Manipulability: of Robotic Mechanisms
Manipulability: of Robotic Mechanisms
Manipulability: of Robotic Mechanisms
is called the manipulability measure at state 0 with Therefore, w is equal to the volume of the manipula-
respect to manipulation vector r. bility ellipsoid except for the constant coefhcient d.
The following three facts have been established in 3. When m =
n, that is, when we consider nonre-
Yoshikawa ( 1983). dundant manipulators, the measure w reduces to
1. Let the singular value decomposition (KJema and
Laub ( 1980) of J be
Fig.1. Two-joint link mech-
Mechanisms from the Viewpoint of When the human arm is regarded as a two-joint link
mechanism by neglecting the degree of freedom of
Manipulability sideward direction at the shoulder and the degree of
3.1. TWO-JOINT LINK MECHANISM freedom of the wrist, it approximately satisfies the
relation t Q2. Moreover, when we handle some ob-
In this section, we calculate the manipulability mea- ject with our hands, the elbow angle is usually in the
sure for various robotic mechanisms and determine neighborhood of 90 ° . Hence it could be said that peo-
the best postures and the best points in the workspace ple are unconsciously taking the best arm postures
of these mechanisms from the viewpoint of manipula- from the viewpoint of manipulability.
bility. These will be called the optimal postures and
the optimal working positions.
Consider the two-joint link mechanism shown in 3.2. SCARA-TYPE ROBOT MANIPULATORS
Fig. 1, which is the simplest case of multijoint manip-
ulators. When the hand position [x, y] T is taken as the Consider the SCARA-type manipulator with four
manipulation vector r, the Jacobian matrix is given by degrees of freedom shown in Fig. 2. Let r [x, y, z,
where c, =
cos01 c12 cos (01 + 0~), sl sin B1,
= =
sin (01 + B2). Hence the manipulability measure
w is
Fig. 2. SCARA-type robot. Fig. 3. PUMA-type robot.
Most of the commercially available PUMA-type robot The best posture for given ~2 and ~3 is obtained as
manipulators have five or six degrees of freedom. follows. First, 01 is not related to w and can take any
Many of them have links with some displacements in value. Second, from aw~ae2 0 we have
Fig. 4. Best arm posture far Fig. 5. Finger witJ2 four
PUMA-type robot. degrees of freedom.
Fig. 6. Maximum value of w Fig. 7. Best finger posture.
as a function off,,.
expect that these postures would be useful in deter- uniformity of the manipulability illipsoid. Further
mining the grasping posture of a robotic hand with study is necessary on this aspect of the condition
several four-degree-of-freedom fingers. number.
Fig. 8. Maximum value of w Fig. 9. Comparison of the
as a function of the finger tip best postures of two-link
position. mechanism. (a) c (JT ); (b) w.