Phy Project

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This is to certify that yash vardhan of class

XII-A of science of Roll no. …………………… of Army
Public School fatehgarh has successfully
completed and submitted investigatory project
entitled “To investigate the dependence, of the
angle of deviation on the angle of incidence,
using a hallow prism filled, one by one, with
different transparent fluids” to the department of
physics for AISSCE practical examination 2022-
2023 as set by Central Board of Secondary
Education and it wholly fulfilled the standard set
by Central Board of Secondary Education.
This project is absolutely genuine and does
not indulge any kind of plagiarism.
The reference taken in making this project
has been declared at the end of this project.

Signature of Principal Signature of

Mr. Nitin Chaturvedi

In the accomplishment of this project

successfully,many people have best pledged
support,this time I amm utilizing to thank all the
project who have been concerned with this
project. Primarily I would like to thank God for
being able to complete this project successfully.
Then I would like to thank Physics teacher Mr.
Rajib Das ,whose valuable guidance has been the
ones that help me patch this project and make it
full proff success. His suggestions and his
instruction have served as the major contributor
towards the completion of the project. Then I
would like to thank my parents and friends who
have helped me their valuable suggestion and
guidance has been very helpful in various phases
of the completion of the project. Last but not
the least I would lile to thank my classmate who
helped me a lot.

TOPIC: To investigate the dependence, of the angle

of deviation on the angle of incidence, using a
hollow prism filled, one by one, with different
transparent fluids.

Submitted to the department of physics, Army Public

School fatehgarh for the fulfillment of AISSCE - 2022-2023,

Submitted by:-Yash Vardhan


When light is incident on the interface of two mediums, it

deviates from its original path. This phenomenon is known
as refraction. This basic cause of refraction is due to the
chance in velocity of light while going from one medium to
another. This velocity of light is different in mediums,
velocity of light is lower. Thus the light tends to bend or
deviate more from its original path,which in turn implies
that the medium has greater refractive index. By measuring
the angle of deviation and its variation from angle of
incidence, we can find the minimum angle of deviation. It is
possible to calculate the refractive index of a medium from
the value of the angle of minimum deviation. The liquid
under study was taken in a hollow prism. Four refractive
took place first at the air-glass interface; second at the
glass-liquid interface; third at the liquid-glass interface and
lastly at the glass-air interface. However, for simplification,
it has been assumed that the glass has negligible thickness,
and only two effective refractive took place-first, when
light moves from air to liquid, and second, when it moves
from air. The calculation for refractive index were done
with these premises.
Some term related to topics are:

REFRACTION : This phenomenon of bending of light from

its straight line path on the surface of seperation of two
optical media is known as refraction of light.
LAWS OF REFRACTION : 1. First Law: Incident ray, normal
and the point of incidence and refractive ray are co-
planer i.e., all in the same plane. 2. Second Law: The
ratio of sine of and is always constant.
REFRACTIVE INDEX: It is defined as the ratio of velocity
of light in vacuum to that of in any medium.
ANGLE OF INCIDENCE : The angle between the incident
ray and the normal ray.
ANGLE OF DEVIATION : The angle between the incident
ray and the emergent ray is called the angle of
MINIMUM DEVIATION : Minimum value of angle of
deviation sufferd by the light ray when it passes through
a prism it is known as minimum angle of deviation.
DISPERSION : The phenomenon of splitting of white light
into its consituent colours when light ray passes through
prism is called dispersion of light
Experimental setup
AIM: To investigate the dependence, of the angle
of deviation on the angle of incidence, using a
hallow prism filled, one by one, with different
transparent fluids.

Drawing board, white sheets of paper, hollow
prism, different liquids (water, kerosene oil, etc),
drawing pins, pencil, half meter scale, thump pins,
graph papers and a protractor.

Refraction of Light through a Prism –
Diagram shows section ABC of a prism taken by a
vertical plane, perpendicular to the edge. BC is the
base of the prism and AB and AC are its two
refracting surfaces.

RQ is the incident ray.

QS is the refracted ray.
ST is the emergent ray.
RQN1 = i = angle of incidence
SQN3 = r1 = angle of refraction inside
prism QSN3 = r2 = angle of incidence inside
prism TSN2 = e = angle of emergence
BAC = A = angle of prism
SFK = D = angle of
D = (i – r1) + (e – r2)
D = i + e – (r1 + r2)
… (1)
In QS1N3, r1 + r2 + QN3S = 180⁰
… (2)
The quadrilateral AQN3S is cyclic quadrilateral, then
A+ QN3S = 180
… (3)
From (2) and (3)
A = r1 + r2
… (4) Eq. (1) become
D= i+ e-A
D+ A= i+ e
… (5)
Angle of Minimum Deviation -
➢Definition: The minimum value of angle of
deviation is called angle of minimum deviation.
It is represented by the symbol Dm.
➢Explanation: For same angle of deviation (D)
there are two values of angle of incidence. One
value equals ‘i’ and other value equals ‘e’.
As angle ‘i’ is increased from a small value, ‘e’
decreases from large value and angle of
deviation decreases. When angle of deviation
is minimum (Dm), then, ‘i’ and ‘e’ becomes
The refracted ray QS goes parallel to base BC.
Since i = e, we have r1 = r2. sin i = sin e
∵ n =sin r1 sin r 2 )

Hence, at minimum deviation, when r1 = r2

= r (say).
We have A = r1 + r2 = r + r = 2r
⇒ 2

Also, at minimum deviation, D = Dm and i =

From relation, A + D = i + e
We have, A + Dm = i + i = 2i
A+ Dm
⇒ i= 2

From Snell’s law,

n= i sin

A + Dm
sin 2
We have n= sin

This relation is useful for determination of n for

Prism material.

DIAGRAM: Refraction through prism at

different angles
1.A white sheet of paper was fixed on the
drawing board with the help of drawing pins.
2. A straight line XX’ parallel to the length of the
paper was drawn nearly in the middle of the
3. Points Q1,Q2,Q3 and Q4 were marked on the
straight line XX’ at suitable distances of about
4. Normal’s N1Q1,N2Q2,N3Q3 and N4Q4 were drawn
on points Q1,Q2,Q3 and Straight lines
R1Q1,R2Q2,R3Q3 and R4Q4 were drawn making
angles of 40⁰,45⁰,50⁰ and 55⁰ respectively with
the normals.

5. One corner of the prism was marked as A and it

was taken as the edge of the prism for all the
6. Prism with its refracting face AB was put in the
line XX’ and point Q1 was put in the middle of
.The boundary of the prism was marked.

.Two pins P1 and P2 were fixed vertically on the

line R1Q1 and the distance between the pins were
about 2cm.
7. The images of points P1 and P2 were looked
through face AC.
8. Left eye was closed and right eye was
opened and was brought in line with the two
9. Two pins P3 and P4 were fixed vertically at
about 2cm apart such that the open right eye
sees pins P4 and P3 as images of P2 and P1 in
one straight line.
10. Pins P1,P2,P3 and P4 were removed and their
pricks on the paper were encircled.
11. Steps 7 to 13 were again repeated with
points Q2,Q3 and Q4 for i=45⁰,50⁰ and 55⁰
12. Straight lines through points P4 and P3
drawn to obtain emergent rays S1T1, S2T2, S3T3
and S4T4.

13. T1S1,T2S2 ,T3S3 and T4S4 were produced inward

in the boundary of the prism to meet produced
incident rays R1Q1, R2Q2,R3Q3 and R4Q4 at points
F1,F2,F3 and F4.
14. Angles K1F1S1,K2F2S2,K3F3S3 and K4F4S4 were
measured. These angles give angle of
deviation D1, D2,D3 and D4.
15. Values of these angles were written on the
16. Angle BAC was measured in the boundary
of the prism. This gives angle A.
17. Observations were recorded.


Angle of hollow prism A = 60⁰

S.No. Angle Angle of Angle Angle of
of deviatio of deviatio
incidenc n for deviatio n for
e water n for turpenti
kerosen ne oil
e oil
1 40⁰ 23⁰ 36⁰ 32⁰
2 45⁰ 24⁰ 33⁰ 33⁰
3 50⁰ 25⁰ 34⁰ 34⁰
4 55⁰ 26⁰ 35⁰ 35⁰
➢The angle of minimum deviation for –
Water Dm = 23⁰C
Kerosene oil Dm = 33⁰C
Turpentine oil Dm = 32⁰C

➢The refractive indices of the-

Water n = 1.32
Kerosene oil n = 1.46
Turpentine oil n =

➢Speed of light in-

Water v = 2.3x108 m/s

Kerosene oil v = 2.05x108 m/s
Turpentine oil v = 2.08x108 m/s

 The angle of incidence should lie between
35⁰ – 60⁰.
 The pins should be fixed vertical.
 The distance between the two pins should
not be less than 10mm.
 Arrow heads should be marked to represent
the incident and emergent rays.

 The same angle of prism should be used for

all the observations.

The following sources were used for the

appropriate information required to complete the

➢Comprehensive: Practical Physics Class XII

➢NCERT textbook of class XII

▪ Introduction

▪ Experimental setup

▪ Bibliography

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