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Base Plate - Silo Supporting R1

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Design of Base Plate

Max. Compression = 305 T

Size of Base Plate = 800 mm x 800 mm
Permissible Stress in Concrete = 8 Mpa (IS 456:2000, Table-21)
Grade of Concrete = M 30

Bearing Pressure = q = 4.77 Mpa < 8 Mpa

Hence OK

Reff. Book - K.K.Mukhanov

supporte Ratio of side a1/d1
d on
Three 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.2 1.4 2 2+
side α3 0.06 0.074 0.088 0.097 0.107 0.112 0.12 0.126 0.132 0.133

a1 Column Section TUBE 550

h= 550 mm
c1 tf = 20.8 mm
t tw = 12 mm
d1 bf = 550 mm

B= 800 mm
D= 800 mm
a1 = 125 mm
t c1 = 115 mm
d1 = 135 mm
t= 10 mm
B a1/d1 = 0.926
α3 = 0.108

For Part 1
Provide plate thk. ( t1 ) 32 mm
M1 = 0.5*q*c12 = 31512.7 N-mm
sbc or bt,cal = [ (6*M1)/t2 ] 184.6447 Mpa > 185 O.K.

For Part 2
Provide plate thk. ( t2 ) 32 mm
M2 =α3*q*d12 = 9406.236 N-mm
sbc or bt,cal = [ (6*M1)/t2 ] 55.11466 Mpa < 185 O.K.
Tension Check PL1

L1 67.5 mm PL3
L2 67.5 mm
L3 59.5 mm PL2

Total Tensile force 67 T

No. of bolts 8 L3
Tension in each bolt ( T ) 8.375 T


Bolt size considered M 36
Effective area 758 mm2

IS:800-1984, Table 8.1

Permissible axial tension (σtf) = 120 MPa
(Bolts in clearance holes)
Axial tensile strength of a single bolt = 90960 N
= 9.096 T > 8.375 T
Hence OK


Dispersion len. For PL1 (450 disp.) 135 mm
Dispersion len. For PL2 (450 disp.) 135 mm
Dispersion len. For PL3 (450 disp.) 119 mm

Force in PL1 ( F1 ) 2.42 T

Force in PL2 ( F2 ) 2.42 T
Force in PL3 ( F3 ) 3.53 T

(BM)PL1 (at cont. end) 0.163384 T-M

(BM)PL2 (at cont. end) 0.163384 T-M
(BM)PL3 (at cont. end) 0.210273 T-M

Provide plate thk. ( t3 ) 32 mm

Bending stress in PL1 70.91316 Mpa < 185 O.K.

Bending stress in PL2 70.91316 Mpa < 185 O.K.
Bending stress in PL3 103.535 Mpa < 185 O.K.
Hence, provide 32.00 mm thk. Base Plate of size 800 mm x 800 mm
Design of Base Plate

Max. Compression = 22.987 T

Size of Base Plate = 300 mm x 450 mm
Permissible Stress in Concrete = 6 Mpa (IS456:2000, Table-21)
Grade of Concrete = M 25

Bearing Pressure = q = 1.702741 Mpa < 6 Mpa

Hence OK

Reff. Book - K.K.Mukhanov

Plate Ratio of side a/b
supporte 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2+
d on Four α1 0.048 0.055 0.063 0.069 0.075 0.081 0.086 0.091 0.094 0.098 0.1 0.125
α2 0.048 0.049 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.049 0.048 0.048 0.047 0.046 0.037
supporte Ratio of side a1/d1
d on
Three 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.2 1.4 2 2+
side α3 0.06 0.074 0.088 0.097 0.107 0.112 0.12 0.126 0.132 0.133

c1 t
Column Section ISMB 400
3 a1
1 h= 400 mm
tf = 16 mm
tw = 8.9 mm
2 D bf = 140 mm
a b
B= 300 mm
D= 450 mm
a= 368 mm
b= 65.55 mm
d1 a1 = 25 mm
c1 = 70 mm
B d1 = 140 mm
t= 10 mm
a1/d1 = 0.179 a1/d1 = 0.5 0.5
α3 = Design as cantilever α3 = 0.06 0.06

a/b = 5.614 a/b = 2+ 2+

α1 = 0.125 α1 = 0.125 0.125
α2 = 0.037 α2 = 0.037 0.037
For Part 1
Provide plate thk. ( t1 ) 15 mm
M1 = 0.5*q*c12 = 4171.715 N-mm
sbc or bt,cal = [ (6*M1)/t2 ] 111.2457 Mpa < 165 O.K.

For Part 2
Provide plate thk. ( t2 ) 6 mm
Ma =α1*q*b2 = 914.5426 N-mm
Mb =α2*q*b2 = 270.7046 N-mm
sbc or bt,cal = [ 6*max.(Ma,Mb))/t2 ] = 152.4238 Mpa < 165 O.K.

For Part 3
Provide plate thk. ( t3 ) 6 mm
M3 = 0.5*q*a1^2 = 532.1065 N-mm
sbc or bt,cal = [ (6*M1)/t2 ] 88.68441 Mpa < 165 O.K.

So, provide 15 mm thk. Base Plate of size 300 mm x 450 mm

Bolt Connection

Calculated Tension = 67 T
Conside Bolt = M 36
No. of Bolts = 8
Tension per bolt = 8.375 T
Effective Area = 758 mm2

Chart For Effective Are for Single Bolt

(Reff. Book - K.K.Mukhanov)

Bolt Size Effective Area

M 20 220
M 22 281
M 24 324
M 27 427
M 30 518
M 36 758
M 42 1000
M 48 1340
M 56 1875
M 64 2465
M 72 3160
M 76 3580

IS:800-1984, Table 8.1

Permissible axial tension (σtf) = 120 MPa
(Bolts in clearance holes)

Axial tensile strength of a single bolt = 90960 N

= 9.096 T
Total allowable tensile Strength = 72.768 T > 67 T
Hence OK

Check for Bond Conc. Grd τbd (MPa)

M20 1.2
Ф= 36 mm M25 1.4
σs = 150 MPa M30 1.5
τbd = 1.5 MPa M30 ( Grade of Conc. ) M35 1.7
M40 1.9
Ld = (Ф*σs)/4*τbd = 900.0 mm

So provide 8-M 36 Bolts with embedment length 900mm

Check for actual Tension coming on Bolt

Tension per bolt = 8.375 T

Dia of bolts = 36 mm
Bond strss = 1.5 MPa
Length of bolt = 493.68 mm
Min embaded length to be provided is 500 mm

Base pressure (q) 4.77 N/mm2

Effective base length 168 mm
Trial value :
L 168 mm
d 350 mm
t 12 mm

Base pressure (q)

UDL over stiffener(w) - Along L 800.625 N/mm
Mmax (At fixed end) 11298420 N-mm effective length of
loading for
Check for Bending Stress :
[ sbt,all = 0.66*fy ] fy 250 N/mm2
[ sbt,cal = 6*M/(t*d^2) ]

sbt,all 165 N/mm2

sbt,cal 46.116 N/mm2 O.K.

Check for Combined Stress :

[ tcal =w.L/(t.d) ]
[ scombined = SQRT(sbt,cal2 + 3*tcal2) ]

tcal = 32.025 N/mm2

scomb,all = 225 N/mm2 ( 0.9*fy)

scombined = 86.056127 N/mm2 O.K.

Check for Conpressive Stress :

fcb = k1(X+k2*Y)*(C2/C1)
X =Y*SQRT[1+(1/20)*{(leff.T)/(ry.D)}^2] N/mm2
Y = 26.5*10^5/(l/ry)^2 N/mm2

j 1 (as the section is uniform throughout)

w 0 ( as there is no flange in stiffener plate )
leff = 0.75 x L 126 mm

k1 1 Ixx 42875000 mm
rx 101.0363 mm
k2 -0.1 Iyy 50400 mm
ry 3.4641016 mm
C1 175 mm
C2 175 mm X 2079.4432 N/mm2
D 350 mm Y 2003.0234 N/mm2
T 12 (thk. of plate is considered) fcb 1879.1408 N/mm2
sbc,all 158.3406835 N/mm2
sbc,cal 46.116 N/mm2 O.K.

Grade of Concrete : M 30 Py
Px B
Permissible direct comp. stress (scc) 8 N/mm2
t1 t2
Px 100 KN
B 200 mm L
d 200 mm
t1 25 mm Fig. 1

B s

Check for concrete stress :

Px = 0.5*s*d*B
s = Stress in concrete
scal. 5 N/mm2 O.K.

Check for plate stress :

splate = 6*Mfac./(d*t12) and < 165 N/mm2

udl along B 500 N/mm

udl along d 250 N/mm
B.M. at vertical junction 2500000 N-mm
B.M. at horizontal junction 3333333 N-mm

splate,cal. 160 N/mm2 O.K. ( 160 < 165 N/mm2 )


Py 100 KN
L 200 mm
d 200 mm
t2 25 mm

Ref. Fig. 1 for the nomencleture

Check for concrete stress :
Px = 0.5*s*d*B
s = Stress in concrete
scal. 5 N/mm2 O.K.

Check for plate stress :

splate = 6*Mfac./(d*t22) and < 165 N/mm2

udl along L 500

udl along d 250
B.M. at vertical junction 2500000
B.M. at horizontal junction 3333333
splate,cal. 160 N/mm2 O.K. ( 160 < 165 N/mm2 )

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