Lecture 1 - Introduction To Nutrition

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Nutrition and Prevention

Timothy Chifamba, DMD

What is Nutrition?
• “the sum of the processes by which an animal or plant take in and
utilize food substances”
• Human Nutrition – the process by which human beings ingest,
metabolize and utilize food
Elements of a Good Diet
Food consists of macro and micro nutrients which are necessary for life,
growth, body function and tissue repair:
• Macronutrients, include fats, carbohydrates and protein
• Micronutrients, include vitamins and minerals

(Mother and Child Health and Education Trust, 2017)

Functions of Macronutrients
• fat supports many of your body’s functions such as vitamin and
mineral absorption, blood clotting, building cells, and muscle
• is high in calories, but those calories are an important energy source
for your body
• healthy fats in your diet can help you to balance your blood sugar,
decrease your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and improve
your brain function. They’re also powerful anti-inflammatories, and
they may lower your risk of arthritis, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease
Functions of Macronutrients
• necessary for a healthy body (don’t let trends fool you)
• fuel the body, especially the central nervous system and
brain, and protect against disease
• should make up 45 to 65 percent of the total daily calories
Functions of Macronutrients
• is used primarily for growth, health, and body maintenance
• provides the building blocks of the body (Every cell, from
bone to skin to hair to muscle, contains protein
• All of your hormones, antibodies, and other important
substances are composed of protein. Protein is not used to
fuel the body unless necessary
• 16 percent of the average person’s body weight is from
(Ferriera & Butler, 2018)
Functions of Vitamins (fat-soluble)
Functions of Vitamins
Functions of Vitamins (water soluble)
Functions of Minerals
Mineral Functions Sources
Calcium Needed for forming bones and Canned salmon with bones,
teeth sardines, milk, cheese, yogurt,
Helps nerves and muscles cabbage, broccoli, and calcium-
function fortified orange juice

Magnesium Needed for forming bones and Green leafy vegetables, nuts,
teeth bran cereal, seafood, milk,
Needed for normal nerve and cheese, and yogurt
muscle function
Phosphorus Needed for forming bones and Milk, yogurt, cheese, red meat,
teeth poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, peas,
Needed for storing energy from and some cereals and breads
Assignment 1
1. List three examples of locally available foods with the
following fat soluble vitamins:
• Vitamin A
• Vitamin D
• Vitamin E
• Vitamin K
2. List four examples of locally available foods with the
following water soluble vitamins:
• vitamins C
• B complex
List of References
Ferriera, M., & Butler, N. (2018). 6 Essential Nutrients: What They Are and Why
You Need Them. Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/food-
Mother and Child Health and Education Trust. (2017). The Elements of a Healthy
Diet - Mother, Infant and Young Child Nutrition & Malnutrition - Feeding
practices including micronutrient deficiencies prevention, control of wasting,
stunting and underweight. Retrieved from

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