are violated or exceeded.

Verify that system downtime or outage is being actively monitored to prevent service failure.

Data Center Backup Environment and Management

Implement adequate controls to ensure accountability and protection of backup media produced at the
main site and their transfer and retrieval to the offsite storage facility.

Confirm that all tapes sent to the offsite storage facility are appropriately documented and authorized
before transfer.
Confirm that the method of transferring tapes to the offsite storage facility is secure and adequately
protected against theft or danger.

Examine the box or case and the tape transfer process to ensure the safety of the tapes.

Verify that tapes and other media are encrypted to prevent them from being accessed or compromised
in the event of theft or loss.

Verify that the default encryption code has been changed and is not used to encrypt tape drives during

Are all visitors to the offsite facility required to sign a logbook stating their name, the reason for visit,
time and date, or record their presence?

Our recovery processes of storage media (tape and hard drives) are documented and adequately
controlled to ensure that the correct tapes are retrieved, and appropriate entitlements are available?

Is storage media (tapes and hard drives) correctly indexed and labeled to facilitate easy storage and

Data Center Environmental Control and Monitoring Systems

Ensure that data center operators and other personnel on-site are adequately trained on how to
respond in the event of a fire.

Are the data center operators adequately trained to do different fire emergencies or security breaches

Are other personnel in the facility sufficiently responsive to what to do when fire emergencies occur?

Verify that authorized persons are assigned to critical areas of the facility and are adequately equipped
with essential tools to coordinate emergency evacuation activities.

Ensure that frequent fire drills are conducted to create the necessary awareness of all employees to
respond adequately to emergency or fire incidents.

Install fire equipment and other emergency controls and ensure it is adequately maintained and tested
to respond to any fire exits.

Are fire alarm pull boxes and emergency power switches visible, marked and unobstructed?

Are there clear and adequate fire instructions at all locations in and around the data center?

Ensure the emergency phone numbers for fire officials are prominently placed around the facility for
easy access and usage in the case of a fire.

Are smoke and heat detectors periodically tested to determine operating conditions and their ability to
detect the presence of fire or smoke when needed?

Are smoke detectors strategically placed under raised floors and on the data center ceiling to easily
detect smoke or fire?

Are there enough fire alarm pull boxes in and around the data center?
Are operators given individual responsibilities in case of fire?

Are operators trained on firefighting periodically?

How often are fire drills held?

Are FM200 fire extinguishers installed in the data center for fire fighting?

Are FM200 extinguishers maintained and serviced by their service lifecycle?

Is firefighting equipment periodically tested to determine its operational status and ability to respond to
a disaster in an emergency?

Are there flammable materials in and around the data center area?

Flammable materials should not be kept around the data center as they are fire-inducing and can help
the fire spread.

Implement controls to adequately prevent floods and other disasters from affecting the data center.

Is the data center built on a raised floor?

Are the materials used for the raised floor or floor of the data center non-combustible or non-conducive
to the fire spread?

Are there water lines or pipes running through or near the data center area to prevent flooding?

Is there an environmental monitoring and control system (EMCS) installed in the data center to ensure
that the data center’s temperature and humidity levels are managed and monitored?

Is the data center environmental monitoring and control system (EMCS) periodically tested?

Are the EMCS configurations adequate to ensure that triggers or alerts are sent to the appropriate
individuals when temperature and humidity conditions within the data center fall or rise above
acceptable limits or thresholds?

Implement a main wiring and cabling system in and around the data center to prevent physical damage.

Check to make sure electrical power cords and cables around the data center are well organized in
enclosures to prevent physical damage.

Does the data center have a redundant cooling system?

Is there a UPS system to back up the data center electricity?

What is the backup capacity of the UPS System?

When was the UPS system last tested?

Make sure there are no exposed power cords to avoid electrical shock to personnel.

Protect signal and data cables in PVC housings to prevent signal dropout or malicious eavesdropping.

Inspect all signal and data cables on servers and network devices to ensure they are not subject to
interference or touch.
Data Center Physical Access Controls

Implement a biometric or smart card access control device to restrict access to the data center.

Confirm a procedure to grant users access to the data center and set up the authorization process.

Do all personnel enter the data center enter from an entry point controlled by a biometric or smart card
access control device that the Data Center Manager monitors?

Ensure there is a procedure for reviewing biometric or smart card activity logs.

Confirm that log reviews are performed by the Data Center Administrator or an authorized person.

Do biometric or smart card devices restrict access based on an individual’s unique access credentials?

Do biometric or smart card devices restrict access to designated doors for users or at a particular time of

Are biometric or smart card access methods challenging to replicate or compromise?

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