Reissner Nordstrom Metric

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The Reissner-Nordstrom Metric, Invalidity of E = mc2, and Einsteins Unification

C. Y. Lo Applied and Pure Research Institute 17 Newcastle Drive, Nashua, NH 03060 August 2011 Abstract The formula E = mc 2 is often misinterpreted as unconditionally valid. This unverified speculation is often used for

8supporting invalidity in physics. This error is, in part, responsible for the misinterpretations of the Reissner-Nordstrom metric 9of a charged particle. Thus, the charge-mass interaction that could have been discovered from this metric is over looked for 10about 90 years. Recently, experiments have verified the existence of such a new charge-mass repulsive force, and thus reject 11the misinterpretations. Concurrently, the nonequivalence of mass and electric energy is also clearly verified, and thus the 12photons must included non-electromagnetic energy. Therefore, current theories based on unconditionally validity of this 13formula should be revised with new supports. This new force demands a new coupling from the unification of gravitation and 14electromagnetism, and the existence of a five-dimensional space that Einstein conjectured. Then, the weight reduction of a 15charged capacitor, which is beyond general relativity, can be understood. Thus, a new chapter for both experimental and 16theoretical physics is now opened.
17 1804.20.-q, 04.20.Cv 19Key Words: Riessner-Nordstrom metric, Pekeris metric, E = mc 2, the charge-mass interaction, weight reduction, charged

21 22

capacitor, space probe pioneer anomaly, volcano, five-dimensional physical space.

Science sets itself apart from other paths to truth by recognizing that even its greatest practitioners sometimes err. We

23 recognize that our most important scientific forerunners were not prophets whose writings must be studied as infallible guides 24 they were simply great men and women who prepared the ground for the better understandings we have now achieved.

-- S. Weinberg, Physics Today, November 2005.

11. Introduction 2


General relativity is established on two principles [1, 2], namely: 1) Einsteins equivalence principle, which requires

3the Einstein-Minkowski condition that a free falling point-like particle in a gravitational field is along a geodesic and results in 4a co-moving local Minkowski space; and 2) the principle of general relativity, that is "The law of physics must be of such a 5nature that they apply to systems of reference in any kind of motion." However, in current theory, there are other additional 6implicit assumptions such as the formula E = mc2 is unconditionally valid [3-5]. In fact, Einstein had tried very hard for years 7(1905-1909) to prove this formula to be generally valid, but failed [6].

The formula can be traced back to special relativity, which suggested a rest mass m 0 has the rest energy of m 0c2. This

9is supported by the nuclear fissions with E = mc 2, where m is the mass difference after the fission and E the total energy 10created and is usually a combination of different types of energy. However, for an arbitrary energy E, the reverse relation m = 11E/c2 is only an unverified speculation. Many believed that the equivalence of electromagnetic energy and mass was verified 12[7]. However, this is in conflict with electromagnetism because the trace of an electromagnetic tensor is zero, but the trace of 13an energy-stress tensor of massive matter is non-zero. 1)

On the other hand, it is observed that a 0 meson would decay into two rays. However, this only means that the

15photons must include non-electromagnetic energy, which has been identified later as the gravitational energy [8]. If the 16photons have only electromagnetic energy, the sum is also electromagnetic energy, but the photons, being massless particles, 17can create a massive energy-stress tensor. 2) Thus, Einsteins proposal of a photon being a quantum of electromagnetic energy 18[1] is actually inadequate. However, Einstein was limited by the fact that his general relativity has not been created then.

The unverified speculation E = mc 2, being unconditionally valid, would imply that gravity would always generate an

20attractive force since masses attract each other. This will be proven to be unequivocally invalid by the Riessner-Nordstrom 21metric, with the help of experiments. However, misinterpretations were created in attempts to save such a situation. In this 22paper, it will be shown first that such effects are actually in conflict with the derivation of the Riessner-Nordstrom metric. 23 242. The Reissner-Nordstrom Metric.

Now, let us examine the Reissner-Nordstrom metric [3, 9, 10] (with c = 1) as follows: ds


2M q 2 = 1 + 2 r r

2 2 dt 1 2 M + q r r2

dr 2 r 2 d2 ,


27where q and M are the charge and mass of a particle and r is the radial distance (in terms of the Euclidean-like structure 3) [11,

2812]) from the particle center. In this metric (1), the gravitational components generated by electricity have not only a very 29different radial coordinate dependence but also a different sign that makes it a new repulsive gravity in general relativity. 2 2


Nevertheless, some argued that the effective mass could be considered as


M q ,


3since the total electric energy outside a sphere of radius r is q2/2r [13, 14], and thus (2) could be interpreted as supporting m =

4E/c2 at least for electromagnetic energy. If the electric energy has a mass equivalence, an increase of such energy should lead 5to an increment of gravitational strength. However, the strength of a gravitational force, from metric (1), decreases 6everywhere.

Moreover, the gravitational forces would be different from the force created by the effective mass M q2/2r because
2 1 2M q 2 1 = ( M q ) > + 2 2 r r r r 2 r3
1 r2
2 M q . 2r


9Nevertheless, it is difficult to overcome a prevailingly accepted speculation. Consider also the static Einstein equation [5],


G R 1 gR = 8 T ,


R = g R ,


11and T is the sum of energy-stress tensors. Since the electromagnetic energy-stress tensor is traceless R (= 8 g T ) is 12independent of the electromagnetic energy-stress tensor. Thus, according to general relativity, the electric energy cannot be 13equivalent to a mass. 4) Thus Will was defeated because he cannot defend his interpretation of m = E/c2 [15].

The general validity of E = mc2 was questioned since the binary pulsars experiment that the coupling constants

15necessarily have different signs [16]. Nevertheless, with supports from editorials of Nature, the Physical Review D, and 16Science, Will continued to misinterpret [17] the formula. Also, theorists such as Herrera et al. incorrectly argued that M in (1) 17includes the external electric energy [18]. To see this clearly, one has to go through the derivation of the Reissner-Nordstrom 18metric.
19 203. Derivation the Reissner- Nordstrom Metric and its Misinterpretations 21

It seems that mass M in (1) as a total mass that includes the electric energy, would be allowed if you are careless.

22However, a close examination shows that this invalid.


According to Einstein, the static field equation for the metric is [3], G R 1 gR = 8 T ,



1 1
R = 8[T 1 g T], 2 where

T = g T .


2In this equation, the energy stress tensor T is the sum of any type of energy-stress tensor. For the Reissner-Nordstrom metric,

3 4

it includes at least the massive energy-stress tensor and the electromagnetic energy-stress tensor. They differ by that the electromagnetic energy-stress tensor is traceless whereas the massive energy-stress tensor is not. If one assumes that the metric has the following form,
ds 2 = f dt 2 h dr 2 r 2 ( d 2 + sin 2 d 2 ) ,


7then, as shown by Wald (1984), at the region out side the particle (r > r0) we have

8 9 10

R00 =

1 d ( fh ) 1 / 2 ( fh ) 1 / 2 f ' + ( fhr ) 1 f ' , 2 dr 1 d ( fh ) 1 / 2 ( fh ) 1 / 2 f ' + ( h 2 r ) 1 h' , 2 dr 1 1 ( rfh ) 1 f '+ (h 2 r ) 1 h' + r 2 (1 h 1 ) 2 2


R11 =


R22 =


11Moreover, outside the particle we have 12 13But 14

T(m) = 0 T(m)00 = ( r),


r > r0

. when r < r0

(8a) (8b)

T(m)11 = T(m)22 = T(m)33 = P( r),

15where P(r) is the pressure of the perfect fluid model. 16Because of the electric energy-stress tensor T(E) is traceless, we also have, for r > r0,


R00 = R11 = R22 = E2,


q E= 3r r


18is the electric field, according to Misner et al. [1973; p. 841]. If h = 1/f in metric (6), then (7) is reduced to


R00 = R11 =

1 1 f ''+r f ' = E 2 2

(10a) (10b)


1 2 R22 = r f ' +r (1 f ) = E 2

+ 2 as in metric (1), then we have, in consistent with (9), 22Moreover, if f = 1 r r




q2 r

= r 2E2


24Thus, from the above derivation, it seems there is no restriction on the mass M of metric (6). However, from (9), it is clear that

25M in metric (6) cannot include the electric energy (out side the particle) since it has been represented in (9).



Nevertheless, Herrera et al. argued that M in (1) involves the electric energy [18]. They follow the error of Whittaker

2[19] and Tolman [20] who believed the equivalence of mass and electric energy. They defined the active gravitational mass
0 3density with the electromagnetic energy tensor E as = E0 Eii and the active mass in a volume Va is given by

ma ( r ) = g ) (

1/ 2

dx 1 d 2 d 3 , x x


5where g is the four dimensional determinant of the metric. It thus follows that, for a particle with charge Q, one has

ma () ma ( r ) =

Q2 dr , and r2

ma ( r ) = M

Q2 , r

where ma () = M


7Thus ma(r) would be in agreement with that the total force is proportion to

8 9since

1 2M Q 2 1 + 2 2 r r r

Q2 1 1 1 1 = (M ) 2 = ma ( r0 ) + Q 2 ( ) 2 r0 r r r r


M = ma ( r ) + Q 2 / r = ma (r0 ) + Q 2 / r0 ,


10where r0 is the radius of the particle. However, (13) does not agree with (2) since


Q2 1 2( M ) r r

2M Q 2 + 2 r r


12Eq. (14a) implies that the weight of a charged metal ball would increase when the charge Q is increased, According to eq.

13(12), ma(r0) would only increases as the charge Q increases. Thus, no repulsive effects can be detected. However, as shown in 14(14b) a problem is that, in conflict with (9), M includes energy outside the particle. If the mass M is just the inertial mass of 15the particle, the weight of a charged metal ball can be reduced [21]. Thus, as expected, experiments of two metal balls [22] 16reject eq. (13).

The inertial mass of the particle should be smaller than M defined in (14b) since an acceleration of the charged

18particle would not immediately affect the electric energy at long distances. Note that the radius re of an electron is much 19smaller than a half of its classical radius e2/m0c2 [23], where e is the charge of the electron and m0 is its inertial mass. 20Accordingly, the total external electric energy e2/2re would be much larger than m0.

Note that the problem started from the assumption of the incorrect assumption of equivalence between mass and

22electric energy. If electric energy is assumed as equivalent to mass, should it be considered as part of the gravitational mass of 23the particle or not. If it is, then gravitational mass and inertial mass are different. If it is not that means any electromagnetic 24energy should assign a mass. If any electromagnetic energy should assign a mass equivalence, then this also reject the notion 25that a photon is massless and also special relativity. Thus, the electric energy should not be equivalent to mass.



The approach of Herrera et al. is essentially the same as that of Pekeris [24], who gets a similar metric earlier as follows:

2 3

ds 2 = e dt 2 e dR 2 R 2 d2

where R3 = r3 + r03


4 e = 1

2M mat 2 M em Q 2 2M Q 2 + 2 , where Mem = Q2/r0, and M = Mmat + Mem (15b) + 2 = 1 R R R R R

g =g = . Thus, the approach of Herrera et al. [18] is 1

5The difference is due to that Pekeris (1982) requires that

6essentially what Pekeris had done. Apparently, theorists have run out of ways that can be used to against the repulsive force.

Nevertheless, some claimed that the Pekeris metric still has the repulsive effort. This is clearly a lack of physical

8understanding of the whole situation. 5) In summary, although the Riessner-Nordstrom metric and the other two metrics look 9the same, they are different because the mass M means different in different metric. However, the Riessner-Nordstrom metric 10can explain this force only for a special case. For the case of charge capacitor, the observed repulsive force is beyond general 11relativity.
12 134. The Charge-Mass Repulsive force and Unification. 14

To show the static repulsive effect, one needs to consider only gtt in metric (1). According to Einstein [1, 2],


d 2x ds

dx dx = 0, ds ds


= ( g + g g ) g / 2


16and ds 2 = g dx dx . Let us consider only the static case. (One need not worry whether the gauge is physically valid since 17the gauge affects only the second order approximation of gt t [25].) For a particle P with mass m at r, the force on P is 18 19

M r2


q2 r3

20in the first order approximation since gr r -1. Thus, the second term is a repulsive force. 21

If the particles are at rest, then the force acts on the charged particle Q has the same magnitude (m


M r2

q2 r3

)r ,


r is a unit vector


23since the action and reaction forces are equal and in the opposite directions. However, for the motion of the charged particle

24with mass M, if one calculates the metric according to the particle P of mass m, only the first term is obtained. Thus, the 25geodesic equation is inadequate for the equation of motion. Moreover, since the second term is proportional to q2, it is not a 26Lorentz force. 6) It is also not a radiation reaction force since the charged particle remains static. 2 6



Thus, it is necessary to have a repulsive force with the coupling q2 to the charged particle Q in a gravitational field

2generated by masses. It thus follows that, force (18) to particle Q is beyond current theoretical framework of gravitation + 3electromagnetism. 7) In other words, as predicted by Lo, Goldstein, & Napier [26], general relativity leads to a realization of 4the inadequacy of general relativity, just as electricity and magnetism lead to the exposition of their shortcomings.

The charge-mass repulsive force mq2/r3 for two point-like particles is inversely proportional to the cube power (instead of

6the square) of the distances between the two particles.8) This would mean that such a repulsive force is much weaker faster 7than gravity at long distance, although it would be much stronger at very small distance. Moreover, this force is proportional 8to the square of the charge q, and thus is independent of the charge sign. Such characteristics would make the repulsive effects 9verifiable [21] since a concentration of electrons would increase such repulsion.

The term of repulsive force in (1) comes from the electric energy [5]. An immediate question would be whether such a

11charge-mass repulsive force mq2/r3 is subjected to electromagnetic screening. It is conjectured that this force, being 12independent of a charge sign, would not be subjected to such a screening although it should be according to general relativity. 13From the viewpoint of physics, this force can be considered as a result of a field created by the mass m and the field interacts 14with the q2. Thus such a field is independent of the electromagnetic field and is beyond general relativity.
15 165. Extension of Einsteins Equivalence Principle and the Five-Dimensional Relativity 17

If we consider the coupling with q2, this natural leads to a five dimensional space. Kaluza [27] proposed a five-

18dimensional general relativity, and this maintains the equation of motion as being a geodesic equation. Based on the 19cylindrical condition 9) that reduces the five variables to four, this theory reproduces the Einstein equation and the Maxwell 20equation if the extra metric elements are considered as constant or negligible. Subsequently, Einstein and Pauli [28] wrote a 21paper to continue the work of Kaluza. The five-dimensional relativity does have the coupling with the square of a charge if the 22extra metric elements are retained. If cylindrical condition is not imposed, the radiation reaction force would also be 23accounted for [26].

One may ask what the physical meaning of the fifth dimension is. Many theorists claimed that those high dimensions are

25curl up. Our position is that the physical meaning of the fifth dimension is not yet very clear [1], except some physical 26meaning is given in the equation, dx5/d = q/Mc2K where M and q are respectively the mass and charge of a test particle, and 27K is a constant. This equation relates the fifth variable x5 to .

The fifth dimension is assumed [1] as part of the physical reality, and the metric signature is (+, , , , ). Our approach

29is to find out the full physical meaning of the fifth dimension as our understanding gets deeper. Nevertheless, we shall denote 30the fifth axis as the w-axis (w stands for wunderbar, in memorial of Kaluza). In Physics things are not defined right at the 31beginning. For example, it takes us a long time to understand the physical meaning of energy-momentum conservation. 2 7

1 1 2

For a static case, we have the forces on the charged particle Q in the -direction 7)



Mc 2 g tt dct dct g , and 2 d d

mq 2


1 q2 g 2 2 K Mc (19b)


k ,55

q KMc

dx k = 0, where d

k ,55

g i 5 1 g 55 1 g 55 = 2 x k x 5 2 x k

5in the (-r)-direction. The meaning of (19b) is the energy momentum conservation. It is interesting that the same force would

6come from different type of metric element depending on the test particle used. Thus, 7
g t t =1 2m


g 55 =


K 2 + constant


8In other words, g55 is a repulsive potential. Since g55 depends on M, it is a function of local property, and thus is difficult to

9calculate. This is different from the metric element gt t that depends on a distant source of mass m.

On the other hand, since g55 is independent of q, ( g55/)/M depends only on the distant source m. Thus, this force,

11though acting on a charged particle, would penetrate electromagnetic screening. From (13), it is possible that a charge-mass 12repulsive potential would exist for a metric based on the mass M of the charged particle Q. However, since P is neutral, there 13is no charge-mass repulsion force (from k, 55) on P.
14 15

At the end of this section, we quote a remark by Einstein and Pauli [28], who wrote in 1943 When one tries to find a unified theory of gravitational and electromagnetic fields, he cannot help feeling that there is some truth in Kaluzas five-dimension theory.


17It may turn out that their observation would be a prophecy for the future advancement of such unification. 18 195. The Static Repulsive Charge-Mass Interaction 20

The charge-mass repulsive force between a point charge q and a point mass m is F=


q 2m , r3


22and it would behave very differently from an attractive force, which is inverse proportional to the square of the distance r. In

23fact, it has been shown that the repulsive force on the charge q is sensitive to the surrounding of the charge [29]. Note that the 24dependence of r 3 in (21) is derived from general relativity. Thus, this force can be used to test general relativity.

Although such a force (21) is small between a charged particle and a massive particle, such a force between a metal

26ball charged with Q and a massive particle with mass m can be tested experimentally [21] if the charge is large enough. This is 27so because such a force would be Q2m/R3, where R is the distance from the center of the metal ball [21]. According to the


1Riessner-Nordstrom metric, the repulsive force would increase with the square of the number of free electrons in the ball, but

2the attractive force would increase with only the number of electrons [21].

The existence of such a repulsive force would be an unequivocal evidence for the non-equivalence between electric energy

4and mass. Also, a repulsive force on a charged capacitor would be an evidence for the fifth dimension since such force acting 5on a charged capacitor is beyond general relativity. Although it would be difficult to calculate such a force it is expected that 6the weight reduction of a charged capacitor would be increased with the increment of the charge voltage being not too high.

In current theory, the charge-mass repulsive force would exist on a charged capacitor because the electromagnetic field is

8subjected to screening. Thus, current theory of Einstein would predict the weight of a charged capacitor would increase 9slightly because the increment of energy. 10) From the viewpoint of physics, however, it is unnatural that a neutral force could 10be screened in such a way. From the viewpoint of the five-dimensional theory, the charge-mass repulsive force would be 11understood as that the charge interacts with a new field created by a mass. Therefore, the repulsive force would not be 12subjected to such screening. It thus follows that such a force is a test for the existence of a five-dimensional space. Moreover, 13this force can be verified by simply weighting a capacitor before and after charged. In a charged capacitor, both the positive 14and the negative charges are concentrated, and thus an effect of the repulsive force would be observed as a lighter weight for 15the charged capacitor.11), 12)
16 176. Conclusions and Discussions 18

Moreover, if the investigation of electric energy leads to a charge-mass repulsive force, the magnetic energy would

19similarly generate a current-mass force. According to the effect of a magnetic field in general relativity [30, p. 263], it is 20expected that the current-mass force would be an attractive force, and details of this force need further investigation. 21Nevertheless, such a new attractive force has been verified by the experiments of Tajmar and Matos [31] from the 22European Space Agency.13) Thus, the charge-mass interaction and the current-mass interaction would 23cancel each other in the normal state.
24 Now, it is clear that the charged capacitor becomes lighter because the balance has been

25disrupted. Thus, the repulsive force is due to the state of motion for the electrons have been changed 26although the number of charges remains the same. Thus, it is expected that it would take a while 27before a discharged capacitor to recover back to its original weight. Accordingly, one can expect that 28the metal would reduce its weight after being heated up. This prediction would be directly in 29disagreement with Einstein who predicted a piece of heated up metal would be heavier.




In conclusion, general relativity is not yet ready for the stage of an overall unification. Thus, it is unrealistic to expect the

2string theorists to perform a miracle in unification. Moreover, it should be noted that many string theorists based their works 3on the positive mass theorem of Yau [32] and the positive energy theorems of Witten [33]. However, these theorems are based 4on an implicit but invalid assumption that the signs of coupling constants are unique [16]. This invalid assumption was used 5earlier by Penrose and Hawking [5]. However, the origin of such an error is also the unconditional validity of the formula E = 6mc2.

Einstein is really a genius and the full meaning of general relativity is still emerging after 100 years of its creation although

8Einsteins covariance principle was a mistake [34-37]. Since journals specialized on gravitation failed to identify such 9problems, understandably there is little progress on some areas of gravitation. Now, since the existence of the charge-repulsive 10force is established, the unification of gravity and electromagnetism is clearly necessary. It should be noted that the weight 11reduction experiments have been started around 1960, but nobody was able to explain them before the unification is 12considered [38-40].

Since the charge-mass interaction is a long range interaction, it must have some interesting consequences in astrophysics.

14A well known problem is NASAs discovery of the Space Probe Pioneer Anomaly [41-43]. Currently, the repulsive charge15mass force is the only candidate that has not been rejected by the data [44, 45]. It seems a simulation to test this force would 16be useful. Moreover, since there are two forces, one attractive another repulsive with different strengths and distance 17dependences, it is possible that these forces would form a coupling that would have an effect on the spins of the planets. 18Another possible speculation is that such a coupling would supply the energy that heats up the planets. Current explanation for 19this as due to radiation is not satisfactory since there is no radioactive material discovered from the volcano. However, as 20Einstein [46] pointed out, every theory is speculative and needs experimental verifications.
21 22Acknowledgments 23The author gratefully acknowledges stimulating discussions with S. Y. Auyang, David P. Chan, S. -J. Chang, A. J. Coleman,

24S. Crothers, Z. G. Deng, Richard C. Y. Hui, G. R. Goldstein, C. C. Lo, A. Napier, J. J. Pi, D. Rabounski, Eric J. Weinberg, 25and D. X. Yue. Special thanks are to S. Holcombe for valuable suggestions. This work is supported in part by Innotec Design, 26Inc., USA. and the Chan Foundation, Hong Kong.


The electric energy cannot be equivalent to a mass since they are related to tensors that are not equivalent [8, 13, 17].


1 12. 2 33. 44. 55. 66. 7 8 97. 10 11 12 13 14 15 168. 17 18 199.



Many theorists have overlooked this crucial point, and thus incorrectly regarded that the equivalence of electromagnetic energy and mass had been proved [7] as Einstein mistakened [1]. The existence of a Euclidean-like structure in the frame of reference is necessary [11. 12]. For example, in the Schwarzschild solution, R is zero at vacuum, but not zero in the interior solution [5]. In the Pekeris metric, repulsive effects due to the term Q2/R2 is canceled by the misinterpretation of the mass term M. Currently, for a charged particle under the influence of gravity, the Lorentz force and the radiative reaction force are added to the geodesic equation to form an equation of motion. However, since there is no external electromagnetic field for this case, the Lorentz force is absent. Also, for the static case, the radiative reaction force is also absent [23]. We calculate the field of generated by charge particle Q, then the force acting on particle P; and the field generated by P, then the force acting at Q. Although one should consider the field generated by both, this approach, which is often used in electrodynamics, is valid because the field generated by a particle, does not make itself move. For the metric generated by P, the metric would be ds2 = (1- 2m/)dt2 (1- 2m/ )-1d2 2d 2, where (, , ) is a new coordinate system with P at the center. Thus, the force on Q in the -direction would be only M(m/2) since the Lorentz force and the radiation reaction force are absent. Since the distance between P and Q is r = , there should be another term in the -direction as q2(m/3). According to the Reissner-Nordstrom metric, the event of horizon would be M (M2 q2)1/2. However, M2 > q2 may not be valid, and the electron does not have an event of horizon because e > me (e = 1.381 1034 cm, me = 6.764 1056 cm). A rigorous cylindrical condition may not be compatible with Kaluzas theory [47].

2010. Although the electromagnetic energy is not equivalent to mass, it can be equivalent to mass by combining with other 21 22 23
energy such as in the case of photons [8]. In other word, for total energy E T, Einsteins formula, ET = mT c2, is still valid [13, 14]. In a charged capacitor, the increased energy is not pure electromagnetic energy since an electron has mass, and etc.

2411. Experimentalist W. Q. Liu ( performed the weighting of capacitors in a Chinese Laboratory of the 25 26 27
Academy of Science, and got certified results of lighter capacitors after charged [48] although previously he got mixed results, both lighter and heavier weights after a capacitor being charged because the situations were not stable. Also, his results on weighting of magnets are consistent with the claim of J. A. Wheeler [27, p. 263].




112. According to m = E/c 2, the mass increment of a charged capacitor is negligible. For a capacitor of 200F charged to 1000 2 3
volt, the related mass increment would be about 10-12 gram. Thus, many rejected experimental results of Liu as just errors although they also found unstable results of weighting that should not have been there according to current theory.

413. Martin Tajmar and Clovis de Matos [31], from the European Space Agency, found that a spinning ring of 5 6 7
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2137. C. Y. Lo, Phys. Essays, 23 (3), 491-499 (Sept. 2010).

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2440. D. R. Buehler, J. of Space Mixing 2, 1 (2004); see also electrogravitics in Wikipedia.

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545. C. Y. Lo, The Mass-Charge Repulsive Force and Space-Probes Pioneer Anomaly, Physical Interpretation of Relativity 6 7
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846. A. Einstein, On the Generalized Theory of Gravitation in Ideas and Opinions (Crown, New York, 1954), p. 349.

947. C. Y. Lo, Hadronic Journal 12 (6) 275-276 (1989).

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