Hulu Brand Guidelines

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The key takeaways are that the Big Green Guide provides an overview of Hulu's brand, design principles, and creative guidelines.

The global design principles of Hulu are to be different, simply essential, delightfully human, always focus on stories, and be for TV people.

The different types of emails that Hulu uses are Hulu Originals launch emails, emails about the Disney Bundle, emails about sports and schedules, and emails with gifs.



Welcome to the Big Green Guide.

This is your roadmap (and tour guide) to
everything you need to know about the
Hulu brand.
You’ll find plenty of info in here to help you
bring our brand to life, plus links to deep-dive
guides. To access downloadable assets,
you can go to to our toolkit site, This Is Hulu.
Stream on!

Global Design Principles Tone of Voice
Design Toolkit
Trademarks Campaigns
Color Time to Have Hulu
Hulu Green Culture Campaigns
Grids Evergreen Brand
Vessel Social
Illustration Email
Marketing Web
Product Design

Motion Toolkit
Motion Theory
Network Ident System
Promo Structure

Orwell fan?
Dystopian futures?

Night Off? SEASON 3

We’ve created a fully adaptive 5

unifying system that unites Marketing

and Product Design.
At the heart of the design system is The Vessel. 6

Born from our name and logo.

1.0 7

1.0 Global Design Principles 8

Stories connect us. With each 1 2 We are all about the true TV Lover.
other and with the world. We truly We get them, like a good friend. We
understand the power of a great Always Delightfully know how passionate they are for TV,
story, and always put it first. a story. human. so everything we do is approachable,
warm and delightful.

TV for
TV people.
Empowering everyone to
discover, share and celebrate
the stories that connect us.

3 4
There’s always been a little
rebelliousness in our DNA, and we
Do it Simply We are the ‘skinny jeans’ of TV.
can’t help but let it out. We entice, different. essential. Your great value staple that makes your
life easier. Utterly essential – stylish,
provoke and instigate people with
comfortable and infinitely adaptive.
bold ideas and behaviors – but all
with good fun.
2.0 9

X.X Design Toolkit 10


Logo Lockups Color Typography Iconography

Grid The Vessel Illustration Motion Theory Sonic Identity

2.1 Design Toolkit 11

X.X Trademarks 12

We use our logo with pride

and fill it with meaning.
X.X Trademarks 13

Logo The Hulu logo is the primary visual

icon of our identity. The stylized,
mono-weight lower-case letter
forms should never be altered or
This and other toolkit assets can
be downloaded here.
2.1 Trademarks 14

Logo Safe Zone The logo’s safe zone is equivalent to the

height of the ‘u’ on all sides.
2.1 Trademarks 15

Logo Wherever possible, the logo should be

Hero Palette filled with Hulu green. In cases where we
want to make an impact by using a green
background, the logo can be black.

A green logo over gradient background is

preferred in most cases.
2.1 Trademarks 16

Hulu Badge In cases where a green logo will not

be legible over the background, we
can use the Hulu badge.

Note that this is not our hero logo and is

only used when the Hulu logo would not
be legible on its own.
2.1 Trademarks 17

Logo Lockups Examples

The Lockups The Badge

The Hulu Originals logo lockups are Used in Product to denote exclusive
comprised of the Hulu logo and the Hulu Originals, this badge ensures
word “Originals” set in Graphik. legibility regardless of the background.

Hulu Product

A/V Open
X.X Trademarks 18

Logo Lockups There are different lockup formats depending

on the type of partnership. The Hulu and partner
logos should always have equal visual weight.

Premium Add-ons Ongoing Partnerships One-off Partnerships

Use for content partnerships. Use a vertical pipe which is 150% of the Use an “x” set in white Graphik Semibold
These can also live without The Vessel. height of the “l” in Hulu for ongoing raised above the baseline to appear
business-level partnerships. vertically centered.

2.1 Trademarks 19

Logo Lockups Typically used by our partners, these

Tune In / Avail logo lockups remain inside The Vessel
for Partners to ensure the legibility of our green logo
over any background.
They are available in both static and
animated form.
2.1 Trademarks 20

App Icons App icons are individually designed,

based on specifications, but the light
source in the gradient should always
come from the top right to align with
gradients in our UI.

The following schematic provides

guidance on the logo sizing.
2.2 Design Toolkit 21

2.2 Color 22

Color is how we tell stories and

turn heads. We’re no wallflower.
Our green is strong enough to
melt through your screen.
2.2 Color 23

Hulu Green Green is good. It sets us apart,

and it’s the first thing you think
of when you think Hulu.

Hulu Green
2.2 Color 24

Primary Our primary colors form the base

Colors of our design system.

Hulu Green Hulu Black Dynamic Gradient

Our primary brand color #1CE783 Our secondary color is #040405 Used as a background #040405 to #183949
represents the fresh used only in combination to create depth and bring
distinctiveness of our R 28 with green. R 4 a cinematic quality. Light source generally
brand and stands out G 231 G 4 comes from the bottom
from more traditional B 131 B 5 right for Marketing.
entertainment palettes. For Product Design, it
C 76 C 60 generally comes from
M 0 M 40 the top right.
Y 70 Y 40
K 0 K 100 Print-specific files
available here
PMS 7479 C PMS Black C

Secondary Green
Secondary Green is used sparingly #29A869
in digital creative. It is to be used in
combination with white or very light R 41
colors. Unlike our hero green, this G 168
meets color contrast accessibility B 105
2.2 Color 25

But there’s more than green.

Three unique color worlds
let us tell a variety of stories
as only Hulu can.
X.X Color 26

Color Worlds

Show Time Clean Green Business Time

Show Time is bold, atmospheric and Green is good. It sets us apart, When we want to be clear and
immersive. The color world we use most and it’s the first thing you think inviting. Use it when we talk about our
of the time as we show off our content. of when you think Hulu. business, our culture and our teams.
2.2 Color 27

Show Time Use this color world for showing off

Overview our wide range of content.


Text and graphics



Where to use
• Product experience
• Brand campaigns
• Webpages
• Performance marketing banners
• Social
2.2 Color 28

Show Time Content color adds depth and personality to our creative.
Content Color This is present in both Product and Marketing design.

User Interface Marketing

The Vessel is used as a selection state and uses an algorithm to match the color to the key art. Similar to what we see in Hulu UI, color can be integrated into Marketing content through The Vessel
The gradient glow overlay increases the legibility of the information presented over the art. and a gradient glow overlay. The glow overlay is used to increase legibility of text or title treatments.
2.2 Color 29

Show Time Vessels and gradient glows in Marketing should match the color that is
Content Color assigned by Hulu UI.

You can determine the correct color by using a browser extension such
as Colorzilla that allows you to eyedrop the color in our ui. Pick from the
horizontal bar below the key art on web to get the correct value.
2.2 Color 30

Show Time If you are featuring photos that are not used in Hulu UI, such
Content Color as episodic stills, please pick the most dominant color from
within the photo to use for The Vessel and gradient glow.
Examples below.
2.2 Color 31

Clean Green The use of green creates

Overview ownership and punctuates our stories.


Text and graphics


Where to use
• Hulu + Live TV
2.2 Color 32

Business Time Business Time is used across

Overview more formal touch-points. Our
secondary green can be used on a
white background to meet contrast
accessibility standards.


Text and graphics



• Internal and B2B presentations
• Recruitment webpages
• Product design
2.2 Color 33

Usage The main color world is Show Time,

Proportions used around 60% of the time. Clean
Green allows us to deliver a striking
brand presence when needed. The
Business Time color world should
be used more sparingly, making up
a very small part of the identity.

Show time: 60% Clean Green: 30% Business time: 10%

2.3 Design Toolkit 34

2.3 Typography 35

Typography is our visual voice.

Bringing range, nuance and
attitude to what we have to say.
X.X Typography

Graphik Re

Graphik Reg
Typeface Hulu uses the Graphik type
family in all applications.

Graphik Bo
Google Slides
When using Google Slides, use Proxima Nova.

Coordinate with Commercial Type on
purchase of the appropriate license for their
project (e.g. Web, App, Desktop, etc.)
2.3 Typography 37

Type Expression Our typographic system is bold and

Overview flexible. Four distinct typographic
expressions allow for range in tone.

Core Active Narrative Cinematic

Our everyday expression. Dynamic and filled with energy. Combines words, images and Elegant and singular. Use it to
It’s simple, accessible Use it to represent Hulu + Live TV. The Vessel to tell engaging visual embellish dramatic imagery
and contemporary. stories about our content. with messaging.


2.3 Typography 38

Core This is our everyday expression.

Overview Clear hierarchy of information
ensures ease of use for more
functional moments in our brand.

Where to use
• Brand campaigns Weight Leading Tracking

• Evergreen brand creative
• Performance marketing Ems Percent

Bold 90% -25 -3%

Bold 115% -18 -2%

Section Header Regular 115% -18 -2%

Subhead Regular 125% 0 0

Body Regular Auto 10 +1%

+/- based +/- based
on size & on size &
legibility legibility
2.3 Typography 39


HEADLINE Conversational Headline Section Header

Use for shorter headlines which aren’t a full sentence, Use to convey Hulu’s voice in longer headlines which Use in instances where there are multiple
declarative statements, or tune-in messaging. are full sentences. Sentence case should be used here. headers (i.e on a landing page). These usually
come after / below a bold headline.
2.3 Typography 40

Active A mix of Super Italic, Bold, and

Overview Medium font weights is used
to create dynamic and active
expressions across different types
of Live TV messages.

Where to use
• Hulu + Live TV Weight Leading Tracking

Ems Percent

Super Italic 85% -20 -3%

Bold 85% -20 -3%

News headline Medium 115% -10 -1%

2.3 Typography 41



Impactful and energetic typography with its negative space The right energy and the versatility for a wide range of live A gentle voice with a strong attitude that allows us to
set to a minimum. Use when talking about live sports. shows, delivered through clean and striking typesetting. deliver a straightforward message in a trustworthy tone.
2.3 Typography 42

Narrative By combining words and imagery through

Overview The Vessel, we create a narrative around the
content to guide the viewer.

Where to use Type styles

• Brand campaigns
• Evergreen brand creative
• Performance marketing

Headline Emphasis
Graphik Bold Graphik Bold Italic
Inside Vessel Inside Vessel

Graphik Bold Graphik Bold Italic
All Caps All Caps
Inside Vessel Inside Vessel
2.3 Typography 43



Always center align typography Contain text and images within Vessels. Type interacts with Combine typography that sits both inside
to The Vessel. iconography to create direction. and outside The Vessel to add interest.
2.3 Typography 44

Cinematic Cinematic expressions are used to dial

Overview up our premium content. This is the only
expression where we use Graphik light.

Where to use Type styles

• Promotion of premium content

Graphik Light
All Caps


Graphik Light
All Caps
Inside Vessel

We have flexible tracking from

+150 to +2000 depending on
amount of text and content.
2.3 Typography 45




2.3 Typography 46



Don’t rotate typography. Don’t use multiple content colors Don’t use the dimensional glow
on typography. on typography.


Don’t use outlined text over imagery. Avoid blocking key features and Don’t match typography
faces with typography. color to Vessel.
2.4 Design Toolkit 47

X.X Iconography 48

Our icons help tell

a story while adding
some fun.
2.4 Iconography 49

Product Hulu product iconography is

Icons organized into two categories,
Each with its own use cases.

Utililty Icons Pictographs

Use for navigation, notifications, and to Use when a Utility icon doesn’t
represent actions. tell enough of a story.
2.4 Iconography 50

Marketing A selected set of our product

Icons utility icons become a part
our emotive and navigational
language in marketing.
X.X Iconography 51

Icon An icon’s meaning can shift

Journey depending on context.


Product Evergreen Brand Brand Culture Campaign

This icon is used to represent In this example, the icon’s meaning Here, the same icon is used as part of the
ADD TO MY STUFF. changes slightly and is used to illustrate larger set to represent inclusion.
the story of catch-up messaging.
2.5 Design Toolkit 52

2.5 Grids 53

Don’t underestimate
the power of the grid.
A simple, flexible system
that aligns Hulu on
all platforms.
X.X Grids 54

Grid We have three principles for

Principles creating our grid system.

Even Spacing Even Margins Flexibility

A 1:1 grid ensures even spacing Margins must be equally balanced 1:1 grid density adapts to
between elements. and consist of two grid units. accommodate different formats.
2.5 Grids 55

Grid Using the following approach, we can

Construction create a consistent 1:1 grid system that
works across all formats.


Define the aspect ratio of the format. Use the aspect ratio to create a 1:1 grid. 16 units across by 9 down. Then multiply the grid units equally to ensure the grid is dense enough
and creates a flexible design canvas.

Digital Landscape Digital Landscape Digital Landscape

Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Units: 16 x 9 Grid: 48 x 27
2.5 Grids 56

Digital formats Please note that each format requires a

different multiplication of its aspect ratio
to create the desired density of the grid.
This should be considered optically.

Digital Landscape
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Social 1080x1080 Grid: 48 x 27
Aspect Ratio: 1:1
Grid: 30 x 30

Performance Marketing Ad 300x600

Aspect Ratio: 3:6
Grid: 30 x 60
2.5 Grids 57

Print Formats Please note that each format requires a

different multiplication of its aspect ratio
to create the desired density of the grid.
This should be considered optically.

Billboard 40x 12ft

Aspect Ratio: 40:12
Grid: 80 x 24

A- Size Poster US Letter

Aspect Ratio: 6:8 | In instances of decimal Aspect Ratio: 5:7 | In instances of decimal
places in aspect ratios, round to whole places in aspect ratios, round to whole
numbers. numbers.
Grid: 24 x 32 Grid: 25 x 35
2.6 Design Toolkit 58

X.X Vessel 59

The Vessel.
Bringing our key motif to
life and using it to celebrate
everything Hulu.
X.X Vessel 60

Concept Hulu loosely translates to “the holder of

precious things.” Born from our logo,
The Vessel becomes the holder of what
is most essential.
2.6 Vessel 61

Behaviors The Vessel has a range of

behaviors and expressions.

Tell stories Emphasize what’s important Be a window into content

The CIA?
85,000 shows THE SAGA
1980s Los Angeles? and movies.
It’s kind of a big deal.
X.X Vessel 62

Behaviors The Vessel has a range of

behaviors and expressions.

Highlight the best part Spotlight characters Guide the viewer

Ready to watch?
2.6 Vessel 63

Creating The Vessel.

2.6 Vessel 64

Quick Pay special attention to the Min/Max

Cheat Sheet corner radius dimensions for larger units.

Corner radius Stroke width Type padding

Divide shortest edge Regular stroke: Compact padding:
of The Vessel by 6. Divide longest edge Typography is scaled
of The Vessel by 100. at 90% of the width of
If using multiple Vessels all corner radii The Vessel.
align to the average pixel radius (not
smallest, not largest). Heavy stroke:
Each format has a pre-defined Min and Divide longest edge Wide padding:
Max corner radius to create a cohesive
aesthetic across all formats.
of The Vessel by 50. Typography is scaled
at 70% of the width of
2160X 3840
If using multiple stroke weights, The Vessel.
Min corner radius: 26px including icons, in one piece of
Max corner radius: 120px creative, align them all to the average
weight (not smallest, not largest). The Vessel always aligns to the grid,
Min corner radius: 13px
but the type can freely sit within The
Max corner radius: 60px Vessel. Just make sure it is horizontally
and vertically aligned within The Vessel.
Min corner radius: 13px
The height of The Vessel is optically
Max corner radius: 30px aligned to the grid.
Performance Marketing Banners
Min corner radius: 4px
Max corner radius: 16px
2.6 Vessel 65

Corner Radius To calculate the corner radius of The

Vessel we use the ratio of 6:1. If using
multiple Vessels in one piece of
creative, all corner radii align to the
average px radius.



Horizontal Example: Portrait Example:

Divide the shortest side of The Vessel by 6 Divide the shortest side of The Vessel by 6
to calculate the corner radius value. to calculate the corner radius value.

Vessel height: 154px Vessel width: 196px

Corner radius: 38px Corner radius: 32px
2.6 Vessel 66

Radius We have defined a minimum and

Minimum maximum corner radius for common
& Maximum formats to avoid The Vessel becoming
too square or rounded.
A general rule of thumb is that the
corner radius should relate to the curves
of the Hulu logo in that piece of creative.

Min corner radius: 26px
Max corner radius: 120px

Min corner radius: 13px
Max corner radius: 60px

Min corner radius: 13px
Max corner radius: 30px

Billboard 40x12 ft
Min corner radius: 1.5”
Max corner radius: 11”

1920X1080 Minimum: 1080x1920 Maximum:

Corner radius: 16px Corner radius: 60px Performance Marketing Banners
Min corner radius: 4px
Max corner radius: 16px
2.6 Vessel 67

Stroke Weight To calculate the stroke weight of The

Variations Vessel, divide the longest side by 100.
If using multiple Vessels all stroke
weights align to the average weight.

904px 904px

Regular Heavy
Use primarily for evergreen brand, Use primarily for promoting sports
Hulu Originals, and general on Hulu + Live TV.
entertainment properties.
The stroke width of The Vessel is
The stroke width of The Vessel is longest side divided by 50.
longest side divided by 100.
Vessel width: 904px
Vessel width: 904px Stroke weight: 18pt
Stroke weight: 9pt
2.6 Vessel 68

Stroke Weight

Regular Heavy
Clean and concise. Attitude and impact.
2.6 Vessel 69

Type There are two padding styles

Padding for type inside The Vessel.


90% X
70% X

Wide Padding Compact Padding

Use primarily for evergreen brand, Use primarily for promoting sports
Hulu Originals, and general on Hulu + Live TV.
entertainment properties.
To create compact padding, typography is at
To create wide padding we use typography at 90% of the width of The Vessel. The Vessel always
70% of the width of The Vessel. The Vessel always aligns to the grid, but the type can freely sit within
aligns to the grid, but the type can freely sit within The Vessel. Just make sure it is horizontally and
The Vessel. Just make sure it is horizontally and vertically aligned to The Vessel. The height of The
vertically aligned to the Vessel. The height of The Vessel is optically aligned to the grid.
Vessel is optically aligned to the grid.
X.X Vessel 70

Vessel and The Vessel is able to interact in a range of

Image expression follwing three main principles.

Cut The Noise Hero Our Talent Enter The Huluverse

Use a defocused image layer in the The Vessel interacts with imagery Using The Vessel as a lens into the
background, with The Vessel bringing through layering to create ownership. Huluverse, we draw the viewer in
the image into focus. through vignettes of content.
2.6 Vessel 71

Vessel Glow The glow is used to bring depth and

as a way of revealing information.
There are four styles of glow.

Dimensional reveal Left to right reveal

Only used in motion

Top-down reveal Bottom-up reveal

2.6 Vessel 72

Corner Radius For more consistency between radii in web Note

Product design, we can assign one of three radius Refer to the Product chapter
values based on the scale of the container. for example components.

Small Medium Large

4px 16px 24px



2.6 Vessel 73


Don’t overlap Vessels. Avoid picking a color that doesn’t Avoid using heavy glows that
relate optically to the artwork. compromise the artwork.

Sore throat?
Seeing double?

Don’t match typography and icons Avoid blocking key features and Don’t use multiple colors
to Vessel color. faces with The Vessel or glow. in same execution.
2.7 Design Toolkit 74

X.X Illustration 76

Our illustration style builds off the

shapes in our logo. Adding a little
spice (and cute characters) to our
X.X Illustration 77

Overview The rounded corners of The Vessel are

aligned with characters’ bodily features.
2.7 Illustration 78

Style Illustration allows us to add our distinct

Hulu attitude, from simple character spot
illustrations to expressive hero renders.

Character Spots Hero Renders

3.0 79

3.0 Product Design 81

In product and on the web,

Hulu combines many aspects of
our design system to guide users
with clarity, efficiency and swagger.
3.0 Product Design 82

User Interface Keep the following principles in mind when

designing user interfaces with the Hulu
design system, to ensure coherence across
the Hulu brand.

Create confident hierarchy. Let the copy sing. Elevate Originals. Use color purposefully.
Keep layouts Simply Essential and focus Our copy is Hulu’s voice. Convey our Originals are part of our secret sauce. Use Help immerse users in our content and
on conveying one message at a time. approachable personality by making room Hulu Green and The Vessel to help them stand communicate the depth of the Huluverse.
This helps the Hulu experience feel clear, for powerful headlines and playful statements. out from our catalogue of content. Use color purposefully to highlight elements,
intuitive and easy to navigate. guide the user, and create atmosphere.
4.0 83

4.1 Motion Toolkit 84

Motion Theory
X.X Motion Theory 85

Using key visual elements of the

Network ID, the motion system has
been designed to elevate content
and flex across the multiple genres
and sub-brands of Hulu, on any
device, at any time.
X.X Motion Theory 86

Motion Theory The global design principles are used to make

Principles sure everything we move moves like Hulu.

Always a Story. Delightfully Human.

The Vessel immerses us in the breadth and The Vessel is the narrator of diverse stories
depth of endless entertainment by pulling and adapts to fit the content it holds through
us in and out of content using z-space. This contracting and expanding as it transitions.
creates a sense of discovery and takes us on a The stoke subtly stretches as we move to
journey as it seamlessly connects stories. capture the energy of movement and gives a
subtle tactile feeling.

Simply Essential. Do it Different.

Delivering content effortlessly and clearly, We transition between content using bold
The Vessel highlights and emphasizes what is punches of green and hard cuts to instigate
important with simple but energetic snappy change and create unexpected moments
movements and a warm glow that illuminates of delight.
the vessel as it gleams.
4.2 Motion Toolkit 87

Ident System
4.2 Network Ident System 88

The ident system transports

you into the Huluverse.
Through The Vessel and our
rich sonic identity we enter the
world of entertainment.
4.2 Network Ident System 89

Network ID Our ID system consists of two versions that

have been created for the complete range of
formats. Each version has a defined use as
seen below.
More details can be found here.

Available Ratios:
16x9 (1920x1080)
4K (3840x2160)
1x1 (1080x1080)
4x5 (1080x1350)
9x16 (1080x1920)

Network ID: Hulu Network ID: Hulu Originals

Plays before all Hulu content Plays before all Hulu Originals
4.2 Network Ident System 90

Network ID:
Hulu Landscape
4.2 Network Ident System 91

Network ID:
Hulu Originals
4.2 Network Ident System 92

App Open The App Open uses a condensed

version of hero Hulu ID and is used as
the opening of Hulu digital experiences.
Only in landscape formats.
4.3 Motion Toolkit 93

4.3 Promo Structure 94

Licensed Single Show
Social - Sub Acq
4.3 Promo Structure 95

Licensed Multi Show
Social - Sub Acq
4.3 Promo Structure 96

Premium Add-On
Multi-Show / Retention
4.3 Promo Structure 97

New this Month
5.0 98

5.0 Tone of Voice 99

Our voice is our superpower.

Everything we say helps to bring
us closer to our customers.
And our customers closer to
incredible entertainment.
5.0 Tone of Voice 100

Summary This is Rebel Lover.

Our design principles also apply to our tone of
voice. Helping Rebel Lover to spread across all
our communications.

1. Always a Story. 2. Delightfully Human. 3. Do it Different. 4. Simply Essential.

• Conversational • Intelligent • Confident • Bold
• Emotional • Empathetic • Optimistic • Energized
• Unexpected • Inclusive • Witty • Clear
X.X Tone of Voice 101

Always a Story
Principle 1

What it
Use your writing to tell a story –
or start one the reader can finish.
OOH Hold your breath.
Be unexpected, conversational.
Thrillers on Hulu
Write something that moves people.

What it That we’re repetitive and predictable.

doesn’t That we focus more on a clever arc
than on our audience.
5.0 Tone of Voice 102

Delightfully Human
Principle 2

What it
We’re nice people. So we keep
things personal and inclusive.
Sign Up Welcome to the family.
Our aim with our TV, and our copy,
Now sit back and get ready
is to find connections through to be seriously entertained.
culture, intelligence and emotion.
And we love all TV fans equally –
so no judgements.

What it That we’re fluffy, overly sentimental

doesn’t or try to force relationships and
opinions on people.
5.0 Tone of Voice 103

Do it Different
Principle 3

What it
Be unashamedly Hulu.
We follow our own path. It’s an
New Series This is not a drill.
optimistic, charming and witty one.
All-new Hulu originals have landed.
That loves to be just a little bit cheeky.

What it That everything is a joke. We need to

doesn’t be loud, edgy and attention grabbing
at all times.
5.0 Tone of Voice 104

Simply Essential
Principle 4

What it
Make every word count.
Punchy statements. Clear CTAs. Bold lines.
Renewal Notice It’s renewal time.
Got all the Hulu you need? Or thinking
This is a waffle-free zone. about treating yourself to ad-free?
Our team will be happy to help you
What it That we sacrifice clarity or personality in find your perfect Hulu.
doesn’t order to reduce word counts. Replacing
necessary explanations with jargon that
can confuse people.
X.X Tone of Voice 105

Volume Keeping it Hulu, whatever you’re writing.

Controls Our volume controls keep us sounding
authentic while staying relevant to the
subject and audience we’re writing for.

Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3

Totally Hulu Getting Down to Business Awkward Moments
• Fun • Direct • Warm
• Provocative • Friendly • Human
• Loud • Informative • Solution focused
5.0 Tone of Voice 106

Volume 1 Example You just leveled-up in
the entertainment game.

Hulu Cancelled
Hey, Brad there’s no
hard feelings here.
But if you ever want to come back,
Who we are most of the time. we’ll welcome you with open arms.
Think our punchiest headlines,
witty storytelling and statements
that make people think twice.
Tweet Looking for spies?
Great outfits? A killer
cast? All new #KillingEve
Friday 9pm.
5.0 Tone of Voice 107

Getting Down
Volume 2 Example So, what are you into?
Gore-fests? Sass? All the drama? We won’t
judge. Sharing what you love helps us to

to Business
keep your account safe, and means we can
recommend more shows and movies you’ll
really love.

Business Hulu does Ads better.

Messaging And we’ve got the data to prove it.
When the information needs to be the
star. We can still be friendly and fun,
just make sure you’re telling people
what they need to know.
Renewal It’s renewal time.
Got all the Hulu you need? Or thinking about
treating yourself to ad-free? Our team will be
happy to help you find your perfect Hulu.

Business Nobody likes a fraud.

That’s why Hulu built our advertising
platform with industry-leading viewability
and virtually no fraud.
5.0 Tone of Voice 108

Awkward Hulu. We have a problem.

Volume 3 Example
Error Message
But we’re already putting things right. Try again
or check out another great show while you wait.

Moments Missed Payment

Well, this is awkward.
Looks like we’ve had a problem processing your
payment. Check your account and try again, or
give our support team a call. We’ll soon get your
No one likes it when things go Hulu back.
wrong. So when something’s
not right we need to dial up the Customer Hulu’s mission is to bring you the
Delightfully Human to be warm, Complaint
human and solution-focused.
best in entertainment. If you’re not
happy, we’re not happy.
Our team’s looking into things for you, so how
about a free month of Hulu while you wait?

Email Error Now wait a minute.

Looks like that last email link wasn’t right.
Try this one instead.
6.0 109

6.1 Campaigns 110

Time to
Have Hulu
8.1 112
6.1 Time to Have Hulu 113

6.1 Time to Have Hulu 114

6.2 Campaigns 115

X.X Culture Campaigns 116

Culture campaigns connect

Hulu to the world around us
in order to build brand love.

6.2 Culture Campaigns 118

Fix and Flex The Fix and Flex system creates

System consistency while still allowing
Overview flexibility for each campaign.
More details can be found here.

Logo Campaign Line Color Palette Graphic Language Typography

In addition to the Hulu logo, each Each campaign has its creative In addition to the core Brand colors, Each campaign adds graphic elements, An additional font can be used
campaign has its own distinct logo. campaign line and look. accent colors can be added, if needed. fitting with the campaign concept. in conjunction with Graphik for
personality and attitude.
7.0 119

7.1 Evergreen Brand 120

X.X Organic Social 121

Channels Approach will flex by channel

Overview depending on the audience
mindset and user behaviors.

Twitter Instagram YouTube TikTok Facebook

Conversational Aspirational Edutainment Fun & Creative Personal
The Rebel Lover The Influencer The Director The Creator The Friend
Tweeting from a fan-first approach Leveraging the platform like an Focusing on long-form content, Keeping the vibe light, fun, and @Hulu will play the role of “friend”
and through the voice of our virtual influencer, @Hulu will become a @Hulu on YouTube will give fans a entertaining, @hulu will act as to users where conversations will
influencers, we will migrate 75% of storyteller driven by talent-first visuals home for new stories released in a creator where fans can react, take place around programming and
our content to be conversational and and compelling conversations. episodic form. recreate, and relate to our content. marketing initiatives
editorially driven.
7.1 Organic Social 122

IG Posts The amount of visual brand cues

can be adjusted up or down.
Always featuring talent.
7.1 Organic Social 123

Conversational Using the conversational Vessel system,

Story we can mimic text conversations, native
to the mobile environment
7.1 Paid Social 124

Overview There are 4 main categories of

acquisition creative as outlined below.
More details can be found here.

Text Only Single Show - Full Bleed Single Show - Non Full Bleed Multi Show
Used when partners ask that messaging not be
overlaid onto their key art.
7.2 Evergreen Brand 125

7.2 Email 126

Email is an essential part of

our relationship with users.
It’s how we share the good, the
bad, and the just plain awesome.
7.2 Email 127

Overview Common email types are shown.

More details can be found here.

Hulu Originals Launch Multi Show - Disney Bundle Multi Sports + Schedule Multi Show - Gif
7.3 Evergreen Brand 128

Marketing Web
7.3 Marketing Web 129

Overview The visual design of Marketing landing

pages adapts to fit the campaign, but
core components remain consistent.
More details can be found here.
7.3 Marketing Web 130

Overview The visual design of Marketing landing

pages adapts to fit the campaign, but
core components remain consistent.
More details can be found here.
7.4 Evergreen Brand 131

7.4 Swag 132
7.4 Swag 133
7.4 Swag 134
7.4 Swag 135
7.4 Swag 136
7.4 Swag 137


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