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SERAWIT ABRAHAM …………………………………….MGI





Transportation is one of the most visible elements of the logistics operation. As consumers, we
are accustomed to seeing tracks and trains transporting products or parked at business facilities.
Transportation is one of the largest logistics costs and may account for a significant portion of
the selling price of some products. The objective of this study is to identify the integration of
wolaita sodo transportation authority to give service that covers all citizens of wolaita sodo city.
To identify factors that affect to provide adequate transportation service and to assess the uses of
modernization technologies in the authority. The study used a descriptive research design.
Primary data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. The study uses a judgmental
nonprobability sampling method which is a convenient sampling technique for 1 interviewer who
has the head position and used for 32 respondents asked in the open and cloth ended
questionnaire. Also, secondary data, such as annuals evaluation reports, quarterly and monthly
reports, plans, and other relevant documents of wolaita sodo transportation authority assessed
and other documents. The researchers present the results by using a descriptive method such as
tables. The finding of the study comes up with the determination of significant factors such as
there is no existence of enough new technology in authority operations. The authority does not
provide the service as per the customer expectation, and the authority does not have educated
manpower in logistics and supply chain management work in the organization.
Thus the study recommends that those problems can be solved by using an adequate
management system, by using receiving customer complaints is important for further
development and better arrangement of providing a solution for the problems that have been
raised by the customer, by using recently discovered IT technology to support the authority’s
operation system, and continuing good management support for the employees is important for
the well-being of the organization for better customer service.

First and foremost we would like to thank the almighty God who helped us in conducting this
Study and also who made this work reach its accomplishment. Next, we would like to express
my greatest gratitude to our advisor Mr. Adane Kasa for his encouragement and unreserved
guidance throughout our task of undertaking this paper. Furthermore, I would like to express our
deepest gratitude to our family for their immeasurable moral and financial support throughout
the journey of life.


2.2.8 Division of Transportation Service.......................................................................................12

Passenger Transportation.............................................................................................................12
Freight Transportation..................................................................................................................12
2.3 Empirical Evidence of transportation..........................................................................................13
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................15
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................................15
3.1 Research design..........................................................................................................................15
3.2 Research approach.....................................................................................................................15
3.3 Total population, sampling technique and sample size...............................................................15
3.4 sources of data...........................................................................................................................16
3.5 Data collection method..............................................................................................................16
3.6 Data gathering procedure...........................................................................................................17
3.7 Method of Data Analysis........................................................…………………………………………………17
CHAPTER FIVE....................................................................................................................................31
SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION................................................................................31
5.1 SUMMARY OF MAJOR FINDINGS.....................................................................................................31
5.2 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................31

List of figures page

2.1 Forward and reverse logistics…………………………………………………….………….14

List of tables page

Table 2.1 Performance character modal comparison…………………………………………….11

Table 3.1 Sample size determination…………………………………………………………….22

Table 4.1 Demographic characteristics of respondents………………………………………….25

Table 4.2 Current transportation service delivery………………………………………………..26

Table 4.3 Relationships between the departments……………………………………………….27

Table 4.4 Relationships among departments…………………………………………………….27

Table 4.5 Relationships between transportation and its partners………………………………..28

Table 4.6 Usage of right transportation service delivery…………………………………..,……28

Table 4.7 Integration of existing staff……………………………..…………………….............29

Table 4.8 Teamwork in organization……………………………..……………………………...29

Table 4.9 Support of manager to employees…………………………….………………………30

Table 4.10 Solving complaints……………………………..…………………..……………….30

Table 4.11 Criteria for transportation service delivery………………………………………….31

Table 4.12 Fighting lawbreakers………………………………….……………………………..31

Table 4.13 Factors to provide adequate transportation service delivery………………………..32

Table 4.14 Use of new technology to facilitate inside information flow…………….…………32

Table 4.15 Use of new technology to facilitate outside information flow……………...............33

Table 4.16 Open information sharing between the organization and customers……………….33

Table 4.17 Focusing on customer satisfaction……………………………………………..........34

Table 4.18 Evaluating the quality of service area ……………………………………………….34

Table 4.19 Satisfaction with the service delivery……………………………………………......35

Table 4.20 Evaluating the service delivery time expectant……………………..…….……......35

Table 4.21 Evaluating service coverage of transportation……………..……………………….36


1.1. Background of the study

Transportation is one of the most visible elements of the logistics operation. As consumers, we
are accustomed to seeing tracks and trains transporting products or parked at business facilities.
Transportation is one of the largest logistics costs and may account for a significant portion of
the selling price of some products (Lowe 2002.).Anjulo and Gebeyehu (2019)have grouped
transportation under the category of services. Transportation provides a means of moving
persons from one place to another, for instance, to get to the workplace, school, shopping, social
and entertainment places, etc. Thus, it would be possible to say that, people use transport to
satisfy a particular need, i.e. the need to get work or school, etc, and back home (Sallis et al

The role of transportation in logistics operations has changed dramatically over the last three
decades. Before transportation deregulation, the purchase of transportation could he likes to buy
a commodity such as coal or grain(Hummels 2007:151-152). There was very little difference
between transportation suppliers in terms of product, service, or price. Transportation
deregulation in 1980 introduced pricing flexibility and significantly increased the range of
services transportation companies could provide customers (Gomez-Ibanez and Meyer 2011).
Today a wide range of transportation alternatives are available to support a product or raw
material logistics. For example, logistics managers may integrate private with for-hire
transportation to reduce total logistics costs. Many for-hire carriers offer a wide variety of value-
added services such as product rotation, sequencing, and customized freight delivery and
presentation(Gilbert and Perl 2010). Technology has enhanced real-time visibility of where
freight is throughout the supply chain and when it will be delivered. Precise product delivery
reduces inventory, storage, and materials handling. As such, the value of transportation has
become greater than simply moving product from one location to another. (Hulme 2009:18).
Service is any act or performance that one party can offer the action of anything. Its production
may or may not be a tie to physical products (Kotler 2012).

Transportation may be defined as the movement of materials and goods, or people from one
place to another with specific objectives(Crainic and Kim 2007:530). Transportation is
fundamental to civilization and the role of transportation in socio-economic development is that
it allows for; division of labor and labor specialization procurements of raw materials from
various sources, dispatch of good to the market place, personal mobility, etc. moreover,
transportation cannot be stored or transfer and hence each jury is unique in time and place. From
the above-mentioned definition, transportation is a divide into the movement of materials and
good (fright) and the movement of people (passenger) (Kuris 2006).

1.2 Background of the organization

The establishment of Wolaita Sodo town transportation authority goes back to the period of
emperor Haileslasse's regime. During the Derg regime, it shows some progress and expansion
and changed to Wolaita Sodo transportation authority. The organization is located in Wolaita
Sodo around Menharya. It has currently 115emoloyees under different divisions. The distance
between Addis Abeba and Wolaita Sodo is 380km, Wolaita sodo transport office(2011).

1.3 Statement of the Problem

Mammo, M. (2010:66)as world Bank (2002:22) states, cities are the engines of economic
growth in most developing countries, and that urban transport is an oil that prevents the engine
from seizing up. As cited in (http://www.nctr.usf.edu), Button noted that transportation
improvement can make cities much more efficient and productive.Road traffic accidents are
among the most damaging environmental impacts which are a result of transportation
development. Roads safety, therefore, is a worldwide problem each year more than half a million
people die in traffic accidents and many more are injured. In this respect, more vehicles are
usually involved. In developing countries next to the death caused by natural factors is a road
traffic accident and this has a great impact on the socio-economic activity (World Health
Organization 2015).

The European commission report Mercier (2015) to meet the challenges of achieving virtually
accident-free, clean, and efficient mobility through intelligent transport systems (ITS), it is
crucial that all elements of transport systems can communicate and cooperate in exchanging real-
time information. Bi-directional communication is needed from vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to
infrastructure. This requires the development of communication architecture that provides a
common frame for cooperative systems to work together.Transportation is an essential link
between supplier and customer as the aim to receive the goods in a good condition, when and
where they needed (Tseng, Yue and Taylor 2005). To increase the efficient and effective
transportation system in the organization, applying modern technology played a great role to
enhance good visibility and reliability of transportation management systems such as
geographical identification and advanced information system. Geographical identification
provides a basic geographical database for the delivery to enable and organize their routes easier
and faster. Advanced information provides real-time information for both manager and
deliverymen to adjust their paths as new demand occur. This increased better service quality,
reduced unnecessary trips, and increases the loading rate. (McGee, Prusak and Pyburn 1993).
According to primary observation done by researchers most of the peoples in Sodo town suggest
that they are not got better service of transport and raised many comments regarding quality
problem inside of Wolaita Sodo transport authority, so to fill this gap the researchers were
needed to conduct this study, additionally as for researchers knowledge no any paper done on
same title at Sodo town.

1.4 Research questions

1. Wolaita sodo transportation authority provide integrated transportation services?
2. What are the major factors that affect to provide adequate transportation service in
wolaita sodo transportation authority?
3. How the organization occurs on keeping up with modernization technology?

1.5 Objective of the study

1.5.1. General objective

The general objective of this study is to assess the transportation management system in wolaita
sodo town transportation authority.
1.5.2. Specific objective
The specific objectives of this study will be to address the following issue.

1. To identify the integration of wolaita sodo transportation authority to give service that covers
all citizens of wolaita sodo city.

2. To identify factors that affect to provide adequate transportation service.

3. To assess the uses of modernization technologies in the authority.

1.6 Significance of the study

This study will benefit different groups of people i.e. organizations, policymakers, and

This proposal will help the researchers to get a BA degree in logistics and supply chain
management. It will help the organization to identify their weakness and strengths to improve the
transportation management system and also to take corrective measures. Policymakers will be
benefited from this finding by getting genuine information while they are preparing rules and
guidelines, and it will serve as a base for future investigation for other researchers who are
interested in studying this title.

1.7 Scope of the study

There are significant numbers of transportation areas in Ethiopia but this study geographically
focuses only on Wolaita sodo transportation authority among different transportation areas in
Ethiopia. In order to make the research work manageable, the study is conceptually limited in the
area of passenger transport. Methodologically the researchers will use a descriptive data analysis
method to the study

1.8 Limitations of the study

The study was not going to cover all aspects of the assessment of the transportation management
system. Therefore the findings will not be generalized to the operation as a whole because the
operation is covered in very wide activities. The study will be restricted by the following
- Lack of experiences in the field of study

- Due to, absence of previous studies in the area of transportation management systems in
these companies, the researchers may not get the opportunity to identify the problem in the
past studies to compare with the current situation to recommend in a good manner.
- Due to, limitation of time, insufficient data, and the unwillingness of respondents to respond
to their answers freely our study may not generalize.

1.9 Organization of the study

This study has five chapters. The first chapter includesthe background of the study, the
background of the organization, statement of the problem, basic research question, the objective
of the study, the significance of the study, and the organization of the paper. The second chapter
deals with a related literature review. The third chapter contains a research methodology and
design.The fourth chapter includesdata presentation and analysis.The fifth chapter includes a
summary, conclusion, and recommendation.


2.1 Basic Concepts for Transportation and Service

2.1.1 Definition of Transportation

Transportation is defined as the activity that facilitates the physical movement of goods as well
as individuals from one place to another (Crainic and Kim 2007:530).Transportation is an
important supply chain driver because products are rarely produced and consumed in the same
location. The importance of transportation has grown with the increasing globalization in supply
chains as well as the growth in e-commerce because both trends increase the distance products
travel. Transportation decisions impact supply chain profitability and influence both inventory
and facility decisions within a supply chain(Hummels 2007:151-152).Any supply chain's success
is closely linked to the appropriate use of transportation. Transportation refers to the movement
of products from one place to another as it makes its way from the beginning of a supply chain to
the consumer. With the rapid growth in international trade, good multimodal freight
transportation systems to move the resulting cargo have become even more significant.
(SteadieSeifi et al.2014:13-14)

Transport is a central ingredient in the time and spatial economic utility of products and services
and services and it is a core component of logistics, moving goods between different points in
the supply chain. Logistics is a process of planning,implementing,and controlling the efficient
flow of products,information, and funds to conform to the client's requirements (Mangan and
Lalwani 2016).Daniela and Ovidiu (2014:33) transportation play a connective role among the
several steps that result in the conversion of resources to use full goods in the name of the
ultimate consumer and the planning of all these functions and sub-functions into a system of
goods movement to minimize cost and maximize service to the customers that constitute the
concept of business logistics.Christopher (2017) posits thatthe transport system is the most
important economic activity among the components of business logistics systems. Around one-
third to two-thirds of the expenses of enterprise logistics costs are spent on transportation.

2.2 Theoretical review

2.2.1 Role of Transportation

Transportation is a very visible element of logistics and consumers are accustomed to seeing
trucks and trains transporting products or parked at business facilities that few consumers fully
understand just how dependent our economic system is upon economical and dependable
transportation (Levinson 2016). Transportation has the following roles:Saves time: the arrival of
goods and services at right time,balance regional development: resource allocation and good
communication,create employment opportunities.eg, loading and unloading,source of income for
individuals and government/tax purpose,for the success of war: for defended foreign aggression
and,for economic growth: as trade and investment and improved per capita of citizens, etc
(Ghaderi et al .2015:216-217).Transportation plays a connective role among the several steps
that result in the conversion of resources into useful goods in the name of the ultimate
consumerand the planning of all these functions and sub-functions into a system of goods
movement to minimize cost maximize service to the customers that constitute the concept of
business logistics once put in place, must be effectively managed (Daniela and Ovidiu 2014:33).
The role of transportation in the supply chain is also defined by other authors (Tseng, Yue, and
Taylor 2005) the role that transportation plays in the logistics system is more complex than
carrying goods for the proprietors. Its complexity can take effect only through high-quality
management and usinga well-handled transport system;goods could be sent to the right place at
the right time to satisfy customers' demands to bring efficacy, and also it builds abridge between
producers and consumers. Such transportation is the base of efficiency and economy in business
logistics and expands others(Kumar and Shirisha 2014:20).

2.2.2 Basic Modes of Transport

The freight transportation structure consists of the rights-of-way, vehicles, and carriers that
operate within five basic transportation modes. and identifies a basic transportation method or
form(Verma and Ramanayya 2014).The mode of transport describes the type of transport used.
for several options available now for moving goods and services from one place to
another(Dekker, Bloemhof and Mallidis 2012:679). These modes have emerged over a period
representing changes in technology and the contemporary business environment. Science &
technology have played a major role in the development of these modes and relevant

infrastructure(Schot and Steinmueller 2018:1564-1565). Model selection is an important decision
in transportation strategy as it has an impact on cost transportation andis five different options –
rail, road, water, air, and pipeline(Goldsby, Iyengar and Rao 2014). Each mode has different
characteristics, and the best in any particular circumstances depends on the type of goods to be
moved, locations, distance, value, and a whole range of other things,among those five modes of
transportations for that matter researcher, focuses on road transport(Malokin, Circella and
Mokhtarian 2019:100-101).The road is the prevalent mode of transport within cities and, for
general goods, between cities that basic road transport service comprises loading several pallets
of mate- rails or products on to a semi-trailer (or articulated lorry) at a dock at the providing
premises (Goldsby, Iyengar and Rao 2014).

2.2.3 Transportation management system

The transport management system is a process of identifying, evaluating, treating, and
controlling the transportation activity to maintain transportation service and is one of the most
visible elements of logistics operation(Xiao et al 2017:57). As consumers, we are accustomed
to seeing trucks and trains transporting products or parked at a distribution facility for
previously the transportation service offerings were limited(Crainic and Montreuil 2016:395-
396). There was little differentiation among the suppliers of transportation items of either
quality or price that have changed since then and now there is increased pricing freedom and
availability of new services and relationships, which requires today’s logisticians to be more
proactive in identifying the most desirable combination of carrier services and pricing
structures to meet the firm's objectives. (Murfield et al 2017).

2.2.4 Transportation functionality

Transport enterprises have two functions such as:

1. product movement

2. Product storage Product Movement

A primary transportation function is product movement. The main objective of transportation is
the move products from the origin to the destination with a minimum period, Financial and
environmental resource.

8 Product Storage
The least common function of transportation is temporary storage. In transit inventory is
captive in the transport system, managers strive to reduce in-transit inventory to a minimum
cost. Products can also be stored in vehicles at origin or destination (trailers, trucks, rail cars,
etc.) where warehouse space is limited or diversion strategies. Usually more expensive than
traditional warehousing and demurrage charges on vehicle use for storage (Ross. 2015:).

2.2.5 Fundamental Transportation Principles

Two fundamental transportation principles affect transportation efficiency. Those are:

1. Economy of scale
2. Economy of distance Economy of Scale

It is a means of transportation cost per unit weight decreases as the size of the shipment
increase. For instance, TL (truckload shipment) is generally true that larger capacity vehicles
such as rail or water are less expensive per unit of weight than smaller capacity vehicles such as
motor or air. Transportation scale exists because the fixed cost of the carrier is allocated over a
larger weight of the shipment. Economy of Distance

Is the transportation cost per unit weight decreases as distance increases?

- Often called the tapering principle

- Longer distances allow the fixed cost of the carrier to be spread over more miles, lowering
the per-mile charge.
- The objective is to maximize the size of the load and distance shipped while still meeting
customer service expectations.

2.2.6 Classification of Performance Characteristics

Shippers are concerned with these common characteristics that are common to all when
evaluating a transportation mode.

Speed refers to the elapsed time from when freight is given to transportation mode until the
movement is complete(Reis 2014:116). Transportation is a service that moves freight to
production or from production to consumption. If a manufacturer is shipping to a retail store, the
retailer is interested in what the product will be available or sale (Ivanov and Rozhkov


Is the extent of the model network and the amount of required involvement of others mode. The
truck is most complete because it can finish its movement without any involvement of any other
mode (Dabiri and Heaslip 2018:370).


Capability is a major mode of ability to handle particular transportation requirements. This

would include the type of freight (solid, liquid, package) the size of the individual product, the
weight, and the load size required (Leleń and Wasiak 2019:50).


Is the potential variance form expected to publish the delivery schedule?The pipeline is because
of their continuous service and limited interferences from the water and congestion rank the
highest dependability. It means damage in-transit time is minimum. (Sridhar 2013).

Frequency is several modes that can pick up and deliver during a particular period. Air transport
is a leading one in frequency (Vergouw et al. 2016:42-43)


Is an amount of money a shipper or receiver must pay for freight movement (Levinson .2016).

Model Water Rail Trucks Pipe Air

Speed Very slow Slow Fast Slowest Fastest
Competences Least Moderately Most complete Moderately Incomplete
complete complete compete
Dependability Moderately Moderately Undependable Most Least dependable
dependable dependable dependable
Capability Most capable Very capable Moderate Least capable Incapable
Frequency Least frequent Moderately frequent Very frequent In frequent Most frequent
Cost Very low cost Low cost High cost Lowest cost Highest cost
product Large-volume The large volume of Moderate Oil products - Low volume
raw materials volume, - Low weight
manufactured modes manufactured - High volume
goods, materials products
basin/end other - Perishable
modes products

Table2.1 Performance characteristics modal comparison

2.2.7 Importance of Transportation

Transport is an essential link between supplier and receiver for the aim to receive the goods in
good condition when and where they needed necessitates closing collaboration between
procurement staff, the supplier, and the transportation(Björklund and Gustafsson 2015:204). The
journey involved, whether over land, sea and or air may introduce certain cost and risk that can
be mitigated by appropriate methods of dispatch, insurance, courage, suitable packaging
instructions, and by considering the rules and responsibilities of the parties involved in the chain
of transport events up until final delivery to customers(Rogers, Chuah and Dockray 2016)? In
general, the importance of transportation includes;a key factor for any movementconnecting
customer and supplier,increasing organizational profitability, anddeliver goods to the needed
place (O'Brien 2019).

2.2.8 Division of Transportation Service

Transportation services are dividing into two major categories:

1. The movement of people (passengers).

2. The movement of material and products (freight).

Passenger Transportation

Passenger transportation includes private transportation such as automobiles or airplanes, and

various forms of public transportation (Chukwu et al 2015). Typical means of public
transportation are buses, trains, airplanes, waterway vessels. Each form of private and public
transportation has its application and significance for passenger travel (Khatchaturov

Freight Transportation
Freight transportation is a large field of study which is defined as the economic movement of
commodities and products as well as the effects of such movement on the development and
advancement of business (Veleva and Bodkin 2018:31-32).

2.3 Empirical Evidence of transportation

The study of the effect of transport on economic output has been the focus of extensive research
over the past decades and has produced widely varying results. Transportation has been
hypothesized to impact the economy by different strands of economics. Classical location theory
emphasized the role of transport as a determinant of the location of economic activities (Melo,
Graham and Brage-Ardao2013:703-704). The New Economic Geography (NEG) also
emphasizes the role of transport as a location factor within the context of imperfect competition
and different degrees of inter-regional labor mobility (Gaspar 2018:269-270).

The macroeconomic theory of endogenous growth also developed a framework in which public
infrastructure (including transport infrastructure) can be defined as a source of economic growth
through its contribution to technical change (Kayode, Babatunde and Abiodun
2013:186).Alongside a reduction in transport costs, transport improvements lead to a reduction in
firms’ input costs and thus increased factor productivity (Melo, Graham and Brage-Ardao
2013:703-704). Also, lower production and distribution costs induced by transport improvements
can result in scale effects and foster competition levels, which in turn result in higher
productivity levels due to a natural selection process in favor of more productive firms (Berg et
al 2015). Another important contribution of transport to productivity relates to what the
literature generally terms as ‘transport-induced agglomeration effects’. Agglomeration
economies occur when economic agents (firms, workers) benefit from being close to other
economic agents. By improving the access of workers and firms to economic activity, transport
affects the realization of agglomeration externalities and hence the productivity effects derived
from it (Laird and Venables 2017:11).

The transportation produces strong economic benefits and foster growth has justified government
funding for new and improved transport infrastructure which supported by early estimates of the
output elasticity of transport, which have been criticized since the late 1990s on the grounds of
model misspecification and spurious relationships (Šlander. and Ogorevc 2019:525). In this
research, we are interested in the effect of transportation on the profitability organization and
major strength and its weakness. There are various survey papers (Lee, Vargo and Seville
2013:35), and some meta-analyses (Siontis, Hernandez-Boussard and Ioannidis 2013:f4501), on

the productivity of transport on public capital. However, those review papers have focused on the
role of transport on total public capital in Public capital of a broad term that includes different
types of capital, which are expected to differ in the degree to which they impact on private output
(Bom and Ligthart 2014:906). There is general agreement that transportation represents a large
part is expected to have a stronger impact than other components ona country's economic
There are also several very useful surveys (Thompson and Taniguchi 2017) on the economic
effect of transportation.
However, these surveys have relied upon traditional literature review techniques to the best of
our knowledge, this is the first meta-analysis of the empirical evidence on the effect of
transportation on economic output. The purpose of the analysis is to improve our understanding
of the main factors affecting the range of results found in the empirical literature.The data used
in the meta-analysis include studies that use a production function framework to estimate output
elasticity of transport. The sample consists of 563 elasticity estimates obtained from 33 studies.
Besides summarizing the estimates, we estimate meta-regressions to test for the impact of
different study characteristics as sources of variation on existing empirical results. Our results
can provide some guidance for future research in this subject matter. They reveal the importance
of considering the effect of transportation on economic output in its contextual framework,
including its role across different transport modes, industry groups, and country characteristics.

This chapter deals with research design, research approach, sampling technique and sample size,
sample size determination, source of data, data collection method, data gathering procedure, and
method of data analysis(Kumar 2018). 

3.1 Research design

In this research, the researchers used a descriptive research method (Atmowardoyo 2018:202).
The reason why the researchers used descriptive research is that it describes the situations as well
as the respondent's characteristics and overall implementation of the transportation management
system of wolaita sodo transport authority.

3.2 Research approach

In this study, the researchers used qualitative and quantitative research approaches (Rahman
2020). The qualitative will be used when the data we used were in form of non-numerical and
quantitative was used when the data is in a numeric way

3.3 Total population, sampling technique and sample size

The total population of wolaita Sodo transport authority employees is 115.The researchers used
simple random sampling to give equal opportunity for all respondents. The sample size of the
study area is 32 employees from wolaita sodo transportation authority. To determine the sample
size the researchers used a method developed by Carvalho (Charan and Biswas 2013:21).

Table 0-1: Sample Size Determination.

Population Size Sample size

Low Medium High
51-90 5 13 20
91-150 8 20 32
151-280 13 32 50
281-500 20 50 80
501-1200 32 80 125
1201-3200 50 125 200
3021-10,000 80 200 315
10,001-35000 125 315 500
35001-150000 200 500 800

(Source: Malhorta Naresh, Marketing Research: an applied approach, (Malhorta, 2007))

The total number of Wolaita Sodo transportation authority is 115 employees. Therefore, 32 are
considered as sample respondents as per the Malhora Naresh’s sample determination method. In
addition to this, an interview will be held with the management bodies of the company.

3.4 sources of data

The researchers used both primary and secondary sources of data. The primary source of data
was gathered using questionnaires and interviews. The first questionnaire was prepared and
distributed to employees of the organization staff. Interviews were also made with the manager
of Wolaita Sodo transportation authority. The secondary data was collected from written
materials such as books, magazines, newspapers, and the internet.

3.5 Data collection method

For the research of this title, the researchers gathered data by using questioners (close-ended and
open-ended) to department employees and a structured interview with the manager this all is the
best data collection method because the researcher need to get the right information.

3.6 Data gathering procedure
The principal procedures to be undertaken by the researchers in this study are point out as

 development of a statement of the problem

 formulate appropriate questionnaire
 distribution of the questionnaire for the subject
 data collection and organization
 Analyze and interpretation of data after data collection and organization.

3.7 Method of Data Analysis

To analyze the collected data of the study, both quantitative and qualitative data analyses were
made (Rahman 2020). Data which was collected through questionnaire will analyze using
quantitatively like percentage and frequency. Data which was collected through interview will be
analyzed qualitatively.

This chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of data based on the methodology stated
above. Data is collected from some selected employees of Wolaita sodo town transportation
authority. As indicated in the methodology part of chapter three data were collected through
questionnaires from 32 employees of Wolaita sodo town transportation authority. The interview
was taken with the manager of the Wolaita sodo town transportation authority.

4.1 Demographic characteristics of the respondent

Description of the characteristics of the target population gives some basic information about the
sample population involved in the study. Thus the table below contains the demographic
characteristics of the respondents.
Table 0-2: Demographic characteristics of the Respondents

Item Background 0ption Number of Percentage

1 Sex Male 28 87.5%
Female 4 12.5%
Total 32 100%
2 Age 18-25 10 31.25%
26-35 12 37.5%
35-50 10 31.25%
>50 - -
Total 32 100%
3 Level of 12th Complete 8 25%
education Certificate 5 15.625%
Diploma 12 37.5%
Degree 5 15.625%
Masters and 2 6.25
Total 32 100%
4 Experience 1-5 10 31.25%
5-10 12 37.5%
Above 10 10 31.25%
Total 32 100

The above table 4.1(item 1) shown that 28 (87.5%) of the respondents are male and 4(12.5%) of
the respondents are females. This shows that the majority of the employee respondents are males.
Based on the above table (item 2) shown that 31.25% of the respondents are found between the
age of 18-25, 12 (37.5%) of the respondents are found between the age of 26-35, 10(31.25%) of
respondents are found in the age of 35-50.Therefore, the researchers can conclude that majority
of the respondents are lays between the 26-35 age group that is 37.5%. The information on table
4.1 (item 3) show that 25% of respondent are 12 th complete, 15.625% of the respondents are
certificate, 37.5% of the respondents are diploma, and 15.625% of the respondents are degree,
and the remaining 6.25 % masters holders. This shows that the majority of the respondents are
categorized under a diploma. So the researcher observes there is a lack of professionally skilled
Based on the above table (item 3) shown that 31.25 % of respondents have 1-5 years’
experience, 37.5% and 31.25 % of respondents have 5-10 and above 10 years’ experience
respectively. This shows the majority of respondents have 5-10 years of experience.

Table 0-2: Current transportation service

Q1 How do you describe the current transportation service deliveries in your organization?
Response Number of Percent (%)
Excellent 5 15.625
Very good 11 34.375
Good 12 37.5
poor 4 12.5
Very poor - -
Total 32 100

As shown in the above table 5(15.625%) of respondent said the current transportation service
delivery is excellent, 11(34.375%),12(37.5%), and 4(12.5%) of the respondent responded that
there is very good, good and poor service delivery respectively. finally, the researchers observe
the existence of good transportation service delivery in Wolaita sodo town transport authority.
Table 4-3 Relationship of department
Q2 How do you rate the relationship between the departments in the organization?
Response Number of respondents Percent (%)
Highly coordinated 7 21.875 (%)
Coordinated 12 37.5 (%)
Loosely coordinated 10 31.25 (%)
Not coordinated 3 9.375 (%)
Total 32 100 (%)

From the respondent's point of view, 7 (21.875%) of employees responded that their highly
coordinated relationship, 12(37.5%), 10(31.25%), and 3(9.375%) employees said coordinated
loosely coordinated, and not coordinated respectively. The researchers conclude that the Wolaita
sodo town transportation service builds a fair relationship between departments in the
Table 4-4 Relationships among department

Q3 the existing relationships among departments have positive effects on the organization’s

Response Number of respondents Percent (%)

Strongly agree - -
Agree 15 46.875
Disagree 9 28.125
Strongly disagree 8 25
Total 32 100

From the respondent's point of view, 15 (46.875%) of employees responded that they agree and
9(28.125%), 8(25%) employees said disagree and strongly disagree respectively. The researchers
conclude that Wolaita sodo town transportations authority departments' relationships have
positive effects on the organization's activities.
Table 4-5 Relationship between transportation and its partners

Q4 There are strong relationships between transportation and its transportation partners?

Response Number of respondents Percent (%)
Strongly agree - -
Agree 8 25
Disagree 9 28.125
Strongly disagree 15 46.875
Total 32 100

The above table shows that 8(25%) of employees responded that they agree and 9(28.125%),
15(46.875) employees said disagree and strongly disagree respectively. The researchers conclude
that Wolaita sodo town transportations authority relationships between transportation and its
partners is poor

Table 4-5 Right transportation

Q5 Does your organization use the right transportation service delivery?

Response Number of response Percent (%)
Yes 10 31.25
No 12 37.5
I Don,t know 10 31.25
Total 32 100

From the above table, it is observed that 10(31.25%) replied that the authority uses the right
transportation service delivery, while 12(37.5%), 10(31.25%) responded that no and I don,t
know respectively. The above information leads to making a conclusion that is poor existence of
the right transportation service delivery.

Table 4-6 Integration

Q6 Are the existing staff and department of Wolaita sodo town transportation authority is
integrated to give service to cover people of Wolaita sodo town?
Response Number of respondents Percent (%)
Yes 20 62.5
No 12 37.5
Total 32 100

As it is shown in the above table 20(62.5%) of respondents said there is the integration of
existing staff and departments. And 12(37.5%) of the respondent responded that there is no
integration of existing staff and departments. finally, the researchers observe the existence of
good integration to give service to cover people of Wolaita sodo town

Table 0-7: Teamwork

Q7. What looks like the teamwork in your organization?

Response Number of response Percent (%)

Low 7 21.875
Medium 14 43.75
High 11 34.375
Total 32 100

From the respondent's point of view, 14 (43%) of employees responded that there is fair
teamwork and 11(34.375%), 7(21.875%) employees said high and low teamwork culture is built
up with each employee respectively. The researcher concludes that Wolaita sodo town
transportation service builds a fair teamwork facilities the gullibility of service.

Table 0-8: Manager’s support

Q8. Does the manager support employees to work hard?

A good relationship between supervisor and subordinate is necessarily a condition to enhance

employees' satisfaction in delivering service. As well as the support of top managers are better
for their employee

Response Number of response Percent (%)
Yes 22 68.75
No 10 31.25
Total 32 100

As it is shown in the above table 22(68.75%) of respondents said there is manager support
guidance in the organization. And 10(31.25%) of the respondent responded that there is no
support from the top management. finally the researcher observes the existence of very good
management support in Wolaita sodo town transport authority.
Q9 If your answer to question number 8 is yes in which is the manager support you

The employees replied that the manager supports them by talking openly when something
happens wrongly and solve the complaints by guiding the team leaders by making better
opportunity to work hard and good relationship to keep legal activity and equality.

Table 4-10 Solving complaints

Q10.To what extent the responsible bodies solve complaints?

Response Number of respondents Percent (%)

Very high 12 37.5
High 7 21.875
low 10 31.25
Very low 3 9.375
Total 32 100

The above table shows that 12(37.5%) of the respondent said that the organization’s commitment
to hearing customers complaints is very high, and 7(21.875%) of the respondents responded that
the authority is highly committed to hearing customers’ complaints and The remaining
10(31.25%) 3(9.375%) said low and very low respectively. Therefore the researchers concluded
that the authority’s’ commitment to hearing customer complaints is very high.

Table 4-11 Criteria

Q11 What are the major criteria for transportation service delivery?
Response Number of response Percent (%)

Lower price 7 21.875
Delivery time 22 68.75
Higher quality 3 9.375
Total 32 100

According to the above table, 7(21.875%) of the respondents sighted that lower price and
22(68.75%), 3(9.375%)of respondents responded that the delivery time and higher quality
respectively. Therefore it is possible to conclude that the criteria for transportation service
delivery are delivery time.
Table 0-12: Fighting lawbreakers

Q12. To what degree Wolaita sodo transportation authority is fighting lawbreakers?

Response Number of response Percent (%)

Low 7 21.875
High 10 31.25
Enough 15 46.875
Total 32 100

From the respondent point of view, 10(31.25%) said that there is a high degree of fighting
lawbreakers, 15(46.875%) of respondent said that there is fair fighting of lawbreakers, and
7(21.875%) respondents replied that the authority’s fighting of lawbreakers is low. therefore, the
researcher concluded that Wolaita sodo transportation authority in fighting lawbreakers has a
high degree.

Table 4-13 Factors

Q13 is there a factor that affects to provide adequate transportation service delivery
Response Number of respondents Percent (%)
Yes 20 62.5
No 12 37.5
Total 32 100

According to the above table, 20(62.5%) of the respondents sighted that yes and 12(37.5%) of
respondents responded that no. Therefore it is possible to conclude that there are factors that
affect adequate transportation service delivery

Q14 If your answer to question number 13 is yes what are the major factors?

The employees replied that poor traffic police performance out of the institution and poor
activity, the arrangement of public transport cars/buses lowness, lack of trained traffic police and
lack of enough buses/cars in market days, lack of service delivery regulation and on-time service
for passengers, the bad problems of drivers and fluctuation of transport price, lack of trained
transport working officers.

Table 4-14 new technology to facilitate inside information flow

Q15. Does the organization use new technology to facilitate inside information flow?

Automation and computerization are very important to assist service workers in their job
machines to provide more consistent quality than humans reducing the level off variability
respondents were asked about the organization's focus on keeping up with technology advance
responses are summarized in the table below.
Response Number of response Percent (%)
Yes 10 31.25
No 12 37.5
I Don,t know 10 31.25
Total 32 100

From the above table, it is observed that the 10(31.25%) respondents replied yes. The highest
number of respondents 12(37.5%) replied that the authority does not use new technology to
support its operation, while 10(31.25%) responded that they don’t know. The above
information leads to making a conclusion that is no existence of enough new technology in the
authority’s operation.

Table 4-17 Use of new technology

Q16. Does the organization use new technology to facilitate outside information flow?
Response Number of response Percent (%)
Yes 10 31.25
No 10 31.25
I Don,t know 12 37.5
Total 32 100

From the above table it is observed that the number of respondents 10(31.25%) replied that the
authority uses new technology to support its operation, 10(31.25%) of the employees responded
there is no new technology usage in the organization, while 12(37.5%) responded that they don’t
know. The above information leads to concluding there is no existence of enough new
technology in the authority’s operation.

Table 4-18 Information sharing

Q17 There is open information sharing between the organization and its
Response Number of respondents Percent (%)
Strongly agree - -
Agree 8 25
Disagree 9 28.125
Strongly disagree 15 46.875
Total 32 100
The above table shows that8(25%) of employees responded that they agree and 9(28.125%),
15(46.875) employees said disagree and strongly disagree respectively. The researchers conclude
that Wolaita sodo town transportations authority relationships between transportation and its
partners is poor

Table 0-19:Customer satisfaction

18. Does Wolaita sodo town transportation authority focus on customer satisfaction in
giving the service

Response Number of respondents Percent (%)

Yes 20 62.5
No 12 37.5
Total 32 100

To survive in the market satisfying customer expectation is a crucial thing. According to the
above table, 20(62.5%) of the respondents sighted that Wolaita sodo town transportation
authority focused on customer satisfaction while delivering service, and 12(37.5%) of
respondents responded that the authority is not focused on customer satisfaction while delivering
service. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the transportation authority’s service delivery
system is customer-oriented.
Table 0-20: Evaluate the quality of service

Q19. To what extent you evaluate the quality of the service area

Response Number of respondents Percent (%)

High 2 6.25 (%)

Medium 10 31.25 (%)
Low 20 62.5 (%)
Total 32 100 (%)

The above table information shows 2(6.25%) of the employees agreed that the transportation
service quality is good., 10 (31.25%) of customer replied that there is fair transportation service
quality and the remaining respondent 20(62.5%) of employees responded that the transportation
service quality is poor. Therefore the researcher concludes that the quality of transportation
service is poor.
Table 0-21: Satisfaction from service delivery

Q20.To what extent you satisfied with the service delivery

Response Number of respondents Percent (%)

Large - -
Medium 9 28.25
Small 15 46.675

Poor 8 25
Total 32 100

As it can be seen from the above table 9(28.25%) responded that they are fairly satisfied with the
service delivery of the authority, 15(46.675%) of customer responded that they are less satisfied
with the service delivery of the authority and the remaining 8(25%) respondent replied that
he/she is not satisfied. therefore; the researcher concluded that the customers are unsatisfied with
the service delivery of the authority, which indicates that the authority does not provide the
service as per the customer expectation.
Table 0-22: Evaluation

Q21. How do you evaluate the service delivery time expectation?

Response Number of Percent (%)

Excellent 8 25
Very good 12 37.5
Poor 12 37.5
Total 32 100

As it is seen from the table 8(25%) of the employees responded that there is excellent time
expectation, 12(37.5%) of employees responded very good time expectation is there while the
remaining 12(37.5%) of employees replied that there is poor time expectation. Generally, the
service delivery system in terms of time expectation is fair.

Table 0-23: Evaluate service coverage

Q22. How do you evaluate service coverage of transportation in Wolaita sodo town?
Response Number of respondents Percent (%)
High 8 25
medium 10 31.25
Low 14 43.75
Total 32 100

As it is seen from the above table 8(25%) of the employees responded poorly. The other
10(31.25%) of employees responded medium the remaining other 14(43.75%) of employees
responded that low transportation coverage exists in the city. In general, there is poor
transportation service coverage in the city so the passengers cannot be well served.

Analysis of Interview Questions

The interview was made for the manager of Wolaita sodo transportation authority to support the
response of employees.
Question -1: Do you initiate your employees to work hard in delivering the service to the
The manager suggested that he initiates his employees by providing what is expected from the
organization like allowances payment on holidays, overtime payment, and promotion. In addition
to the managers responded that all of these rewards are given only if they perform the task
assigned to them properly. This implies that the manager motivates only those employees who
perform their tasks properly.
Question-2: How do you see the speed of the service delivery of Wolaita sodo transportation
The manager told that the organization is doing its effort to deliver its service on time and
employees are given instructions on how to facilitate the delivery of service.
Question -3: Is there any barrier of communication between managers and employees which
affects the quality of service delivery in the organization?
The manager suggested that the manager communicates with employees when there are
problems which are not solved by employees themselves and again the manager communicates
or contact employees for tasks to be done. And also understand and solve complaints which are
raised by employees and customers as well.
Question –4: How do you see the transportation coverage in Wolaita sodo town transportation
The manager replied that now the coverage of transportation in the authority is around 53%
cover and in the future, they working hard to address the coverage to 100%.
Question –5: Does educated manpower in the field of logistics and supply chain management
department work in your company?
The manager replied that No

This chapter deals with a summary, conclusion, and recommendation based on the analysis and
interpretations made in chapter four. The researchers also tried to make recommendations for the
raised problems.

The purpose of this research was to assess the transportation management system in the case of
Wolaita sodo town transport authority. Therefore, according to the discussion and analysis of
data presented under chapter four, the following findings were drawn:-
 In the organization, employees are integrated to deliver satisfactory transportation
services 62.5%.
 There is a high commitment in the organization to satisfy the customers and hear
customers’ complaints and hence there is a high degree of customer respect 68%.
 There is no existence of enough new technology in authority operations 68.5%.
 There is a high level of top-level managers’ support with the coordination of employees
 The teamwork which implements in the organization is medium, but the organization has
to implement collaboration at all in the organization 68.75%.
 The authority does not provide the service as per the customer expectation 37.5%.
 The authority does not have educated manpower in logistics and supply chain
management work in the organization.
 According to the response, there is poor transportation coverage and service quality in the
city and therefore almost the majority of the customers are unsatisfied with the service
delivery of the authority 56.25%.

5.2 Conclusion
This research is conducted on the assessment of the transportation management system in the
case of Wolaita sodo town transportation authority. In particular, this research attempted to
answer the following three basic research questions:-
1. Wolaita sodo transportation authority provides integrated transportation services?

2. What are the factors that affect to provide adequate transportation service?

3. How the organization occurs on keeping up with the modernization technology?

Depending on the finding of the study, the following conclusions were made:-

Transportation is the means of conveyance or travel from one place to another. It is divided into
passenger and freight transportation. Passenger transportation includes private transportation
such as an automobile or airplanes, and public transportation. Passenger transportation is one of
the most important functions for the country because it is more vital economic activities for a
business and it saves time. For this research, two methods of data gathering instruments were
used. These are questionnaires and structured interviews. From both questionnaires and
interview the respondents agreed with the existence of integrated transportation service in
Wolaita sodo town transportation authority. And also there is high integration between managers
and employees which means top-level managers support employees for the ultimate achievement
of goals or objectives.

Service are economic activities that create value and provide benefit for the customer-specific
time and place as a result of bringing about desire or on behalf of the recipient of the service. The
authority provides training for the employees to enhance their ability and improve the scope of
service delivery and focused on customer satisfaction. But as customers responded that they are
unsatisfied with the service delivery of the authority and there is poor transportation coverage in
the city. The service scope of the Wolaita transport authority has been continuing in this

A transport management system is a process of identifying, evaluating, treating, and controlling

the transportation activity to maintain transportation service. Service are economic activities that
create value and provide benefit for the customer-specific time and place as a result of bringing
about desire or on behalf of the recipient of the service. The authority does not provide the
services as per the customer expectation. and the major criteria for transportation service delivery
is delivery time. But some factors affect to provide adequate transportation service delivery that
is poor traffic police performance out of the institution and poor activity, the arrangement of
public transport cars/buses lowness, lack of trained traffic police and lack of enough buses/cars
in market days, lack of service delivery regulation and on-time service for passengers, the bad
problems of drivers and fluctuation of transport price and, lack of trained transport working

In the current environment or 21st century, not technology rather a deficiency of finance is the
main problem to perform the different activities concerning modern technology. Automation and
computerization are very important to assist service. Hence, Wolaita sodo town transport

authority applies computerization partially as the respondent replied but it needs full


Given the conclusion, the following build suggestion and recommendations were made in the
hope that they would minimize the problem identified in the study area.

 It is highly important to implement quality service for the customers to have better

 Receiving customer complaints is important for further development and better

arrangement of providing a solution for the problems that have been raised by the

 Due to the dynamics of the world technology the organization had better use recently
discovered IT technology to support the authority’s operation system.

 Continuing good management support for the employees is important for the well being
of the organization for better customer service.

 The organization has to improve its teamwork because working as a team can provide
better service for the customer and it will help employees to help each other for better

 Breaking laws hurts the development of the organization so it had better continue to
restrict the law-breaking situation or fight on a higher level.

 To have more sufficient service coverage in Wolaita sodo town the organization must
purchase new vehicles or cars to have sufficient transportation coverage.

 To satisfy customers the organization has to provide this facility

 Delivering very good service
 Hiring tolerant and ethical employees
 Purchase vehicles which are comfortable for the customer

 By using the appraisal method the organization must remove obstacles or barriers to
quality service and improve or restore the good one.
 Solving complaints from the customer is important for the organization. Because as we
know that “customers are kings” organization should have to solve customer complaints
regarding their service delivery.

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Dear respondents this questionnaire is prepared to gather data for research conducted on the
assessment of the transportation management system.

Dear Sir/ Madam

My name is Serawit Abraham, an undergraduate student at Alpha University, College of

Business and Economics, Department of Management. I am currently doing research work on
the “Assessment of Transportation management system” as partial fulfillment for the
requirement of a BA degree in Management. The objective of this questionnaire is to collect
relevant data about the transportation management system. Hence, the researcher kindly requests
you to genuinely respond to the questions knowing that your responses will be used only for
academic research purposes and remain confidential.
I hope that the research work will help your organization in handling the constraints of the
customers very efficiently and effectively.

 No need to write your name
 Write tick ( ) on the box that for closed-ended questions
 Write on the space provided for open-ended question

PART ONE: Demographic characteristics and performance of respondents

I .Sex: Male Female

II. Age: 18-28 28-38 38-48 48-58

III. Level of education: Certificate Diploma graduate

Degree graduate Masters and above

IV. Experience: 1-5years 5-10years above 10years

PART TWO: Main research questions for employees

1. How do you describe the current transportation service deliveries in your organization?

Excellence Very good Good Poor Very poor

2. How do you rate the relationship between the departments in the organization?

Highly coordinated Coordinated Loosely coordinated not coordinated

3. The existing relationships among departments have positive effects on the organization's

Strongly agree Agree Disagree strongly disagree

4. There is a strong relationship between transportation and its transportation partners?

Strongly agree Agree Disagree strongly disagree

5. Does your organization use the right transportation service delivery?

Yes No I don’t know

6. Are the existing staff and department of Wolaita sodo town transportation authority will
integrate to give service to cover people of Wolaita sodo town?

Yes No

7. What looks like the teamwork in your organization?

High Medium Low

8. Does the manager support employees to work hard?

Yes No

9. If your answer to question number 8 is yes in which is the manager support you?



10. To what extent the responsible bodies solve complaints?

High medium-low

11. What are the major criteria for transportation service delivery?

Lower price Delivery time higher quality

12. To what degree the Wolaita sodo town transportation Authority fighting lawbreakers?

High Enough Low

13. Is there a factor that affects to provide adequate transportation service delivery?

Yes No

14. If your answer to question number 13 is yes what are the major factors?


15. Does the organization use new technology to facilitate inside information flow?

Yes No I don, t know

16. Does the organization use new technology to facilitate outside information flow?

Yes No I don, t know

17. There is open information sharing between the organization and its customers/ partners?

Strongly agree Agree Disagree strongly disagree

18. Does Wolaita sodo town transportation Authority focus on customer satisfaction in giving

Yes No

19. To what extent you evaluate the quality of the service area?

High Medium-low

20. To what extent you satisfied with the service delivery?

Large Medium Small poor

21. How do you evaluate the service delivery time expectation?

Excellent very good poor

22. How do you evaluate the service coverage of transportation in Wolaita sodo town?

High Medium-low



1. Do you initiate your employees to work hard in delivering the service to the customer?
2. How do you see the speed of the service delivery of Wolaita sodo transportation authority?
3. Is there any barrier of communication between managers and employees which affects the
quality of service delivery in the organization?
4. How do you see the transportation coverage in wolaita sodo transportation authority?
5. Does educated manpower in the field of logistics and supply chain management department
work in your company?


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