Evolutive Interpretation by The WTO Adjudicator: Gabrielle Marceau
Evolutive Interpretation by The WTO Adjudicator: Gabrielle Marceau
Evolutive Interpretation by The WTO Adjudicator: Gabrielle Marceau
doi: 10.1093/jiel/jgy042
Advance Access Publication Date: 29 November 2018
Several types of changes can take place between the date of the conclusion of a treaty
and the date when its provisions call for interpretation. They may include changes
in the political, social, or historical context; technological changes that render certain
things feasible that were not so (and could not have been) upon the treaty’s conclusion;
linguistic changes in the ordinary or special meaning of terms; or changes in the law that
is either applicable or should be considered—to name but a few.1
Under the principle of intertemporality, however, when determining the reference
period to interpret the terms of treaties between States, traditional doctrine has always
∗ Professor, Law Faculty, UNIGE. Email:(gabrielle.marceau@unige.ch) and Senior Counsellor, Legal Affairs,
WTO. Email:(gabrielle.marceau@wto.org). A first publication by the same author on evolutionary interpre-
tation was published in French in the RGDI, 2018, vol 1. This improved version is based on new and additional
1 On this subject, see the inaugural conference given by Alain Pellet to The Hague Academy in 2007: Alain
Pellet, ‘L’adaptation du droit international aux besoins changeants de la société internationale’ in Collected
Courses of The Hague Academy of International Law 329 (2007), Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden, 2008, p. 17 onward
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792 • Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator: Sophism or Necessity?
viewed the date of the treaty’s conclusion as the relevant date.2 Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice
wrote in 1957:
The terms of a treaty must be interpreted according to the meaning which they possessed,
or which would have been attributed to them, and in the light of current linguistic usage,
at the time when the treaty was originally concluded.3
2 The principle of intertemporality prescribes interpreting treaties based on conceptions that are prevalent at
the moment of the conclusion of such treaties. The principle of intertemporality as Huber formulated it is as
follows: ‘a juridical fact must be appreciated in the light of the law contemporary with it, and not of the law in
force at the time which a dispute in regard to it arises or falls to be settled.’ Isla de Palmas Case (Netherlands v
United States), 2 Reports of International Arbitration Awards 831 at p. 845.
3 Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice, ‘The Law and Procedure of the International Court of Justice 1951–4: Treaty
Interpretation and Other Treaty Points’ (1957) 33 BYBIL 203 at p. 212.
4 WTO Appellate Body Report, United States – Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products,
WT/DS58/AB/R, adopted 6 November 1998, para 130 [‘US – Shrimp’].
5 For a list of judgements referring to one or the other of these terms, see Panos Merkouris ‘(Inter)Temporal
Considerations in the Interpretive Process of the VCLT: Do Treaties Endure, Perdure or Exdure?’ (2014) 45
NYIL 121 at p. 131 [Merkouris, (Inter)temporal].
Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator: Sophism or Necessity? • 793
standard rules of interpretation, the present study attempts to determine how the tra-
ditionally accepted rules of interpretation—including, notably, the Vienna Convention
on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) rules—consider and deal with different types of changes
taking place between the conclusion of the treaty and its interpretation. Through the
identification of these different types or categories of changes, it is hoped to bring a
6 On this subject, see WTO Appellate Body Report, Korea – Definitive Safeguard Measure on Imports of Certain
Dairy Products, WT/DS98/AB/R, adopted 12 January 2000, para 81, nn 44.
794 • Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator: Sophism or Necessity?
treaty as justification for an evolutionary interpretation. It seems that still other types
of changes (evolution of the social context and changes to applicable law) are derived
from an application of the VCLT rules. All accept that domestic and international law
may evolve, but one might wonder if the difference between the evolution of a single
norm and that of the whole legal system would help provide an answer.
7 ‘There was no agreement at the outset and no agreement has been reached ever since.’ Christian Djeffal,
Static and Evolutive Treaty Interpretation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016) at pp. 348–349
8 Djeffal, supra note 7, at p. 353.
9 Luigi Crema, ‘Subsequent Agreement and Subsequent Practice within and outside the Vienna Convention’
in Georg Nolte (ed.), Treaties and Subsequent Practice (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013) 13 at p. 22.
10 Pierre-Marie Dupuy, ‘Evolutionary Interpretation of Treaties: Between Memory and Prophecy’ in Enzo
Canizzaro (ed.), The Law of Treaties Beyond the Vienna Convention (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011)
123 at p. 125.
11 Merkouris, (Inter)temporal, supra note 5, at p. 131.
12 Eirik Bjorge, The Evolutionary Interpretation of Treaties (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014) [Bjorge].
13 Bjorge, supra note 12, at p. 2.
14 International Law Commission, Report of the International Law Commission: Sixty-eighth Session (2 May–
10 June and 4 July–12 August 2016), Doc UN A/71/10 (2016) at pp. 182–83 [International Law Commis-
sion, Report of the 68th Session].
Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator: Sophism or Necessity? • 795
Alan Boyle also examines the idea of intention, and briefly looks at the role of
VCLT Article 31(3)(c), as does Paolo Palchetti.15 Similarly, Theodore Georgopoulos
also emphasizes the parties’ intention at the treaty’s conclusion and suggests that
any subsequent evolutive interpretation would have to draw on this. Even the broad
definition he proposes depends on the evolution of law, in the first instance, and not
We seem to have a Court that is evolutionary when it is not really necessary but not
evolutionary when the text invites such an interpretation.21
The above survey of doctrinal sources demonstrates that the concept of evolutive
interpretation is a priori not clear and there is no consensus on whether and how to
take into account various types of changes that occur between the conclusion of the
treaty and the date of its interpretation.
15 Alan Boyle, ‘Further Development of the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention: Mechanisms for Change’ (2005)
53 ICLQ 563 at pp. 567–68; Alan Boyle and Christine Chinkin, The Making of International Law (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2007) p. 244; Paulo Palchetti, ‘Interpreting “Generic Terms”: Between Respect for
the Parties’ Original Intention and the Identification of the Ordinary Meaning’ in Nerina Boschiero, Tullio
Scovazzj, Cesare Pitea, and Chiara Ragni (eds), International Courts and the Development of International Law:
Essays in Honour of Tullio Treves (The Hague: Springer, 2013) 91 at pp. 91–2.
16 Theodore Georgopoulos, ‘Le droit intertemporel et les dispositions conventionnelles évolutives’ (2004) 108
RGDIP 123 at p. 130.
17 Brigitte Stern, 20 ans de jurisprudence de la Cour international de Justice: 1975–1995, (Martinus Nijhoff: The
Hague, 1998) at pp. 80–1.
18 Julian Wyatt, An Original or Modern-Day Meaning for Treaty Terms? The Problem of Intertemporal Linguistics
in the Case Law of International Courts and Tribunals, Thesis, University of Geneva, 2017 at 846–7.
19 Pellet, supra note 1.
20 Bruno Simma, ‘Miscellaneous Thoughts on Subsequent Agreements and Practice’ in Georg Nolte (ed.),
Treaties and Subsequent Practice (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013) 46 at p. 48 [Simma].
21 Bjorge, supra note 12, at p. v.
796 • Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator: Sophism or Necessity?
accorded to the parties’ intention in the process of interpretation was debated at length.
However, this was mainly understood and discussed with respect to intention at the
time of the treaty’s conclusion.22
Taking up the torch, the International Law Commission (ILC) decided to codify
the law of treaties.23 Within this framework, a draft international convention was pro-
(a) In the context of the treaty and in the light of its objects and purposes; and
(b) In the light of the rules of general international law in force at the time
of its conclusion24
However, in the 1966 draft articles, the reference to ‘in force at the time of its conclusion’
was removed by Rapporteur Waldock, ‘leaving the application of the intertemporal law
to be implied’25 .
In the end, Article 31 was adopted without any reference to intertemporality. The
Commission therefore avoided this issue and the general rule of interpretation of Article
31(1) became the following:
A treaty shall be interpreted in good faith in accordance with the ordinary meaning to be
given to the terms of the treaty in their context and in the light of its object and purpose.
22 See Institute of International Law, 1950 at pp. 366–460; Institute of International Law Yearbook of the Institute
of International Law, Sienna Session, Vol. 44, Book I, Institute of International Law, 1952 at pp. 297–223;
Institute of International Law, Yearbook of the Institute of International Law, Sienna Session Vol. 44 Book II,
Institute of International Law, 1952 at pp. 359–406; Institute of International Law, Yearbook of the Institute of
International Law, Aix-en-Provence Session, Vol. 45, Book I, Institute of International Law, 1954 at pp. 225–27;
Institute of International Law, Yearbook of the Institute of International Law, Grenada Session, Vol. 46, Institute
of International Law, 1956 at pp. 317–59.
23 See the decision in International Law Commission, ‘Report of the International Law Commission on the
work of its first Session’ in Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1949, Vol. 1 at p. 281 (Doc UN
24 Article 69, ‘Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its Sixteenth Session’ (Doc UN
A/5809) in the Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1964, Vol. 2, New York, UN, 1964 at p. 199 (Doc
UN A/CN.4/SER.A/1964/Add.1) [emphasis ours]. This reference to the ‘relevant rules of international law
applicable’ is now included in the third paragraph of Article 31(3).
25 International Law Commission, Yearbook of the International Law Commission, Vol. 2, New York, UN, 1966
at p. 97 (Doc UN A/CN.4/Ser.A/1966/Add.1).
Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator: Sophism or Necessity? • 797
The search for the ‘ordinary meaning to be given to the terms of the treaty in their
context’ often begins with consulting current language dictionaries, without particu-
larly relying on the history of the language.26 From that point onward, the adjudicators
necessarily focus on the contemporary semantics of the words27 , leading inevitably to
an evolution in the interpretation of the term.28 In this way, an emphasis placed on
Words communicate their meaning from the circumstances in which they are used. In
a written instrument their meaning primarily is to be ascertained from the context, the
setting, in which they are found.29
It is generally argued that the ‘context’ primarily refers to the legal context.30 This would
explain how some authors consider that only the ‘context’ of the term at the time of
the conclusion of the treaty, and not that contemporary to its interpretation31 , is valid.
26 David Pavot, ‘The Use of Dictionary by the WTO Appellate Body at the WTO: Beyond the Search of
Ordinary Meaning’ (2013) 4:1 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 29. See also Competence of the ILO
in regard to International Regulation of the Conditions of the Labour of Persons Employed in Agriculture, Advisory
opinion, PCIJ (Ser. B) No. 2 at pp. 33–4.
27 Umberto Eco evokes the contemporaneity of the semantics of dictionaries as follows: ‘je persiste à penser que,
à l’intérieur des limites d’une certaine langue, il existe un sens littéral des items lexicaux, celui que les dictionnaires
enregistrent en premier, celui que l’homme de la rue citerait en premier si on lui demandait le sens d’un mot donné’,
Umberto ECO, Les limites de l’interprétation, Paris, Grasset, 1992, introduction. See also Andrea Binachi,
‘Textual Interpretation and (International) Law Reading: The Myth of (In)determinacy and the Genealogy
of Meaning’ in Pieter Bekker (ed.), Making Transnational Law Work in the Global Economy—Essays in Honour
of Detlev Vagts (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010) 34 at pp. 39–40.
28 This perspective is also advanced in Manfred Elsig and Joost Pauwelyn, ‘The Politics of Treaty Interpretation:
Variations and Explanations Across International Tribunals’ in Jeffrey Dunoff and Marka Pollack (eds), Inter-
disciplinary Perspectives on International Law and International Relations (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2013) 445 at p. 451.
29 Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, Paragraph 2, of the Charter), Advisory opinion, Separate
Opinion of Judge Sir Percy Spender, ICJ Reports 1962, p. 182 at para 184.
30 Oliver Dörr, ‘Article 31: General Rule of Interpretation’ in Oliver Dörr and Kirsten Schmalenbach (eds),
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: A Commentary (Berlin: Springer, 2012) 521 at p. 550; Mark E.
Villiger, Commentary on the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2009)
p. 427. For him, only Article 32 would exceptionally permit overlooking the legal context to embrace the
non-legal context of the negotiation of the treaty (travaux préparatoires). Other authors, including this one,
defend the opinion that the context must be understood in a broader sense. The proposed interpretation
would not make reference to the legal context, but to the more sociological one linked to the evolution of
language. It is thus a broader context than the legal context of VCLT Article 31(2), linked to the internal
system of the treaty under examination, permitting to take into account the external context linked to the
‘ordinary meaning of the words’.
31 See Peter Mavroidis, ‘Looking for Mr. and Mrs. Right: Ten Years of Appellate Body at the WTO’ in
Giorgio Sacerdoti, Alan Yanovich, and Jan Bohanes (eds), The WTO at Ten: The Contribution of the WTO
Dispute Settlement System (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006) 348 at pp. 357–58; Isabelle Van
Damme, Treaty Interpretation by the WTO Appellate Body, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009) at p. 216
[Van Damme].
798 • Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator: Sophism or Necessity?
However, a reading of the ‘ordinary meaning of the terms in their context’ would not
exclude consideration of a more extended, non-legal context; integrating the sematic
evolution of the relevant terms into the context. In addition, the scope of the ‘context’
in Article 31(2) CVLT, when it states: ‘The context shall comprise, in addition to the
text, including its preamble and annexes. . .’, is clearly not limitative: ‘the context shall
(a) Any subsequent agreement between the parties regarding the interpretation
of the treaty or the application of its provisions;
(b) Any subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which establishes the
agreement of the parties regarding its interpretation;
(c) Any relevant rules of international law applicable in the relations between the
Such subsequent agreements or practices confirm the relevance of the possible addi-
tions to the original treaty. Article 31, while including three distinct sub-paragraphs,
contains two major categories.
First, sub-paragraphs (3)(a) and (b) of Article 31 envisage the situation in which
a subsequent agreement or practice modifies the interpretation of the initial treaty.
This approach effectively permits the taking into account of changes to the initial treaty
desired by the parties; but their application is restrained. On the one hand, a subsequent
agreement or practice requires renewed State consent. The parties must, in one way
or another, demonstrate their wish for evolution to take place after the first treaty’s
conclusion. On the other hand, these two paragraphs refer to acts within the boundaries
of the original treaty. Consequently, an explicit proximity must exist between the first
treaty and the subsequent acts, whether arising from practice or from an agreement.32
It should be noted that these subsequent agreements and practices also concern
secondary law originating from committees and advisory boards.33
The particularity of sub-paragraph 3(c) of Article 31, in comparison with sub-
paragraphs (3)(a) and (3)(b) of Article 31 is highlighted by Georg Nolte in the ILC’s
32 International Law Commission, First report on subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to
treaty interpretation, Doc UN A/CN.4/660 (2013) at para 76–8, 111–15 [International Law Commission,
First Report on Agreements]; International Law Commission, Second report on subsequent agreements and sub-
sequent practice in relation to treaty interpretation, Doc UN A/CN.4/671 (2014) at para 3–19 [International
Law Commission, Second Report on Agreements].
33 See International Law Commission, Report of the International Law Commission: Sixty-seventh Session
(4 May–5 June and 6 July–7 August 2015), Doc UN A/CN.4/683 (2015) at p. 16 [International Law
Commission, Report of the 67th Session], see also infra Section IV.C.
Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator: Sophism or Necessity? • 799
There is some evidence that the evolution and development of international law may
exercise a decisive influence on the meaning to be given to expressions incorporated in
a treaty.40
Indeed, it seems that the birth of a ‘relevant rule of international law’ subsequent to the
first treaty’s conclusion would permit modification of the scope of obligations that it
initially contained.41
34 For the most recent version of the draft conclusions, see International Law Commission, Report of the
International Law Commission: Seventieth Session (30 April–1 June and 2 July–10 August 2018), Doc UN A/
73/10 (2018) at p. 13 [International Law Commission, Report of the 70th Session].
35 ‘It is also not always easy to distinguish subsequent agreements and subsequent practice from subsequent
“other relevant rules of international law applicable in the relations between the parties” (Article 31 (3)(c)).
It appears that the most important distinguishing factor is whether an agreement is made “regarding the
interpretation” of a treaty.’ International Law Commission, First Report on Agreements, supra note 32, at
para 115.
36 Case concerning Maritime Delimitation in the Area between Greenland and Jan Mayen (Denmark v Norway),
Judgement, ICJ Reports 1993, p. 38.
37 ‘No reference whatever was made in the 1979 Agreement to the existence or contents of the 1965 Agreement.
The Court considers that if the intention of the 1965 Agreement had been to commit the Parties to the
median line in all ensuing shelf delimitations, it would have been referred to in the 1979 Agreement.’ Ibid, at
para 28.
38 International Law Commission, First Report on Agreements, supra note 32, at para 77.
39 Howse goes so far here as to admit the use of soft law instruments in the context of 31(3)(c), Robert Howse,
‘The Use and Abuse of Other “Relevant Rules of International Law” in Treaty Interpretation: Insights from
WTO Trade/Environment Litigation’ (2007) Institute of International Law and Justice Working Paper 1 at
p. 40, see also note 111.
40 Ian Sinclair, The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 2nd ed. (Manchester: Manchester University Press)
1984 at p. 139.
41 See Island of Palmas (United States v Netherlands) (1928), 2 RSA 845 (Permanent Court of Arbitration);
Panos Merkouris, Article 31(3)(c) VCLT and the Principle of Systemic Integration: Normative Shadows in
Plato’s Cave, Leiden, Brill-Nijhoff, 2015 at p. 102 onward [Merkouris, Systemic Integration]; Simma, supra
20 note, p. 48; International Law Commission, Fragmentation of International Law: Difficulties Arising from
800 • Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator: Sophism or Necessity?
In sum, the idea of interpreting a treaty while taking account of subsequent facts and
(legal) acts only dates back over 50 years. Before this, as the discussions of the Institute
of International Law and the earlier quote by Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice highlight,42 the
opinion of the authors tended towards giving deference to the legal situation in force at
the treaty’s conclusion. The disappearance of the reference to intertemporality during
In 1970, the ICJ took ‘into consideration the changes which have occurred in the
supervening half-century’ and ‘the subsequent development of law’ in the terms of
VCLT Article 31(3)(c)—the fourth category of situations discussed above. The ICJ
freed itself from the ‘relevance’45 of subsequent rules to refer to ‘the entire legal system’.
The ICJ also resorted to the fiction of intention through the text, by presuming the
intention of evolution on the negotiators’ part through use of notions that were ‘not
static, but were by definition evolutionary’.46
In 1979, the Aegean Sea case expanded this approach, when the ICJ resorted to a fic-
tion of intention of the parties whose use of a ‘generic term’ reflected that they ’intended
to follow the evolution of the law’ 47 . Nevertheless, it anchored its interpretation on the
Diversification and Expansion of International Law, Doc UN A/CN.4/L.682 (2006) at para 475 [International
Law Commission, Fragmentation of International Law].
42 See supra, p. 1.
43 Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa)
notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970), Advisory opinion, ICJ Reports 1971, p. 16 [Advisory
opinion Namibia].
44 Ibid, at para 53 [emphasis ours].
45 VCLT Article 31(3)(c).
46 Advisory opinion Namibia, supra note 43, at para 53.
47 Aegean Sea Continental Shelf Case, Judgement, ICJ Reports 1979, p. 3 at para 77 [Aegean Sea case].
Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator: Sophism or Necessity? • 801
intention of the parties to the treaty at the moment of the treaty’s conclusion, insisting
that at the conclusion of the treaty, the parties wished that the meaning of the terms
should continue to evolve—corresponding to our first category.
One year earlier in 1978, the European Court of Human Rights also admitted the
necessity of considering changes. However, in contrast to the ICJ, it seemed to recognize
The Court must also recall that the Convention is a living instrument which, as the
Commission rightly stressed, must be interpreted in the light of present-day conditions.48
More than 20 years later, in the Matthews v United Kingdom case, the European Court of
Human Rights took the opposite route from that taken by the ICJ, explicitly excluding
the intention of the negotiators of the European Convention of Human Rights49 (ECHR),
but referring instead to the evolution of law and to structural changes:
That the Convention is a living instrument which must be interpreted in the light of
present-day conditions is firmly rooted in the Court’s case-law [. . .]. The mere fact that a
body was not envisaged by the drafters of the Convention cannot prevent that body
from falling within the scope of the Convention. To the extent that Contracting States
organise common constitutional or parliamentary structures by international treaties, the
Court must take these mutually agreed structural changes into account in interpreting the
Convention and its Protocols.50
In the present case it is not a conceptual or generic term that is in issue, but rather new
technical developments relating to the operation and capacity of the railway. But here,
too, it seems that an evolutive interpretation, which would ensure an application of the
treaty that would be effective in terms of its object and purpose, will be preferred to a
strict application of the intertemporal rule.52
In 2009, the ICJ reaffirmed, the importance of the ‘ordinary meaning of the terms’ in
their semantic context at the date of the interpretation, but by making reference to the
parties’ intention, at the date of the treaty’s conclusion. The Costa Rica v Nicaragua case
led the ICJ to provide the following explanation concerning its interpretation of the
word ‘comercio’:
It is true that the terms used in a treaty must be interpreted in light of what is determined to
have been the parties’ common intention, which is, by definition, contemporaneous with
the treaty’s conclusion. [. . .] This does not however signify that, where a term’s meaning
Interestingly, another interpretation of the term ‘trade’ had already taken place in the
earlier Oil Platforms case. On this occasion, the ICJ had however adopted another
approach but with the same result. Based on the intention of the parties, who would
have wished to apply the meaning of the term as it existed at treaty’s conclusion, and
according to the court, the term ‘commerce’ at that time already included the transport
of passengers. The ICJ also had recourse to a dictionary in assessing the meaning of the
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Panel in Tariffs applied by
Canada to certain US-origin agricultural products also had recourse to the terms ‘an
evolving system of law’.55 The Panel interpreted and applied NAFTA in a way that
maintained the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) flexibilities, despite
the entry into force of the WTO and the disappearance of the GATT.56 The Panel
referred to the ‘language of the agreement and of the context of the negotiations’ of
the GATT:57
By accepting the application of GATT rights and obligations, including those under agree-
ments negotiated under the GATT, the Parties were also accepting any modifications that
might be made to the regimes under the GATT that permitted agricultural protection.58
The Panel concludes, therefore, that FTA Article 710 brings into the NAFTA, as
between Canada and the United States, the rights and obligations under the Uruguay
53 Dispute regarding Navigational and Related Rights (Costa Rica v Nicaragua), Judgement, ICJ Reports 2009,
p. 213 at para 63–4 [Costa Rica v Nicaragua case]. In the recent Pulp Mils case, the ICJ reiterated that same
statement: ‘there are situations in which the parties’ intent upon conclusion of the treaty was, or may be
presumed to have been, to give the terms used—or some of them—a meaning or content capable of evolving,
not one fixed once and for all, so as to make allowance for, among other things, developments in international
law’, Case concerning Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina v Uruguay), Judgement, ICJ Reports 2010,
p. 14 at para 204.
54 Case concerning Oil Platforms (Islamic Republic of Iran v United States of America), Preliminary Objection,
Judgement, ICJ Reports 1996, p. 803 at para 45.
55 Tariffs applied by Canada to certain US-origin agricultural products (1996), NAFTA Doc CDA-95-2008-01,
(Final Report of the Panel) at para 139 [‘Canada – Agricultural Products’].
56 The question was whether Article 710 of the FTA negotiated between the USA and Canada (integrated by
reference into NAFTA, and itself referring to the GATT) would also cover the situation from the entry into
force of the WTO (and the disappearance of the GATT) onward. Consequently, the exceptional agricultural
protections maintained under the aegis of the GATT were from then on maintained, even under the WTO.
57 Canada – Agricultural Products, supra note 55, at para 73.
58 Canada – Agricultural Products, supra note 55, at para 197.
Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator: Sophism or Necessity? • 803
Round agreements that replaced those rights and obligations under which agricultural
quotas were maintained.59
The Panel referred to both the intention of the negotiators by their choice of certain
words considered to be generic (referring to the multilateral system of trade law) and
on the object and purpose of NAFTA60 , which allowed for an evolutionary scope of the
A. The use of generic terms in connection with the intention of the parties
In the US – Shrimp case62 the AB referred for the first time to an evolutive interpretation
whose theoretical underpinnings are close to the ICJ’s perspective.63 This proximity was
assumed by the AB members, who cited ICJ jurisprudence in the footnotes:64
From the perspective embodied in the preamble of the WTO Agreement, we note that the
generic term ‘natural resources’ in Article XX(g) is not ‘static’ in its content or reference
but is rather ‘by definition, evolutionary’.65
Generic terms, inter alia, seems to justify the AB’s decision here. To consolidate its
approach, a second rationale is also presented in the same paragraph, as the AB cites
More generally, we consider that the terms used in China’s GATS Schedule (‘sound
recording’ and ‘distribution’) are sufficiently generic that what they apply to may change
over time.67
The AB even goes so far as to explicitly reject the doctrine of intertemporality, which
would advocate interpreting the terms according to their meaning at the time of a
treaty’s ratification:
We further note that interpreting the terms of GATS specific commitments based on
the notion that the ordinary meaning to be attributed to those terms can only be the
meaning that they had at the time the Schedule was concluded would mean that very
similar or identically worded commitments could be given different meanings, content,
and coverage depending on the date of their adoption or the date of a Member’s accession
to the treaty.68
The AB then reconciles its decision with the US – Shrimp jurisprudence and the
Costa Rica v Nicaragua case (before the ICJ) by referring to them in a footnote.69
In this Audiovisual Products dispute, the application of evolutive interpretation, based
on generic terms chosen by the negotiators contains a peculiarity. The AB applies an
evolutive interpretation in the domain of technology and thus recognizes technical
It can be noted that the Panel in EC – IT Products adopted the same approach a few
years earlier:
In the case of this concession, the Panel notes that generic terms were used to cover a wide
range of products and technologies.70
These two interpretations based on generic terms could also result from an inter-
pretation of the ordinary meaning of the terms used in their ‘context’, because the
technological context has changed, as discussed hereafter.71 This demonstrates that the
different types of changes are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, they regularly
We are well aware that there may be sensitivities associated with the interpretation of the
terms ‘public morals’ and ‘public order’ in the context of Article XIV. In the Panel’s view,
the content of these concepts for Members can vary in time and space, depending upon a
range of factors, including prevailing social, cultural, ethical and religious values.72
In order to identify the ordinary meaning, a Panel may start with the dictionary definitions
of the terms to be interpreted.75
Recourse to the contemporary meaning that the dictionary gives words forces consider-
ation of the most recent meaning given to a word. The societal and semantic context will
then naturally be considered by the treaty interpreter. Continuing its reasoning in US –
Gambling, the AB emphasized the significance of the dictionary meaning (and thus the
role of the social context) in seeking to determine whether ‘gambling’ is included in the
ordinary meaning of the word ‘sporting’:
First, to the extent that the Panel’s reasoning simply equates the ‘ordinary meaning’ with
the meaning of words as defined in dictionaries, this is, in our view, too mechanical an
approach. Secondly, the Panel failed to have due regard to the fact that its recourse to
dictionaries revealed that gambling and betting can, at least in some contexts, be one of
the meanings of the word ‘sporting’.76
In our view, the ‘ordinary meaning’ is to be assessed at the time of conclusion of the treaty
in question, being the time which is at the focus of both Articles 31 and 32 of the Vienna
services is directly linked to the fact that ‘interpretation and clarification of GATS
provisions is likely to evolve over time’.80
On this theme, the US – Gambling Panel was called to determine whether internet
games (gambling) were covered by the ‘cross-border’ commitments in Mode 1, nego-
tiated at a time when the internet did not exist. Because the object and purpose was
80 Panel Report, Mexico – Measures Affecting Telecommunications Services, WT/DS204/R, adopted 1 June 2004,
para 7.2 [‘Mexico – Telecoms’].
81 US—Gambling (Panel), supra note 72, at para 6.285.
82 The object and purpose were determined to ‘establishing “a multilateral framework of principles and rules for
trade in services with a view to the expansion of such trade under conditions of transparency and progressive
liberalization”’, China—Publications and Audiovisual Products, supra note 67, at para 7.1219.
83 It could be argued that the principle of ‘technological neutrality’ that the Panel advanced may have implicitly
been recognized by the WTO Agreement’s negotiators. In effect, the application of the GATS to the
telephone and fax machine might suggest a broad acceptance of this principle. In admitting this, the US—
Gambling case would fall into an evolution based on the intention of the parties. That said, from the
qualitative point of view rather than quantitative, changes linked to the advent of the internet seem more
coherently attributed to this reading of the GATS’ object and purpose.
84 Supra, p. 15.
85 See US – Gambling (Panel), supra note 72.
86 See China – Publications and Audiovisual Products, supra note 67.
87 This is, in any case, the argumentation retained by Japan in this case: ‘Japan considers that, it would be
inconsistent with the object and purpose of the WTO Agreement and the GATT 1994 to reduce tariffs on a
particular product, only to permit the re-imposition of those tariffs simply because of some evolution in that
product.’, EC – IT Products, supra note 70, at para 7.538.
808 • Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator: Sophism or Necessity?
88 WTO Appellate Body Report, United States – Measures Concerning the Importation, Marketing and Sale of
Tuna and Tuna Products, WT/DS381/AB/R, adopted 13 June 2012, para 372 [‘US – Tuna II (Mexico)’].
89 WTO Appellate Body Report, United States – Measures Affecting the Production and Sale of Clove Cigarettes,
WT/DS406/AB/R, adopted 24 April 2012, para 256–68 [‘US – Clove Cigarettes’].
90 US – Gambling, supra note 75, at para 192.
91 EC – Chicken Cuts, supra note 79, at para 259.
92 EC – Chicken Cuts, supra note 79, at para 272.
93 WTO Appellate Body Report, European Communities and Certain Member States – Measures Affecting Trade
in Large Civil Aircraft, WT/DS316/AB/R, adopted 1 June 2011, para 845, nn 1916 [‘EC and certain Member
States – Large Civil Aircraft’].
94 In the US – Shrimp case, it may equally be argued that evolutive interpretation was unnecessary. The
negotiators of the GATT 1947 seem to have foreseen the application of the terms ‘natural resources’ to
animals, thus rendering superfluous the AB’s argumentation regarding the evolution of the treaty. However,
Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator: Sophism or Necessity? • 809
It is clear that sub-paragraphs (3)(a) and (3)(b) of VCLT Article 31 could not have
served as the basis for the AB’s interpretive analysis, insofar as these instruments do not
focus on the interpretation of the WTO Agreement—a precondition of the application
of sub-paragraphs (3)(a) and (b) of Article 31.95 The AB seems, rather, to have adopted
a broad reading of Article 31(3)(c), encompassing much more than simply the formal
the inclusion of a paragraph on ‘sustainable development’ in the preamble of the Marrakesh Agreement,
which thus makes up part of the legal context, seems to be determinant for the AB when it wrote that this
reference to sustainable development ‘must add colour, texture and shading’ the interpretation of the old
terms of the WTO. US – Shrimp, supra note 4, para 153.
95 See International Law Commission, Report of the 70th Session, supra note 34, at p. 13.
96 The AB also includes the general principles of law in its interpretation of Article 31(3)(c), US – Shrimp,
supra note 4, at para 158, nn 157.
97 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: 142 ratifications at the time; the United States had not
signed it, but admitted the customary character of most of the rules contained in the treaty. Convention on
Biological Diversity: 180 ratifications at the time; the United States and Thailand had signed but not ratified
it. Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species: 60 ratifications at the time. The AB was aware of this
partial ratification by the parties to the litigation, mentioning it in a footnote; US – Shrimp, supra note 4,
para 130, nn 110–3. See also Ulf Linderfalk, ‘Who are “the Parties”? Article 31, Paragraph 3(c) of the 1969
Vienna Convention and the “Principle of Systemic Integration” Revisited’ (2008) 55:3 Netherlands Interna-
tional Law Review 343 at p. 344 onward.
98 The majority of authors defend the position that the term ‘rule’ applies only to those elements having
obligatory force. A minority position nonetheless admits the possibility of including some ‘soft’ elements
in the rule of Article 31(3)(c), see Merkouris, Systemic Integration, supra note 41, p. 22, nn 73.
99 It is useful to also mention the existence of the Panel Report EC – Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products.
On this occasion, it argued that Article 31(3)(c) could not be used while all Members of the WTO were
parties to another treaty used in interpreting WTO rules, Panel Reports, European Communities – Measures
Affecting the Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products, WT/DS291/R / WT/DS292/R / WT/DS293/R,
adopted 21 November 2006, para 7.68 and 7.71 [‘EC – Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products’]. This
decision was criticized, notably with respect to the issue of the fragmentation of international law, and
was not taken up again in subsequent jurisprudence. See International Law Commission, Fragmentation of
International Law, supra note 41 at p. 227; EC and certain Member States – Large Civil Aircraft, supra note 93,
para 844–46.
810 • Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator: Sophism or Necessity?
expression of the ‘principle of systemic integration’ which, in the words of the ILC, seeks
to ensure that ‘international obligations are interpreted by reference to their normative
environment’ in a manner that gives ‘coherence and meaningfulness’ to the process of legal
interpretation. In a multilateral context such as the WTO, when recourse is had to a non-
WTO rule for the purposes of interpreting provisions of the WTO agreements, a delicate
balance must be struck between, on the one hand, taking due account of an individual
Arguably Article 31(3)(c) requires consideration of the broader legal context, to ensure
a systemic integration or coherence of international law. States must at all times and
in good faith respect general international law and all their international obligations.
International law evolves and States must continue to respect it in the implementation
and application of their treaty obligations. It was on this basis that the AB considered
the state of international law in force during the interpretation of certain terms of the
WTO Treaty.
100 EC and certain Member States – Large Civil Aircraft, supra note 93, para 845.
101 This seems to be the majority opinion; see Julian Arato, ‘Subsequent Practice and Evolutive Interpretation:
Techniques of Treaty Interpretation over Time and Their Diverse Consequences’ (2010) 9:3 Law and
Practice of International Courts and Tribunal 443; Bjorge, supra note 12; Sondre Torp Helmersen, ‘Evolutive
Treaty Interpretation: Legality, Semantics and Distinctions’ (2013) 6:1 European Journal of Legal Studies 127
[Helmersen]. This principle of ‘contemporaneity’ has moreover been confirmed in international jurispru-
dence. See CS Inspection and Control Services v Argentina, Award on Jurisdiction (2012), CPA Case no. 2010-9
(Argentina–Germany BIT) at para 266, nn 449. This approach could also be related to the intention of the
negotiators deriving from ‘circumstances’, and be covered by VCLT Article 32.
102 Venzke summarizes in these terms: ‘In short, it is rather common to understand developments in law and
language as evolution. Linguistic theory seems to readily support the conception of legal changes in terms
of evolution.’ Ingo Venzke, How Interpretation makes International Law: On Semantic Changes and Normative
Twists (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012) p. 39 [Venzke].
Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator: Sophism or Necessity? • 811
to a ‘value driven’ notion, such as ‘public morals’, clearly based on social values that
The second type of changes covers situations where the ordinary or even specific or
technical meaning of the treaty’s terms may itself have evolved, and this could not have
been envisaged at the time of the conclusion of the treaty. For instance, the French term
103 As Helmersen emphasizes: ‘When value driven terms evolve, tribunals seem to accept that the evolution
was intended by the parties, without demanding further justification. That is presumably because values
inevitably change over time, as new generations will have their own views on what is (for example) “inhuman”
or “fair”. The evolution of a non-value driven term is, on the other hand, not inevitable, and is thus less easily
anticipated’. Helmersen, supra note 101, at p. 139.
104 Ferdinand Brunot, Histoire de la langue française des origines à 1900, Tome IV, Première Partie, (Paris: Armand
Colin, 1913) at p. 277.
105 International Law Commission, Report of the 68th Session, supra note 14, at p. 122.
106 We are here reflecting the categorization made by Malgosia Fitzmaurice, which opposes evolution based on
intention at the moment of the conclusion, and that drawn from the subsequent intention. Malgosia Fitz-
maurice, ‘Dynamic (Evolutive) Interpretation of Treaties: Part I’ (2008) 21 Hague Year Book of International
Law 101.
812 • Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator: Sophism or Necessity?
term is sufficiently vague107 to include varied situations. Only the contents change, but
the container remains the same—the word does not change, but its meaning does.
The case of evolution based on the ordinary meaning of the terms in their social or
semantic context seems subtler than those mentioned previously, because of its quasi-
total extraneity to the legal field. The legitimacy of this category of evolution remains
In the final analysis, most international courts and tribunals have not recognized evolutive
interpretation as a separate form of interpretation, but instead have arrived at such an
evolutive interpretation in application of the various means of interpretation that are
mentioned in Articles 31 and 32 of the 1969 Vienna Convention, by considering certain
criteria (in particular those mentioned in paragraph (6) above) on a case-by-case basis.
107 On the vague character of the terms, see Helmersen, supra note 101, at pp. 143–44.
Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator: Sophism or Necessity? • 813
Any evolutive interpretation of the meaning of a term over time must therefore result from
the ordinary process of treaty interpretation.108
108 International Law Commission, Report of the 70th Session, supra note 34, at p. 66.
109 James Crawford has also argued that recourse to evolutive interpretation was superfluous on the part of the
ICJ in the Costa Rica v Nicaragua case, supra note 53; Bjorge, supra note 12, at p. v.
110 Abi-Saab, supra note 74, p. 104.
111 International Law Commission, Fragmentation of International Law, supra note 41, at p. 89.