Multiple Choice
Choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
3. Identify the statement that does not describe the spiritual person.
a. A person who sees God always in all things.
b. A person who always goes to church on Sundays.
c. A person who experiences “Bodhi” or “Enlightenment”
d. A person who feels the force of nature and become one with it.
4. Since time immemorial, belief to a divine being is practice by people in different cultural milieu and
tradition. There are even those who worship animals like the golden calf in the Old Testament as their
God. Other culture even considers millions of small gods like the Hindus. How do you call the people
who believe in one God?
a. Polytheists b. Monotheists c. Pantheists d. Atheists
5. As individuals, we use different lenses in seeing things and realities around us. Conflicts sometimes
arise in defense of their point of view. Our pluralistic society has also varied belief systems. What
statement best describes what a belief system is?
a. A particular way of ordering the realities of the world
b. The religious preferences of a person or a group
c. Anything that we do and think about all the time
d. A speculative thinking and ritualistic habit of different people
6. Etymologically it comes from a Lati word “Religare” which means “to bond or to tie.”
a. Spirituality b. Religion c. Culture d. Theology
7. According to Deepak Chopra, “Religion is a belief to someone else’s experience. Spirituality is having
your own experience.” It means?
a. Spirituality answers the question, “Where do I find meaning?” while for religion the question is,
“Where do I belong?”
b. Spirituality focus is what is right or wrong, while religion talks about sacraments and rituals.
c. Spirituality is about the question of True or False while religion is about obedience to the laws.
d. Spirituality asks what rites, sacraments, or rituals should we follow while religion ask what are our
8. From the given statement below, consider the most appropriate behavior or attitude if one is a member
of a religious group.
a. Argue that his/her God is the real one.
b. Criticize other religious beliefs.
c. Respect the freedom of religion.
d. Proselytize and convert other people to join your religion.
9. Identify which statement does not distinguish between Religion and Spirituality.
a. Religion makes us vow, Spirituality set us free.
b. Religion shows us fear, Spirituality shows us courage.
c. Religion tells the truth, Spirituality allows us to discover the truth.
d. Religion is real, spirituality is metaphysical.
10. It is defined as broader than religion. It goes beyond religious affiliation that strives for inspiration,
reverence, awe, meaning and purpose even to those who do not believe in God.
a. Animism b. Theology c. Spirituality d. Philosophy
11. Science claims that God cannot be observed because it has no physical attributes. However, religion is
also claiming that God can be studied through his manifestations and revelations. In fact, St. Thomas
Aquinas suggested Five Ways in knowing God in his Summa Theologiae. What specific discipline that
studies the nature of God and its manifestations?
a. Spirituality c. Theology
b. Philosophy of Religion d. Theocracy
12. While there are many people who believe in God, there are others who also do not believe in God. This
belief was highlighted during the scientific age when the dictum, “To see is to believe” was foremost in
the minds of the people. If nothing can be seen or observed or experimented then it does not exist. How
do you call the persons that do not believe in God?
a. Buddhist b. Pantheist c. Atheist d. Monotheist
13. One of the statements reflects the beliefs of the Filipinos before Christianity was introduced?
a. Filipinos are polytheistic.
b. Filipinos are monotheistic.
c. Filipinos are animistic.
d. Filipinos are polytheistic, monotheistic and animistic.
14. Jesus Christ and Buddha are spiritual persons. If they are considered spiritual persons, then each one
of us could also attain the same status in some stages of our journey towards life. Identify what statement
does NOT describe a spiritual person below.
a. A person who sees God always in all things.
b. A person who always goes to church on Sundays.
c. A person who experiences “Bodhi” or “Enlightenment”
d. A person who feels the force of nature and become one with it.
15. Our relationship of the divine is always described as religious and spiritual. However, being religious is
not always spiritual and being spiritual is not always religious. There are people who are religious but
not spiritual and vice versa. What phrase below best describes the relationship between religion and
a. I
b. I and II
c. I, II, and III
d. I, II, III, and IV
16. This is a Filipino pre-Spanish belief that was considered pagan by the Spaniards. Normally when pass
by a big tree in the forest we must say, “tabi-tabi po,” as a sign of respect to other beings around. This
is part of our culture and it is defined as the belief in numerous spiritual beings concerned wuth human
affairs and capable of helping or harming human interests. What is this belief?
a. Monism
b. Animism
c. Theism
d. Henotheism
17. This term is often misunderstood as the same as believing in God. It is defined as the systematic study
of the nature of the Divine and, more broadly, of religious belief. It is taught as an academic discipline,
typically in universities.
a. Philosophy
b. Teleology
c. Theology
d. Archeology
18. Animistic beliefs include the idea that
a. No clear boundaries exist between the natural and the supernatural
b. Nature is superior to the supernatural
c. Animals once existed as human beings
d. There is one creator who intervenes in both the natural and supernatural
19. What is the term for letters written in the New Testament for the purpose of instruction, encouragement,
and practical advice?
a. Gospels
b. Acts
c. Parables
d. Epistles
20. Taoism today currently has about 20 million followers and is centered in
a. Tibet
b. Korea
c. Taiwan
d. Chinas Hunan province
21. The Vedas are believed to have come to ancient members of the priestly class directly from
a. Brahman
b. Indra
c. Agni
d. Vishnu
22. In many primal religions a common symbol signifying the center of the universe
a. Egg
b. Mandala
c. Tree of life
d. Heart
23. Which of the three orientations of religion seeks union with a reality that is greater than oneself?
a. Apocalyptic
b. Prophetic
c. Mystical
d. Communal
24. The savior figure in the Hindu religion is
a. Vishnu
b. Brahma
c. Shiva
d. Krishna
25. Which of the following beliefs is shared by Sikhs and Hindus?
a. The castle system
b. Polytheism
c. Reincarnation
d. Living gurus whose ancestry dates back to founders
26. The cornerstone of Confucian ethics is _____ a supreme virtue representing human qualities at their
a. Xin
b. Hsiao
c. Jen D.
d. Li
27. Among followers of the bahai faith the nine doors and central dome of a house of worship symbolize the
a. Multiple pathways to god
b. Diversity and unity of human kind
c. Sacraments
d. Ten great manifestations of god
28. Which of the following is not one of Hinduisms Darshana scriptures?
a. Brahma sutra
b. Yoga sutra
c. Nyaya sutra
d. Kama sutra
29. For each of the New Testament gospel writers the central concern of the text is?
a. Jesus's fulfillment of Hebrew prophecies
b. Palestines suffering under the rule of Rome
c. The suffering and death of Jesus
d. The parables and other teachings of Jesus
30. Which of the following words is an acronym for the three major divisions of the Hebrew bible?
a. Pentateuch
b. Kethuvim
c. Tanakh
d. Torah
31. A main difference between Buddhism and many of the other major religions is its belief in
a. Salvation through ones own efforts
b. Life after death
c. Rununciation of the material world
d. One supreme God
32. The earliest known Buddhist scripture known as Pali Canon is commonly known as the
a. Vinaya Pitakas
b. Tipitaka
c. Sutras
d. Trikaya
33. Virtues endorsed by Confucius include each of the following, except
a. Loyalty
b. Pride
c. Thrift
d. Ritualization
34. An important similarity between Jainism and Sikhism is the
a. View of the human being as a composite of spirit and matter
b. Practice of vegetarianism
c. Monotheistic deity worship
d. Promotion of ahimsa
35. Which of the following is not a belief common to all baha'is?
a. World government
b. Polytheism
c. An afterlife
d. Reconciliation of religion and science
36. The most sacred part of the Hebrew bible is embodied in the
a. Prophets
b. Talmud
c. Midrash
d. Pentateuch
37. According to the Jains the highest stage of life short of liberation is
a. Birth as a bird
b. Sexual maturity
c. Human birth
d. Parenthood
38. A follower of Islam is called a
a. Brahman
b. Missionary
c. Muslim
d. Hindi
39. A follower of Islam is called a __________________________.
a. Brahman
b. Missionary
c. Muslim
d. Hindi
40. The founder of Islam is ___________________.
a. Siddhartha Gautama
b. Abraham
c. Jesus
d. Muhammad
41. The belief in one god is called ________________
a. Monotheism
b. Polytheism
c. Animism D.
d. Atheism
42. The sacred text (holy book) of the Christians is the _______________.
a. Qu'ran or Koran
b. Bible
c. The Vedas
d. The Torah
43. The founder of Buddhism is ______________________
a. Siddhartha Gautama
b. Jesus
c. Muhammad
d. Abraham
44. Some of the sacred texts of the Hindus include __________________
a. The Torah and the Hebrew Bible
b. The Qu'ran and the teachings Abraham
c. The Vedas, Maharbharata
d. and the Upanishads
45. The sacred text (holy book) for followers of Islam is _______________
a. Bible
b. The Vedas
c. Qu'ran or Koran
d. The Torah
46. Which is NOT one of the Five Pillars of Faith associated with Islam?
a. Give to charity
b. Pray 5 x's per day
c. Travel to Mecca at least once in your lifetime
d. Become a missionary in a foreign land
47. The Torah is the sacred writing (holy book) for which religion?
a. Judaism
b. Christianity
c. Islam
d. None of the above
48. The belief that the soul never dies but is continually reborn or reincarnated is associated with which
a. Islam
b. Christianity
c. Judaism
d. Hinduism and Buddhism
49. Following the Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths to achieve enlightenment is associated with
which religion?
a. Buddhism
b. Hinduism
c. Islam
d. Christianity
50. This religion can be divided into Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox sects.
a. Judaism
b. Christianity
c. Islam
d. Buddhism
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