Draft Schedule 2011
Draft Schedule 2011
Draft Schedule 2011
Integration and Assimilation: Role of Nonprofits in Promoting Diversity and Inclusiveness Karabi C. Bezboruah, University of Texas at Arlington The Challenge of Social Change in Minority Cultures: Case Studies of Ethnic-led Nonprofits Mai Moua, Leadership Paradigms Global Influence, Local Impact: The Role of African Diaspora-Led NPOs in Health-Related Philanthropy Reema Bhakta, Indiana University/Purdue University Indianapolis Susan Kigamwa, Indiana University Elizabeth Farris, Indiana University Social Class and Bourdieu's Habitus: a qualitative study of the barriers to youth volunteering Jon Dean, University of Kent A5 - TBD Pracademic Panel 2of2 Boundary Breaking Collaboration - Beyond the Academic-Practitioner Partnership Chair: Unconfirmed Boundary Breaking Collaboration - Beyond the Academic-Practitioner Partnership Suzanne L. Cook, Baycrest Thecla Damianakis, University of Windsor Translating Research Into Practice Syrelle Bernstein, Baycrest The BRAVO Team Collaboration Nicole D. Anderson, Baycrest A6 - TBD Giving Trends Chair: Unconfirmed Scaling Philanthropy: Trends in High Net Worth Giving Jason Ward, Indiana University Elizabeth Farris, Indiana University Sindhu Raghavan, Indiana University The poor versus the very rich. New insights from Dutch High Net Worth study. Evelien Boonstoppel, VU Amsterdam, Netherlands New U.S. Wealth Transfer Transfer Estimates: Results from the 2011 Revised and Expanded Model John J. Havens, Boston College Paul G. Schervish, Boston College Working the Middle: A Descriptive Analysis of Public Charities that Re-distribute Funds in Boston
Lehn M. Benjamin, George Mason University Jennifer Shea, San Francisco State University A7 - TBD Institutional Philanthropy: Practices and Results Chair: Unconfirmed Exploring the Talk-Action Gap: An Investigation of Foundation Practices Across Three Regime Types Jasmine A. McGinnis, Georgia State University Stefan Einarsson, Stockholm School of Economics Hanna K. Schneider, Wu Vienna Participatory Philanthropy: Does community input change grant decisions? Jasmine A. McGinnis, Georgia State University A framework of qualitative methods to study corporate philanthropy Ana M. Simaens, ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute, Portugal Determinants of Giving and Volunteering: Trust vs. Happiness Kyejung Kim, Yonsei University, South Korea Chulhee Kang, Yonsei University, South Korea Suyeon Kim, Yonsei University, South Korea A8 - TBD Funding and effectiveness Chair: Unconfirmed Explaining the Allocation of Funding for 21st Century Community Learning Centers in New York State K Maeve Powlick, Skidmore College International Aid: The Impact of Donor Competition on Impoverished Populations Nicole M. Netzel, DePaul University Targeting Funds through Technology: Using 2-1-1 to Facilitate Financial Flows to Nonprofits Sudha Arlikatti, Univ of North Texas Lisa A. Dicke, University of North Texas Sherry Bame, Texas A&M University THE MISSION-DEFENSIVE PARADOX IN THE GREAT RECESSION: DAMNED IF YOU DO AND DAMNED IF YOU DON'T Kathleen Roche, Case Western Reserve University Toni Somers, Wayne State University A9 - TBD
Sectoral Examinations of Innovation Chair: Unconfirmed Hybridization of the nonprofit sector? A survey of NPO's in Flanders. Lesley Hustinx, Ghent University, Belgium Jozefien Godemont, Ghent University and Catholic University Leuven, Belgium Joris De Corte, University College Ghent Investigating the Social Entrepreneurship-Landscape in Germany - A broad empirical inventory Thomas Scheuerle, University of Heidelberg, Centre for Social Investment, Germany Bjoern Schmitz, University of Heidelberg, Centre for Social Investment, Germany "Giving Voice to Values: Its Application to Social Entrepreneurship Teaching" Denise Crossan, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Geraldine Prizeman, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Mary Gentile, Babson College MA The Economic Downturn and the Nonprofit Sector: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Julianne Gassman, University of Northern Iowa Norman A. Dolch, Universtiy of North Texas Ann M. Kinnel, University of Southern MIssissippi Stephanie Krick, University of Central Florida Sue Ann Strom, Independent Scholar & Adjunct Faculty Member A10 - TBD Contextual Governance: Understanding Situational Complexities Chair: Unconfirmed Secrets to University Endowment Performance: Open Debates and Learning Mimi Lord, Case Western Reserve University Governing for Growth: Governance Strategies of Mid-Sized Regional Public University Foundations Brent A. Hafele, NewDay Nonprofit Solutions A Decision-Theoretic Analysis: Does Context Influence the Effectiveness of Board Processes Mark T. Engle, Case Western Reserve University Paul F. Salipante, Case Western Reserve University Accountability in Public and Nonprofit Management Research - A Semantic Network Analysis Katharina S. Spraul, University of Mannheim A11 - TBD Informal and Casual Volunteering Chair: Unconfirmed Informal Volunteering in Formal Organizations: Ad Hoc Volunteering Within Professional
Societies Beth Gazley, Indiana University - Bloomington Jeffrey L. Brudney, Cleveland State University Beyond Volunteering: The Phenomenon of "Circumstantial Volunterring" in Nonprofit Organizations Wenjue L. Knutsen, Queen's University Yolande Chan, Queen's University Formal Volunteering and Informal Helping: A comparison between immigrants and nonimmigrants Christine L. Carabain, VU University, Amsterdam Acculturation and Formal vs. Informal Volunteering of Korean Immigrants in the United State Hee Soun Jang, University of North Texas Lili Wang, Arizona State University Carlton Yoshioka, Arizona State University A12 - TBD Nonprofit Advocacy Chair: Unconfirmed Increasing Public Policy Advocacy and Influence: A Priority Whose Time has Come? Christopher J. Corbett, Independent Researcher Lobbying for the "Public Good": A Case Study of Nonprofit Organization Lobbying in Alberta, Canada Krista D. Shackleford, University of Toronto Power and the Nonprofit Sector: An Examination of Government/Nonprofit Relations in Alberta, Canada Krista D. Shackleford, University of Toronto The Importance of Advocacy: How Third Sector Regulation is Limiting Democracy Nick J. Mul, York University Advocates Anonymous: A study of advocacy coalitions in Ontario Rachel Laforest, Queen's University, Canada Anna Burrowes, Queen's University, Canada A13 - TBD Managing Your Finances: Challenges, Concerns and Strategies Chair: Unconfirmed Revenue Structure, Nonprofit Growth, and Fiscal Sustainability: Within-Source Diversification Grace L. Chikoto, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Daniel Neely, The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Economic and Financial Literacy in the Nonprofit Sector Reema Bhakta, Indiana University/Purdue University Indianapolis Suho Han, Indiana University/Purdue University Indianapolis Pingping Ren, Indiana University/Purdue University Indianapolis Assessing the Impact of the 9/11 Attacks on Nonprofit Revenues Santiago Guerrero, University at Albany Robert M. Purtell, Rockefeller College, University at Albany Association between BBB rating and NPO CEO Compensation and Earnings Management YOU-IL C. PARK, University of Houston (Ph.D. Studnet) Saleha B. Khumawala, University of Houston A14 - TBD Immigrant Civic Engagement and Diversity in North American Communities Chair: Unconfirmed Social Citizenship and Immigrant Engagement in a Diverse Northeastern City Susan A. Ostrander, Tufts University Levels of Civic Engagement Among Asian American Community Organizations in Boston C.K. Richard Hung, University of Massachusetts, Boston Immigrant Worker Center Networks: Improving Job Conditions and Opportunities, and Providing Avenues Hector R. Cordero-Guzman, Baruch College Civic participation of immigrants in Canadian Society: The role of nonprofit organizations in Canada Agnes Meinhard, Ryerson University, Canada
John C. Ronquillo, University of Georgia Ana M. Simaens, ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute, Portugal Jo Anne Schneider, George Washington University Brenda K. Bushouse, University of Massachusetts B3 - TBD Local communities and organizations Chair: Unconfirmed Why People Choose One Shelter Over Another? Nonprofits in Post- Tsunami Sheltering Sudha Arlikatti, Univ of North Texas Who Makes It Back? A Neighborhood Comparison of Post-Katrina New Orleans Recovery Stephen D. Danley, Nuffield College, Oxford University Policy Engagement and Systems Change in the New Communities Program Robert Chaskin, University of Chicago Mikael Karlstrom, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago Increasing Voter Turnout among the Poor:Findings from a Nonprofit Voter Mobilization Experiment Kelly M. LeRoux, University of Illinois at Chicago B4 - TBD Impact of Diversity on Governance and Leadership Chair: Unconfirmed The Influence of Organizational Diversity Perspectives on Minority Nonprofit Board Member Inclusion Ruth S. Bernstein, Case Western Reserve University Diana Bilimoria, Case Western Reserve University Examining the Intersectionality of Race and Gender for the Future of Nonprofit Leadership Jamila A. Medley, University of Pennsylvania Understanding the Governance and Diversity of Online Voluntary Engagement Helen K. Liu, The University of Hong Kong, China Race & Gender in the Psycho-Social Development of African American & White Female Foundation Leaders Tyrone M. Freeman, Indiana University B5 - TBD Relevant Research and Good Practice: The Enduring Chicken or Egg Issue Chair: Unconfirmed
Karen Reardon, University of Michigan Sylvia R. Benatti, University of the District of Columbia B6 - TBD Experimental Analysis of Donor Behavior Chair: Unconfirmed The Influence of Grant Restrictions on Charitable Giving: An Experimental Approach Sara E. Helms, Samford University Jeremy P. Thornton, Samford University Brian Scott, Washington College fMRI findings on charitable giving, bequest giving, and volunteering Russell N. James, Texas Tech University The role of touch and trust in charitable giving: An fMRI study Russell N. James, Texas Tech University Leaving a charitable bequest: the development of a decision making model Claire Routley, University of the West of England, United Kingdom B7 - TBD Demographic Influences on Altruism Chair: Unconfirmed Does religious similarity matter for philanthropic giving? Xiaonan Kou, Indiana University Michal Kramarek, Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University Sung-Ju Kim, Indiana University/Purdue University Indianapolis Aging and altruism. Longitudinal findings from Dutch GINPS data. Evelien Boonstoppel, VU Amsterdam, Netherlands Motivations and Charitable Giving Practices: Examining Foreign-born Korean Immigrants in California Seong-gin Moon, Inha University Sang Ok Choi, Virginia Tech Who are generous-the religious vs. the nonreligious?: Quasi-Experimental tests using COPPS? Sungil Kwak, George Washington University B8 - TBD what have u done 4 me L8ly? Social Media and Nonprofit-Stakeholder Relations Chair: Unconfirmed Measuring Public and Stakeholder Reactions to Nonprofit Organizations' Social Media Use
Gregory D. Saxton, University at Buffalo, SUNY Chao Guo, University of Georgia Relationship Cultivation 1.0 or 2.0: Comparing Nonprofits' Use of Internet Communication Strategies Richard D. Waters, University of San Francisco Decoding the Interaction: Nonprofit and stakeholder relationships in social media Georgette E. Dumont, University of North Florida Fundraising on Facebook: A New Model for Donations? Gregory D. Saxton, University at Buffalo, SUNY Lili Wang, Arizona State University B9 - TBD Intrepid Exploration: Capturing the nature and activities of social enterprises Chair: Unconfirmed Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: A Survey of Social Enterprises in British Columbia and Alberta Peter Elson, Mount Royal University Peter Hall, Simon Fraser University DEVELOPMENT OF A SOCIAL ENTERPRISE DATABASE Francois Brouard, Carleton University Surveying the Financing Needs of the Social Economy George Karaphillis, Cape Breton University na n/a n. n/a, n/a B10 - TBD Strengthening Communities through Better Governance Chair: Unconfirmed : The Kaleidoscope of Governance: A Case Study on Nonprofit aGovernance ConferenceThere are between Liz Shear, USD Laura B. Stein, USD Mary McDonald, University of San Diego Community Engagement GovernanceT: A New System-Wide Governance Framework for Community Impact Judy Freiwirth, Nonprofit Solutions Associates, Alliance for Nonprofit Management Social Business Governance: Evidence from a Comparative Case Study Urs P. Jager, INCAE Business School Bernard Kilian, INCAE Business School Silke V. Bucher, INCAE Business School
B11 - TBD Volunteering and Management Chair: Unconfirmed Age-related changes to perceptions of volunteer-organization relations Tim Vantilborgh, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Jemima Bidee, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Roland Pepermans, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Building both HSO and Client Capacities in Tough Economic Times: An Innovative Volunteer Program Megan Meyer, University of Maryland Karen Hopkins, University of Maryland Valuing Volunteer Management Nick Ockenden, Institute for Volunteering Research Tentative title: EPISODIC VOUNTEERING: FROM ACTIVITY TO MANAGEMENT Lucas Meijs, Erasmus University, Netherlands B12 - TBD Government Regulation of Nonprofits and Nonprofit Sector Self-Regulation Chair: Unconfirmed Putting us all in the same bag: Government regulation and diverse organizations, Ecuador & Colombia Susan Appe, University at Albany, SUNY A Case for Nonprofit Self-Regulation Denise R. Vienne, Florida Atlantic University The California Non-Profit Integrity Act (2005): Implications For Corporate Governance Saleha B. Khumawala, University of Houston Sandip Dhole, Indian School of Business Sagarika Mishra, Deakin University IRS Audits of Religious Organizations: Is Anyone Watching the Money? Janet S. Greenlee, University of Dayton Sarah J. Webber, University of Dayton B13 - TBD Negotiating Government-Nonprofit Contracts and Relationships Chair: Unconfirmed Exploring the Socio-economic Determinants of Government-Nonprofit Contracting Jiahuan Lu, University of Maryland, College Park
Critical Nonprofit/Public Sector Conversations between Individuals with Little Shared Context Adrian Wolfberg, Case Western Reserve University Dependency, Interdependency - or, codependency? Government-Agency Relationships Marilyn Hosea, Case Western Reserve University Leading Outward: A Qualitative Examination of How Nonprofit Leaders Affect Policy Outcomes Rachel Krefetz, Indiana University B14 - TBD Why Diversity? Better Research, Better Teaching and Better Practice Chair: Unconfirmed Claude A. Robinson, UCAN Chicago Jennifer A. Wade-Berg, Kennesaw State University Patricia Bradshaw, York University Susan A. Ostrander, Tufts University
Weiwei Lin, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Jong One Cheong, The Catholic University of Korea Colleen M. Dawicki, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Relating to Relevance: Understanding Membership Value in Non-Profit Marketing Mikko Laamanen, Hanken School of Economics, Department of Marketing / CERS, Helsinki, Finland Provider Persistence in Southern Social and Economic Development Stephen P. Wernet, Saint Louis University Dwight W. Jackson, PROCOMRwanda How evolving governance relationships influence managerial practices among child welfare providers Robbie W. Robichau, Arizona State University P3 - TBD Innovation & Entreneurship Chair: Unconfirmed Civic Minds Meet Technology: Tales of Nonprofit 2.0 Taewoo Nam, University at Albany, State University of New York Junesoo Lee, University at Albany, State University of New York From Theory to Practice and Back Again: The Early Operations of a Theory-Based Social Enterprise Jeffrey L. Greim, Bay Path College Innovations in Nonprofit Branding: A Partnership between Sporting KC and LIVESTRONG Erin K. Nemenoff, University of Missouri - Kansas City Laura Moore, Lee's Summit Christian Church Tools to Develop Effective NGO-Corporate Partnerships Susan R. Ross, SR International P4 - TBD Philanthropy, Foundations, Fundraising & Giving Chair: Unconfirmed Following the Money in Education Reform Patrick Carr, Georgetown University Patrick Carr, Georgetown University Predictors on Giving and Volunteering of Low-income Citizens Seungjong Cho, Yonsei University, South Korea Chulhee Kang, Yonsei University, South Korea Seongho An, Yonsei University, South Korea
P5 - TBD Voluntarism & Volunteering Chair: Unconfirmed The psychological needs of volunteers as antecedents of volunteer engagement Jemima Bidee, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Tim Vantilborgh, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Roland Pepermans, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Beyond traditional measurement: a framework for volunteer program effectiveness in healthcare Melissa A. Heinlein, Philadelphia VA Medical Center "WHY VOLUNTEERING?" STAGE OF SCALE BUILDING IN A BRAZILIAN NGO Washington J. de Souza, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil Carlos E. Cavalcante, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil Lendro T. Fernandes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil MANAGING VOLUNTEERS DURING TIMES OF FISCAL STRESS Maria J. D'Agostino, John Jay College, CUNY Helisse Levine, Long Island University Brooklyn Campus P6 - TBD Boards, Governance & Accountability Chair: Unconfirmed Governance of grant-making foundations Steffen Bethmann, University Basle, Switzerland Georg von Schnurbein, University of Basel, Switzerland Sibylle Studer, University Basle, Switzerland Best Practices for Family Foundations with Geographically Dispersed Boards Melanie McKitrick, Indiana University Deborah Hirt, Indiana University Elizabeth Farris, Indiana University Walking the Walk: Virtual Accountability of Nonprofit Organizations Alicia Schatteman, Northern Illinois University Lise A. Slatten, University of Louisiana P7 - TBD Theory & Methods Chair: Unconfirmed Perception Enhancement for Civic Society with NPOs in Kaohsiung Li-Chuan Liu, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science
Intersectoral Collaboration and Entrepreneurial Nonprofits: Do Sectoral Boundaries Still Matter? Paul-Brian McInerney, University of Illinois at Chicago Comparing Traditional Volunteerism Statistics with Search Engine Based Statistics John G. McNutt, University of Delaware Katherine M. Boland, Rowan University P8 - TBD Diversity and its Implications in the Voluntary Sector (The "Conference Track") Chair: Unconfirmed Network learning, nonprofits, and social diversit(ies): Exploring structures for educational change Angela K. Frusciante, William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund P9 - TBD Public Policy & Law Chair: Unconfirmed Korea's social enterprises policy: Current issues and future agenda Sangmi Cho, Ewha Womans University Jinsuk Kim, Ewha Womans University Chulhee Kang, Yonsei University, South Korea The Challenges for US Nonprofits in Serving Haitian Earthquake Survivors: The Needs in NIMS Training Joshua Kelly, University of North Texas Sarah Knosp, University of North Texas Sudha Arlikatti, Univ of North Texas Nonprofits, Community and the Market: The Creation of Community Capital by Delaware Nonprofits Lauren Miltenberger, Villanova University Making Good Work Better: Learning from Relief Efforts by INGOs in Post Earthquake Gujarat, India Tomi Thomas, The Catholic Health Association of India Charlene D. Orchard, University of Utah J. S. Ott, University of Utah P10 - TBD Community & Grassroots Organizations / Secular & Faith-based 1 Chair: Unconfirmed Collaboration and Networks: Nonprofits' Role in Reducing Health Disparities Karabi C. Bezboruah, University of Texas at Arlington
Police Departments, the Grassroots and Social Media: Current Use and Future Prospects Lori Brainard, George Washington University Mariglynn E. Collins, The George Washington University Grassroots movements for health Elena Ardiaca, Researcher Revisiting the Spirit of Social Work: Joining servant leadership with spiritual capital Wendy A. Bilgen, Eastern Universtiy, PhD in Organizational Leadership, student P11 - TBD Community & Grassroots Organizations / Secular & Faith-based 2 Chair: Unconfirmed Nonprofit Organizations and Advocacy: Adapting to New Governance and Cross-Sector Collaboration Jennifer Dodge, Wagner School, New York University Mother's Work: Effectuation and the Creation of a New Organization Jessica T. Mattingly, University of Missouri - Kansas City Jen Stoll, The Pregnancy and Postpartum Resource Center Enacting the Sustainable Mission: Exploring Organizational Mission as Leadership Process Scott Tate, Virginia Tech P12 Management, Leadership & Strategy 3 Chair: Unconfirmed Risk-Taking and Risk Management in Community Development Loan Funds Leading Up to the Financial Cris Eric Kaldor, The College at Brockport, SUNY Lynne Moulton, The College at Brockport, SUNY P13 Innovation & Entreneurship 2 Chair: Unconfirmed A Blurring of Boundaries: Exploring Social Enterprise in Alberta's Social Services Catherine Pearl, University of Calgary Identity and Governance in Hybrid Organizations: Exploring the Case of Plantagon Johan Hvenmark, Ersta Skndal University College Ola S. Larsson, Ersta Skndal University College Deconstructing "Doing Well by Doing Good": How Practitioners Make Social Enterprise Possible
Curtis D. Child, Indiana University P14 Philanthropy, Foundations, Fundraising & Giving 2 Chair: Unconfirmed How Costly is Government Funding? Agency Costs, Financial Concentration, and Nonprofit Finance Edith A. Littich, WU Vienna, Austria Christian Schober, WU Vienna, Austria Doris Schober, WU Vienna, Austria Cultural antecedents and diaspora philanthropy: an Australian perspective Christopher Baker, Swinburne University of Technology Restringing Kites in Windstorms: Adaptive Philanthropy during Challenging Times Nancy B. Stutts, VA Commonwealth University Kevin W. Allison, VA Commonwealth University Nancy B. Stutts, VA Commonwealth University Kevin W. Allison, VA Commonwealth University A Study on Generosity Factors, Indicators, and Outcomes Motivation for High Net-worth Donors in the Allen Reesor, Metrix Research Group Linda Reesor, Metrix Research Group Arminda Chandler, Metrix Research Group P15 Effectiveness, Evaluation & Programs Chair: Unconfirmed Implementation Challenges for Nonprofits that Use Promotores to Improve Latino Health Outcomes Eric C. Twombly, KDH Research & Communication The Relation between Debt Financing and Private Universities' Donations: The Case in Taiwan Yi-Cheng Ho, National Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan Jenn-Shyong Kuo, National Taipei University, Taiwan Cross-sector collaboration: Influencing corporate environmental proactivity, legitimacy, or both? David G. Hyatt, University of Arkansas Nicholas Berente, University of Georgia P16 Social Economy
Chair: Unconfirmed The Role of Civil Society in Promoting Affordable Housing Communities in Egypt Ahmed Hassanein, Nile University Dina Sherif, American University in Cairo
Jennifer R. Madden, Case Western Reserve University 'Why must we keep coming back?' Mobilizing interorganizational networks during extreme uncertainty Katherine K. Chen, The City College of New York Understanding Collaboration, its Antecedents and Perceived Outcomes in Service Partnerships Maritza Concha, University of Central Florida Naim Kapucu, University of Central Florida Growing Organizational Capacity: A Multi-Method Investigation of Non-Profit Service Providers Amy Minzner, Abt Associates C4 - TBD Diversity and Community Chair: Unconfirmed Can We All Work Together? Diversity and the Effectiveness of Community-Based Associations Kyu-Nahm Jun, Wayne State University Health Promotion, Community Engagement, Advocacy: Chinese Healthy Living Coalition of Ontario C.K. Richard Hung, University of Massachusetts, Boston Helen Poon, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario Mixed-Income and the Nonprofit Sector: Community Building in a Gentrifying Chicago Neighborhood Matthew Maronick, University of Chicago Amy Khare, University of Chicago Robert Chaskin, University of Chicago Civil Society without Civility: The Paradox of the Third Sector Development in Hong Kong Kam-Tong Chan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China C5 - TBD Effectiveness and Nonprofit financial management Chair: Unconfirmed An alternative measure of nonprofit financial health using months of liquid net assets Marcus Lam, University of California Los Angeles Perspectives on Charity Wealth: financial stability or philanthropic inefficiency. Kate Ruff, Charity Intelligence Canada Greg Thomson, Charity Intelligence Canada Kate Bahen, Charity Intelligence Canada Audit pricing in a newly established nonprofit market Sandra Verbruggen, Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel
Johan Christiaens, Ghent University A Look at the Factors that Influence the Optimal Size of Nonprofit Operating Reserves Cleopatra Grizzle, Rutgers University - Newark Margaret F. Sloan, Morehead State University C6 - TBD Accountability and Trust in Fundraising/Philanthropy Chair: Unconfirmed The Self-Regulation of Fundraising Practice: Just What Is It That Concerns Donors? Adrian Sargeant, Indiana University Jane Hudson, Bristol Business School Samantha Wilson, Fund Raising Standards Board How Does the Giving Mechanism of Reputation Relate to Material Benefits in a Blood Donation Context? Silke Boenigk, University of Hamburg, Germany Marius Mews, University of Hamburg, Germany Institutional Trust, Sector Confidence, and Charitable Giving Mark A. Hager, Arizona State University Eric C. Hedberg, Arizona State University Placing Foundations in Communities: The Case of Washington, DC Alan J. Abramson, George Mason University Stefan Toepler, George Mason University C7 - TBD Trends in Social Economy Research 1 Chair: Unconfirmed The Size and Scope of the Nonprofit Sector in Selected Appalachian Counties Margaret F. Sloan, Morehead State University Resource-Based View of Unincorporated Nonprofit and Social Economy Organizations Kunle Akingbola, University of Toronto, Canada The Local Arts Index Study of Nonprofit Arts and Culture Systems in Local Communities Roland J. Kushner, Muhlenberg College Randy Cohen, Americans for the Arts Ryan Lindsay, Muhlenberg College Six Cultural Domains that may Impact Community Development and Sustainable Enterprises in Swaziland Linda Reesor, Metrix Research Group Allen Reesor, Metrix Research Group
Arminda Chandler, Metrix Research Group C8 - TBD Performance Management Chair: Unconfirmed Performance Management Challenges in Nonprofit Human Service Organizations Sarah Carnochan, University of California, Berkeley Mark Samples, University of California, Berkeley Michael J. Austin, University of California, Berkeley Designing Nonprofit Performance Measurements: Case Study of Nine Florida Nonprofit Organizations Claire C. Knox, University of Central Florida XiaoHu Wang, Ph.D., University of Central Florida Are communities losing hope on NGOs? Perceptions about NGOs among rural people in Nepal Krishna Roka, Penn State University Performance Measurement in Non-Profits: a Management Tool or an Option for Strategic Responses? Dorothea Greiling, Johannes Kepler University Linz C9 - TBD Organizational and Institutional Theories and Innovation Chair: Unconfirmed New legal forms for Social Business: An Institutional Analysis Kate Cooney, Boston University Institutional Influence on Entrepreneurial Orientation of Social Entrepreneurship Tamaki Onishi, Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University Wolfgang Bielefeld, Indiana University The organizational model of social purpose businesses in the restaurant sector Ray Dart, Trent University Assessing early nonprofit organizational life: towards a practical tool for nonprofit entrepreneurs Fredrik O. Andersson, University of Missouri-Kansas City C10 - TBD Governance Beyond the Board: Participation, Power, and Accountability in Organizations and Networks Chair: Unconfirmed Max . Freund, Claremont Graduate University
Judy Freiwirth, Nonprofit Solutions Associates, Alliance for Nonprofit Management David O. Renz, University of Missouri - Kansas City Chao Guo, University of Georgia Barbara A. Metelsky, North Carolina State University C11 - TBD Human and Economic Capital and Volunteering Chair: Unconfirmed "Home Ownership and Civic Engagement: Evidence from Panel Data" Rieko Kage, University of Tokyo Social climber and volunteer? The impact of intergenerational social mobility on volunteering. Paul Rameder, Nonprofit Management Group, WU Vienna Michael Meyer, WU Vienna, Austria Reinhard Millner, Nonprofit Management Group, WU Vienna The Long Arm of the Job: The Sector of Employment, Altruism, and Volunteering Hyung-Hoon Kim, Georgia State University & Georgia Institute of Technology Examining volunteer programs through an asset lens: Low-income volunteers as engaged participants Jodi Benenson, Brandeis University Allison Stagg, Brandeis University C12 - TBD Nonprofits and Government Tax Policy Chair: Unconfirmed Revisiting Tax Deductions for Nonitemizers: Lessons for the Future Sarah L. Pettijohn, American University Jaclyn L. Schede, American University Mapping the Nonprofit Property Tax Exemption Debate: A Framing Analysis Approach Kellie McGiverin-Bohan, Indiana University Do the IRS Designations of 501c3 and c4 Organizations Need to be Redefined? Jeffrey L. Greim, Bay Path College Foundation User Fees: The Case for Lower Excise Taxes Thomas Southard, Villanova University School of Law C13 - TBD Management Challenges and Opportunities in Arts and Culture Nonprofits Chair: Unconfirmed
The Vancouver Theatre Association: Providing Membership Value Dawn Brennan, Royal Roads University Where the Shoe Hurts: Capacity Challenges among Arts and Culture Nonprofits Kirsten A. Gronbjerg, Indiana University Kellie McGiverin-Bohan, Indiana University New Institutional Economics and the Lively Arts: Exploratory Case Analyses Charles M. Gray, University of St. Thomas Social Media and Arts and Culture Nonprofit Organizations: Strategic Marketing or Lost at Sea? B. K. Gallagher, University of Colorado Denver Jessica E. Sowa, University of Colorado Denver C14 - TBD Design for a Survey of Public Service Management Students Chair: Unconfirmed Katharina S. Spraul, University of Mannheim Jessica Word, University of Nevada Las Vegas Vivian W. Greentree, Old Dominion University Shawn T. Flanigan, San Diego State University
Chair: Unconfirmed Mapping the "big society": recent analyses of trends in voluntary resources in the UK John Mohan, Third Sector Research Centre Mapping Service Deserts: The Supply and Demand of Nonprofit Human Services Brent Never, University of Missouri- Kansas City The role of civil society organizations in communities: Conceptualization of a civic footprint Lindsey M. McDougle, University of Pennsylvania Micheal .. Shier, University of Pennsylvania Femida Handy, University of Pennsylvania The Theoretical Foundations of Self-Regulation in the Nonprofit Sector Denise R. Vienne, Florida Atlantic University D3 - TBD Community and Grassroots Organizing in International and Transnational Contexts Chair: Unconfirmed Howard Lune, Hunter College, CUNY James M. Mandiberg, Columbia University Carmen Parra, Professor Univ Abat Oliba D4 - TBD Training Diverse Leaders for Today and Tomorrow Chair: Unconfirmed Carol J. DeVita, The Urban Institute Jennifer A. Wade-Berg, Kennesaw State University Andrew T. Ho, Council on Foundations Claudia Petrescu, Eastern Michigan University Aida Rodriguez, Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy D5 - TBD Evaluation: Current trends and challenges Chair: Unconfirmed STATE OF EVALUATION: EVALUATION CAPACITY AND PRACTICE IN THE NONPROFIT SECTOR Johanna Morariu, Innovation Network, Inc. Creating Meaningful Measures for Nonprofit Evaluation Stuart Mendel, Assistant Dean, Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs - Cleveland State University; Co-Direc
Faith Noble, Director of Finance and Administration, Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs Cleveland St Cynthia C. Biro, MPA Candidate, Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs - Cleveland State University; Graduate Developing an integrated evaluation tool: challenges of a collaborative approach Johanne Turbide, HEC-Montreal, Canada Marie-Rene Lambert, HEC-Montral, Canada First Results of the Performance Prediction Scan:Process Criteria for Effective Mission Advancement Kellie C. Liket, Erasmus Centre for Strategic Philanthropy, Netherlands Karen E. Maas, Erasmus Centre for Strategic Philanthropy, Netherlands D6 - TBD The Social Context of Charitable Behavior: Empirical Studies Using COPPS and Other Data Chair: Unconfirmed Modeling, Preaching, and Parenting: Inter-Generational Socialization of Prosocial Behavior Mark O. Wilhelm, Indiana University Purdue University-Indianapolis David B. Estell, Indiana University, Bloomington Neil H. Perdue, University of Indianapolis The Effect of Public Housing Residence on Individual Charitable Behavior Hsiang-Kai D. Dong, University of Georgia Chao Guo, University of Georgia Laura Peck, Arizona State University Are Veteran, Military, Police and Fire Nonprofit Organizations Up to the Challenge? Natalie J. Webb, Naval Postgraduate School Rikki Abzug, Ramapo College D7 - TBD Community Foundations and Local Giving Chair: Unconfirmed Community Foundations as Community Leaders? Comparing developments in Canada and the United Kingdom Susan D. Phillips, Carleton University School of Public Policy and Administration Tobias Jung, Centre for Charitable Giving and Philanthropy, Cass Business School Jenny Harrow, City University-London, United Kingdom To Give or Not to Give: Longitudinal Predictors of Donation Decisions in Workplace Giving Campaigns Brett Agypt, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Robert K. Christensen, University of Georgia Rebecca A. Nesbit, UNC Charlotte
Leveraging Diversity & Inclusion for Effective Philanthropy Wendy C. Wehr, Minnesota Council on Foundations Jessica LaFont-Romero, University of Minnesota Office of Measurement Services Tawanna A. Black, Innovations By Design, LLC Do Foundations Invest in Detroit's Nonprofit Infrastructure? A Look at the Past Decade's Funding Diane Vinokur-Kaplan, University of Michigan D8 - TBD A Longitudinal Study of Human Service Nonprofits: Challenges and Opportunities Chair: Unconfirmed Jennifer Mosley, University of Chicago Yeheskel (Zeke) Hasenfeld, UCLA Eve E. Garrow, University of Michigan Hyeon J. Kil, University of California, Los Angeles Joseph Galaskiewicz, University of Arizona D9 - TBD Social Investment Chair: Unconfirmed Social Investment: A Conceptual Outline Volker Then, Heidelberg University Konstantin Kehl, Heidelberg University Social Investment: A critical assessment Andreas Schroeer, Portland State University Steffen Sigmund, Heidelberg University Social Investment: Supply-side segmentation and investor rationales Alex Nicholls, University of Oxford D10 - TBD Internet organizing Chair: Unconfirmed Mobilizing for an Offline Protest through Cyberspace: A Case Study of Online Activists in New Bay Bin Chen, City University of New York - Baruch College Beilei Yang, Shanghai Tongji University Santiago Guerrero, University at Albany an a Website Replace Door to Door Outreach? The Toronto Clean Train Coalition and the Politics of G
Judith K. Taylor, University of Toronto Jen Cypher, York University NGO Scrutiny in the ".org" Age: A Study of Online Accountability Disclosure by NGOs Joannie Tremblay-Boire, University of Washington Aseem Prakash, University of Washington D11 - TBD Informal Volunteering: A Vast and Neglected Part of the Nonprofit Sector Chair: Unconfirmed Christopher J. Einolf, DePaul University David H. Smith, Boston College Jeffrey L. Brudney, Cleveland State University Beth Gazley, Indiana University - Bloomington D12 - TBD Gates Policy Panel Chair: Unconfirmed Empty D13 - TBD Motivating and Managing Employees and Their Emotions Chair: Unconfirmed Nonprofit Managers' Motivational Styles and Work Attitudes: Beyond the Intrinsic-Extrinsic Dichotomy Chung-An Chen, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Chih-Wei Hsieh, University of New Mexico Young Employees in German Free Welfare Associations: Do they romanticize nonprofit work? Marlene Walk, University of Pennsylvania What do we expect of each other?: Psychological Contracts in Nonprofit Employment Relations Deborah B. Balser, University of Missouri-St. Louis Nancy T. Kinney, University of Missouri-St. Louis Perceived Job Content Buffers the Impact of Emotional Demands at Work on Exhaustion Chih-Wei Hsieh, University of New Mexico D14 - TBD Nonprofit and government relationship Chair: Unconfirmed Shared Responsibility: An empirical analysis of nonprofit involvement in local emergency
management Hee Soun Jang, University of North Texas Simon Andrew, University of North Texas Laura Siebeneck, University of North Texas Does More Government Funding Lead to Better Financial Performance: A Study of Human Services Nonprof Weiwei Lin, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth The Role of Nonprofits in Local Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection Policy Myungjung (MJ) Kwon, California State University Fullerton Hee Soun Jang, University of North Texas The Impact of Government Funding on the Level of Board Diversity in Human Service Nonprofits Peter Hoontis, Rutgers University - Newark
Joyce Rothschild, Virginia Tech Jack Quarter, University of Toronto, Canada Rob Paton, The Open University, England Laurie I. Mook, Arizona State University E4 - TBD Case Studies in Diversity Chair: Unconfirmed Improving Intercultural Behavioral Comfort in a Campus-Based Service Organization Ruth S. Bernstein, Case Western Reserve University Paul Salipante, Case Western Reserve University Paradoxes of (e)quality and good will in managing diversity in the Dutch Philanthropic Sector Halleh Ghorasi, VU University Christine L. Carabain, VU University, Amsterdam Ewa Szepietowska, VU University Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression Organizational Change at a Toronto Violence Against Women Agency David Woodard, The Redwood An education nonprofit's journey to work for equity both inside and out: A case study Eric Barela, Partners in School Innovation Alejandra Villalobos, Partners in School Innovation E5 - TBD Age, Gender, Religion and Volunteering Chair: Unconfirmed Women in the Indianapolis Rotary Club since 1987 Sarah K. Nathan, Indiana University Giving and volunteering among members of the LDS Church Ram A. Cnaan, University of Pennsylvania Daniel W. Curtis, University of Pennsylvania Van Evans, University of Pennsylvania Religion and the Civic Core in the Netherlands Rene Bekkers, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands Individual characteristics of volunteering in later life. Results from the Belgian Ageing Studies Sarah Dury, Vrije Universiteit Brussels Dominique Vert, Vrije Universiteit Brussels Liesbeth De Donder, Vrije Universiteit Brussels
E6 - TBD Influences on Altruistic Behavior Chair: Unconfirmed Role models for giving: Experiments about the role parents, teachers & peers for preschoolers Avner Ben-Ner, University of Minnesota Individual philanthropy and social preferences: Empirical analysis using the new Japanese micro data Naoko Okuyama, Osaka University Naoto Yamauchi, Osaka University Are Cause-Related Marketing Campaigns With Luxury Firms Worth It? A Nonprofit Perspective Silke Boenigk, University of Hamburg, Germany Viktoria Schuchardt, University of Hamburg, Germany E7 - TBD Topics in International Philanthropy Chair: Unconfirmed Understanding Arab Philanthropy: The Case of Egypt and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Dina H. Sherif, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Measuring the socioeconomic impact of charitable foundations: Spain as a case study Marta Rey-Garcia, Associate Professor, University of A Coruna, Spain Luis I. Alvarez-Gonzalez, Associate Professor, University of Oviedo, Spain Nonprofit Funding Models in Mexico Michael D. Layton, Philanthropy and Civil Society Project ITAM Mexico Charitable Giving Toward Local Welfare Services in Japan: Traditional and Emerging NPOs Yu Ishida, Akashi National College of Technology, Japan Naoko Okuyama, Osaka University E8 - TBD New Values in effectiveness and evaluation Chair: Unconfirmed Social Return on Investment (SROI): measuring the un-measurable? Andrew J. Clifford, Cass Business School Tobias Jung, Centre for Charitable Giving and Philanthropy, Cass Business School Paul Palmer, Centre for Charity Effectiveness Mission and Money: A Comparative Analysis of Social Value for Nonprofits and Social Enterprises Emily Barman, Boston University
Accountability and effectiveness of Belgian nonprofit organizations Lore Wellens, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Understanding a key outcome measure used by refugee resettlement agencies: A comparative case study Katrina D. Connolly, The George Washington University E9 - TBD Social Enterprise Studies Chair: Unconfirmed Impact of Entrepreneurial Behaviors and Actions on Autonomous Social Venture Growth Aparna Katre, Case Western Reserve University Barbara Bird, American University Valuing the value orientation - The relationship of value orientation and performance Bernd Helmig, University of Mannheim, Germany Vera Hinz, University of Mannheim, Germany Stefan Ingerfurth, University of Mannheim,Germany Effectuation and Social Entrepreneurship: An Examination Jessica T. Mattingly, University of Missouri - Kansas City Social Policy, Social Entrepreneurship, and Social Change Gordon Shockley, Arizona State University Peter M. Frank, Wingate University E10 - TBD Assessing Nonprofit Quality and Effectiveness Chair: Unconfirmed Similarities and Differences in Perceptions of Nonprofit Board Effectiveness Yvonne D. Harrison, University at Albany, SUNY Vic Murray, University of Victoria, Canada Evaluating the Effectiveness of Nonprofits in Two Countries: A Three-Dimensional Perspective Douglas M. Ihrke, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Barbara Duffy, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee E. G. MacDonald, Dalhousie University Nonprofit governance quality: Concept and measurement Jurgen Willems, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Gert Huybrechts, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Marc Jegers, Vrije Universiteit Brussel E11 - TBD
Social Capital and Civic Engagement Chair: Unconfirmed The Relationship between Trust and Civic Engagement: Positive, Negative, or Neither? Hyung-Hoon Kim, Georgia State University & Georgia Institute of Technology B. Joon Kim, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne Testing the Volunteer and Community Engagement Tool: Pilot Findings from Nonprofits in Two States Sarah Jane Rehnborg, University of Texas at Austin Dennis Poole, University of South Carolina, College of Social Work Social Capital and Blood Donation in the Netherlands Ingrid Veldhuizen, Sanquin Blood Bank Rene Bekkers, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands Social and monetary returns of multi-generation housing and community developments in Germany Konstantin Kehl, Heidelberg University Volker Then, Heidelberg University E12 - TBD Collaboration between schools and the nonprofit sector: Rethinking leadership strategy for education Chair: Unconfirmed School Superintendents, Philanthropic Foundations, and Education Reform Angela K. Frusciante, William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund Supporting Young Caregivers in Schools: The role of nonprofit leadership, financial strain and the a Sara Plachta-Elliott, Brandeis University Newark Schools and Community Collaborations: Understanding the Impact of Youth Service Efforts for P Laura A. Chinchilla, Rutgers University-Newark Campus E13 - TBD The Blurred Business-Nonprofit Boundary: Diffusion, Comparisons, and Relations Chair: Unconfirmed On the Performance Drivers of Microfinance Institutions - State of the Art and Research Agenda Alexander Pinz, University of Mannheim, Germany, Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences (GESS) Bernd Helmig, University of Mannheim, Germany Stirred or Shaken? How Does Managerialism Enter the Organizational Mix? Michael Meyer, Nonprofit Management Group, WU Vienna Martin Steinbereithner, WU Vienna, Austria
Florentine Maier, WU Vienna, Austria Swedish Study Associations and their Members. A Link to Civil Society or a Loyal Business Relation? Johan von Essen, Ersta Skndal University College Pelle berg, Ersta Skndal University College The strategic responses of community-based human service organizations to stakeholder pressures Cornelia Gordon-Hempe, University of Wisconsin-Madison E14 - TBD The Development of Civil Society Organizations in China and Taiwan Chair: Unconfirmed Social Enterprise in China Wolfgang Bielefeld, Indiana University Lijun He, Indiana University Legitimacy and Isomorphism: The Construction and Development of Private Foundations in China Lijun He, Indiana University The Darkest Hour Is Just Before Dawn: Taiwan's Institutional Capacity and Constraints on Social Ente Chienting Hung, London School of Economics, United Kingdom Shun-yu Pai, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Promoting Rural Compulsory Education in China: GONGOs, CONGOs and Grassroots Organizations Huiquan Zhou, University of Pennsylvania
Monica Nandan, University Of Missouri-Kansas City Patricia Scott, University of Missouri-Kansas City F2 - TBD Changing boundaries and relationships between the sectors Chair: Unconfirmed Exploring the Boundary- The Metrics of Beauty and the Emergence of a Social Aesthetic Robb W. Shoaf, non student Competing Institutional Logics and the Dynamics of Institutionalization: A Comparative Case Study of Eve E. Garrow, University of Michigan Perceptions of Sector Differences in a Systems of Care: The Existing and Potential Role of NPOs Danielle Varda, University of Colorado Denver Kevin D. Ward, Georgia Southern University The hybrid territory between TSOs and the personal world of family, friends, and neighbours David Billis, London School of Economics, United Kingdom F3 - TBD Critical Discussion on Philanthropy: topics, themes, trajectories Chair: Unconfirmed Tobias Jung, Centre for Charitable Giving and Philanthropy, Cass Business School Susan D. Phillips, Carleton University School of Public Policy and Administration Jenny Harrow, City University-London, United Kingdom F4 - TBD Access: Identifying and Sampling Immigrant and Identity-Based Nonprofits Chair: Unconfirmed Suzie S. Weng, Virginia Commonwealth University Eric Fotheringham, North Carolina State University Justin S. Lee, Virginia Commonwealth University F5 - TBD Illuminating the Dark Side of Nonprofit Governance: Critical and Democratic Perspectives Chair: Unconfirmed Chao Guo, University of Georgia Barbara A. Metelsky, North Carolina State University Patricia Bradshaw, York University
Christopher Cornforth, Open University, UK David O. Renz, University of Missouri - Kansas City F6 - TBD Changing Philanthropy: Understanding the Influence of Geographic Moves on Philanthropy Chair: Unconfirmed Place, Time, and Philanthropy: The impact of relocation on the geographic distributions of Philanthr Laurie Paarlberg, University of North Carolina Wilmington Richard Clerkin, North Carolina State University Darlene X. Rodriguez, University of North Carolina, Greensboro Managing Philanthropic Mobility: An Organizational Analysis of Donor Residency and Giving Patterns Rebecca Nesbit, University of North Carolina,- Charlotte Robert K. Christensen, University of Georgia Mary Tschirhart, North Carolina State University Moving, Social Networks, and Philanthropy: Pathways to Creating Community Connections Lauren Dula, UNC-Wilmington Stephen Meinhold, University of North Carolina Wilmington F7 - TBD Trends in Social Economy Research 2 Chair: Unconfirmed Contextualizing the Scope and Factors Associated with Evaluating the Impact of the Social Economy Jorge Sousa, University of Alberta JJ Mcmurtry, York University Which stakeholders intent prevails in social enterprises? A comparison of Hong Kong and South Korea Bokgyo J. Jeong, University of Pittsburgh Evaluating solidarity for Emmaus International groups around the world Alex Murdock, London South Bank University Carmen Parra, Professor Univ Abat Oliba Pascal Glemain, ESSCA, France F8 - TBD The Importance of Choosing Wisely: Analyzing Why and How NGOs Act Chair: Unconfirmed Accountability Choices and Constraints in transnational NGOs
Paloma Raggo, Syracuse University Mission: Impossible? Resource Dependence and Mission Drift among Canadian NGOs Joannie Tremblay-Boire, University of Washington The Institutional Design of International NGOs: Intended and Unintended Consequences Sarah Stroup, Middlebury College Wendy H. Wong, University of Toronto Where are the 'hard choices' gone? INGOs and the politics of 'appearance' Francesco Obino, London School of Economics F9 - TBD Innovative Public Policies: TheThird Sector and Volunteering Chair: Unconfirmed Innovation and Change in Nonprofit Social Services in the US Steven R. Smith, Georgetown University The German top-down Approach of Public Policy Innovation to Civic Engagement and Volunteering Annette E. Zimmer, Muenster University The Invention and Institutionalization of Volunteer Centers in Nordic Local Governments Lars S. Henriksen, Aalborg University F10 - TBD The Community Platform as a Basis for Collaboration Chair: Unconfirmed The Concept and Operation of the Community Platform Thomas H. Pollak, The Urban Institute Creating a Rural "Region" Using the Community Platform Carl Milofsky, Bucknell University Strengthening Statewide Public Policy Decision Making Using the Community Platform David G. Garvey, University of Connecticut F11 - TBD Examining and Learning from the Unique Challenges of Governing School Boards Chair: Unconfirmed School Board in Ontario: Metaphors of Constituency Based Governance Patricia Bradshaw, York University Phil Dawes, Upper Canada District School Board Challenges of Charter School Governance: Findings from Research in Minnesota Melissa Stone, University of Minnesota Anticipating Systemic Governance Change in Alberta School Boards
Keith E. Seel, Mount Royal University Jim Gibbons, Alberta School Board Association F12 - TBD The Diversity of Women's Philanthropy Chair: Unconfirmed Charitable Giving by Older Women: Is There a "Bag Lady Syndrome?" Debra J. Mesch, Indiana University/Purdue University Indianapolis Eleanor Brown, Pomona College The Global Dynamics of Gender and Giving: A Study of Giving and Volunteering by Lions Clubs Internat Una Osili, Indiana University/Purdue University Indianapolis Xiaonan Kou, Indiana University Deborah Hirt, Indiana University Are Women Still Giving More Time To Philanthropic Causes than Men? Laura Gee, UC San Diego Gender Differences in Reputation Concerns: A Field Experiment in Volunteering Sera Linardi, University of Pittsburgh Daniel Jones, University of Pittsburgh F13 - TBD Creating Internal Organizational Capacity: Managing Communication and Volunteers Chair: Unconfirmed Collaboration by Nonprofits: A Useful Concept for Theory and Practice? Margaret E. Harris, IVAR Ben Cairns, IVAR Romayne Hutchison, IVAR Contingent Adoption of Volunteer Management Practices Mark A. Hager, Arizona State University Building Communication Capacity in Nonprofit Organizations Claudia Petrescu, Eastern Michigan University Jeannette Kindred, Eastern Michigan University David Clifford, Eastern Michigan University Form & Function: Examining the Structure of Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations Jessica Word, University of Nevada Las Vegas Taylor P. Roberts, University of San Diego Holly Hoffman, University of San Diego
F14 - TBD Nonprofits in the Policy Process Chair: Unconfirmed Advancing Policy Ideas through Nonprofit Networks Brenda K. Bushouse, University of Massachusetts Representational Roles of Nonprofit Organizations in the Public Policy Process Takayuki Yoshioka, Indiana University Nonprofit-State Government Policy Co-formation? Participation Environments and Value Teresa Derrick-Mills, George Washington University The Ties the Bind: Detecting Communities and Bridges in Policy Networks Nicole Esparza, University of Southern California David A. Gastwirth, University of Southern California
G3 - TBD Communal associations and resources Chair: Unconfirmed The Power of Social Networks: Informal Modes of Meeting Human Needs Ram A. Cnaan, University of Pennsylvania Chulhee Kang, Yonsei University, South Korea Hyuk-Seung Lee, University of Pennsylvania Interest rates & complementary service provision with microcredit loans by NPOs: Are they different? Jill W. Sinha, Rutgers University Rebecca L. Thomas, University of Connecticut Gastro Philanthropy: Girl Scout Cookies, Cupcakes, and the Politics of the Self Patricia M. Nickel, Victoria University Angela M. Eikenberry, University of Nebraska at Omaha G4 - TBD Developing Cultural Competency in Nonprofit Management Education Chair: Unconfirmed Vanessa M. Robinson-Dooley, Kennesaw State University Aida Rodriguez, Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy Anne Hicks-Coolick, Kennesaw State University Mary Watson, Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy Karen Merson, Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy G5 - TBD Individual to Organizational Level Performance Chair: Unconfirmed MO Family Development Credential Program Evaluation: Workers' Experiences of Jobs and CoWorkers Deborah B. Smith, U of Missouri-Kansas City Nancy E. Day, U of Missouri-Kansas City CEO compensation and Earnings Management in the context of Meeting or Beating the Budget Constraint YOU-IL C. PARK, University of Houston (Ph.D. Studnet) Saleha B. Khumawala, University of Houston Rabih Y. Zeidan, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Preacher Pay for Performance Nicholas Harvey, Georgia State University
Examining the Connection between Pay and Performance in Nonprofit CFOs Nathan J. Grasse, Georgia Southern University Trenton J. Davis, Georgia Southern University Douglas M. Ihrke, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee G6 - TBD Fundraising and Charitable Solicitation Regulation in Comparative Perspective Chair: Unconfirmed Key Problems in the Development of Fundraising Regulation in the United States Putnam Barber, University of Washington Comparative Perspectives on the Economic and Social Costs of Non-statutory Fundraising Regulation Oonagh B. Breen, University College Dublin, Ireland The Long and Winding Road of Fundraising Reform in Australia Myles McGregor-Lowndes, Queensland University of Technology, Australia Canadian Leapfrog: From Self-Regulation of Fundraising to Co-Regulation of Good Governance Susan D. Phillips, Carleton University School of Public Policy and Administration The Rise of Fundraising Regulation in Asia: Developments and Debates in China, India, the Philippines, Singapore and Taiwan Mark Sidel, University of Iowa G7 - TBD Foundations and Other Charities: Regulation and Voluntary Practices Chair: Unconfirmed The Ambitions and Limitations of Nonprofit Law Reform Projects Evelyn Brody, Chicago-Kent College of Law Philanthropic Transparency: The Good, the Bad and the Useful John .. Tyler, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Foundation Sunset: An Approach to Foundation Life as Well as Death Francie L. Ostrower, University of Texas at Austin Rethinking Anonymous Giving through Donor Advised Funds Norman I. Silber, Yale Law School G8 - TBD Institutions and effectiveness Chair: Unconfirmed Regional Differences in Historic Preservation Nonprofits: A Comparison of NTHP Partners Anne-Lise K. Velez, North Carolina State University ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE TACTICS IN NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS: SUCCESSFUL
AND UNSUCCESSFUL INTERVENTIONS Tom Packard, San Diego State University Laura Deitrick, University of San Diego Network Adaptive Capacity in Strengthening Nonprofit Organizations and Communities Margaret L. Broxton, University of Central Florida Naim Kapucu, University of Central Florida Sustainable Management of Project Implementations for Non-Profit Organisations Yvonne M. Scherrer, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland Jan T. Frec, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland G9 - TBD Fostering Youth Civic Engagement and Empowering Local Nonprofits Through the Media Technologies Chair: Unconfirmed Youth, Nonprofits and Media Technologies: Enhancing Civic Engagement and Youth Participation Sviatlana Smashnaya, MIT Developing Technological Initiatives for Youth Participation and Local Community Engagement Leo Burd, MIT Using Media Technologies To Enhance the Performance of Youth-Oriented Nonprofits: Why? Sviatlana Smashnaya, MIT Lee Staples, Boston University G10 - TBD Unbounded Rationality: Are Diverse Boards Better Equipped to Learn? Chair: Unconfirmed Laura Deitrick, University of San Diego Regan Shaffer, Faculty, Pepperdine University Liz Shear, USD Elaine Lewis, Developmental Services Continuum G11 - TBD Professionals and Volunteering Chair: Unconfirmed The Limits of Volunteerism? Substituting Volunteer Labor for Paid in Public Service Delivery Rebecca Nesbit, University of North Carolina,- Charlotte Jeffrey L. Brudney, Cleveland State University The Social Basis of Volunteer Legal Service: Predictors of Pro Bono Legal Work in Private Robert Granfield, University at Buffalo
The Civic-Minded Professional scale: Developing and evaluating a quantitative measure to advance re Julie A. Hatcher, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis The Young Ones: Do youth in India volunteer? If so, why? Meenaz Kassam, American University of Sharjah G12 - TBD NGOs in the Middle East: Issues of Governance and Management Chair: Unconfirmed Non-Governmental Organizations' Self-Regulation A Multi-theoretical Perspective Khaldoun Abou Assi, Syracuse University Strategic Organizational Responses To Environmental Pressures: The Case Of Palestinian NGOs Fidaa Shehada, Binghamton University The leadership vision: Defining leadership in areas of conflict Theresa Ricke-Kiely, University of Notre Dame G13 - TBD Ethics: Considerations In The Sector Chair: Unconfirmed Ethical Leadership or Ethics for Leaders in Nonprofits: Looking Back to Look Forward Robert W. Smith, Clemson University Managing crises: The significance of organizational and communicative transparency Giselle A. Auger, Duquesne University Ethical dilemmas in international development planning: Lessons from East Africa Ramya Ramanath, Grand Valley State University Physician and Hospital Administrator Equivalent Meaning in Quality and Cost Objectives Heather Grooms, Case Western Reserve University Richard Boland, Case Western Reserve University Sheri Perelli, Case Western University G14 - TBD Understanding Advocacy in the Nonprofit Sector and Improving Its Effectiveness Chair: Unconfirmed Nonprofit Advocacy in the Nation's Capital Carol J. DeVita, The Urban Institute Milena Nikolova, The Urban Institute Katie L. Roeger, National Center for Charitable Statistics at the Urban Institute Shopping or Specialization? Venue Targeting Among Nonprofits Engaged in Advocacy
Anne L. Buffardi, University of Washington Robert Pekkanen, University of Washington Steven R. Smith, Georgetown University Shaping Government-Nonprofit Partnership: Direct and Indirect Advocacy Elizabeth T. Boris, The Urban Institute Matthew Maronick, University of Chicago Milena Nikolova, The Urban Institute Building Nonprofit Management Curriculum to More Effectively Address Nonprofits' Public Policy Role Deborah Auger, University of Delaware
H3 - TBD Government/community partnerships Chair: Unconfirmed Exploring the Social and Economic Impact of Converting Public Housing to Co-operative Housing Jorge Sousa, University of Alberta Joe Curnow, The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto Always look a gift horse in the mouth?: the challenges of community ownership & management of assets Mike Aiken, IVAR Ben Cairns, IVAR Marilyn Taylor, IVAR Little Big Society: findings from a 'street-walking' project to map unregistered third sector groups Andri Soteri-Proctor, TSRC, University of Birmingham Pete Alcock, TSRC, University of Birmingham Language Access Policies in the City of Philadelphia: Collaboration at the Grassroots Level Catherine E. Wilson, Villanova University H4 - TBD Change Agents at the Grassroots: Reforming Institutions in Developing Countries Chair: Unconfirmed Institutional Entrepreneurship: A Diaspora Advantage? Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff, George Washington University Carl Milofsky, Bucknell University Paul J. Nelson, University of Pittsburgh Persistence and Pursuit for Civil society Development: Lessons from Ethiopia Carl Milofsky, Bucknell University Organizing for Survival: Civil Society and Access to Water Paul J. Nelson, University of Pittsburgh Panel Discussant L. D. Brown, Harvard University H5 - TBD Innovative program ideas Chair: Unconfirmed Eligibility and Need: The Implications of School-Based Eligibility for 21st CCLC Funding K Maeve Powlick, Skidmore College Holding Nonprofits Accountable in Multi-Sector Networks: A Cross-Case Analysis
Barbara Romzek, Kansas University Kelly M. LeRoux, University of Illinois at Chicago Jocelyn Johnston, American University The Impact of Club Membership on Quality of Charities, The case of Czech Republic Katarna Svtkov, Anglo-American University Jan Hanousek, CERGE-EI Evzen Kocenda, CERGE-EI Restructuring the Human Services Sector NPO by NPO: Evidence from a Innovative Pilot Initiative Robert Fischer, Case Western Reserve University Claudia Coulton, Case Western Reserve University Diwakar Vadapalli, Case Western Reserve University H6 - TBD Foundation Center Panel Chair: Unconfirmed Empty H7 - TBD Philanthropy and Education Policy Chair: Unconfirmed Nonprofits to the Rescue? Local Educational Foundations, Race, and Inequality in New Jersey Rikki Abzug, Ramapo College Murray Sabrin, Ramapo College Alexandre Olbrecht, Ramapo College The Interaction of Public and Private Funding to Higher Education: An Empirical Analysis William W. Walton, University of Kentucky Philanthropic foundations as institutional entrepreneurs in the California charter school movement Debra Meyerson, Stanford University Rand Quinn, Stanford University Megan E. Tompkins-Stange, Stanford University and University of Michigan Peer-to-peer influence networks on philanthropic exchange in Canadian higher education Jacline A. Abray-Nyman, Queen's University, Canada Colin J. Pilbeam, Cranfield University, United Kingdom H8 - TBD NGOs on the ground: Defining accountability, participation and ownership Chair: Unconfirmed
Local democratic capacity in Guatemala: The effects of rights-based approaches Hans P. Schmitz, Syracuse University Tosca Bruno-van Vijfeijken, Syracuse University Local ownership configurations: International donor involvement of NGOs and civil society associatio Anne L. Buffardi, University of Washington NGO Workers: Into the Field and Back Home Jana Krasney, Case Western Reserve University Creating Legitimacy through Accountability to Beneficiaries: Ethical problems in humanitarianism Maryam Zarnegar Deloffre, George Washington University H9 - TBD Qualitative Research in Nonprofit/Philanthropic Studies: An Interactive Status Report Chair: Unconfirmed Robert Donmoyer, University of San Diego Laurie Paarlberg, University of North Carolina Wilmington Ramya Ramanath, Grand Valley State University Angela L. Bies, Texas A&M University H10 - TBD Multi-level governance: the governance of inter-organisational collaborations and federations Chair: Unconfirmed The governance of cross-sector partnerships Christopher Cornforth, Open University, UK John Paul Hayes, Open University Siv Vangen, Open University The Dynamics of Nested Governance in Federated Nonprofit Organizations Patricia Bradshaw, York University Design Principles for Adaptive Governance: How Three Collaborations Solve Governance Challenges Melissa Stone, University of Minnesota Barbara Crosby, University of Minnesota John M. Bryson, University of Minnesota Why boundaries between Third Sector and Civil Society paradigms still mattere Antonin Wagner, New School H11 - TBD Volunteering in the (Pedagogical) Civil Society: Conceptual, Empirical, and Comparative Chair: Unconfirmed
How to understand the growing appeal on volunteering in the upbringing of children? Judith Metz, University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam, Netherlands Eva A. van Baren, Erasmus University, Netherlands Niek Hoogervorst, Erasmus University, Netherlands Unique value of volunteering within the (pedagogical) civil society Eva A. van Baren, Erasmus University, Netherlands Judith Metz, University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam, Netherlands Lonnke Roza, Erasmus University, Netherlands Cross-national perspectives on the role of volunteers in the pedagogic civil society Lonneke Roza , Erasmus University, Netherlands Debbie Haski-Leventhal, University of New South Wales, Australia Lesley Hustinx, Ghent University, Belgium Volunteering in the (pedagogical) civil society: conceptual, empirical and comparative Lucas Meijs, Erasmus University, Netherlands H12 - TBD Managing Collaborations in Disasters Situations & Leadership Challenges: An International Setting Chair: Unconfirmed Coordination in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies: "Acute on Chronic" in Haiti Isabella M. Nolte, University of Hamburg, Germany Eric C. Martin, Bucknell University Silke Boenigk, University of Hamburg, Germany Leadership Patterns in Organizational Context in Philippine Voluntary Organizations Ralph S. Brower, Florida State University Ma. Oliva Z. Domingo, University of the Philippines Applying Network and Collaborative Management Theories to Disaster Volunteer Management Eva M. Witesman, Brigham Young University Karleen Watson, Brigham Young University From Disaster to Development: Leadership Profiles of Disaster Response Teams Beth A. Birmingham, Eastern University Jennifer Lambert, Eastern University H13 - TBD Managing the Organizational Environment: Mergers, Marketing and Other Strategies Chair: Unconfirmed A Relational Perspective to Job Satisfaction and Organizational Identity in A Merged Nonprofit Bin Chen, City University of New York - Baruch College James (Jack) Krauskopf, City University of New York - Baruch College The Need to Reside in Complexity & the Pull Toward the Simple in a Four Organization Merger
Lothar Liehmann, Craigwood Youth Services The Effect of Metaphor on Non-profit Organizations' Logo as Brand Communication Soojin Kim, University of Florida Organizational dynamics and mission change: analysis from a large N nonprofit sample David G. Berlan, Syracuse University H14 - TBD Sub-National Voluntary Sector-Government Relations: Australia, Canada, England and the United States Chair: Unconfirmed What's Up Eh? Sub-national voluntary sector-government relations in Canada Peter Elson, Mount Royal University Australian pathways to inter-sectoral cooperation: a wheel in the ditch and a wheel on the track John Butcher, Australian National University Going Local: the impact of the Compact in England on relationships between the voluntary sector and Meta E. Zimmeck, Roehampton University, United Kingdom Colin Rochester, Roehampton University, United Kingdom Bill Rushbrooke, Practical Wisdom R2Z Research Consultants State-Level Initiatives to Strengthen Government-Nonprofit Relations in the U.S.A. John P. Casey, Baruch College, City University of New York
I2 - TBD Philanthropy and voluntarism: cross-national, organizational and individual drivers Chair: Unconfirmed Philanthropy in Crisis: Economic Recession, Risk, and the Philanthropic Kuznets Curve Nuno S. Themudo, University of Pittsburgh Is there a Relationship between Doing Good and Feeling Well? Ann Woodyard, University of Alabama Local Context and Variation in Organizational Practice in United Way Systems Laurie Paarlberg, University of North Carolina Wilmington Stephen Meinhold, University of North Carolina Wilmington Civic Skills in Student Associations: What Skills Are Practiced and Are Practicers Improving? Matthew Baggetta, Indiana University I3 - TBD Faith Based Organizations Chair: Unconfirmed What's faith got to do with it? Partnering with faith-based organizations Paul MacLean, Centre for Voluntary Sector Studies, Canada Agnes Meinhard, Ryerson University, Canada Areeta Bridgemohan, United Way, Peel, Canada The Principle of Community - early 20th Century Jewish Associational Life in Tel-Aviv & New York Paula G. Kabalo, Ben Gurion University, Isreal Diversifying Faith Based Social Services, or From Orphanage to Child Welfare Agency Elise Hagesfeld, Case Western Reserve University I4 - TBD Early Engagement: Teaching Nonprofit Board Governance Chair: Unconfirmed Teaching Nonprofit Board Governance by Putting Graduate Students on Boards Renee A. Irvin, University of Oregon An Immersion Approach to Teaching Nonprofit Board Governance Kathleen Hale, Auburn University Next Gen: Engaging the Next Generation in Social Change Zaia Thombre, Marietta College/Vista Judith L. Millesen, Ohio University Voinovich School of Leadership & Public Affairs
I5 - TBD Learning and Capacity Building for Better Performance Chair: Unconfirmed Building capacity for non-profit organizations through research and practice Deborah Gardner, Executive Director, Volunteer Toronto Ushnish Sengupta, University of Toronto Laurie I. Mook, Arizona State University "Building Capacity? Monitoring and Evaluation in NGOs." David F. Suarez, University of Southern California Feedback Motivations and Practices among Nonprofit Human Service Funders and Providers David A. Campbell, Binghamton University I6 - TBD Public Policy and Philanthropy Chair: Unconfirmed The effect of government grants on fundraising expenditures in arts and cultural organizations. Mirae Kim, Rutgers University_Newark Soojin Kim, University of Florida Economics of Charitable Giving: Does the Tax Incentive Make a Difference? Jaclyn L. Schede, American University Public Policy, Philanthropy and Governance: Conditions for Effective Cooperation Theo N. Schuyt, VU University Amsterdam Rene Bekkers, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands Civil Society and the Origins of Public Affairs Education: Comparing the Influence of Philanthropy Judith R. Saidel, University at Albany I7 - TBD Historical Topics in Philanthropy Chair: Unconfirmed Beyond Hegemony: Public-Private Partnerships in Tuberculosis Policy Before the New Deal Susan Chambre, City University of New York, Baruch College Philanthropy and the Development of Public Health Nursing Education in Japan in the 1920s to 1950s Kazumi Noguchi, Kobe Women's University, Japan The Limits of Private Philanthropy: The Pacifism of Edwin Ginn and Andrew Carnegie.
Peter C. Weber, Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University Seeding Change: U.S. Foundation Support to Eastern Europe and the Middle East Before the Upheavals Erzsebet Fazekas, University at Albany I8 - TBD Other (I will work on better titles) Chair: Unconfirmed Philanthropy and Social Innovation Steffen Bethmann, University Basle, Switzerland Financial Resource Strategies of Work Integration Social Enterprises in the United States Kate Cooney, Boston University Entrepreneurial theories of nonprofit start-ups: a survey of new NGOs Jesse D. Lecy, Georgia State University David Van Slyke, Maxwell School of Syracuse University I9 - TBD The Benefits of Volunteering among Older Adults Chair: Unconfirmed Older Adults' Perspectives on the Cognitive, Physical, and Psychosocial Benefits of Volunteering Thecla Damianakis, University of Windsor Suzanne L. Cook, Baycrest Eilon Caspi, Baycrest Quantitative Benefits of Volunteering: Preliminary results from the Baycrest Research About Voluntee Nicole D. Anderson, Baycrest Syrelle Bernstein, Baycrest Deirdre Dawson, Baycrest Unpacking the Physical & Cognitive Changes Accompanying Two Years of Volunteer Work Performed By Old Benjamin H. Gottlieb, University of Guelph Scott B. Maitland, University of Guelph I10 - TBD Creating Additional Organizational Capacity through Networks Chair: Unconfirmed Structured networks in a multilevel longitudinal approach: the "Rede Social" case study Ana M. Simaens, ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute, Portugal
Nigel J. Roome, Tilburg University, Netherlands The Roles of Networks in Building Management and Program Capacity within Human Services Jodi R. Sandfort, University of Minnesota Exploring Strategy Choice and Performance Bernd Helmig, University of Mannheim, Germany Vera Hinz, University of Mannheim, Germany Stefan Ingerfurth, University of Mannheim,Germany SOCIAL CAPITAL, NETWORKING MODES AND PERFORMANCE Rita S. Mano, University of Haifa I11 - TBD Cross-Sector Partnerships: Organizational Dilemmas and Implications for Policy Chair: Unconfirmed Cross-Sector Partnerships: Organizational Dilemmas and Implications for Policy Hilel Schmid, Michal Almog-Bar, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Mission Stewards in Public Private Partnerships Jeffrey L. Brudney, Cleveland State University Bringing Dignity to Canada: Nonprofit, Private and Public Sector Cooperation in Euthanasia Kathy Brock, School of Policy Studies and Department of Political Studies, Queens University, Canada Cross-Sector Partnerships: Organizational Dilemmas and Implications for Policy Michal Almog-Bar, Hebrew University of Jerusalem I12 - TBD Impact of Government Devolution on Nonprofits Chair: Unconfirmed The Relationship Between Local Authorities and Non Profit Organizations - A prespective of the power Dorit Bar-Nir, Mack Center UC Berkeley Nonprofits in local social service delivery: The influence of a changing philosophy of governance Fred Mayhew, Northern Illinois University Utilizing Public Data to Determine Demand & Opportunities for Consolidating Nonprofit Organizations David Swindell, University of North Carolina,Charlotte Joseph Cochran, University of North Carolina,Charlotte I13 - TBD Current Issues in Charity Law Reform
Chair: Unconfirmed Benefit Corporations -- A Sustainable Form of Organization? Dana Brakman Reiser, Brooklyn Law School How Legal Tools Will Support Charities and the Big Society in the UK Debra Morris, University of Liverpool Funding the Charitable Sector in Times of Economic Volatility Adam Parachin, University of Western Ontario Is It Time to Curtail or to Invigorate State Regulation of Charities? Marion Fremont-Smith, Harvard University I14 - TBD Social Impact & Social Enterprise Chair: Unconfirmed Do We Know What We are Talking About? Measurement Validity in Social Impact Research. Karen E. Maas, Erasmus Centre for Strategic Philanthropy, Netherlands Kellie C. Liket, Erasmus Centre for Strategic Philanthropy, Netherlands Closing the nonprofit income gap: Illusion or reality? Sarah L. Pettijohn, American University Conceptualizing Social Value in Social Entrepreneurship: An Integration of Social Value Creation and Shoko Kato, Syracuse University Shena Ashley, Syracuse University Nonprofit Earned Income Trends in England and Wales and the US: Implications for Social Enterprise Janelle A. Kerlin, Georgia State University Simon Teasdale, University of Birmingham, UK
Empowerment Mary Kay Gugerty, University of Washington Jesse D. Lecy, Georgia State University American Individual Giving to Support Haiti Eva M. Witesman, Brigham Young University Talia Strong, Brigham Young University J2 - TBD Critical Reflections on 'Mapping' Civil Society and Nonprofit Organizations Chair: Unconfirmed Susan Appe, University at Albany, SUNY Kirsten A. Gronbjerg, Indiana University Lester M. Salamon, Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies Brent Never, University of Missouri- Kansas City Peter Frumkin, RGK Center for Philanthropy & Community Service University of Texas at Austin J3 - TBD Immigration and associations Chair: Unconfirmed Organizing the Dominican diaspora: the use of public relations by Diaspora Community Organizations Maria De Moya, North Carolina State University From Malta to Michigan: Maintaining and Transmitting Heritage in Maltese American Community Clubs Ashley Gomer, University of Toledo Nonprofits, Latinos, and Assimilation: A Network Approach Eric Fotheringham, North Carolina State University J4 - TBD I am not my Hair! Part 3 - Environment and the "undiscussables" Chair: Unconfirmed Monika L. Hudson, University of San Francisco Darlene X. Rodriguez, University of North Carolina, Greensboro Pier C. Rogers, North Park University J5 - TBD Implications of nonprofit competition on firm size and allocation of resources Chair: Unconfirmed
New vs. Existing Organizations: Explaining the Growth in Program Service Revenues and Expenses Teresa D. Harrison, Drexel University Amanda L. Wilsker, Georgia State University Entrance barriers and competition in foundation grant markets Lewis Faulk, Georgia State University Jesse D. Lecy, Georgia State University Jasmine A. McGinnis, Georgia State University Is Bigger Necessarily Better? Scale Economies in the Nonprofit Enterprise Teresa D. Harrison, Drexel University J6 - TBD Media Coverage of the Nonprofit Sector Chair: Unconfirmed Peter D. Hall, Baruch College Matthew Hale, Seton Hall University Richard Magat, independent scholar J7 - TBD Donor Choice and Motivation Chair: Unconfirmed "Just get the money": User views on the representation of need in homelessness fundraising appeals Jon Dean, University of Kent Donor Engagement as a New Research Area in Nonprofit Relationship Management Silke Boenigk, University of Hamburg, Germany Christian Scherhag, University of Hamburg, Germany Who gives to International Causes?: Comparison with Domestic Causes Jiyoun Ku, Yonsei University, South Korea Chulhee Kang, Yonsei University, South Korea Sohyun Park, Yonsei University, South Korea Competition between Microfinance NGOs: Evidence from Kiva Pierre Ly, University of Puget Sound Geri Mason, Seattle Pacific University J8 - TBD Impacts of Public Policy on Nonprofits Chair: Unconfirmed
Civil society and the impact of local government policy Trent A. Engbers, Indiana University Mutualistic interdependence between nonprofit and for-profit care providers under the LTCI system. Yuko Suda, Toyo University The Impact of Cross-sectoral Competition and Tax Exemption on Nonprofit Objectives Richard Steinberg, Indiana University/Purdue University Indianapolis Diffusion-from-the-Bottom: Non-Profits in Obama's Anti-Poverty Strategies. Ramon Borges-Mendez, Clark University J9 - TBD Interchangeability of paid and volunteer labour in the Canadian non-profit sector Chair: Unconfirmed Antony Chum, University of Toronto, Canada Laurie I. Mook, Arizona State University Femida Handy, University of Pennsylvania Jack Quarter, University of Toronto, Canada J10 - TBD Leadership for the New Age: Communication and Other Challenges Chair: Unconfirmed The New Age of Leadership in the Nonprofit Sector Donna L. Haeger, CWRU The VOLUNTEERmanager as a DIVERSITYmanager?! Considerations for professional leadership Sandra A. Habeck, Philipps-Universitt Marburg, Germany Evaluation of a Leadership Development Initiative: Impacts in the Organization Twelve Months Later Tom Packard, San Diego State University Carrie Gibson, San Diego State University James Coloma, San Diego State University Nonprofits and Social Media: Is there a Strategic Linkage? Georgette E. Dumont, University of North Florida J11 - TBD NONPROFITS AND SCHOOL-COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES Chair: Unconfirmed
Muthusami Kumaran, University of Florida Renee Nank, University of Texas at San Antonio Henry L. Taylor, University at Buffalo Mark R. Warren, Harvard University J12 - TBD New perspectives in nonprofit governance: considering members, leadership and trust Chair: Unconfirmed The Role of Members in the Governance of Non-profit Membership Associations Mary Tschirhart, North Carolina State University Perceptual Patterns of Board Chair Leadership Effectiveness and Characteristics of Nonprofits Yvonne D. Harrison, University at Albany, SUNY Vic Murray, University of Victoria, Canada Christopher Cornforth, Open University, UK Good or bad governance? Examining the dynamics through trust and distrust Johanne Turbide, HEC-Montreal, Canada Wendy Reid, HEC Montreal Discussant William A. Brown, Texas A&M University Motives for and Rigor of Credentialing Programs: A Multi-level Stakeholder Approach Mary Tschirhart, North Carolina State University Chungmyoung Lee, North Carolina State University Gary Travinin, North Carolina State University J13 - TBD Management Issues Chair: Unconfirmed The element of opportunity in NPOs that inform zero fundraising and administrative expenses Luz I. Gracia, University of Puerto Rico at Bayamon Jos N. Caraballo, University of Puerto Rico Cayey Volunteers and mission drift Gert Huybrechts, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Jurgen Willems, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Marc Jegers, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Understanding the Multiple Markets of Nonprofit Organizations William A. Brown, Texas A&M University How Donors Choose Charities Beth Breeze, University of Kent