Here is a short table which you might want to print out (use print frame if you are surfing the framed
You can click on the name of the weapon to get a more detailed description of the weapon.
If you would like to see your own weapons on this page, use the weapon generator to send me your own
Description: This two-handed weapon is very hard to control and requires a dexterity value of 15 to
control it properly.
Characters with a value under 15 risk getting tangled in the chains (=harried for two rds.) and receive step
8 damage if they achieve only a poor (or lower) success level on their attack test.
This weapon was invented by a human weaponsmith from Travar, named Yrmar Isgald.
It is a very long weapon with chains and balls on the weapons head.
The weapon is often used in Gladiator matches and to defend castle walls from above. A very grim
Two hand winding sword
This sword is often used by windling warriors or other wild windlings. The weapon looks like a short
sword, but the 2-handed windling sword is a little bit larger. The Windling show extreme dislike for other
races which use such a sword.
The sword was invented by the Windling Ingo :-) *g*
(What would our troll Sky Raidersay after "popping" Ingo's head of? - Bingo)
Arm blade
Description: The Arm Blade is a custom made weapon that must be fitted individually to each person
when made. The blade is about the length of a short sword but instead of ending a hilt, the blade extends
for a length equal to the users forearm. On the top side of the extended blade is curved plate that serves
two purposes: one a rest for the arm, the other is protection for the forearm. The other side still retains its
cutting edge. The blade is attached to the arm in one of two ways: It can be strapped on the arm with
leather ties, or a hand hold is inserted in the arm rest.
While using the Arm Blade the wielder receives +1 to physical Armor, or an minimum Armor rating of 5 on
the arm it is used.
Some but not all cultures view an Arm Blade as an Assassins weapon and react accordingly.
Bastard blade
Description: The bastard sword looks like a broad- or longsword with a slightly longer blade and a
much longer hilt, for use with both hands. The weapon is favored by many mercenaries for its great
versatility and durability.
To save weight the weapon is often found with a very small or even without any guard.
There is a larger variant for the "bigger" races, which has a size of 4, a damage step of 6 (7), a Str. Min.
of 15 / 13 and weighs 6lbs.
NOTE: The famous Katana (Japanese Longsword) is essentially a bastard sword, although many have
been increased with the Forge Blade Talent or a skill variant thereof.
Blade staff
A quarterstaff with one blade on each end of the weapon. The blades are each about one foor in length,
with a 3 to 6 foot pole in the center depending on the race and size of the wielder.
To allow a better grip on the weapon the center is usually wrapped with leather straps.
The blade staff is primarily a defensive weapon, when making a defensive stance (optional rules), the
character may add an additional bonus equal to half his Melee Weapons Talent Rank to his or her
physical defense. (round down)
E.g. Seymoore, a Journeyman Adept has a Melee Weapons Talent Rank of 5. After a long day on the
road, he is ambushed by some bandits. Seymoore decides to make a defensive stance to test his foes
fighting abilities, so while whirling his blade staff, his physical defense is increased by 5 points ( 3 + 5/2 ).
The Falchion is a very heavy curved blade. Given the right momentum and a capable wielder (min
dexterity of 11) the weapon may gain an additional 2 steps to an armour defeating hit. However due to the
weight of the weapon a character recieves a -1 initiative modifier. In addition the character should roll for
knockdown (vs. str step) whenever a poor failure (success) occurs.
Description: The Galon enjoys widespread use among seafarers and sailors. It is essentially a
broadsword with a slightly jagged edge, the blade being 2.5 to 3.5 feet in length.
Most Galons have a basket guard and grant a 1 point armor bonus one the weapon-wielding arm, for
purpose of a called shot.
Galons are excellent when it comes to cutting ropes loose, when attacking a rope or something similar
(liana) a Galons damage step is increased to 7 + the wielders strength rating.
Description: The Greatspear, also known as a pike is a very long defensive weapon, usually between
12 and 20 feet in length with a comparatively short metal blade attached to the front (like most spears).
When set to receive a charge a the combatant using the Greatspear may add six steps to his initiative as
well as three steps to the damage step. If the opponent is knocked down with a pike he or she (or it) may
never strike back (from the ground) unless he is of gigantic size.
A group of pikemen (more than 5), often named a phalanx, always win initiative over an charging
opponent if they have time to prepare for the attack (have spent one round preparing) there is no need to
Description: A really big two-handed blade, often ornamented and very expensive. If you have ever
been to a museum which showed medieval weapons you have surely seen one (the sword which was 6,5
feet in height).
In my campaign this is the weapon of choice for the noble knight in shining armor (and a strength attribute
rating of 23).
To avoid to impale the opponent with this long blade, a second "guard" is usually set in the middle of the
blade. If you are a friend of initiative modifiers (which I'm not) this weapon subtracts one step.
Guarda revenge
This is the weapon for the real swordmaster, made from finest steel and tempered to perfection
and balanced to fit only one wielder this blade is very rare. Only races with a superb knowledge
of metalworking can produce such blades.
The Guarda Revange was named after its creator Guarda la Chamera de Llalos and his quest.
(Needless to say it involved revenge).
The blades are from 3'3'' up to 4'2'' in length (0.99m to 1.27m) and have to be individually fitted
for each wielder, depending upon his size, race and overall fighting style. A character with a
melee weapons rank below 6 is unable to express himself clearly to the weaponsmith and has a
20% chance per rank under 6 to create an "unfitting" weapon even though the weaponsmith may
do his best.
Due to the superior craftsmanship on a Guarda Revange the weapon automatically receives a two
step damage bonus as if it were treated by a weaponsmith adept using the forge blade talent,
nevertheless the maximum damage step for a Guarda Revange is 12.
The superb grip on a Guarda Revange requires the opponent scoring an excellent success level
when trying to disarm its wielder. In addition to that the fine balance of the blade is ideally suited
for attacks at blinding speed, giving the character wielding a Guarda Revange a two step bonus
to his Quickblade talent or skill, if the character does not possess this talent (or skill) he gains it
at rank two, but may not raise it any further and loses it immediately when using another
weapon. Apart from that the Guarda Revange offers the same bonus as any weapon with a basket
guard. (+1 Armor on weapon arm)
Guarda Revanges have a price range of 500sp (minimum, master weaponsmith who needs
money) up to 20,000sp for a Guarda Revange made from exotic material and adorned with
precious gems. (and a damage step of 12).
Guarda Revanges never rust and are unaffected by the spell of the same name.
A ninja-to is ninja (asian assassin) weapon. The ninja-to does 4 step+str damage when used single
handedly and 5 step+str when used with two hands. Only master weaponsmiths can forge this kind of
weapon (usually 5th circle or better) and even then forging one will cause them to lose honor, therefore
only very few ninja-to's are known to exist. A ninja-to's blade is very sharp and if an attack is made
against an opponent clad in leather,padded cloth... the attacker may add +1 to the damage step. A ninja-
to's scabbard can be used as a blowgun and can also been used as a snorkel should the character be
Nunchaku must be used in conjunction with the unarmed combat talent or skill. When used with unarmed
combat talent add unarmed combat talent rank to the damage step, not the characters strength step.
Usually a characters will wield two nunchaku's at the same time. (in this case use second weapon instead
if unamed combat for the 2nd attack)
Obsidian sword
This blade is a ritual weapon for most obsidimen communities and is made from obsidian.
Warriors (or other disciplines) who have shown great courage and honor the liferock are often given this
weapon as a present for their deeds.
Weaponsmiths who wish to apply their forge blade talent on such blades have to possess the
stoneworking skill and the maximum increase is limited by the rank of this skill.
No Obsidian Blade can have a damage step of higher than 12.
Parring dagger
Description: Parrying daggers are defensive weapons which come in multiple sizes and shapes. They
usually have a strong guard and are wielded with the off-hand instead of a shield. Examples for parrying
weapons include the main-gauché or the asian sai.
When not attacking, but using the weapon in a defensive manner the character may add +2 to his
Physical Defense against any unarmed combat or melee weapon attack with a weapon of size 3 or lower.
Since part of the users attention has to be focused on his off-hand this weapon causes an overall initiative
penalty of one step in combat situations.
I assume everyone knows how a rapier looks. Its main use is as a show-weapon by swordmaster adepts,
most warrior adepts think that it does to little actual damage to be called a melee weapon.
Advantages: Due to the superb grip on the hilt of a rapier opponents need a good success level to disarm
someone wielding a rapier. A rapier is very effective against non-solid armor, like chain mail, ring mail,
blood pebbles and fernweave, halve the armor ratings of these armor types against a rapier OR allow a
rapier to score an armor-defeating hit on a good success.
Rapiers which have a basket guard grant an additional point of armor on the sword arm.
Description: Cost: 50+sp Damage Step: 4 Str Min: 9 Weight: 2,5lbs Size: 3 Use: Naval warfare.
Description: Used by many Tskrang boatmen, this weapon offers nearly the same boni as a rapier, but is
used in a slashing motion rather than a piercing lunge.
To disarm someone wielding a saber a good success is needed. It offers no penetration bonus, because
its blade is much wider than that of a rapier.
If the saber has a basket guard it offers a one point bonus on the armor value of the weapon arm.
A steel whip, usually barbed and with more than one strap of metal. The stats given above are for a "big"
scourge which does the most damage. A scourge needs an extraordinary success to bypass armor.
When using the optional rule of "wound effects", on p.203 ED, one wound caused by a scourge counts
double when calculating the penalties on all actions for a number of rounds equal to the total damage
step of the scourge ( Strength step + 4 ).
E.g. Cassius has been particularly lucky and is now suffering from four scourge-wounds, his normal
penalty would be three steps on all actions, but because the wounds have been made by a scourge he
suffers a seven step penalty (did I say - oops ?).
Among the more savage tribes execution by whipping someone to death with a scourge is common - and
quite gruesome.
Tail blade
Description: The tail blade is a weapon of T'Skrang use only. It consists of a talon shaped blade four
inches long set atop a three inch long "glove" which is held on the tip of the tail by a leather strap. Tail
attacks may, at the GM's discretion, be used in conjunction with surprise attacks (talent and situation)
against unexperienced oppenents. In any case a character can only be fooled once in his life with such an
Theran blades
A favorite weapon of Theran gladiators, Theran Blades can cause deadly wounds, if used by an
experienced fighter. Theran Blades are always worn in pairs, one on
each arm.
The whole weapon shields the forearm of its wielder and has a "blade
span" of about 2' 6''. (If using the hit-location table, they offer an armor
rating of 8 on each arm)
Damage : Theran Blades cause damage according to the success
level of the attack. An average success means a hit with one front
blade,causing damage equal to the wielder's strength step, a good success is a hit from multiple blades
causing twice the attackers strength step as a damage step, and so on...
E.g. Crougar (StrStep: 8), wearing Theran Blades, smites his enemy a cadaver man (PD: 5), scoring a 18,
which is an extraordinary hit; which in turn means that he deals Step 8*4 = 32 damage. Note that any
boni, like attacking in aggressive mode or increases due to the use of the Forge Blade talent are added to
the final damage step.
unfortunately, Theran Blades need an extraordinary hit to bypass armor ( if an extraordinary hit is needed
with a normal weapon, Theran Blades can't penetrate ! ) and on an attack result of 4 or lower the wielder
scores a good hit on himself, unless a 4 or lower was the original target number. Attacks with a success
level higher than average are considered to spread. (for purpose of hit-location)
Theran saber
The Theran Saber is a normal saber with a jagged blade instead of a smooth edge.
(If you have seen the movie Willow, the Princess is using one, if you haven't seen Willow you missed
An extraordinary success in an attack test with a Theran Saber results in a (very painful) impalement of
the opponent. For sake of game flow just add 5 steps to damage.
To twist the weapon free again a successful strength [8] test is required.
Just like when using a normal saber a good success is needed to disarm the wielder. The major
drawback of this weapon is the blades instability due to its unique edge, each time the weapon scores
more than 20 points of damage, roll step 5 (=1d8) if you score higher than 4 the blade shatters, Theran
Sabers increased with the help of the Forge Blade talent may subtract one per "plus", but still break on a
natural "8".
The second drawback is that the use of this weapon automatically leads other adventurers/heroes/adepts
to the assumption that the user is a great supporter of Thera, which may produce some rather unpleasant
Tskarng sword
The T'skrang sword has a very thin blade, which it is only 40-60 cm long, making it an excellent weapon
for underwater (stabbing) combat. T'skrang will never sell this weapn, since it has a ceremonial character
for them and if they see another race using it will automatically assume that he or she either stole the
weapon or killed it's rightful owner.
The T'skrang sword is not a good weapon on land, but if you fight underwater it gives no penalties. Note
that it is very hard to swing a troll sword or a very big sword under water. The T'skrang sword shows
some similarities to a rapier.
Mask molochous
Description : The mask is large and shields the whole face. It looks like the twisted parody of a
jester's mask with a wicked grin all over the face, with the right part of the mask being painted
purple and the other half in an unhealthy green. Attached to each side are two horns which give
the mask it's great width, they are however useless for combat.
Medalon of lochost
Number of Threads: 1
Spell Defense: 10
Rank I Cost: 200 Legend Points
Effect: The wearer can use the Elementalist spell Earth Blend with an effect step equal to
his perception + thread rank in Medallion. This does require a Spell Casting Test, if the
character does not posses the spellcasting talent he may substitute this test with a
perception test.
Adriastis shield
Basic Statistics :
Weight: 8 lbs Initiative Penalty: none Armor : +2 Mystic Armor : 0
Key Knowledge : As always the character has to know he name of the item, which is
Ashadaiéls Shield.
Effect : The shield is treated as a buckler, which means that an archer can still use it while
firing a bow (but not a crossbow). The shields offers a Mystic Armor rating of 2 as long as it is
used in a defensive way.
Key Knowledge : The character must know the name of the eagle from which the shields
feathers were taken. (Ilphatás).
Effect : Yahat er Sirgáth, Wings of the Eagle. The character gains an ability similar to the 5th
circle elementalist spell Metal Wings, but the wings are of course not made from metal but
from real feathers and bone.
There is no need to roll any test, the spell automatically takes effect after two rounds of
"growing time" and last for 15 minutes, otherwise it is like any normal Metal Wings spell. It
may however be dispelled by a successful dispel magic test against either the SD of the
shield or the wielder, whichever is higher.
This ability is usable a number of times each day equal to the Thread Rank of Ashadaiéls
Shield and requires an action to start.
Key Knowledge : The character must learn the name of the oak from which the shields
center part was made. (Oér)
Deed : The character may travel to the site where Oér (the oak tree) was growing and plant a
new oak seedling. Completing this deed is worth 500 Legend Points.
Effect : Jal er Oér, Skin of Oér. The character gains the ability to use the talent Wood Skin at
a total step number equal to the thread rank plus his own toughness step plus two.
The Mystic Armor rating is 4 now.
Key Knowledge : The character has to learn why the tree was named. (Oér was animated by
an elven elementalist into a powerful wood elemental and died in the defense of his forest
against a horror named Sorranade [will follow] )
Effect(s) : Mushád er Oér, Legs of Oér. At the cost of two points of strain the character may
add ten steps to his Wound Balance / Strength step to resist knockdown, this does however
prohibit any further movement during this round, the character is effectively rooted to the spot.
Ganjal, Purity. When fighting horrors the shield acts as a horror fend charm (+3SD & +3PD),
but does not require any strain to uphold, it does however need 3 points of strain to activate
and lasts for as long as any horror or horror construct is within 120 yards of the shield and its
wielder. Treat this bonus as the bonus from a blood charm which means that it is unaffected
by the rule of three.
Sio il Ráàc, self sacrifice. When fighting Sorranade, the character using Ashadaiéls Shield
may sacrifice the shield to summon Oér the elemental which lent part of its former strength to
the shield, in direct confrontation the power of Oér should be enough to overcome the horror
(for this reason I refrain from giving a fixed Strength rating), after the horrors or the elementals
death the spirit / shield vanishes forever.
Treat this as a deed worth 8.900 Legend Points plus the points for defeating the horror
Notes : As you may have guessed Ashasdaiél is a character from my campaign world, if it
doesn't fit in yours change it. This was also the main reason why I have not based any
abilities on Ashadaiéls powers.
Basic Statistics :
Base Damage Step: 8 Str Min: 9 Weight: 3lbs Size: 3
Rank 1
Legend Points: 200
Key Knowledge: The wielder must learn that the Name of the sword is Soulblazer.
Effect: Soulblazer's damage step is the wielder's Strength step +6.
Rank 2
Legend Points: 300
Effect: When using Soulblazer, its wielder gains a +1 bonus to his Melee Weapons talent, skill, or
default attribute (DEX). If the wielder does not possess Melee Weapons, the sword allows him to
use it at rank 1.
Rank 3
Legend Points: 500
Key Knowledge: The wielder must learn the fate of the Horror that slew Soulblazer's first wielder.
Effect: Soulblazer grants its wielder a +1 to his initiative step ONLY when wielding it in battle.
Damage is STR+7.
Rank 4
Legend Points: 800
Effect: The bonus to the wielder's Melee Weapons talent, skill, or default attribute is increased to
+2, and so is the Initiative bonus. Damage is now STR+8.
Rank 5
Legend Points: 1,300
Key Knowledge: The wielder must learn the Name and Discipline of the Adept that created
Effect: Damage is now STR+9.
Rank 6
Legend Points: 2,100
Key Knowledge: The wielder must learn the Names of all of the sword's wielders which had
woven at least one thread to Soulblazer.
Effect: Soulblazer now attacks astrally. Its wielder attacks against his opponent's spell defense,
and the damaged caused (assuming he hits) is reduced by mystic armor. Physical armor has no
effect. The wielder can choose to keep Soulblazer from attacking Astrally by spending 1 point of
strain per round of attacking normally.
Rank 7
Legend Points: 3,400
Effect: Soulblazer adds a +1 bonus to its wielder's Physical Defense. Damage is STR+10.
Rank 8
Legend Points: 5,500
Key Knowledge: The wielder must learn the place of the sword's creation.
Effect: Soulblazer can now strike at magicians' matrices. The wielder must be able to look into
the astral plane to see the matrices. He picks one to attack. The wielder spends 1 Strain and rolls
an attack roll against the magician's spell defence. If the attack hits, he rolls for damage. The
magician himself takes no damage, but his matrix suffers whatever damage was rolled, using the
matrix's armor and death rating. A "dead" matrix cannot be used for 48 hours.
Rank 9
Legend Points: 8,900
Effect: The wielder's physical defense bonus rises to +2, and he or she gains +1 to his spell
Rank 10
Legend Points: 14,400
Deed: The Wielder must slay the Horror that killed Soulblazer's first wielder using Soulblazer. If
this Horror is already dead, then this deed cannot be completed and the final thread rank cannot
be attained.
Effect: For a cost of 5 points of strain, the wielder can fire a "Mana Bolt" at his opponent. He uses
his Spellcasting talent, or Perception attribute, against one opponent's spell defense. The wielder
can gain bonus steps, at a cost of 5 strain per step, up to a maximum of +5 bonus steps. If the
Mana Bolt hits, the wielder rolls Willforce+10 for damage. This is reduced by mystic armor. Sword
damage is now STR+12.
Ashadiel bow
Basic Statistics :
Weight: 3 lbs Damage Step: 5 (longbow of superior quality)
Ranges: 40/100/220 Minimum Strength: 12
Key Knowledge : As always the character has to know he name of the item, which is Ashadaiéls
Effect : Soorn Gaél, Galeforce, arrows shot by the bow are propelled with much more force than
usual this increases the damage step to 7 plus the wielders strength step and the ranges to
Rank II Cost : 300 Legend Points
Key Knowledge :By now the character should know that the bow is relying on the strength of
elemental air to propel its arrows, not soley on the strength of the wielder, the character must
know why this is so and what might be the possible cause for this behavior. (An air elemental of
This key knowledge can be learned from the bows pattern, which still has traces of an air
elementals essence within. The target number for this fact is the bows Spell Defense. (18)
Effect : Túkkawaan, Thunderstrike. If the wielder causes a wound to another being using the bow
the arrow doing the damage implodes (not explodes) in a deafening thunderstrike, the hit
character must halve his strength step or wound balance step when resisting knockdown.
Although the Thunderstrike is quite spectacular it will not cause deafness to an average human
(or elf or ...) unless the being is extremely sensitive to loud noise.
Key Knowledge : The character must know that to use the full force of a bow made from the
wood of a Sialynn tree, the bow must be treated with a special mineral oil found only in the
northwestern mountain ranges of XYZ (change it to you campaign setting) on a regular basis.
Although Ashadaiéls Bow has been enchanted with powerful magic which prolongs the
effectiveness of the oil to nearly a hundred times that time span, it is now time to fulfill a deed.
Deed : The character must travel to the mountains and get a dose of the mineral oil (a sticky
black substance which reeks horribly) and than smear it on the bow which quickly absorbs much
of the oil. The deed is worth 800 Legend Points.
Effect : Yábavin tel varhin Sínreagh, roughly translates into, fluid move(s). When shooting the
bow the character gains a step bonus to his Initiative step equal to the bows thread rank. (This
includes the tainted ranks below).
In addition to that the bows damage step increases to 9.
Key Knowledge : As the character knows the bows strength comes from the element of air, what
the character does not know is the fact that there is actually an air elemental imprisoned in the
bow, please learn its name. (Zizzalainenraiid)
Player's Effect :Zizzalainenraiid The character may store a number of karma points in the bow
equal to the bows thread rank (6 at the moment) for the cost of three points of karma per point of
karma within the bow. He or she may spend this points on every action or test he or she desires
and may use a karma step of 12 for each point. The points do not count towards the characters
maximum allowed karma points.
The bows damage step increases to 11.
GM's Knowledge : clicking this link will open a popup window (220*235) of your browser (using
JavaScript) displaying GM's eyes only information... (Hehe)
If you are unable to open the popup windows, you can load the html, into a normal page, by
accessing the two links below.
GM Knowledge1 GM Knowledge2
Crystal bow
Description : As the name might suggest a crystal bow is made from
living crystal, similar to the armors fancied by most troll skyraider clans.
Like most crystalline items a crystal bow needs magic (which means a
thread attached) to work properly. As soon as a thread is woven to such
an item, the bow starts to shine with a dim light of the same color as the
crystal it has been fashioned from. In addition to that the crystal grows
flexible and allows an archer (not necessarily an archer adept) to fire an
arrow from the bow.
Like most threaded bows the string is not an integral part of the item and
may be replaced by any type of string the wielder wishes to use.
(Note: although the picture shows a very nice quiver it is not a part of the
crystal bow - in the beginning at least)
Most crystal bows are longbows although a few short and warbows have
also been seen across the country ( -1/+1 Damage Step respectively)
Basic Statistics :
Weight: 5 lbs Damage Step: 4
Ranges: 40/100/220 Minimum Strength: 11
Key Knowledge : As always the character has to know he name of the item, which the GM
has to provide. Some bows have their names etched into the crystal, while others have their
names within the crystal itself, allowing the name to be read only when a successful Spell
Casting test against the bows Spell Defense is made.
Effect : Crystal Spitter, for the cost of one point of strain per shot the shooter may cause the
arrow to transform into an arrow-shaped crystalline replica during flight, which adds three steps
to the damage step due to the incredible sharpness of the crystal arrow. If the damage step
results in a bonus die the arrow shatters after hitting the target otherwise the arrow reverts to
normal after a number of minutes equal to the current thread rank of the crystal bow. Shattered
arrows dissolve after the same time.
Key Knowledge : Obviously an earth elemental has used some of its power for the creation of
a crystal bow, which one ? (name)
Effect : Hail of Crystals, for the cost of five points of strain the character may create a
crystalline arrow which shatters shortly after being fired, resulting in a cloud of razor-sharp
crystalline pieces, flying towards the target in a cone (like dragons breath) 45 yards in length
and 10 yards in width at the end. Due to the area effect of this attack a poor success is
sufficient to hit characters in the cone. The damage step for this attack is 10.
Description : Witchblades vary in size, type and metal used in construction widely. Although
the most often found type is a bastard- or two-handed sword, forged from blackened steel.
(Notes: It's mithrill in my campaign; blackened steel is an iron
and silver alloy, which causes the blade to turn black over
time due to the silver's chemical reaction with the air's
As the name might suggest a witchblade is a weapon
favoured by many mages, especially the eerie
When assensed from the astral with the help of an
appropriate talent or spell the sword will show as a jet-black
pattern with several smaller patterns within the item's pattern
The populace and warrior(-types) are generally suspicious of
those adepts carrying a witchblade since they are closely
linked with the used of black, blood and horror magic.
Therefore adepts carrying a witchblade are often referred to
as a witch (if female) or a warlock by the populace, even
though they might not even belong to a spellcasting discipline. The populace in my campaign
tends toward giving such individuals a fiery welcome and good-bye.
No. of Threads : 2 (Greater Blades have 3) Spell Defense : 16 - 20
Basic Statistics :
Weight: varies by type Damage Step: varies by type
Minimum Strength: varies by type
Key Knowledge : The character must know the origin of the silver which was used in the
creation of the blade.
Effect : Evil Eye, as per the spirit power of the same name, the effect step is the craters
Willforce step plus the current thread rank of the witchblade.
Use of this ability in public might result in a bb with the wielder as a very special guest.
Key Knowledge : The character must learn how the power of this thread rank is named and
why. (Hel is a named horror, it is shrouded in black mist coming from his breath)
Deed : The character must locate a piece of blacklight coal and swallow it, burning. This deals
two points of permanent damage to the character which may never be healed even if the
character is separated from the blade.
If the character exhales sharply a thin cloud of black, odorless smoke comes from his mouth.
The coal never ceases to burn, even within the characters body. Causing massive pain during
a four week time period, after a slow process of "getting used to it" sets in and last for another
month. Blacklight coal increases a characters resistance to fire and heat, which results in three
additional points of armor against fire attacks, and the ability to operate normally for
temperatures of up to 50C degrees. (122F)
This deed is worth 1,300 Legend Points.
Effect : Hel's breath, for the cost of two points of strain the character may breath out a cloud of
black smoke which surrounds him for a number of minutes equal to the blades thread rank
(radius 3 to 4 feet). The cloud makes it difficult for opponents to hit the wielder and adds 3
points to the Physical Defense rating and 2 points to the Spell Defense.
Each time an opponent attacks he must also make a second attack test, if successful nothing
happens if he misses he breathes in some of the smoke which causes his eyes to burn
resulting in him being harried. Creatures without lungs and eyes are immune to this effect.
While standing in a cloud of Hel, Hel receives a five step bonus to his spellcasting test against
the wielder of the weapon.
Key Knowledge : The character must know that all greater blades have a ally spirit trapped
within the blade. Know the name of yours brings you one step closer to the last rank.
Deed : Before he can weave this thread to a greater blade, the character should sooth the
spirit, buy granting it some of his own Karma. Therefore he has to seek out an alchemist and
persuade him to brew a special potion which allows him to dissolve some of his Karma in it,
thereafter bathe the sword in the potion. 33% of maximum Karma are sufficient, the more you
give the more willingly the spirit cooperates. Not giving any Karma causes the spirit to
incorporate some ill-effects when the Leech power is used, the character's eyes stay red, and
part of his pattern is exposed to the astral, resulting in a 3 point penalty on the characters spell
defense when targeted by any horror power until the spirit is soothed by giving the maximum
Karma and 1 point of blood magic, permanently of course.
This deed is worth 2,100 Legend Points.
Effect : Summon Dark Allies, this power allows the wielder to call dark ally spirits as if he was
using half-magic. the step for this power is the characters charisma step plus the swords thread
rank plus one point of Karma should he desire to use one. The power costs the character two
points of strain per spirit summoned and lasts for one service from the spirits, the target umber
is 10 (=SD) +2 per spirit summoned :
Notes: The character takes all summoning damage as once, this may result in wound for the
summoner. The spirits stay for #thread rank minutes after manifesting and attack every living
being in vicinity after their task is completed, with the exception of their summoner.
Horn of ages
Description : The horn of the ages appears to be a normal, although very large shell, but this
first impression is wrong. The horn weighs a massive 15 pounds and requires most characters
to use both hands when blowing it, with the exception of trolls, whose large hands allow them
to grasp the horn in one hand, leaving the other free to wield a weapon or a shield.
The horn seems to be made of a rough stone, like granite and the surface is worn down
suggesting that the horn is of a great age. No runes, sigils or marks of any kind are etched or
written on the horn's surface.
When (successfully) viewed from the astral plane with a suitable spell, talent or innate ability
the pattern of the horn appears as a blue wire model of the horn itself radiating waves of blue
light. On a good or better success the character can hear waves crashing on the shore of an
imaginary ocean. On an ever better success level the character dreams of the ocean and
strange, but beautiful female humanoid creatures dancing and playing among the waves, the
next night - although he or she may not immediately associate this dream with the horn of the
Key Knowledge : The character has to know the name of the threaded item, which is - "horn of
the ages".
Effect : Subsonic Wail, for the cost of one point of strain the character blowing the horn may
cause the horn to emit a sound in a frequency much too low for any humanoid to hear.
The character rolls a step number equal to his toughness step plus the horns thread rank.
Compare the result to the spell defense of all creatures within 30 yards of the horn, if the test
result would be an average or higher success against their spell defense, they get sick from the
low frequency and have to subtract one step per success level above poor from all actions for a
number of rounds equal to the horn's thread rank. An extraordinary success level prevents the
affected creature to act the next round.
The horn's wielder (and all others who have woven threads to the horn) are protected from this
effect, but characters wearing earplugs or deaf creatures are affected nevertheless. (hey it's the
Key Knowledge : The character must learn which type of stone was used in the creation of the
horn of the ages. (Iovia - a compressed volcanic mineral, found only underwater and only in
Effect : Filter of Life, the character may fill the horn with saltwater and place a plug in the
mouthpiece of the horn. After half an hour has elapsed the water will be perfectly drinkable.
This "trick" can be performed once a day per thread rank of the horn and the horn itself has a
capacity of up to two gallons of water. Unknown to the character the horn can also use this
power on any other substance contained in the water, like poison, wine (becomes water), mud,
harmful horror constructs (dread iotas), etc. - but to filter those out, the character has to
succeed in a toughness plus thread rank test against the substances spell defense. (mud, wine
= 2, poison = var, and so on ...)
Key Knowledge : The character must learn the name of the power associated with the fourth
thread rank.
Deed : The character must travel on a boat or ship in the heart of a storm. He has to call forth
the name of the power four times to charge the horn with the power of the storm. Doing so
allows him or her to use this power for a year and a day after which time the horn loses this
power until it is recharged again. The first time the horn is charged the wielder gains 1,300
Legend Points.
Effect : Thor's Voice. (Thor can be substituted by any suitable name of a storm
god/deity/passion in your campaign) By taking 3 Points of Strain the character may cause the
horn to sound a thunderclap of unbelievable might. The character rolls the usual step
(TOU+Thread Rank) and may add a maximum number of Karma Points equal to the horns
thread rank at a cost of an additional 3 Points of Strain per Karma Point used. He takes all the
damage at once and this damage may cause a wound to the character and knock him down.
He then compares the result to the Spell Defense of all creatures within 500 yards, (characters
wearing earplugs have their Spell Defense raised by 2 to 5 points depending on the type of
material used) the success level determines the effect.
o Poor, the affected creature is deafened for six rounds, the exact effect of being deaf is
up to the GM, but should include difficulties in spellcasting, thread weaving and similar
abilities. 1 Point of Damage.
o Average, Poor effects + the creature has to pass a knock down and a willpower test
against the horns test result, if he fails the first he is knocked down, if he fails the
second one he is stunned for three rounds and unable to do anything (use talents,
even if they require no action) except defend (no defensive stance, giving ground etc.)
himself or move at one-quarter normal rate. 2 Points of Damage.
o Good, Poor + Average without any chance to resist, the character acquires a nasty
tinnitus (beep sound in your ear) which stays for 30 days, 10 if special precautions (ear
plugs) were taken. During this time the character has to subtract 2 Steps from all
actions requiring concentration. 4 Points of Damage.
o Excellent, as Good, but the character affected permanently loses some oh his hearing
power and must subtract 2 Steps from all Perception Tests requiring hearing in the
future. 6 Points of Damage.
o Extraordinary, as Good - ah SILENCE - forever, your character is deaf, a state which
can only be undone by powerful healing magic. One Wound and a number of damage
points equal to the characters Wound Threshold, one point is lost permanently.
Characters who have woven a thread to the horn are immune to the effect and Thor's
Voice may only be used once every six days.
Deed : The character must willingly drown in the ocean. (fastening a stone to your leg works
wonders here) He must use his final breath sounding the horn, attracting the strange creatures
he may have seen in his dream. Needles to say it would be good for the character if they arrive
on time to save him, but this deed is best performed by roleplaying.
After being saved the character has to perform a quest for the mermaids (which is up to the
DM). Performing this deed doubles the story award for the character under the quest.
Effect : Siren Call, when on, in or near a large body of salt water (ocean, large sea) the wielder
may spend 3 points of strain to emit a low-pitched sound lasting for half a minute (takes three
actions). The range of this ability is 2 miles above water and 20 miles below water (don't tell
this to the player). The GM decides if there are mermaids nearby. If there are, the wielder rolls
a step number equal to his charisma step plus five and compare the result to the Spell Defense
of the mermaids. (usually 12) A number of mermaids equal to the difference between the test
result and the mermaids' spell defenses will follow the call and arrive in a certain time span
determined by the GM. At least one mermaid will come on a successful test. The GM may
lower the spell defense of the mermaids at his discretion if he thinks the matter for the call is of
great important for the creatures of the sea.
DEX: 8 STR: 5 TOU: 5
PER: 7 WIL: 7 CHA: 10
Description : The Derneir Ventcour seems to be a regular broadsword except for the green-red blade and very
fine craftsmanship. Indeed the material used in the construction of this blade is known as Shaladan, a rare type
of metal found in the mountains of the northern regions.
Shaladan is a green and red metal, often used in fine swords. Weapons forged from this metal add + 3 steps to
the weapons damage step, and + 2 to wielder’s spell defense, these weapons are however very likely to rust
even when treated well, immersion in water requires the wielder to oil the sword for at least several hours
unless he wants the blade to lose the "magic" bonuses. Shaladan blades suffer a minus 5 point penalty when
targeted by the Rust spell.
Spell Defense : 19
of Threads : 2
Basic Statistics :
Base Damage Step: 8 Str Min: 9 Weight: 3lbs Size: 3
Rank 1
Legend Points: 500
Key Knowledge: Must know the name of the sword.
Effect: Damage + 9, Indestructible (with the exception of rust).
Rank 2
Legend Points: 800
Effect: The Social Defense of the wielder is increased by one point. Damage is now STR+10.
Rank 3
Legend Points: 1,300
Key Knowledge: Must know the name of the Weaponsmith who forged it. (Grimtooth).
Effect: +1 Wound Balance, +1 Durability.
Rank 4
Legend Points: 2,100
Key Knowledge: Must know the name of the last wielder of the blade. (Paidin: Human Swordmaster)
Effect: +2 Wound Balance, +2 Social Defense
Rank 5
Legend Points: 3,400
Deed: The Wielder must seek out the descendant of Grimtooth and give him praise of his lineage. Deed
worth 3,400 Legend pts.
Effect: +11 Damage, +2 Durability
Rank 6
Legend Points: 5,500
Effect: +3 Wound Balance, +2 Physical Defense
Rank 7
Legend Points: 8,900
Key Knowledge: Must know the name of the last enemy beaten by the 1st owner. (Ximenes Troll
Effect: Suppress Pain. For the cost of one point of strain per two rounds, the wielder may suppress the
pain from wounds, this power works like the Lighbearer Power of Ease Wounds and is automatically
Rank 8
Legend Points: 14,400
Effect: +3 Spell Defense, +12 Damage.
Rank 9
Legend Points: 23,300
Effect: For 5 strain the wielder may spin and throw the blade using thrown weapons talent to hit, wielder
may spend karma until hit is armor defeating.
Rank 10
Legend Points: 37,700
Deed: Owner must build a monument in the honor of Grimtooth & Paidin. Monument must be worth at
least 7,000 sp. Deed is worth 23,300 Legend pts.
Effect: For 4 strain owner may will the sword to return to owner’s hand up to 300 yards, +14 Damage.
(Line of Sight is not required)
Obsidian daggers
Description : Obsidian darts - These darts are made of obsidian and come in a holder made
of leather or canvas used to strap onto the user’s wrist or other handy location. They come in
sets of three. If one is lost or destroyed, the rest may be used normally. Another dart may
obtained to replace the one lost. The cost of bonding one dart is 50 legend points.. Although,
more than one set may be in a person’s possession, no more than three darts can ever be in
a set at one time. Only one set may be used in one round in a single round.
With no threads woven to them, these darts are little more than shards of rock doing STR
damage and incurring a –2 step to attack with them because they are unbalanced. Once a
thread is woven, they function as below.
Key Knowledge : The wielder must know the Name of the set of darts.
Effect : Obsidian darts do STR + 2 damage. Range is 1-4/5-8 /9-12.
Description :
A charging bull made from bronze with eyes of amber, one and a half feet in length and one feet in height
and weighing around 35lbs.. The horns may or may not be missing (Depending on the GM's mood) and
have to be replaced in order to attach a thread to the statue.
Astral inspection reveals a shimmering and wavering aura and therefore a very strong connection to the
element of fire.
Inspired by the movie "The last unicorn" which I saw when I was a kid and which hasn't left my memory
No. of Threads : 4 Spell Defense : 18
Rank 1
Legend Points: 200
Key Knowledge: As always know the name of the item (Cor Hantor - the raging bull)
Deed: (if applicable) Replace the horns (any horn material will-do), this incredibly dangerous and
menacing deed is worth 200 Legend Points.
Effect: Fire Friend, while the statue is within 5 times Thread Rank in feet of someone who has woven a
thread to it, he or she gains a +2 bonus to his Spell Defense vs. fire spells / effects / power and provides
an additional 2 points of armor against all fire-based attacks.
Rank 2
Legend Points: 300
Effect: Flamecaster: For 1 Point of Strain each the wielder of the statue may cast the spells (using
perception if he/she does not possess ,
a) Flame Flash requiring no threads (Thread: 0; Range: 75feet; Dur: 1rd; Effect: Willforce+4) by pointing
the mouth of the bull in the direction of the target, or
b) Flameweapon requiring no threads (Thread: 0; Range: Touch; Dur: 10+Thread Rank rnds.; Effect:
flame die (1d4) on damage) by rubbing the weapon against the statues belly.
Rank 3
Legend Points: 800
Key Knowledge: The number of elemental fire kernels used in the construction of this artifact (seven
times seven, the magic number)
Effect: Fiery Veins, Everyone who has woven a thread to Cor Hantor may use fireblood at a Rank equal
to his Thread Rank to Cor Hantor by touching the statue and expending an action (in combat of course).
The Bonus to the Spell Defense and Armor is increased to plus four each.
4+ Rounds Statue glows red hot, providing the same illumination as a lit torch. The statue quickly
reaches a temperature of approx. 1000 degrees Celsius (1832F) and thus touching the
statue is not a particularly bright idea and will do step 12 damage, if this damage is
enough to cause a wound the hand(s) is (are) seriously injured and unusable for the next
few days (This incudes the wielders).
3 Rounds Steam pours from the statues nostrils and slightly obscures vision. Long range attacks
into and from a 10 yard radius circle suffer a 2 Step penalty unless strong winds are
2 Rounds Cor Hantors eyes begin to glow in an bright, yellow light, providing illumination as a large
light quartz and dispelling magical darkness with an 80% chance.
Final Round A circular 10 feet diameter circle of yellow-white flames erupts centered on the figurine,
all flammable objects in the circle (characters, trees, etc...) burst into flames doing step
15 damage. Those with a thread rank towards the statue suffer no damage from the
statues flames, but may be harmed by secondary fire damage, e.g. if the statue is used
in a wooden house...
BINGO POP - In a few seconds you will know if it was an incredibly wise idea to summon a
named elemental.
Is there a way to stop this madness??
Sure, simply cast a dispel magic test against the statues spell defense rating, if anyone used blood magic
on the statue you will need an excellent success level though...
DEX: 12 STR: 18 TOU: 18
PER: 8 WIL: 10 CHA: 10
Initiative: 12 Physical Defense: 12
# of Attacks: 1 Spell Defense: 15
Attack: 15 Social Defense: 12
Damage: 24 (30 while charging) Armor: 16 (20/18/12/12)
# of Spells: 1 Mystic Armor: 12
Spellcasting: 15 Knockdown: 22
Effect: see below Recovery Tests: 5
Death Rating: 110 Combat Move: 45
Wound Threshold: 22 Full Move: 180
Unc. Rating: 95
Powers: Impenetrable Hide 32 (Target number for an armor defeating hit); Fear 12; Firespear 15; Dragon
Breath 20; Fiery Aura (see Commentary) 5.
Legend Points: 8,500
Equipment: None
Loot: Statue (see below)
Cor Hantor is a manifest (and heavily modified) fire elemental. For a description of some powers,
please consult the ED Magic (ED MoMS) sourcebook.
The power of Fiery Aura is new and is an automatic power, which means it costs no action and requires
no spellcasting test to take effect. The immense heat coming from Cor Hantor causes (Fiery Aura) Step
(5) damage each round an opponent comes very near (attacks), simply roll the damage. Armor (except
from threaded items/fire resist spells) does not reduce damage, but the attacker may subtract his
weapon's size factor. (which increases the distance between arm and elemental)
Cor Hantor will stay for 1d10+10 rounds, 2d10 minutes if Blood or Elemental magic was used in the call.
The Summoner(s) has (have) only one service for free, to force Cor hantor to leave earlier requires a
successful Contest of Will from the summoner. (e.g. if the 1st service ended after 3 rds. and Cor Hantor
will remain for another 15 rds.) After Cor Hantor finishes its service it will try to destroy any burnable
object in a 7x7x7 yard range. (excluding the summoners, these are in order of appearance: other PC's,
NPC's, forests, libraries, houses, hamlets, towns, cities...)
To get additional services the summoners may either make Contests of Will (which he doesn't like) or
Bargain with Summoned Creature, (which he does like) fire kernels are always well received.
After Cor Hantor leaves the statue will remain an be too hot to touch for at least one hour or so. Cooling
the statue with liquid cuts this time in half, but has a 10% of shattering the statue, thereby destroying it
Weaponsmiths are entitled a Dex-based Half-Magic (8) test to avoid this.