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S avings solutions

Tata AIA Life Insurance

Fortune Guarantee Plus
Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan

Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited (IRDAI Regn. No.110)

CIN: U66010MH2000PLC128403.
14th Floor, Tower A, Peninsula Business Park, Senapati Bapat Marg,
Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400013. Trade logo displayed above belongs to
Tata Sons Ltd and AIA Group Ltd. and is used by Tata AIA Life Insurance
Company Ltd under a license. For any information including cancellation,
claims and complaints, please contact our Insurance Advisor / Intermediary
(local charges apply) or write to us at
Visit us at:
Unique Reference Number: L&C/Advt/2022/Nov/2919 • UIN: 110N158V07
Tata AIA Life Insurance Fortune Other than POS Other than POS:
Age at Maturity**
Guarantee Plus Option 1: 18 years^ Option 1: 77 years^;
Option 2: 23 years Option 2: 70 years
Individual, Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Life Insurance For POS For POS:
Savings Plan Option 1: 18 years^ Option 1: 65^ years
Time never stands still and neither do our financial needs. As Option 2: Not Option 2: Not
Available Available
we move through various stages of life, our requirements and
Option 1:
those of our families change consistently. Along with this we Single Pay Regular Pay
also carry the burden of any uncertainty happening. We do our PPT 1 PPT 5 to 12
best to take care of our family's needs and to ensure -financial PT 5 PT Same as PPT
security of our family from uncertainties of life. Life Insurance is Payment Term Limited Pay
the best way to protect our family from financial crisis in case of (PPT)/ Policy PPT 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
an unfortunate event and help your money to grow so you can Term (PT) – PT 6 to 7 to 8 to 9 to 10 to 11 to 12 to 13 to
achieve your dreams. (in Years) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Option 2: Regular Pay
The plan provides financial protection for your family and
PPT 5 and 10
Guaranteed Regular Income that meets tomorrow's
PT Same as PPT
requirements, thus helping you plan towards your future needs
Single pay: Other than PoS: No
and protection for your loved ones.
Single Life – R 50,000 Limit, subject to the
Board Approved
Key Features Basic Sum
Joint Life – R 6,250 for Underwriting Policy
First death and (BAUP)
• Flexibility to choose Plan Option Assured
R 50,000 for Second
death For PoS: Corre-
- Regular Income or sponding to a
Regular/Limited pay: maximum Death
- Regular Income with an inbuilt Critical Illness benefit R 24,000* Death R 25 lakhs
• Flexibility to choose Income Period from 20 to 45 years
Single Pay - R 5,000 Other than PoS:
• Get return of premium at the end of Income Period
Limited Pay /Regular subject to the Board
• Choice to receive Income – Monthly/Annually Premium* (R) Pay – R 24,000 p.a. Approved Underwrit-
(excluding ing Policy (BAUP)
• Option of Joint Life under Single Premium payment option
discount) For PoS: Correspond-
• Choice of Premium Payment Term ing to a maximum
• Enhance your protection with optional Riders R 25
• Tax benefits as per applicable Tax Laws
Premium Single / Annual / Half-yearly / Quarterly /
Eligibility Criteria Payment Mode Monthly
Plan Options
Option 1: 20 to 45 years (in multiples of 5
Option 1: Regular Income years).
Option 2: Regular Income with an inbuilt Critical Illness benefit Income Period The Policy Term + Income period is within
The options can be chosen only at the inception of the Policy. the range of 25 years to 50 years.
Only Option 1 is available for POS. Option 2: 30 years for 5 pay and 25 years for
10 pay
Plan Parameters Minimum Maximum
Income Mode Annual and Monthly
Other than POS:
Coverage Single Life (for Single/Limited/Regular Pay) or
Option 1: 1 year^
Other than POS/ Joint life (for Single pay only)
Option 2: 18 years
Age at Entry** For POS:
For POS: 60 years^
In case of joint life policy, the minimum age at entry / maturity age needs to
Option 1: 1 year^ be complied upon by the youngest of two lives and the maximum age at
Option 2: Not entry / maturity age needs to be complied upon by the oldest of two lives.
Available **All reference to age is as on last birthday.

1 2
*Premium excludes the taxes, rider premiums, underwriting extra premiums, “Annualised Premium” shall be the premium payable in a year
loading for modal premiums if any. under a non-single pay option chosen by the policyholder,
excluding the taxes, rider premiums, underwriting extra
Key benefits in details
premiums, loading for modal premiums, if any.
Maturity Benefits:
“Single Premium” shall be the premium payable under a
Guaranteed Annual Income: Provided the policy is in force
single pay option chosen by the policyholder, excluding the
and all due premiums have been paid, the Guaranteed Annual
taxes, rider premiums, underwriting extra premiums, if any.
Income shall commence after maturity till the end of the
Income Period, irrespective of survival of the life insured(s) “Basic Sum Assured” shall be equal to the Death Benefit Multiple
during the Income Period. The income shall be paid as per the (DBM) multiplied by the Annualised Premium/Single Premium
chosen Income Frequency. (excluding discount). The Death Benefit Multiple is set as:
Return of Premium Benefit: The Total Premiums Paid • Single Pay:
(excluding loading for modal premiums and discount) by the
policyholder will be payable at the end of the Income Period, - Single Life – 10
irrespective of survival of the life insured(s) during the - Joint Life –1.25 in case of First death and 10 in case of
Income Period. Second death
The policyholder or the nominee/legal heir(s) of the life insured(s), • Limited and Regular Pay:
as the case may be, has the option to receive the commuted
value of the future Guaranteed Annual Income plus the Return of - The DBM varies by the age (last birthday) of the life
Premium Benefit, in the form of a lumpsum anytime during the insured at inception:
Income Period, discounted at 7.50% per annum. In case of Age DBM Age DBM Age DBM Age DBM
commutation for a monthly income frequency policy, the 1 15.4 16 13.9 31 12.4 46 10.9
commuted value will be post deduction of the monthly income
payouts already made for the existing Income Year. This 2 15.3 17 13.8 32 12.3 47 10.8
discounting rate is based on the interest rate prevailing at the 3 15.2 18 13.7 33 12.2 48 10.7
time of surrender + 1%. The prevailing interest rate shall be 4 15.1 19 13.6 34 12.1 49 10.6
based on the 30yr G-sec yield. However, any change in the
5 15.0 20 13.5 35 12.0 50 10.5
methodology/formula shall be subject to IRDAI approval.
Death Benefit: 6 14.9 21 13.4 36 11.9 51 10.5
Death during policy term: In case of death of the life insured 7 14.8 22 13.3 37 11.8 52 10.4
during the policy term for an in-force policy (all due premiums 8 14.7 23 13.2 38 11.7 53 10.4
have been paid), the death benefit payable to the claimant is as 9 14.6 24 13.1 39 11.6 54 10.3
outlined below: 10 14.5 25 13.0 40 11.5 55 10.3
Highest of: 11 14.4 26 12.9 41 11.4 56 10.2
• 1.25 x Single Premium (excluding discount) or 10 x 12 14.3 27 12.8 42 11.3 57 10.2
Annualised Premium (excluding discount);
13 14.2 28 12.7 43 11.2 58 10.1
• 105% of Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for 14 14.1 29 12.6 44 11.1 59 10.1
modal premiums and discount) up to date of death; or
15 14.0 30 12.5 45 11.0 60 10.0
• Basic Sum Assured
For single life policies, the policy will terminate upon the death “Guaranteed Annual Income” shall be a fixed percentage of
of the insured during the policy term and no other benefit under the Annualised Premium / Single Premium (excluding
the policy shall be payable. discount) payable in a year. The Guaranteed Annual Income
For joint life policies, the policy will continue after First Death factor is derived as a sum of Base Income factor and a Large
after payment of the death benefit due, and the policy will Premium Income Booster, if any. The Base Income factors and
terminate upon the Second Death during the policy term and Large Premium Income Booster are provided in Annexure A.
no other benefit under the policy shall be payable.
“Guaranteed Income Benefit” shall be the discounted value
In case of death of the life insured during the Grace Period but at maturity of all the Guaranteed Annual Income payable at
before the payment of the premium then due, the policy will still annual frequency post maturity, discounted at 7.50% p.a.
be valid and the benefits shall be paid after deductions of the
said unpaid premium and also the balance premium(s), if any, “Return of Premium Benefit” shall be the return of Total
falling due from the date of death and before the next policy Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums and
anniversary. discount) by the policyholder and shall be payable at the end of
Where, the Income Period.
“Total Premiums Paid” means total of all the premiums “Guaranteed Total Premium Benefit” shall be the discounted
received, excluding any extra premium, any rider premium value at maturity of the Return of Premium Benefit, discounted
and taxes. at 7.50% p.a.

3 4
“Income Period” is the period measured in years following frequency, wherein the following conversion factor shall be
maturity, over which the Maturity Benefit is payable and is used to arrive at the monthly income payable:
chosen at inception. In Option 1, the income period can be 20,
25, 30, 35, 40 or 45 years, subject to Policy term plus Income Frequency Payout
Period not exceeding 50 years. In Option 2, the policy term 5
will have an Income Period of 30 years and policy term 10 will Monthly 96% x Guaranteed Annual Income x 1/12
have an Income Period of 25 years. In case monthly frequency is opted for, then the income shall
“Income Frequency” is periodicity of the Guaranteed Annual commence from the end of the policy month following maturity
Income as payable under the policy. The default frequency of or from the end of the policy month following the date of
the payment will be Annual. The income shall commence from diagnosis of critical illness (under Option 2 if chosen, whichever
the end of the policy year, following maturity or the next policy is earlier). The date of diagnosis of critical illness needs to be
anniversary after date of diagnosis of critical illness (under before maturity for any payout to happen under this
Option 2 if chosen, whichever is earlier). The date of diagnosis contingency. The first monthly income instalment post
of critical illness needs to be before maturity for any payout to diagnosis of critical illness shall also include all the monthly
happen under this contingency. income payouts in respect of the months elapsed in the current
policy year prior to diagnosis of critical illness. This option to
At inception of the policy, the policyholder shall be given the take income in monthly frequency must be exercised at
option to receive the Guaranteed Annual Income on a monthly inception and cannot be altered once chosen.

Sample Illustration
Entry Age: 35 years Annualised Premium*: 1,00,000
Gender: Male Basic Sum Assured: 12,00,000
Premium Paying Term: 10 years Premium Frequency: Annual
Policy Term: 10 years Plan Option: Regular Income
Income Term: 25 years (From 11th Year to 35th Year) Income Mode: Annual
The Policy Maturity date is at the end of the Policy Term.

Policy Year Age Annualised

Premium Sum Assured on Death
Guaranteed Annual Income Return of Premium
0 35 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
1 36 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
2 37 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
3 38 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
4 39 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
5 40 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
6 41 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
7 42 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
8 43 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
9 44 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
10 45 0 0 1,00,750 0
11 46 0 0 1,00,750 0
12 47 0 0 1,00,750 0
13 48 0 0 1,00,750 0
14 49 0 0 1,00,750 0
15 50 0 0 1,00,750 0
16 51 0 0 1,00,750 0
17 52 0 0 1,00,750 0
18 to 33 53 to 68 0 0 1,00,750 0
34 69 0 0 1,00,750 10,00,000
Total Benefit 25,18,750 10,00,000
Grand Total 35,18,750
Total Premium Paid 10,00,000

5 6
Entry Age: 35 years Annualised Premium*: 1,00,000
Gender: Male Basic Sum Assured: 12,00,000
Premium Paying Term: 10 years Premium Frequency: Annual
Policy Term: 10 years Plan Option:
Income Term: 25 years (From 11th Year to 35th year) Income Mode: Annual
The Policy Maturity date is at the end of the Policy Term.
Scenario I: No Critical Illness till Maturity.

Policy Year Age Annualised

Premium Sum Assured on Death
Guaranteed Annual Income Return of Premium
0 35 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
1 36 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
2 37 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
3 38 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
4 39 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
5 40 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
6 41 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
7 42 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
8 43 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
9 44 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
10 45 0 0 1,00,240 0
11 46 0 0 1,00,240 0
12 47 0 0 1,00,240 0
13 48 0 0 1,00,240 0
14 49 0 0 1,00,240 0
15 50 0 0 1,00,240 0
16 51 0 0 1,00,240 0
17 52 0 0 1,00,240 0
18 to 33 53 to 68 0 0 1,00,240 0
34 69 0 0 1,00,240 10,00,000
Total Benefit 25,06,000 10,00,000
Grand Total 35,06,000
Total Premium Paid 10,00,000

Scenario II: Diagnosis of Critical Illness in 3rd year.

- Premiums will get waived from 4th year.
- Guaranteed Annual Income shall commence from the end of Policy Year following diagnosis of Critical Illness on the life of the insured.

Policy Year Age Annualised

Premium Sum Assured on Death
Guaranteed Annual Income Return of Premium
0 35 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
1 36 1,00,000 12,00,000 0 0
2 37 1,00,000 12,00,000 1,00,240 0
3 38 0 12,00,000 1,00,240 0
4 39 0 12,00,000 1,00,240 0
5 40 0 12,00,000 1,00,240 0

7 8
Policy Year Age Annualised
Premium Sum Assured on Death
Guaranteed Annual Income Return of Premium
6 41 0 12,00,000 1,00,240 0
7 42 0 12,00,000 1,00,240 0
8 43 0 12,00,000 1,00,240 0
9 44 0 12,00,000 1,00,240 0
10 45 0 0 1,00,240 0
11 46 0 0 1,00,240 0
12 47 0 0 1,00,240 0
13 48 0 0 1,00,240 0
14 49 0 0 1,00,240 0
15 50 0 0 1,00,240 0
16 51 0 0 1,00,240 0
17 52 0 0 1,00,240 0
18 to 33 53 to 68 0 0 1,00,240 0
34 69 0 0 1,00,240 3,00,000
Total Benefit 33,07,920 3,00,000
Grand Total 36,07,920
Total Premium Paid 3,00,000
* Premium excludes the taxes, rider premiums, underwriting extra premiums, loading for modal premiums if any

Premium will vary depending upon the Option chosen No Illness / Procedure
Critical Illness Benefit: Cancer:
Critical illness benefit is available in Option 2 only.
Provided the policy is in force and all due premiums have been Cardiac Conditions:
paid, the Guaranteed Annual Income shall be payable from the
end of the policy year (for annual income frequency) following 3 Heart transplant
diagnosis on the life of the Insured on any of the covered Major
Critical Illness, Major Cardiac Conditions or Major Cancer as 4 Major surgery of Aorta
specified below till the earlier of end of Policy Term or death of 5 Myocardial Infarction
the Life Insured during the Policy Term.
In case monthly income frequency is opted for, then the 6 Open Chest CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft)
income shall commence from the end of the policy month, 7 Open Heart Replacement or Repair of Heart Valves
following Critical Illness diagnosis. The first monthly income
instalment post diagnosis of critical illness shall also include all 8 Primary (Idiopathic) Pulmonary Hypertension
the monthly income payouts in respect of months elapsed in 9 Stroke resulting into permanent symptoms
the current policy year prior to diagnosis of critical illness. Critical Illness:
The date of diagnosis of critical illness needs to be before 10 Alzheimer's Disease
maturity for any payout to happen under this contingency. All
future premiums will be waived off and the policy will continue 11 Apallic Syndrome
as in-force. 12 Aplastic Anaemia
In case of diagnosis of critical illness of the life insured during 13 Bacterial Meningitis
the Grace Period but before the payment of the premium then 14 Benign Brain Tumor
due, the policy will still be valid and the benefits shall be paid
after deductions of the said unpaid premium. 15 Blindness
The following two conditions must have been met before any 16 Chronic Recurrent Pancreatitis
benefit becomes payable:
• The life insured needs to have survived for a period of 30 days; and 18 Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease
• The diagnosis must be the first ever of that condition in the 19 Deafness
lifetime of the individual covered. 20 Encephalitis
Following Illnesses will be covered under the plan: 21 End Stage Liver Failure

9 10
22 End Stage Lung Failure These riders can be attached effective policy inception or any
23 Fulminant Viral Hepatitis policy anniversary of the base plan subject to the rider
24 Kidney Failure requiring Regular Dialysis premium payment term and the policy term shall not be more
25 Loss of Independent Existence than the outstanding premium payment term and outstanding
26 Loss of limbs policy term for the base plan. Such attachments will be as per
27 Loss of Speech the ‘Board approved underwriting policy’ (BAUP) of the
28 Major Head Trauma Company. For policies purchased from POS channel, riders
would not be available.
29 Major Organ (less heart)/ Bone Marrow Transplant
30 Medullary Cystic Kidney Disease Grace Period:
31 Motor Neuron Disease with Permanent Symptoms A Grace Period of fifteen (15) days for monthly mode and thirty
32 Multiple Sclerosis with Persisting Symptoms (30) days for all other modes, from the due date will be allowed
33 Muscular Dystrophy for payment of each subsequent premium. The Policy will
34 Parkinson's Disease remain in force during this period. If any death claim occurs
35 Permanent Paralysis of Limbs during the grace period, any due premium (without interest) of
36 Poliomyelitis the policy for the policy year, in which the event has occurred
37 Progressive Scleroderma will be deducted from the death claim pay out.
38 Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis Non-forfeiture provisions:
39 SLE with Renal Involvement o Lapse
40 Third Degree Burns
When the full premiums for at least two (2) years have not
Please refer our website ( for ‘Defi¬nitions and paid within the Grace Period, the policy shall lapse from the
Exclusions Annexure’ for above illnesses.
due date of first unpaid premium and no benefits will
Additional Benefits and Features be payable.

Flexible premium payment modes: However, if full premiums for at least two (2) years have been
paid and the subsequent premium remains unpaid within the
You have an option to pay the premiums either Single
Premium, Annually, Half-yearly, Quarterly and Monthly modes. Grace Period, the Policy will be converted into a Reduced
Paid-up Policy by default.
Loading on premiums will be applicable as mentioned in the
table below: A lapsed policy can be revived as per revival explained in the
Mode Modal Loading Revival clause.
o Reduced Paid-Up Benefit
Single Premium Multiply Single Premium by 1
The benefits to be paid in case of reduced paid-up policies
Annual Multiply Annual Premium by 1
are as follows.
Half - Yearly Multiply Annual Premium by 0.51 Death Benefit:
Quarterly Multiply Annual Premium by 0.26 On death during the policy term, Death Benefit x RPU Factor
Monthly Multiply Annual Premium by 0.0883 shall be payable.

Optional Riders: Maturity Benefit:

You have the flexibility to enhance your cover by adding the The Guaranteed Annual Income (as defined earlier) multiplied
following optional riders, by paying additional rider premium by the RPU Factor and the Return of Premium benefit (as
over and above your base policy premium. defined earlier) shall continue to be payable.
• Tata AIA Life Insurance Non-Linked Comprehensive Critical Illness Benefit:
Protection Rider (UIN: 110B033V02 or any later version)
On diagnosis of critical illness during the policy term, the
• Tata AIA Life Insurance Non-Linked Comprehensive Health Guaranteed Annual Income (as defined earlier) multiplied by
Rider (UIN: 110B031V02 or any other later version)
the RPU Factor shall continue to be payable. No waiver
• Tata AIA Life Insurance Vitality Protect (UIN: 110B046V01 or of premium will be applicable in case of a reduced
any later version)
paid-up policy.
• Tata AIA Life Insurance Vitality Health (UIN: 110B045V01 or
any other later version)
11 12
Surrender Benefit: The surrender benefit as detailed below • Special Surrender Value will equal to:
shall be payable. - Option 1: SSV Factor 1 * (RPU factor * Guaranteed
- Surrender Benefit Income Benefit + Guaranteed Total Premium Benefit)
The policy shall acquire a surrender value during the policy - Option 2: [SSV Factor 1 * (RPU factor * Guaranteed
term basis the premium paying term as defined below. Income Benefit + Guaranteed Total Premium Benefit)] +
Premium Paying Surrender Value [(SSV Factor 2 * Guaranteed Annual Income) - Monthly
Mode income payouts already paid for the current policy
Single Pay Payable at any point during the policy year], if CI claim has already been accepted and
term being paid.
Regular / Limited Payable provided at least 2 full years’ Where “Reduced Paid-up (RPU) Factor” shall be a ratio
Premium premiums have been paid or at any point
after the future premiums waived post calculated as the total period for which premiums have already
acceptance of critical illness claim been paid or waived post acceptance of critical illness claim
(under option 2 only) (under option 2 only) divided by the maximum period for which
premiums were originally payable.
The surrender value payable is higher of the Guaranteed
Surrender Value (GSV) or Special Surrender Value (SSV).
• Guaranteed Surrender Value = GSV Factor * Total
Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums and

Guaranteed Surrender Value Factors - Limited Pay / Regular Pay

Year of Surrender / Policy Term 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
2 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30%
3 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35%
4 90% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
5 90% 90% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
6 90% 90% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
7 90% 90% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
8 90% 90% 70% 63% 60% 58% 57% 56% 55% 54%
9 90% 90% 77% 70% 66% 63% 61% 60% 59%
10 90% 90% 80% 74% 70% 67% 65% 63%
11 90% 90% 82% 77% 73% 70% 68%
12 90% 90% 83% 79% 75% 72%
13 90% 90% 84% 80% 77%
14 90% 90% 85% 81%
15 90% 90% 86%
16 90% 90%
17 90%

13 14
Guaranteed Surrender Value Factors - Single Pay o Revival
If a premium is in default beyond the Grace Period and subject
Year of Surrender / Policy Term 5 to the Policy not having been surrendered, it may be
1 100% reinstated/revived, within five years after the due date of first
unpaid premium and before the date of maturity, subject to: (i)
2 100% Policyholder’s written application for reinstatement/revival; (ii)
3 100% production of Insured’s current health certificate and other
evidence of insurability, satisfactory to the Company; and (iii)
4 100% payment of all overdue premiums with interest.
5 100% The evidences and any medical requirements called for are in
line with the prevailing underwriting guidelines duly approved
Please refer for Special Surrender by the Board & the health declaration by the life insured(s). Any
Value Factors 1 Limited Pay/Regular Pay. reinstatement/revival shall only cover loss or insured event
which occurs after the reinstatement/revival date. Any
Special Surrender Value Factors 1 - Single Pay evidence of insurability requested at the time of
reinstatement/revival will be based on the prevailing
Year of Surrender / Policy Term 5 underwriting guidelines duly approved by the Board. The
1 70% reinstatement/revival will be based on the Board approved
underwriting policy.
2 76%
The applicable interest rate for revival is determined using the
3 83% SBI domestic term deposit rate for ‘1 year to less than 2
years’, plus 2%. The rate of interest on revival with effect from
4 91% 1st October 2022 is 7.45% simple p.a. (i.e. SBI interest rate
5 100% of 5.45% + 2%) plus applicable taxes. The interest rate
applicable is reviewed every 6 months and gets updated as
Special Surrender Value Factors 2 per the given formula. Any alteration in the formula will be
subject to prior approval of IRDAI.
Year of Surrender / Policy Term 5 10
Terms and Conditions
1 418*% 677*%
1. Free Look Period
2 350% 634%
If you are not satisfied with the terms & conditions/ features of
3 274% 587% the Policy, you have the right to cancel the Policy by providing
4 191% 536% written notice to the Company and receive a refund of all
premiums paid without interest after deducting
5 100% 479%
a) Proportionate risk premium for the period on cover (includ-
6 417% ing applicable taxes, cesses, and levies, if any) and
7 348% b) Stamp duty charges and medical examination costs which
have been incurred for issuing the Policy.
8 273%
Such notice must be signed by you and received directly by
9 191% the Company within 15 days after you receive the policy
10 100% document. The said period of 15 days shall stand extended
to 30 days if the Policy is sourced through Distance
*applicable provided the policy has acquired a surrender value Marketing mode.
and used for interpolation purposes only Distance Marketing includes every activity of solicitation
(including lead generation) and sale of insurance products
The SSV factors are applicable at the end of the year (t) and through voice mode, SMS electronic mode, physical mode
shall be interpolated, on a daily basis, to arrive at the factors (like postal mail) or any other means of communication other
applicable at the time of surrender. The SSV factor 1 (SSV1) will than in person.
be interpolated between SSV1t-1 and SSV1t. The SSV factor 2 2. Waiting Period
(SSV2) will be interpolated between SSV2t-1 – 1 and SSV2t. The
For POS:
Company may revise the SSV factors from time to time.
However, any change in the methodology/formula for If death of any of the life insureds occurs during the first 90
days from the Date of commencement of risk, we shall
calculating SSV factors shall be subject to IRDAI approval.
refund Total Premiums Paid and the policy will terminate
with immediate effect.

15 16
Waiting period of 90 days is not applicable for death due to terminate and no further benefits shall be payable.
accident provided all due premiums have been paid. Death Joint Life:
benefit and other benefits will continue to be payable as
normal in case of such accidental death. In case of joint life policy, the above clause is applicable if
any of the two lives commits suicide within 12 months from
For other than POS: the commencement of risk under the policy.
Under option 2, a waiting period of 90 days is applicable on 6. Tax Benefits
the first diagnosis of any of the illness covered under
Critical Illness Benefit. Income Tax benefits may be available as per the Tax Laws,
subject to fulfillment of conditions stipulated therein. Income
3. Policy Loan Tax laws are subject to change from time to time. Tata AIA Life
Provided that the policy acquires Surrender Value, policyhold- Insurance Company Ltd. does not assume responsibility on tax
ers may apply for a policy loan for such an amount within the implication mentioned anywhere in this document. Please
extent of 80% of Surrender Value. The Policy must be assigned consult your own tax consultant to know the tax benefits
to Tata AIA Life. available to you.
Loan Interest 7. Assignment
Daily interest shall accrue on policy loan at a rate which the Assignment is allowed as per provisions of Section 38 of the
company shall determine. Interest shall be payable on each Insurance Act 1938 as amended from time to time.
policy anniversary after the loan date and until the loan is 8. Nomination
repaid. Any unpaid interest shall be added to the principal loan
and bear interest at the same rate. At any time while the policy Nomination is allowed as per provisions of Section 39 of the
is in force, policyholder may repay the principal and accrued Insurance Act 1938 as amended from time to time.
interest, on any part of the loan. 9. Non-Disclosure and Misstatement
For inforce and fully paid up policies, the policy will not be Any non-disclosure or misstatement shall be dealt as per the
foreclosed if the outstanding loan amount including interest provisions of Section 45 of the Insurance Act 1938 as
exceeds the surrender value. However, for other than in-force amended from time to time.
and fully paid up policies, if the outstanding loan amount
including interest exceeds the surrender value, the policy will 10. Advance Premium
be foreclosed after giving intimation and reasonable Collection of advance premium shall be allowed, only if the
opportunity to the policyholder to continue the policy. premium is collected within the same Financial Year. However,
Interest rate applicable to policy loan will be equal to the where the premium due in one financial year is being collected
prevailing SBI (State Bank of India) domestic term deposit in advance in earlier financial year, the Company may collect the
interest rate for tenure ‘1 year to less than 2 years’ + 2%. This same for a maximum period of three months in advance of the
formula will be reviewed annually and only altered subject to due date of the premium. The premium so collected in advance
prior approval of IRDAI. The interest rate on loans are verified & shall only be adjusted on the due date of the premium.
updated on our company's systems every six months (on 1st 11. This product is also available for sales through Company’s
April & 1st Oct every year) as per the given formula. The current web-site
interest rate for Loan from 1st October 2022 is 7.45% p.a. (i.e.
SBI interest rate of 5.45% + 2%) compounding annually. 12. Health Management Services:
4. Auto Vesting Life Insureds, who are eligible for the Health Management
Services, will be eligible to avail second opinion/personal
Where the policy is issued on the life of a minor, the policy shall
medical case management services/medical consultation from
automatically vest in the life insured on his/her attaining age of
the service provider/s affiliated to/registered with Us. The
majority. On vesting, the Company shall recognize the life
services are expected to assist the Life Insured with an
insured to be the holder of the policy.
independent diagnosis of the medical condition, thus helping
5. Exclusion the Life Insured to take the required steps. These services are
Single Life: subject to:
In case of death due to suicide within 12 months, from the - the availability of a suitable service provider/s;
date of commencement of risk under the policy or from the - Primary diagnosis (wherever applicable) has been done by
date of revival of the policy, as applicable, the nominee or a registered medical practitioner as may be authorized by a
beneficiary of the policyholder shall be entitled to at least competent statutory authority;
80% of the Total Premiums Paid till the date of death or the - Health Management Service is available to be utilized
surrender value available as on the date of death whichever throughout the policy term, subject to prevailing eligibility
is higher, provided the policy is in force. The policy shall conditions;

17 18
- The eligibility conditions of the Life Insured will be determined - The services can be availed only where the Policy / rider is
as per the Company’s extant Underwriting Policy; in-force.
- The eligibility will be reviewed periodically and changes shall - All the supporting medical records should be available to
apply without any discrimination to all existing and new avail the service.
customers of the product. - We reserve the right to change the service provider(s) at any
- In case of any change, the eligibility details will be displayed time.
on Our website ( or You may contact Our - The services are being provided by third party service
helpline number 1-860-266-9966 (local charges apply), provider(s) and We will not be liable for any liability.
before using the services;
Prohibition of Rebates - Section 41 - of the Insurance Act,
- Whenever the eligibility criteria changes or the service is
withdrawn, the same shall be communicated to all the 1938, as amended from time to time
policyholders. Prior to effecting any changes, we shall 1. No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or
inform the same to IRDAI; and indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take out or
- The current eligibility is of a minimum total Sum Assured of renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk
R 30 Lakhs [under base plan and rider/s (if any)]. relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole
Note: or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the
premium shown on the Policy, nor shall any person taking
- These services are aimed at improving Policyholder
out or renewing or continuing a Policy accept any rebate,
except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with
- These Value-added Services are completely optional for the the published prospectuses or tables of the Insurer.
eligible Life Insured to avail.
- For Life Insured availing such services, they are offered at no 2. Any person making default in complying with the
additional cost. provisions of this section shall be liable for a penalty which
- The Premiums charged shall not depend on whether such may extend to ten lakh rupees.
a service(s) is offered or availed. Section 45 of the Insurance Act, 1938
- The Life Insured may exercise his/her own discretion to avail
the services. Any fraud, misstatement or suppression of a material fact under
the policy shall be dealt as per the provisions of Section 45 of
- These services shall be directly provided by the service
the Insurance Act 1938 as amended from time to time.
Annexure A
Base Income Factors
Option 1: Regular Pay and Limited Pay

Age <=50 Age > 50

Income Term Income Term
PPT PT 20 25 30 35 40 45 20 25 30 35 40 45
5 5 32.84% 35.82% 35.56% 31.37% 31.34% 31.36% 30.96% 33.65% 33.62% 29.85% 29.81% 29.83%
5 6 35.46% 38.78% 38.28% 33.75% 33.72% 33.35% 36.32% 36.09% 31.92% 31.91%
5 7 38.35% 41.87% 41.35% 36.19% 36.20% 35.87% 38.99% 38.63% 34.23% 34.22%
5 8 41.45% 45.85% 45.05% 39.11% 39.07% 38.61% 41.93% 41.52% 36.71% 36.66%
5 9 44.68% 49.23% 48.34% 42.01% 42.00% 41.39% 44.85% 44.37% 39.20% 39.18%
5 10 49.94% 54.89% 54.38% 45.24% 45.29% 44.33% 48.12% 47.82% 42.06% 42.11%
6 6 43.69% 46.25% 45.46% 40.72% 40.73% 41.03% 42.83% 42.97% 38.65% 38.66%
6 7 48.90% 50.82% 49.77% 43.50% 43.53% 44.89% 46.10% 46.02% 41.68% 41.71%
6 8 52.91% 54.70% 53.83% 47.30% 47.16% 48.44% 49.48% 49.65% 44.51% 44.38%
6 9 57.18% 58.81% 58.35% 50.75% 50.77% 52.22% 53.04% 53.66% 47.54% 47.55%
6 10 61.71% 63.63% 63.10% 54.59% 54.55% 56.22% 57.16% 57.96% 51.01% 50.97%
6 11 66.53% 68.64% 68.09% 58.86% 60.44% 61.51% 62.38% 54.65%

19 20
Age <=50 Age > 50
Income Term Income Term
PPT PT 20 25 30 35 40 45 20 25 30 35 40 45
7 7 55.17% 58.80% 58.04% 51.50% 51.53% 52.14% 56.31% 56.35% 49.57% 49.60%
7 8 66.07% 65.57% 64.52% 55.66% 55.65% 61.24% 60.76% 60.60% 53.23% 53.23%
7 9 71.53% 70.85% 69.64% 59.80% 59.79% 66.14% 65.30% 65.14% 56.98% 56.96%
7 10 77.34% 76.38% 75.63% 64.45% 64.43% 71.34% 70.17% 70.02% 61.08% 61.05%
7 11 83.70% 82.36% 81.25% 69.37% 77.02% 75.42% 75.14% 65.43%
7 12 90.30% 88.61% 87.24% 74.58% 82.86% 80.90% 80.46% 70.02%
8 8 71.71% 71.33% 70.70% 63.64% 63.68% 65.89% 68.16% 68.81% 61.10% 61.14%
8 9 77.71% 78.49% 77.72% 68.50% 68.57% 71.40% 74.20% 74.05% 65.44% 65.51%
8 10 84.16% 84.62% 83.75% 73.66% 73.69% 77.10% 79.82% 79.66% 70.07% 70.10%
8 11 90.91% 91.54% 90.59% 79.42% 83.21% 86.08% 86.04% 75.21%
8 12 98.07% 98.53% 97.32% 85.44% 89.84% 92.47% 92.27% 80.53%
8 13 106.42% 105.98% 104.50% 91.93% 96.51% 99.26% 98.90% 86.26%
9 9 80.07% 85.12% 83.76% 75.15% 75.14% 75.14% 81.40% 80.45% 72.17% 72.16%
9 10 86.63% 93.10% 91.87% 80.87% 80.95% 81.07% 87.85% 88.03% 77.24% 77.31%
9 11 93.67% 100.37% 99.22% 87.10% 87.31% 95.57% 94.98% 82.79%
9 12 101.18% 108.11% 106.65% 93.71% 94.11% 102.73% 102.04% 88.65%
9 13 109.17% 116.63% 114.83% 100.84% 101.33% 110.39% 109.64% 94.99%
9 14 117.69% 125.45% 123.32% 108.74% 109.04% 118.52% 117.55% 101.95%
10 10 95.10% 100.75% 99.45% 88.70% 88.82% 89.49% 97.35% 97.66% 85.15% 85.26%
10 11 112.26% 109.60% 108.48% 95.48% 99.42% 105.33% 105.28% 91.22%
10 12 121.48% 123.80% 123.57% 102.82% 107.39% 114.97% 115.73% 97.78%
10 13 131.31% 133.58% 133.13% 110.72% 115.88% 123.75% 124.42% 104.83%
10 14 142.10% 144.37% 143.70% 119.24% 124.93% 133.39% 133.97% 112.39%
10 15 153.29% 155.59% 154.71% 128.42% 134.59% 143.41% 143.89% 120.47%
11 11 109.86% 116.76% 114.98% 102.54% 105.25% 113.59% 113.79% 99.72%
11 12 118.89% 127.82% 126.09% 110.28% 113.71% 123.08% 123.80% 106.77%
11 13 128.53% 137.83% 135.67% 118.71% 122.74% 132.59% 133.09% 114.43%
11 14 138.79% 148.52% 145.92% 127.62% 132.33% 142.66% 143.09% 122.44%
11 15 149.77% 160.30% 157.23% 137.50% 142.59% 153.82% 153.61% 131.30%
11 16 161.48% 172.53% 168.97% 153.24% 165.29% 165.21%
12 12 127.87% 135.69% 134.01% 117.18% 123.44% 134.58% 132.88% 113.40%
12 13 138.35% 146.41% 144.28% 126.25% 133.46% 145.13% 143.21% 121.84%
12 14 149.58% 157.83% 155.22% 135.70% 144.14% 156.41% 154.16% 131.53%
12 15 161.57% 170.05% 166.94% 146.23% 155.52% 168.46% 165.74% 141.07%
12 16 174.45% 183.56% 179.91% 167.73% 181.76% 178.62%
12 17 188.47% 197.54% 193.34% 180.98% 195.62% 191.91%

21 22
Large Premium Income Booster DISCLAIMER:
PPT Annualised Premium Annualised Premium • This product is available for online sale. Please visit us at
- 1 lakh and below* - 5 lakh and above* to buy this product online
5 0.00% 1.10% • This product is underwritten by Tata AIA Life Insurance
6 0.00% 1.38% Company Ltd.
7 0.00% 1.66%
• Insurance cover is available under this product.
8 0.00% 1.94%
9 0.00% 2.22% • Policies sourced through POS Channel will not have any
10 0.00% 2.50% medical examination.
11 0.00% 2.78% • This plan is not a guaranteed issuance plan and it will be
12 0.00% 3.06% subject to Company’s underwriting and acceptance.
*For Annualised Premium between 1 lakh and 5 lakh, the income booster will • The brochure is not a contract of insurance. The precise
be linearly interpolated between the above 2 columns.
terms and conditions of this plan are specified in the Policy
Please refer for Base Income Factors of contract available on Tata AIA Life website.
Option 1 Single Pay. • This product brochure should be read along with Benefit
Option 2: Regular Pay Illustration.
Base Income Factors • Risk cover commences along with policy commencement
Age PT = 5, Income Period PT = 10, Income for all lives, including minor lives.
Bands = 30 Period = 25 • Buying a Life Insurance Policy is a long-term commitment.
18-35 35.14% 100.24% An early termination of the Policy usually involves high
36-40 34.73% 98.32% costs and the Surrender Value payable may be less than
41-45 34.66% 97.84% the all the Premiums Paid.
46-50 34.59% 94.17%
• In case of non-standard lives and on submission of
51-55 33.07% 88.21% non-standard age proof, extra premiums will be charged as
56-60 30.53% 81.60% per our underwriting guidelines.
Large Premium Income Booster • All Premiums and interest payable under the policy are
Annualised Premium Annualised Premium exclusive of the taxes, rider premiums, underwriting extra
PPT - 1 lakh and below* - 5 lakh and above* premiums, loading for modal premiums, if any which will be
entirely borne/ paid by the Policyholder, in addition to the
5 0.00% 1.10%
payment of such Premium or interest. Tata AIA Life shall
10 0.00% 2.50% have the right to claim, deduct, adjust and recover the
*For Annualised Premium between 1 lakh and 5 lakh, the amount of any applicable tax or imposition, levied by any
income booster will be linearly interpolated between the above statutory or administrative body, from the benefits payable
2 columns. under the Policy.
About Tata AIA Life
Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited (Tata AIA Life) is a
joint venture company, formed by Tata Sons Ltd. and AIA
Group Ltd (AIA). Tata AIA Life combines Tata’s pre-eminent
leadership position in India and AIA’s presence as the largest,
independent listed pan-Asia Life Insurance Group in the world
spanning 18 markets in Asia Pacific. Tata Sons holds a majority
stake (51 per cent) in the Company and AIA holds 49 per cent
through an AIA International Limited. Tata AIA Life Insurance IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling
Company Limited was licensed to operate in India on February PHONE CALLS insurance policies, announcing bonus or
12, 2001 and started operations on April 1, 2001. AND FICTITIOUS / investment of premiums. Public receiving
FRAUDULENT OFFERS such phone calls are requested to lodge a
police complaint

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