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COT Lesson Plan in English I

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Demonstration Lesson Plan in English I

Using Explicit Instruction

Fourth Quarter ( Week 1, Day 1)

I. Objectives
A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of concepts of verbs, in meaningful messages.
B. Performance Standard
The learner constructs grammatically correct-simple sentences in theme-based
conversations using verbs.
C. Learning Competencies
1. Verbs EN1G-IVa-e-3
2. Recognize common action words in stories listened to EN1G-IVa-e-3.4
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Recognize common action words in stories listened to
B. References: LAS in English 1 Quarter 4 –Module 1:
C. Materials: PowerPoint, laptop, activity sheets, flash cards, show cards, pictures
D. Value focus: Using wise judgment at all times

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas. (MAPEH)

1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Energizer (action song)
4. Checking of Attendance (Spell your first name)
B. Developmental Activities
1. Drill
(Read the following basic sight words)

a could is

also do kind

about does know

again don’t large

air earth learn

all even light

2. Review

Directions: Circle the rhyming words in each row.

toy boy log

bag van tag

rat bat pan

cone ball bone

3. Unlocking of Difficulties

park kite swing

monkey bars seesaw

C. Motivation

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBJ4o2JIs4k ( Link for the story)

Today, I will read to you a short story. Listen carefully because I will ask some questions after a while.
Before we do that, what are the standards in listening to a story?

 Listen attentively.
 Understand the story.
 Do not talk to your classmate.

Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas. (ESP and AP)

Integration of BDA Approach (Before, During, After Reading Approach)

Before Reading: (Ask the following question)

Who among you here have been in the park?
What can you see in the park?
How did you spent your time while you are in the park?
A Day in the Park

It is Sunday.
Miss Ramos and her pupils are in the park.
Look at what they are doing.
Roy flies a kite.
Angel plays on a swing.
Carlo swings on the monkey bars.
Derick and Gabby ride on a seesaw.
Miss Ramos watches over them.

During Reading: Ask the following questions:

 What day is it?

 Who flies a kite? Have you also played a kite?
 How do you feel while playing a kite?
 What is Angel doing? How about Carlo?
 Who among you here have a swing or monkey bars at home?
 How often do you play with them?
 How about Miss Ramos, what is she doing in the park?

Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills.(HOTS)

After Reading: (ESP and AP Integration)

 When you are in the park what do you do to keep the park clean and beautiful?
 How will you take good care of the playing equipments found in the park?
 What will you do if you found Derick and Gabby threw their empty plastic water bottles and tissue
paper in the same garbage bin labelled biodegradable?

D. Teaching/Modeling

Let us read the following sentences taken from the story.

 Carlo swings on the monkey bars.

 Angel plays on a swing.
 Derick and Gabby ride on a seesaw.
 Miss Ramos watches over them.

What are the underlined words?

swing , plays , ride, watches
When we say swing, are we doing something? Or are we making some action?
How about when we say play? Does it mean we are doing action or movement?
How about ride, do you move and make action when we ride something like a
When we watch, just like what Miss Ramos is doing, are we also showing something
that we do or act?

Selected, developed, organized and used appropriate teaching and learning resources, including ICT, to address
learning goals.

2. This time, I will show you a video, watch carefully and observe what are the characters doing in the video.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iapSmVcC8vE (additional reference)

What are the words that shows action that was shown in the video?
 Eat, drink, read, write, run, jump, sleep, fight, bake, cook, dance, laugh

I will read the word again, and then you will do it. Got it?
 Eat, drink, read, write, run, jump, sleep, fight, bake, cook, dance, laugh

What did you observe every time I tell you to do or act the each word I red? Like when
I say eat, drink, read, write, jump, sleep, dance and laugh?
Do you move? YES
Does each word shows action? YES

Children we call these words Verbs.

What do we call these words again? VERB

Verbs- are words that shows action.

Again what is Verb? Words that shows action.

E. Guided Practice

Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills.

Managed classroom structure to engage learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery and hands-
on activities within a range of physical learning environments.

Activity A

I have here strips of words in the basket. Paste as many action word that you can
recognize and paste it in each of the blank fruit on the ballons for boys ang lollipop for


run bite crawl ball soft

dig sweep white roses fly


hair into jog kneel love

shout nod pour one


Lets check if your work is correct. Lets read the words. I read first and then all of you
after me.
How many action words the boys found? 6 words
How about the girls? 6 words
Do we have the same number of words in each group? Yes
What do you observe with the grouping of words for each group? There is 2 groups
of by 6.(duwa ka grupo sang tig anum)

Activity B

1. Sarah jumps high.

What does Sarah do? _____________________
What is the verb in the sentence?

2. Paul writes a letter to his mother.

What does Paul do? ________________________.
What is the verb in the sentence?

3. Blackie runs fast.

What does Blackie do?___________________
What is the verb in the sentence?

4. Lita sings well.

What does Lita do?________________________
What is the verb in the sentence?

5. Rita sweeps the floor.

What does Rita do? ______________________
What is the verb in the sentence?
F. Independent Practice

A. With the help of your learning facilitator, read the short story given and circle all
the verbs that you will see or read in the story.

Way to School

Johanna is a Grade I pupil of San Isidro Elementary School. She walks to

school with her grandmother every morning. They would stop at Juvy Store and
buy food for her snack. They talk and laugh together as they walk.

As they walk, a dog barks at Johanna. The dog looks at Johanna’s hand.
Johanna holds a fried chicken. She eats it as they walk to school. Johanna stops
and trembles. She is afraid the dog will bite her. Grandmother suddenly pulls her
away from the dog. She picks a stick and shows it to the dog. The dog run as fast
as it could. Johanna feels happy now and continue to walk with her grandmother.

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Encircle the letter of the action word that best fits the sentence.

1. Mother _______ a newspaper.

A. talks
B. reads
C. washes
D. sweeps

2. Lito _______ fish.

A. plays
B. climbs
C. catches
D. cooks

3. Helen _______ food.

A. eats
B. cooks
C. sweeps
D. runs

4. Vince and Ruel ______ slowly.

A. write
B. walk
C. jump
D. sit

5. Father _______ the fence.

A. fixes
B. paints
C. wipes
D. sweeps

V. Assignment

With the help of your learning facilitator, write down at least five action words (verbs) that you
observe or do when you get back home after school.



Mastery Level:

Prepared by:

Grade I Teacher

Checked by:

Principal I

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