This document discusses the functions and importance of education in society. It defines education and outlines the main types: formal, non-formal, informal, and special education. Formal education refers to the structured school system from primary to university level. Non-formal education provides skills outside the formal system. Informal education involves lifelong learning from daily experiences. Special education tailors instruction for students with differing needs. The document also discusses how education contributes to self-actualization and fulfilling human needs according to Maslow's hierarchy, from basic physiological needs to higher-level growth.
This document discusses the functions and importance of education in society. It defines education and outlines the main types: formal, non-formal, informal, and special education. Formal education refers to the structured school system from primary to university level. Non-formal education provides skills outside the formal system. Informal education involves lifelong learning from daily experiences. Special education tailors instruction for students with differing needs. The document also discusses how education contributes to self-actualization and fulfilling human needs according to Maslow's hierarchy, from basic physiological needs to higher-level growth.
This document discusses the functions and importance of education in society. It defines education and outlines the main types: formal, non-formal, informal, and special education. Formal education refers to the structured school system from primary to university level. Non-formal education provides skills outside the formal system. Informal education involves lifelong learning from daily experiences. Special education tailors instruction for students with differing needs. The document also discusses how education contributes to self-actualization and fulfilling human needs according to Maslow's hierarchy, from basic physiological needs to higher-level growth.
This document discusses the functions and importance of education in society. It defines education and outlines the main types: formal, non-formal, informal, and special education. Formal education refers to the structured school system from primary to university level. Non-formal education provides skills outside the formal system. Informal education involves lifelong learning from daily experiences. Special education tailors instruction for students with differing needs. The document also discusses how education contributes to self-actualization and fulfilling human needs according to Maslow's hierarchy, from basic physiological needs to higher-level growth.
Education is the social institution
1. FORMAL EDUCATION through which society provides its 2. NON-FORMAL EDUCATION members with important knowledge, 3. INFORMAL EDUCATION including basic facts, job skills, and 4. SPECIAL EDUCATION cultural norms and values (John J. Macionis, 2012). FORMAL EDUCATION - It is systematic training of the moral and intellectual This refers to the hierarchically structured, faculties of the mind. chronologically graded educational system from - Education is both the act of teaching knowledge to primary school to the university, including programs others and the act of receiving knowledge from and institutions for full time technical and vocational someone else. Education also refers to the training. knowledge received through schooling or instruction Elementary Elementary education involves and to the institution of teaching. (1st 6 yrs.) compulsory, formal education - The act of process of imparting or acquiring a.k.a. primarily concerned with providing general knowledge, developing the powers of Primary basic education, and usually reasoning and judgement, and generally of corresponds to a traditional six grades preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature or seven grades, and in addition, to preschool programs. ● Education in the Philippines is managed and regulated (Such preschool education normally by the Department of Education, commonly referred to consists of kindergarten schooling but as the DepEd. may cover other preparatory courses ● It controls the Philippine educational system, including as well.) the creation and implementation of the curriculum and Secondary Secondary education, public the utilization of funds allotted by the national (JHS-SHS) schools and private schools, is government. It also manages the construction of concerned primarily with continuing schools, acquisition of books and other school materials, basic education of the elementary and the recruitment of teachers and staff. level and expanding it to include the ● Before the Philippines attained independence in 1946, learning of employable, gainful skills, the country’s education system was patterned after the usually corresponding to four years of educational systems of Spain and the United States. junior high school and two years of ● Spanish and the United States brought educational senior high school. practices, which reflected their culture and ideologies. Tertiary Institutions of higher education may - During the Spanish time, the function of education (College) be classified as either public or private was inculcated moral and religious values. Religion college or university, and public was the core curriculum, and the schools were used institutions of higher education may to spread Christianity. further be subdivided into two types: - It mainly served the upper classes; thus, education state universities and colleges and symbolized “social standing and prestige.” The local colleges and universities. educated class consisted mostly of ilustrados. (Most institutions of higher learning - When the Americans came, education was are regulated by the Commission of focused on the development of new social patterns Higher Education (CHED). Colleges that would prepare the nation for a self-governing typically offer 1 or more specialized democracy. programs while universities must offer - Public institution was institutionalized to give every at least 8 or more different person the education needed to participate in a self- undergraduate degree programs in a governing democracy. wide array of subjects and at least 2 or more graduate programs.) NON-FORMAL EDUCATION SELF-ACTUALIZATION It refers to any organized educational activity ● Education develops one’s outside the established formal system to provide sense of self. According to selected types of learning to a segment of the Abraham Maslow, self- population. actualization is the highest As a concept, non-formal form of human need. It was education emerged in response defined as “to become more to the world crisis in education and more what one is, to identified by Philip H. Coombs become everything that one is capable of becoming.” in 1967, who argued that the formal education system has failed to address the changing dynamics of the environment and the societies. (music, arts) Non-formal education enables a student to learn skills and knowledge through structured learning experiences. Example: Vocational Education. ALS, NO AGE LIMIT. ALTERNATIVE LEARNING SYSTEM. INFORMAL EDUCATION It is a lifelong process whereby every individual acquires from daily experiences, attitudes, values, facts, skills, and knowledge or motor skill from resources in his or her higher environment. Basically, we learn on a day-to-day basis from life itself from the experiences you gain from your observations. Managing emotion is a part of informal education. (Self-teaching, adapting) The concept of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is once that level is fulfilled the next level up is what motivates us, and SPECIAL EDUCATION so on. refers to the education of persons who are Physiological needs physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, or - biological requirements for human survival, e.g. air, culturally different from so-called “normal” food, drink, shelter, clothing, warmth, sex, sleep. individuals, such that they require modification of (If these needs are not satisfied the human body school practices to develop their potential. cannot function optimally.) Special education provides distinct services, Safety needs curricula, and instructional materials geared to – protection from elements, security, order, law, pupils or students who are significantly higher or stability, freedom from fear. lower than the average or norm. SPED aims to Love and belongingness needs develop the maximums potential of the child with - the need for interpersonal relationships motivates the special needs to enable him/her to become self- behaviour; you are born to love and to be loved reliant and take advantage of the opportunities for a (Examples include friendship, intimacy, trust, and full and happy life. acceptance, receiving and giving affection and love. Affiliating, being part of a group (family, friends, work). FUNCTIONS OF EDUCATION IN THE SOCIETY Esteem needs Herbert Spencer, British Sociologist, classified into two categories: explains functions are important to be (i) esteem for oneself (dignity, achievement, performed as they make the society mastery, and independence) and whole. If each function is working well, (ii) the desire for reputation or respect from others. society attains progress. He lays down the functions of education as follows: Self-actualization needs - realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, PRODUCTIVE CITIZENRY seeking personal growth and peak ● Education systems enable citizens to be productive experiences. members of a society, as they are equipped with The late president Ramon Magsaysay knowledge and skills that could contribute to the aptly observed that “education is the development of their society’s systems and institutions. greatest equalizer of opportunities” for everybody. The primary function of education is the - Education has to be free and compulsory at socialization of the new members of the society. least in the primary level, whereas higher Other most important objectives of education are: education should be made available on the 1) Teaching basic skills, such as reading, writing, and basis of merit. arithmetic. - Normative instruments of the United Nations 2) Helping children develop skills in abstracting and UNESCO lay down international legal thinking and problem solving. obligations for the right to education. These 3) Transmitting the cultural heritage, from which instruments promote and develop the right of individual may develop an appreciation of their society. every person to enjoy access to education of 4) Communicating to children the basic value of the good quality, without discrimination or society. exclusion. 5) Teaching the special aspects of the culture, such as - Education is a powerful tool by which art, music, literature, drama, science, technology, and economically and socially marginalized adults sports. and children can lift themselves out of poverty 6) Teaching vocational skills that help individuals enter and participate fully as citizens. the job market. Nelson Mandela has rightly 7) Training citizens for life within the political system of said that 'Education is the their society. most powerful weapon which 8) Preparing children to live long and form meaningful you can use to change the world.' Yes, education is the relationship with other human beings. key to eliminate all problems. If you want to grow and be Education helps in creation of a better society successful, then you need to Back bone of a society be educated! Encourage innovation and creativity - The issue on education taps economical Can create better human beings give ability to aspect of the society, as classism stands as a read and write barrier to the social development of humans. Understanding the responsibilities. This also digs on the impact of social Educated person new technique strategies. inequality, as a systematic oppression lies Creative tayo, why educations are the most especially on the lower class. They powerful weapon which we can use to change experience discrepancies in educational the perspective of the world and educated person knows how to deal with the different opportunities due to financial problems. types of problem. Through right education a person can develop good moral values and help us to become a good human being. A person that doesn’t know how to read and write is just like a building without a foundation. Pre-school. Communication literate, illiterate. Evolves lahat, signages
- Primary education is essential in the early
stages of human life. - Humans need education to enable them to adapt to the dictates of their society. - The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declare that education is a fundamental human right and essential for the exercise of all other human rights. - It promotes individual freedom and empowerment and yields important development benefits. What I Know Assessment. 3. The most basic social institution and is a system I. Read and analyze the concepts below. Write of organized relationship involving workable and the word Correct if the idea of the statement is dependable ways of meeting basic social needs. A. true and write the word Incorrect if otherwise. FAMILY 1. Education is also a form of socialization 4. Constitutes a set of beliefs regarding the ultimate according to sociologists. CORRECT power in the universe, the ideal and proper pattern 2. The American colonization in the Philippines of behavior, and ceremonial ways to expressing lasted for forty-eight years and had brought a big these beliefs. D. RELIGION influence in our education system today. CORRECT For Items 5-8 3. The education during the Spanish time was open A. Formal Education C. Non-Formal Education for all indios. INCORRECT B. Informal Education D. Special Education 4. Formal education follows indefinite system of 5. It provides distinct services, facilities, curricula, learning process. INCORRECT and instructional materials geared to pupils or 5. Tertiary education is regulated by the Department students who are significantly higher or lower than of Education. INCORRECT the average or norm. D. SPECIAL EDUCATION 6. Elementary education is a formal type of 6. Refers to the systematic and deliberate process education. CORRECT of hierarchically structured and sequential learning. 7. Elementary education in the country is A. FORMAL EDUCATION compulsory thus all Filipino children are enrolled in 7. They are organized systematic education that elementary school. INCORRECT provides selected types of learning to a segment of 8. SPED school aims to develop the potentials of the population. C. NON-FORMAL EDUCATION the child with special needs. CORRECT 8. It is a lifelong process of learning. What other 9. High school has a total of six years under the new function or purpose of education it is referring to? B. school curriculum. CORRECT INFORMAL EDUCATION 10. Education reflects a classless society. For Items 9-12 INCORRECT A. Education is Self-Empowerment B. Fosters Participant Democracy II. Identification. Identify what is being asked. C. Financial stability 11. He proposed the theory of hierarchy of needs. D. To complete the socialization process Abraham Maslow C 9. Education helps you gain sufficient academic 12. What is the letter E in the acronym of UNESCO qualification, knowledge, and skills to get a suitable stands for? Educational employment with proper remuneration or salary. 13. What is the starting level under K to 12 the basic B 10. Literacy, which is the product of education, education? Kindergarten allows full participation of the people in democratic 14. Primary education is considered a human process and effective voting. ___________. Right A 11. Receiving a good education helps empower 15. Type of education that enables a student to you, thus making you strong enough to look after learn skills and knowledge through structured yourself in any given situation or conditions. learning experiences. Formal D 12. The main social objective of education which involves the family and school as agents of A. Multiple Choice: Carefully read every socialization. question below and choose the letter that B. Define the following important terms. corresponds to your answer. 1. School For items 1-4 2. Education A. Family B. Education C. Government D. Religion 3. Self-actualization 1. The institution that administers the regulatory 4. Citizens functions of law and order and maintains security in society. C. GOVERNMENT 2. The process of socialization, which begins informally at home and then formally in educational institutions. B. EDUCATION