Reading Materials 1 2 and 3
Reading Materials 1 2 and 3
Reading Materials 1 2 and 3
The world has changed tremendously since our parents and grandparents entered the workforce.
The rapid innovation in and proliferation of technology has transformed our economy into a
global animal. Because of this, the stakes are higher for today’s college graduate. They must be
able to compete fiercely for a place in the modern economy. No longer will an average skill set
do; they need to blow away the competition to secure a position. In this article, we will discuss 8
ways that digital age teachers prepare their students for the global economy.
1. Digital age teachers personalize learning for every student. Digital age teachers
differentiate learning. They meet learners’ needs by providing a variety of teaching
methods, including direct instruction, grouping students, and rearranging the groups as
needed. To reach the individual student, they must strive to motivate each individual,
involve him or her in learning, and understand how to teach everyone, not simply aim to
teach the average student. They must also be an advocate for their students as individuals,
ensuring that they have all the resources they need to succeed.
2. Digital age teachers use digital learning to promote lifelong learning. Digital age
teachers know that for students to maximize their potential, they must become lifelong
learners. To foster a lifelong love of learning they leverage digital tools to engage
students in the learning process fully.
3. Digital age teachers teach their students to become producers. Long gone are the days
when students will be satisfied with filling out worksheets all day. Even using edtech
tools at a basic level won’t satisfy them anymore. To maximize your student’s potential,
you must help them learn how to become producers. In doing so, students will learn how
to create blogs, infographics, books, how-to videos, movies, action figures, apps, and
tutorials. Digital teachers manage to accomplish this at an elevated level, and their
student’s potentials become only as limited as their imaginations. What a great gift to
give to your students.
4. Digital age teachers use project-based learning. Modern students need to be able to
create hypotheses, conduct research, communicate with experts, create final projects and
disseminate them using the devices already in their hands. Digital age teachers craft
project-based learning opportunities that allow them to do just that.
5. Digital age teachers learn how to code. Learning how to code gives you a unique
perspective on how things work and how to solve complex problems. Digital age teachers
tackle the challenge of learning how to code so they can teach their students how to and
include coding experiences in future activities. I am not saying that it is easy to learn how
to code, but it is worth it in the long run. There are tons of free coding resources and
courses on the web.
6. Digital age teachers partner with the school library media specialist. Specially
trained and knowledgeable in the use of information technology, library media specialists
have become one of the most important instructional partners, working with teachers and
administrators to change what is possible in the classroom. Digital age teachers are aware
of this, and partner with library media specialists every chance they get.
7. Digital age teachers design a digital learning environment that works. Digital age
teachers understand that for students to be successful in this age of technology, they must
construct and configure a digital learning environment that is conducive to technology.
This includes having the proper hardware, software, devices and having a learning space
that supports the use of technology (having enough electrical sockets, device storage
cabinets, Wi-Fi).
8. Digital age teachers have a global mindset. Technology has broken down the barrier of
distance and made it easier for individuals to connect. Learning and commerce are global
now. Digital age teachers embrace this new norm and look to connect with and work with
people around the globe. In doing so, they model how to connect with our global society
in a virtual space, without having to leave your town or city.
Take a moment to remember an inspirational teacher who has made an impact on your
life. Visualize them. What did they look like? How did their voice sound? What sort of
things did they say? It won’t come as a surprise to find that it’s easy to bring that teacher
into your mind, even after so many years. You might not have seen them for many years,
but they are still there as a small voice, a memory that has helped to form you into the
person that you are today.
This much we know to be true: people empower people. Teachers empower students to follow
their passions. To be creative, productive people, and to learn new things that they never knew
they could learn. But the role of the teacher in the 21st century has changed, in the same way that
our technology and the way that we relate to each other has changed. When your goal is to
transform learning environments from the classroom to online learning, one of the biggest
challenges is finding the humanity behind the machine. Both professors and students need to
adapt to the many changes in the world of education.
Technology allows teachers to upgrade their knowledge about a matter faster by online courses
or YouTube channels. This means that teachers can continually upgrade their knowledge and
offer up to date information to their student with no need to stop working.
Technology allows teachers to discover solutions to problems collaboratively. They can join
communities of experts, share their knowledge and give an answer to their students about almost
everything without delay using platforms like
Technology allows teachers to use search engines to find examples to enrich the content of their
lessons, foster in students the interest for a subject and increase the engagement with their
matter. As this method is quick and free, is possible to try something and, if that doesn’t work,
then try something else.
As students can also use search engines, the teacher can push them to be active learners and
foster in them the thirst for discovery and knowledge. In this new context the teacher should act
as a quality and quantity filter for the huge amount of information available on the
internet. Today teachers can raise the importance of student ides and recognise that they are
central to the learning experience of the group of study.
When educators will move their teaching methods from teacher-centred to student-centred, from
talk and show to inquiry, they will be able to leverage on each student’s abilities, interests and
learning styles.
Professors have become facilitators. It is no longer enough for a professor to get up on a podium
and spout their knowledge in the hope that some of their wisdom will stick. A professor must be
engaging and ultimately, instead of handing the material to the student to memorize for the final
exam, the teacher must guide them through their own realizations and understanding of the
subject matter. The style of teaching online, therefore, must be adapted. Teaching becomes more
flexible and much more personal. A professor is expected to guide a student, not just through the
process of the discovery of the material, but also to the discovery of their own potential.
Therefore, a professor is expected to work hard to ensure their students not only learn about the
key concepts of the course, but also learn to use the necessary technology. Professors ensure
students use the most appropriate tools, while giving constructive feedback, so they feel
accompanied at all times. Optimal learning happens when students have a safe, constructive,
online platform. Students are not only visiting a virtual campus. They also need a personal space
for community, or collaboration areas to really thrive. This is the human behind the machine, and
a strong online community leads successful students who feel supported throughout their studies.
Student capability assessments not only include the student’s knowledge in their field, but also
their ability to use relevant technology.
The role of the student has changed as well. Students are now the owners of their own journey,
and it is easy for them to forget about the human community behind digital technologies. It is
important, in online learning, to keep the human component. This is achieved through live
webinars or group work in class. And, of course, student skills have evolved. Now, students are
required to have some technological skills prior to starting their course, ensuring they will be
able to follow along without any problems. Students need basic knowledge on keeping safe and
secure online. What must a student do to keep themselves safe when learning online? How can
they ensure their privacy and what achievements can be made in the online platform? These are
all questions that both professors and students need to consider.
We can already see the results of online education. Everyone knows someone close to them that
has studied online, either in part or fully.
Critical thinking
In a student-centred classroom, students receive tips from the teacher then they freely choose
their sources, tools, devices, format and in what theme go in depth. At the same time students are
forced to be active, responsible and participants in their learning. On the other side they can
experience difficulties to establish what is wrong and what is right and if the sources they
stumble upon are authentic and trustworthy. That is why the teacher needs to become a mentor
contextualizing information and guiding students in the practical application of the information
they found.
Technological progress and adoption of artificial intelligence have a growing trend. Students use
of the internet to find the contents of their studies has a growing trend too. We can say that as
consequence of these factors, soon students will stop using books also in digital format. Students
of the future will switch from text to video format to grow their knowledge about a matter.
Libraries will become students meeting points with no books on the shelves. Students will ask
questions to artificial intelligences and they will receive an answer in a multimedia format. In
this context, teachers, after having become mentors, will have to take a step towards the
programming of artificial intelligences that, perhaps one day, will take their place.
Online learning technology
Until few years ago, the teacher held the position of authoritative power in a classroom, he was
the only holder of knowledge among its walls and communication between student and educator
was one-way. Students that memorized information and demonstrate understanding of taught
concepts, were rewarded with grades. Today teachers are learning with their students through co-
learning, sharing and collaboration. They are content producers and content consumers at the
same time thanks to a simple click of the mouse, or to a YouTube channel accessible on their
smartphones from everywhere. In this context, the walls of a classroom are no longer a
knowledge container rather a limit.
The added benefits of online learning, such as familiarity and comfort with technology and
improved communication skills, as well as the new roles that students and professors undertake
in online education, will push online learning to the forefront of education in the next future,
making quality education accessible to all interested students.
Our students now collaborate with people around the world, so it is important that, as the system
changes, education providers and students learn how to be productive, how to keep information
and protect it, how to communicate effectively and how to be a positive influence in an
increasingly connected world.
Technology is transforming education, changing how, when and where students learn, and
empowering them at every stage of their journey.
On the path to personalizing learning, technology empowers students by giving them ownership
of how they learn, making education relevant to their digital lives and preparing them for their
futures. With technology and access to resources beyond classroom walls, students are inspired
to become problem-solvers, critical thinkers, collaborators, and creators. Where technology has
been successfully integrated into classrooms, students develop a lifelong love of learning.
Educators are always striving to personalize learning for students. Technology can help them
reach new levels with access to real-time student data, longitudinal information, content, apps,
and more. Technology can help educators create blended learning environments and leverage
digital tools for formative and summative assessments, bringing new models for learning and
teaching to classrooms.
Technology in education and the right devices in students’ hands helps prepare them with the
career and technical skills they need to be successful today and in tomorrow’s workforce.
Relevant learning experiences in STEAM can inspire creativity, help students apply meaning to
their learning, and prepare them for future career opportunities and jobs that haven’t even been
created yet. Specific skills in coding, programming, physical computing, and computational
thinking have become common requirements in the workforce. Though making, students can
gain these skills and hone their problem-solving and critical thinking skills for the 21st century.
Learning by doing with maker mindsets and environments can be very engaging when designed
and integrated with the right technology.
School systems have the hard decision of choosing devices and technology models that will help
achieve their visions of transforming learning. Device decisions should be made by working with
multiple stakeholders and evaluating how educators and students use the devices for day-to-day
learning. Stakeholders should take into account appropriate grade-level curriculum, content
needs, and how the devices will be used inside and outside the classroom. It’s no easy task, but
considerations such as compatible digital curriculum and content, assessment requirements,
manageability options, security features, device functionality, and the overall cost of ownership
are key to choosing the right device. A secure and robust IT infrastructure is the foundation of a
360⁰ learning experience, and supports digital content, protects key student data, boosts
operational efficiency, and provides the security and privacy protection today’s schools needs.
Intel can help school systems enhance the experience of each student and educator with a holistic
solutions approach that focuses on technology to enable personalized learning, connected, and
efficient classrooms, and a secure, powerful IT infrastructure. All the while, educators must be
properly trained and supported through ongoing professional learning resources and
It all adds up to a transformative and sustainable impact on the success of all students.
Information and Communication Technology or ICT refers to technologies that provide access to
information and means of communication through the internet, wireless networks, computers,
cell phones and other communication mediums. Things have been easier and more convenient
with ICT. ICT plays an important role as it becomes part of such Philippine historical events.
The EDSA People Power Revolution, tagged as the Bloodless Revolution, erupted as Filipinos
are calling for action to bring back democracy in the Philippines from President Ferdinand
Marcos with his tyrannical Martial Law where life-threatening abuses were executed and such
human rights were violated. When the Martial Law was proclaimed on September 21, 1972,
newspaper publications including the so-called “oligarchic press” and broadcasting stations were
shut down. With this happening, relaying of information and communication become so hard.
However, Radio Veritas, a 24 – hour AM radio station operated by the Roman Catholic Church,
served as the primary communication platform for the democratic movement. It was also the
only radio station that covered events which the government-owned stations didn’t.
During the radio broadcast, Aquino and her cadres inform the Filipinos of political developments
and mobilize them for the nonviolent protests. Cardinal Sin encouraged the Filipinos to help end
the regime of President Ferdinand Marcos. Over two million Filipino civilians, as well as several
political and military groups and religious groups were involved in the massive protest. The
Philippine Revolution of 1986, from February 22- 25, has been acclaimed as the first televised
revolution in the history. As the result, Marcos was overthrown by Corazon Aquino and become
ICT played a vital role in the EDSA People Power Revolution as it becomes the eye opener to
the Filipinos to see what is the reality beyond the reign of the dictator and an authoritarian
president, Ferdinand Marcos for 20 years. ICT has been useful and helpful as it becomes the
2. EDSA Dos
EDSA Dos, also known as the 2001 EDSA Revolution was a four – day political protest from
January 17 – 20, 2001. People gathered and were demanding for the resignation of President
Joseph Estrada. Estrada was called for an impeachment on charges of violating the Constitution
through bribery, graft and corruption, betrayal of public trust, and culpable violation of the
Constitution. The People Power II was empowered by new forms of ICTs. It acts as an
Estrada’s corruption quickly spread all over the country via text messages. The text brigade
connects people to facilitate the nonviolent protest on a long stretch of EDSA. On the third day
of EDSA II, January 19, 2001 at 5: 00 pm, Estrada appeared on television, addressing and insists
that he will not resign and would like the impeachment trial to go on. At 6:15 pm, he is again on
television, proposing to include a presidential snap election in the upcoming May congressional
and local elections. Further, he promised that he would not run in the said election. The people
reject his proposal but instead give him a 6: 00 AM deadline to step down from his presidency
and if not they will march to Malacañang and force him out.
The mobilization becomes rapid as the power of ICT took over. SMS from cell phones become
the instrument that brought the people to the mass protest. President Joseph Estrada ousted from
his position within 88 hours. His vice president, Gloria Macapagal – Arroyo succeeded him and
become the 14th President of the Philippines. ICT becomes part in the success of the revolution
Year 2013 when the public gone wild by the issue of misuse of the Priority Development
Assistance Fund or PDAF. The National Bureau of Investigation reveals that Janet – Lim
Napoles is the mastermind behind the Pork Barrel Scam. Whistleblowers and lawyers gave their
affidavits expressing that she and her company defrauded billions of pesos in such ghosts
projects. Triggered by public anger, a Million People March was organized at Luneta Park from
August 22 – 26, 2013. It is a series of protest, calling for the total abolition of the Pork Barrel
Many Filipinos expressed their anger through social media and agree with the idea of abolishing
the Pork Barrel Fund. The Million People March, initially circulated through social media,
mainly on Facebook and Twitter, to assemble a protest in regards to this issue. Some people even
posted that they will come in support to the abrogation of the Pork Barrel Fund. Several protests
are held nationwide and overseas. As the protest was mostly organized through social media
channels, ICT becomes again a mean of change in the community. Social Media has been a
powerful tool in this millennial generation, allowing people to connect to a wider contact with
It is almost 3 years when Typhoon Haiyan, locally known as Yolanda hit the Philippines on
November 8, 2013. This typhoon is said to be one of the strongest tropical cyclones and they
were not wrong. Many of our fellowmen died and many, as well were still missing. With this
incident, the People Finder Database which is powered by Google become essential. This was
made to help people track the situation of their relatives across the globe. Thus, finding their lost
relative become possible whenever a devastating calamity will occur. The ICT aids people in
many ways. As what the Yolanda People Finder features, the role of ICT become significant
over time.
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