Hydroponic is a modern-day agriculture also known as urban agriculture. It does not require soil therefore
it is also known as soilless agriculture. It is a good alternative for producing healthy crops and vegetables,
free from soil borne pathogens as it is not growing on soil. Does every crop perform well on hydroponic
systems? To know this answer we carried out this experiment on five different crops (strawberry, bok
choy, romaine, red sail and butter lettuce) in our newly developed hydroponic systems (nutrient film
techniques, and vertical tower garden). To compare their growth we planted them on raised soil bed even
though plants performs better on raised soil beds above on the ground soil. To compare the growth
parameter of all plants we collected data at the regular interval on plant height and leaf number. We also
measured the yield for each crop at the end of the experiment. Growth of all five crops were faster on
hydroponic systems in comparison to soil. Within 30 days of transplanting all vegetable crops (bok choy
and all 3 types of lettuces) were ready to harvest. While in the soil these crops took at least 65 days to
reach to the same stage of growth. The growth of strawberry in hydroponics and raised bed were almost
similar. Between the two types of hydroponics we tried, all of them performed well on ‘nutrient film
technique’ however romaine lettuce and red sail lettuce grew faster on ‘tower garden’ system. Statistical
analysis of growth and yield of all crops will be presented.
Hydroponics is actually the science of growing plants without soil. Rather than soil, plants are grown in
solutions containing each of the necessary minerals and elements. Methods utilized to get the nutrients to
the roots, combined with the needed oxygen, include bare-root systems and systems using inert substrates
to support the growth and stability of the plants.
The literal meaning of hydroponics is “working water”. The breakdown of the word; hydro is English “of
water” and ponos is Greek for “working” and ics is English. Water is a crucial component of every living
cell, and is also the most important element for life to exist on the planet. Plants likewise require minerals
like Calcium, Magnesium, Copper, Iron, Boron, etc. to develop properly. Basically, plants use water
flowing over the roots to provide the necessary nutrients to feed them. Traditionally, these nutrients are
extracted from the soil. The roots grow out to the nutrients as well as the water necessary to feed them.
However, the soil generally won’t contain the required optimum nutrients and moisture levels to support
the plants needs. Hydroponics is focused on enriching water by creating and maintaining a “nutrient
solution” perfectly balanced to feed the plant. If the plant gets everything it needs, constantly it’s going to
grow rapidly, and offer the very best flavor and maximum amount of vitamins and minerals, which it is
able to. Hydroponics is all about growing plants without soil. Without exception absolutely everything
that can be grown in soil can be grown hydroponically. The secret is determining the particular, ideal,
nutrient solution for the specific type of plant, and consistently providing it to the plant roots.
Traditionally, using a general purpose nutrient, the plants will outperform soil grown plants within the
same environment.
The main objective of hydroponics is to supply the ideal nutritional environment for optimum plant
performance. Although technically not a portion of hydroponics, growers typically try to provide ideal
environmental factors also. Plant performance may be further optimized by controlling the climate and
lighting. Employing a greenhouse provides natural lighting while controlling the climate. Using
supplemental lighting can also guarantee the optimal “season” for optimum plant performance. Advances
in technology in lighting, nutrient delivery, and environmental control, will further improve plant
productivity and performance.
The science of hydroponics began with experiments to discover the basic nutrient requirements of plants
and ways in which plants process those elements. That knowledge has evolved in to the preference to
automate the delivery of the nutrient mix for the plant to optimize development and also, adjusting the
nutrient for specific plants, and specific stages of plant growth. For instance, we understand plants use
more Nitrogen throughout the green growth phase when the plant is young, and an increased amount of
Phosphorus throughout flowering and fruiting stage. Additionally, plants will tend to do whatever they
need to survive when they are in less then desirable conditions. These less desirable conditions reduce the
growth, and tend to seriously affect the product quality and flavor from the plant.
Plants grown hydroponically are generally healthier than their soil-grown counter-parts, because they
receive an almost perfectly balanced diet and rarely come in contact with soil-borne pests and
diseases.Without the use of herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides, the resulting produce is healthier to eat.
Also agricultural workers are not exposed to toxic chemicals, and labor costs are reduced.Since
hydroponic systems reduce water and nutrient stress to the plants, they grow faster and can be grown
closer together without starving each other. Healthier plants also produce higher yields. Perfect plant
conditions results in perfect plant production.Hydroponic systems conserve water by preventing
evaporation and runoff. Losses due to drought and flooding are significantly reduced as well. Regions
where water is scarce or non-arable land can grow crops using hydroponics.