Las Oral Com. 11 Week 3 4

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District: BAROBO 1

ORAL.COM – 2nd Quarter – Week 3-4

Competency: Explains that a shift in speech context, speech style, speech act, and
Communicative strategy affects the following: (EN11/12OC-llab-22)
- Language form (EN11/12OC-llab-22.1)
- Duration of interaction (EN11/12OC-llab-22.2)
- Relationships of speaker (EN11/12OC-llab-22.3
- Role and responsibilities of the speaker (EN11/12OC-llab-22.4)
- Message (EN11/12OC-llab-22.5)
- Delivery (EN11/12OC-llab-22.6)

Objectives: At the end of the week, you shall have:

o Explain that a shift in speech context, style, act, and communicative strategy
affects the following:
a. Language form
b. Duration of interaction
c. Relationship of speaker
d. Role and responsibilities of the speaker
e. Message
f. delivery
o Use appropriate language in a given situation
o Communicate effectively in different situations

What Is It?

You have learned about the different speech context, speech style, speech act
and communicative strategies. Why do we need to know all of these?
We need to know the speech context so that we will know what style and act to
use in communicating with others. We can choose the best words to say in applying the
communicative strategies. Whenever there is a shift on any of these, the language
form, duration of interaction, relationship of speaker, role and responsibilities of the
speaker, message and delivery are affected. Therefore, all of these can affect how we
approach, what we say, and how long we to speak with others.
For example,
Approach Situation: you and your best friends are talking
Context: Dyad Style: Casual
Language Form Less formal words, use those that you both
Duration of interaction Not very long unless you are in a hurry
Relationship of speaker Friends
Role and responsibilities of Make each other feel happy or comfortable
the speaker
Message Funny experiences
Delivery Extemporaneous, not rehearsed

Approach Situation: you are talking to your guidance
Context: Dyad Style: Consultative
Language Form A bit formal and serious
Duration of interaction There is a time limit from 10-30 minutes
Relationship of speaker Professional
Role and responsibilities of Speaker must be polite and honest
the speaker
Message Personal experience
Delivery Clear and extemporaneous

You will see that there is a difference in the approaches if the context is different. What
is important is you know what is the APPROPRIATE approach. This is the best way to
become effective in our communication with others. It is not enough that you know the
concepts. You have to understand how to use them, where to apply and when to
adjust. Before you know it, you have already been a good speaker!
Activity 1
Fill in the tables with appropriate approach. Write your answer in one whole sheet of
Approach Situation: You are having a meeting with your
Context: small group Style: intimate
Language Form

Duration of interaction

Relationship of speaker

Role and responsibilities of

the speaker


Approach Situation: You are asked to give the opening

remarks of the school orientation program
Context: Public Style: Formal
Language Form

Duration of interaction

Relationship of speaker

Role and responsibilities of

the speaker


Activity 2
Look at the given pictures. Find out what style, context, act and strategies are evident
in the situation. How should the speakers speak? Write your answer in one whole
sheet of paper.

Reflective Questions:
1. How does the shift of speech context, style, act and strategies affect the way you

2.Why are these lessons important?

All activities (guided by parents or learning facilitators)

Performance Task
Write a script for a one-act play that shows how a teenager has become a bad speaker
to a good speaker after learning that a shift in speech context, style, act and
communicative strategy affects how he or she should approach in a given situation.
You can think of any character, setting, and other elements in a play. If there is a
chance, you will use this script to present the play. Write your script in your notebook.
Rubric for Script:
Category 4 3 2 1

Content The script Comic Comic Strip Comic

contains all the Strip contains only Strip
required contains all the some of the contains only
elements required required has one of the
(style, context, elements elements required
act) presented (style, context, presented with elements
with act) presented appropriate presented with
with dialogues. appropriate
appropriate dialogues.
dialogues in
realistic dialogues.

Creativity The script has The script has The script has The comic
creative way of creative way of simple way of strip is very
showing the showing the showing the simple
situation and situation and situation but a and
organized flow organized flow little ordinary.
of events. It is of events. disorganized
very in the flow of
interesting. events.

Accuracy The script The script There are a few There are
lines are dialogues are errors in several errors
written written grammar, in grammar,
correctly in correctly in punctuation punctuation
terms of terms of and spelling. and spelling.
grammar, grammar,
punctuation, punctuation,
and spelling. and spelling.
Thus, ideas
are clear.

Activity 1- Answer may vary

Activity 2- Answer may vary

Activity 3- Answer may vary

Deped Curriculum Guide
Sipacio, Philippe John Fresnillo and Balgos, Anne Richie Garcia. Oral Communication
in Context. Quezon City: C&E Publishing House, Inc., 2016.
communicative strategies accessed May 12, 2020
communicative strategies accessed May 12, 2020 examples of
context, style, act and strategies accessed May 12, 2020 examples
of context, style, act and strategies accessed May 12, 2020

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