Debevet Journal
Debevet Journal
Debevet Journal
Keywords: E. coli O157:H7, abattoir, prevalence, occurrence, meat, retail stores, feces, hide and hook
Escherichia Coli O157:H7 is one of the most recent foodborne infections which was initially
found after an epidemic involving in ground beef in 1982. Escherichia Coli O157:H7 has
been a leading cause of foodborne disease globally. E. coli is a kind of facultative anaerobic,
gram-negative bacteria that is found in the lower parts of colon of warm blooded animals. It
is acknowledged that there are various Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia Coli serotypes in
some of which could be more significant than Escherichia Coli O157:H7 in some countries
(Acheson, 2000) [4]. Foodborne infections are the primary global cause of sickness and death,
accounting for billions of dollars in medical expenditures globally (Havalaar et al., 2015) [47].
Corresponding Author: According to estimates made by the WHO, there were 31 hazards contributing to 600 million
Debeli Tadesse Amente cases of food-borne illness, 420,000 fatalities and 33 million years of life with an
College of Veterinary Medicine, impairment. Due to widespread inappropriate food preparation and poor sanitation practices,
Haramaya University, Dire insufficient food safety rules, poor regulatory structure, lack safer equipments and lack
Dawa, Ethiopia
International Journal of Bioscience and Biochemistry
of training for workers, foodborne infection of Escherichia to beef meat in slaughterhouse and plant processing
Coli O157:H7 was frequently happens in developing establishment due to carelessly slaughtering animals and
countries, notably in Africa (Hailesilassie et al., 2013). puncturing of gastrointestinal tracts, this may result of
Escherichia Coli O157:H7 foodborne infections occurs after increasing contamination of meat and meat associated
eating contaminated food, especially food derived from sick contact surfaces (Avery, 2004).
animals or beef meat that have been communized with According to the website of CDC the general information of
harmful pathogens of Escherichia Coli O157:H7 (Nouichi shiga toxin producing of E. coli O157:H7 infection may
and Hamdi, 2009) [73]. Most pathogens of Escherichia Coli spreads from other kinds of animals, including pigs and
O157:H7 are spreaded through feces to oral route from food birds, and sometimes pick up STEC from the environment
animal origins, water and contact surfaces. The clinical sign may cause human illness without causing of animal sick.
of Escherichia Coli O157:H7 is watery diarrhea or blood According epidemiological evidence from outbreaks and
with feces, abdominal pain, urinary tract infections which sporadic cases of infection with E. coli O157:H7 indicates,
causes of Hemolytic uremic syndrome with different the ground beef meat is a major sources of foodborne
complication of bacterial diseases. Globally, about exposure (CDC, 2005). Taking in to account the foremost
321969086 death were occurred due to food intoxication of source of infection of E. coli O157:H7, the current
Escherichia Coli O157:H7 (Kirk et al., 2015) [59]. information, the current information the slaughtering
The high sources strain of Escherichia Coli O157:H7 is process of beef cattle of Haramaya University is using
occurred when there is cross contamination at meat ground slaughter type (horizontal slaughter. When meat is
processing establishment during process, transportation and managed carelessly at slaughtering process, transportation
distribution of meat from its sources to another place for and distribute from the plant processing establishment E.
human consumption Kariuki et al., 2013) [57]. The main path coli O157:H7 will contaminate the meat from animate and
that eventually results in ground beef contamination is inanimate surfaces like equipment, tables, cooking utensils,
contamination of carcasses during slaughter. Water, raw knives, and meat mincers, this is a high risk for human.
milk and other foods (such as lettuce, sprouts, fruit juices, The main risk factor for human infection is carcass
vegetables and raw food) have also been linked to the spread contamination, which occurs when a pathogen is transferred
of the disease. Person to person transmission is a significant from Hide and intestinal content to carcass during the
method of infection, especially in daycare facilities. It is slaughtering process at processing establishment and
also known that direct contact with animals containing the abattoirs. According to the latest data, employees who work
pathogen can cause illness (Callaway et al., 2009) [23]. in slaughterhouses become sick frequently and require extra
One of the pathogens that might infect the carcasses is E. medical expenses as a result of diarrhea.
coli and the feces of warm blooded animals are its main Generally, there is research gap and short information
source. According to estimates, meat processing at the retail regarding the Occurrence of E. coli O157:H7, pathogenic E.
level results in a higher contamination level in minced beef coli infection and sources of E. coli O157:H7 from beef
than food origins. Additionally, if small amount of E. coli meat and meat associated contact surfaces and its public
presence on the surfaces of exposed tissue of carcasses, health significance in and around Haramaya District
minced meat and offal’s the pathogens were crushed into including from farm to fork. Therefore, this study was
pieces and grows on the surface area of the flesh. The designed with the following objectives.
outbreaks of illnesses linked to poor hygiene and eating
unsafe food are the sources of Salmonella and E. coli which General objective
some pathogens of have been documented in Ethiopia To consider meat handling practices and occurrence of
(Alemseged et al., 2009) [42]. E. coli O157:H7 in beef meat and meat associated
The most prevalence transmission mechanism of E. coli contact surfaces along the supply chain in two abattoirs
infection was intake of contaminated food particularly of Haramaya District, Eastern Ethiopia.
eating of undercooked and infected beef meat (Sodha et al.,
2015) [98]. The method of transporting meat might be a Specific objectives
significant source of contamination, particularly if basic To determine Occurrence of E. coli O157:H7 in beef
hygiene procedures are not followed (Riley, 2014) [84] and meat and meat contact surfaces at Haramaya town
when there is poor animal care, the amount of E. coli will abattoir, Haramaya University abattoir, meat retail
rise at the transit of live animals (Arthur et al., 2017) [11]. shops and Haramaya University students cafeteria.
One of the main cause of foodborne infection of E. coli To identify potential risk factors associated with
O157:H7 was practices of eating raw meat and undercooked occurrence of E. coli O157:H7 in meat at abattoir and
of beef meat (Hubaílek and Rudolf, 2010) [50]. along meat supply chain at Haramaya District.
In Ethiopia, raw meat is sold in local everywhere and stored To assess meat handling practice, knowledge of
in open air without controlling proper temperature and slaughter personnel’s and butchers at the target areas.
customers may either buy it go home or eat raw there.
Culturally, the main cause of E. coli O157:H7 frequently Materials and Methods
occurred during eating of raw minced beef meat and Study Area
undercooked flesh in some restaurants across the nation The present study was conducted on assessment of meat
(Avery, 2004). E. coli O157:H7 that produce Shiga toxin handling practices occurrence of E. coli O157:H7 in beef
(STEC) particularly O157:H7 is typically found in the meat and meat associated contact surfaces along the meat
stomachs of ruminant’s species such as cattle, goats, sheep, supply chain in Haramaya District abattoirs, meat retail
deer and elk. E. coli O157:H7 often lives often in the shops and Haramaya University Students’ cafeteria, Eastern
digestive system these ruminants was referred as normal Ethiopia.
microflora organisms. These microflora organisms transfer
International Journal of Bioscience and Biochemistry
Addis Ababa is 505 kilometers to the east of Haramaya. The In Haramaya University abattoir slaughtering of an animal
Haramaya town is located at an altitude of 1980 feet above takes place on the ground. Inedible parts like bone, intestinal
sea level and situated at 9026' N latitude and 420 3' E by products and skin of slaughtered animals only
longitude. Average of annual rainfall in the study area is condemned outside of slaughter house and no burying areas.
741.6mm. The slaughter workers have no safety except bouts and
The mean annual lowest and highest temperatures are 8.25 overcoat. Animal were slaughtered during the morning time
C and 23.4 oC. The East Hararghe District includes and the all slaughtering process have fished around 11:00
Haramaya town, which is 14Km north of Harari, the AM. The origin of animals (beef cattle) those slaughter at
regional state capital, at 9o24’ N 42o0'E and 9o24`42o0` in an Haramaya University slaughter house were come from
altitude range of 1400 to 2340 m above sea level. The different places like Dawe, Tulu Dambi, Fadis, Dabasso and
temperature ranges from 9.5 to 24 oC on average with very Hirna. About 10-20 beef cattle will be slaughtered daily.
little variation. The district comprises two climate zone of The meat of slaughtered cattle were weighed, and minced in
which 66.5% is midland and 33.3% is low land. According the slaughter house and the minced meat were kept in meat
to the Haramaya District agricultural statistics information, packing plastic. The slaughter house supply the minced
the district has about 63723 cattle, 13,612 sheep, 20,350 meat to four (4) organizations, namely, Harar campus and
goats, 15,978 donkeys, 530 camels and 42,035 chickens. Hiwot Fana Referral Hospital (for health students), staff
The slaughterhouse is giving services for Haramaya launch (for Haramaya university instructors and Haramaya
University and the surrounding community. As the current university staff workers), Haramaya university student
information, the abattoir is not enough designed and cafeteria (for Main campus students) and resource center
constructed as the form of slaughter house and has no well (for training center and Guests).
enough infrastructures. Animal is slaughtering in horizontal
and only meat is suspended on the metal stalk rail (Hook) in
slaughter house.
International Journal of Bioscience and Biochemistry
Table 6: Sample type and Sample sizes used for the study at Haramaya town and Haramaya University abattoir
No. of samples along the chain from each abattoir
Sample type Total
Plant A Plant B Plant C Plant D
Meat sample 31 31 24 24 110
Hide 31 31 24 24 110
Butchers’ cloth 31 31 24 24 110
Hook 31 31 24 24 110
Boot 31 31 - - 62
Hand 31 31 24 24 110
Swab Knife 31 31 24 24 110
Mince machine - - 24 24 48
Cooler - - 24 24 48
Axe - - 24 24 48
Balance weight - - 24 24 48
Animal Feces 31 31 - - 62
Total 248 248 240 240 976
Therefore, 976 microbiological samples were collected and processing plants (Haramaya university abattoir and
analysed from Haramaya district abattoir (Haramaya Haramaya town abattoir). Most types of samples were
University and Haramaya town abattoir), meat retail shops, collected at processing plant establishment (Namely plant A
and the student cafeteria for the current study. = Haramaya town abattoir, plant B = Haramaya university
abattoir, Plant C = Meat retail shops and Plant D = students
Sampling method procedures cafeteria) in Haramaya university. At plant A, B, C and D
At the Haramaya University abattoir and Haramaya town samples were collected once per week for seven months and
abattoir, cattle that were ready for slaughtering were three weeks respectively.
selected using systematically random sampling method.
At each processing plant establishments, two beef cattle
From the Haramaya university slaughterhouse to the
were chosen by chance. Sample collected from the two
students' cafeteria and retailer store, as well as from the
Haramaya town abattoir to butcher retail shops, samples animals Eight different sample types were collected from
were taken at various steps along the chain (Butcher shops). each animal (n = 496) at processing plant of establishments
The sample were taken from each abattoir for seven months (248 samples from Haramaya town abattoir and 248 samples
and three weeks. Additionally, depending on the number of were collected from Haramaya University abattoir). The
beef cattle slaughtered at both abattoirs, two animals were sample were taken from feces, meat, skin, hand, cloth, hook,
systematically selected and samples were taken on the same boot, knife samples.
day from contaminated meat and meat associated contact Approximately, 25g of feces sample were taken from the
surfaces. rectum of each animal after evisceration. This was done on
In general, 976 microbiological samples were communed the processing line and feces sample was taken directly from
and analysed for the current study, and in addition to rectum of animal by retrieval and manually taking of feces
questionnaire surveys and interviews, data from the abattoir contents using sterile gloves. Each feces sample of 25g was
at Haramaya University abattoir workers (n = 16, workers homogenized with 10 ml of buffered peptone water (Oxoid,
at the abattoirs in Haramaya Town abattoir workers (n = CM 509). Feces samples were collected in sterile plastic
16), butcher shops workers (n = 16), and student cafeteria bags, stored in a cooler box and transported to the laboratory
workers (n = 16) were also interviewed. within 2 hours. Raw meat samples (n =62) were collected
from specific sites (neck, brisket, flank and rump) of a
Sample collection and storage carcasses (ISO, 2003) in at processing plant establishments.
At Haramaya university abattoir, the meat were minced in Similarly, minced meat samples were collected from
slaughterhouse before transporting to the students' cafeteria, students cafeteria and meat retail shops (n = 48).
and sample were taken at abattoir from meat at two each
International Journal of Bioscience and Biochemistry
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International Journal of Bioscience and Biochemistry
Table 2: Occurrence of E. coli O157:H7 isolated from different plant processing establishment
Processing Establishment Examined Sample Positive No. (%) X2 P-value
Plant A 248 25 (10.08)
Plant B 248 10 (4.03)
24.84 0.02
Plant C 240 18 (7.5)
Plant D 240 3 (1.25)
Total 976 56 (5.73)
Out of 976 samples examined, the overall occurrence of E. 8(7.5%) and 3(1.25%) were positive for E. coli O157:H7
coli O157:H7 was 56 (5.73%) in beef meat and meat respectively.
associated contact surfaces along supply chain as shown on Among four study sites of plant processing establishment,
above Table 7 and in the below Figure 2. The current result the highest result obtained was from Haramaya town
obtained at both plant processing establishment were abattoir, followed by a meat retailer shop, Haramaya
25(10.08%) and 10 (4.03%) of Plant A and B respectively University abattoir and the least result obtained was from
positive for E. coli O157:H7. Among 480 samples examined the student cafeteria.
from both plant processing establishment of plant C and D
Fig 2: The total overall occurrence of Escherichia Coli O157:H7 at four plant processing establishment
The frequency of the occurrence of Escherichia Coli (3.23%) of cloth swab and 1(3.23%) of knife swab samples
O157:H7 in beef meat and meat associated contact were positive for Escherichia Coli O157:H7 at Haramaya
surfaces at abattoirs town abattoir.
At plant processing establishment of plant A and B, the At Haramaya University abattoir, 3 (9.67%) from knife
obtained result of 7 (22.58%) from feces, 5 (16.12%) from swab, 3 (9.67%) from hand swab, 2 (6.45%) from cloth
skin swab, 4(12.9%) from meat, 4(12.9%) from hook swab, swab, 1 (3.23%) from feces, 1 (3.23%) from boot swab were
2 (6.45%) from hand swab, 1 (3.23%) of boot swab, 1 positive for Escherichia Coli O157:H7.
Table 3: The frequency of the occurrence of Escherichia Coli O157:H7 in beef meat and meat associated contact surfaces at abattoirs
Plant A Plant B
Associated Risk Factor χ2 P-value
No. Examined Positive No. (%) No. Examined Positive No. (%)
Hide swab 31 5 (16.12) 31 0(0) 5.05 0.02
Meat sample 31 4 (12.9) 31 0(0) 4.03 0.04
Hand swab 31 2 (6.45) 31 3 (9.67) 0.20 0.65
boot swab 31 1 (3.23) 31 1 (3.23) 0.00 1.00
Cloth swab 31 1 (3.23) 31 2 (6.45) 0.33 0.56
Hook swab 31 4 (12.9) 31 0(0) 4.03 0.04
Fecal sample 31 7 (22.58) 31 1 (3.23) 4.57 0.02
Knife swab 31 1 (3.23) 31 3 (9.67) 1.01 0.31
Total 248 25 (10.08) 248 10 (4.03)
Overall occurrence of E. coli O157:H7 in abattoirs 496 35 (7.06)
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International Journal of Bioscience and Biochemistry
The frequency of the occurrence of Escherichia Coli 1 (4.17%) from knife swab sample, and 1 (4.17%) from
O157:H7 in beef meat and meat associated contact balance weight swab sample were positive for Escherichia
surfaces at meat retail shops and student cafeteria Coli O157:H7 at a meat retailer shop, and 2 (8.33%) of
Among the results obtained, 7 (29.17%) were from Hook balance weight swab samples and 1 (4.17%) of Hook swab
swab sample, followed by 5 (20.83%) from meat swab sample at student cafeteria were positive for Escherichia
sample, 4 (16.7%) from table or cutting board swab sample, Coli O157:H7 as shown in the following Table 4.
Table 4: Isolation frequency of occurrence of Escherichia Coli O157:H7 and its associated risk factors at meat retail shops and student
Plant C Plant D
Associated Risk Factor χ2 P-value
No. Examined No. (%) Positive No. Examined No. (%) Positive
Meat sample 24 5(20.83) 24 0 (0) 5.05 0.02
Hand swab 24 0 (0) 24 0 (0)
Cloth swab 24 0 (0) 24 0 (0)
Hook swab 24 7(29.17) 24 1 (4.17) 4.58 0.03
Knife swab 24 1 (4.17) 24 0 (0) 1.00 0.31
Meat mince 24 0 (0) 24 0 (0)
Cooler 24 0 (0) 24 0 (0)
Axe swab 24 0 (0) 24 0 (0)
Balance swab 24 1 (4.17) 24 2 (8.33) 0.34 0.56
cutting board 24 4 (16.7) 24 0 (0) 4.03 0.04
Total 240 18 (7.5) 240 3 (1.25)
Overall occurrence of E. coli O157:H7 480 21 (4.38)
Assessment of meat handling practices of Haramaya interviewed at Haramaya District abattoir, meat retail shops,
district and student cafeterias. The result revealed that 56.25%,
Sociodemographic characteristics of abattoir, retailers 12.5%, 6.25% and 18.75% were illiterate at Haramaya town
and cafeteria workers abattoir, Haramaya University abattoir, meat retailer and
The Table 10 shows the Sociodemographic information of Cafeteria workers respectively. Respondent of 56.25% and
abattoirs, meat retailers and student’s cafeteria workers were 18.76% from abattoir and meat retailer shops were illiterate.
Table 5: Descriptive frequency of sociodemographic characteristics of abattoir, retail workers and cafeteria workers
Plant A Plant B Plant C Plant D
Variable Categories
No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
Illiterate 9(56.25) 2(12.5) 3(18.75) 3(18.75)
Primary 2(12.5) 4(25) 1(6.25) 4(25)
Level of education
Secondary 4(25) 8(50) 4(25) 2(12.5)
Diploma 1(6.25) 2(12.5) 8(50) 7(43.75)
Temporary 8(50) 4(25) 14(87.5) 2(12.5)
Employment status
Permanent 8(50) 12(75) 2(12.5) 14(87.5)
Experience, Training, Health education and awareness of foodborne Diseases of workers processing plant
Table 6: Experience, Training, Health education and awareness of foodborne Diseases of workers processing plant establishment
Plant A Plant B Plant C Plant D
Variables Categories
No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
yes 3(18.75) 7(43.75) 0(0) 11(68.75)
Medical checkup
No 13(87.5) 9(56.35) 16(100) 5(31.25)
yes 0(0) 2(12.5) 2(12.5) 11(68.75)
Health certificate
No 16(100) 14(87.5) 14(87.5) 5(31.25)
Yes 1(6.35) 5(31.25) 3(18.75) 11(68.75)
Training attended
No 15(93.75) 11(68.75) 13(87.5) 5(31.25)
Yes 5(31.25) 11(68.75) 4(25) 11(68.75)
Knowledge FBD
No 11(68.7) 5(31.25) 12(75) 5(31.25)
Go to work 14(87.5) 4(25) 9(56.25) 14(87.5)
Action taken during sick
Report to head 2(12.5) 12(75) 7(43.75) 2(12.5)
Based on the information concerning with medical test, 68.75% did not have knowledge of food borne disease in
training and experience of check lists and interviewed the abattoir.
majority of respondents 100%, 81.25% and 56.25% have
not taken medical test at retailer and in both abattoir Hygiene and Sanitation of workers regarding meat
respectively and also 93.75% and 68.75% did not take safety and handling practices at processing plant
training at both abattoir. Most of the respondents about establishment
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International Journal of Bioscience and Biochemistry
All workers from meat retail shops and Haramaya their hand before, between, and after. About 87.5% of the
University student cafeteria always wear gown and 43.75% respondents from cafeteria wash equipment daily. Similarly,
of worker from abattoir did not wear gown and 93.76%, and 81.25% of respondents from Haramaya town abattoir wash
87.5% of workers from retailer and abattoir clean their washing protective cloths two times a week as shown in the
hands before and after meat handling and 43.75% wear following Table 7.
jewelry in abattoir. Respondents from cafeteria 87.5% wash
Table 7: The frequency test of workers hygiene and sanitation regarding meat safety and handling practices at processing plant
establishment using descriptive statistics
Plant A Plant B Plant C Plant D
Variables Categories
No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
Yes 9(56.25) 15(93.75) 10(62.5) 15(93.75)
Wear gown
No 7(43.75) 1(6.25) 6(37.5) 1(6.25)
Yes 6(37.5) 3(8.75) 9(56.25) 1(6.25)
Wearing of jewelry
No 10(62.5) 13(81.25) 7(43.75) 13(81.25)
Before and after 14(87.5) 3(18.75) 10(62.5) 2(12.5)
Hand washing interval time
Before, between and after 2(12.5) 13(81.25) 6(37.5) 12(75)
Daily 6(37.5) 12(75) 2(12.5) 8(50)
Frequent of washing clothes
Once a week 9(56.25) 4(25) 6(37.5) 3(18.75)
and equipment protective
Twice per week 1(6.25) 0(0) 8(50) 5(31.25)
hide may pick up E. coli O157:H7 from a variety of sources, and contamination of the meat during the evisceration
including soil, water, feces, and others. An animal's skin process is extremely high. In regards to Hook, Haramaya
may become polluted by feces from both that animal and town Abattoir 4 (12.9%) was the location of substantially
other animals. greater E. coli O157:H7 contamination than Haramaya
This was made possible by the fact that animals in University Abattoir 0% (p<0.05).
Haramaya town were bought from the market and taken This was caused by the frequent washing of equipment or
directly to the slaughterhouse. Whereas one animal's feces the length of time between washings of equipment in
can contaminate many hides, multiple animals' feces can abattoirs like hooks, axes, and cutting boards, which were
contaminate hides during loading onto vehicles. Due to a washed 12.5% daily, 12.5% once per week, 68.75% twice
lack of lairage, the majority of animals were carried to the per week and 6.25% three times per week at Haramaya
butchers from the market, which was a significant source of Town Abattoir and 25% daily, 18.75% once per week, twice
hide contamination. per week and once every two weeks. When compared to the
Therefore, because animals are in closer proximity to one findings of the previous investigation, the much greater
another during transit and in lairage or laundry, cross detected of abattoir on Hook was higher in various regions
contamination of skins may happen. Transportation of beef of Ethiopia.
cattle to lairage at for slaughter can lead to an increases of Of 480 samples examined, 18 (7.5%) and 3 (1.25%) at
prevalence and extent of E. coli O157:H7 on beef hides student cafeteria and meat retailer shop, respectively.
(Arthur et al., 2002) [12]. As a result, animals would Among the results obtained, 29.17% from hook swab
disseminate E. coli O157:H7 through their feces and hides sample, followed by 20.83% from meat swab sample, 16.7%
of animals easily contaminate with feces. This may increase from table or cutting board swab sample, 4.17% from knife
the prevalence E. coli O157:H7 on hide related feces swab sample, and 4.17% from balance weight swab were
(Solomon et al., 2019) [99]. When compared to a previous positive at meat retail shops and at the student cafeteria, 2
study the current finding obtained from hide (16.12%) was (8.33%) of the balance weight swab sample and 1 (4.17%)
high compared with various region of Ethiopia. were positive.
Compared to the previous studies, the current result was a Regards Hook, the source of significantly higher
low prevalence of E. coli O157: H7 was found such as one contamination of found meat retailer shops was 7 (29.17%)
that found 27.5% of E. coli O157: H7 from Nigeria (Akanbi from Hook swab samples, 5 (20.83%) from meat samples,
et al., 2011) [6], 28.8% in the UK (Small et al., 2002) [97], and 4 (16.7%) from table or cutting board swab samples,
28.2% in Novi Sad, Serbia (Nastasijevic et al., 2008), and which was (p<0.05) than student cafeteria 0%. This was due
18% in the UK (Ransom et al., 2002) [82]. to the workers' personal hygiene and sanitation, professional
The difference of variation obtained in current study and the experience, lack of training, lack of awareness about health
previous result were due to cross contamination of carcasses education, and awareness of foodborne diseases. There were
due to the use of the same knife for flaying and evisceration, differences between the meat retailer shop and the student
cross contamination of carcasses with fecal contents when cafeteria regarding the safety of the meat at both locations.
puncturing of intestinal contents due to carelessness of 56.25% of the respondents to the respondents to a survey at
abattoir workers, and transportation of the animal prior to a meat retailer and of those who did, 43.75% of the
the slaughterhouse, loading and unloading of animal during respondents' clothes were dirty. The outcome complied with
transit, environmental conditions and meat processing Hailesilassie et al. (2013), who discovered that a greater
condition at the abattoir and danger of cross-infection of the percentage of employees from particular butcher shops in
carcass and subsequent contamination would all factors that Ethiopia do not use safety clothes.
contribute the significant difference (p<0.05). When compared with other countries, the Ethiopian abattoir
Regarding meat source, Haramaya town abattoir 4 (12.9%) workers compared with Kenya, less than half of employees
had a greater than Haramaya University Abattoir. Compared always wore safety clothes (Elizabeth et al., 2017) [35]. For
to earlier research in various regions of Ethiopia, the current instance, only 87.5% and 0% of the staff at the student
obtained result from meat (12.9%) was lower with reference cafeteria and meat retailer shops washed the equipment
to the meat source. (hooks, axes and cutting boards) on a daily basis,
For example, the prevalence of E. coli O157:H7 reported in respectively. By contrast, 56.25% of workers of student’s
Nigeria was 53% (Dahiru et al., 2008) [28], 27.5% from cow cafeteria had awareness of food-borne diseases.
meat in Iran (Mozhgan et al., 2019) [69] and 18% from meat The current study result 29.17% from hook swab samples
samples in Mekelle (Balcha et al., 2014) [36]. was higher when compared in some parts of Ethiopia. For
Generally, other contributing sampling technique, farming example, 0% in Jijiga town retailer shop, 6.6% in Jijiga
and slaughter practices and sampling methodologies may municipal abattoir (Henok et al., 2015) [49] and 0% in Kenya
increase incidence rate of E. coli O157:H7. For instance, at meat retailer (Kago, 2015) [56].
O157 was much more common when cattle were transported According the current study 5(20.83%) from sample at meat
or lairage at abattoirs, according to (Avery et al., 2002) [16], retailer shop was significant (p<0.05) when compared with
and (Abraham et al., 2002) showed varying incidence rates student cafeteria. In terms meat source, the retailer shops
from farm to packing. The act of slaughtering animals also 5(20.83%) had a higher than the student cafeteria (0%). The
affects the spread and cattle dressing can direct contact current result obtained at the meat retailer shop was lower
between the hide and the meat as well as through the use of when compared with the previous study in Ethiopia. For
equipment and utensils (Tutenel et al., 2003) [107]. example, the present result was slightly related to the 21.9%
The dangers of pathogen contamination are higher in reported in beef meat at meat retailer shops in Addis Ababa
slaughterhouses where slaughterhouse operations are by (Tizeta et al., 2014) [106]. Also, the current result was high
horizontal, because in contemporary abattoirs, leakage from when compared with previous studies in Ethiopia like
intestines on the meat during evisceration frequently occurs, 14.29% at Arada kifla ketema in Addis Ababa (Aklilu et al.,
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International Journal of Bioscience and Biochemistry
2022) [7], 4.5% in butchers shops in Jimma town (Sebsibe The current prevalence obtained at student cafeteria 1.25%
and Asfaw, 2020) [114], 5.6% of meat samples (Eyob, 2020), was little bit high compared with 0.44% from Algeria in
2% of meat samples at retailer shops in Jimma town frozen meat (Barka and Kihal, 2010), 0.8 % in central
(Atnafie et al., 2017) [15] and 4.5% from carcass swab region of Ethiopian from beef contaminated at butcher shops
(Ashenafi et al., 2017) [13]. The big difference in variation and restaurants (Abdissa. R, Haile, W., Fite, A. T. (2017)
between the current results and the previous studies was due and the present result was in line with 1.7% in goat meat
to differences in sample size, the hygienic conditions of and 1.3% in camel meat in Iran reported by (Hajian et al.,
meat preparation and processing, as well as the storage 2011) [46], 0.29% (Itelima and Agina, 2011) [55] from Nigeria
meat. in beef meat and 1.6% in Eldoret in Kenya at a meat retail
When compared to student cafeteria, the 16.7% positive shop reported by (kago, 2015) [56]. With regard to the current
cutting board swab at a meat retailer shop was significant at result obtained for E. coli O157: H7 at students’ cafeteria,
p-value 0.05. This was due to the personal hygiene and 1.25% was low when comparing the result reported in
sanitation of workers at butcher shops and student cafeterias previous studies in different countries. For instance, 3.6% of
regarding meat safety, as was discussed above Dagoretti in Kenya (Kago, 2015) [56] and 5.5% in Ethiopia
The current result obtained (16.7%) from cutting boards at reported by (Messele et al. (2017).
butcher shops was high when compared with the previous The present study result showed a difference in variation
studies in different places; 4% in Addis Ababa, 3.3% in compared with other studies. This may be due to the
Bishoftu, and 6.67% in Holeta (Ashenafi et al., 2017) [13], difference in isolation procedures, method of meat handling
0.87 in Addis Ababa (Woynshet, 2014) [113], 10% from at processing plants, the conditions of the slaughterhouse,
cutting boards in Jimma (Mengistu and Eyob, 2020) and and skin contact to meat. Most of the previous studies made
3.6% from cutting in central Ethiopia (Ashenafi et al., 2017) the same assumption for the same reason (Eshetu et al.,
. Generally, with regard to the sample sources, the current 2021).
result obtained at Haramaya town abattoir was 25 (10.08%), Of 976 examined samples, overall occurrence of
10.4% (Abebe et al., 2014) [2], 10.2% (Bekele, T., Zewde, Escherichia Coli O157:H7 in beef meat and meat contact
G., Tefera, G., et al., 2014) and 9.1% Ambo town at abattoir surfaces in four study sites at Haramaya District was 56
and retail meat shop (Nega et al., 2014). The present study (5.73%). The current result is observed in line with different
results obtained at Haramaya town abattoir were high when previous studies in Ethiopia, such as the 5.4% in Jimma
compared with the previous studies in some parts of town reported by (Sebsibe and Asfaw, 2020) [114]. The
Ethiopia. For instance, 2.8% at Hawassa town abattoir overall result observed in the current study was high when
(Atnafie et al., 2017) [15], 2.65% at Haramaya university compared with the previous study in some parts of Ethiopia.
slaughterhouse before eight years (Taye et al., 2013) [65], 4.2% from Modjo and Bishoftu (Hiko et al., 2008) [5], 4.2%,
6.0% in Jimma town (Sebsibe and Asfaw, 2020) [114], and reported from Hawassa (Atnafie et al., 2017) [15] and 6.3%
the current result at Haramaya town abattoir compared with from Dulet and 3.1% from Kurt from Arsi zone reported
the results reported from different regions in Ethiopia, like (Minda and Shimelis, 2021) [66].
13.3% in beef in Ethiopia (Tizeta et al., 2014) [106], 14.6% in The current result obtained 5.73% were low compared with
sheep meat (Tizeta et al., 2014) [106], 11.11% from the results reported from different region and countries. For
abattoir in Jigjiga town (Henok et al., 2015) [49]. example, 10.4% from Tigray reported by (Abebe et al.,
With regard to the present result obtained total Haramaya 2014) [2], 9.1% from Ambo town (Nega et al., 2021) [72], 8%
University abattoir was (4.03%) is almost related 4.2% in beef from Modjo (Hiko et al., 2008) [5], 9.6% in Iran
(Hiko A, Asrat D, Zewde G (2008) [5] in Modjo and (Tahamtan et al., 2006) [102], 8.8% from South Africa
Bishoftu (Debrezeit), and the result was low compared with (Abong, 2008) [3], 8.9% reported by (Hajian et al., 2011) [46]
the previous study. For instance, (7.2%) in Ambo town and 13.3% reported from China (Zhang et al., 2015). 6.7%
(Tadesse et al., 2021), 11 (5.7%) from the abattoir in Addis was reported from Mekelle (Mekonnin et al., 2013) [64].
Ababa (Tizeta et al., 2014) [106], 5.5% from carcass swab at Generally, regarding with sample types result obtained
Debrezeit (Tassew, 2015) [14]. shows that statistically significance different at Haramaya
The present result obtained at meat retailer shops was 18 town abattoir, Haramaya University abattoir, meat retail
(7.5%), which was low compared with the previous reported shops and student cafeteria. The level of significance was
result by Beckley et al. (2014). 21.9% in Addis Ababa at found on meat which was the p-value of 0.02 as shown in
meat retailer shops, 9.3% at butchers shops Hiko A, Asrat Table 7 on page 26 above. This is due to poor hygienic
D, Zewde G (2008) [5] in retail raw Ethiopia, 19.4% in retail condition of workers and lack of training on meat handling
shops in Ambo town reported by (Tadese et al., 2021) [72] practices in four processing plants.
and 6.67% Jigjiga town retail meat shop reported by In four processing plants most of the respondents responded
(Ayalew et al., 2015) [49]. the slaughterhouse workers, butchers, meat handlers and
The present result obtained at Haramaya University abattoir meat sellers do have enough facilities like knife sterilization
(4.03%) was high when compared with previously reported and carcasses approval room, no enough protective facilities
in most countries. For instance, 3.43% at retail shops in and poor management. Both abattoirs and meat retail shops
Nigeria (Itelima and Agina, 2011) [55], 3.6% in Dagoretti in have no mechanism of ensuring sanitation standards, proper
Kenya reported by (Kago, 2015) [56], 3.75% reported from waste disposal mechanism. Therefore, there are
Gaborone, Botswana by (Magwira et al., 2005) and 3.2% opportunities of contamination of slaughter facilities which
reported from butchers shops in Ireland by (Cagney et al., in turn contaminate which bring to contamination of the
2004). High in the current study because high values meat with E. coli O157:H7 in processing plants.
indicate that the point plant shop as well as personal hygiene
and sanitation of workers at abattoirs (processing plant) and
butcher shops regarding meat safety
~ 15 ~
International Journal of Bioscience and Biochemistry
~ 16 ~
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guidelines. beef carcass contamination. Meat Science.
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