Subaru Manley - Piston and Ring Installation
Subaru Manley - Piston and Ring Installation
Subaru Manley - Piston and Ring Installation
Piston diameter must be measured at a gauge point, which is measured from the bottom of the oil ring. (See Fig. 1)
Clearance is built into the piston based upon the finished bore size of the cylinder.
Fig. 1
Disclaimer: These are general gapping recommendations and are not to be considered absolute. State of engine tune, operating environment
and personal experience must also be considered.
1. File fit ring sets require filing of the top and 2nd
rings to achieve the correct end gap. To properly
measure the ring gap, the ring should be square in the
bore 1” down from the deck. Measure the ring end gap
with a feeler gauge or equivalent device. Calculate the
recommended ring end gap from the chart above. (Bore
size measured in inches)
2. A proper ring gap filing tool must be used. Ring
filing should be done in an inward direction and square
to the sides of the ring. Must de-burr all edges after
3. Correct ring installation is critical. The top ring
will have a shiny gray edge. When the top and 2nd ring
has a dot, install dot side up. Unmarked top rings with
an inner bevel install with bevel up. Unmarked 2nd
rings with inner bevel install with bevel down. Narrow
rings (1.0/1.2mm) that aren’t marked or beveled can be
installed with either side up. Do not overlap the ends of
the oil ring expander. See orientation diagram.
4. Ring to piston groove back clearance should be
a minimum of .005” deeper than the radial wall
dimension of the piston ring. The piston ring should
not stick out of the groove by any amount. Ring
groove side clearance should be a minimum of .0015”
to a maximum of .0030”.
Subaru EJ20/EJ25/FA20 Ring Sets
Containing Oil Rails with Tab Insert tab in this location. Insert tab in this location.