sp8300 Manual
sp8300 Manual
sp8300 Manual
It is the reader's responsibility when discussing the information contained
within this document to maintain a level of confidentiality that is in the best
interest of Ricoh Americas Corporation and its member companies.
* 10/2012 Original Printing
SM i M132
2.6 3000-SHEET FINISHER (D636) .............................................................. 2-21
2.6.1 ACCESSORY CHECK .................................................................... 2-21
2.6.2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ...................................................... 2-22
Support Tray Installation .................................................................... 2-25
2.7 PUNCH UNIT INSTALLATION (D570)..................................................... 2-26
2.7.1 COMPONENT CHECK ................................................................... 2-26
2.7.2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ...................................................... 2-27
2.8 OUTPUT JOGGER UNIT INSTALLATION (B703)................................... 2-31
2.8.1 ACCESSORY CHECK LIST ........................................................... 2-31
2.8.2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ...................................................... 2-31
2.9 TRAY HEATER ........................................................................................ 2-33
2.9.1 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ...................................................... 2-33
2.10 TRAY HEATER (OPTIONAL PAPER FEED UNIT) ............................ 2-35
2.10.1 COMPONENT CHECK ............................................................... 2-35
2.10.2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE .................................................. 2-36
For installing the tray heater in the D580 (Two-tray paper feed unit).. 2-36
For installing the tray heater in the D581 (LCT) ................................. 2-38
2.11 EXTERNAL USB KEYBOARD INSTALLATION ................................. 2-42
2.11.1 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE .................................................. 2-42
2.12 CONTROLLER OPTIONS.................................................................. 2-44
2.12.1 OVERVIEW ................................................................................ 2-44
Controller Options .............................................................................. 2-44
Board, SD Card Slots ......................................................................... 2-45
2.12.2 APPLICATION MERGE .............................................................. 2-47
Overview ............................................................................................ 2-47
Important Notes about SD Card Appli Move ...................................... 2-47
Move Exec ......................................................................................... 2-48
Undo Exec .......................................................................................... 2-49
M132 ii SM
4.3 EXTERIOR COVERS ................................................................................ 4-3
4.3.1 FRONT DOOR, UPPER AND LOWER INNER COVER ................... 4-3
Upper Inner Cover ................................................................................ 4-3
Lower Inner Cover ................................................................................ 4-3
4.3.2 LEFT COVER ................................................................................... 4-4
4.3.3 REAR COVER .................................................................................. 4-4
4.3.4 RIGHT REAR COVER ...................................................................... 4-5
4.3.5 TOP RIGHT AND TOP REAR COVER ............................................. 4-6
4.3.6 OPERATION PANEL ........................................................................ 4-6
When Installing the New Operation Panel ............................................ 4-8
4.3.7 PAPER EXIT COVER ....................................................................... 4-8
4.3.8 OUTPUT TRAY ................................................................................ 4-8
4.4 LASER UNIT ............................................................................................ 4-10
4.4.1 CAUTION DECAL LOCATIONS ..................................................... 4-10
4.4.2 LASER UNIT ................................................................................... 4-11
4.4.3 POLYGON MIRROR MOTOR ........................................................ 4-12
4.4.4 LASER SYNCHRONIZATION DETECTOR .................................... 4-12
4.4.5 LD UNIT .......................................................................................... 4-13
Laser Beam Pitch Adjustment ............................................................ 4-14
4.5 PCDU ....................................................................................................... 4-16
Reinstallation...................................................................................... 4-17
4.5.2 DRUM ............................................................................................. 4-17
Re-installation .................................................................................... 4-18
4.5.3 PICK-OFF PAWLS.......................................................................... 4-19
Pick-off Pawl Position Adjustment ...................................................... 4-19
4.5.4 CHARGE ROLLER AND CLEANING ROLLER .............................. 4-20
4.5.5 DRUM CLEANING BLADE ............................................................. 4-21
Re-installation .................................................................................... 4-21
4.5.6 ID SENSOR .................................................................................... 4-21
4.6 DEVELOPMENT ...................................................................................... 4-22
4.6.1 DEVELOPMENT FILTER ............................................................... 4-22
4.6.2 DEVELOPMENT ROLLER ............................................................. 4-22
Cleaning Procedure............................................................................ 4-23
4.6.3 DEVELOPER .................................................................................. 4-24
4.6.4 TD SENSOR ................................................................................... 4-27
4.7 TRANSFER.............................................................................................. 4-28
4.7.1 TRANSFER BELT UNIT ................................................................. 4-28
SM iii M132
4.7.2 TRANSFER BELT........................................................................... 4-29
4.7.3 TONER OVERFLOW SENSOR ...................................................... 4-31
4.7.4 TRANSFER BELT CLEANING BLADE........................................... 4-31
4.8 PAPER FEED .......................................................................................... 4-32
4.8.1 PAPER FEED UNIT ........................................................................ 4-32
Tray 1 and Tray 2 ............................................................................... 4-32
4.8.2 PICK-UP, FEED AND SEPARATION ROLLERS............................ 4-33
Tray 1 and Tray 2 ............................................................................... 4-33
4.8.3 TRAY LIFT MOTOR........................................................................ 4-34
Tray 1 and Tray 2 ............................................................................... 4-35
4.8.5 REGISTRATION SENSOR ............................................................. 4-36
Reinstall the registration sensor ......................................................... 4-37
4.9 FUSING ................................................................................................... 4-38
4.9.1 FUSING UNIT ................................................................................. 4-38
4.9.2 WEB ROLLER UNIT ....................................................................... 4-39
4.9.3 BRAKE PAD ................................................................................... 4-40
4.9.4 WEB HOLDER ROLLER AND WEB ROLLERS ............................. 4-41
Installing a new web holder roller ....................................................... 4-42
Installing new web rollers ................................................................... 4-43
4.9.5 PRESSURE ROLLER CLEANING ROLLER .................................. 4-44
4.9.6 THERMOSTATS ............................................................................. 4-45
4.9.7 THERMISTOR ................................................................................ 4-46
4.9.8 HOT ROLLER STRIPPERS ............................................................ 4-47
4.9.9 FUSING LAMPS ............................................................................. 4-48
4.9.10 HOT ROLLER AND PRESSURE ROLLER ................................ 4-50
4.10 PAPER EXIT ...................................................................................... 4-51
4.10.1 PAPER EXIT UNIT ..................................................................... 4-51
4.10.3 JUNCTION JAM SENSOR ......................................................... 4-53
4.10.4 PAPER EXIT MOTOR ................................................................ 4-53
4.11 DUPLEX ............................................................................................. 4-54
4.11.1 DUPLEX UNIT ............................................................................ 4-54
4.11.2 RIGHT DOOR COVER ............................................................... 4-56
4.11.3 DUPLEX DOOR SENSOR.......................................................... 4-57
4.11.4 DUPLEX ENTRANCE SENSOR ................................................. 4-57
4.11.5 DUPLEX EXIT SENSOR ............................................................ 4-58
M132 iv SM
4.11.6 DUPLEX/BY-PASS MOTOR....................................................... 4-60
4.11.7 DUPLEX INVERTER MOTOR .................................................... 4-61
4.12 BY-PASS ............................................................................................ 4-63
SENSOR .................................................................................................. 4-63
When reinstalling the by-pass paper size sensor ............................... 4-65
4.12.2 BY-PASS PAPER END SENSOR .............................................. 4-66
LIMITER ................................................................................................... 4-66
4.12.4 BY-PASS FEED CLUTCH .......................................................... 4-67
4.13 DRIVE AREA ..................................................................................... 4-68
4.13.1 PAPER FEED CLUTCH.............................................................. 4-68
Tray 1 and Tray 2 ............................................................................... 4-68
4.13.2 DEVELOPMENT PADDLE MOTOR ........................................... 4-68
4.13.3 TRANSFER/DEVELOPMENT MOTOR ...................................... 4-69
4.13.4 DRUM MOTOR ........................................................................... 4-69
4.13.5 FUSING MOTOR ........................................................................ 4-70
4.13.6 WEB MOTOR ............................................................................. 4-71
4.13.7 PAPER FEED MOTOR ............................................................... 4-72
4.13.8 TRANSFER BELT CONTACT MOTOR ...................................... 4-72
4.13.9 REGISTRATION MOTOR........................................................... 4-73
4.13.10 TONER SUPPLY MOTOR ........................................................ 4-74
4.14 ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS .......................................................... 4-75
4.14.1 CONTROLLER UNIT .................................................................. 4-75
4.14.2 CONTROLLER BOARD.............................................................. 4-75
Before Replacing the Controller Board in the Model without HDD ..... 4-75
Replacement Procedure..................................................................... 4-75
When Installing the New Controller Board.......................................... 4-77
4.14.3 AFTER INSTALLING THE CONTROLLER BOARD ................... 4-77
4.14.4 MOTHER BOARD ...................................................................... 4-78
4.14.5 BCU ............................................................................................ 4-81
When installing the new BCU ............................................................. 4-81
4.14.6 BRIDGE BOARD ........................................................................ 4-82
4.14.7 IOB ............................................................................................. 4-82
4.14.8 PSU ............................................................................................ 4-83
4.14.9 HIGH VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY ........................................... 4-83
4.14.10 FUSING EXHAUST FAN .......................................................... 4-84
When installing the fusing exhaust fan ............................................... 4-84
SM v M132
4.14.11 CONTROLLER FAN ................................................................. 4-84
When installing the controller fan ....................................................... 4-84
4.14.12 SD USB BOARD....................................................................... 4-85
4.14.13 LCDC BOARD .......................................................................... 4-86
When Installing the New LCDC Board ............................................... 4-87
4.15 PRINT ADJUSTMENTS ..................................................................... 4-88
4.15.1 OVERVIEW ................................................................................ 4-88
4.15.2 PRINTING................................................................................... 4-88
Registration - Leading Edge/Side-to-Side .......................................... 4-88
Blank Margin ...................................................................................... 4-89
Main Scan Magnification .................................................................... 4-91
Parallelogram Image Adjustment ....................................................... 4-91
4.15.3 TOUCH SCREEN CALIBRATION .............................................. 4-92
M132 vi SM
5.10.1 SP7-XXX: DATA LOG ................................................................ 5-86
5.11 ENGINE MAIN SP TABLES-8 .......................................................... 5-100
5.11.1 SP8-XXX: DATA LOG2 ............................................................ 5-100
5.12 ENGINE MAIN SP TABLES-9 .......................................................... 5-127
5.12.1 INPUT CHECK TABLE ............................................................. 5-127
Copier............................................................................................... 5-127
Table 1: Paper Height Sensor .......................................................... 5-130
Table 2: Paper Size Switch .............................................................. 5-130
Table 3: Paper Size (By-pass Table) ............................................... 5-131
APS Original Size Detection............................................................. 5-132
3000-Sheet Finisher (D636) ............................................................. 5-133
1000-Sheet Finisher (D588) ............................................................. 5-136
5.12.2 OUTPUT CHECK TABLE ......................................................... 5-137
Copier............................................................................................... 5-137
1000-Sheet Finisher (D588) ............................................................. 5-142
5.12.3 3000-SHEET FINISHER (D636) ............................................... 5-143
5.13 UPDATING THE FIRMWARE .......................................................... 5-145
5.13.1 BEFORE YOU BEGIN .............................................................. 5-145
5.13.2 UPDATING FIRMWARE ........................................................... 5-146
Preparation....................................................................................... 5-146
Updating Procedure ......................................................................... 5-146
Error Messages ................................................................................ 5-147
Firmware Update Error ..................................................................... 5-148
Recovery after Power Loss .............................................................. 5-148
5.13.3 HANDLING FIRMWARE UPDATE ERRORS ........................... 5-149
Error Message Table ........................................................................ 5-149
5.14 UPLOADING/DOWNLOADING NVRAM DATA ............................... 5-151
5.14.1 UPLOADING NVRAM DATA (SP5-824) ................................... 5-151
5.14.2 DOWNLOADING NVRAM DATA (SP5-825)............................. 5-152
5.15 SELF-DIAGNOSTIC MODE ............................................................. 5-153
5.15.1 SELF-DIAGNOSTIC MODE AT POWER ON ........................... 5-153
5.15.2 SELF-DIAGNOSTIC TEST FLOW ............................................ 5-154
5.15.3 DETAILED SELF-DIAGNOSTIC MODE ................................... 5-154
5.16 USING THE DEBUG LOG ............................................................... 5-155
5.16.1 OVERVIEW .............................................................................. 5-155
4-Digit Entries for Keys 1 to 10......................................................... 5-158
Key to Acronyms .............................................................................. 5-159
SM vii M132
Retrieving the Debug Log from the HDD .......................................... 5-160
5.17 SMC LIST CARD SAVE FUNCTION................................................ 5-161
5.17.1 OVERVIEW .............................................................................. 5-161
SMC List Card Save ......................................................................... 5-161
5.17.2 PROCEDURE ........................................................................... 5-161
5.17.3 FILE NAMES OF THE SAVED SMC LISTS ............................. 5-163
5.17.4 ERROR MESSAGES ................................................................ 5-163
M132 viii SM
How to calculate the paper reduction ratio ........................................... 7-5
SM ix M132
Safety Notices
Important Safety Notices
Prevention of Physical Injury
1. Before disassembling or assembling parts of the main machine and peripherals, make sure
that the power cord of the main machine is unplugged.
2. The wall outlet should be near the machine and easily accessible.
3. Note that some components of the machine and the paper tray unit are supplied with
electrical voltage even if the main power switch is turned off.
4. If any adjustment or operation check has to be made with exterior covers off or open while the
main switch is turned on, keep hands away from electrified or mechanically driven
5. If the Start key is pressed before the machine completes the warm-up period (the Start key
starts blinking red and green alternatively), keep hands away from the mechanical and the
electrical components as the machine starts making prints as soon as the warm-up period is
6. The inside and the metal parts of the fusing unit become extremely hot while the machine is
operating. Be careful to avoid touching those components with your bare hands.
To prevent a fire or explosion, keep the machine away from flammable liquids, gases,
and aerosols.
Handling Toner
Work carefully when removing paper jams or replacing toner bottles or cartridges to avoid
spilling toner on clothing or the hands.
If toner is inhaled, immediately gargle with large amounts of cold water and move to a well
ventilated location. If there are signs of irritation or other problems, seek medical attention.
If toner gets on the skin, wash immediately with soap and cold running water.
If toner gets into the eyes, flush the eyes with cold running water or eye wash. If there are
signs of irritation or other problems, seek medical attention.
If toner is swallowed, drink a large amount of cold water to dilute the ingested toner. If there
are signs of any problem, seek medical attention.
If toner spills on clothing, wash the affected area immediately with soap and cold water. Never
use hot water! Hot water can cause toner to set and permanently stain fabric.
Always store toner and developer supplies such as toner and developer packages, cartridges,
and bottles (including used toner and empty bottles and cartridges) out of the reach of
Always store fresh toner supplies or empty bottles or cartridges in a cool, dry location that is
not exposed to direct sunlight.
Do not use a vacuum cleaner to remove spilled toner (including used toner). Vacuumed
toner may cause a fire or explosion due to sparks or electrical contact inside the cleaner.
However, it is possible to use a cleaner designed to be dust explosion-proof. If toner is
spilled over the floor, sweep up spilled toner slowly and clean up any remaining toner with
a wet cloth.
Safety and Ecological Notes for Disposal
1. Do not incinerate toner bottles or used toner. Toner dust may ignite suddenly when exposed
to an open flame.
2. Dispose of used toner, the maintenance unit which includes developer or the organic
photoconductor in accordance with local regulations. (These are non-toxic supplies.)
3. Dispose of replaced parts in accordance with local regulations.
4. When keeping used lithium batteries in order to dispose of them later, do not put more than
100 batteries per sealed box. Storing larger numbers or not sealing them apart may lead to
chemical reactions and heat build-up.
Laser Safety
The Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) prohibits the repair of laser-based optical
units in the field. The optical housing unit can only be repaired in a factory or at a location with the
requisite equipment. The laser subsystem is replaceable in the field by a qualified Customer
Engineer. The laser chassis is not repairable in the field. Customer engineers are therefore
directed to return all chassis and laser subsystems to the factory or service depot when
replacement of the optical subsystem is required.
Turn off the main switch before attempting any of the procedures in the Laser Optics
Housing Unit section. Laser beams can seriously damage your eyes.
Conventions in this Manual
Symbols and Abbreviations
This manual uses several symbols and abbreviations. The meaning of those symbols and
abbreviations are as follows:
See or Refer to
Clip ring
Obey these guidelines to ensure safe operation and prevent minor injuries.
This information provides tips and advice about how to best service the machine.
SM 1-1 M132
Machine Configuration
Key: Symbol: U: Unique option, C: Option also used with other products
M132 [1] - M132
D570-00 (2/3-hole)
-Punch Unit (See Note 2) - C
M132 1-2 SM
Machine Configuration
D570-01 (2/4-hole)
-Punch Unit (See Note 2) - C
D570-02 (4-hole)
-Punch Unit (See Note 2) - C
HDD - U M416
Netware - C M416
G874 (EU)
Gigabit Ethernet - C
M394 (NA)
1. The finisher requires the bridge unit and two-tray paper feed unit or 2000-sheet LCT. The
1000-sheet finisher and 3000-sheet finisher cannot be installed together.
2. The punch unit and output jogger unit requires the 3000-sheet finisher.
SM 1-3 M132
Guidance for Those Who are Familiar with Predecessor Products
The M132 series are successor models to the G179 series. If you have experience with the
predecessor products, the following information will be of help when you read this manual.
Different Points from Predecessor Products
M132 G179
M132 1-4 SM
SM 1-5 M132
33 Exit Roller
M132 1-6 SM
1 Duplex Unit
2 By-pass Tray
5 Two-Tray Finisher
6 Bridge Unit
SM 1-7 M132
M132 1-8 SM
Installation Requirements
Install the machine in a safe place for keeping security.
Make sure that the operation instructions are kept at a customer's hand.
Ambient Illumination: Less than 1,500 lux (do not expose to direct sunlight.)
SM 2-1 M132
Installation Requirements
M132 2-2 SM
Installation Requirements
Front [A]: Over 75 cm (29.6")
Left [B]: 10 cm (4")
Rear [C]: 10 cm (4")
Right [D]: 55 cm (21.7")
The 75 cm (29.6") recommended for the space at the front is for pulling out the paper tray
only. If the operator stands at the front of the main machine, more space is required.
SM 2-3 M132
Installation Requirements
Make sure that the wall outlet is near the main machine and easily accessible. Make sure
the plug is firmly inserted in the outlet.
Avoid multi-wiring.
Be sure to ground the machine.
1. Input voltage level:
North America 120 V to 127 V, 60 Hz: More than 12 A
Europe/Asia 220 V to 240V, 50 Hz/60 Hz: More than 7 A
2. Permissible voltage fluctuation:
M132 2-4 SM
Main Machine Installation
Printer M132 (main machine) Installation
Paper Feed Unit: D580
LCIT PB3140: D581
Controller Options
HDD: M416
Data Storage Card: D594
IEEE1284 Interface Board: B679
IEEE802.11a/g Interface Unit: M344
Gigabit Ethernet: G874 (EU only), M394 (NA only)
VM Card: D640
IPDS Unit: M416
SD Card for Netware Printing: M416
SD Card for fonts: D641 (EU only)
The bridge unit (D634) and either the 2,000-sheet LCT (D581) or the paper tray (D580)
must be installed before the finisher SR3120 (D636) or SR3090 (D588) is installed.
The installation procedures of the following options are in this service manual:
Hardware Options
LCIT RT3020: D631
Bridge Unit: D634 (for Finisher SR3120 and SR3090)
Finisher SR3120: D636
Punch Unit: D570 (for Finisher SR3120)
Jogger Unit: B703 (for Finisher SR3120)
Finisher SR3090: D588
SM 2-5 M132
Main Machine Installation
Rating voltage for peripheral: Make sure to plug the cable into the correct socket.
M132 2-6 SM
Main Machine Installation
This section shows you how to manually move the machine from one floor to another floor. See
the section "Transporting the Machine" if you have to pack the machine and move it a longer
1. Remove all trays from the optional paper feed unit or LCT.
SM 2-7 M132
1200-sheet LCT Installation (D631)
1 Front Bracket 1
2 Rear Bracket 1
3 Stud Screw 4
4 Joint Pin 2
5 LCT 1
M132 2-8 SM
1200-sheet LCT Installation (D631)
Unplug the main machine power cord before starting the following procedure.
The Paper Tray Unit (D580) or LCT 2000-sheet (D581) must be installed before installing
this 1200-sheet LCT.
5. Remove the paper path cover [A], connector cover [B] and six hole covers [C].
SM 2-9 M132
1200-sheet LCT Installation (D631)
8. Pull out the front and rear rails [A], and then hang them on each bracket [B].
9. Connect the LCT cable [C] to the main machine.
10. Slide the LCT [D] into the main machine.
11. Make sure that the front and rear sides of the LCT are closely attached to the main machine.
M132 2-10 SM
1200-sheet LCT Installation (D631)
3. Remove the front and rear side fences [A, B] ( x 1 each).
4. Install the side fences in the correct position (A4 LEF/ LT LEF/ B5 LEF).
5. Pull the end fence [A] for B5 size paper as shown ( x 1) if the side fences are adjusted for
B5 size paper.
6. Close the right door.
7. Turn on the main power switch, and then go into the SP mode.
8. Input the correct paper size for the 1200-sheet LCT with SP5181-017.
SM 2-11 M132
Bridge Unit Installation (D634)
1 Bridge Unit 1
2 Frame Cover 1
3 Knob Screw 1
6 Guide 2
M132 2-12 SM
Bridge Unit Installation (D634)
Unplug the power cord of the main machine before starting the following procedure.
If you will install the finisher unit (D588, D636) on the machine, install it after installing the
bridge unit (D634).
1. Remove all tapes.
SM 2-13 M132
Bridge Unit Installation (D634)
6. Attach the two guides [A] to the cutouts in the paper exit.
1) Place the lower hook of the guide in the cutout of the paper exit.
2) Attach the guide as shown until the two side hooks hold the paper exit.
3) Press the guide.
4) Press down the guide as shown.
M132 2-14 SM
Bridge Unit Installation (D634)
7. Install the bridge unit [A] in the machine.
8. Secure the bridge unit with the long knob screw [A].
SM 2-15 M132
Bridge Unit Installation (D634)
The holder bracket [A] is used in the installation procedure of the finisher (D588,
D636). Do not install it at this time.
15. Pull out the extension tray [A] only if the 1000-sheet finisher (D588) will be installed on the
main machine.
16. Turn on the main power switch of the machine.
17. Check the bridge unit operation.
M132 2-16 SM
1000-sheet Finisher (D588)
No. Description Q'ty For this model
6 Screw - M3 x 8 1 Yes
7 Screw - M4 x 13 4 Yes
SM 2-17 M132
1000-sheet Finisher (D588)
Unplug the main machine power cord before starting the following procedure.
If this finisher is installed, the Bridge Unit (D634) and Paper Feed Unit (D580) or LCT (D581) must
be installed before installing this finisher.
Be sure to keep screw [A]. It will be needed to secure the grounding plate in step 3.
M132 2-18 SM
1000-sheet Finisher (D588)
2. Install the rear joint bracket [A] ( x 2; M4 x 13) and front joint bracket [B] ( x 2; M4 x 13).
Holder bracket [C] must be placed outside the front joint bracket [B]. This bracket is
provided with the Bridge Unit (D634).
SM 2-19 M132
1000-sheet Finisher (D588)
Use the screw removed in step 1 and the screw from the accessory box.
4. Open the front door [B]. Then pull the locking lever [C].
5. Align the finisher on the joint brackets, and lock it in place by pushing the locking lever.
6. Secure the locking lever ( x 1; knob M3 x 8) and close the front door.
7. Install the copy tray [D] ( x 1; knob M4 x 10).
8. Connect the finisher cable [E] to the main machine as shown above.
9. Turn on the main power switch and check the finisher operation.
M132 2-20 SM
3000-sheet Finisher (D636)
No. Description Q'ty
5 Tapping screws - M3 x 8 1
6 Tapping screws - M3 x 6 6
8 Support Tray 1
SM 2-21 M132
3000-sheet Finisher (D636)
Unplug the main machine power cord before starting the following procedure.
If this finisher is installed on this machine, the following options must be installed before installing
this finisher.
Bridge Unit (D634)
Paper Feed Unit (D580) or LCIT (D581)
1. Unpack the finisher and remove all tapes and packing materials from the finisher.
2. Open the front door, and then remove all tapes and packing materials from the inside of the
M132 2-22 SM
3000-sheet Finisher (D636)
3. Pull out the jogger unit [A], and then remove all tapes and retainers.
Make sure that the cushion is placed within 0 to 1 mm from the edge of the cover.
5. Install the ground plate [B] on the finisher ( x 2; M3 x 6).
6. Install the small ground plates [C] on the finisher( x 2; M3 x 6 each).
SM 2-23 M132
3000-sheet Finisher (D636)
Holder bracket [C] must be placed outside the front joint bracket [B]. This bracket is
provided with the Bridge Unit (D634).
M132 2-24 SM
3000-sheet Finisher (D636)
14. Install the upper output tray [A] ( x 1; M3 x 8).
15. Turn on the main power switch of the machine.
16. Check the finisher operation.
If a stacking problem occurs several times on the upper output tray [A], put the support tray [B] on
the tray as shown.
SM 2-25 M132
Punch Unit Installation (D570)
The Punch Unit D570 can be installed in the 3000-Sheet Finisher D636.
5 Screws (M3 x 6) 5
7 Punching Unit 1
M132 2-26 SM
Punch Unit Installation (D570)
Unplug the main machine power cord before starting the following procedure. If the
3000-sheet finisher has been installed, disconnect it and pull it away from the machine.
1. Remove all tapes and shipping retainers.
2. If the finisher is connected to the machine, disconnect the power connector [A] and separate
the finisher from the machine.
3. Remove the rear cover [B] ( x 2) and open the front door.
At the base of the back cover, be sure to disconnect the tabs that fasten the cover to
the frame.
4. Remove the guide plate [C] ( x 2).
SM 2-27 M132
Punch Unit Installation (D570)
6. Move the punch unit [A] along its rails into the finisher. Make sure that the pin engages
correctly at the front and rear.
7. Connect the cables [B] of the finisher to the connectors (CN601 and CN602) on the punch
unit board ( x 2, x 1).
The cables [B] are coiled and attached to the PCB.
8. Attach the slide drive unit [A] to the finisher and connect it to the punch unit ( x 2, x 1).
Push in the slide drive unit at when you attach the screw .
9. Make sure that the punch unit moves freely and is not blocked by the screws.
M132 2-28 SM
Punch Unit Installation (D570)
10. Put the side-to-side detection unit [A] in the machine. Make sure that the two pins are
engaged correctly at the front.
11. Make sure that the side-to-side detection unit moves smoothly on its rails. If it does not, make
sure that the rails are aligned with their grooves.
12. Attach the side-to-side detection unit and connect it at the rear ( x 2, x 1, x 1).
13. Pull the short connector out of the connector [B], then connect the cable of the finisher ( x
15. At the front, use a pair of wire cutters to remove the part [A] of the cover.
16. Install the punch-waste transport unit [B] in the finisher.
17. Make sure that the punch-waste transport unit moves smoothly on its rails. If it does not,
make sure that the rails are aligned with the grooves.
18. Remove the short connector from the connector [C].
SM 2-29 M132
Punch Unit Installation (D570)
M132 2-30 SM
Output Jogger Unit Installation (B703)
No. Description Q'ty
1 Jogger Unit 1
Always switch the machine off and unplug the machine before doing any of the following
1. Turn the main machine switch off.
2. Disconnect the finisher from the main frame.
SM 2-31 M132
Output Jogger Unit Installation (B703)
3. Use the flat head of a screwdriver to remove the left upper cover [A].
5. While holding the jogger unit with the connector on the left, put the hooks on the frame of the
jogger unit [A] into the holes in the left and right side of the finisher frame.
6. Connect connector [B] to the socket ( x 1).
7. Attach the jogger unit [C] to the finisher ( x 2).
8. Reattach the jogger unit cover [D] to the jogger unit ( x 2).
M132 2-32 SM
Tray Heater
1. Remove trays 1 and 2 from the machine.
2. Connect the connector [A] of the heater to the connector [B] of the main machine.
3. Install the heater [C] inside the machine ( x 1).
SM 2-33 M132
Tray Heater
M132 2-34 SM
Tray Heater (Optional Paper Feed Unit)
No. Description Q'ty For this model
4 Harness 1 1 Yes
5 Screw M4 x 10 2 Yes
SM 2-35 M132
Tray Heater (Optional Paper Feed Unit)
Unplug the machine power cord before starting the following procedure.
For installing the tray heater in the D580 (Two-tray paper feed unit)
1. Pull out the two trays from the optional paper feed unit.
2. Install the tray heater [A] in the optional paper feed unit ( x 1).
3. Pull out tray 2 from the mainframe.
4. Replace the shoulder screw [A] with the washer screw [B], using the securing bracket [C] (
x 1).
M132 2-36 SM
Tray Heater (Optional Paper Feed Unit)
5. Remove the two securing brackets [A] ( x 1 each), and then the rear cover [B] of the
optional paper feed unit ( x 2).
6. Connect the harness [A] to the connector [B] of the tray heater.
7. Route the harness [A] as shown and clamp it with four clamps ( x 4).
8. Connect the harness [A] to the connector [C] of the mainframe.
SM 2-37 M132
Tray Heater (Optional Paper Feed Unit)
If the right tray comes out with the left tray, push the right tray into the LCT.
M132 2-38 SM
Tray Heater (Optional Paper Feed Unit)
4. Remove the right tray [A] while pressing down the stopper [B].
When reinstalling the right tray, set the right tray on the guide rail and carefully push
the tray in, making sure to keep the tray level.
SM 2-39 M132
Tray Heater (Optional Paper Feed Unit)
7. Replace the shoulder screw [A] with the washer screw [B], using the securing bracket [C] (
x 1).
8. Remove the two securing brackets [A] ( x 1 each), and then the rear cover [B] of the
optional LCT ( x 2).
9. Connect the harness [A] to the connector [B] of the tray heater.
10. Route the harness [A] as shown and clamp it with four clamps ( x 4).
11. Connect the harness [A] to the connector [C] of the mainframe.
12. Reassemble the rear cover of the optional LCT.
M132 2-40 SM
Tray Heater (Optional Paper Feed Unit)
14. Release the optional heater relay connector [A] ( x 1).
15. Connect the optional heater relay connector to the connector [B] (rear side) of the main frame
( x 1).
16. Reassemble the mainframe and optional LCT.
SM 2-41 M132
External USB Keyboard Installation
The external keyboard that is available in this machine is principally for the Windows
OS. However, no compatibility check is done, and there is no warranty.
2. Enter the SP mode.
3. Select “Engine” SP.
4. Select “5075 USB Keyboard”.
6. Enter “1” then press [OK]. This switches the USB Keyboard feature on.
7. Exit the SP mode and turn the main power off and on.
M132 2-42 SM
External USB Keyboard Installation
8. Select a language type for the external USB keyboard with [User Tools] > [System Settings] >
[General Features] > [External Keyboard].
9. Press [OK] to set it.
10. Turn the main power off and on.
SM 2-43 M132
Controller Options
This section describes the installation procedures for controller options for M132 series machines.
Controller Options
IEEE 802.11a/g Interface Unit Type L Board Slot. Only one of these
M416 SD Card for NetWare printing Type N SD Card Slot 1 (Upper Slot)
If more than one SD card application is required, the applications must be moved to one
SD card with SP5873-1. For more details about merging applications from SD card Slot 2
(Lower Slot) to Slot 1 (Upper Slot), see “Application Merge” in this section.
M132 2-44 SM
Controller Options
No. Name Description
1 USB-A Both USB slots are used for a card authentication device.
SM 2-45 M132
Controller Options
M132 2-46 SM
Controller Options
This machine has two SD card slots only. However, more than two optional applications are
supplied for this machine. Always keep SD card Slot 2 (Lower Slot) vacant for servicing. Because
of this, SD card merge is required if a customer wants to use many applications.
The service program “SD Card Appli Move” (SP5-873) lets you to copy application programs from
one SD card to another SD card.
You can move application programs from Slot 2 (Lower Slot) to Slot 1 (Upper Slot).
2. The data necessary for authentication is transferred with the application program from an SD
card to another SD card. Authentication fails if you try to use the SD card after you copy the
application program from one card to another card.
3. Do not use the SD card if it has been used by the user on the computer. Normal operation is
not guaranteed when such an SD card is used.
SM 2-47 M132
Controller Options
4. Remove the lower inner cover [A] ( p.4-3 "Front Door, Upper and Lower Inner Cover"),
and then keep the SD card in the place [B] after you move the application program from one
card to another card. This is done for the following reasons:
The SD card can be the only proof that the user is licensed to use the application
You may need to check the SD card and its data to solve a problem in the future.
5. Before storing the card from which an application has been copied, label it carefully so that
you can identify it easily if you need to do the undo procedure later.
Move Exec
The menu “Move Exec” (SP5-873-001) lets you copy application programs from the original SD
card to another SD card.
Do not turn ON the write protect switch of the system SD card or application SD card on
the machine. If the write protect switch is ON, a download error (e.g. Error Code 44)
occurs during a firmware upgrade or application merge.
1. Turn the main switch off.
M132 2-48 SM
Controller Options
Undo Exec
The menu “Undo Exec” (SP5-873-002) lets you copy back application programs from an SD card
to the original SD card. You can use this program when, for example, you have mistakenly copied
some programs by using Move Exec (SP5-873-001).
Do not turn ON the write protect switch of the system SD card or application SD card on
the machine. If the write protect switch is ON, a download error (e.g. Error Code 44)
occurs during a firmware upgrade or application merge.
1. Turn the main switch off.
2. Insert the original SD card in SD Card Slot 2 (Lower Slot). The application program is copied
back into this card.
3. Insert the SD card (having stored the application program) to SD Card Slot 1 (Upper Slot).
The application program is copied back from this SD card.
4. Turn the main switch on.
5. Start the SP mode.
6. Select SP5-873-002 “Undo Exec.”
7. Touch “Execute”.
8. Follow the messages shown on the operation panel.
9. Turn the main switch off.
10. Remove the SD card from SD Card Slot 2 (Lower Slot).
This step assumes that the application programs in the SD card are used by the
11. Turn the main switch on.
12. Make sure that the machine can recognize the option.
13. Enter the printer user mode. Then print the configuration page.
Check that the application programs run normally.
User Tools > Printer Features > List / Test Print > Configuration Page
All installed options are shown in the "System Reference" column.
14. Turn the main switch off again, and then reattach the SD card slot cover.
SM 2-49 M132
PM Tables
SM 3-1 M132
To avoid damage to the transfer belt, drum, or development unit when it is removed or
re-installed, never turn off power switch while electrical components are active.
Turn off the main power switch and unplug the machine before attempting any of the
procedures in this section.
2. Do not adjust the variable resistors on the LD unit, as they are adjusted in the factory.
3. The polygon mirror and F-theta lenses are very sensitive to dust. Do not open the optical
housing unit.
4. Do not touch the glass surface of the polygon mirror motor unit with bare hands.
5. After replacing the LD unit, do the laser beam pitch adjustment.
SM 4-1 M132
Special Tools and Lubricants
A PC (Personal Computer) is required for creating the Encryption key file on an SD card
when replacing the controller board for a model in which HDD encryption has been
M132 4-2 SM
Exterior Covers
2. Open and remove the front door [A] (pin x 2).
SM 4-3 M132
Exterior Covers
M132 4-4 SM
Exterior Covers
4. Right rear cover [A] ( x 4)
SM 4-5 M132
Exterior Covers
M132 4-6 SM
Exterior Covers
5. Operation panel bracket [A] (small x 3)
SM 4-7 M132
Exterior Covers
M132 4-8 SM
Exterior Covers
6. Inner rear cover [A] ( x 2)
SM 4-9 M132
Laser Unit
Turn off the main power switch and unplug the machine before attempting any of the
procedures in this section. Laser beams can seriously damage your eyes.
M132 4-10 SM
Laser Unit
1. Open the front door.
2. Front door [A] (pins x 2)
3. Upper inner cover [B] ( x 2)
4. Glass cap [C]
5. Shield glass [D]
6. Lower inner cover [E] ( x 2)
Do not disconnect the harnesses on the LD board [F] unless the LD unit has to be
replaced. This board is precisely adjusted in the factory.
8. Laser unit [G] ( x 2)
SM 4-11 M132
Laser Unit
When sliding out the laser unit, do not hold the LD board. Hold the laser unit.
M132 4-12 SM
Laser Unit
4.4.5 LD UNIT
1. Laser unit ( p.4-11)
2. Upper spring plate [A] ( x 1)
3. Lower spring plate [B] ( x 1)
4. LD unit [C] ( x 1, x1, spring x 1)
To avoid damaging the LD board, hold it securely when disconnecting the connectors.
Hold the laser unit casing.
5. After replacing the LD board, do the "Laser Beam Pitch Adjustment" (described in the
following section). Keep the lower inner cover removed before doing this adjustment because
you need to adjust the adjustor screw [D] on the LD unit with a screwdriver.
SM 4-13 M132
Laser Unit
1. Install a (new) LD unit [A] with the left side of the LD unit being lower than the right side. (This
makes this adjustment easier.)
2. Print the test pattern "Hounds Tooth Check (Horizontal)" (No. 16 in SP2109-001).
3. Check if the vertical stripes appear on the second pattern (counted from the leading edge) of
the printout.
Correct: No vertical stripes appear (see the sample following this procedure.)
Wrong: Vertical stripes appear (see the sample following this procedure.)
4. Turn the adjustor screw [B] by 90 degrees clockwise (counterclockwise).
If the image of the printout is getting worse, try reverse rotation (clockwise
5. Print the test pattern and check it out.
6. Try steps 2 to 4 again until you get an image with no vertical stripes.
7. Reassemble the machine after completing this adjustment.
M132 4-14 SM
Laser Unit
SM 4-15 M132
4.5 PCDU
When you pull out the PCDU, push the security lock [A] of the PCDU. If the lock is
not pressed, the PCDU will be stuck in the machine and cannot be pulled out
completely. The lock prevents the PCDU from coming out accidentally.
You don’t need to push the security lock when installing a PCDU.
5. Spread a large piece of paper on a flat surface.
M132 4-16 SM
Make sure the area is free of pins, paper clips, staples, etc. to avoid attraction to the
magnetic development roller.
Open the right cover before you install the PCDU in the machine.
4.5.2 DRUM
1. Remove the PCDU ( p.4-16)
2. Toner cap [A]
3. Insert cap [A] into the opening of the PCDU [B].
Make sure that the cap is inserted completely into the opening.
SM 4-17 M132
5. Bracket [D] ( x 1)
6. Pull the drum [E] towards the front (the left side in the illustration) while releasing the
charge roller [F] using the release levers [G], and then remove the drum .
1. Replace the drum and close the PCDU ( x 2).
2. Put the opening cap [A in the previous procedure] back in its original place.
3. After replacing the drum, do these SPs:
SP 2001: Charge Bias Setting – make sure that this is at the default setting
SP 3001-2: P Sensor Initial Setting (P sensor = ID Sensor)
SP 2805: Process Setting
SP 2810-1: Grayscale Setting
M132 4-18 SM
3. Pick-off pawl [B] (spring x 1, spur x 1)
Pick-off Pawl Position Adjustment
If the pick-off pawl has marked the drum with a line, the pick-off pawl position can be adjusted
using either method:
Changing the spur position
Changing the pick-off pawl assembly position
SM 4-19 M132
2. Push the charge roller holder [A] toward the front of the drum ( x 2) and remove the spring
3. Charge roller [C].
Disengage the charge roller on the right side to remove it. Try to avoid touching the
charge roller.
4. Cleaning roller [D]
If this is not done, the carrier will be attracted to the drum because the charge roller
voltage will be too high.
M132 4-20 SM
Put toner on the edge of cleaning blade and the mylar at the back side of cleaning blade before
re-installing this blade.
1. PCDU ( p.4-16)
2. Fusing unit ( p.4-38)
SM 4-21 M132
M132 4-22 SM
Cleaning Procedure
1. PCDU ( p.4-16)
2. Remove the two screws [A] and open the PCDU as shown above.
3. Remove the upper development cover [A] ( x 2).
4. Fold up a sheet of copy paper [A] to fit the width of the uncovered area of the development
roller, as shown below.
5. Slide the paper [A] along the length of the roller to clean the toner off the surface.
SM 4-23 M132
6. Rotate the development roller [A] in the direction of the arrow until the section you cleaned is
no longer visible.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until you have cleaned the entire surface of the roller.
8. Reassemble the PCDU and install the PCDU into the machine.
1. PCDU ( p.4-16)
2. Open the PCDU. ( p.4-17 "Drum")
3. Development roller ( p.4-22)
M132 4-24 SM
Dispose of the used developer in accordance with local regulations. Work carefully to
avoid scratching or nicking the development roller.
8. Clean the development roller with a dry cloth.
9. Pour approximately 1/3 of the developer [E] evenly along the length of the development unit.
10. Rotate the drive gear [F] to work the developer into the unit.
11. Repeat steps 8 and 9 until all toner is in the unit and level with the edges.
12. Re-install the development roller.
Make sure that the seals at the both sides of the development roller are set inside the
case after you re-install the development roller.
SM 4-25 M132
13. Place a piece of paper [G] over the toner entrance hole. This prevents used toner falling from
the drum into the development unit during the TD sensor initial setting and interfering with the
Vref setting (toner density reference voltage)
14. Secure the drum [H] to the development unit, to close the PCDU ( x 2).
15. Install the PCDU in the machine and close the front and right doors.
16. Turn on the main power switch, and wait for the machine to warm up.
17. Do SP2801 to initialize the TD sensor and enter the developer lot number.
18. After performing the TD sensor initial setting, remove the sheet of paper from the PCDU.
M132 4-26 SM
1. PCDU ( p.4-16)
2. Empty all developer from the development unit. ( p.4-24 "Developer")
3. Seal
4. TD sensor [A] ( x1)
The TD sensor is attached to the casing with double-sided tape [B]. Pry it off with the
flat head of a screwdriver. Use fresh double-sided tape to re-attach the sensor.
5. Pour new developer into the development unit and perform the TD sensor initial setting using
When performing the TD sensor initial setting, cover the toner entrance hole with a
piece of paper.
SM 4-27 M132
To avoid exposing the drum to strong light, cover it with paper if the right cover will be
open for a long period.
M132 4-28 SM
2. Connector [A] ( x 1)
3. Remove the springs (front and rear) [B].
4. Release the hooks (front and rear) [C].
5. Transfer belt with rollers [D]
SM 4-29 M132
6. Lay the transfer belt with rollers on a flat clean surface, and fold the unit [E] to release the
tension on the belt ( x 2).
M132 4-30 SM
1. Transfer belt unit ( p.4-28)
2. Transfer belt ( p.4-29)
Avoid touching the edge of the new blade. Check the new blade for dust or damage.
SM 4-31 M132
Paper Feed
M132 4-32 SM
Paper Feed
2. Roller holder [A] ( x 1)
3. Pick-up roller [B]
4. Feed roller [C]
5. Separation roller [D] and torque limiter [E] ( x 1)
SM 4-33 M132
Paper Feed
M132 4-34 SM
Paper Feed
4. Tray lift sensor [A] ( x 1)
5. Paper end feeler [B] and paper end sensor [C] (hook, x 1 each)
6. Relay sensor bracket [D] ( x 1)
7. Relay sensor [E] ( x 1, hook)
8. Paper feed sensor bracket [F] ( x 1)
9. Paper feed sensor [G] ( x 1, hook)
SM 4-35 M132
Paper Feed
M132 4-36 SM
Paper Feed
This makes the paper guide [D] tilt a little bit. Now you can access the screw [E].
9. Dust container rail [F] ( [E] x 1)
10. Sensor bracket [G] ( x 1)
You can only access the screw on the sensor bracket from the inside (paper tray
location) of the machine.
11. Registration sensor [H] ( x 1, hooks)
SM 4-37 M132
Turn off the main switch and wait until the fusing unit cools down before beginning any of
the procedures in this section. The fusing unit can cause serious burns.
1. Turn off the main power switch.
2. Open the right door.
The lock levers lock the fusing unit again at this time to prevent the fusing unit from
falling down.
5. Pull up the lock levers [A] again, and then remove the fusing unit [B].
M132 4-38 SM
SM 4-39 M132
M132 4-40 SM
5. Front gear bracket [A] ( x 2)
6. All gears and bushings (rear side) [B] ( x 2)
SM 4-41 M132
The holder [A] has a one-way clutch. Make sure that the holder [A] is set at the front side.
M132 4-42 SM
1. Install the web supply roller [A] first ( ). Make sure that the web sheet is under the pin
2. Install the web take up roller [C] ( ). Make sure that the printed number [D] is outside
the web take up roller.
3. Reinstall the rear gear bracket ( p.4-41 "Web Holder Roller and Web Rollers").
4. Reinstall the front and rear gears and bushings ( p.4-41 "Web Holder Roller and Web
5. Reinstall the rear gear bracket ( p.4-41 "Web Holder Roller and Web Rollers").
6. Turn the rear gear [E] in the arrow direction to remove the slack in the web sheet.
7. Reinstall the front gear bracket [F] ( p.4-41 "Web Holder Roller and Web Rollers").
8. Turn the coupling [G] in the arrow direction to remove the slack in the web sheet.
9. Reinstall the web unit.
10. If you install a new cleaning web, reset SP 7806-008 (press "Execute" on the LCD).
SM 4-43 M132
M132 4-44 SM
1. Fusing unit ( p.4-38)
2. Web roller unit ( p.4-39)
3. Fusing top cover [A] (front: x 1, rear: stepped screw x 1)
4. Thermostat holder [B] ( x 2)
5. Thermostat cover [C] ( x 2)
6. Thermostat [D] (terminal x 2)
SM 4-45 M132
1. Fusing unit ( p.4-38)
2. Web roller unit ( p.4-39)
3. Fusing top cover ( p.4-45 "Thermostats")
M132 4-46 SM
4. Fusing top frame [A] ( x 5)
The cords on this frame are still connected to the fusing unit at this time. Be careful
not to damage the cords when removing the hot roller stripper [B].
5. Hot roller stripper [B] (spring x 1)
SM 4-47 M132
M132 4-48 SM
15. Fusing lamp-End (750W) [L]
SM 4-49 M132
M132 4-50 SM
Paper Exit
3. Paper exit unit [A] ( x 3, x 2)
SM 4-51 M132
Paper Exit
M132 4-52 SM
Paper Exit
3. Junction jam sensor [B] ( x 1)
1. Paper exit unit ( p.4-51)
SM 4-53 M132
M132 4-54 SM
7. Push up the duplex unit a little bit, while pressing the bracket [D] to lock the spring [E].
Do not let the duplex unit open fully before releasing the wire (step 8). Otherwise, the
lock for the spring [E] is released.
8. Wire [F] ( x 1)
9. Push the projection [G].
SM 4-55 M132
M132 4-56 SM
1. Right door cover ( p.4-56)
2. Open the right door.
SM 4-57 M132
M132 4-58 SM
When re-installing the transfer belt unit holder, make sure that the spring [D] correctly
hooks onto the frame.
5. Guide plate [E] (two hooks)
6. Duplex exit sensor [F] ( x 1, hooks)
SM 4-59 M132
3. Frame [A] ( x 4)
4. Duplex/By-pass motor bracket [B] ( x 2, x 1)
M132 4-60 SM
3. Right door rear cover [A] ( x 3)
SM 4-61 M132
6. Bracket [D] ( x 2)
7. Duplex inverter motor [E] ( x 3, x 1)
M132 4-62 SM
4.12 BY-PASS
2. Disconnect the connector and clamp.
SM 4-63 M132
M132 4-64 SM
1. Adjust the projection [A] of the left side fence bar (it must be centered).
2. Install the by-pass paper size detection switch so that the hole [B] in this switch faces the
projection [C] of the left side fence bar.
3. Reassemble the machine.
4. Plug in and turn on the main power switch.
5. Check this switch operation with SP5803-024 (By-pass: Paper Size Sensor< Input Check).
- Display on the LCD -
SM 4-65 M132
M132 4-66 SM
5. By-pass feed clutch holder [A] ( x 2)
6. By-pass feed clutch [B] ( x 1, x 1)
SM 4-67 M132
Drive Area
M132 4-68 SM
Drive Area
2. Transfer/development motor [A] ( x 4, x 1)
SM 4-69 M132
Drive Area
M132 4-70 SM
Drive Area
2. Bracket [A] ( x 1, x 2, x 1)
3. Web motor [A] ( x 1)
SM 4-71 M132
Drive Area
M132 4-72 SM
Drive Area
3. Registration motor bracket [A] ( x 3, x 1)
4. Registration motor [B] ( x 2, x 1)
SM 4-73 M132
Drive Area
M132 4-74 SM
Electrical Components
The battery on the control board can explode if replaced incorrectly.
Dispose of the old battery in accordance with the instructions.
Replacement Procedure
1. Controller unit ( p.4-75)
2. HDD unit (if it has been installed.)
SM 4-75 M132
Electrical Components
5. NVRAM [A]
6. Interface rails [B] (hooks each)
7. DIMM-RAM (If it is installed.)
8. Controller board [C]
M132 4-76 SM
Electrical Components
Make sure the NVRAM is correctly installed on the controller board. Insert the
NVRAM in the NVRAM slot with the “half-moon” pointing [B] to the right side.
Make sure you print out the SMC reports ("SP (Mode Data List)" and "Logging Data")
before you replace the NVRAM.
Keep NVRAM away from any objects that can cause static electricity. Static electricity
can damage NVRAM data.
Make sure the NVRAM is correctly installed on the controller board.
Make sure that the DIP-switch settings on the old controller board are the same for
the new controller board. Do not change the DIP switches on the controller board in
the field.
SM 4-77 M132
Electrical Components
M132 4-78 SM
Electrical Components
5. Controller box [A] ( x 8, x 4, x 3)
SM 4-79 M132
Electrical Components
M132 4-80 SM
Electrical Components
4.14.5 BCU
1. Controller box ( p.4-78 "Mother Board")
2. BCU [A] ( x 4, x 4)
3. Remove the NVRAM [A] from the old board and install it on the new board.
4. Set the DIP switches on the new BCU board to the same settings as the old board.
Make sure the NVRAM is correctly installed on the BCU. Insert the NVRAM in the
NVRAM slot with the "half-moon" pointing [B] to the left side.
SM 4-81 M132
Electrical Components
Make sure you print out the SMC reports ("SP (Mode Data List)" and "Logging Data")
before you replace the NVRAM.
Keep NVRAM away from any objects that can cause static electricity. Static electricity can
damage NVRAM data.
4.14.7 IOB
1. Rear cover ( p.4-4)
M132 4-82 SM
Rev. 01/14/2016 Electrical Components
4.14.8 PSU
NEVER touch the areas outlined in red in the photos below to prevent electric shock caused by
residual charge.
Residual charge of about 100V-400V remains on the PSU board for several months even when
the board has been removed from the machine after turning off the machine power and
unplugging the power cord.
1. Left cover ( p.4-4)
SM 4-83 M132
Electrical Components Rev. 11/25/2015
M132 4-84 SM
Electrical Components
3. SD USB board [A] ( x 3)
SM 4-85 M132
Electrical Components
M132 4-86 SM
Electrical Components
SM 4-87 M132
Print Adjustments
Perform these adjustments after replacing any of the following:
Polygon Mirror Motor
Paper Side Fence
Memory All Clear
1. Make sure paper is installed correctly in each paper tray before you start these adjustments.
2. Use the Trimming Area Pattern (SP2-109-1, No. 14) to print the test pattern for the following
1. Check the leading edge registration [A] for each paper type and paper feed station, and adjust
it with following SP modes.
SP No. Specification
M132 4-88 SM
Print Adjustments
SP No. Specification
2. Check side-to-side registration [B] for each paper feed station, and adjust with the following
SP modes.
SP No. Specification
By-pass SP1-002-1
Tray 1 SP1-002-2
Tray 2 SP1-002-3
Tray 3 SP1-002-4 0 ±4.0 mm
Tray 4 SP1-002-5
LCT SP1-002-6
Duplex SP1-002-7
Blank Margin
SM 4-89 M132
Print Adjustments
1. Check the trailing edge [A], right edge [B], leading edge [C] and left edge [D] blank margins,
and adjust them with the following SP modes.
SP No. Specification
Left SP2-103-3
2.0 mm [0.0 to 9.0 mm]
Right SP2-103-4
M132 4-90 SM
Print Adjustments
1. Laser unit [A] and
SM 4-91 M132
Print Adjustments
Do not attempt to use items [2] to [5], and [7] on the Self Diagnostic Menu. These items
are for design use only.
1. Turn on the main switch.
2. Press the “Simple Screen” key 4 times, the “Suspend” key one time, and then the “Simple
Screen” key 4 times to open the Self Diagnostic menu.
4. Use a pointed (not sharp!) tool to press the mark that appears in the upper left, lower right,
lower left, center, and upper right in turns on the LCD panel.
M132 4-92 SM
Print Adjustments
7. Touch the nine points circled in red in the illustration above, and make sure that each point
(both x and y) is within +/- 5 dots of the original “+” displayed.
SM 4-93 M132
P a ge Date A d de d /U pd at e d /N ew
1 01/15/2013 Added Entering SP Mode.
72 5/9/2013 SP5749 Import/Export
98 2/25/2014 SP7952
187 ~ 193 5/9/2013 SP5749 Import/Export
Rev. 01/14/2013 Service Program Mode
Make sure that the data-in LED ( ) is not on before you go into the SP mode. This LED
indicates that some data is coming to the machine. When the LED is on, wait for the
machine to process the data.
It is not necessary to ask the Administrator to log in again each time the machine is
turned on.
2. If you must use the printer bit switches, go into the SP mode and set SP5169 to "1".
3. After machine servicing is completed:
Change SP5169 from "1" to "0".
Turn the machine off and on.
Tell the administrator that you completed servicing the machine.
The administrator will then set the "Service Mode Lock" to ON.
SM 5-1 M132
Service Program Mode
M132 5-2 SM
Service Program Mode Tables
There are the most commonly used SP codes in the “Service Main SP Tables” and "Engine Main
SP Tables - 1 to - 9" of "Main Chapters".
See "Appendices" for the following information:
Service SP Tables
Engine SP Tables
SM 5-3 M132
Service Main SP Tables
5.3.1 SP1-XXX
bit 0 DFU - -
bit 1 DFU - -
bit 2 DFU - -
Enable: The MFP I/O Timeout setting will have no effect. I/O Timeouts will
never occur.
bit 5 DFU - -
bit 6 DFU - -
Enable: The machine prints all RPCS and PCL jobs with a border on the
edges of the printable area.
M132 5-4 SM
Service Main SP Tables
bit 0 DFU - -
bit 1 DFU - -
A collation type (shift or normal) will be applied to all jobs that do not
already have a ‘Collate Type’ configured.
bit 4 DFU - -
bit 5 DFU - -
bit 6 DFU - -
bit 7 DFU - -
bit 0 DFU - -
bit 1 DFU - -
SM 5-5 M132
Service Main SP Tables
bit 3 DFU - -
bit 4 DFU - -
bit 5 DFU - -
bit 6 DFU - -
bit 7 DFU - -
bit 0 DFU - -
bit 1 DFU - -
bit 2 DFU - -
Enable: Increases printing speed but simplex pages may be printed on the
back side of the sheet.
bit 4 DFU - -
bit 5 DFU - -
bit 6 DFU - -
M132 5-6 SM
Service Main SP Tables
bit 0 If enabled, users will be able to configure a Collate Type, Staple Type, and
Punch Type from the operation panel. The available types will depend on
the device and configured options.
After enabling the function, the settings will appear under:
"User Tools > Printer Features > System"
bit 2 Prevent SDK applications from altering
0: Disable 1: Enable
the contents of a job
If this switch is enabled, SDK applications will not be able to alter print
data. This is achieved by preventing SDK applications from accessing a
module called the "GPS Filter".
Note: The main purpose of this switch is for troubleshooting the effects of
SDK applications on data.
SM 5-7 M132
Service Main SP Tables
bit 4 Increase max number of the stored jobs Disable Enable (1000)
to 1000 jobs. (100)
Enable: Changes the maximum number of jobs that can be stored on the
HDD via Job Type settings to 1000. The default is 100.
bit 5 DFU - -
bit 7 1: Enable
Letterhead mode printing 0: Disable
M132 5-8 SM
Service Main SP Tables
bit 1
DFU - -
to 7
bit 0
DFU - -
to 3
bit 4
Switches the edge to edge printing setting for custom-made machines
bit 5
DFU - -
to 7
SM 5-9 M132
Service Main SP Tables
bit 1 DFU - -
If this bit switch, all jobs will be cancelled after a jam occurs.
Note: If this bitsw is enabled, printing under the following conditions might
result in problems:
- Job submission via USB or Parallel Port
- Spool printing (WIM >Configuration > Device Settings > System)
M132 5-10 SM
Service Main SP Tables
When enabled, if multiple collated copies are printed, the device no longer
responds to PJL USTATUS with the number of pages in the current copy.
Instead the device will return the total number of pages for all copies.
Bit 5 DFU
- -
to 7
bit 0
DFU - -
to 4
If enabled, you can lock or unlock the [List/Test Print] items under the
Pinter Features menu when the Store and Skip Errored Job Function is
Job Function is on.
Bit 7 DFU - -
SM 5-11 M132
Service Main SP Tables
When enabled, the [Multiple Lists] menu is displayed in [List / Test Print]
under the Printer Features menu.
Bit 2 DFU
- -
to 7
bit 0
DFU - -
to 7
M132 5-12 SM
Service Main SP Tables
Printer Version
1005 002
Displays the version of the printer application.
[0 to 1 / 1 ]
1007 001 0: Displays the info.
1: Does not display the info.
1110 002 0: Disable 1: Enable Selects the setting for the media print device.
SM 5-13 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-1
1001* Adjusts the leading edge registration by changing the registration clutch
operation timing.
Side-to-Side Registration
1002* Adjusts the side to side registration by changing the laser main scan start
position for each mode.
001 By-pass
002 Tray 1
003 Tray 2
005 Tray 4
006 LCT
007 Duplex
M132 5-14 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-1
1003* Adjusts the paper feed motor timing. Paper feed motor timing determines
the amount of paper buckle at Registration. (A "+" setting causes more
012 LCT: Plain
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
002 LG Detection
0: LT SEF, 1: LG
SM 5-15 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-1
Allows adjustment of the hot roller temperature at the center and ends of the
roller for the quality or thickness of the paper. The hot roller in this machine
has two fusing lamps: one heats the center of the roller, the other heats both
1105* ends. Each fusing lamp can be adjusted separately.
The "re-load temperature" is the "print ready temperature". When the fusing
temperature exceeds this setting, the machine can operate. Do not set up a
re-load temperature (Re-load Temp. = Fusing. Temp – SP Value.) that is
higher than the SP1-105-2 setting.
Sets the reload temperature for the center of the hot roller. This setting
depends on the target temperature.
003 Reload temp. = Target Temp – This SP Setting
Do not set a temperature that is higher than the setting for SP1105 1
(Roller Center: Trays)
Sets the reload temperature for the ends of the hot roller. This setting depends
on the target temperature.
004 Reload temp. = Target Temp – This SP Setting
Do not set a temperature that is higher than the setting for SP1105 2
(Roller Ends: Trays)
005 to The following SPs adjust the fusing temperature at the center or ends of the
022 hot roller for each paper type.
M132 5-16 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-1
020 Roller Ends: Special 2 [100 to 170 / 155 / 1 deg]
023 Feed Waiting: Plain Turns the feed waiting mode on or off for
each paper type.
024 Feed Waiting: M-Thick
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
025 Feed Waiting: Thick 1 0=Off, 1=On
The paper waits at the registration roller
026 Feed Waiting: Thick 2
until the fusing temperature reaches the
prescribed temperature (adjustable with
SP1105-028 to -37).
027 Feed Waiting: Thin If you enable this feature, also set SP
1105-38 to a convenient value for the
SM 5-17 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-1
M132 5-18 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-1
Adjusts the speeds of each motor. Each step decreases or increases motor
speed in 0.05% increments
Regist: Registration motor, Feed: Feed motor,
1801* Duplex: Duplex/By-pass motor, Inverter: Duplex inverter motor,
Exit: Paper exit motor, Bridge: Bridge unit drive motor,
OpcMot: Drum motor, TransferMot: Transfer/Development Motor,
FusingMot: Fusing motor,
DevPuddleMot: Development Paddle motor
[-2 to 2 / -1 / 0.05 %]
008 Feed: 230: Plain
SM 5-19 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-1
033 OpcMot:90
034 OpcMot:154
035 OpcMot:180
036 OpcMot:230
037 TransferMot:90
039 TransferMot:180
040 TransferMot:230
041 FusingMot:90
042 FusingMot:154
043 FusingMot:180
M132 5-20 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-1
044 FusingMot:230
EU [0 to 100 / 90 / 1 %]
Web Near End Setting
004 ASIA/NA [0 to 100 / 92 / 1 %]
Web Motor Interval: Thick 2 [3 to 130 / 16.8 / 0.1 sec]
Adjusts the interval for web motor rotation (thick 2).
007 Adjusts the threshold for paper feeding. When the time between trailing
edge detection and leading edge detection is within the value of this setting,
the machine determines that the paper is still being fed.
SM 5-21 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-1
M132 5-22 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-2
001 Adjusts the lower threshold value for the charge roller correction.
When the value of VSDP/VSG is greater than this value, the charge roller
voltage increases by 30 V (e.g., from –500 to –530).
002 Adjusts the upper threshold value for the charge roller correction.
When the value of VSDP/VSG is greater than this value, the charge roller
voltage decreases by 30 V (absolute value).
Adjusts the upper limit value for charge roller voltage correction.
SM 5-23 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-2
004 Right
LD Power (DFU)
003 Print
[–50 to 79 / 5 /1 ]
004 Print
M132 5-24 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-2
[0 to 24 / 0 /1 ]
001 Pattern Selection
Test pattern of the GAVD
0: None
13: Independent Pattern (4 dot)
1: Vertical Line (1 dot)
14: Trimming Area
2: Vertical Line (2 dot)
15: Hound's Tooth Check (Vertical)
3: Horizontal Line (1 dot)
16: Hound's Tooth Check (Horizontal)
4: Horizontal Line (2 dot)
17: Black Band (Horizontal)
5: Grid Vertical Line
18: Black band ( Vertical)
6: Grid Horizontal Line
19: Checker Flag Pattern
7: Grid pattern small
20: Grayscale (Vertical Margin)
8: Grid Pattern Large
21: Grayscale (Horizontal Margin)
9: Argyle Pattern Small
22: Two Beam Density Pattern
10: Argyle Pattern Large
23: Full Dot Pattern
11: Independent pattern (1 dot)
24:All white Pattern
12: Independent Pattern (2 dot)
[0 to 15 / 15 /1 ]
002 Density Set the density of the test pattern which is output in
SP2109-001. This SP is not used for the Grayscale
Vref Setting
Adjusts the TD sensor reference voltage (Vref). Change this value after
replacing the development unit with another development unit that contains
[1 to 5 / 4 / 0.01 ]
2220* 1. Check the value of SP2-220 in both the machine containing the test unit
and the machine that you are going to move it to.
2. Install the test development unit, and then input the VREF for this unit
into SP2-220.
3. After the test, put back the old development unit, and change SP2-220
back to the original value.
SM 5-25 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-2
2221* Adjusts the threshold for the reverse rotation of the drum and
development/transfer motors. This helps the drum and transfer belt cleaning
operations. This reverse rotation will interrupt a multiple printing job.
Performs the TD sensor initial setting and allows the service technician to
enter the lot number of the developer. (The lot number is embossed on the
edge of the developer package.) This SP mode controls the voltage applied
2801* to the TD sensor to make the TD sensor output about 3.0 V. Press
"Execute" to start. After finishing this, the TD sensor output voltage is
Use this mode only after installing the machine, changing the TD sensor, or
adding new developer.
2972* Controls the halftone density level to prevent deterioration of the OPC. The
halftone density is detected by the ID sensor, and the machine adjusts the
intensity of the LD beam according to the upper/lower limit setting.
If the image contains pale areas with fuzzy borders surrounded by dark
areas, reduce this value to make the borders clearer.
M132 5-26 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-2
2973* Set s the halftone operation interval in order to prevent deterioration of the
OPC. If the number of copies exceeds this setting, at the end of the job, or if
the door is opened and closed, charge correction is executed.
Adjustment Mode [1 to 5 / 3 / 1 ]
001 Adjusts image density. Changing this setting adjusts development bias and
Set the number of pages to print after toner and carrier initialization before
the charge input is increased to compensate for deterioration over time in
2980* the polarity of the carrier.
The strength in the polarity of the carrier in the toner will eventually
decrease and cause lower charge output. Setting the charge output to
increase after a specified number of copies can compensate for this effect.
SM 5-27 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-3
Current [0 to 43 / 13 / 0.1 mA ]
001* Allows you to reset the PWM of the ID sensor LED to avoid a service call
error after clearing NVRAM or replacing the NVRAM.
The PWM data is stored by executing SP-3001-2.
Initialization -
Performs the ID sensor initial setting. ID sensor output for the bare drum
002 (VSG) is adjusted automatically to 4.0 ±0.2 V.
Press "Execute" to start. Perform this setting after replacing or cleaning the
ID sensor, replacing the drum, or clearing NVRAM.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
ON/OFF Setting
0: On, 1: Off
Turns on or off the new unit detection for the transfer belt unit and fusing
M132 5-28 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-4
SM 5-29 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
1 Japanese 15 Czech
3 US English 16 Finnish
6 Italian 19 Thai
7 Spanish 20 Russian
9 Norwegian 23 Greek
10 Danish 24 Korean
11 Swedish 25 Catalan
12 Polish 26 Turkish
14 Hungarian
Check the list number of the language to add from the list above.
And then change the bit switch settings of the SP5009-201, -202, -203, or
-204 refer to the table below.
M132 5-30 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
0: Europe/Asia (mm)
mm/inch Display Selection
1: North America (inch)
Selects the unit of measurement.
After selection, turn the main power switch off and on.
Paper Display
5047* Turns on or off the printed paper display on the LCD.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: Not displayed, 1: Displayed
Display IP Address
5061* Display or does not display the remaining toner display icon on the LCD.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1 ]
0: Not display, 1: Display
SM 5-31 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Specifies whether the counter is doubled for A3/DLT. "Yes" counts except
from the bypass tray. When "Yes" is selected, A3 and DLT paper are
counted twice, that is A4 x2 and LT x2 respectively.
Selects the paper size (type) for both originals and copy paper.
5131* [0 to 2 / - / 1 step]
0: Japan, 1: North America, 2: Europe
After changing the setting, turn the copier off and on. If the paper size of the
archive files stored on the HDD is different, abnormal copies could result.
5150 [0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: Off [Default]
1: On. Sets the tray for feeding paper up to 600 mm long.
With this SP selected on, paper jams are not detected in the paper path.
M132 5-32 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
012 Tray 3: 4 0: B5 LEF, 1: Exe LEF
SM 5-33 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
This SP determines whether the machine can output paper if staples run
5199 out.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: OFF. Paper cannot exit if no staples are available.
1: ON. Paper can exit with no staples.
Time Difference
Sets the time clock for the local time. This setting is done at the factory
before delivery. The setting is GMT expressed in minutes.
[–1440 to 1440 / - / 1 min.]
Japan: +540 (Tokyo)
002 NA: -300 (NY)
M132 5-34 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Make sure that both SP5-307-3 and -4 are correctly set. Otherwise,
this SP is not activated even if this SP is set to "1".
For example: 3500010
The timer is advanced by 1 hour at am 0:00 on the 5th Sunday in March.
The digits are counted from the left.
Make sure that SP5-307-1 is set to "1".
SM 5-35 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
5404 Clears the counts of the user codes assigned by the key operator to restrict
the use of the machine. Press [Execute] to clear.
Lockout Threshold [1 to 10 / 5 / 1]
Sets the maximum trial times for accessing the address book account.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: OFF (Lockout is not cancelled.)
1: ON (Lockout is cancelled if a user ID and
Cancellation On/Off
003 password are correctly entered after the lockout
function has been executed and a specific time has
004 Sets the interval of the retry for accessing the local address book account
after the lockout function has been executed.
This setting is enabled only if SP5413-3 is set to "1" (ON).
M132 5-36 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Mitigation On/Off
Permits or does not permit consecutive access to the machine with the
Mitigation Time
002 Sets the prohibiting time for consecutive access to the machine with the
same ID and password.
[0 to 60 / 15 / 1 min]
001 Sets the threshold number of attempts to attack the system with random
Detect Time [1 to 10 / 5 / 1 sec]
Sets a detection time to count a password attack.
001 Sets the number of users for the access exclusion and password attack
detection function.
002 Sets the number of passwords for the access exclusion and password
SM 5-37 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
003 Sets the wait time to slow down the speed of certification when an excessive
004 Sets a limit on the number of requests received for certification in order to
slow down the certification speed when an excessive number of access
attempts have been detected.
User Authentication
These functions are enabled only after the user access feature has
been enabled.
[0 or 1/ 0 / 1] 0: ON. 1: OFF
041 Printer Determines whether certification is required
before a user can use the printer application.
051 SDK1
[0 or 1/ 0 / 1] 0: ON. 1: OFF
061 SDK2 Determines whether certification is required
before a user can use the SDK application.
071 SDK3
M132 5-38 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
[0 or 1 / 0 / -]
0: OFF [Default], 1: ON
001 System Log Disp
Determines whether an error code appears in the
system log after a user authentication failure occurs.
[0 or 1 / 1 / 1]
0: OFF, 1: ON [Default]
002 Panel Disp Determines whether an error code appears on the
operation panel after a user authentication failure
5501* PM Alarm
PM Alarm Level
Original Count Alarm (DFU)
002 Selects whether the PM alarm for the number of scans is enabled or not.
If this is "1", the PM alarm function is enabled.
[0 = No / 1 = Yes]
SM 5-39 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Jam Alarm
Sets the alarm to sound for the specified jam level (document misfeeds are
not included).
5504* [0 to 3 / 3 / 1 step]
0: Zero (Off)
1: Low (2.5K jams)
2: Medium (3K jams)
3: High (6K jams)
Error Alarm
5505* error alarm counter decreases by "1" when an SC is not detected during a
set number of copied sheets (for example, default 5000 (C1b) or 10000
(C1c) sheets). The error alarm occurs when the SC error alarm counter
reaches "5".
[0 to 255 / 60 / 100 copies / step]
5508 CC Call
M132 5-40 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
SC/Alarm Setting
5515* With @Remote in use, these SP codes can be set to issue an SC call when
an SC error occurs. If this SP is switched off, the SC call is not issued when
an SC error occurs.
001 SC Call
Individual PM Part Alarm Call
5516 With @Remote in use, these SP codes can be set to issue an PM alarm call
when one of SP parts reaches its yield.
[0 or 1 / 0 / - ]
001 Change Mk1 Cnt(Paper->Combine)
0:Disable, 1: Enable
SM 5-41 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Touch “Execute” to export or import the selected preference information.
Option: [Unique]
Crypt config: [Encryption]
101 Import
Encryption key (if selected)
M132 5-42 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Memory Clear
5801 Resets NVRAM data to the default settings. Before executing any of these
SP codes, print an SMC Report.
Initializes the image file system.
004 IMH Memory Clr
(IMH: Image Memory Handler)
SM 5-43 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
014 Clear DCS Setting Initializes the DCS (Delivery Control Service) settings.
5802* The correct paper should be loaded in the 1st tray or 2nd tray, but paper is
not fed.
The main switch has to be turned off and on after using the free run mode
for a test.
001 TRAY1:A4LEF -
002 TRAY2:A3 -
003 TRAY2:A4SEF -
M132 5-44 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Input Check
5803 Displays the signals received from sensors and switches. ( p.5-127
"Input Check Table")
Output Check
Anti-Condensation Heater
5805 [0 or 1 / 0 / -]
0:OFF / 1:ON
5810 SC Reset
switch off/on.
5811 MachineSerial
SM 5-45 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
I/F Setting
001 [0 to 2 / 2 / 1 /step]
0: Remote service off
1: CSS remote service on
2: @Remote service on
CE Call
002 [0 or 1 / 1 / 1 /step]
0: Start of the service
1: End of the service
NOTE: This SP is activated only when SP 5816-001 is set to “2”.
Function Flag
003 [0 to 1 / 0 / 1 /step]
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
NOTE: This SP setting is changed to "1" after @Remote registration has
been completed.
SSL Disable
Uses or does not use the RCG certification by SSL when calling the RCG.
007 [0 to 1 / 0 / 1 /step]
M132 5-46 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
008 Specifies the connect timeout interval when calling the RCG.
[1 to 90 / 30 / 1 second /step]
009 Specifies the write timeout interval when calling the RCG.
010 Specifies the read timeout interval when calling the RCG.
Port 80 Enable
013 [0 or 1 / 1 / – ]
0: RFU is executed whenever update request is received.
1: RFU is executed only when the machine is in the sleep mode.
[0 or 1 / 0 / – ]
014 0: Normal
RCG–C Registed
SM 5-47 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
0: Internet connection
1: Dial-up connection
Use Proxy
062 This SP setting determines if the proxy server is used when the machine
Proxy Host
This SP sets the address of the proxy server used for communication
between Embedded RC Gate-N and the gateway. Use this SP to set up or
display the customer proxy server address. The address is necessary to set
This SP sets the port number of the proxy server used for communication
between Embedded RC Gate-N and the gateway. This setting is necessary to
064 set up Embedded RC Gate-N.
M132 5-48 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Proxy Password
CERT: Up State
The certification request (setAuthKey) for update has been received
from the GW URL and certification is presently being updated.
The period of the certification has expired and new request for an
update is being sent to the GW URL.
SM 5-49 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
The notification of the certification request has been received from the
rescue GW controller, and the certification is being stored.
The certification has been stored, and the GW URL is being notified of
the successful completion of this event.
The storing of the certification has failed, and the GW URL is being
notified of the failure of this event.
The certification update request has been received from the GW URL,
the GW URL was notified of the results of the update after it was
completed, but a certification error has been received, and the rescue
certification is being recorded.
The rescue certification of No. 17 has been recorded, and the GW URL
is being notified of the failure of the certification update.
CERT: Error
Displays a number code that describes the reason for the request for update
of the certification.
068 An SSL error notification has been issued. Issued after the certification
has expired.
M132 5-50 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Spaces are displayed as underscores (_).
089 CERT: ID2 Code Asteriskes (*) indicate that no @Remote
certification exists. "000000___________"
indicates "Common certification".
SM 5-51 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Manual Polling
Executes the manual polling.
Regist Status
Displays a number that indicates the status of the @Remote service device.
0: Neither the @Remote device nor Embedded RCG Gate is set.
1: The Embedded RCG Gate is being set. Only Box registration is completed.
201 In this status, @Remote device cannot communicate with this device.
2: The Embedded RCG Gate is set. In this status, the @Remote device
cannot communicate with this device.
3: The @Remote device is being set. In this status the Embedded RCG Gate
cannot be set.
4: The @Remote module has not started.
M132 5-52 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Displays a number that indicates the result of the confirmation executed with
0: Succeeded
1: Confirmation number error
2: Registration in progress
3: Proxy error (proxy enabled)
4: Proxy error (proxy disabled)
5: Proxy error (Illegal user name or password)
6: Communication error
7: Certification update error
8: Other error
9: Confirmation executing
Confirm Place
205 Displays the result of the notification sent to the device from the Gateway in
answer to the confirmation request. Displayed only when the result is
registered at the Gateway.
206 Register Execute Executes "Embedded RCG Registration".
Register Result
SM 5-53 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Error Code
Displays a number that describes the error code that was issued when either
SP5816-204 or SP5816-207 was executed.
M132 5-54 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Gate setup.
209 Instl Clear
NOTE: Turn off and on the main power switch after
this setting has been changed.
SM 5-55 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
5825 Downloads data from an SD card to the NVRAM in the machine. After
downloading is completed, remove the card and turn the machine power off
and on.
M132 5-56 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Disables or enables Telnet operation. If this SP
TELNET is disabled, the Telnet port is closed.
(0:OFF 1:ON) [0 to 1 / 1 / 1]
0: Disable, 1: Enable
SM 5-57 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
The IPv6 address consists of a total 128 bits configured in 8 blocks of 16 bits
each. These notations can be abbreviated. See "Note: IPV6 Addresses"
below this table.
blocks of 16 bits each. These notations can be abbreviated. See "Note: IPV6
Addresses" below this table.
M132 5-58 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Web Item visible
Displays or does not display the link to Net RICOH on the top page and link
237 page of the web system.
[0 to 1 / 1 / 1]
0: Not display, 1:Display
SM 5-59 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Displays or does not display the link to Consumable Supplier on the top
238 page and link page of the web system.
[0 to 1 / 1 / 1]
0: Not display, 1:Display
239 This SP confirms or changes the URL1 name on the link page of the web
system. The maximum characters for the URL name are 31 characters.
240 his SP confirms or changes the link to URL1 on the link page of the web
system. The maximum characters for the URL are 127 characters.
Displays or does not display the link to URL1 on the top page of the web
241 system.
[0 to 1 / 1 / 1]
0: Not display, 1:Display
0000000000000000000000000000h / -]
M132 5-60 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
5832 Enter the SP number for the partition to initialize, then press #. When the
execution ends, cycle the machine off and on.
Channel MAX
Sets the maximum range of the bandwidth for the wireless LAN. This
006 bandwidth setting varies for different countries.
Channel MIN
Sets the minimum range of the bandwidth for operation of the wireless LAN.
007 This bandwidth setting varies for different countries.
[1 to 14 / 1 / 1]
JPN: 1 to 14, NA: 1 to 11, EU: 1 to 13
0 x FF to Auto [Default]
0 x 11 - 55M Fix 0 x 07 - 11M Fix
0 x 10 - 48M Fix 0 x 05 - 5.5M Fix
008 0 x 0F - 36M Fix 0 x 08 - 1M Fix
0 x 0E - 18M Fix 0 x 13 - 0 x FE (reserved)
0 x 0D - 12M Fix 0 x 12 - 72M (reserved)
0 x 0B - 9M Fix 0 x 09 - 22M (reserved)
0 x 0A - 6M Fix
SM 5-61 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Fragment Thresh
5841* Press the User Tools key. These names appear when the user presses the
Inquiry button on the User Tools screen.
011 StapleStd1
012 StapleStd2
M132 5-62 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
013 StapleStd3
014 StapleStd4
5844 USB
Transfer Rate
Vendor ID
Product ID
Sets the device release number of the BCD (binary coded decimal) display.
004 [0000 to 9999 / 100 / 1] (DFU)
This SP standardizes for common use the model name and serial number
for USB PnP (Plug & Play). It determines whether the driver requires
[0 to 2 / 0 / 1]
0: OFF
1: Level 1
2: Level 2
SM 5-63 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
This SP sets the model name to be used by the USB PnP when "Function
Enable (Level 2) is set so the USB Serial No. can have a common name
Default: Laser Printer (up to 20 characters allowed).
This SP sets the serial number to be used by the USB PnP when "Function
Enable (Level 2)
set so the USB Serial No. can have a common name (SP5844-5).
Default: None (up to 12 characters allowed for entry).
Make sure that this entry is the same as the serial number in use.
At initialization the serial number generated from the model name is
used, not the setting of this SP code.
At times other than initialization, the value set for this SP code is used.
M132 5-64 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Sets the wait time from the error action to the retry.
[0 to 1 / 1 / -]
Rapid Sending Control
0: Disable, 1: Enable
Enables or disables the prevention function for the continuous data sending
SM 5-65 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
010 Sets the length of the time-out for the search of the LDAP server.
[1 to 255 / 60 /1 step]
047 Clears all of the address information from the local address book of a
M132 5-66 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
049 Push [Execute] to delete all items (this does not include user codes) in the
051 Copies all directory information to the SD card. Do this SP before replacing
the controller board or HDD. The operation may not succeed if the controller
board or HDD is damaged.
052 Copies back all directory information from the SD card to the flash ROM or
HDD. Upload the address book from the old flash ROM or HDD with
SP5846-51 before removing it. Do SP5846 52 after installing the new HDD.
Deletes the address book uploaded from the SD card in the slot 2. Deletes
053 only the files uploaded for that machine. This feature does not work if the
card is write-protected.
Note: After you do this SP, go out of the SP mode, turn the power off. Do not
remove the SD card until the Power LED stops flashing.
Search Option
This SP uses bit switches to set up the fuzzy search options for the UCS
local address book.
Bit Meaning
0 Checks both upper/lower case characters
2 Japan Only
SM 5-67 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Complexity Option 1
Use this SP to set the conditions for password entry to access the local
address book. Specifically, this SP limits the password entry to upper case
and sets the length of the password.
062 [0 to 32 / 0 / 1step]
Complexity Option 2
Use this SP to set the conditions for password entry to access the local
address book. Specifically, this SP limits the password entry to lower case
and defines the length of the password.
063 [0 to 32 / 0 / 1step]
Complexity Option 3
Use this SP to set the conditions for password entry to access the local
address book. Specifically, this SP limits the password entry to numbers and
defines the length of the password.
064 [0 to 32 / 0 / 1step]
M132 5-68 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Complexity Option 4
Use this SP to set the conditions for password entry to access the local
address book. Specifically, this SP limits the password entry to symbols and
defines the length of the password.
065 [0 to 32 / 0 / 1step]
Encryption Start
094 Shows the status of the encryption function of the address book on the
LDAP server.
[0 to 255 / 1 ] No default
Web Service
5848-2 sets the 4-bit switch assignment for the access control setting.
5848* Setting of 0001 has no effect on access and delivery from Scan Router.
5848-100 sets the maximum size of images that can be downloaded. The
default is equal to 1 gigabyte.
009 Acc. Ctrl.: Job Control (Lower 4 Bits) Switches access control on
and off.
011 Acc. Ctrl: Device Management (Lower 4 Bits) 0000: OFF, 0001: ON
SM 5-69 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Setting: Timing
No information is available at this time.
Installation Date
Displays or prints the installation date of the machine.
M132 5-70 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
When set to "1" allows reception of firmware data via the local port (IEEE
1284) during a remote ROM update. This setting is reset to zero after the
machine is cycled off and on. Allows the technician to upgrade the firmware
002 using a parallel cable
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1 step]
0: Not allowed
1: Allowed
Switches on the debug log feature. The debug log cannot be captured until
001 this feature is switched on.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: OFF, 1: ON
002 event selected by SP5858 will be stored if an error is generated
[2 to 3 / 2 / 1]
2: HDD, 3: SD Card
Save to HDD
Specifies the decimal key number of the log to be written to the hard disk.
Save to SD Card
Specifies the decimal key number of the log to be written to the SD Card.
Takes the most recent 4 MB of the log written to the hard disk and copies
SM 5-71 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Takes the log of the specified key from the log on the hard disk and copies it
to the SD Card.
010 A unique file name is generated to avoid overwriting existing file names on
Erases all debug logs on the SD Card. If the card contains only debugging
012 files generated by an event specified by SP5858, the files are erased when
014 Copies the last 4MB of the log (written directly to the card from shared
015 This SP copies the log on an SD card (the file that contains the information
Make SD Debug
This SP creates a 4 MB file to store a log on an SD card.
M132 5-72 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
5858* These SPs select the content of the debugging information to be saved to
the destination selected by SP5857-002.
SP5858-003 stores one SC specified by number.
001 Key 1
002 Key 2
003 Key 3
004 Key 4
005 Key 5 These SPs allow you to set up to 10 keys for log files for
functions that use common memory on the controller board.
006 Key 6 [0 to 9999999 / 0 / 1]
007 Key 7
008 Key 8
009 Key 9
010 Key 10
[1 to 65535 / 25 / 1]
SM 5-73 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
SMTP Authentication
003 This setting switches SMTP certification on and off for mail sending.
[0 or 1 / 0 / -]
0: Off, 1: On
[0 to 2/ 0 / 1]
0: Automatic, 1: No encryption done, 2: Encryption done
This setting determines whether the transmission connects with the POP
server first for certification before it connects to the SMTP server for
007 sending.
[0 or 1 / 0 / -]
0: No connection to POP server
1: Connection to POP server
This SP sets the amount of time to allow for the connection to the SMTP
008 server after the transmission has connected to the POP server and been
009 This SP specifies a protocol for the mail reception or switches off receiving.
[1 to 3 / 1 / 1]
1: POP3 protocol, 2: IMAP4 protocol, 3: SMTP protocol
[0 to 2 / 0 / 1]
0: Automatic, 1: No encryption done, 2: Encryption done
M132 5-74 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
[1 to 65535 / 110 / 1]
[1 to 65535 / 143 / 1]
016 This SP sets the number of the port that receives SMTP mail.
[1 to 65535 / 25 / 1]
017 This SP sets the timing for mail received at regular intervals.
[2 to 1440 / 3 / 1 min.]
019 [0 to 2 / 0 / 1]
0: Received mail not stored
1: All received mail stored
2: Stores only mail that generated errors during receiving
[1 to 168 / 72 / 1 hour]
020 Sets the amount of time to wait before saving a mail that breaks up during
reception. The received mail is discarded if the remaining portion of the mail
is not received during this prescribed time.
[0 to 1 / 1 / 1]
0: No, 1: Yes
SM 5-75 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Determines whether the FROM item of the mail header is switched to the
026 [0 to 2 / 0 / 1]
0: Microsoft Outlook Express standard
1: Internet Draft standard
2: RFC standard
003 Initialize Initializes the data area of the common proof for validating.
M132 5-76 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Writing: Writes to flash ROM the common proof (2048-bit) for validating
2048bit the device for @Remote specifications.
5873 Allows you to move applications from one SD card another. For more, see
"SD Card Appli Move" in the chapter "System Maintenance (Main Chapters).
001 Move Exec Executes the move from one SD card to another.
002 Undo Exec This is an undo function. It cancels the previous execution.
SD Get Counter
This SP determines whether the ROM can be updated.
SM 5-77 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-5
001 SDK-1
002 SDK-2
003 SDK-3
004 SDK-4
005 SDK-5
006 SDK-6
Selects the brand name and the production name for Windows Plug & Play.
5907 This information is stored in the NVRAM. If the NVRAM is defective, these
names should be registered again.
After selecting, press the "Original Type" key and "#" key at the same time.
When the setting is completed, the beeper sounds five times.
001 0: OFF
1: ON
M132 5-78 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-5
Device Setting
5985 The USB support feature is built into the GW controller. Use this SP to
enable and disable the features. In order to use the USB function built into
the controller board, this SP code must be set to "1".
[0 or 1 / 0 / 1/step]
002 On Board USB
0: Disable, 1: Enable
SP Print Mode
Prints out the SMC sheets.
006 Non-Default
024 SDK/J Summary
026 Printer SP
SM 5-79 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-6
002 3-Hole: NA
005 2-Hole: NA
002 3-Hole: NA
005 2-Hole: NA
001 A3 SEF
002 B4 SEF
[-5 to 5 / 0 / 0.25 mm]
003 A4 SEF
004 A4 LEF
M132 5-80 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-6
005 B5 SEF
006 B5 LEF
008 LG SEF
009 LT SEF
010 LT LEF
012 Other
001 A3 SEF
002 B4 SEF
003 A4 SEF
004 A4 LEF
005 B5 SEF
006 B5 LEF
[0 to 1 / 1 / 1 mm]
008 LG SEF
009 LT SEF
010 LT LEF
012 Other
SM 5-81 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-6
6132* This SP adjusts the distance between the jogger fences and the sides of the
stack on the finisher stapling tray in the Finisher D636. The adjustment is
done perpendicular to the direction of paper feed.
001 A3 SEF
002 B4 SEF
003 A4 SEF
004 A4 LEF
005 B5 SEF
006 B5 LEF
[-1.5 to 1.5 / 0 / 0.5 mm]
008 LG SEF
009 LT SEF
010 LT LEF
012 Other
M132 5-82 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-6
6134* Use this SP to adjust the stapling position of the booklet stapler when paper
is stapled and folded in the Booklet Finisher (D637).
001 A3 SEF
002 B4 SEF
[-3 to 3 / 0 / 0.2 mm]
003 A4 SEF + Value: Shifts staple position toward the crease.
- Value: Shifts staple position away from the crease
004 B5 SEF
006 LG SEF
007 LT SEF
009 Other
6135* This SP corrects the folding position when paper is stapled and folded in the
Booklet Finisher D637.
001 A3 SEF
002 B4 SEF
[-3 to 3 / 0 / 0.2 mm]
003 A4 SEF + Value: Shifts staple position toward the crease.
- Value: Shifts staple position away from the crease.
004 B5 SEF
006 LG SEF
007 LT SEF
009 Other
SM 5-83 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-6
6136* Sets the number of times that folding is done in the Booklet Finisher D637.
[2 to 30 / 2 / 1 time/step]
Entrance Sensor
6139 Display the signals received from sensors and switches of the finisher.
(D588) ( p.5-127 "Input Check Table")
6140 Display the signals received from sensors and switches of the finisher.
(D636) ( p.5-127 "Input Check Table")
6144 Display the signals received from sensors and switches of the finisher.
(D588) ( p.5-137 "Output Check Table")
6145 Display the signals received from sensors and switches of the finisher.
(D636) ( p.5-137 "Output Check Table")
001 A3T
002 B4T
006 A5Y
007 DLT-T
M132 5-84 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-6
008 LG-T
009 LT-T
010 LT-Y
011 HLT-Y
012 Other
You may need to adjust this setting or switch it off when feeding
thick or slick paper.
SM 5-85 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-7
SC Counter
001 Displays the total number of service calls that have occurred.
This SC counter can be reset by executing SP7807 (SC/Jam Counter
Total SC Counter
002 Displays the cumulative sum of service calls that have occurred.
This SC counter cannot be reset by executing SP7807 (SC/Jam Counter
7403* SC History
001 Latest
002 Latest 1
003 Latest 2
004 Latest 3
005 Latest 4
Displays the most recent 10 service calls.
006 Latest 5
007 Latest 6
008 Latest 7
009 Latest 8
010 Latest 9
M132 5-86 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-7
Jam Counter
These SPs display the total number of paper jams by location. A "Check-in"
7504* (paper late) error occurs when the paper fails to activate the sensor at the
precise time. A "Check-out" ("paper lag") paper jam occurs when the paper
remains at the sensor for longer than the prescribed time.
001 At power On
003 Tray 1: On
004 Tray 2: On
005 Tray 3: On
006 Tray 4: On
007 LCT: On
008 Bypass: On
009 Duplex: On
SM 5-87 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-7
017 Registration: On
M132 5-88 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-7
201 Finisher Shift Motor: EUP
005 A4 LEF
006 A5 LEF
Displays the total number of copy jams by paper size.
014 B5 LEF
038 LT LEF
SM 5-89 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-7
132 A3 SEF
133 A4 SEF
134 A5 SEF
141 B4 SEF
142 B5 SEF
164 LG SEF
166 LT SEF
255 Others
001 Last
002 Latest 1
Displays the copy jam history (the most recent 10 jams)
003 Latest 2 Sample Display:
004 Latest 3
010 Latest 9
M132 5-90 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-7
7801 This SP code displays the firmware versions of all ROMs in the system,
including the mainframe, the ARDF, and peripheral devices.
PM Counter Display
Displays the PM counter since the last PM.
Page: Transfer [0 to 999999 / 0 / 1 page]
Displays the transfer unit counter (pages).
SM 5-91 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-7
Rotation(%):Transfer [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 %]
Displays the transfer unit (%) rotation counter (distance/PM).
Rotation(%):Fuser [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 %]
Displays the fuser unit (%) rotation counter (distance/PM).
Rotation(%):Web [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 %]
Displays the web unit (%) rotation counter (distance/PM).
PM Counter Reset
Resets the PM counter of the paper.
002 Resets the PM counter of the PCD (Drum and Development unit except
Resets the PM counter of the transfer unit.
Resets the PM counter of the fuser unit.
Reset the PM counter of the web unit.
All Clear
Resets all PM counter
M132 5-92 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-7
7807 Resets the SC and jam counters. To reset, press Execute on the touch
This SP does not reset the jam history counters: SP7507, SP7508.
PCD [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 ]
Displays the replacement counter of the PCD (Drum and Development unit).
Transfer [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 ]
Displays the replacement counter of the transfer unit.
Fuser [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 ]
Displays the replacement counter of the fusing unit.
Web [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 ]
Displays the replacement counter of the cleaning web.
SM 5-93 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-7
001* PCD Sets the near end timing setting for each
maintenance item.
002* Transfer
[0 to 2/ 1 / 1 /step]
0: Earlier
003* Fuser 1: Normal
2: Later
M132 5-94 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-7
Rotation(%):Web [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 %]
009 Bank 166 IPDS
SM 5-95 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-7
158 PCL
Firmware Version
M132 5-96 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-7
160 MSIS
Displays the replacement date of the PCD.
Displays the replacement date of the transfer unit.
Displays the replacement date of the fusing unit.
Displays the replacement date of the web unit.
SM 5-97 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-7 Rev. 2/25/2014
PM Yield Setting
Sets the each yield of the following.
M132 5-98 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-7
23<=T<=27 [0 to 99999999 / 0 / 1 mm]
Displays the PCU rotation distance of the environment: 23<=T<=27
SM 5-99 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-8
SP8401 to SP8406 The number of pages printed from the document server
SP8691 to SP8696 The number of pages sent from the document server
P: Print application.
The Group 8 SP codes are limited to 17 characters, forced by the necessity of displaying them on
the small LCDs of printers and faxes that also use these SPs. Read over the list of abbreviations
below and refer to it again if you see the name of an SP that you do not understand.
M132 5-100 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-8
Apl Application
Bk Black
C Cyan
Comb Combine
Comp Compression
Deliv Delivery
Designated Application. The application (Copy, Fax, Scan,
DesApl Print) used to store the job on the document server, for
Emul Emulation
FC Full Color
SM 5-101 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-8
Get Print Counter. For jobs 10 pages or less, this counter does
not count up. For jobs larger than 10 pages, this counter counts
up by the number that is in excess of 10 (e.g., for an 11-page
job, the counter counts up 11-10 =1)
Image Edit performed on the original with the copier GUI, e.g.
border removal, adding stamps, page numbers, etc.
K Black (YMCK)
Mag Magnification
PC Personal Computer
Ppr Paper
M132 5-102 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-8
Rez Resolution
Scn Scan
S-to-Email Scan-to-E-mail
Svr Server
TXJob Send, Transmission
All of the Group 8 SPs are able to reset by “SP5 801 1 Memory All Clear”.
SM 5-103 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-8
These SPs reveal the number of times an application is used, not the number of pages
When an application is opened for image input or output, this counts as one job.
Interrupted jobs (paper jams, etc.) are counted, even though they do not finish.
Only jobs executed by the customer are counted. Jobs executed by the customer engineer
using the SP modes are not counted.
When using secure printing (when a password is required to start the print job), the job is
counted at the time when either "Delete Data" or "Specify Output" is specified.
When the customer prints a report (user code list, for example), the O: counter increments.
8061 These SPs total the finishing methods. The finishing method is specified
by the application.
8064 These SPs total finishing methods for print jobs only. The finishing method
is specified by the application.
8067 These SPs total finishing methods for jobs executed by an external
application, over the network. The finishing method is specified by the
M132 5-104 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-8
8071 These SPs count the number of jobs broken down by the number of pages
in the job, regardless of which application was used.
P:Jobs/PGS *CTL [0 to 99999999 / 0 / 1]
8074 These SPs count and calculate the number of print jobs by size based on
the number of pages in the job.
8077 These SPs count and calculate the number of "Other" application jobs
(Web Image Monitor, Palm 2, etc.) by size based on the number of pages
in the job.
SM 5-105 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-8
Interrupted jobs (paper jam, etc.) are counted, even though they do not finish.
If a job is paused and re-started, it counts as one job.
If the finisher runs out of staples during a print and staple job, then the job is counted at the
time the error occurs.
When printing the first page of a job from within the document server screen, the page is
8381 T:Total PrtPGS *CTL These SPs count the number of pages
printed by the customer. The counter
8384 P:Total PrtPGS *CTL
for the application used for storing the
pages increments.
[0 to 99999999 / 0 / 1]
The L: counter counts the number of
pages stored from within the document
8387 O:Total PrtPGS *CTL
server mode screen at the operation
panel. Pages stored with the Store File
button from within the Copy mode
screen go to the C: counter.
When the A3/DLT double count function is switched on with SP5104, 1 A3/DLT page is
counted as 2.
When several documents are merged for a print job, the number of pages stored are counted
for the application that stored them.
These counters are used primarily to calculate charges on use of the machine, so the
following pages are not counted as printed pages:
- Blank pages in a duplex printing job.
- Blank pages inserted as document covers, chapter title sheets, and slip sheets.
- Reports printed to confirm counts.
- All reports done in the service mode (service summaries, engine maintenance reports, etc.)
- Test prints for machine image adjustment.
- Error notification reports.
- Partially printed pages as the result of a copier jam.
M132 5-106 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-8
8391 These SPs count pages printed on paper sizes A3/DLT and larger.
Note: In addition to being displayed in the SMC Report, these counters are
also displayed in the User Tools display on the copy machine.
8421 These SPs count by binding and combine, and n-Up settings the number
of pages processed for printing. This is the total for all applications.
8424 These SPs count by binding and combine, and n-Up settings the number
of pages processed for printing by the printer application.
O:PrtPGS/Dup Comb *CTL [0 to 99999999 / 0 / 1]
8427 These SPs count by binding and combine, and n-Up settings the number
of pages processed for printing by Other applications
SM 5-107 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-8
842x 12 Booklet
842x 13 Magazine
These counts (SP8 421 to SP8 427) are especially useful for customers who need to improve
their compliance with ISO standards for the reduction of paper consumption.
Pages that are only partially printed with the n-Up functions are counted as 1 page.
Here is a summary of how the counters work for Booklet and Magazine modes:
M132 5-108 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-8
Booklet Magazine
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 2 3 2
4 2 4 2
5 3 5 4
6 4 6 4
7 4 7 4
8 4 8 4
8431 These SPs count the total number of pages output with the three features
below, regardless of which application was used.
P:PrtPGS/ImgEdt *CTL [0 to 99999999 / 0 / 1]
8434 These SPs count the total number of pages output with the three features
below with the print application.
8437 These SPs count the total number of pages output with the three features
below with Other applications.
SM 5-109 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-8
8441 These SPs count by print paper size the number of pages printed by all
8444 These SPs count by print paper size the number of pages printed by the
printer application.
8447 These SPs count by print paper size the number of pages printed by Other
844x 1 A3
844x 2 A4
844x 3 A5
844x 4 B4
844x 5 B5
844x 6 DLT
844x 7 LG
844x 8 LT
844x 9 HLT
M132 5-110 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-8
PrtPGS/Ppr Tray
These SPs count the number of sheets fed from each paper feed station.
Bypass Tray
001 Bypass Tray *CTL
[0 to 99999999 / 0 / 1]
LCT (Option)
006 Tray 5 *CTL
[0 to 99999999 / 0 / 1]
012 Tray 11 *CTL Currently not used.
SM 5-111 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-8
These SPs count by paper type the number pages printed by all
These counters are not the same as the PM counter. The PM counter
8461 is based on feed timing to accurately measure the service life of the
feed rollers. However, these counts are based on output timing.
Blank sheets (covers, chapter covers, slip sheets) are also counted.
During duplex printing, pages printed on both sides count as 1, and a
page printed on one side counts as 1.
8464 These SPs count by paper type the number pages printed by the printer
846x 1 Normal
846x 2 Recycled
846x 3 Special
846x 4 Thick
846x 7 OHP
846x 8 Other
M132 5-112 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-8
These SPs count by magnification rate the number of pages printed.
Counts are done for magnification adjusted for pages, not only on the operation panel but
performed remotely with an external network application capable of performing magnification
adjustment as well.
Magnification adjustments done with printer drivers with PC applications such as Excel are
also counted.
Magnification adjustments done for adjustments after they have been stored on the document
server are not counted.
Magnification adjustments performed automatically during Auto Reduce/Enlarge copying are
The magnification rates of blank cover sheets, slip sheets, etc. are automatically assigned a
rate of 100%.
These SPs count the number of pages printed with the Toner Save feature
switched on.
Note: These SPs return the same results as this SP is limited to the Print
SM 5-113 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-8
8511 These SPs count by printer emulation mode the total number of pages
8514 These SPs count by printer emulation mode the total number of pages
8 51x 1 RPCS
8 51x 2 RPDL
8 51x 3 PS3
8 51x 4 R98
8 51x 5 R16
8 51x 6 GL/GL2
8 51x 7 R55
8 51x 8 RTIFF
8 51x 9 PDF
8 51x 10 PCL5e/5c
8 51x 11 PCL XL
8 51x 12 IPDL-C
8 51x 14 Other
8 51x 15 IPDS
SP8 511 and SP8 514 return the same results as they are both limited to the Print application.
Print jobs output to the document server are not counted.
M132 5-114 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-8
8521 These SPs count by finishing mode the total number of pages printed by
all applications.
8524 These SPs count by finishing mode the total number of pages printed by
the Print application.
8 52x 1 Sort
8 52x 2 Stack
8 52x 3 Staple
8 52x 4 Booklet
8 52x 5 Z-Fold
8 52x 6 Punch
8 52x 7 Other
8 52x 9 Three-IN-Fold Letter Fold-in (FM4) (Multi Fold Unit)
8 52x 11 Four Fold Double Parallel Fold (FM5) (Multi Fold Unit)
If stapling is selected for finishing and the stack is too large for stapling, the unstapled
pages are still counted.
The counts for staple finishing are based on output to the staple tray, so jam recoveries
are counted.
SM 5-115 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-8
M132 5-116 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-8
8581 These SPs count the total output broken down by color output, regardless of
the application used. In addition to being displayed in the SMC Report, these
counters are also displayed in the User Tools display on the copy machine.
8591 These SPs count the totals for A3/DLT paper use, number of duplex pages
printed, and the number of staples used. These totals are for Other (O:)
applications only.
T: Coverage Counter
8601 These SPs count the total coverage for each color and the total printout pages
for each printing mode.
SM 5-117 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-8
P:Coverage Counter
M132 5-118 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-8
025 Function-025 *CTL
[0 to 99999999 / 0 / 1]
026 Function-026 *CTL
SM 5-119 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-8
M132 5-120 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-8
Dev Counter
8771 These SPs count the frequency of use (number of rotations of the
development rollers) for black and other color toners.
8781 These SPs display the number of already replaced toner bottles.
NOTE: Currently, the data in SP7-833-011 through 014 and the data in
SP8-781-001 through 004 are the same.
Toner Remain
These SPs display the percent of toner remaining for each color. This SP
8801 allows the user to check the toner supply at any time.
Note: This precise method of measuring remaining toner supply (1% steps) is
better than other machines in the market that can only measure in increments
of 10 (10% steps).
SM 5-121 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-8
Eco Counter
8851 These SPs display the number of scanned sheets on which the coverage of
each color is from 0% to 10%.
M132 5-122 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-8
8861 These SPs display the number of scanned sheets on which the coverage of
each color is from 11% to 20%.
8871 These SPs display the number of scanned sheets on which the coverage of
each color is from 21% to 30%.
8881 These SPs display the number of scanned sheets on which the coverage of
each color is 31% or higher.
Page/Toner Bottle
These SPs display the amount of the remaining current toner for each color.
These SPs display the amount of the remaining previous toner for each color.
SM 5-123 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-8
8911 These SPs display the amount of the remaining 2nd previous toner for each
Cvr Cnt/Total
Displays the total coverage and total printout number for each color.
8941 These SPs count the amount of time the machine spends in each operation
mode. These SPs are useful for customers who need to investigate machine
operation for improvement in their compliance with ISO Standards.
M132 5-124 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-8
009 Supply PM Unit End Total time when toner end has been staying
Electricity Status
006 Reading Time *CTL
SM 5-125 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-8
001 Total
007 Printer: BW
[0 to 99999999 / 0 / 1]
012 A3/DLT
013 Duplex
M132 5-126 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-9
When entering the Input Check mode, 8 digits display the result for a section. Each digit
corresponds to a different device as shown in the table.
Bit No. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Result 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1
Input Check
5803 Reading
0 1
001 Tray 1: Paper Size Sensor See the table 1 following this table.
003 Tray 1: Paper Lift Sensor Not upper limit Upper limit
Tray 1:
Paper Height Sensor 1
See the table 2 following this table.
Tray 1:
Paper Height Sensor 2
007 Tray 2: Paper Size Sensor See the table 1 following this table.
009 Tray 2: Paper Lift Sensor Not upper limit Upper limit
Tray 2:
011 See the table 2 following this table.
Paper Height Sensor 1
SM 5-127 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-9
Tray 2:
Paper Height Sensor 2
024 By-pass: Paper Size Sensor See the table 3 following this table.
M132 5-128 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-9
048 Interlock Detection 1
open. close.
SM 5-129 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-9
Full 0 0
Nearly full 1 0
Near end 1 1
Almost empty 0 1
A4 SEF A4 SEF 1 1 0
B5 SEF B5 SEF 0 1 1
A5 LEF A5 LEF 1 0 1
M132 5-130 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-9
*1: The machine detects either 11" x 17" SEF or A3 SEF, depending on the setting of SP
5-181-002 (Tray 1) or -006 (Tray 2).
*2: The machine detects either 8.5" x 14" SEF or B4 SEF, depending on the setting of SP
5-181-003 (Tray 1) or -007 (Tray 2).
*3: The machine detects either 11" x 81/2" LEF or A4 LEF, depending on the setting of SP
5-181-001 (Tray 1) or -005 (Tray 2).
*4: The machine detects either B5 LEF or 10.5" x 7.25" LEF, depending on the setting of
SP 5-181-004 (Tray 1) or -008 (Tray 2)..
(11" x 8.5" LEF) (A4 LEF)
SM 5-131 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-9
*1: When the machine determines that the paper feed direction is "LEF", it considers that
the paper size is bracketed size.
Original Size Length Sensor SP4-301
Metric version Inch version L3 L2 L1 W1 W2
8.5" x 13", 8.25" x 13",
or 8" x 13" 8.5" x 14" O O O X X 00011100
SP 5126 controls the
size that is detected
B5 LEF - X X X O X 00000010
B5 SEF - X X O X X 00000100
M132 5-132 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-9
6140 Bit Description
0 1
No paper Paper
004 Upper Tray Exit Sensor
detected*1 detected*1
010 Upper Tray Height Sensor No paper detected Paper detected
SM 5-133 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-9
6140 Bit Description
0 1
038 Lower Tray Full Sensor: Front No paper detected Paper detected
039 Lower Tray Full Sensor: Rear No paper detected Paper detected
M132 5-134 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-9
6140 Bit Description
0 1
0 0 Japan
1 0 Europe
0 1 North America
1 1 North Europe
SM 5-135 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-9
6139 Bit Description
0 1
No paper
001 Entrance Sensor Paper detected
Jogger HP Sensor
005 Not HP HP
(Jogger Fence HP Sensor)
No staple
009 Staple Sensor Staple detected
No staple
010 Staple READY Detection Staple detected
M132 5-136 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-9
6139 Bit Description
0 1
006 Exit Motor: 90
007 Feed Motor: 300
SM 5-137 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-9
024 LCT: Feed Motor: 215 Paper feed motor (Optional LCT)
030 Bank: Paper Feed Clutch 3 Paper feed clutch 3/4 (Optional
032 LCT: Paper Feed Clutch Paper feed clutch (Optional LCT)
M132 5-138 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-9
053 Duplex Inverter Motor: Fwd: 90
054 Duplex Inverter Motor: Rev: 230
SM 5-139 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-9
M132 5-140 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-9
101 Polygon Motor: 180
102 Polygon Motor: 154
104 LD 1
105 LD 2
SM 5-141 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-9
Output Check
Display Description
M132 5-142 SM
Engine Main SP Tables-9
Display Description
011 Feed Out Belt Motor -
SM 5-143 M132
Engine Main SP Tables-9
M132 5-144 SM
Updating the Firmware
To update the firmware for this machine, you must have the new version of the firmware
downloaded onto an SD (Secure Digital) Card. The SD Card is inserted into SD Card Slot 2
(Lower Slot) on the controller box.
Keep the following points in mind when you use the firmware update software:
"Upload" means to send data from the machine to the SD card. "Download" means to send
data from the SD card to the machine.
To select an item on the LCD, touch the appropriate button on the soft touch-screen of the
Disconnect the Ethernet interface cable, Gigabit Ethernet cable, IEEE1284 interface cable
and remove the Wireless LAN interface board before you start the firmware update procedure.
Make sure that the machine is disconnected from the network to prevent a print job for
arriving while the firmware update is in progress.
SM 5-145 M132
Updating the Firmware
1. If the SD card is blank, copy the entire "romdata" folder onto the SD card.
2. If the card already contains the "romdata" folder, copy the "M132" folder onto the card.
Updating Procedure
1. Turn the main power switch off.
3. Insert the SD card into SD Card Slot 2 (Lower Slot) [A]. Make sure the label on the SD card
faces the rear side of the machine.
4. Slowly push the SD card into the slot so it locks in place. You will hear it click. Make sure the
SD card locks in place.
To remove the SD, push it in to unlock the spring lock. Then release it so it pops out
of the slot.
5. Disconnect the network cable from the machine if the machine is connected to a network.
6. Switch the main power switch on. After about 45 seconds, the initial version update screen
appears on the LCD in English.
M132 5-146 SM
Updating the Firmware
7. On the screen, touch the button on the operation panel to select the item in the menu that you
want to update.
Tells you the number of the module and name of the version
ROM: currently installed. The first line is the module number, the second
line the version name.
Tells you the number of the module and name version on the SD
NEW: card. The first line is the module number, the second line the
version name.
Controller, engine and operation panel firmware cannot be updated at the same time.
It is recommended to update firmware modules one by one.
8. Touch "UpDate (#)" to start the update.
While downloading is in progress, the LCD will display "Loading". When downloading
has been completed, the panel will display "update done".
For operation panel software, the Data In indicator flashes red while downloading is
in progress, and then the Check Status indicator flashes green after downloading is
9. The "Update done." message appears on the operation panel after completing the updating.
The message differs depending on the firmware that has been updated.
10. Switch the main power switch off when you see the "Update done" message or follow the
procedure that is displayed on the operation panel.
11. Press in the SD card to release it. Then remove it from the slot.
12. Switch the main power switch on for normal operation.
Error Messages
An error message shows in the first line if an error occurs during the download.
The error code consists of the letter "E" and a number. The example above shows error "E24"
displayed. For details, refer to the Error Message Table. ( "Handling Firmware Update Errors"
in this section)
SM 5-147 M132
Updating the Firmware
M132 5-148 SM
Updating the Firmware
30 HDD connection incorrect or replace HDD.
data download
SM 5-149 M132
Updating the Firmware
Operation panel module Replace the update data for the module on the
download failed SD card and try again, or replace the LCDC.
Stamp data module Replace the update data for the module on the
download failed SD card and try again, or replace the hard disks.
M132 5-150 SM
Uploading/Downloading NVRAM Data
The content of the NVRAM can be uploaded to and downloaded from an SD card.
3. Insert the SD card into SD card slot 2 (Lower Slot) [A]. Tables
4. Turn on the main switch.
5. Execute SP5-824.
6. Press the "EXECUTE" button to start uploading the NVRAM data.
SM 5-151 M132
Uploading/Downloading NVRAM Data
M132 5-152 SM
Self-Diagnostic Mode
SM 5-153 M132
Self-Diagnostic Mode
M132 5-154 SM
Using the Debug Log
This machine provides a Save Debug Log feature that allows the Customer Engineer to save and
retrieve error information for analysis.
Every time an error occurs, debug information is recorded in volatile memory but this information
is lost when the machine is switched off and on.
To capture this debug information, the Save Debug Log feature provides two main features:
Switching on the debug feature so error information is saved directly to the HDD for later
Copying the error information from the HDD to an SD card.
When a user is experiencing problems with the machine, follow the procedure below to set up the
machine so the error information is saved automatically to the HDD. Then ask the user to
reproduce the problem.
3. Under “5857 Save Debug Log”, press “1 On/Off (1:ON 0:OFF)”.
5. Enter “1” then press “OK”. This switches the Save Debug Log feature on.
SM 5-155 M132
Using the Debug Log
The default setting is "0" (OFF). This feature must be switched on in order for the
debug information to be saved.
6. Next, select the target destination where the debug information will be saved. Under "5857
Save Debug Log", press “2 Target (2:HDD 3:SD)”.
8. Enter “2” to select the hard disk as the target destination, and then press “OK”.
Enter "3” to save the debug information directly to the SD card if it is inserted in Slot 2
(Lower Slot).
9. Now touch "5858" and specify the events that you want to record in the debug log. SP5858
(Debug Save When) provides the following items for selection.
M132 5-156 SM
Using the Debug Log
For details about SC code numbers, please refer to the SC tables in Section "6.
10. Next, select the one or more memory modules for reading and recording debug information.
Touch "5859".
Under "5859" press the appropriate key item for the module that you want to record. Press
“10Key” to open the number entry screen.
Enter the appropriate 4-digit number, then press “OK”.
SM 5-157 M132
Using the Debug Log
Refer to the two tables below for the 4-digit numbers to enter for each key.
The example below shows "Key 1" with "2222" entered.
The following keys can be set with the corresponding numbers. (The initials in parentheses
indicate the names of the modules.)
1 2222 (SCS)
2 2223 (SRM)
3 256 (IMH)
4 1000 (ECS)
5 1025 (MCS)
M132 5-158 SM
Using the Debug Log
Key to Acronyms
The machine is now set to record the debugging information automatically on the SD card or HDD
(the target selected with SP5-857-002) for the events that you selected SP5-858 and the memory
modules selected with SP5-859.
Please keep the following important points in mind when you are doing this setting:
The initial settings are all zero.
These settings remain in effect until you change them. Be sure to check all the settings,
especially the settings for Keys 6 to 10. To switch off a key setting, enter a zero for that key.
You can select any number of keys from 1 to 10 (or all) by entering the corresponding 4-digit
numbers from the table.
One area of the disk is reserved to store the debug log. The size of this area is limited to 4
SM 5-159 M132
Using the Debug Log
The SD card can hold up to 4MB of data. If the debugging data is larger than 4MB,
you can switch to another SD card.
3. Use a card reader to copy the file and send it for analysis to your local Ricoh representative
by email, or just send the SD card by mail.
M132 5-160 SM
SMC List Card Save Function
1. Turn the main power switch OFF.
2. Insert the SD card into the operation panel SD-card slot. Then turn the power ON.
3. Enter SP mode.
4. Select “Engine” SP.
5. Select SP-5992 "SP Text Mode”.
6. Select a detail SP number shown below to save data on the SD card.
SP-5992-xxx (SP Text Mode)
006 Non-Default
SM 5-161 M132
SMC List Card Save Function
026 Printer SP
7. Press “EXECUTE”.
M132 5-162 SM
SMC List Card Save Function
A folder named by the machine serial number will be created on the SD card when this
function is executed.
This function can save the SMC list data only to an SD card inserted into the operation
panel SD card slot.
SM 5-163 M132
P a ge Date A d de d /U pd at e d /N ew
26 12/26/2014 Added SC672 information
26 3/31/2015 Added SC672 information
Service Call Conditions
There are 4 levels of service call conditions.
Turning the main switch off then on resets SCs Turn the operation switch off
D displayed on the operation panel. These are and on.
re-displayed if the error occurs again. Also see below.
SM 6-1 M132
Service Call Conditions
If a problem concerns a circuit board, disconnect and reconnect the connectors and then
test the machine. Often a loose or disconnected harness is the cause of the problem.
Always do this before you decide to replace the PCB.
If a motor lock error occurs, check the mechanical load before you decide to replace the
motor or sensors.
When a Level "A" or "B" SC occurs while in an SP mode, the machine cannot display the
SC number. If this occurs, check the SC number after leaving the SP mode.
The machine reboots automatically when the machine issues a Level "D" SC code. This
is done for Level "D" SC codes only.
SC Tables: SC1xx
Serial number stored in the memory does not have the correct code.
195 D
EEPROM defective
BCU replaced without original EEPROM
M132 6-2 SM
Service Call Conditions
SC Tables: SC2xx
202 D The polygon mirror motor does not reach the targeted operating speed within
10 sec. after turning on or changing speed
203 D The polygon mirror motor does not leave the READY status within 3 sec.
after the polygon motor switched off.
The SCRDY_N signal remains HIGH for 200 ms while the LD unit is firing.
The laser synchronizing detection signal for the start position of the LDB is
not output for two seconds after LDB unit turns on while the polygon motor is
rotating normally
220 D
Disconnected cable from the laser synchronizing detection unit or
defective connection
Defective laser synchronizing detector
Defective LD board
Defective BCU
SM 6-3 M132
Service Call Conditions
The laser synchronizing detection signal for the start position of the LDB is
not output for two seconds after LDB unit turns on while the polygon motor is
rotating normally.
221 D
Disconnected cable from the laser synchronizing detection unit or
defective connection
Defective laser synchronizing detector
Defective LD board
Defective BCU
FGATE ON error
230 D The FGATE signal does not assert within the prescribed time. (The bridge
board generates the FGATE signal and sends it to the LD unit when the
registration sensor switches on.)
The FGATE signal does not assert within the prescribed time. (The bridge
board generates the FGATE signal and sends it to the LD unit when the
231 D registration sensor switches on.)
LD error
M132 6-4 SM
Service Call Conditions
SM 6-5 M132
Service Call Conditions
SC Tables: SC3xx
The charge roller bias correction is performed twice even if the maximum
charge roller bias (-2000V) is applied to the roller.
304 D
ID sensor defective
Worn charge roller
Charge roller damaged
The development roller bias leak is detected for 60 ms after the high voltage
has been supplied to the development unit.
320 D
Development bias leak
Broken harness
Defective high voltage power supply, voltage supply
Defective high voltage supply unit
The machine detects a lock signal error from the development puddle motor
for 2 seconds after the drum motor has turned on.
324 D
Overload on the development puddle motor
Defective development puddle motor
Defective harness
Defective IOB
M132 6-6 SM
Service Call Conditions
One of the following readings occurred 10 times in the ID sensor output when
the ID sensor pattern was checked:
1) Vsp > 2.5V
2) Vsg < 2.5V
3) Vsp =0V
350 D
4) Vsg = 0V
When the ID sensor was checked, the ID sensor output voltage is 5.0V while
the LED current value is 0.
Grayscale measurement error
When the grayscale control result is the maximum and it does not operate
correctly and these cases are detected 15 times.
355 C
ID sensor defective or dirty
The life of ID sensor or photo conductor
Shield glass dirty
SM 6-7 M132
Service Call Conditions
The machine detects a lock signal error from the drum motor for 2 seconds
after the drum motor turned on.
396 D
Overload on the motor
Defective drum motor
Defective harness
Defective IOB
M132 6-8 SM
Service Call Conditions
SC Tables: SC4xx
Vsg is more than 4.2V or 3.8V or less when the machine adjusts Vsg value.
400 D
Dirty or defective ID sensor
Defective ID sensor shutter
The feed back bias from the transfer belt is more than 4V for 60 msec while
the transfer belt bias is output.
The A/D conversion level is 20 or less for 60 msec.
440 D
The PWM duty is 24% or more for 60 msec.
The machine detects a lock signal error from the transfer/development motor
for a continuous 20 times after the transfer/development motor turned on.
441 D
Overload on the motor
Defective transfer/development motor Trouble-
Defective harness
Defective IOB
SM 6-9 M132
Service Call Conditions
The transfer belt HP sensor detects incorrect movement of the transfer belt
after the transfer belt contact motor has turned on.
M132 6-10 SM
Service Call Conditions
SC Tables: SC5xx
The tray lift sensor is not activated after the tray lift motor has been on for 10
seconds. If the main power switch is turned on when the paper is already at
the feed height, the paper height position is detected again. At this time, the
tray lift sensor should de-activate within 1.5 sec after the paper bottom plate
starts to drop. If it does not deactivate within 1.5 sec., a message will prompt
the user to reset Tray 1. After two attempts to release the error by re-setting
501 B
the paper tray, if this does not solve the problem then this SC is displayed.
The tray lift sensor is not activated after the tray lift motor has been on for 10
seconds. If the main power switch is turned on when the paper is already at
the feed height, the paper height position is detected again. At this time, the
tray lift sensor should de-activate within 1.5 sec. after the paper bottom plate
starts to drop. If it does not deactivate within 1.5 sec., a message will prompt Trouble-
the user to reset Tray 2. After two attempts to re-set the paper tray, if this
502 B
does not solve the problem then this SC is displayed.
SM 6-11 M132
Service Call Conditions
M132 6-12 SM
Service Call Conditions
SM 6-13 M132
Service Call Conditions
The IOB does not receive the lock signal for 10 seconds after turning on the
fusing exhaust fan.
530 D
Defective fusing exhaust fan motor or connector disconnection
Defective IOB
Disconnected harness
The IOB does not receive the lock signal for 10 seconds after turning on the
exhaust fan motor.
531 D
Defective exhaust fan motor or connector disconnection.
Defective IOB
Disconnected harness
M132 6-14 SM
Service Call Conditions
The machine does not detect the fan motor lock signal for 10 seconds after
turning on the cooling fan motor.
532 D
Defective cooling fan motor or connector disconnection.
Disconnected harness
Defective IOB
The machine does not detect the fan motor lock signal for 10 seconds after
turning on the paper exit cooling fan motor.
533 D
Defective paper exit cooling fan motor or connector disconnection.
Defective IOB
Disconnected harness
The IOB does not receive the lock signal for 2 seconds after turning on the
fusing motor.
540 D
Motor overload
Defective fusing motor or connector disconnection.
Defective IOB
Disconnected harness Trouble-
SM 6-15 M132
Service Call Conditions
A fusing temperature (at the center) of over 230°C (446°F) is detected for 1
second by the fusing thermistors at the center or at either end of the fusing
543 A
Power supply unit defective
I/O board (IOB) defective
BCU defective
TRIAC short on PSU (PSU defective)
A fusing temperature (at the center) over 250°C is detected by the fusing
temperature monitor circuit in the BCU board.
544 A
I/O board (IOB) defective
BCU defective
TRIAC short on bridge board (bridge board defective)
M132 6-16 SM
Service Call Conditions
After warm-up the fusing lamp remains at full power for 10 seconds without
the hot roller rotating.
545 A
Thermistors (center) warped
Disconnected or defective thermistors (center)
Defective fusing lamp
The zero cross signal is detected three times even though the heater
relay is off when turning on the main power.
The zero cross signal is not detected for 2 seconds even though the
heater relay is on after turning on the main power or closing the front
547 D
The detection error occurs twice or more in the 11 zero cross signal
detections. This error is defined when the detected zero cross signal is
less than 45.
The thermistor (end) detects 0°C or less for 16 sec.
551 A
Fusing thermistor (end) disconnected
Fusing thermistor (end) connector defective
SM 6-17 M132
Service Call Conditions
A fusing temperature (at the end) of over 230°C (446°F) is detected for 1
second by the fusing thermistors at the center or at either end of the fusing
553 A
Power supply unit defective
I/O board (IOB) defective
BCU defective
TRIAC short on bridge board (bridge board defective)
A fusing temperature (at the end) over 250°C is detected by the fusing
temperature monitor circuit in the BCU board.
554 A
I/O board (IOB) defective
BCU defective
TRIAC short on bridge board (bridge board defective)
M132 6-18 SM
Service Call Conditions
After warm-up, the fusing lamp remains at full power for 10 seconds without
the hot roller rotating.
555 A
Thermistor (ends) warped
Disconnected or defective thermistors (ends)
Defective fusing lamp
When the zero cross signal is 66 or more and it is detected 10 times or more
557 C in 11 detections, the machine determines that input 60 Hz and SC557
The fusing sensor detected a fusing unit paper late jam three times. The
paper was late and the fusing exit sensor could not detect the paper three
559 A
Remove the paper that is stopped in the fusing unit.
Check that the fusing unit is clean and has no obstacles in the paper
feed path.
If the error persists, replace the fusing unit. Trouble-
SC559 does not operate until SP1159 has been set to "1" (ON). This sets the machine to
count the number of occurrences of paper late jams in the fusing unit. The default setting
is "0" (OFF).
SC559 is issued after the third occurrence of a paper late jam in the fusing unit. Once this
SC has been issued, the machine cannot be used until the service technician removes
the cause of the jam and restores it to normal operation.
The jam counter is reset after a sheet of paper successfully passes the fusing exit sensor
after the cause of the jam has been removed.
SM 6-19 M132
Service Call Conditions
SC Tables: SC6xx
The IOB receives the break signal which is generated by the finisher or
the mailbox only just after the main switch is turned on.
621 D The IOB receives the break signal which is generated by URAT.
M132 6-20 SM
Service Call Conditions
Loose connector
Version error
The correct "usercode" file could not be found in the root folder of the SD
card because the file is not present, or the existing file is corrupted or the
-11 - wrong type file. Trouble-
Make sure the “usercode” file is installed in the root folder of the SD card
where the eccm.mod file is saved.
Note: Check the eccm.mod file is in the root folder of the SD card.
SM 6-21 M132
Service Call Conditions
The BCU does not respond to the frame transmitted from the controller.
641 D
Defective controller
Detective BCU
M132 6-22 SM
Service Call Conditions
call the center with a dial up connection. Trouble-
SM 6-23 M132
Service Call Conditions
ID2 mismatching
ID2 error
Clear the ID2 in the NVRAM, and then input a correct ID2.
M132 6-24 SM
Service Call Conditions
[26] Data read error: No error code
SM 6-25 M132
Service Call Conditions Rev. 3/31/2015
Retry of EEPROM communication fails three times after the machine has
detected the EEPROM error.
Caused by noise
The BCU fails to respond with the prescribed time when the machine is
turned on.
670 D
Connections between BCU and controller board are loose,
disconnected, or damaged
1. Replace the BCU
2. Replace the controller board
The BCU does not receive a memory address command from the controller
for the prescribed time after the paper has reached the registration sensor.
687 D
Harness Disconnection at BCU
Controller board loose or broken
Defective BCU
Defective Controller Board
M132 6-26 SM
Service Call Conditions
SC Tables: SC7xx
The exit guide plate HP sensor does not detect the home position of the
exit guide plate within the specified number of pulses after the exit guide
plate has moved to its home position.
The exit guide plate HP sensor does not turn off within the specified
number of pulses after the exit guide plate has moved from its home
-24 -
The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this
SC code.
The punch HP sensor does not detect the home position of the punch
unit within the specified number of pulses after the punch unit has
moved to its home position.
The punch HP sensor does not turn off within the specified number of
pulses after the punch unit has moved from its home position.
-25 - The 1st detection failure causes a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
SC code.
SM 6-27 M132
Service Call Conditions
The jogger HP sensor does not detect the home position of the jogger
fences within the specified number of pulses after the jogger fences
have moved to its home position.
The jogger HP sensor does not turn off within the specified number of
pulses after the jogger fences have moved from its home position.
The 1st failure issues an original jam message, and the 2nd failure issues
-30 -
this SC code.
The stack feed-out HP sensor does not detect the home position of the
stack feed-out belt within the specified number of pulses after the stack
feed-out belt has moved to its home position.
The stack feed-out HP sensor does not turn off within the specified
number of pulses after the stack feed-out belt has moved from its home
-41 - The 1st detection failure causes a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
SC code.
M132 6-28 SM
Service Call Conditions
The stapler HP sensor does not detect the home position of the stapler
within the specified number of pulses after the stapler has moved to its
home position.
The stapler HP sensor does not turn off within the specified number of
pulses after the stapler has moved from its home position.
-42 - The 1st detection failure causes a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
SC code.
The corner stapler HP sensor does not detect the home position of the
corner stapler within the specified number of pulses after the corner
stapler has moved to its home position.
The corner stapler HP sensor does not turn off within the specified
number of pulses after the corner stapler has moved from its home
-43 -
The 1st detection failure causes a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
SC code.
Corner stapler rotation motor disconnected, defective
Corner stapler rotation motor harness is loose or broken
Corner stapler rotation HP sensor disconnected, defective
Corner stapler rotation HP sensor harness is loose or broken
Corner stapler rotation motor overloaded due to obstruction
SM 6-29 M132
Service Call Conditions
The 1st detection failure causes a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
SC code.
The stapler motor does not switch off within the prescribed time after
-44 -
Staple jam
Corner stapler motor disconnected, defective
Corner stapler motor harness is loose or broken
Corner stapler HP sensor disconnected, defective
Corner stapler HP sensor harness is loose or broken
Corner stapler motor overloaded
The folder plate HP sensor does not detect the home position of the
folder plate within the specified number of pulses after the folder plate
has moved to its home position.
The folder plate HP sensor does not turn off within the specified number
of pulses after the folder plate has moved from its home position.
-52 - The 1st detection failure causes a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
SC code.
M132 6-30 SM
Service Call Conditions
The folding unit bottom fence HP sensor does not detect the home
position of the folding unit bottom fence within the specified number of
pulses after the folding unit bottom fence has moved to its home
The folding unit bottom fence HP sensor does not turn off within the
specified number of pulses after the folding unit bottom fence has
-53 - moved from its home position.
The 1st detection failure causes a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
SC code.
The clamp roller HP sensor does not detect the home position of the
clamp roller cam within the specified number of pulses after the clamp
roller cam has moved to its home position.
The clamp roller HP sensor does not turn off within the specified number
of pulses after the clamp roller cam has moved from its home position.
-55 - The 1st detection failure causes a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
SC code. Trouble-
SM 6-31 M132
Service Call Conditions
The stack junction gate HP sensor does not detect the home position of
the stack junction gate within the specified number of pulses after the
stack junction gate has moved to its home position.
The stack junction gate HP sensor does not turn off within the specified
number of pulses after the stack junction gate has moved from its home
-57 -
The 1st detection failure causes a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
SC code.
The 1st detection failure causes a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
SC code.
The front stapler unit saddle-stitch motor does not start operation within the
-60 - specified time.
Staple jam
Front stapler motor disconnected, defective
Front stapler motor harness is loose or broken
Front stapler motor overloaded
The 1st detection failure causes a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
SC code.
The rear stapler unit saddle-stitch motor does not start operation within the
-61 - specified time.
Staple jam
Rear stapler motor disconnected, defective
Rear stapler motor harness is loose or broken
Rear stapler motor overloaded
M132 6-32 SM
Service Call Conditions
The upper tray paper height sensor does not change its status with the
specified time after the tray raises or lowers.
The 1st detection failure causes a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
SC code.
-70 -
Tray lift motor disconnected, defective
Tray lift motor harness is loose or broken
Upper tray paper height sensor disconnected, defective
Upper tray paper height sensor is loose or broken
Tray lift motor overloaded due to obstruction
The shift roller HP sensor does not detect the home position of the
upper tray within the specified number of pulses after the upper tray has
moved to its home position.
The shift roller HP sensor does not turn off within the specified number
of pulses after the upper tray has moved from its home position.
-71 - The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this
SC code.
Shift jogger motor 1 error
The side fence does not retract within the specified number of pulses after
the shift jogger motor 1 switches on.
The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this
SC code.
-72 -
Shift jogger motor 1 disconnected, defective
Shift jogger motor 1 harness is loose or broken
Shift jogger 1 HP sensor disconnected, defective
Shift jogger 1 HP sensor harness is loose or broken
Shift jogger motor 1 overloaded due to obstruction
SM 6-33 M132
Service Call Conditions
The side fence does not retract within the specified number of pulses after
the shift jogger motor 2 switches on.
The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this
SC code.
-73 -
Shift jogger motor 2 disconnected, defective
Shift jogger motor 2 harness is loose or broken
Shift jogger 2 HP sensor disconnected, defective
Shift jogger 2 HP sensor harness is loose or broken
Shift jogger motor 2 overloaded due to obstruction
The side fences do not retract within the specified number of pulses after the
retraction motor switches on.
The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this
SC code.
-74 -
Shift jogger retraction motor disconnected, defective
Shift jogger retraction motor harness is loose or broken
Shift jogger retraction HP sensor disconnected, defective
Shift jogger retraction HP sensor harness is loose or broken
Shift jogger retraction motor 2 overloaded due to obstruction
This occurs during the operation of the lower tray pressure motor.
M132 6-34 SM
Service Call Conditions
The punch movement HP sensor does not detect the home position of
the punch unit within the specified number of pulses after the punch unit
has moved to its home position.
The punch movement HP sensor does not turn off within the specified
-80 - number of pulses after the punch unit has moved from its home position.
The 1st detection failure causes a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
SC code.
The paper position sensor moves but is not detected at the home position
within the specified number of pulses.
The 1st detection failure causes a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
-81 -
SC code.
Upper transport motor error
SM 6-35 M132
Service Call Conditions
The exit guide plate HP sensor does not detect the home position of the
exit guide plate within the prescribed time after the exit guide plate has
moved to its home position.
The exit guide plate HP sensor does not turn off within the prescribed
time after the exit guide plate has moved from its home position.
The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this
-24 -
SC code.
M132 6-36 SM
Service Call Conditions
The jogger HP sensor does not detect the home position of the jogger
fences within the prescribed time after the jogger fences have moved to
its home position.
The jogger HP sensor does not turn off within the prescribed time after
the jogger fences have moved from its home position.
The 1st failure issues an original jam message, and the 2nd failure issues
-30 -
this SC code.
The feed-out HP sensor does not detect the home position of the
feed-out belt within the prescribed time after the feed-out belt has
moved to its home position.
The feed-out HP sensor does not turn off within the prescribed time after
the feed-out belt has moved from its home position.
The 1st detection failure causes a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
-41 -
SC code.
Feed-out belt motor harness loose or broken
Feed-out belt HP sensor harness loose or broken
Feed-out belt motor disconnected, defective
Feed-out belt HP sensor disconnected, defective
Feed-out belt motor drive overloaded due to obstruction (jammed paper,
paper scraps, etc.)
SM 6-37 M132
Service Call Conditions
The stapler HP sensor does not detect the home position of the stapler
within the prescribed time after the stapler has moved to its home
The stapler HP sensor does not turn off within the prescribed time after
the stapler has moved from its home position.
The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
-42 -
SC code.
The corner stapler motor does not switch off within the prescribed time
after operating.
The corner stapler HP sensor does not detect the home position of the
corner stapler within the prescribed time after the corner stapler has
moved to its home position.
The corner stapler HP sensor does not turn off within the prescribed
time after the corner stapler has moved from its home position.
-44 - The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
SC code.
Staple jam
Corner stapler motor disconnected, defective
Corner stapler motor harness is loose or broken
Corner stapler HP sensor disconnected, defective
Number of sheets in stack exceeds allowed number of sheets for
Stapler motor obstructed
M132 6-38 SM
Service Call Conditions
The upper tray paper height sensor does not change its status with the
specified time after the tray raises or lowers.
The 1st detection failure causes a jam error, and the 2nd failure causes this
SC code.
-70 -
Tray lift motor disconnected, defective
Tray lift motor harness is loose or broken
Stack height sensor disconnected, defective
Tray lift motor overloaded due to obstruction (jammed paper, paper
scraps, etc.)
The shift roller HP sensor does not detect the home position of the
upper tray within the specified number of pulses after the upper tray has
moved to its home position.
The shift roller HP sensor does not turn off within the specified number
of pulses after the upper tray has moved from its home position.
-71 - The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this
SC code.
scraps, etc.)
The shift motor HP sensor does not detect any change for 1.86 seconds after
770 B the shift motor has turned on at power on or during its operation.
SM 6-39 M132
Service Call Conditions
The machine recognizes the finisher, but does not recognize the bridge unit.
791 D
Bridge unit is not installed
Bridge unit is installed incorrectly
Defective bridge unit
Finisher error
The machine does not recognize the bridge unit finisher, but recognizes the
bridge unit.
792 B
Poor finisher connector connections
Finisher is not installed although the bridge unit is installed on the
Defective finisher
M132 6-40 SM
Service Call Conditions
SC Tables: SC8xx
to - open () error
to - read () error
to - write () communication retry error
to - read () communication retry error
SM 6-41 M132
Service Call Conditions
to - Sub-system error
Monitor Error
This is a file detection and electronic file signature check error when the boot
loader attempts to read the self-diagnostic module, system kernel, or root
817 C system files from the OS Flash ROM, or the items on the SD card in the
controller slot are false or corrupted.
The watchdog timer detect the error even if system processing normally.
818 C
System program defective
Controller board defective
Optional board defective
M132 6-42 SM
Service Call Conditions
For more details about this SC code error, execute SP5990 to print an SMC report so you
can read the error code. The error code is not displayed on the operation panel.
SM 6-43 M132
Service Call Conditions
CPU error
During the self-diagnostic, the controller CPU detects an error. There
are 47 types of error code (0001 to 4005) depending on the cause of
the error. The CPU detects an error and displays the specific error code
with the program address where the error occurs.
CPU/Memory Error
M132 6-44 SM
Service Call Conditions
ASIC error
The CPU checks if the ASIC timer works correctly compared with the
CPU timer. If the ASIC timer does not function in the specified range,
this SC code is displayed.
System firmware problem
Defective RAM-DIMM
Defective controller
Replace the controller board.
[50A1] The CPU does not detect the video bridge device.
The CPU detects the video bridge device, but detects error data from
[50A2] Trouble-
the video bridge device.
For more details about this SC code error, execute SP5990 to print an SMC report so you
can read the error code. The error code is not displayed on the operation panel.
SM 6-45 M132
Service Call Conditions
HDD defective
HDD harness disconnected, defective
PHY IC error
The PHY IC on the controller cannot be correctly recognized.
M132 6-46 SM
Service Call Conditions
The one second counted by the RTC is different from the one second
Verification error
Error detected during a write/verify check for the standard RAM (SDRAM
Loose connection
Defective SDRAM DIMM
Defective controller
[0202] Defective RAM DIMM
Defective SPD ROM on RAM DIMM
Defective 12C bus
SM 6-47 M132
Service Call Conditions
[0101] checked. If the check sum of the program is incorrect, this SC code is
Verification error
Error detected during a write/verify check for the optional RAM (SDRAM
Loose connection
[0301] Defective SDRAM DIMM
Defective controller
The memory structure data error for the optional RAM (SDRAM DIMM) is
detected when the self-diagnostic is executed.
M132 6-48 SM
Service Call Conditions
ASIC (Mandolin) for system control could not be detected. After the PCI
[0F30] configuration, the device ID for the ASIC could not be checked.
Replace the bridge board.
ASIC (Mandolin) for system control could not be detected. After the PCI
[0F41] configuration, the device ID for the ASIC could not be checked.
SM 6-49 M132
Service Call Conditions
A verify error occurred when setting data was read from the clock generator
via the I2C bus.
During the I/O processing, a reading error occurred. The 3rd reading
840 D failure causes this SC code.
During the I/O processing, a writing error occurred.
Defective EEPROM
M132 6-50 SM
Service Call Conditions
841 D Mirrored data of the EEPROM is different from the original data in EEPROM.
842 C
This SC is logged at 1st error detection.SC819 is issued at 2nd error
SC819 is issued at 2nd error detection.
During machine operation, the Wireless LAN device (Bluetooth) is inserted Trouble-
SM 6-51 M132
Service Call Conditions
During machine operation, the Wireless LAN device (Bluetooth) is pulled out
from the controller board.
854 B
Not supported by this machine
During machine operation, the Wireless LAN device (Bluetooth) is pulled
out from the controller board.
858 A A serious error occurs when data is encrypted to update an encryption key
with the HDD encryption unit.
M132 6-52 SM
Service Call Conditions
Other error:
Same as SC991
859 B A serious error occurs when the HDD data is encrypted to update an
encryption key with the HDD encryption unit.
No HDD installed
-01 - Unformatted HDD
The encryption key on the controller is different from the one on the HDD
1. Install the HDD correctly.
2. Initialize the HDD.
Same as SC863
SM 6-53 M132
Service Call Conditions
At power on, the HDD is detected. Power supply to the HDD is interrupted
after the system has entered the energy save mode, but after the HDD has
been awakened from the energy save mode, it does not return to the ready
861 D status within 30 sec.
The number of bad sectors in the HDD (image data area) goes over 101.
The data written to the HDD cannot be read normally, due to bad sectors
generated during operation.
Note: [001] to [023] indicate the type of partition where the error occurred.
- -
[001] An area which does not belong to a partition
[002] a partition
M132 6-54 SM
Service Call Conditions
[003] b partition
[004] c partition
[005] d partition
[006] e partition
[007] f partition
[008] g partition
[009] h partition
[010] I partition
[011] j partition
[012] k partition
[013] l partition
[014] m partition
[015] n partition
[016] o partition
[017] p partition
[018] q partition
[019] r partition
[020] s partition
[021] q partition
[022] t partition
- - [023] u partition
HDD defective
Note: If the bad sectors are generated at the image partition, the bad sector
information is written to NVRAM, and the next time the HDD is accessed,
these bad sectors will not be accessed for read/write operation.
SM 6-55 M132
Service Call Conditions
During HDD operation, the HDD cannot respond to a CRC error query. Data
transfer does not execute normally while data is being written to the HDD.
Note: [001] to [023] indicate the type of partition where the error occurred.
[002] a partition
[003] b partition
[004] c partition
[005] d partition
[006] e partition
[007] f partition
[008] g partition
- - [009] h partition
[010] I partition
[011] j partition
[012] k partition
[013] l partition
[014] m partition
[015] n partition
[016] o partition
[017] p partition
[018] q partition
[019] r partition
[020] s partition
- - [021] q partition
[022] t partition
M132 6-56 SM
Service Call Conditions
[023] u partition
HDD defective
HDD responded to an error during operation for a condition other than those
for SC863, 864.
Note: [001] to [023] indicate the type of partition where the error occurred.
[002] a partition
[003] b partition
[004] c partition
[005] d partition
[006] e partition
[007] f partition
[008] g partition
- - [009] h partition
[010] I partition
[011] j partition
[012] k partition
[013] l partition
[014] m partition
[015] n partition
[016] o partition
[017] p partition
[018] q partition
[019] r partition
SM 6-57 M132
Service Call Conditions
[020] s partition
[021] q partition
- - [022] t partition
[023] u partition
HDD defective.
867 D The SD card in the slot is removed while the machine is on.
Insert the SD card, then turn the machine off and on.
M132 6-58 SM
Service Call Conditions
The address book data cannot be read from the HDD, SD card or flash ROM
on the controller where it is stored, or the data read from the media is
Software defective:
Turn the machine off/on. If this is not the solution for the problem, then
replace the controller firmware.
Data corruption
HDD defective.
870 B
More Details
1. Do SP5846-046 (Initialize All Setting & Addr Book) to reset all address
book data.
2. Reset the user information with SP5832-001 (HDD – HDD Formatting
3. Replace the HDD.
4. If there is the address book data backed up with SD card, restore the
address book data. Configure the same address book encryption key as
the one configured when backing up.
The machine detects that the HDD is not operating correctly at power on.
The machine detects that the HDD is not operating correctly (can neither Trouble-
872 B read nor write) while processing incoming email.
HDD defective
The machine is turned off while the HDD is being accessed.
Do SP5832-001 to format the all data on the HDD.
SM 6-59 M132
Service Call Conditions
An error is detected on the HDD immediately after the machine has been
turned on, or power has been turned off while the machine has used the
873 B
A data error is detected for the HDD/NVRAM after the Delete All option has
been used.
874 D Note:
The source of this error is the DataOverwriteSecurity module.
1. Turn the main switch off/on and try the operation again.
2. HDD defective
An error occurs while the machine deletes data from the HDD.
Turn the main switch off/on and try the operation again
876 D An error is detected in the handling of the log data at power on or during
machine operation. This can be caused by switching the machine off while it
is operating.
M132 6-60 SM
Service Call Conditions
SM 6-61 M132
Service Call Conditions
TPM Error
TCSD Error
M132 6-62 SM
Service Call Conditions
SC Tables: SC9xx
-01 Timeout error during the PM operation Trouble-
SM 6-63 M132
Service Call Conditions
M132 6-64 SM
Service Call Conditions
Display Meaning
(-3) No label
Procedure 1 Trouble-
If the machine shows SC codes for HDD errors (SC860 to SC865) with SC 925, do the recovery
procedures for SC860 to SC865.
Procedure 2
If "Procedure 1" is not the solution for the problem, do SP5832-001 (HDD – HDD Formatting (All)),
then turn the machine power off and on.
SP5832-001 erases all document and address book data on the hard disks. Ask the customer
before you do this SP code.
Procedure 3
If "Procedure 2" is not the solution for the problem, replace the HDD.
SM 6-65 M132
Service Call Conditions
Software error 1
Software error 2
Undefined error
An application does not start after the user pushed the correct key on the
operation panel.
997 B
Software bug
A RAM or DIMM option necessary for the application is not installed
or not installed correctly.
M132 6-66 SM
Service Call Conditions
Software bug
A RAM or DIMM option necessary for the application is not installed
or not installed correctly.
SM 6-67 M132
Electrical Component Defects
CN Condition Symptom
Open Jam Z
Duplex Entrance 217-A8 (IOB)
Shorted Jam Z
217-B9, Open
By-pass Paper Size B10,B12,B13 Paper size error
(IOB) Shorted
M132 6-68 SM
Electrical Component Defects
CN Condition Symptom
Open Jam A
Relay 1 216-A7 (IOB)
Shorted Jam A, B
216-A13 Open/
Tray Lift 1 SC501 is displayed.
(IOB) Shorted
Open Jam A
Relay 2 216-B7 (IOB)
Shorted Jam A, B
216-B13 Open/
Tray Lift 2 SC502 is displayed.
(IOB) Shorted
SM 6-69 M132
Electrical Component Defects
CN Condition Symptom
209-4, 5, 5, 8 Open/
Paper Size 1 Paper size error in tray 1
(IOB) Shorted
221-A10 Open/
Junction Jam Jam C
(IOB) Shorted
Open Jam C
Paper Exit 221-B2 (IOB)
Shorted Jam C
Open Jam C
Fusing Exit 221-B5 (IOB)
Shorted Jam C
M132 6-70 SM
Electrical Component Defects
CN Condition Symptom
SM 6-71 M132
Electrical Component Defects
CN Condition Symptom
M132 6-72 SM
Blown Fuse Conditions
Use a correct rating fuse for the fuse replacement. Never use a wrong rating fuse. If do
so, the machine may be damaged.
Fuse Symptom at power on
115V 210 to 230V
(Power to optional PFU or LCT) Trouble-
SM 6-73 M132
FU11 11071229 1
FU23, 24 11071216 2
M132 6-74 SM
Energy Save
The area shaded grey in this diagram represents the amount of energy that is saved when the
timers are at the default settings. If the timers are changed, then the energy saved will be different.
For example, if the sleep mode timer is set to 240 min., the grey area will disappear, and no
energy is saved before 240 min. expires.
Timer Settings
The user can set these timers with User Tools (System settings > Timer settings)
Sleep mode timer (1 – 240 min):
The machine waits this amount of time to enter the sleep mode.
Default setting: 1 min
Eco Night Sensor (1/5/30/60/120 min):
The machine waits this amount of time to enter the sleep mode or to turn off the power
SM 7-1 M132
Energy Save
We recommend that the default settings should be kept.
If the customer requests that these settings should be changed, please explain that their
energy costs could increase, and that they should consider the effects on the environment of
extra energy use.
If it is necessary to change the settings, please try to make sure that the timer settings are not
too long. Try with a shorter setting first, such as 30 min., then go to a longer one (such as 60
min.) if the customer is not satisfied.
If the timers are all set to the maximum value, the machine will not begin saving energy until
240 minutes has expired after the last job. This means that after the customer has finished
using the machine for the day, energy will be consumed that could otherwise be saved.
If you change the settings, the energy consumed can be measured using SP8941, as
explained below.
M132 7-2 SM
Paper Save
1. Duplex:
Reduce paper volume in half!
2. Combine mode:
Reduce paper volume in half!
SM 7-3 M132
Paper Save
3. Duplex + Combine:
Using both features together can further reduce paper volume by 3/4!
To check the paper consumption, look at the total counter and the duplex counter.
The total counter counts all pages printed.
For one duplex page, the total counter goes up by 2.
For a duplex job of a three-page original, the total counter goes up by 3.
The duplex counter counts pages that have images on both sides.
For one duplex page, the duplex counter goes up by 1.
For a duplex job of a three-page original, the duplex counter will only increase by 1, even
though two sheets are used.
M132 7-4 SM
Paper Save
SM 7-5 M132
SM Appendix i M132
Error! No text of specified style in document.
M132 ii SM Appendix
Rev. 05/09/2013
Configuration Desktop
Print Paper Weight By-pass: 52 - 216 g/m 2 (14 lb. Bond - 80 lb. Cover)
1,200 sheets
(550 sheets/tray x 2 with 100 sheets in the by-pass tray)
Paper Capacity: Option:
4,400 sheets
(550 sheets/tray x 2 with 100 sheets in the by-pass tray,
1200-sheet LCT and 2000-sheet LCT)
Taiwan 110V/60Hz, 14 A
670 x 684 x 640 mm
(W x D x H)
Toner Replenishment Cartridge exchange (630 g)
Noise Emission:
48dB or less
Noise Emission:
72dB or less
NA 874W
EU, Asia 874W
NA 3.5W or less
Sleep Mode
EU, Asia 3.5W or less
NA 1550W or less
EU, Asia 1470W or less
RPCS (Refined Printing Command Stream)
PCL 6(XL)/5e
PDF Direct
Printer Languages:
Adobe PostScript 3
MediaPrint: JPEG/TIFF
PCL 5e:
300 x 300 dpi
600 x 600 dpi : Fast (1-bit)
PCL 6:
600 x 600 dpi : Fast (1-bit)
Resolution and
PS3 / PDF Direct:
300 x 300 dpi / 600 x 600 dpi
600 x 600 dpi : Fast (1-bit)
300 x 300 dpi/ 600 x 600 dpi
USB2.0 Type A (2 ports) and Type B
Ethernet (100 Base-TX/10 Base-T)
3 SD slots (Operation panel, Option use, and service use)
Host Interfaces: Optional:
Gigabit Ethernet (1000 Base-T)
IEEE1284 parallel x 1
IEEE802.11a/b/g (Wireless LAN)
NIC2Port (Print server)
Standard: 512 MB
Memory Maximum: 1024 MB
(Resident 512 MB + Additional 512 MB)
HDD 120 GB
North America
BT: By-pass Tray, Std Tray: Standard Tray, Op Tray: Optional Tray, LCT 1000: Large Capacity
Tray: 1000-sheet, LCT 1200: Large Capacity Tray: 1200-sheet, DU: Duplex Unit
8.25" x 14" B B B - - S
Legal SEF
Paper BT DU
(W x L) Tray Tray 1000 1200
G LT SEF 8” x 10.5” B B B - - S
Eng Quatro
8" x 10" B B B - - S
Eng Quatro
10" x 8" B - - - - S
Half Letter
5.5" x 8.5" A - - - - S
12” x 18”
12” x 18” B B B - - -
Custom Width
Supported but the size is not automatically detected. (The size needs to be
set by operation panel and also printer driver.)
S Supported
- Not supported
Europe/ Asia
BT: By-pass Tray, Std Tray: Standard Tray, Op Tray: Optional Tray, LCT 1000: Large Capacity
Tray: 1000-sheet, LCT 1200: Large Capacity Tray: 1200-sheet, DU: Duplex Unit
8.25" x 14" B B B - - Y
Legal SEF
G LT SEF 8” x 10.5” B B B - - Y
Eng Quatro
8" x 10" B B B - - Y
Eng Quatro
10" x 8" B - - - - Y
Half Letter
5.5" x 8.5" B - - - - Y
12” x 18”
12” x 18” B B B - - -
Paper BT DU
(W x L) Tray Tray 1000 1200
Supported but the size is not automatically detected. (The size needs to be
set by operation panel and also printer driver.)
S Supported
- Not supported
A3 W 12" x 18" Y Y Y Y 30 15 - - - -
297 x
A3 SEF Y Y Y Y 30 15 Y Y Y Y
420 mm
210 x
A4 SEF Y Y Y Y 50 15 Y - - Y
297 mm
297 x
A4 LEF Y Y Y Y 50 - Y Y Y Y
210 mm
148 x
A5 SEF Y Y Y Y - - Y - - Y
210 mm
210 x
A5 LEF Y Y Y Y - - Y - - Y
148 mm
105 x
A6 SEF Y Y Y - - - - - - -
148 mm
257 x
B4 SEF Y Y Y Y 30 15 Y Y Y*4 Y*4
364 mm
182 x
B5 SEF Y Y Y Y 50 15 Y - - Y
257 mm
257 x
B5 LEF Y Y Y Y 50 Y Y Y Y Y
182 mm
128 x
B6 SEF Y Y Y - - - - - - -
182 mm
3000-sheet finisher
Paper MF
(W x L) Prf Clr Shf Stp SS 2P/N2P 3P 4P N4P
8.5" x
Legal SEF Y Y Y Y 30 15 Y - - Y
Government 8.25" x
Y Y Y Y 30 - Y - - Y
Legal SEF 14"
Executive 7.25" x
Y Y Y Y 50 - Y - - Y
SEF 10.5"
Executive 10.5" x
Y Y Y Y 50 - Y Y Y Y
LEF 7.25"
Foolscap 8.5" x
Y Y Y Y 30 - Y - - Y
SEF 13"
8.25" x
Y Y Y Y 30 - Y - - Y
10" x 14" Y Y Y Y 30 - Y Y - Y
8" x 10" Y Y Y Y 50 - Y - - Y
267 x
8K Y Y Y Y 30 - Y Y Y Y
390 mm
195 x
16K SEF Y Y Y Y 50 - Y - - Y
267 mm
267 x
16K LEF Y Y Y Y 50 - Y Y Y Y
195 mm
4.125" x
Com10 Env. Y Y*1 Y*2 - - - - - - -
Monarch 3.875" x
Y - Y - - - - - - -
Env. 7.5"
114 x
C6 Env. Y - Y - - - - - - -
162 mm
162 x
C5 Env. Y - Y - - - - - - -
229 mm
110 x
DL Env. Y - Y - - - - - - -
220 mm
Y Supported
15 Output up to 15 sheets
30 Output up to 30 sheets
50 Output up to 50 sheets
- Not supported
MF: Main Frame, Prf: Proof, Clr: Clear, Shf: Shift, Stp: Staple
A3 W 12" x 18" Y Y Y Y 30 -
8.25" x 14" Y Y Y Y 30 Y
Legal SEF
Half Letter
5.5" x 8.5" Y Y Y Y - Y
8.25" x 13" Y Y Y Y 30 Y
11" x 15" Y Y Y Y 30 Y
Folio SEF
10" x 14" Y Y Y Y 30 Y
8" x 10" Y Y Y Y 30 Y
8K 267 x 390 mm Y Y Y Y 30 Y
Custom Y Y - - - -
Y Supported
30 Output up to 30 sheets
50 Output up to 50 sheets
- Not supported
The printer drivers and utility software are provided on one CD-ROM. An auto-run installer allows
you to select which components to install.
Software Description
Paper Height Detection: 5 steps (100%, 70%, 30%, 10% (Near end), and Empty)
Standard sizes
A6 SEF to A3, HLT to DLT
Paper Size: Non-standard sizes
Width: 90 to 305 mm
Length: 148 to 1260 mm
1.4.5 1000-SHEET FINISHER (D588)
Upper Tray
Lower Tray
No staple mode:
12" x 18"/305 x 457.2 mm, A3 to B5, DLT to HLT
Paper Size:
Staple mode:
12" x 18"/305 x 457.2 mm, A3, B4, A4, B5, DLT to LT
No staple mode:
1,000 sheets (A4/LT or smaller: 80 g/m 2, 20 lb.)
500 sheets (B4 /LG or larger: 80 g/m 2, 20 lb.)
Staple mode: (80 g/m 2, 20 lb., number of sets)
Power Consumption: 50 W
Paper Weight 52 g/m 2 - 160 g/m 2 (14 lb. Bond - 60 lb. Cover)
3,000 sheets A4 LEF, 8.5" x 11" LEF
Paper Weight 52 g/m 2 - 256 g/m 2 (14 lb. Bond - 68 lb. Bond)
B5 - A3
Paper Size
8.5" x 11" - 11" x 17", 12" x 18"
NA 2/3 holes switchable
Scandinavia 4 holes
Up to 7,000 sheets
Paper Size:
Paper Weight:
Power Source:
Power Consumption:
Size (W x D x H):
PM Tables
Chart: A4 (LT)/5%
Mode: 4 copies / original (prints/job)
Ratio 30%
Environment: Normal temperature and humidity
Yield may change depending on circumstances and print conditions.
Symbol keys: C: Clean, R: Replace, L: Lubricant, I: Inspect
Charge Roller R
Side Seal C
Perform SP3-001-2
OPC Drum R I
after the replacement.
Pick-off Pawls R
Quenching Lamp C
Perform SP3-001-2
ID Sensor C I after blower brush
Development Unit
Development Drive
I Dry cloth
Development Filter R
Developer R I
Entrance Seal C I
Side Seal C
Transfer Belt R
Dry cloth
To prevent damage to
Transfer Belt Cleaning
R the cleaning blade,
always replace these
items together.
Fusing Unit
Hot Roller R
PM Tables
Pressure Roller R
Fusing Thermistors R
Cleaning Roller C
- R
Brake Pad R
- R
Paper Feed
By-pass Separation
I I Damp cloth
Duplex Unit
PM Tables
Transport Rollers I I Damp cloth
Paper Exit
Amounts mentioned as the PM interval indicate the number of prints/ originals.
Symbol key: C: Clean, R: Replace, L: Lubricate, I: Inspect
Item EM Remarks
Item EM Remarks
Item EM Remarks
PM Tables
Separation Roller C Dry cloth
Damp cloth
Rollers C
(Water / Alcohol)
Item EM Remarks
Item EM Remarks
Item EM Remarks
Mode Tables
If The Power is Already Off:
Press the "Home" and "Suspend" keys at the same time while turning the main switch on.
3.2.2 SP1-XXX
bit 0 DFU - -
bit 1 DFU - -
bit 2 DFU - -
Enable: The MFP I/O Timeout setting will have no effect. I/O Timeouts will
never occur.
bit 5 DFU - -
bit 6 DFU - -
Enable: The machine prints all RPCS and PCL jobs with a border on the
edges of the printable area.
bit 0 DFU - -
bit 1 DFU - -
A collation type (shift or normal) will be applied to all jobs that do not
already have a ‘Collate Type’ configured.
bit 4 DFU - -
bit 5 DFU - -
bit 6 DFU - -
bit 7 DFU - -
bit 0 DFU - -
bit 1 DFU - -
bit 3 DFU - -
bit 4 DFU - -
bit 5 DFU - -
bit 6 DFU - -
bit 7 DFU - -
Mode Tables
004 Bit Switch 4 0 1
bit 0 DFU - -
bit 1 DFU - -
bit 2 DFU - -
Enable: Increases printing speed but simplex pages may be printed on the
back side of the sheet.
bit 4 DFU - -
bit 5 DFU - -
bit 6 DFU - -
bit 0 If enabled, users will be able to configure a Collate Type, Staple Type, and
Punch Type from the operation panel. The available types will depend on
the device and configured options.
After enabling the function, the settings will appear under:
"User Tools > Printer Features > System"
If this BitSw is enabled, SDK applications will not be able to alter print
data. This is achieved by preventing SDK applications from accessing a
module called the "GPS Filter".
Note: The main purpose of this BitSw is for troubleshooting the effects of
SDK applications on data.
bit 4 Increase max number of the stored jobs Disable Enable (1000)
to 1000 jobs. (100)
Enable: Changes the maximum number of jobs that can be stored on the
HDD via Job Type settings to 1000. The default is 100.
bit 5 DFU - -
Mode Tables
- PCL: Pre-04A models
- PS/PDF/RPCS:Pre-05S models
bit 7 1: Enable
Letterhead mode printing 0: Disable
bit 1
DFU - -
to 7
bit 0
DFU - -
to 3
bit 5
DFU - -
to 7
bit 1 DFU - -
If this bit switch, all jobs will be cancelled after a jam occurs.
Note: If this bitsw is enabled, printing under the following conditions might
result in problems:
- Job submission via USB or Parallel Port
- Spool printing (WIM >Configuration > Device Settings > System)
Mode Tables
When enabled, if multiple collated copies are printed, the device no longer
responds to PJL USTATUS with the number of pages in the current copy.
Instead the device will return the total number of pages for all copies.
Bit 5 DFU
- -
to 7
bit 0
DFU - -
to 4
If enabled, you can lock or unlock the [List/Test Print] items under the
Pinter Features menu when the Store and Skip Errored Job Function is
Bit 7 DFU - -
When enabled, the [Multiple Lists] menu is displayed in [List / Test Print]
under the Printer Features menu.
Bit 2 DFU
- -
to 7
bit 0
DFU - -
to 7
1005 002
Mode Tables
1007 [Supply Info.]
[0 to 1 / 1 ]
1007 001 0: Displays the info.
1: Does not display the info.
1110 002 0: Disable 1: Enable Selects the setting for the media print device.
1001* Adjusts the leading edge registration by changing the registration clutch
operation timing.
Side-to-Side Registration
1002* Adjusts the side to side registration by changing the laser main scan start
position for each mode.
001 By-pass
002 Tray 1
003 Tray 2
005 Tray 4
006 LCT
007 Duplex
1003* Adjusts the paper feed motor timing. Paper feed motor timing determines
the amount of paper buckle at Registration. (A "+" setting causes more
Mode Tables
005 Tray 2, 3, 4: Thick1
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
002 LG Detection
0: LT SEF, 1: LG
Fusing Idling
Switches fusing idling on/off. When on, printing will not start until enough
time has elapsed so the hot roller can reach optimum temperature. This
1103* ensures even heat on the hot roller.
Switch on if fusing on the 1st and 2nd copies is incomplete (this may occur if
the room is cold.). You must switch SP1103-1 ON before you set the fusing
interval with SP1103-2.
Selects the fusing temperature control method. After changing this setting,
be sure to turn the machine off and on again with the main power switch to
enable the new setting.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: Normal (ON/OFF control). Allows full application from ac power supply to
bring the hot roller up to the target fusing temperature then shuts off.
Determines the on-time from the present temperature (detected by the
Mode Tables
thermistor on the hot roller) and the temperature of 1 cycle before.
1: Phase (hysterisis) control. Sets the upper and lower limits for the
1104* temperature; at the lower temperature the fusing lamp is on and at the
higher temperature the fusing lamp is off.
Change this setting to "0" only if the user has excessive electrical noise or
interference on the power supply line. Such interference can cause voltage
to drop when power is applied using the ON/OFF control method.
Interference can be caused by the general poor quality of the power supply
lines, or if the machine is sharing a power supply with other electrical
devices such as fluorescent lights. Before changing this setting, make sure
that the machine is connected to a power supply not shared by other
electrical equipment.
Allows adjustment of the hot roller temperature at the center and ends of the
roller for the quality or thickness of the paper. The hot roller in this machine
has two fusing lamps: one heats the center of the roller, the other heats both
1105* ends. Each fusing lamp can be adjusted separately.
The "re-load temperature" is the "print ready temperature". When the fusing
temperature exceeds this setting, the machine can operate. Do not set up a
re-load temperature (Re-load Temp. = Fusing. Temp – SP Value.) that is
higher than the SP1-105-2 setting.
Sets the reload temperature for the center of the hot roller. This setting
depends on the target temperature.
003 Reload temp. = Target Temp – This SP Setting
Do not set a temperature that is higher than the setting for SP1105 1
(Roller Center: Trays)
Sets the reload temperature for the ends of the hot roller. This setting depends
on the target temperature.
004 Reload temp. = Target Temp – This SP Setting
Do not set a temperature that is higher than the setting for SP1105 2
(Roller Ends: Trays)
005 to The following SPs adjust the fusing temperature at the center or ends of the
022 hot roller for each paper type.
Mode Tables
011 Wait Temp: Ends Minus [100 to 170 / 140 / 1 deg]
012 Roller Ends: Thin [100 to 170 / 145 / 1 deg]
023 Feed Waiting: Plain Turns the feed waiting mode on or off for
026 Feed Waiting: Thick 2 The paper waits at the registration roller
Mode Tables
Fusing Nip Band Check
Checks the fusing nip band.
001 Execution
003* Specifies the time that the paper stops in the fusing unit for measuring the
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1] 0:OFF, 1:ON
This SP setting determines whether SC559 is issued after three paper late
jams occur in the fusing unit. After this SP code is turned on, a counter
monitors the number of paper late jams that occur in the fusing unit. After
the 3rd occurrence of a fusing jam, SC559 is issued and the machine
cannot be used until the service technician releases the error.
Switching the machine off/on does not reset this jam counter. The
counter is reset after the cause of the jam has been removed and a
sheet of paper successfully passes the fusing exit sensor.
Adjusts the speeds of each motor. Each step decreases or increases motor
speed in 0.05% increments
Regist: Registration motor, Feed: Feed motor,
1801* Duplex: Duplex/By-pass motor, Inverter: Duplex inverter motor,
Exit: Paper exit motor, Bridge: Bridge unit drive motor,
OpcMot: Drum motor, TransferMot: Transfer/Development Motor,
FusingMot: Fusing motor,
DevPuddleMot: Development Paddle motor
Mode Tables
026 Exit_CW: 154: Thick 1
027 Exit_CW: 180: Plain
033 OpcMot:90
034 OpcMot:154
035 OpcMot:180
036 OpcMot:230
038 TransferMot:154
039 TransferMot:180
040 TransferMot:230
041 FusingMot:90
042 FusingMot:154
043 FusingMot:180
044 FusingMot:230
EU [0 to 100 / 90 / 1 %]
Web Near End Setting
004 ASIA/NA [0 to 100 / 92 / 1 %]
007 Adjusts the threshold for paper feeding. When the time between trailing
edge detection and leading edge detection is within the value of this setting,
the machine determines that the paper is still being fed.
Mode Tables
Web Motor Rotation: Pre-idle [0 to 10 / 0 / 1 times]
Adjusts the number of web motor rotations at the fusing idling state.
Set 0:Off/1:On [0 or 1 / 0 / 1]
Mode Tables
CPM Down Setting
1916* When this machine gets a sequence of coping/printing jobs, the machine
uses CPM down mode to prevent the fusing temperature from becoming too
022 Waiting Time: Medium: M-Thick after the time specified with these SPs
has passed.
023 Waiting Time: Medium: Thick 1
031 Temp.: Medium: Plain with these SPs, the machine changes
the CPM (adjustable with SP1916-36
032 Temp.: Medium: M-Thick to -45).
Mode Tables
Adjusts the CPM in the CPM down
038 CPM: Low: Thick 1 mode.
[5 to 25 / 25 / 5 cpm]
001 Adjusts the Off-On interval of the transfer belt contact motor. ("On" means
002 Adjusts the On-Off interval of the transfer belt contact motor. ("Off" means
Mode Tables
002 Adjusts the voltage applied to the charge roller when making the VSDP ID
sensor pattern (for charge roller voltage correction). The actual charge roller
voltage is this value plus the value of SP2001-1.
001 Adjusts the lower threshold value for the charge roller correction.
When the value of VSDP/VSG is greater than this value, the charge roller
voltage increases by 30 V (e.g., from –500 to –530).
002 Adjusts the upper threshold value for the charge roller correction.
When the value of VSDP/VSG is greater than this value, the charge roller
voltage decreases by 30 V (absolute value).
001 Adjusts the magnification in the main scan direction for copy mode and
printer mode.
002 Adjusts the magnification in the sub scan direction for copy mode and
printer mode.
003 Left
[0 to 9 / 2 / 0.1mm]
004 Right
LD Power Adjustment(DFU)
Mode Tables
2106* POL REV TIME (Polygon motor rotation time)
However, if the machine enters the energy saver mode, the polygon motor
will ignore the zero setting and switch itself off.
[0 to 24 / 0 /1 ]
001 Pattern Selection
Test pattern of the GAVD
0: None
13: Independent Pattern (4 dot)
1: Vertical Line (1 dot)
14: Trimming Area
2: Vertical Line (2 dot)
15: Hound's Tooth Check (Vertical)
3: Horizontal Line (1 dot)
16: Hound's Tooth Check (Horizontal)
4: Horizontal Line (2 dot)
17: Black Band (Horizontal)
5: Grid Vertical Line
18: Black band ( Vertical)
6: Grid Horizontal Line
19: Checker Flag Pattern
7: Grid pattern small
20: Grayscale (Vertical Margin)
8: Grid Pattern Large
21: Grayscale (Horizontal Margin)
9: Argyle Pattern Small
22: Two Beam Density Pattern
10: Argyle Pattern Large
23: Full Dot Pattern
11: Independent pattern (1 dot)
24:All white Pattern
12: Independent Pattern (2 dot)
[0 to 15 / 15 /1 ]
002 Density Set the density of the test pattern which is output in
SP2109-001. This SP is not used for the Grayscale
2207 Forces the toner bottle to supply toner at 1-second intervals for up to 30
seconds. To start, press [EXECUTE].
Mode Tables
2209* Toner Supply Rate
Sets the amount of toner supplied every second by the toner supply motor.
The length of time the motor remains on is determined by the data read by
001 the TD sensor and ID sensor.
Increasing this value reduces the toner supply clutch on time. Use a lower
value if the user tends to make lots of copies that have a high proportion of
Displays the toner supply correction coefficient (K). It can also be used to
adjust K, but the value is changed again when VT is measured for the next
002 copy.
The toner supply rate depends on the amount of toner in the toner bottle.
This change is corrected using this coefficient. This SP can be used to
check the toner supply condition. The lower the value of K, the lower the
toner density
P Pattern Cycle
Sets the interval between ID sensor pattern prints.
001* Sets the interval between ID sensor pattern printing. For users that do not
make many copies daily, set a smaller interval to compensate for the effects
of seasonal and weather changes.
90 copies: Toner end is determined if a low density image (Vref <
Vt(10)) is detected 90 times after toner near end.
If "1" is selected, the machine stops printing when the TD sensor
output drops below the prescribed level.
Select 1 or 2 if the customer normally makes copies of very high
Vref Setting
Adjusts the TD sensor reference voltage (Vref). Change this value after
replacing the development unit with another development unit that contains
[1 to 5 / 4 / 0.01 ]
2220* 1. Check the value of SP2-220 in both the machine containing the test unit
and the machine that you are going to move it to.
2. Install the test development unit, and then input the VREF for this unit
into SP2-220.
Mode Tables
3. After the test, put back the old development unit, and change SP2-220
back to the original value.
2221* Adjusts the threshold for the reverse rotation of the drum and
development/transfer motors. This helps the drum and transfer belt cleaning
operations. This reverse rotation will interrupt a multiple printing job.
2223* Vt Display
Current [0 to 5 / 4 / 0.01]
Displays the TD sensor output voltage for the immediately previous copy.
002 Displays the average of the most recent TD sensor outputs (from the
previous 10 copies).
GAIN [0 to 255 / 0 / 1]
004 Displays the GAIN value used to calculate the on time for the toner supply
Developer Lot
2228* Displays the lot number of the developer. (The lot number is embossed on
the top edge of the developer pack.)
2301* If the transfer current of image area is set highly than normal, the print
image is easily come out. If the leading transfer current is set as same, the
black line is come out due to exfoliation leave.
Adjusts the transfer current for copying at leading edge the first side of the
003 paper.
Increase the current to separate the paper from the drum properly in high
humidity and high temperature conditions.
Adjusts the transfer current for copying at leading edge the second side of
004 the paper.
Increase the current to separate the paper from the drum properly in high
humidity and high temperature conditions.
005 Adjusts the transfer current for copying from the by-pass tray.
If the user normally feeds thicker paper from the bypass tray, use a higher
Adjusts the transfer current for copying at the leading edge of paper fed
006 from the by-pass tray.
Increase the current to separate the paper from the drum properly in high
humidity and high temperature conditions.
Mode Tables
2309* Current: Paper Size Correction (SSP)
Paper Lower Width (a) [1 to 150 / 150 / 1 mm ]
Adjusts the lower paper width threshold for the transfer current, charge
voltage, and development bias corrections.
001 Use this SP when an image problem (e.g., insufficient toner transfer) occurs
with a small width paper. If the paper width is smaller than this value, the
transfer current will be multiplied by the factor in SP2-309-3 (paper tray) or
SP2-309-5 (by-pass).
Adjusts the upper paper width threshold for the transfer current, charge
002 voltage, and development bias corrections.
As for SP2-309-1, but the factors are in SP2-309-4 (paper tray) and
SP2-309-6 (by-pass).
003 Adjusts the transfer current correction coefficient used if the paper width is
004 Adjusts the transfer current correction coefficient used if the paper width is
005 Adjusts the transfer current correction coefficient used if the paper width is
006 Adjusts the transfer current correction coefficient used if the paper width is
Mode Tables
Current: Paper Type Correction (SSP)
2310* Adjusts the transfer current for each paper type. If the transfer current of the
image area is set higher than normal, the print image easily comes out. If
the leading edge transfer current is set the same, black lines come out.
002 Adjusts the transfer current for the leading edge of the first side of the paper.
Increase the current to separate the paper from the drum properly in high
humidity and high temperature conditions (Thick 1).
004 Adjusts the transfer current for the leading edge of the second side of the
paper (Thick 1). Increase the current to separate the paper from the drum
properly in high humidity and high temperature conditions.
006 Adjusts the transfer current for the leading edge of paper (Thick 2). Increase
the current to separate the paper from the drum properly in high humidity
and high temperature conditions.
008 Adjusts the transfer current for the leading edge of paper (OHP). Increase
the current to separate the paper from the drum properly in high humidity
and high temperature conditions.
010 Adjusts the transfer current for the leading edge of paper (Envelopes).
Increase the current to separate the paper from the drum properly in high
humidity and high temperature conditions.
012 Adjusts the transfer current for the leading edge of the first side of the paper
(M-Thick). Increase the current to separate the paper from the drum
properly in high humidity and high temperature conditions.
014 Adjusts the transfer current for the leading edge of the second side of the
paper (M-Thick). Increase the current to separate the paper from the drum
properly in high humidity and high temperature conditions.
Mode Tables
Adjusts the transfer current for the first side of the paper (Special 1).
Leading Edge 1st Side: Special 1 [10 to 100 / 20 / 1 A]
016 Adjusts the transfer current for the leading edge of the first side of the paper
(Special 1). Increase the current to separate the paper from the drum
properly in high humidity and high temperature conditions.
018 Adjusts the transfer current for the leading edge of the second side of the
paper (Special 1). Increase the current to separate the paper from the drum
properly in high humidity and high temperature conditions.
020 Adjusts the transfer current for the leading edge of the first side of the paper
(Special 2). Increase the current to separate the paper from the drum
properly in high humidity and high temperature conditions.
022 Adjusts the transfer current for the leading edge of the second side of the
paper (Special 2). Increase the current to separate the paper from the drum
properly in high humidity and high temperature conditions.
024 Adjusts the transfer current for the leading edge of the first side of the paper
(Special 3). Increase the current to separate the paper from the drum
properly in high humidity and high temperature conditions.
026 Adjusts the transfer current for the leading edge of the second side of the
paper (Special 3). Increase the current to separate the paper from the drum
properly in high humidity and high temperature conditions.
Use this SP when an image problem occurs caused by the pick-off pawls.
2602* This SP is for line speeds of 230 or 180 mm/s. Set PTL control
(SP2603-001) to “1: ON” after installing the PTL. If PTL control is set to ON,
black lines come out. Set SP2911-002 (or 005, 008, 011) to “20” when using
the PTL.
Mode Tables
1st Side: OFF Timing [-10 to 10 / 2 / 1]
002 Sets the PTL control time for printing the first side of the paper when
004 Sets the PTL control time for printing the second side of the paper when
Use this SP when an image problem occurs caused by the pick-off pawls.
2603* This SP is for the line speed of 154 mm/s. Set PTL control (SP2603-001) to
“1: ON” after installing the PTL. If the PTL control is set to ON, black lines
come out. Set SP2911-002 (or 005, 008, 011) to “20” when using the PTL.
002 Sets the PTL control time for printing the first side of the paper when
004 Sets the PTL control time for printing the second side of the paper when
Use this SP when an image problem occurs caused by the pick-off pawls.
2604* This SP is for the line speed of 90 mm/s. Set PTL control (SP2603-001) to
“1: ON” after installing the PTL. If the PTL control is set to ON, black lines
come out. Set SP2911-002 (or 005, 008, 011) to “20” when using the PTL.
002 Sets the PTL control time for printing the first side of the paper when
004 Sets the PTL control time for printing the second side of the paper when
Performs the TD sensor initial setting and allows the service technician to
enter the lot number of the developer. (The lot number is embossed on the
edge of the developer package.) This SP mode controls the voltage applied
2801* to the TD sensor to make the TD sensor output about 3.0 V. Press
"Execute" to start. After finishing this, the TD sensor output voltage is
Use this mode only after installing the machine, changing the TD sensor, or
adding new developer.
Mode Tables
TD Sensor Manual Setting
Allows you to adjust the TD sensor output manually for the following.
001 Change this value after replacing the development unit with another one
that already contains toner. For example, when using a development unit
from another machine for test purposes. To adjust VT, use a similar
procedure as for SP2-220.
VTMIN [1 to 5 / 1 / 0.01vol ]
Adjusts the minimum value for SP2802 1.
Process Setting
Grayscale Setting
2810 Initializes the LD power setting. This SP should be done after replacing the
Reverse time [0 to 9 / 4 / 1 ]
Sets the reverse time of the drum motor after the end of a job.
Interval time [0 to 19 / 9 /1 ]
Sets the waiting time of the drum motor reverse after the end of a job.
002 Adjust the timing to switch transfer current from the leading edge to the
image area.
004 Adjust the timing to turn on the transfer current for the leading edge (Special
005 Adjust the timing to switch transfer current from the leading edge to the
006 Adjust the timing to turn off the transfer current for the image area (Special
007 Adjust the timing to turn on the transfer current for the leading edge (Special
Mode Tables
008 Adjust the timing to switch transfer current from the leading edge to the
image area (Special 2).
009 Adjust the timing to turn off the transfer current for the image area (Special
010 Adjust the timing to turn on the transfer current for the leading edge (Special
011 Adjust the timing to switch transfer current from the leading edge to the
012 Adjust the timing to turn off the transfer current for the image area (Special
Interval [0 to 10 / 3 / 1 ]
002 Sets the reverse time of the transfer/development motor after the end of a
Adjusts the charge roller voltage used when paper with a small width is fed
from the by-pass tray. The paper width below which the correction starts
001 depends on the value of SP2-309-1.
Use this SP when an image problem (such as white spots at the center of
black dots or breaks in thin black lines) occurs when paper with a small
width is fed from the by-pass feed tray.
Adjusts the charge roller voltage used when paper with a small width is fed
002 from the by-pass tray. The paper width below which the correction starts
depends on the value of SP2-309-2.
Use this SP when an image problem (see 2-914-1) occurs when paper with
a small width is fed from the by-pass feed tray.
Adjusts the development bias used when paper with a small width is fed
003 from the by-pass tray. The paper width below which the correction starts
depends on the value of SP2-309-1.
Use this SP when an image problem (see 2-914-1) occurs when paper with
a small width is fed from the by-pass feed tray.
Adjusts the development bias used when paper with a small width is fed
004 from the by-pass tray. The paper width below which the correction starts
depends on the value of SP2-309-2.
Use this SP when an image problem (see 2-914-1) occurs when paper with
a small width is fed from the by-pass feed tray.
001 If this SP is set to ON, the toner bottle consumes toner when SP2801 (TD
002 Specifies the threshold value for the toner consumption mode if
Mode Tables
Toner Overflow Sensor [0 = OFF, 1= ON]
Selects whether or not the toner overflow sensor is activated.
001 0: OFF, 1: ON [0 to 1 / 0 / 1 ]
2972* Controls the halftone density level to prevent deterioration of the OPC. The
halftone density is detected by the ID sensor, and the machine adjusts the
intensity of the LD beam according to the upper/lower limit setting.
If the image contains pale areas with fuzzy borders surrounded by dark
areas, reduce this value to make the borders clearer.
2973* Set s the halftone operation interval in order to prevent deterioration of the
OPC. If the number of copies exceeds this setting, at the end of the job, or if
the door is opened and closed, charge correction is executed.
Adjustment Mode [1 to 5 / 3 / 1 ]
001 Adjusts image density. Changing this setting adjusts development bias and
Sets a time for toner supply motor rotation for issuing the toner near end
warning on the operation panel. The time may need to be shorter for
customers who run especially large print jobs (working at night, for example)
to ensure earlier warning of the toner near end condition so toner out does
not interrupt a long job.
Mode Tables
Bottle Motor Time
Displays the total ON time of the toner supply motor, calculated from when
the toner bottle was replaced. Use this to check that the toner end count
(SP2975) is working properly.
When SP2975 is set to any value other than "0", this value is displayed
when it matches the setting of SP2975. When SP2975 is set to "0", SP2976
is disabled. SP2976 is automatically set to zero by toner end recovery.)
[0 to 10 / 0 / 1 ]
0: Not detected
1: Detected by SP2975-001
001 Near End 2: Vt (10) - Vref > 0.2 and Vsp > 0.6
3: Vt (10) - Vref > 0.45
4: 0.45 > Vt (10) - Vref > 0.2 and toner end counter > 300
5 to 10: Not used
[0 to 10 / 0 / 1 ]
0: Not detected
1: Vsp > 2.0
2: Toner end counter > 90 when SP2213-001 is set to "0".
3: Toner end counter < 90 and Vt (10) > (Vref + 0.3) when
002 End
SP2213-001 is set to "0".
4: When SP2213-001 is set to "2"
5: Vsp > 0.9 when SP2213-001 is set to "2"
6: Special order
7 to 10: Not used
Set the number of pages to print after toner and carrier initialization before
the charge input is increased to compensate for deterioration over time in
2980* the polarity of the carrier.
The strength in the polarity of the carrier in the toner will eventually
decrease and cause lower charge output. Setting the charge output to
increase after a specified number of copies can compensate for this effect.
Current [0 to 43 / 13 / 0.1 mA ]
001* Allows you to reset the PWM of the ID sensor LED to avoid a service call
error after clearing NVRAM or replacing the NVRAM.
Mode Tables
The PWM data is stored by executing SP-3001-2.
Initialization -
Performs the ID sensor initial setting. ID sensor output for the bare drum
002 (VSG) is adjusted automatically to 4.0 ±0.2 V.
Press "Execute" to start. Perform this setting after replacing or cleaning the
ID sensor, replacing the drum, or clearing NVRAM.
P Sensor Output
3103* If the P sensor does not detect the P pattern, "VSP = 5.0 V/VSG = 5.0 V" is
displayed and an SC code is generated.
If the P sensor does not detect the bare area of the drum, "VSP = 0.0
V/VSG =0.0 V" is displayed and an SC code is generated.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
ON/OFF Setting
0: On, 1: Off
Turns on or off the new unit detection for the transfer belt unit and fusing
3905* "Cleaning A": 15 sec. off/on cycle for the fusing motor.
"Cleaning B": Off (45 sec.) and On (15 sec.) cycle for the fusing motor.
002 Sets the number of additional execution times of the 1st cleaning mode.
[0 to 5 / 0 / 1 times]
004 Sets the number of additional execution times of the 2nd cleaning mode.
[0 to 5 / 0 / 1 times]
006 [0 to 5 / 0 / 1 times]
Mode Tables
All fans remain on during cleaning and then switch off 60sec after
the cleaning cycle ends.
007 [0 to 1 / 0 / 1 sheets]
0: Priority to printing (No job interruption)
1: Priority to cleaning (Job interruption)
Refer to the displayed language list to set in the way showed below.
Mode Tables
List Num. Assigned Bit Switch
After setting, turn the main power switch off and on to make the setting valid.
0: Europe/Asia (mm)
mm/inch Display Selection
1: North America (inch)
Selects the unit of measurement.
After selection, turn the main power switch off and on.
Accounting counter
Display or does not display the remaining toner display icon on the LCD.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1 ]
0: Not display, 1: Display
002 [0 to 11111111 / 0 / 1]
0: OFF, 1: ON
091 [0 to 2 / 0 / 1 ]
Product ID
Application Screen ID
093 Sets the display category of the application that is specified in SP5075-001.
[0 to 255 / 0 / 1 ]
Mode Tables
Function Setting
001 [0 to 1 / 0 / 1 ]
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
Specifies whether the counter is doubled for A3/DLT. "Yes" counts except
from the bypass tray. When "Yes" is selected, A3 and DLT paper are
counted twice, that is A4 x2 and LT x2 respectively.
Selects the paper size (type) for both originals and copy paper.
5131* [0 to 2 / - / 1 step]
0: Japan, 1: North America, 2: Europe
After changing the setting, turn the copier off and on. If the paper size of the
archive files stored on the HDD is different, abnormal copies could result.
5150 [0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: Off [Default]
1: On. Sets the tray for feeding paper up to 600 mm long.
With this SP selected on, paper jams are not detected in the paper path.
[0 to 4294967295 / 0 / 1]
5179* This SP determines whether a paper size error prompt appears when the
machine detects the wrong paper size for the job and during feed from the
by-pass tray.
Mode Tables
005 Tray 2: 1 0: A4 LEF, 1: LT LEF
006 Tray 2: 2 0: A3, 1: DLT
This SP determines whether the machine can output paper if staples run
5199 out.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: OFF. Paper cannot exit if no staples are available.
1: ON. Paper can exit with no staples.
Time Difference
Sets the time clock for the local time. This setting is done at the factory
before delivery. The setting is GMT expressed in minutes.
[–1440 to 1440 / - / 1 min.]
Japan: +540 (Tokyo)
002 NA: -300 (NY)
⇒ Settings items and the range regarding sleep mode suitable for Blue Angel
101 regulations.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
Make sure that both SP5-307-3 and -4 are correctly set. Otherwise,
this SP is not activated even if this SP is set to "1".
Mode Tables
Rule Set (Start)
Specifies the start setting for the summer time mode.
There are 8 digits in this SP. For months 1 to 9, the "0" cannot be input in the
first digit, so the eight-digit setting for -2 or -3 becomes a seven-digit setting.
1st and 2nd digits: The month. [1 to 12]
3rd digit: The week of the month. [1 to 5]
Mode Tables
10: 20 seconds, 11: 30 seconds
Access Control (DFU)
Sets limited uses for SDKJ application data.
[ / 0x00 / 0x01/step]
bit0: SDKJ Authentication
-0: Panel Type
-1: Remote Type
bit1: Using user code setup
-0: OFF, 1: ON
bit2: Using key-counter setup
-0: OFF, 1: ON
bit3: Using billing external device setup
SDKJ1 Limit Setting….. SDKJ30
101 to 130 -0: OFF, 1: ON
Limit Setting
bit3: Using external billing device setup
-0: OFF, 1: ON
bit4: Using extended external billing
device setup
-0: OFF, 1: ON
bit5~6: Not used
bit7: Using extended function J limit
-0: OFF, 1: ON
5404 Clears the counts of the user codes assigned by the key operator to restrict
the use of the machine. Press [Execute] to clear.
5411 LDAP-Certification
5412 Krb-Certification
[0 or 1 / 0 / 1/step]
Lockout On/Off
001 0: OFF, 1:ON
Turns on or off the account lock for the local address book account.
[0 or 1 / 0 / 1/step]
Mode Tables
0: OFF (Lockout is not cancelled.)
1: ON (Lockout is cancelled if a user ID
Cancellation On/Off
003 and password are correctly entered after
the lockout function has been executed
and a specific time has passed.)
004 Sets the interval of the retry for accessing the local address book account
after the lockout function has been executed.
This setting is enabled only if SP5413-3 is set to "1" (ON).
Mitigation ON/OFF
Permits or does not permit consecutive access to the machine with the
Mitigation Time
002 Sets the prohibiting time for consecutive access to the machine with the
same ID and password.
[0 to 60 / 15 / 1 min]
001 Sets the threshold number of attempts to attack the system with random
001 Sets the number of users for the access exclusion and password attack
detection function.
002 Sets the number of passwords for the access exclusion and password
003 Sets the wait time to slow down the speed of certification when an excessive
User Authentication
These functions are enabled only after the user access feature has
been enabled.
Mode Tables
[0 or 1/ 0 / 1/step] 0: ON. 1: OFF
Determines whether certification is
041 Printer
required before a user can use the
printer application.
[0 or 1 / 0 / 1/step]
0: OFF [Default], 1: ON
001 System Log Disp Determines whether an error code
appears in the system log after a user
authentication failure occurs.
[0 or 1 / 1 / 1/step]
0: OFF, 1: ON [Default]
002 Panel Disp Determines whether an error code
appears on the operation panel after a
user authentication failure occurs.
5501* PM Alarm
PM Alarm Level
002 Selects whether the PM alarm for the number of scans is enabled or not.
If this is "1", the PM alarm function is enabled.
[0 = No / 1 = Yes]
Jam Alarm
Sets the alarm to sound for the specified jam level (document misfeeds are
not included).
5504* [0 to 3 / 3 / 1 step]
0: Zero (Off)
1: Low (2.5K jams)
2: Medium (3K jams)
3: High (6K jams)
Error Alarm
5505* error alarm counter decreases by "1" when an SC is not detected during a
set number of copied sheets (for example, default 5000 (C1b) or 10000
(C1c) sheets). The error alarm occurs when the SC error alarm counter
reaches "5".
[0 to 255 / 60 / 100 copies / step]
Mode Tables
5507* Supply Alarm
132 Interval: A3
134 Interval: A5
164 Interval: LG
166 Interval: LT
5508 CC Call
SC/Alarm Setting
5515* With @Remote in use, these SP codes can be set to issue an SC call when
an SC error occurs. If this SP is switched off, the SC call is not issued when
an SC error occurs.
001 SC Call
Mode Tables
004 User Call
Communication Information Test
Call [0 or 1 / 1 / 1]
0: OFF
007 Machine Information Notice
1: ON
008 Alarm Notice
5516 With @Remote in use, these SP codes can be set to issue an PM alarm call
when one of SP parts reaches its yield.
[Counter Effect]
- [0 to 1439 / 0 / -/step]
1 Export
101 Import
Memory Clear
Mode Tables
5801 Resets NVRAM data to the default settings. Before executing any of these
SP codes, print an SMC Report.
014 Clear DCS Setting Initializes the DCS (Delivery Control Service) settings.
5802* The correct paper should be loaded in the 1st tray or 2nd tray, but paper is
not fed.
The main switch has to be turned off and on after using the free run mode
for a test.
001 TRAY1:A4LEF -
002 TRAY2:A3 -
003 TRAY2:A4SEF -
Input Check
Displays the signals received from sensors and switches. ( p.3-165)
Output Check
Anti-Condensation Heater
5805 [0 or 1 / 0 / -]
0:OFF / 1:ON
5810 SC Reset
Mode Tables
switch off/on.
5811 MachineSerial
I/F Setting
001 [0 to 2 / 2 / 1 /step]
0: Remote service off
1: CSS remote service on
2: @Remote service on
CE Call
002 [0 or 1 / 1 / 1 /step]
0: Start of the service
1: End of the service
NOTE: This SP is activated only when SP 5816-001 is set to “2”.
Function Flag
003 [0 to 1 / 0 / 1 /step]
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
NOTE: This SP setting is changed to "1" after @Remote registration has been
SSL Disable
Uses or does not use the RCG certification by SSL when calling the RCG.
007 [0 to 1 / 0 / 1 /step]
008 Specifies the connect timeout interval when calling the RCG.
[1 to 90 / 30 / 1 second /step]
009 Specifies the write timeout interval when calling the RCG.
010 Specifies the read timeout interval when calling the RCG.
Port 80 Enable
Mode Tables
011 Enables/disables access via port 80 to the SOAP method.
[0 or 1 / 0 / – ]
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
[0 or 1 / 0 / – ]
014 0: Normal
RCG–C Registed
0: Internet connection
1: Dial-up connection
Use Proxy
062 This SP setting determines if the proxy server is used when the machine
Proxy Host
This SP sets the address of the proxy server used for communication between
Embedded RC Gate-N and the gateway. Use this SP to set up or display the
customer proxy server address. The address is necessary to set up
This SP sets the port number of the proxy server used for communication
between Embedded RC Gate-N and the gateway. This setting is necessary to
064 set up Embedded RC Gate-N.
Proxy Password
CERT: Up State
Mode Tables
Displays the status of the certification update.
0 The certification used by Embedded RC Gate is set correctly.
The certification update failed, and the GW URL is being notified of the
failed update.
The period of the certification has expired and new request for an update
067 is being sent to the GW URL.
The notification of the certification request has been received from the
rescue GW controller, and the certification is being stored.
The certification has been stored, and the GW URL is being notified of
the successful completion of this event.
The storing of the certification has failed, and the GW URL is being
notified of the failure of this event.
The certification update request has been received from the GW URL,
the GW URL was notified of the results of the update after it was
completed, but a certification error has been received, and the rescue
certification is being recorded.
The rescue certification of No. 17 has been recorded, and the GW URL
is being notified of the failure of the certification update.
CERT: Error
Displays a number code that describes the reason for the request for update
of the certification.
068 An SSL error notification has been issued. Issued after the certification
has expired.
Mode Tables
089 CERT: ID2 Code Asteriskes (*) indicate that no @Remote
certification exists. "000000___________"
indicates "Common certification".
Server CN Check
Not used
GW Host
Not used
Not used
Manual Polling
Executes the manual polling.
Regist Status
Displays a number that indicates the status of the @Remote service device.
0: Neither the @Remote device nor Embedded RCG Gate is set.
1: The Embedded RCG Gate is being set. Only Box registration is completed.
201 In this status, @Remote device cannot communicate with this device.
2: The Embedded RCG Gate is set. In this status, the @Remote device
cannot communicate with this device.
3: The @Remote device is being set. In this status the Embedded RCG Gate
cannot be set.
4: The @Remote module has not started.
Displays a number that indicates the result of the confirmation executed with
0: Succeeded
1: Confirmation number error
2: Registration in progress
3: Proxy error (proxy enabled)
4: Proxy error (proxy disabled)
5: Proxy error (Illegal user name or password)
Mode Tables
6: Communication error
7: Certification update error
8: Other error
9: Confirmation executing
Confirm Place
205 Displays the result of the notification sent to the device from the Gateway in
answer to the confirmation request. Displayed only when the result is
registered at the Gateway.
Register Result
Error Code
Displays a number that describes the error code that was issued when either
SP5816-204 or SP5816-207 was executed.
Mode Tables
-2392 Parameter error
-2393 RCG device not managed
5825 Downloads data from an SD card to the NVRAM in the machine. After
downloading is completed, remove the card and turn the machine power off
and on.
001 This SP allows you to check and reset the IPv4 address for Ethernet and
Mode Tables
0:Off, 1: On
Disables and enables the ECP feature (1284
Mode) for data transfer.
052 ECP (Centro)
[0 to 1 / 1 / 1]
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
Delete Passward
Executes NCS related parameter list printing
The IPv6 address consists of a total 128 bits configured in 8 blocks of 16 bits
each. These notations can be abbreviated. See "Note: IPV6 Addresses"
below this table.
Mode Tables
IPv6 Gateway Address
blocks of 16 bits each. These notations can be abbreviated. See "Note: IPV6
Addresses" below this table.
Displays or does not display the link to Net RICOH on the top page and link
237 page of the web system.
[0 to 1 / 1 / 1]
0: Not display, 1:Display
Displays or does not display the link to Consumable Supplier on the top
238 page and link page of the web system.
[0 to 1 / 1 / 1]
0: Not display, 1:Display
239 This SP confirms or changes the URL1 name on the link page of the web
system. The maximum characters for the URL name are 31 characters.
Mode Tables
Web Link1 URL
240 his SP confirms or changes the link to URL1 on the link page of the web
system. The maximum characters for the URL are 127 characters.
Displays or does not display the link to URL1 on the top page of the web
241 system.
[0 to 1 / 1 / 1]
0: Not display, 1:Display
0000000000000000000000000000h / -]
Compatible ID
252 [0 to 1 / 1 / 1/step]
0= Disabled , 1= Enabled
5832 Enter the SP number for the partition to initialize, then press #. When the
execution ends, cycle the machine off and on.
011 HDD Formatting (Ridoc I/F) (for Ridoc Desk Top Binder)
Channel MAX
Sets the maximum range of the bandwidth for the wireless LAN. This
006 bandwidth setting varies for different countries.
Channel MIN
Mode Tables
Sets the minimum range of the bandwidth for operation of the wireless LAN.
007 This bandwidth setting varies for different countries.
[1 to 14 / 1 / 1]
JPN: 1 to 14, NA: 1 to 11, EU: 1 to 13
0 x FF to Auto [Default]
0 x 11 - 55M Fix 0 x 07 - 11M Fix
0 x 10 - 48M Fix 0 x 05 - 5.5M Fix
008 0 x 0F - 36M Fix 0 x 08 - 1M Fix
0 x 0E - 18M Fix 0 x 13 - 0 x FE (reserved)
0 x 0D - 12M Fix 0 x 12 - 72M (reserved)
0 x 0B - 9M Fix 0 x 09 - 22M (reserved)
0 x 0A - 6M Fix
RTS/CTS Thresh
Fragment Thresh
5841* Press the User Tools key. These names appear when the user presses the
Inquiry button on the User Tools screen.
007 OrgStamp
011 StapleStd1
012 StapleStd2
013 StapleStd3
014 StapleStd4
021 StapleBind1
022 StapleBind2
023 StapleBind3
Bit Groups
Mode Tables
3 Address book related
Bit SW 0011 1111 4 Machine management related
6 Repository related
5844 USB
Transfer Rate
002 Vendor ID
Product ID
Sets the device release number of the BCD (binary coded decimal) display.
004 [0000 to 9999 / 100 / 1] (DFU)
This SP standardizes for common use the model name and serial number
for USB PnP (Plug & Play). It determines whether the driver requires
[0 to 2 / 0 / 1]
0: OFF
1: Level 1
2: Level 2
This SP sets the model name to be used by the USB PnP when "Function
Enable (Level 2) is set so the USB Serial No. can have a common name
Default: Laser Printer (up to 20 characters allowed).
This SP sets the serial number to be used by the USB PnP when "Function
Enable (Level 2)
set so the USB Serial No. can have a common name (SP5844-5).
Default: None (up to 12 characters allowed for entry).
Make sure that this entry is the same as the serial number in use.
At initialization the serial number generated from the model name is
used, not the setting of this SP code.
At times other than initialization, the value set for this SP code is used.
Mode Tables
100 Notify Unsupport
Sets the wait time from the error action to the retry.
[0 to 1 / 1 / -]
Rapid Sending Control
0: Disable, 1: Enable
Enables or disables the prevention function for the continuous data sending
010 Sets the length of the time-out for the search of the LDAP server.
[1 to 255 / 60 /1 step]
Mode Tables
1. Turn the machine off.
2. Install the new HDD.
3. Turn the machine on.
4. The address book and its initial data are created on the HDD
automatically. However, at this point the address book can be accessed
by only the system administrator or key operator.
5. Enter the SP mode and do SP5846 041. After this SP executes
successfully, any user can access the address book.
047 Clears all of the address information from the local address book of a
049 Push [Execute] to delete all items (this does not include user codes) in the
051 Copies all directory information to the SD card. Do this SP before replacing
the controller board or HDD. The operation may not succeed if the controller
board or HDD is damaged.
052 Copies back all directory information from the SD card to the flash ROM or
HDD. Upload the address book from the old flash ROM or HDD with
SP5846-51 before removing it. Do SP5846 52 after installing the new HDD.
Deletes the address book uploaded from the SD card in the slot 2. Deletes
053 only the files uploaded for that machine. This feature does not work if the
card is write-protected.
Note: After you do this SP, go out of the SP mode, turn the power off. Do not
remove the SD card until the Power LED stops flashing.
Search Option
This SP uses bit switches to set up the fuzzy search options for the UCS
local address book.
Bit Meaning
2 Japan Only
Mode Tables
Complexity Option 1
Use this SP to set the conditions for password entry to access the local
address book. Specifically, this SP limits the password entry to upper case
and sets the length of the password.
062 [0 to 32 / 0 / 1step]
Complexity Option 2
Use this SP to set the conditions for password entry to access the local
address book. Specifically, this SP limits the password entry to lower case
and defines the length of the password.
063 [0 to 32 / 0 / 1step]
Complexity Option 3
Use this SP to set the conditions for password entry to access the local
address book. Specifically, this SP limits the password entry to numbers and
defines the length of the password.
064 [0 to 32 / 0 / 1step]
Complexity Option 4
Use this SP to set the conditions for password entry to access the local
address book. Specifically, this SP limits the password entry to symbols and
defines the length of the password.
065 [0 to 32 / 0 / 1step]
Encryption Start
094 Shows the status of the encryption function of the address book on the
LDAP server.
[0 to 255 / 1 ] No default
Web Service
5848-2 sets the 4-bit switch assignment for the access control setting.
5848* Setting of 0001 has no effect on access and delivery from Scan Router.
5848-100 sets the maximum size of images that can be downloaded. The
default is equal to 1 gigabyte.
009 Acc. Ctrl.: Job Control (Lower 4 Bits) Switches access control on
and off.
011 Acc. Ctrl: Device Management (Lower 4 Bits) 0000: OFF, 0001: ON
Mode Tables
022 Acc. Ctrl: User Administration (Lower 4 Bits)
Setting: Log Type: Job 1
No information is available at this time.
Setting: Timing
No information is available at this time.
Installation Date
Displays or prints the installation date of the machine.
5851* Sets the operation mode for the Bluetooth Unit. Press either key.
[0: Public] / [1: Private]
When set to "1" allows reception of firmware data via the local port (IEEE
1284) during a remote ROM update. This setting is reset to zero after the
machine is cycled off and on. Allows the technician to upgrade the firmware
002 using a parallel cable
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1 step]
0: Not allowed
1: Allowed
Switches on the debug log feature. The debug log cannot be captured until
001 this feature is switched on.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: OFF, 1: ON
Mode Tables
Selects the destination where the debugging information generated by the
002 event selected by SP5858 will be stored if an error is generated
[2 to 3 / 2 / 1]
2: HDD, 3: SD Card
Save to HDD
Specifies the decimal key number of the log to be written to the hard disk.
Save to SD Card
Specifies the decimal key number of the log to be written to the SD Card.
Takes the most recent 4 MB of the log written to the hard disk and copies
Takes the log of the specified key from the log on the hard disk and copies it
to the SD Card.
010 A unique file name is generated to avoid overwriting existing file names on
Erases all debug logs on the SD Card. If the card contains only debugging
012 files generated by an event specified by SP5858, the files are erased when
5858* These SPs select the content of the debugging information to be saved to
the destination selected by SP5857-002.
SP5858-003 stores one SC specified by number.
001 Key 1
002 Key 2
These SPs allow you to set up to 10 keys for log files for
003 Key 3 functions that use common memory on the controller board.
[0 to 9999999 / 0 / 1]
004 Key 4
005 Key 5
006 Key 6
007 Key 7
008 Key 8
009 Key 9
010 Key 10
Mode Tables
Partial Mail Receive Timeout
[1 to 168 / 72 / 1 hour]
020 Sets the amount of time to wait before saving a mail that breaks up during
reception. The received mail is discarded if the remaining portion of the mail
is not received during this prescribed time.
[0 to 1 / 1 / 1]
0: No, 1: Yes
Determines whether the FROM item of the mail header is switched to the
026 [0 to 2 / 0 / 1]
0: Microsoft Outlook Express standard
1: Internet Draft standard
2: RFC standard
028 authentication.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: Not checked
1: Checked
Adds or does not add the date field to the header of the
alert mail.
005 Add Date Field
[0 or 1 / 0 / – ]
0: Not added, 1: Added
Mode Tables
003 Initialize Initializes the data area of the common proof for validating.
SD Card Appli. Move
5873 Allows you to move applications from one SD card another. For more, see
"SD Card Appli Move" in the chapter "System Maintenance (Main Chapters).
001 Move Exec Executes the move from one SD card to another.
002 Undo Exec This is an undo function. It cancels the previous execution.
SD Get Counter
This SP determines whether the ROM can be updated.
001 SDK-1
002 SDK-2
003 SDK-3
004 SDK-4
005 SDK-5
006 SDK-6
Selects the brand name and the production name for Windows Plug & Play.
5907 This information is stored in the NVRAM. If the NVRAM is defective, these
names should be registered again.
After selecting, press the "Original Type" key and "#" key at the same time.
When the setting is completed, the beeper sounds five times.
Mode Tables
Display Operation State
Shows the status of the encryption function for the HDD.
001 [0 or 1 / 0 / - ]
0: Not Activated
1: Activated
001 0: OFF
1: ON
Device Setting
5985 The NIC and USB support features are built into the GW controller. Use this
SP to enable and disable these features. In order to use the NIC and USB
functions built into the controller board, these SP codes must be set to "1".
[0 to 2 / 0 / 1 /step]
0: Disable, 1: Enable, 2: Function limitation
When the "Function limitation" is set, "On board NIC" is
limited only for the NRS or LDAP/NT authentication.
[0 or 1 / 0 / 1/step]
002 On Board USB
0: Disable, 1: Enable
SP Print Mode
Prints out the SMC sheets.
006 Non-Default
022 Scanner SP
SP Text Mode
Writes the SMC sheets into the SD card.
Mode Tables
002 SP (Mode Data List)
003 User Program
006 Non-Default
022 Scanner SP
026 Print SP
002 3-Hole: NA
005 2-Hole: NA
002 3-Hole: NA
005 2-Hole: NA
6130* Adjusts the paper buckle at the punch unit for each paper size. (For
001 A3 SEF
003 A4 SEF
004 A4 LEF
005 B5 SEF
006 B5 LEF
008 LG SEF
009 LT SEF
010 LT LEF
Mode Tables
011 12" x 18"
012 Other
001 A3 SEF
002 B4 SEF
003 A4 SEF
004 A4 LEF
005 B5 SEF
006 B5 LEF
[0 to 1 / 1 / 1 mm]
008 LG SEF
009 LT SEF
010 LT LEF
012 Other
6132* This SP adjusts the distance between the jogger fences and the sides of the
stack on the finisher stapling tray in the (Booklet) Finisher D636/D637. The
adjustment is done perpendicular to the direction of paper feed.
001 A3 SEF
002 B4 SEF
003 A4 SEF
004 A4 LEF
005 B5 SEF
006 B5 LEF
[-1.5 to 1.5 / 0 / 0.5 mm]
008 LG SEF
009 LT SEF
010 LT LEF
012 Other
6134* Use this SP to adjust the stapling position of the booklet stapler when paper
is stapled and folded in the Booklet Finisher (D637).
003 A4 SEF - Value: Shifts staple position away from the crease
004 B5 SEF
006 LG SEF
007 LT SEF
009 Other
Mode Tables
Folder Position Adj.
6135* This SP corrects the folding position when paper is stapled and folded in the
Booklet Finisher D637.
001 A3 SEF
002 B4 SEF
[-3 to 3 / 0 / 0.2 mm]
003 A4 SEF + Value: Shifts staple position toward the crease.
- Value: Shifts staple position away from the crease.
004 B5 SEF
006 LG SEF
007 LT SEF
009 Other
6136* Sets the number of times that folding is done in the Booklet Finisher D637.
[2 to 30 / 2 / 1 time/step]
Entrance Sensor
6139 Display the signals received from sensors and switches of the (booklet)
finisher. (D588) ( p.3-165)
6140 Display the signals received from sensors and switches of the (booklet)
finisher. (D636/D637) ( p.3-165)
6144 Display the signals received from sensors and switches of the (booklet)
finisher. (D588) ( p.3-176)
6145 Display the signals received from sensors and switches of the (booklet)
finisher. (D636/D637) ( p.3-176)
001 A3T
002 B4T
003 A4T
004 A4Y
005 B5Y
Adjusts the jogger location [Horizontal
Mode Tables
006 A5Y
007 DLT-T [-1.5 to 1.5 / 0 / 0.5 /mm]
*Jogger is optional equipment.
008 LG-T
009 LT-T
010 LT-Y
011 HLT-Y
012 Other
You may need to adjust this setting or switch it off when feeding
thick or slick paper.
Extra Staples
More than the standard number of sheets can be stapled. This SP sets the
additional number of sheets (This Setting + Standard Number = maximum
number of sheets).
If the number of the maximum for staples is increased, and the
6830* mechanical warranty of the unit can be guaranteed, then the setting can
take effect without changing the controller software.
However, assurance that mechanical performance can be guaranteed is
required before changing the setting to increase the staple load for more
than the maximum in the feed/exit specifications. Raising this setting
without quality assurance could damage the machine.
2 Booklet stapling
[0 to 50 / 0 /1]
SC Counter
001 Displays the total number of service calls that have occurred.
This SC counter can be reset by executing SP7807 (SC/Jam Counter
Mode Tables
Total SC Counter
002 Displays the cumulative sum of service calls that have occurred.
This SC counter cannot be reset by executing SP7807 (SC/Jam Counter
7403* SC History
001 Latest
002 Latest 1
003 Latest 2
004 Latest 3
005 Latest 4
Displays the most recent 10 service calls.
006 Latest 5
007 Latest 6
008 Latest 7
009 Latest 8
010 Latest 9
001 Latest
002 Latest 1
003 Latest 2
004 Latest 3
005 Latest 4
Displays the 10 most recently detected SC991 codes.
006 Latest 5
007 Latest 6
008 Latest 7
009 Latest 8
010 Latest 9
Jam Counter
These SPs display the total number of paper jams by location. A "Check-in"
7504* (paper late) error occurs when the paper fails to activate the sensor at the
precise time. A "Check-out" ("paper lag") paper jam occurs when the paper
remains at the sensor for longer than the prescribed time.
001 At power On
003 Tray 1: On
Mode Tables
004 Tray 2: On
005 Tray 3: On
006 Tray 4: On
007 LCT: On
008 Bypass: On
009 Duplex: On
017 Registration: On
Mode Tables
194 Finisher Staple Exit: EUP
195 Finisher Exit: EUP
005 A4 LEF
006 A5 LEF
014 B5 LEF Displays the total number of copy jams by paper size.
038 LT LEF
132 A3 SEF
133 A4 SEF
134 A5 SEF
141 B4 SEF
142 B5 SEF
164 LG SEF
166 LT SEF
255 Others
001 Last
002 Latest 1
Displays the copy jam history (the most recent 10 jams)
010 Latest 9
Mode Tables
ROM No./Firmware Version
7801 This SP code displays the firmware versions of all ROMs in the system,
including the mainframe, the ARDF, and peripheral devices.
PM Counter Display
Displays the PM counter since the last PM.
Rotation(%):Transfer [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 %]
Displays the transfer unit (%) rotation counter (distance/PM).
Rotation(%):Fuser [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 %]
Displays the fuser unit (%) rotation counter (distance/PM).
Rotation(%):Web [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 %]
Displays the web unit (%) rotation counter (distance/PM).
PM Counter Reset
Resets the PM counter of the paper.
002 Resets the PM counter of the PCD (Drum and Development unit except
Resets the PM counter of the transfer unit.
Resets the PM counter of the fuser unit.
Reset the PM counter of the web unit.
All Clear
Resets all PM counter
Mode Tables
7805 Parts Counter
Resets the parts counter of the OPC.
Charge Roller
Resets the parts counter of the charge roller.
Mode Tables
Resets the parts counter of the developer.
Belt: Blade
Resets the parts counter of the transfer belt cleaning blade.
Heat Roller
Resets the parts counter of the hot roller.
Pressure Roller
Resets the parts counter of the pressure roller.
Cleaning Roller
Resets the parts counter of the cleaning roller.
Resets the parts counter of the cleaning web.
Resets the parts counter of the thermistors.
Resets the parts counter of the strippers.
All Clear
Resets all parts counters.
7807 Resets the SC and jam counters. To reset, press Execute on the touch
This SP does not reset the jam history counters: SP7507, SP7508.
PCD [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 ]
Displays the replacement counter of the PCD (Drum and Development unit).
Transfer [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 ]
Displays the replacement counter of the transfer unit.
Fuser [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 ]
Displays the replacement counter of the fusing unit.
Web [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 ]
Displays the replacement counter of the cleaning web.
7856* Stores and displays the detected zero cross frequency of the main ac power
supply from the wall socket.
7901 These SP numbers display the results of the occurrence of the most recent
SC code generated by the machine.
Mode Tables
001* File Name Module name
002* Number of Lines Number of the lines where error occurred.
Rotation(%):Web [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 %]
Displays the replacement date of the PCD.
Displays the replacement date of the transfer unit.
Displays the replacement date of the fusing unit.
Displays the replacement date of the web unit.
Mode Tables
Displays the remaining counter (pages) of the fusing unit.
PCD(Rotation) [0 to 255 / 255 / 1 days]
Displays the remaining counter (rotations) of the PCD.
Mode Tables
Displays the PCU rotation distance in the environment: 17<=T<=23
23<=T<=27 [0 to 99999999 / 0 / 1 mm]
Displays the PCU rotation distance of the environment: 23<=T<=27
SP8401 to SP8406 The number of pages printed from the document server
SP8691 to SP8696 The number of pages sent from the document server
P: Print application.
The Group 8 SP codes are limited to 17 characters, forced by the necessity of displaying them on
the small LCDs of printers and faxes that also use these SPs. Read over the list of abbreviations
below and refer to it again if you see the name of an SP that you do not understand.
Key for Abbreviations
Apl Application
Mode Tables
Bk Black
C Cyan
Comb Combine
Comp Compression
Deliv Delivery
Emul Emulation
FC Full Color
Get Print Counter. For jobs 10 pages or less, this counter does
not count up. For jobs larger than 10 pages, this counter counts
up by the number that is in excess of 10 (e.g., for an 11-page
job, the counter counts up 11-10 =1)
Image Edit performed on the original with the copier GUI, e.g.
border removal, adding stamps, page numbers, etc.
K Black (YMCK)
Mag Magnification
PC Personal Computer
Ppr Paper
Rez Resolution
Scn Scan
Mode Tables
Sim, Simplex Simplex, printing on 1 side.
S-to-Email Scan-to-E-mail
Svr Server
All of the Group 8 SPs are able to reset by “SP5 801 1 Memory All Clear”.
These SPs reveal the number of times an application is used, not the number of pages
When an application is opened for image input or output, this counts as one job.
Interrupted jobs (paper jams, etc.) are counted, even though they do not finish.
Only jobs executed by the customer are counted. Jobs executed by the customer engineer
using the SP modes are not counted.
When using secure printing (when a password is required to start the print job), the job is
counted at the time when either "Delete Data" or "Specify Output" is specified.
When the customer prints a report (user code list, for example), the O: counter increments.
8061 These SPs total the finishing methods. The finishing method is specified
by the application.
8064 These SPs total finishing methods for print jobs only. The finishing method
is specified by the application.
8067 These SPs total finishing methods for jobs executed by an external
application, over the network. The finishing method is specified by the
Mode Tables
806x 9 Three-In-Fold Not used
806x 10 Three-OUT-Fold Not used
8071 These SPs count the number of jobs broken down by the number of pages
in the job, regardless of which application was used.
8074 These SPs count and calculate the number of print jobs by size based on
the number of pages in the job.
8077 These SPs count and calculate the number of "Other" application jobs
(Web Image Monitor, Palm 2, etc.) by size based on the number of pages
in the job.
Interrupted jobs (paper jam, etc.) are counted, even though they do not finish.
If a job is paused and re-started, it counts as one job.
If the finisher runs out of staples during a print and staple job, then the job is counted at the
time the error occurs.
When printing the first page of a job from within the document server screen, the page is
8381 T:Total PrtPGS *CTL These SPs count the number of pages
printed by the customer. The counter
8384 P:Total PrtPGS *CTL
for the application used for storing the
pages increments.
[0 to 99999999 / 0 / 1]
The L: counter counts the number of
pages stored from within the document
8387 O:Total PrtPGS *CTL
server mode screen at the operation
panel. Pages stored with the Store File
button from within the Copy mode
screen go to the C: counter.
When the A3/DLT double count function is switched on with SP5104, 1 A3/DLT page is
counted as 2.
When several documents are merged for a print job, the number of pages stored are counted
for the application that stored them.
These counters are used primarily to calculate charges on use of the machine, so the
following pages are not counted as printed pages:
- Blank pages in a duplex printing job.
- Blank pages inserted as document covers, chapter title sheets, and slip sheets.
- Reports printed to confirm counts.
- All reports done in the service mode (service summaries, engine maintenance reports, etc.)
- Test prints for machine image adjustment.
- Error notification reports.
- Partially printed pages as the result of a copier jam.
8391 These SPs count pages printed on paper sizes A3/DLT and larger.
Note: In addition to being displayed in the SMC Report, these counters are
also displayed in the User Tools display on the copy machine.
Mode Tables
on one side are not counted.
[0 to 99999999 / 0 / 1]
8421 These SPs count by binding and combine, and n-Up settings the number
of pages processed for printing. This is the total for all applications.
8424 These SPs count by binding and combine, and n-Up settings the number
of pages processed for printing by the printer application.
8427 These SPs count by binding and combine, and n-Up settings the number
of pages processed for printing by Other applications
842x 12 Booklet
842x 13 Magazine
These counts (SP8 421 to SP8 427) are especially useful for customers who need to improve
their compliance with ISO standards for the reduction of paper consumption.
Pages that are only partially printed with the n-Up functions are counted as 1 page.
Here is a summary of how the counters work for Booklet and Magazine modes:
Booklet Magazine
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 2 3 2
4 2 4 2
Mode Tables
5 3 5 4
6 4 6 4
7 4 7 4
8 4 8 4
8431 These SPs count the total number of pages output with the three features
below, regardless of which application was used.
8434 These SPs count the total number of pages output with the three features
below with the print application.
8437 These SPs count the total number of pages output with the three features
below with Other applications.
8441 These SPs count by print paper size the number of pages printed by all
8444 These SPs count by print paper size the number of pages printed by the
printer application.
8447 These SPs count by print paper size the number of pages printed by Other
844x 1 A3
844x 2 A4
844x 3 A5
844x 4 B4
844x 5 B5
844x 6 DLT
844x 7 LG
844x 8 LT
844x 9 HLT
PrtPGS/Ppr Tray
These SPs count the number of sheets fed from each paper feed station.
Bypass Tray
001 Bypass Tray *CTL
[0 to 99999999 / 0 / 1]
Mode Tables
005 Tray 4 *CTL [0 to 99999999 / 0 / 1]
LCT (Option)
006 Tray 5 *CTL
[0 to 99999999 / 0 / 1]
These SPs count by paper type the number pages printed by all
These counters are not the same as the PM counter. The PM counter
8461 is based on feed timing to accurately measure the service life of the
feed rollers. However, these counts are based on output timing.
Blank sheets (covers, chapter covers, slip sheets) are also counted.
During duplex printing, pages printed on both sides count as 1, and a
page printed on one side counts as 1.
8464 These SPs count by paper type the number pages printed by the printer
846x 1 Normal
846x 2 Recycled
846x 3 Special
846x 4 Thick
846x 7 OHP
846x 8 Other
These SPs count by magnification rate the number of pages printed.
Mode Tables
005 201% < *CTL
Counts are done for magnification adjusted for pages, not only on the operation panel but
performed remotely with an external network application capable of performing magnification
adjustment as well.
Magnification adjustments done with printer drivers with PC applications such as Excel are
also counted.
Magnification adjustments done for adjustments after they have been stored on the document
server are not counted.
Magnification adjustments performed automatically during Auto Reduce/Enlarge copying are
The magnification rates of blank cover sheets, slip sheets, etc. are automatically assigned a
rate of 100%.
These SPs count the number of pages printed with the Toner Save feature
switched on.
Note: These SPs return the same results as this SP is limited to the Print
8511 These SPs count by printer emulation mode the total number of pages
8514 These SPs count by printer emulation mode the total number of pages
8 51x 1 RPCS
8 51x 2 RPDL
8 51x 3 PS3
8 51x 4 R98
8 51x 5 R16
8 51x 6 GL/GL2
8 51x 7 R55
8 51x 8 RTIFF
8 51x 9 PDF
8 51x 10 PCL5e/5c
8 51x 11 PCL XL
8 51x 12 IPDL-C
8 51x 14 Other
8 51x 15 IPDS
SP8 511 and SP8 514 return the same results as they are both limited to the Print application.
Print jobs output to the document server are not counted.
8521 These SPs count by finishing mode the total number of pages printed by
all applications.
8524 These SPs count by finishing mode the total number of pages printed by
the Print application.
8 52x 1 Sort
Mode Tables
8 52x 2 Stack
8 52x 3 Staple
8 52x 4 Booklet
8 52x 5 Z-Fold
8 52x 6 Punch
8 52x 7 Other
8 52x 11 Four Fold Double Parallel Fold (FM5) (Multi Fold Unit)
If stapling is selected for finishing and the stack is too large for stapling, the unstapled
pages are still counted.
The counts for staple finishing are based on output to the staple tray, so jam recoveries
are counted.
Mode Tables
8581 These SPs count the total output broken down by color output, regardless of
the application used. In addition to being displayed in the SMC Report, these
counters are also displayed in the User Tools display on the copy machine.
8591 These SPs count the totals for A3/DLT paper use, number of duplex pages
printed, and the number of staples used. These totals are for Other (O:)
applications only.
T: Coverage Counter
8601 These SPs count the total coverage for each color and the total printout pages
for each printing mode.
P:Coverage Counter
Mode Tables
016 Function-016 *CTL
017 Function-017 *CTL
Mode Tables
059 Function-059 *CTL
060 Function-060 *CTL
Dev Counter
8771 These SPs count the frequency of use (number of rotations of the
development rollers) for black and other color toners.
8781 These SPs display the number of already replaced toner bottles.
NOTE: Currently, the data in SP7-833-011 through 014 and the data in
SP8-781-001 through 004 are the same.
Toner Remain
These SPs display the percent of toner remaining for each color. This SP
8801 allows the user to check the toner supply at any time.
Note: This precise method of measuring remaining toner supply (1% steps) is
better than other machines in the market that can only measure in increments
of 10 (10% steps).
Eco Counter
8851 These SPs display the number of scanned sheets on which the coverage of
each color is from 0% to 10%.
Mode Tables
CVr Cnt: 11-20%
8861 These SPs display the number of scanned sheets on which the coverage of
each color is from 11% to 20%.
8871 These SPs display the number of scanned sheets on which the coverage of
each color is from 21% to 30%.
8881 These SPs display the number of scanned sheets on which the coverage of
each color is 31% or higher.
Page/Toner Bottle
These SPs display the amount of the remaining current toner for each color.
These SPs display the amount of the remaining previous toner for each color.
8911 These SPs display the amount of the remaining 2nd previous toner for each
Cvr Cnt/Total
Displays the total coverage and total printout number for each color.
8941 These SPs count the amount of time the machine spends in each operation
mode. These SPs are useful for customers who need to investigate machine
operation for improvement in their compliance with ISO Standards.
Mode Tables
Total time when paper jams have been staying
007 PrtJam
during printing.
009 Supply PM Unit End Total time when toner end has been staying
Electricity Status
001 Total
007 Printer: BW
[0 to 99999999 / 0 / 1]
012 A3/DLT
013 Duplex
3.10.1 COPIER
When entering the Input Check mode, 8 digits display the result for a section. Each digit
corresponds to a different device as shown in the table.
Bit No. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Result 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1
Mode Tables
Input Check
5803 Reading
0 1
001 Tray 1: Paper Size Sensor See the table 1 following this table.
003 Tray 1: Paper Lift Sensor Not upper limit Upper limit
Tray 1:
Paper Height Sensor 1
See the table 2 following this table.
Tray 1:
Paper Height Sensor 2
007 Tray 2: Paper Size Sensor See the table 1 following this table.
009 Tray 2: Paper Lift Sensor Not upper limit Upper limit
Tray 2:
Paper Height Sensor 1
See the table 2 following this table.
Tray 2:
Paper Height Sensor 2
024 By-pass: Paper Size Sensor See the table 3 following this table.
Mode Tables
Bridge/Exit Tray: Left Guide
041 Close Open
Full 0 0
Nearly full 1 0
Near end 1 1
Almost empty 0 1
A4 SEF A4 SEF 1 1 0
B5 SEF B5 SEF 0 1 1
A5 LEF A5 LEF 1 0 1
*1: The machine detects either 11" x 17" SEF or A3 SEF, depending on the setting of SP
5-181-002 (Tray 1) or -006 (Tray 2).
*2: The machine detects either 8.5" x 14" SEF or B4 SEF, depending on the setting of SP
5-181-003 (Tray 1) or -007 (Tray 2).
*3: The machine detects either 11" x 81/2" LEF or A4 LEF, depending on the setting of SP
5-181-001 (Tray 1) or -005 (Tray 2).
*4: The machine detects either B5 LEF or 10.5" x 7.25" LEF, depending on the setting of
SP 5-181-004 (Tray 1) or -008 (Tray 2)..
Mode Tables
0: Pushed, 1: Not pushed
*1: When the machine determines that the paper feed direction is "LEF", it considers that
the paper size is bracketed size.
Original Size Length Sensor SP4-301
Metric version Inch version L3 L2 L1 W1 W2
8.5" x 13", 8.25" x
13", or 8" x 13" 8.5" x 14" O O O X X 00011100
SP 5126 controls the
size that is detected
B5 LEF - X X X O X 00000010
B5 SEF - X X O X X 00000100
5.5" x 8.5",
A5 LEF/ SEF X X X X X 00000000
8.5" x 5.5"
3.10.2 OPTIONS
6140 Bit Description
0 1
Mode Tables
003 Proof Full Detection Sensor Not Full Full
No paper Paper
004 Upper Tray Exit Sensor
detected*1 detected*1
6140 Bit Description
0 1
No paper Paper
038 Lower Tray Full Sensor: Front
detected*2 detected*2
No paper Paper
039 Lower Tray Full Sensor: Rear
detected*2 detected*2
6140 Bit Description
0 1
Mode Tables
045 No staple detected Staple detected
(Leading Edge/Rear)
046 Upper Tray Full Sensor: 3000 Not Full Full
0 0 Japan
1 0 Europe
0 1 North America
1 1 North Europe
*2: Please refer to "Lower Tray (D637 Only)" in the Service Manual for the "3000/2000 (Booklet)
6139 Bit Description
0 1
No paper
001 Entrance Sensor Paper detected
Jogger HP Sensor
005 Not HP HP
(Jogger Fence HP Sensor)
No staple
009 Staple Sensor Staple detected
No staple
010 Staple READY Detection Staple detected
6139 Bit Description
0 1
Mode Tables
Proof Full Sensor
015 Not full Full
(Paper Limit Sensor)
3.11.1 COPIER
Mode Tables
024 LCT: Feed Motor: 215 Paper feed motor (Optional LCT)
025 LCT: Feed Motor: 180
030 Bank: Paper Feed Clutch 3 Paper feed clutch 3/4 (Optional
032 LCT: Paper Feed Clutch Paper feed clutch (Optional LCT)
Mode Tables
065 Duplex/By-pass Motor: Rev: 90
066 By-pass Feed Clutch -
104 LD 1
105 LD 2
Mode Tables
107 Quenching Lamp -
108 Charge Bias -
Output Check
Display Description
Display Description
Mode Tables
004 Upper/Proof Tray Exit Motor -
Do not operate the machine until the test pattern is printed out completely. Otherwise, an
SC occurs.
1. Enter the SP mode and select SP2-109-003.
2. Enter the number for the test pattern that you want to print and press [#].
Mode Tables
3. When you want to select the single color of Magenta, Yellow or Cyan for printing a test pattern,
select the color with SP2-109-005 (2: Magenta, 3: Yellow, 4: Cyan).
4. When you want to change the density of printing a test pattern, select the density with
SP2-109-006 to -009 for each color.
If you select "0" with SP2-109-006 to -009, the color to be adjusted to "0" does not
come up on a test pattern.
5. When you are prompted to confirm your selection, touch "Yes" to select the test pattern for
6. Touch "Copy Window" to open the copy window, then select the settings for the test print
(paper size etc.).
If you want to use black and white printing, touch "Black & White" on the LCD. If you
want to use color printing, touch "Full Colour" on the LCD.
7. Press the "Start" key to start the test print.
8. After checking the test pattern, touch "SP Mode" on the LCD to return to the SP mode display.
9. Reset all settings to the default values.
10. Touch "Exit" twice to exit SP mode.
1 Import [- / - / - ]
Mode Tables
101 Export [- / - / - ]
Option: [Unique]
Mode Tables
If you cannot solve the problem or do not know how to solve it after checking the code, note
down the error log entry, and then contact your service representative.
2 A file import was attempted Import files exported from the same model with
between different models or the same device configurations.
(INVALID REQUEST) machines with different
device configurations.
4 Failed to write the device Check whether the destination device is
information to the operating normally.
(INVALID OUTPUT destination device.
7 An unexpected error Switch the power off and then back on, and
occurred during import or then try the operation again. If the error
( MODULE ERROR) export. persists, contact your service representative.
8 The available storage Execute the operation again after making sure
space on the external there is enough storage space.
(DISK FULL) medium is insufficient.
9 Failed to write or read the Check whether the path to the folder for storing
log file. the file or the folder in which the file is stored is
(DEVICE ERROR) missing.
10 The hard disk is faulty. Contact your service representative.
20 Failed to import some The reason for the failure is logged in
"NgCode". Check the code.
(PART FAILED) settings. ♦ Reason for the Error (Ng-Name)
The specified value exceeds the allowable
The permission to edit the setting is missing.
The setting does not exist in the system.
The setting cannot be changed because of the
system status or interlocking with other
specified settings.
The setting cannot be changed for some other
21 Failed to import the file Check whether the file format is correct. The log
because it is in the wrong is in the form of a CSV file
(INVALID FILE) format in the external
22 The encryption key is not Use the correct encryption key.
- When exporting device information from the control panel, the data can be saved only on an
SD card.
1. Insert an SD card into the media slot on the side of the control panel.
2. Enter SP mode.
3. Press SP5749-001
Mode Tables
5. Select the option settings.
Unique Information unique to the Information unique to the machine that can be updated:
machine is included in the 1. Items that are used to identify the machine among a group of
exported file if you have multiple devices.
selected the “Unique” Ex: IP address, host name, information associated with the FAX
setting number, mail address assigned to the machine
2. Items for specifying the options installed on the machine.
Ex: Lot number for developer
Encryption Select whether or not If the encryption function is used, the encryption key must be set
encryption will be through direct input
performed when exporting.
- Type an arbitrary password using the software keyboard
If the "Encryption" key is - The password can be up to 32 characters in length
pressed, you can export
confidential information (in
an encrypted state)
7. Press “Execute”.
8. Press [OK].
- If data export fails, the details of the error can be viewed in the log.
1. Insert an SD card into the media slot on the side of the control panel.
2. Enter SP mode.
3. Press SP5749-101
Mode Tables
4. Select a unique setting.
5. Press “Encryption key”, if the encryption key was created when the file was exported.
6. Press “Execute”.
7. Press [OK].
- If data export fails, the details of the error can be viewed in the log.
2. TROUBLESHOOTING ....................................................................8
2.1 JAM DETECTION......................................................................................... 8
3. SERVICE TABLES..........................................................................9
3.1 DIP SWITCH SETTINGS ............................................................................. 9
SM i B408/D588
Turn off the main power switch and unplug the machine before beginning
any of the procedures in this section.
B408R109.WMF B408R110.WMF
SM 1 B408/D588
4. Front cover support plate [D] ( x 1)
5. Front cover [E]
6. Front inner cover [F] ( x 2)
7. Harness [G]
8. Unhook the spring [H]
9. Turn the stapler unit [I] and take it
out. [J]
10. Bracket [J] ( x 2)
[G] [I]
B408/D588 2 SM
1. Rear cover (1.1)
2. Shift motor [A] ( x 2, x 1) [A]
1. Rear cover (1.1)
2. Stapler motor [A] ( x 2, x 1)
SM 3 B408/D588
B408/D588 4 SM
4. Lower side cover [C] ( x 2)
5. Loosen the 2 screws [D]. [D]
6. Lower the lower tray guide plate [E].
SM 5 B408/D588
B408/D588 6 SM
1. Stack feed-out motor [A] ( x 2, x 1)
SM 7 B408/D588
Jam Content
Shift Staple
Entrance sensor: The entrance sensor does not turn on
On check within the normal time after the main
machine exit sensor turns on
Entrance sensor: The entrance sensor does not turn off
Off check within the normal time after it turns on.
Lower tray exit sensor: The lower tray exit sensor does not turn
On check on within the normal time after the
entrance sensor turns off.
Tray exit sensor: The tray exit sensor does not turn off
Off check within the normal time after it turns on.
Stapler tray entrance sensor: The stapler tray entrance sensor does
On check not switch on within the normal time
after the entrance sensor switched on.
Stapler tray entrance sensor: The staple tray entrance sensor does
Off check not turn off within the normal time after it
turns on.
Lower tray exit sensor: The lower exit sensor does not turn on
On check after the feed-out pawl feeds out the
Lower tray exit sensor: The lower exit sensor turns on when the
Off check feed-out pawl returns to its home
position after feeding out the outputs.
B408/D588 8 SM
The DIP switches should not be set to any combination other than those listed in
the table below.
1 2
0 0 Normal operation mode (Default)
1 0 Packing mode.
• Before packing the machine, do the following: Set switch 1 to 1 then back to
zero. The lower tray moves to the lowest position. Then turn off the main switch.
• After unpacking the machine, do the following: After turning the main switch back
on, the lower tray returns to home position automatically.
SM 9 B408/D588
2 3
13 4
B408/D588 10 SM
1 2 3
9 7
8 6 12
18 14
21 17
SM 11 B408/D588
27 23
24 B408D104.WMF
B408/D588 12 SM
Entrance Detects copy paper entering the finisher and
S1 3
checks for misfeeds.
Paper Limit Detects when the paper stack height in the
S2 2
upper tray is at its limit.
Jogger Fence Detects when the jogger fence is at home
S3 12
HP position.
S4 Shift HP Detects when the shift roller is at home position. 10
Stack Feed-out Detects when the stack feed-out belt is at home
S5 19
Belt HP position.
S6 Stapler HP Detects when the stapler is at home position. 14
Exit Guide Plate Detects when the exit guide plate is at home
S7 5
HP position.
Stapler Tray Detects copy paper entering the stapler tray and
S8 15
Entrance checks for misfeeds.
S9 Lower Tray Exit Checks for misfeeds. 8
S10 Stack Height Detects the top of the copy paper stack. 7
Lower Tray Detects when the lower tray is at its lower limit
S11 24
Lower Limit position.
Stapler Tray Detects when there is copy paper in the stapler
S12 16
Paper tray.
S13 Staple Sheet Detects the leading edge of the staple sheet. 18
Stapler Rotation Detects when the staple hammer is at home
S14 20
HP position.
Staple Detects whether there are staples in the staple
S15 21
Tray Junction Drives the tray junction gate.
SOL1 22
Stapler Junction Drives the stapler junction gate.
SOL2 30
SM 13 B408/D588
Lower Tray Detects when the lower tray is at its upper limit
SW1 9
Upper Limit position.
Front Door Cuts the dc power when the front door is
SW2 6
Safety opened.
Upper Cover Cuts the dc power when the upper cover is
SW3 1
Main Controls the finisher and communicates with the
PCB1 28
B408/D588 14 SM
2 5
SM 15 B408/D588
Depending on the finishing mode, the copies are directed up, straight through, or
down by the combination of the tray junction gate [A] and stapler junction gate [B].
These gates are controlled by the tray junction gate solenoid [C] and stapler
junction gate solenoid [D].
Sort/Stack Mode
The tray junction gate solenoid turns on and the stapler junction gate solenoid
remains off. The copies are sent to the lower tray directly.
Staple Mode
The tray junction gate solenoid and the stapler junction gate solenoid both turn on.
The copies go down to the jogger unit.
B408/D588 16 SM
When the paper limit sensor [A] switches on during feed-out for each of three
consecutive sheets of paper, paper overflow is detected.
SM 17 B408/D588
[B] [F]
The vertical position of the lower tray [A] depends on the height of the copied paper
stack on the lower tray. The stack height sensor feeler [B] contacts the top of the
stack, and the lower tray lift motor [C] controls the tray height.
When the lower tray reaches its lowest possible position, the actuator [D] turns on
the lower tray lower limit sensor [E], and copying stops.
Tray Up
When the copy paper on the tray is removed, the stack height sensor [F] turns off
and the tray lifts up. Then, the tray stops when the sensor turns on again (the tray
pushes up the feeler).
If the stack height sensor fails, the lower tray upper limit switch [G] detects the tray
and stops the motor. This is a safety measure against stack height sensor failure.
B408/D588 18 SM
[F] [C]
In the sort/stack mode, the shift roller [A] moves from side to side to separate the
sets of copies.
The horizontal position of the shift roller is controlled by the shift motor [B] and the
shift gear disk [C]. After the trailing edge of the copy passes the upper transport
roller, the shift motor turns on, driving the shift gear disk and the link [D].
After the paper is delivered to the lower tray [E], the shift roller moves to its home
position, which is detected by the shift HP sensor [F]. Then, when the trailing edge
of the next copy passes the upper transport roller, the shift roller shifts again. This
operation is done every sheet.
When the trailing edge of each page in the next set of copies passes the upper
transport roller, the shift roller shifts in the opposite direction.
SM 19 B408/D588
In staple mode, each sheet of copy paper is vertically and horizontally aligned
when it arrives in the jogger unit.
For the vertical paper alignment, the positioning roller solenoid [A] turns on shortly
after the stapler tray entrance sensor [B] turns off, and the positioning roller [C]
pushes the copy against the bottom of the stack stopper [D].
For the horizontal paper alignment, the jogger front fence [E] and the rear fence [F]
move to the waiting position, which is 18 mm away from the side of the paper.
When aligning the paper vertically, the jogger fence moves in 14 mm from the
waiting position. After the vertical position has been aligned, the jogger fence
pushes the paper 4 mm against the rear fence to align the paper horizontally. Then
the jogger fence moves back to the previous position.
B408/D588 20 SM
When stacking a large size of paper (such as A3, DLT) in the jogger unit, the
leading edge of the paper reaches the exit rollers. To prevent the paper from
running into the exit rollers and not being aligned correctly, the exit guide plate [A]
is moved up to make a gap between the exit rollers. This operation is done for all
paper sizes, but is only needed for the larger sizes.
The exit guide plate motor [B] and exit roller release cam [C] control the exit guide
plate movement. When the exit guide plate motor starts, the cam turns and the exit
guide plate moves up. When stapling is finished, the exit guide plate motor turns on
again to close the exit guide plate. When the exit guide plate HP sensor [D] turns
on, the motor stops.
SM 21 B408/D588
[E] [B]
B408/D588 22 SM
The stapler motor moves the stapler [A] from side to side. After the start key is
pressed, the stapler moves from its home position to the stapling position.
If two-staple-position mode is selected, the stapler moves to the front stapling
position first, then moves to the rear stapling position. However, for the next copy
set, it staples in the reverse order (at the rear side first, then at the front side).
After the job is completed, the stapler moves back to its home position. The stapler
HP sensor [B] detects this.
SM 23 B408/D588
After the copies have been stapled, the stack feed-out motor [A] starts. The pawl
[B] on the stack feed-out belt [C] transports the set of stapled copies up and feeds
it to the shift roller. The shift roller takes over stack feed-out after the leading edge
reaches this roller.
Just before the stapled stack passes through the lower tray exit sensor, the stack-
feed-out motor turns off until the shift rollers have completely fed the stack out to
the lower tray. Then, the stack-feed-out motor turns on again until the pawl [B]
actuates the stack feed-out belt home position sensor [D].
B408/D588 24 SM
P ag e Dat e Ad d ed/ Upd at ed/ New
2. DETAILS ........................................................................................ 5
2.1 MECHANICAL COMPONENT LAYOUT ........................................................5
2.2 DRIVE LAYOUT.............................................................................................6
2.3 ELECTRICAL COMPONENT LAYOUT .........................................................7
2.4 ELECTRICAL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ...............................................8
2.5 JUNCTION GATE MECHANISM ...................................................................9
SM i D386/D634
Turn off the main power switch and unplug the machine before beginning any of the
replacement procedures in this manual.
When taking apart the bridge unit, first take the unit out of the copier.
Symbols Used in this Manual
This manual uses the following symbols.
: See or Refer to
: Screws
: Connector
: Clip ring
: E-ring
Bridge Unit Control Board
Bridge Unit
SM 1 D386/D634
Bridge Unit Drive Motor
D386/D634 2 SM
Tray Exit Sensor
Bridge Unit
SM 3 D386/D634
Relay Sensor
D386/D634 4 SM
Mechanical Component Layout
Bridge Unit
SM 5 D386/D634
Drive Layout
D386/D634 6 SM
Electrical Component Layout
Bridge Unit
SM 7 D386/D634
Electrical Component Description
Bridge Unit
PCB1 Controls the bridge unit. 5
Control Board
D386/D634 8 SM
Junction Gate Mechanism
The junction gate [A] directs any paper reaching the bridge unit to either the upper tray (on top of
the bridge unit) or to the finisher, depending on which has been selected.
If the junction gate solenoid has been activated, the junction gate [A] points downward and directs
the paper to the upper tray [B] (dotted line path in illustration). When the solenoid is off, the
junction gate points upward and the paper is fed out to the finisher [C] by the transport and left exit
rollers (solid line).
Bridge Unit
SM 9 D386/D634
P ag e Dat e Ad d ed/ Upd at ed/ New
SM i D537/D580
Exterior Cover
Unit PB3110/
Paper Feed
1. Securing brackets [A] ( x 1 each)
2. Rear cover [B] ( x 2)
SM 1 D537/D580
Electrical Components
D537/D580 2 SM
Electrical Components
Unit PB3110/
Paper Feed
1. Rear cover ( "Rear Cover")
2. Upper paper feed gear unit [A] ( x 3, x 1)
3. Upper paper feed clutch bracket [B] ( x 1, x 2, bushing x 1)
4. Upper paper feed clutch [C]
SM 3 D537/D580
Electrical Components
When installing the paper feed motor, make sure that the gear of the paper feed
motor holds the timing belt [B].
D537/D580 4 SM
1.3 FEED
Unit PB3110/
Paper Feed
1. Right cover [A] ( x 2)
2. Vertical transport guide [B] of the paper feed unit
SM 5 D537/D580
D537/D580 6 SM
Unit PB3110/
Paper Feed
1. Paper feed unit ( "Paper Feed Unit")
2. Vertical transport sensor bracket [A] ( x 1)
3. Vertical transport sensor [B] ( x 1)
4. Paper feed sensor bracket [C] ( x 1)
5. Paper feed sensor [D] ( x 1)
6. Paper end sensor filler [E]
7. Paper end sensor [F] ( x 1)
8. Lift sensor [G] ( x 1)
SM 7 D537/D580
P ag e Dat e Ad d ed/ Upd at ed/ New
SM i D538/D581
Exterior Cover
Capacity Tray
1. Pull the LCT drawer.
If the right tray comes up with the left tray, push the right tray into the LCT.
2. Left tray [A] ( x 2)
3. Remove the right tray [B] pressing down the stopper [C].
When reinstalling the tray, set the tray on the guide rail and carefully push the tray
in, making sure to keep the tray level.
SM 1 D538/D581
Exterior Cover
D538/D581 2 SM
Electrical Components
Capacity Tray
1. Tray ( "Left and Right Tray")
2. Rear fence [A] ( x 1)
3. Rear fence bracket [B] ( x 2)
4. Paper height sensors [C] ( x 1 each)
SM 3 D538/D581
Electrical Components
D538/D581 4 SM
Electrical Components
Capacity Tray
1. Rear cover ( "Tray Lift Motor")
2. Tray motor [A] ( x 1, x 2)
When installing the tray motor, make sure that the gear of the tray motor holds the
timing belt [B].
SM 5 D538/D581
Electrical Components
D538/D581 6 SM
1.3 FEED
Capacity Tray
1. Right cover [A]
2. Open the vertical guide plate [B]
3. Guide plate [C]
SM 7 D538/D581
D538/D581 8 SM
Capacity Tray
1. Paper feed unit ( "Paper Feed Unit")
2. Vertical transport sensor bracket [A] ( x 1, x 1)
3. Relay sensor [B]
4. Paper feed sensor bracket [C]
5. Paper feed sensor [D]
6. Paper end feeler [E]
7. Paper end sensor holder [F] (hook x 3)
8. Paper end sensor [G] ( x 1, hook x 3)
9. Lift sensor ( x 1, hook x 3)
SM 9 D538/D581
RT3020 - 1200-SHEET LCT
P ag e Dat e Ad d ed/ Upd at ed/ New
RT3020 - 1200-SHEET LCT (D631)
2. DETAILS ...................................................................................... 11
2.1 COMPONENT LAYOUT ..............................................................................11
2.1.1 COMPONENT LAYOUT .....................................................................11
2.1.2 ELECTRICAL COMPONENT LAYOUT ..............................................12
2.1.3 ELECTRICAL COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS ..................................13
2.1.4 DRIVE LAYOUT .................................................................................15
2.2 PAPER FEED ..............................................................................................16
2.2.1 PAPER FEED MECHANISM ..............................................................16
2.2.2 TRAY LIFT MECHANISM ...................................................................17
Tray lifting conditions..............................................................................17
Tray lowering conditions (Paper supply position) ...................................17
Tray lowering conditions (Full-down position) ........................................17
SM i D631
2.2.3 PAPER HEIGHT AND END DETECTION ..........................................18
Paper Height ..........................................................................................18
Paper End ..............................................................................................18
D631 ii SM
Read This First
Turn off the main power switch and unplug the machine before beginning any of the
replacement procedures in this manual.
RT3020 -
1. Cover [A] ( x 1)
2. Rear cover [B] ( x 3)
SM 1 D631
D631 2 SM
Paper Feed
RT3020 -
2. Sensor bracket [A] ( x 2)
3. Rollers [B], [C], [D] ( x 1 each)
[B]: Paper feed roller
[C]: Pick-up roller
[D]: Separation roller
SM 3 D631
D631 4 SM
RT3020 -
2. Tray lift motor unit [A] ( x 4, x 1)
SM 5 D631
Electrical Components
1. Rear cover ( p.1 "Rear Cover")
D631 6 SM
Electrical Components
1. Front cover ( p.2 "Front and Top Covers")
RT3020 -
2. Front LCT set switch [A] ( x 1)
SM 7 D631
Electrical Components
Before you re-install the paper feed unit cover, make sure that the pick-up solenoid
holds the pick-up roller lever ([a]: correct, [b]: incorrect) and the pick-up roller works
D631 8 SM
Electrical Components
RT3020 -
7. Sensors [E], [F], [G], [H] ( x 1, hooks each)
[E]: Tray lift sensor
[F]: Relay sensor
[G]: Paper feed sensor
[H]: Paper end sensor
SM 9 D631
Side Fence Position Change
5. Pull the end fence [C] for B5 size paper as shown ( x 1) if the the side fences are adjusted
for B5 size paper.
6. Close the right door.
7. Turn on the main power switch, and then go into the SP mode.
8. Input the correct paper size for the1200-sheet LCT with SP5181-017.
D631 10 SM
Component Layout
RT3020 -
1. Rear LCT Set Switch
12. Sub Paper Height Sensor
2. Pick-up Roller Solenoid
13. Tray Down Switch
3. Tray Lift Sensor
14. Paper Height Sensor 3
4. Paper Feed Roller
15. Paper Tray
5. Paper Feed Sensor
16. Lower Limit Sensor
6. Paper End Sensor
17. Stack Sensor
7. Pick-up Roller
18. Separation Roller
8. Tray Lift Motor
19. Front LCT Set Switch
9. Paper Height Sensor 1
20. Relay Sensor 5
10. Interlock Switches
21. Relay Roller
11. Paper Height Sensor 2
SM 11 D631
Component Layout
D631 12 SM
Component Layout
RT3020 -
Detects whether the paper is jammed at
S1 Paper Feed 12
the LCT.
S5 Paper Height 1 14
S6 Paper Height 2 15
Detects the amount of paper remaining in
Sub Paper the tray.
S7 16
S8 Paper Height 3 17
SM 13 D631
Component Layout
SW2 Front LCT Set Detects whether the LCT is correctly set. 1
SW3 Rear LCT Set Detects whether the LCT is correctly set. 2
Magnetic Clutches
D631 14 SM
Component Layout
RT3020 -
1. Tray Lift Motor
5. Relay Roller
2. Paper Feed Motor
6. Separation Roller
3. Pick-up Roller
7. Tray Drive Belt
4. Paper Feed Clutch
SM 15 D631
Paper Feed
This machine uses the FRR paper feed system (paper feed roller [E], separation roller [H], pick-up
roller [G]).
When the right door is closed, the tray lift motor raises the tray to the position where the top of the
paper stack in the tray interrupts the tray lift sensor [D]. The paper feed motor switches on, then
the pick-up solenoid [C] switches off and the pick-up roller drops onto the top of the stack of paper.
The paper feed clutch transfers drive to the paper feed roller [E], pick-up roller [G] and separation
roller [H].
The rotating pick-up roller lowers and feeds the first sheet when it contacts the top of the stack.
The separation roller [H], in contact with the feed roller, only allows one sheet out of the tray.
As soon as the paper feed sensor [F] detects the leading edge of the paper, it switches off the
pick-up solenoid which raises the pick-up roller. The feed roller feeds the sheet to the registration
roller in the main machine through the relay roller [B].
This process is repeated for each sheet.
The paper feed sensor [F] detects "JAM7" and the relay sensor [A] detects "JAM58".
D631 16 SM
Paper Feed
RT3020 -
The lift motor [A] controls the vertical position of the tray through the timing belts [B].
SM 17 D631
Paper Feed
Paper Height
The amount of the paper in the tray is detected by combination of high (1)/low (0) outputs from
three sensors (paper height sensor 1 [A], 2 [B], 3 [D] and sub paper height sensor [C]).
Indicator on the
Amount of paper PH S-1 PH S-2 PH S-3 Sub PH S
operation panel
0 0 1 -
70% Three lines
0 0 0 1
End - - - - No line
Paper End
The paper end sensor [E] monitors the light reflected by each sheet on top of the
When the last sheet feeds, the cutout [F] is exposed, and the paper end sensor receives no
reflected light from below because there is no paper. As a result, this signals paper end.
D631 18 SM
Paper Feed
RT3020 -
SR3110 (D637)/SR4020 (D373)
FINISHER SR3030 (B805)/
SR3120 (D636)/SR4010 (D374)
P ag e Dat e Ad d ed/ Upd at ed/ New
SR3110 (D637)/SR4020 (D373)
FINISHER SR3030 (B805)/
SR3120 (D636)/SR4010 (D374)
SM i B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
2. DETAILED SECTION DESCRIPTIONS ....................................... 24
2.1 COMPONENT LAYOUT ..............................................................................24
2.1.1 GENERAL LAYOUT ...........................................................................24
Paper direction .......................................................................................24
Proof tray................................................................................................25
Upper tray ..............................................................................................25
Pre-stack tray .........................................................................................25
Lower tray ..............................................................................................25
2.1.2 ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS ...........................................................26
Upper Area B804/B805 ..........................................................................26
Lower Area B804/B805 ..........................................................................27
Punch Unit B702 ....................................................................................28
Stacker/Stapler - B804/B805 ..................................................................29
B804 Fold unit ........................................................................................30
2.1.3 SUMMARY OF ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS ..................................31
2.1.4 DRIVE LAYOUT .................................................................................41
2.2 JUNCTION GATES ......................................................................................42
2.2.1 PROOF MODE ...................................................................................42
2.2.2 SHIFT MODE ......................................................................................42
2.2.3 STAPLE MODE ..................................................................................43
2.3 PRE-STACKING ..........................................................................................44
2.4 TRAY MOVEMENT MECHANISM ...............................................................46
2.4.1 UPPER TRAY .....................................................................................46
2.4.2 LOWER TRAY (B804 ONLY) ..............................................................48
2.5 CORNER STAPLING ...................................................................................51
2.5.1 STACKING AND JOGGING ...............................................................51
2.5.2 STAPLER MOVEMENT ......................................................................52
2.5.3 CORNER STAPLING..........................................................................53
2.6 BOOKLET STAPLING (B804 ONLY) ...........................................................54
2.6.1 BOOKLET PRESSURE MECHANISM ...............................................54
2.6.2 BOOKLET STAPLING AND FOLDING ...............................................55
Overview ................................................................................................55
2.7 UPPER TRAY OUTPUT ..............................................................................64
2.7.1 FEED OUT..........................................................................................64
2.7.2 FEED OUT STACKING ......................................................................65
2.8 PUNCH UNIT B702 (FOR B804/B805) ........................................................66
2.8.1 OVERVIEW OF OPERATION ............................................................66
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 ii SM
Skew Correction before Punching ..........................................................66
Punch Unit Position Correction ..............................................................67
2.8.2 PUNCH MECHANISMS ......................................................................69
Paper Position Detection ........................................................................69
Punch Unit Movement ............................................................................70
Punch Selection and Firing ....................................................................71
2.8.3 PUNCH HOPPER MECHANISM ........................................................72
2.9 FINISHER JAM DETECTION ......................................................................73
SM iii B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Read This First
Turn off the main power switch and unplug the machine before beginning any of the
replacement procedures in this manual.
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
1. Open the front door [D].
2. Small upper cover [A] ( x1)
3. Upper cover [B] ( x2)
4. Front door bracket [C] ( x1)
5. Front door [D]
6. Front left side cover [E] ( x2)
7. Cover [F]
8. Paper exit cover [G] ( x2)
9. Rear cover [H] ( x2)
SM 1 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 2 SM
Main Unit
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
1. Front door, front left side cover, rear cover, upper cover ( "Exterior Cover")
2. End fence ( "Upper Tray, End Fence")
3. Upper tray exit mechanism [A] ( x4, x3)
4. Upper tray limit sensor [B] ( x1, x1)
5. Upper tray limit switch [C] ( x2)
SM 3 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Main Unit
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 4 SM
Main Unit
Booklet Finisher
3. Proof tray exit sensor [B] ( x1)
& Finishers
SM 5 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Main Unit
1. Rear cover, Upper covers, Front door, Cover, Paper exit cover ( "Exterior Cover")
2. Inner cover [A] ( x2)
3. Exit guide plate [B] ( x1, Link and spring, x1, x1)
4. Upper tray exit sensor [C] (S6) ( x1)
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 6 SM
Main Unit
1. Exit guide plate. ( "Exit Guide Plate, Upper Tray Exit Sensor")
2. Guide plate [A] (hook x 2)
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
3. Sensor bracket [B] ( x1)
4. Proof tray full sensor [C] (S11) ( x1)
SM 7 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Main Unit
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 8 SM
Stapler Unit
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
1. Open the front door.
2. Pull out the stapler unit.
3. Inner cover [A] ( x3)
4. Stapler unit holder [B] ( x1)
5. Corner stapler [C] (M20) ( x1)
SM 9 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Stapler Unit
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 10 SM
Fold Unit
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
1. Remove the back cover ( "Exterior Covers").
2. Open the front door.
SM 11 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Fold Unit
Support the fold unit with your hand to prevent it from falling.
1. Read the DIP SW settings on the decal [A] attached to the back of the new folding unit.
2. Check the DIP SW settings on the main board [B] of the finisher.
3. If these settings are different, change these settings to match the settings printed on the decal
attached to the folding unit.
Set DIP switches 1 to 4 (the switch set on the right). Do not touch the other DIP
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 12 SM
Fold Unit
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
SM 13 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Fold Unit
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 14 SM
Fold Unit
If you intend to correct the horizontal and vertical skew for the fold unit at the same time,
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
do those adjustments first, then replace the sensor. ( "Folding Horizontal Skew
Adjustment" or "Fold Vertical Skew Adjustment")
1. Remove the stapler unit ( "Fold Unit")
2. Guide plate [A].
3. Stay [B] ( x4)
4. Left plate [C] ( x4)
5. Sensor bracket [D] ( x1)
6. Stack present sensor [E] (S32) ( x1)
SM 15 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Fold Unit
The fold unit is adjusted for optimum performance before the finisher is shipped from the
factory. Do this adjustment only if the edges of folded booklets are not even.
1. Switch the copier on and enter the SP mode.
2. Europe, Asia: Use SP6-134-001 (this is for A3 paper). North America: Use SP6-134-005 (this
is for DLT paper).
If the original setting of SP6-134-001 or -005 is not "0", then you must do the vertical
skew adjustment ( "Fold Vertical Skew Adjustment") after you finish this horizontal
skew procedure.
3. Use the 10-key pad to input "-2" (mm) for the SP value. (Press to enter the minus sign.)
4. Press [#] then exit the SP mode.
5. Open the front door and pull the stapler unit [A] out of the finisher.
6. Open the guide plate [B].
7. Loosen the adjustment screw [C] and then tighten until it stops. (Do not over tighten.)
8. Remove the lock screw [D].
9. Raise the tip [E] of the adjustment screw very slightly and allow it to descend under its own
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 16 SM
Fold Unit
10. Push the stapler unit into the finisher and close the front door.
11. Do a folding test.
Switch the copier on.
Put one page of A3 or DLT paper in the ARDF.
Booklet Finisher
On the copier operation panel, select booklet stapling.
& Finishers
Press [Start]. One sheet is folded.
12. Remove the sheet from the lower tray.
13. Hold the folded sheet with the creased side pointing down and face-up (the same way that it
came out of the finisher).
14. Referring to the diagram, determine if the skew is + [F] or - [G].
15. Open the front door of the finisher and pull the stapler unit [H] out.
16. Open the guide plate [I].
17. Turn the adjustment screw [J] to correct the amount of skew you measured from the test
For + skew [F], turn the adjustment screw (clockwise).
SM 17 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Fold Unit
For – skew [G], turn the adjustment screw to the left (counter-clockwise).
Every click in the +/– direction adjusts the fold position by 0.1 mm by moving the bottom
fence [K].
18. Raise the tip of the adjustment screw [J] and allow it to lower under its own weight.
19. Attach and tighten the lock screw [L].
20. Push the stapler unit into the machine, close the front door, then turn the copier on.
21. Europe, Asia: Do SP6-134-001 (this is for A3 paper). North America: Do SP6-134-005 (this is
for DLT paper).
22. Reset it to "0".
23. Do the test again.
24. If the result is satisfactory, this completes the adjustment. -or- If some skew remains, repeat
this adjustment.
After doing this adjustment, adjust for vertical skew, if necessary. ( "Fold Vertical
Skew Adjustment")
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 18 SM
Fold Unit
The fold unit is adjusted for optimum performance before the finisher is shipped from the
factory. Do this adjustment only if the edges of folded booklets are not even.
1. Switch the copier on.
2. Do a folding test.
Switch the copier on.
Put one page of A3 or DLT paper in the ARDF.
On the copier operation panel, select booklet stapling.
Press [Start]. One sheet is folded.
3. Hold the folded sheet with the creased side pointing down, and face-up (the same way that it
came out of the finisher).
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
4. Referring to the diagram, determine if the skew is positive [A] or negative [B].
5. Measure the amount of skew.
6. Enter the SP mode
Europe, Asia: Use SP6-134-001 (this is for A3 paper).
North America: Use SP6-134-005 (this is for DLT paper).
7. Enter one-half the measured amount of skew. Example: If the measure amount of skew is
-1.2 mm, enter -0.6 mm
SM 19 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Fold Unit
The range for measurement is –3.0 mm to +3.0 mm in 0.2 mm steps for every notch
8. Exit the SP mode and do the test again (steps 2 to 5).
9. Repeat this procedure until the skew is corrected.
The illustration below shows the effects of +/- adjustment with SP6113. (The vertical arrows
show the direction of paper feed.)
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 20 SM
Booklet Stapler Unit
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
1. Open the front door.
2. Pull out the stapler unit ( "Positioning Roller").
3. Harness cover [A] ( x2)
4. Booklet stapler support stay [B] ( x4, x2, x4)
5. Stapler [C] ( x4)
SM 21 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Booklet Stapler Unit
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 22 SM
Booklet Stapler Unit
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
2. Attach the special tool [A] and reattach the booklet stapler stay.
SM 23 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Component Layout
Paper direction
The operation of the proof tray and stapler junction gates direct the flow of the paper once it enters
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 24 SM
Component Layout
the finisher:
Proof tray
Copies are sent to the proof tray (12) when neither sorting nor stapling are selected for the job.
Upper tray
The upper tray (11) receives copies that are sorted and shifted and also receives copies that have
Booklet Finisher
been corner stapled. Corner stapling is provided on both the B804 and the B805.
& Finishers
Pre-stack tray
The pre-stack tray has a switchback mechanism to increase the productivity of stapling. (
"Pre-Stacking) Pre-stacking is done for corner stapling in the B804/B805 and for booklet stapling
in the B804.
Lower tray
The lower tray (7) receives copies that have been center folded and stapled (booklet stapling).
Booklet stapling is not provided on the B805.
SM 25 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Component Layout
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 26 SM
Component Layout
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
8. Positioning Roller Motor (M14)
1. Upper Tray Lift Motor (M21)
9. Lower Tray Full Sensor – Front (S34)*1
2. Lower Transport Motor (M3)
10. Lower Tray Full Sensor – Rear (S33)*1
3. Entrance Motor (M1)
11. Main Board (PCB1)
4. Front Door Safety Switch (SW1)
12. Upper Tray Full Sensor – (S20) *2
5. Pre-Stack Tray Exit Sensor (S2)
13. Upper Tray Full Sensor – (S19)
6. Stapling Edge Pressure Plate
14. Booklet Stapler Board (PCB2)*1
Solenoid (SOL4)
15. Booklet Pressure Roller Solenoid – (SOL5)
7. Positioning Roller Solenoid (SOL3)
SM 27 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Component Layout
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 28 SM
Component Layout
Stacker/Stapler - B804/B805
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
7. Jogger Fence Motor (M15)
1. Stack Present Sensor (S32)* 8. Jogger Fence HP Sensor (S15)
2. Stack Junction Gate HP Sensor (S27)* 9. Corner Stapler Movement Motor (M6)
3. Stack Feed Out Belt HP Sensor (S16) 10. Stapling Tray Paper Sensor (S14)
4. Feed Out Belt Motor (M5) 11. Corner Stapler EH530 (M20)
5. Booklet Stapler EH185R – Rear (M23)* 12. Corner Stapler Rotation Motor (M13)
6. Booklet Stapler EH185R – Front 13. Corner Stapler HP Sensor (S17)
(M22)* 14. Stapler Rotation HP Sensor (S18)
15. Stack Junction Gate Motor (M17) *1
SM 29 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Component Layout
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 30 SM
Component Layout
In the table below a number that appears in bold text (M8, etc.) denotes a component that
is on the 2000/3000 Sheet Finisher B804 only.
Boards (PCB)
PCB1 Main Board The main board that controls the finisher
PCB2 Booklet Stapler Board A separate board that controls booklet finishing.
PCB3 Punch Unit Board The board that controls the punch unit.
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
Finisher Entrance Drives 1) the finisher entrance rollers, 2) and the punch
Motor waste transport belt of the punch unit.
Drives the feed out belt that moves the stapled stacks
M5 Feed Out Belt Motor
out of the stapling tray after stapling.
SM 31 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Component Layout
Drives the fold plate that pushes the center of the stack
M11 Fold Plate Motor
into the nip of the fold rollers to start the fold.
Rotates forward and drives the fold rollers that fold the
stack and feed it out of the fold unit, reverses to feed the
M12 Fold Roller Motor
fold once more into the fold unit, and then rotates
forward again to feed the fold out of the fold unit.
Positioning Roller
M14 Drives the positioning roller in the stapling tray.
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 32 SM
Component Layout
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
Drives the shift roller that operates in shift mode to
M18 Shift Roller Motor stagger document sets as they feed out to the upper
tray (making them easier to separate).
M24 Punch Drive Motor Fires the punches that punch the holes in the paper.
SM 33 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Component Layout
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 34 SM
Component Layout
Booklet Finisher
upper tray lift motor.
& Finishers
This sensor detects and times the feeding of paper to
S10 Proof Tray Exit Sensor the proof tray. It also detects whether paper is present at
the proof tray exit when the copier is switched on.
SM 35 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Component Layout
Stapler Rotation HP Controls the angle of the position of the corner stapler
Sensor during oblique stapling.
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 36 SM
Component Layout
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
Switches off the punch movement motor when the
punch unit returns to its home position. Pulse counts
S21 Punch Unit HP Sensor
determine where the punch unit pauses for punching
and reversing.
SM 37 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Component Layout
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 38 SM
Component Layout
This rear sensor is the lower sensor of the lower tray full
sensor pair. Two actuators are attached to the actuator
arm that touches the top of stapled and folded booklets
Lower Tray Full
S33 as they feed out. The on/off combinations of the two
Sensor - Rear
sensors are used to detect when the tray is full and stop
the job. (The lower tray is stationary. At tray full, the job
Booklet Finisher
halts until booklets are removed from the lower tray.)
& Finishers
This front sensor is the higher sensor of the lower tray
full sensor pair. Two actuators are attached to the
actuator arm that touches the top of stapled and folded
Lower Tray Full booklets as they feed out. The on/off combinations of
Sensor - Front the two sensors are used to detect when the tray is full
and stop the job. (The lower tray is stationary. At tray
full, the job halts until booklets are removed from the
lower tray.)
SM 39 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Component Layout
Stapling Edge Operates the pressure plate of the stapling unit. The
SOL4 Pressure Plate pressure plate presses down the edge of stack in the
Solenoid stapling tray so it is tight for stapling.
Front Door Safety The safety switch that cuts the dc power when the front
Switch door is opened.
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 40 SM
Component Layout
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
1. Upper Transport Motor (M2)
6. Folder Plate Motor*1 (M11)
2. Upper/Proof Exit Motor (M4)
7. Positioning Roller Motor (M14)
3. Upper Tray Lift Motor (M21)
8. Lower Transport Motor (M3)
4. Feed-Out Belt Motor (M5)
9. Entrance Motor (M1)
5. Fold Roller Motor*1 (M12)
SM 41 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Junction Gates
The positions of the proof tray and staple tray junction gates determine the direction of paper feed
after paper enters the finisher.
Proof tray junction gate [A] opens. Staple tray junction gate [B] remains closed.
The proof tray junction gate directs paper to the proof tray above.
Proof tray junction gate [A] remains closed. Staple tray junction gate [B] remains closed.
With both junction gates closed, the paper goes to the upper tray.
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 42 SM
Junction Gates
Proof tray junction gate [A] remains closed. Staple tray junction gate [B] opens
The staple tray junction gate directs the paper to the staple tray below for jogging and stapling.
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
SM 43 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
This example describes what happens to Set 2 during the feed and stapling cycle of sets that
contain three pages.
[A]: While the Set 1 is being stapled in the staple tray [1], the 1st sheet of Set 2 [2] feeds to the
pre-stack tray, and the 2nd sheet of Set 2 [3] enters the finisher.
[B]: The pre-stack junction gate opens and the 1st sheet of Set 2 [4] switches back to the top
of the pre-stack tray as the 2nd sheet of Set 2 [5] starts to descend.
[C]: As the 2nd sheet of Set 2 continues to descend, the 1st sheet of Set 2 is fed from the
pre-stack tray. At this time the leading edges [6] of both sheets are even.
[D]: The trailing edges of the 1st and 2nd sheets of Set 2 pass the junction gate [7] as the 3rd
sheet of Set 2 [8] enters the finisher.
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 44 SM
[E]: The 1st and 2nd sheets of Set 2 [9] switch back together into the top of the pre-stack and
wait for the 3rd of Set 2 sheet to arrive.
[F]: The stapling of Set 1 in the staple tray [10] is completed.
[G]: Set 1 [11] exits the staple tray.
[H]: The three sheets of Set 2 [12] feed together into the stapler tray for stapling.
Booklet Finisher
Pre-stacking is only done for A4, B5, and LT paper.
& Finishers
In one-staple mode, one sheet goes to the pre-stacking tray. Then two sheets go to the stapler
tray at the same time.
In two-staple mode and booklet mode, three sheets go to the pre-stacking tray. Then four sheets
go to the stapler tray at the same time.
SM 45 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Tray Movement Mechanism
The B804 (shown above) has only one upper tray full sensor (the higher sensor at [H]).
The B805 has two upper tray full sensors (the upper and lower sensor at [H]). On the
B805 the upper sensor detects tray full for heavier paper (A3, DLT, B4, LG, 12 x 18”), and
the lower sensor detects tray full for lighter paper (A4, LT, etc.).
The tray full capacity is 2,000 sheets (B804) for A4, LT and 3,000 sheets (B805) for A4,
Five sensors and one switch control the operation of the upper tray lift motor [A].
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 46 SM
Tray Movement Mechanism
Booklet Finisher
sensor [F], the tray lowers until the
& Finishers
actuator reactivates sensor [F].
SM 47 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Tray Movement Mechanism
Tray Full
When the actuator on the tray activates the upper tray full sensor [H] the tray lift
B804 motor [A] switches off. Operation resumes after some copies are removed from
the tray. Upper Tray Capacity: 2,000 sheets (A4, LT)
The operation of the upper tray full sensor is the same as the B804. Capacity:
1,500 sheets for A3, B4 or other large paper.
An additional upper tray full sensor (below sensor [H]) allows more sheets to
stack on the upper tray. Capacity: 3,000 sheets (A4, LT)
The lower tray sensor actuator arm [A] rests on the top of the stack of stapled booklets as they are
output to the lower tray. A flap depressor [B] keeps the open ends of the booklets down.
The front lower tray full sensor (S34) [C] and rear lower tray full sensor (S33) [D] detect when the
lower tray is full of booklets.
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 48 SM
Tray Movement Mechanism
The front lower tray full sensor is mounted higher than the rear lower tray full sensor.
The lower tray is stationary. When it becomes full, the stapling and folding job stops until
booklets are removed from the tray.
If the lower tray is not installed (this is detected if the front and rear sensors remain OFF),
the machine will not operate in the booklet staple and fold mode. When booklet mode is
selected, the tray full message appears on the operation panel.
The combinations of the two actuators and two sensors as the actuator arm rises determines the
number of booklets that the lower tray can hold before the job stops.
The tray full detection depends on the size of the paper and the number of sheets in one stapled
and folded booklet.
In the table below, the conditions ( Ready Full 1, Full 2 Full 3: See the illustration on the
previous page) refer to the states of the sensors described on the previous page.
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
Ready ON OFF
Full 1 ON ON
Full 2 OFF ON
SM 49 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Tray Movement Mechanism
Full 1 3 Cnt — — — — — — — — …
Full 2 — 5 Cnt — — — — — — …
Full 3 — — — 7 Cnt 4 Cnt 2 Cnt 2 Cnt 2 Cnt …
A4 (LT)
Full1 — — — — — — — — …
10 10 15 20 15 10
Full 2 — 8 Cnt 8 Cnt …
Cnt Cnt Cnt Cnt Cnt Cnt
Full 3 — — — …
After the copier makes a booklet with 1 sheet of A3/DLT paper, the machine checks every 100 ms
for the ‘Full 1’ condition. If the Full 1 condition occurs 3 times (shaded block in the table above),
the machine detects that the tray is full.
After the copier makes a booklet with 5 sheets of A4/LT paper, the machine checks every 100 ms
for the ‘Full 2’ condition. If the Full 2 condition occurs 20 times (shaded block in the table above),
the machine detects that the tray is full.
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 50 SM
Corner Stapling
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
[A]: Jogger Fence Motor (M15)
[B]: Jogger Fences
[C]: Positioning Roller
[D]: Jogger Fence HP Sensor (S15)
[E]: Stapling Edge Pressure Plate Solenoid (SOL4)
[F]: Pressure Plate
At the beginning of the job, the jogger fence motor (M15) [A] switches on and moves the jogger
fences [B] to the standby position (7.5 mm from the sides of the selected paper size).
When each sheet passes the pre-stack tray exit sensor (S2) and enters the stapling tray:
The jogger fence motor switches on and moves the jogger fences to within 5.5 mm of the
sides of the selected paper size.
The positioning roller solenoid (SOL3) switches on for the time prescribed for the paper size.
This pushes the positioning roller [C] onto the sheet and pushes it down onto bottom fence.
This aligns the edge of the stack.
Next, the jogger fence motor:
Switches on again and moves the jogger fences to within 2.6 mm of the sides of the stack to
align the sides of the stack.
Reverses and moves the fences to the standby position (7.5 mm away for the sides) and
waits for the next sheet.
SM 51 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Corner Stapling
The jogger fence HP sensor [D] switches off the jogger motor at the end of the job.
After the last sheet feeds:
The stapling edge pressure plate solenoid [E] (SOL4) switches on and pushes the pressure
plate [F] onto the stack to press down the edge for stapling.
The corner stapler staples the stack.
The stapler performs horizontal and rotational movement in each of the four staple modes:
Front 1 staple
Rear 1 staple
Rear diagonal staple
Rear/Front 2 staples
The stapler movement motor [A] drives a timing belt that moves stapler [B] left and right on its
stainless steel rail.
The stapler rotation motor [C] rotates the stapler into position for diagonal stapling at the rear.
The stapler movement motor switches on and moves the stapler the standby stapling position.
(This is the stapling position for the paper size selected for the job.)
The stapler movement motor switches off and the stapler waits for the signal to fire (or swivel
and for diagonal stapling).
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 52 SM
Corner Stapling
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
Staple firing is driven by the stapler motor [A] inside the stapler unit. The stapler hammer [B] fires
the stapler [C].
The cartridge set sensor [D] detects the cartridge at the correct position.
The staple end sensor [E] detects the staple end condition.
SM 53 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Booklet Stapling (B804 Only)
As soon as the edges are aligned by the positioning roller and the jogger fences, the stack feed
out belt moves.
In booklet mode, immediately after the edges are aligned by the positioning roller and jogger
fences, the booklet pressure solenoid switches on and the booklet pressure roller presses down
on the stack until booklet stapling is finished. This prevents the stack from shifting during stapling.
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 54 SM
Booklet Stapling (B804 Only)
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
1. Leading Edge Pressure Roller 13. Corner Stapler (M20)
2. Stack Present Sensor (S32) 14. Stapling Tray Paper Sensor (S14)
3. Feed Out Belt Pawl 1 15. Feed Out Belt
4. Booklet Staplers x2 (M22, M23) 16. Fold Unit Bottom Fence
5. Stack Feed Out Belt HP Sensor (S16) 17. Fold Bottom Fence HP Sensor (S28)
6. Feed Out Belt Pawl 2 18. Fold Unit Entrance Sensor (S26)
7. Positioning Roller 19. Fold Unit Exit Rollers x2
8. Booklet Pressure Roller (Rear) 20. Fold Unit Exit Sensor (S31)
9. Jogger Fences x2 21. Fold Rollers x2
10. Pre-Stack Exit Roller 22. Clamp Rollers x2
11. Pressure Plate 23. Stack Junction Gate
12. Stapling Tray Bottom Fence 24. Stack Transport Roller
SM 55 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Booklet Stapling (B804 Only)
The last sheet of the stack [1] enters the stapling tray. The jogger fences [2] jog the last sheet into
position (based on the width of the selected paper size) and then retract and stop 1 mm away
from the sides of the stack.
The pressure plate [3] and booklet pressure roller [4] press down on the sheet. The stack feed out
belt switches on and the pawl [5] on the feed out belt catches the bottom of the stack and raises it.
The stapling tray sensor [6] detects the trailing edge of the paper stack.
The feed out belt [7] raises the stack to the prescribed stapling position and stops. The jogger
fences move to the sides of the stack and the booklet staplers [8] staple the stack.
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 56 SM
Booklet Stapling (B804 Only)
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
The jogger fences remain 1 mm away from the sides of the stack. The feed out belt [1] raises the
stack until the top of the stack is 10 mm past the leading edge pressure roller [2] and stops. The
leading edge pressure roller descends and applies pressure to the top of the stack. The stack
junction gate [3] (normally open) closes. The pressure roller [4] and pressure plate [5] retract.
The feed out belt [6], transport rollers [7], [8], and clamp rollers [9] rotate and feed the stack past
the closed stack junction, over the top and down toward the bottom fence [10]. At the same time,
the fold unit bottom fence descends from its home position and stops 10 mm below the fold
The rollers feed the leading edge of the stack to within 3 mm of the stack stopper of the bottom
fence [13]. The fold unit entrance sensor [11] detects the stack and opens the clamp rollers [12].
The stack drops 3 mm onto the fold unit bottom fence [13]. At this time, the first sheet [14] of the
next stack feeds to the stapling tray.
SM 57 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Booklet Stapling (B804 Only)
The bottom fence [1] raises the stack to the prescribed fold position [2].
The fold plate [3] moves to the left and advances 1/3 its maximum horizontal stroke and exerts 20
kg (44 lb.) of pressure at the fold rollers [4].
With the fold plate pushing the stack into nip of the fold rollers [5], the fold rollers begin to rotate
and fold the stack as it feeds out.
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 58 SM
Booklet Stapling (B804 Only)
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
When the fold rollers [1] feed the stack 10 mm past the nip, the fold plate retracts until it no longer
touches the stack. The fold unit exit sensor [2] detects the folded edge of the stack and stops the
fold rollers.
The rotation of the fold rollers [4] reverses and feeds the folded edge back until only 3 mm of the
fold [5] remains at the nip.
The fold rollers [6] rotate forward once again feed out. The fold unit exit sensor [7] once again
detects the edge of the fold.
You can do SP6-136-001 to increase the sharpness of the fold. The number of forward
and reverse feeds can be set in the range of 2 to 30. The machine repeats Steps 11 and
12. For more, please refer to Section "Service Tables".
SM 59 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Booklet Stapling (B804 Only)
With the feed of the stack halted, the fold plate [1] retracts. The fold plate HP sensor (not shown)
detects the fold plate and stops it at its home position.
The fold rollers [2] and fold unit exit rollers [3] begin to rotate together and feed out the folded
booklet to the lower tray.
Once the trailing edge of the stack passes the fold unit exit sensor [4], the clamp rollers [5] close
to be ready to feed the next stack. The fold unit bottom fence [6] descends. The bottom fence HP
sensor [7] stops the bottom fence when it detects the actuator on the bottom fence.
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 60 SM
Booklet Stapling (B804 Only)
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
Booklet Stapler
[A]: Feed Out Belt Pawl. Raises the stack to stapling position.
[B]: Booklet Stapler EH185R – Rear
[C]: Booklet Stapler EH185R – Front
Stack Junction Gate
[D]: Stack Junction Gate Motor. Drives a timing belt and stack junction gate cam.
[E]: Stack Junction Gate Cam. Opens and closes the stack junction gate.
[F]: Stack Junction Gate. The stack junction gate motor and stack junction gate cam close the
stack junction gate. The feed out belt pawl raises the stapled stack and sends it over the top and
down to the fold unit.
[G]: Leading Edge Pressure Roller. Presses down on the leading edge of the stack after booklet
SM 61 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Booklet Stapling (B804 Only)
Clamp Roller
[A]: Fold Roller Motor. Drives the stationary clamp drive roller as well as the fold rollers (see
next page).
[B]: Clamp Rollers.
Clamp Roller – Drive. Rotated by the fold roller motor, this stationary roller feeds the stack down
with the retracting roller closed.
Clamp Roller – Retracting. Opened and closed by the retraction motor [C].
[C]: Clamp Roller Retraction Motor. Operates the clamp roller cam that retracts the retracting
clamp roller. The clamp rollers feed the stack to within 3 mm of the bottom fence when closed and
then open to drop the stack onto the bottom fence.
[D]: Clamp Roller HP Sensor. Controls the rotation of the clamp roller retraction motor and cam
that open and close the retracting clamp roller.
[E]: Clamp Roller Cam. Forces open the spring loaded retracting clamp roller.
Bottom Fence
[F]: Bottom Fence. Raises the booklet stapled stack to the fold position.
[G]: Bottom Fence HP Sensor. Detects the actuator on the bottom fence and stops it at the home
position after folding.
[H]: Bottom Fence Lift Motor. Raises the bottom fence and stapled stack to the fold position
prescribed for the paper size.
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 62 SM
Booklet Stapling (B804 Only)
Fold Plate
[A]: Bottom Fence Stack Stoppers. Catches the stack after it is released by the clamp rollers.
[B]: Fold Plate Motor. Drives the timing belt and gears that move the fold plate.
Booklet Finisher
[C]: Fold Plate Cam. Controls the movement of the fold plate to the left (into the nip of the fold
& Finishers
rollers) and right (toward the fold plate home position).
[D]: Fold Plate HP Sensor. Controls operation of the fold plate motor.
[E]: Fold Plate. Moves left and pushes the stack into the nip of the fold rollers and then moves
right to retract.
Fold Rollers
[F]: Fold Roller Motor. Drives forward to feed out the stack at the fold and then reverses to feed
the fold in to sharpen the crease, and then drives forward again to feed out the folded stack. This
reverse/forward cycle is done once.
SM 63 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Upper Tray Output
After the stack is stapled, the feed out belt motor [A] switches on and drives the feed out belt [B].
The pawl [C] attached to the feed out belt catches on the stack and lifts the stack toward the feed
out slot.
The exit guide plate [F] remains open as the stack emerges at a prescribed distance away from
the exit roller.
Next, the exit guide plate closes and the exit roller feeds the stack out.
The opening and closing of the exit guide plate is controlled by the rising and falling of a link
driven by a rotating cam attached to the shaft of the exit guide plate motor [E].
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 64 SM
Upper Tray Output
The feed out belt motor stops 300 ms to prevent the stapled stack from rising too high.
Next, the feed out belt motor switches on again, then the pawl actuates its home position sensor
and switches off the motor.
There are two output pawls on the feed out belt to improve the productivity of the feed out
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
Upper/proof exit motor [A] drives feed roller [B] and stacking sponge roller [C].
Stacking sponge roller motor [D] moves the sponge roller forward and back with link [E].
The position of the stacking sponge roller [C] is controlled by the stacking sponge roller motor
which is switched on and off by the stacking roller HP sensor [F].
SM 65 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Punch Unit B702 (For B804/B805)
This punch unit corrects for paper skew and then positions the punch unit to punch holes at the
correct position. Each sheet is punched one at a time.
Paper feeds out of the copier. The finisher entrance sensor [A] detects the leading edge of the
The finisher entrance roller [B] stops rotating briefly while the copier exit rollers continue to rotate.
This buckles the paper against the finisher entrance roller to correct skew. The finisher entrance
roller [C] starts to rotate again and feeds the sheet into the finisher.
These SP codes adjust the skew operation in the punch unit:
SP6130. This SP corrects the punch hole alignment. To do this, it corrects the skew of each
sheet by adjusting the amount of time the finisher entrance roller remains off while the exit
roller of the machine remains on. For more, see Section "Service Tables".
SP6131. This SP determines whether the finisher entrance roller stops to correct skew when
paper enters the finisher. You can use this SP to disable the skew correction. For more, see
Section "Service Tables".
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 66 SM
Punch Unit B702 (For B804/B805)
These operations (skew correction before punching, and punch unit position correction) increase
the accuracy of the punch alignment.
Booklet Finisher
The trailing edge of the sheet passes the finisher entrance sensor [A].
& Finishers
The paper position slide unit [B] moves the paper position sensor [C] forward to the edge of the
The paper position sensor detects the position of the paper edge and sends this information to the
punch unit board. The machine uses the detected position of the paper edge to calculate the
correct position for punching.
The upper transport motor switches on and rotates the feed rollers [D] the prescribed distance to
position the paper under the punch unit.
Using the result of the position calculation, the punch unit control board moves the punch unit [E]
to the adjusted punch position.
The paper position slide unit and its paper sensor, move back to the paper position slide home
position sensor [F], and the punch unit fires the punches to make the holes.
The feed rollers [G] feed the punched paper out of the punch unit and into the paper path.
SM 67 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Punch Unit B702 (For B804/B805)
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 68 SM
Punch Unit B702 (For B804/B805)
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
[A]: Finisher Entrance Motor (M1)
[B]: Finisher Entrance Roller
[C]: Finisher Entrance Sensor (S1)
[D]: Paper Position Sensor Slide Motor (M7)
[E]: Paper Position Sensor (S27)
[F]: Paper Position Sensor Slide HP Sensor (S22)
The finisher entrance motor (M1) [A] drives the finisher entrance rollers [B] that feed paper from
the copier into the finisher. The finisher entrance sensor (S1) [C] detects paper when it enters the
finisher, and detects paper jams.
The paper position slide sensor motor (M7) [D] extends and retracts the paper position slide that
holds the paper position sensor (S27) [E]. The paper position sensor detects the position of the
paper edge. The detected position of the paper is used to calculate and position the punch unit for
The paper position slide HP sensor (S22) [F] detects the paper position slide when it retracts and
stops the paper position slide motor so the slide stops at its home position.
SM 69 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Punch Unit B702 (For B804/B805)
The punch movement motor (M9) [A] extends and retracts the punch unit to position it at the
correct position for punching.
The punch movement HP sensor (S21) [B] detects the position when it retracts, switches off the
punch position movement motor, and stops the punch unit at its home position.
The punch drive motor (M24) [C] fires the punches that punch holes in the paper below.
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 70 SM
Punch Unit B702 (For B804/B805)
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
[A]: Punch Drive Motor (M24)
[B]: Punch Encoder Wheel
[C]: Punch Encoder Sensor (S24)
[D]: Punch HP Sensor (S23)
The punch drive motor (M24) [A] turns the small, notched encoder wheel [B] through the gap in
the punch encoder sensor [C] (S24). The sensor output is used to control the punch timing.
The timing for 2-hole punching [E] is different from 3-hole punching [F].
When the punch unit is at the punching position, the punch motor turns until the encoder detects
the starting position for 2-hole or 3-hole punching.
SM 71 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Punch Unit B702 (For B804/B805)
This is the ‘1’ position in the diagrams (the top diagram is for 2-hole punching, and the bottom
diagram is for 3-hole punching).
Then, the punch drive motor turns counter-clockwise to the ‘2’ position. This movement punches
the holes in the paper.
Then, the punch drive motor turns clockwise to the ‘1’ position, to be ready for the next sheet of
The finisher entrance motor (M1) [A] drives the timing belt and gears that rotate the punch waste
belt [B].
The punchouts fall from the punch unit onto the belt. The belt moves the punchouts to the front
and dumps them in the punch waste hopper [C].
The punch hopper full sensor [D]:
Signals that the hopper is full when it detects the top of the stack of punchouts that have
collected in the hopper.
It also detects when the punch hopper is set properly.
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 72 SM
Finisher Jam Detection
Booklet Finisher
& Finishers
Display Mode Jam What It Means
SM 73 B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637
Finisher Jam Detection
Fold unit exit After the fold unit exit sensor goes ON, it does
sensor lag not go OFF after enough time has elapsed to
(S31) feed 442.9 mm.
B803/B805/D373/D374/D636/D637 74 SM