IIMB Pest Control Tender Document
IIMB Pest Control Tender Document
IIMB Pest Control Tender Document
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
1. INDEX 1
8. ANNEXURE – A 25
This Tender Document contains all the Pages duly read and accepted by Me/Us.
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
e-Bid Documents are invited from Bangalore based reputed firms who have been in the
business of Pest Control Services for the work of “Establishing of Term Contract for Pest
Control Works at IIMB”. All as per the scope of work. Approximate Volume of the work
per annum is Rs. 11,20,500/- + GST as applicable as per the scope of work.
Online Issue
Last Date of Submission Date of
P.E.M.D (Rs.) TO PERIOD OF of Bid
of Tender Document and Opening of
Date of Opening of Online Price
Technical bid Bid
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Submission of Online Qualified
Rs.22,500/- One Year 11-11-2022 Tender: bidders will
02-12-2022, 15.00 Hrs be auto
Further 02-12-2022
Extendable intimated by
for another Opening of Online MHRD Portal.
two years Tender
at the
whole (Technical Bid):
discretion 02-12-2022,
of IIMB 15.30 Hrs
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Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
I.2. Bid Validity: 90 days from the date of opening of Online Price Bid.
I.3. The nature of the tender is Two Bid System i.e. Technical Bid and Price Bid.
I.4. Downloading the Tender: The procedure for downloading the Tender Document and
Price Bid (Excel Sheet) is mentioned in this document.
I.5. Submission of Tender: Tender Document and Price Bid shall be submitted
online only, in MHRD Portal.
I.6. Period of Contract: The period of Term Contract is for three years. Initially the
contract will be for ONE YEAR. The contract may be extended every year up to the maximum
period of three years under similar rates, terms and conditions of contract at the discretion
of IIMB, with due acceptance by the bidder. Extension of contract will be based on
performance of the bidder.
I.7. The Tender Document (Technical Bid only) may be downloaded in the following
I.8. The Tender Document (Technical Bid and Price Bid) shall be downloaded from
the below mentioned website during the period mentioned above.
The bidders shall download the Tender Documents from MHRD e-wizard portal
https://mhrd.euniwizarde.com (Technical Bid and Price Bid) by following the below steps.
I.9. A) Notice Inviting Tender, any corrigenda / addenda issued, minutes of the Pre-Bid
Meeting, replies given to clarifications raised by the bidders if any, form part of the Tender
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Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
B) The bidder should check for any of the above (please refer Clause I.9.A) uploaded
in MHRD portal before submission of the Tender Document (Technical and Price bid). If the
bidder submits the tender before the due date, he should be regularly checking the portal
for any of the above uploaded, and he should download that document and submit the same
with seal and sign on the document. If the revised price bid is uploaded, the bidder should
download the Price Bid again, quote the rates referring to the revised price bid and upload
the same again.
C) The bidder shall download the corrigendum / addendum and upload the scanned
copy of the same in the company letter head on MHRD e-Wizard Portal.
D) In case any bidder does not upload the revised price bid, the old price bid uploaded
by him will not be considered and his tender gets rejected even though he is qualified in the
Technical Bid.
If any bidder submits the tender before the due date and any corrigendum / addendum is
uploaded on the website after his submission of tender, such bidder shall download the
corrigendum / addendum and upload the scanned copy of the same typed in the letter head
with seal and sign on the same, on MHRD e-Wizard Website
I.11. Any information / clarifications required by the Bidder can be obtained from the Estate
Section, IIMB during working hours on any working days till the date of submission of
Technical Bid OR at the time of pre-bid meeting.
I.12.A. Pre-Bid Meeting will be conducted before submission of the Tender. The bidders
may send the clarifications to the email ids mentioned in this Tender Document and/or may
attend the meeting in person. The pre-bid meeting will be conducted either offline or online
as per the decision of the competent authority of IIMB. The intimation regarding the details
of the pre-bid meeting will be provided in the MHRD portal.
I.12.B. Minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting will be uploaded on MHRD portal. Minutes of
the Pre-Bid Meeting forms part of the Tender. The bidder must check for the minutes of the
Pre-Bid Meeting before submission of the Tender.
I.12.C. The bidders should download the minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting, sign on the
same with seal and upload it along with the other documents while submitting the Tender.
I.13. This being an item rate Contract, the rate quoted shall remain firm. The quantity of
work is only indicative. Quantity has been arrived based on the work done in
previous year. The quantity may vary according to the requirement.
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Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
I.14. The successful bidder, after Registration, must produce the following documents,
before entering into agreement.
c. Initial Security Deposit Rs. 22,500/- (PEMD). If the successful bidder is MSE bidder
and has not paid PEMD at the time of submission of tenders, he shall pay the PEMD to
IIMB by paying online to IIMB as per the bank details mentioned in this document.
I.16. If any bidder leaves any cell blank or does not quote any rate or quotes as
zero for any of the items, the tender submitted by such bidder shall be rejected
I.17.A. The bidder should attach the Banker’s solvency certificate for Rs.4,50,000/-.
I.17.B. Financial position: Average annual financial turnover (during the last five
financial years) ending 31st March every year should be Rs.5,60,300/-. Documentary proof
in support of the five years’ financial status of the company shall be submitted.
I.17.C. The bidder should have valid GST Registration. Documentary proof shall
be submitted for the same.
I.18. After submission of the Technical Bid, the supporting documents will be
verified for satisfaction of Essential Criteria. The Documents of only those bidders
who satisfy all the requirements of Essential Criteria will be evaluated as per the
criteria mentioned under Clause ‘Eligibility Criteria’.
IIMB will carry out the evaluation of bids of only those bidders who satisfy the
essential criteria.
I.19.A. Experience: The bidder should have completed either one / two / three similar
works (pest control services) during the last seven years, for the values as mentioned below.
Any one similar work for the value of Rs. 8,96,400/- excluding GST.
Any two similar works for the value of Rs. 5,60,000/- excluding GST.
Any three similar works for the value of Rs. 4,48,000/- excluding GST.
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Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
I.19.B. Work Experience: The bidder shall submit the proofs of work done in any of the
organizations mentioned below.
In Central or State Govt. / Central or State Govt. Autonomous Bodies / Central or State PSUs
/ Central or State PWD / MES / Railways / Institutes of higher learning equivalent to IIMB /
Any Reputed Private Organization – The bidder should have completed the similar work in
any of the above mentioned Government organizations.
Note: Work Completion Certificate should be attached as a proof of work done. In case the
Work Completion Certificates are not issued, proof of payment received from the client shall
be submitted – highlighting the related payment.
The bidders who fulfil all the requirements of the Essential Criteria will get qualified for
evaluation of their technical bids.
The evaluation of the tenders will be done as per the criteria detailed below:
(a) Work experience (single work / two works / three works) (work experience mentioned
under Clause I.19.B will be evaluated for the value of the work done as mentioned
under Clause I.19.A.
(b) Work experience in any one of the organizations - Central or State Govt. / Central or
State Govt. Autonomous Bodies / Central or State PSUs / Central or State PWD / MES
/ Railways / Institutes of higher learning equivalent to IIMB / Private Organizations.
The bidder is considered as qualified in the Technical Bid subject to satisfaction of the above
two parameters.
I.21. The online price bids of only the bidders qualified in Technical Bid will be opened.
I.22. Bidders should not have been carrying any adverse remarks in IIMB or carry
other similar report from any authority.
I.23. Bidders who are debarred/ blacklisted in other utilities in India will not be considered.
The bidder shall submit the certificate the to the effect that the bidder is not blacklisted by
any Central / State Government organization / DGS&D / NCCF / Kendriya Bhandar / PSU
during the last three years. Certificate should be given in the bidder’s company letterhead.
(Please refer Proforma F)
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Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
I.24.A. The bidder shall submit the PEMD through any of the following means.
The bidder may pay PEMD through e-payment at MHRD Portal. The contact details of the
concerned persons for contacting in case of help regarding the e-payment are given in e-
Bidding Conditions in this document.
For online submission of PEMD, the bidder shall pay the amount through RTGS/NEFT.
Note: The proof of payment including name of the bank, amount of PEMD, date of transfer,
UTR No. shall be submitted along with the Tender in MHRD Portal (in the field provided for
uploading the PEMD details).
I.24.B.a) The bidders who have registered with MSME/NSIC/UDYAM as Micro and Small
Enterprises are exempted from payment of PEMD. The bidder shall enter the Registration
No. and Date of the MSME/NSIC/UDYAM Certificate and upload the scanned copy of the
MSME/NSIC/UDYAM Certificate in the space provided for uploading the PEMD in MHRD
portal. After uploading the MSME/NSIC/UDYAM details, acknowledgement will be
I.24.C. If such proof is not submitted and PEMD is also not paid, such tenders will be
summarily rejected. The bidders who have not registered with MSME/NSIC/UDYAM should
pay the PEMD and payment details shall be upload in MHRD portal. Otherwise, the tenders
submitted by such bidders will be summarily rejected.
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Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
a) If the bidder withdraws from the Tender after tender opening during the period of tender
b) In the case of the successful bidder, if the bidder fails within the specified time limit to:
c) In case, the bidder, after quoting, withdraws from the tender or refuses/delays in
commencing the work even after issue of work order, the PEMD will be forfeited.
The bidders are required to submit the bank details along with the Technical Bid.
The bank details are required to be filled in and submitted in the company letterhead,
duly attested by the authorised person of the company and the banker. The bank
details should be accompanied by a cancelled cheque duly attested by the banker.
(The format of the Bidder Bank Detail Form has been given in this document
vide Proforma C).
Unsuccessful Bidders: The Permanent Earnest Money Deposit (PEMD) will be returned to
the unsuccessful bidders, after issue of work order to the successful bidder.
Successful Bidder:
PEMD will be returned AT PAR after the completion of the Term Contract. In case the
successful bidder registered with MSME/NSIC/UDYAM and is exempted from paying PEMD,
PEMD shall be paid by him within 10 days of issue of Work Order.
I.25. Incomplete details of the Technical Bid will be rejected summarily. IIMB has its right
to reject any bid without assigning any reason therefor.
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Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
I.26. Non-compliance with any of the conditions set forth herein above will result in the
tender being rejected.
I.27. The successful bidder should enter into agreement within 15 days of issue of
Registration Letter. The value of the Agreement will be intimated after issue of Registration
The bidders should upload the soft copies of the Tender Document online in MHRD portal
The details of payment of PEMD or exemption from paying PEMD shall be uploaded in MHRD
Portal which are as under:
The proof of payment of PEMD amount through e-payment at MHRD Portal / online transfer
to IIMB / exemption proof (MSME/NSIC/UDYAM Registration Certificate);
The complete tender document shall be scanned, signed with seal and uploaded in the field
“Mandatory Documents” in MHRD Portal. Annexure A and Proformas shall be printed in
company letterheads, signed with seal and scanned and uploaded in the related fields in
MHRD Portal.
I.28.C. Note: If these documents are not submitted, the bidder cannot complete
the process of submission in the portal and his tender will be automatically treated
as non-responsive and rejected.
I.28.D. Note: If any discrepancy is found in the documents submitted / if all the
required documents are not submitted / if the documents are submitted in any
other format, such tenders are rejected.
I.28.E. The Employer/Engineer may, at his discretion, extend the last date of
submission of the Tender by amending the Tender Documents in which case all rights and
obligations of the Employer and the Bidder previously subject to the original date shall
thereafter be subject to the new deadline as extended.
I.29. IIMB reserves the right to accept or reject any tender and to annul the Registrations
process and reject all the tenders at any time, without assigning any reason or incurring any
liability to the bidders.
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Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
I.30.A.a) The Technical bids will be opened on the date and time mentioned in this
document. Then, the bids submitted will be evaluated for technical qualification.
I.30.A.b) The Price Bids of the bidders who will have qualified in the Technical Bid will be
I.31.A. If any alternations are made by the bidder in the Tender Documents, the Tender
will be liable for rejection.
I.31.B. Any tender which proposes any alterations to any of the conditions laid down
or proposes any other conditions of any description whatsoever is liable to be rejected.
I.31.C. The bidders are cautioned that not giving complete information called for in the
application or not giving it in clear terms or making any changes in prescribed forms or
deliberately suppressing the information may result in the application being summarily
disqualified / rejected.
I.31.D. The tenders submitted without furnishing the relevant information asked for,
are summarily rejected.
The work will be awarded to the L1 bidder on his quoted amount in the online price bid.
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
II.1. Payment Terms: In consideration of the work done under this Agreement, IIMB
agrees to pay the Contractor as set forth in the Tender in that behalf.
i. The Bidder shall raise invoice on the respective departments of IIMB separately
(Hostels, Security and Estate) on the completion of work of a particular department in
a particular month as per the Tender terms before 25th of that month.
ii. The invoice shall be enclosed by the job cards maintained for the works done every
month for a particular department.
iii. The invoice will be processed by the concerned department after certifying the same.
iv. IIMB shall pay such invoice within thirty (30) working days from the date of receipt of
the undisputed invoice.
v. On receipt of the Final payments, the Bidder shall furnish a “No Demand Certificate” to
II.2.A. Termination: If the Contractor fails to perform the work set out in this
Agreement within the stipulated period of time or carry out the work to the satisfaction of
IIMB, IIMB shall terminate the Agreement as a whole or a part thereof at the risk and cost
of the Contractor, without prior notice.
In case of termination due to breach of the terms of this Agreement by the Contractor, IIMB
shall get the balance work executed through a third party and recover from the Contractor
all the additional costs incurred by and damaged caused to IIMB in procuring such services
from any other third party.
II.2.C. In case any of the information furnished by the Bidder is found to be false or
any adverse points come to light subsequent to the Agreement; IIMB, at its discretion, may
choose to terminate the Contract, at any time. The decision of IIMB in this regard shall be
final and binding.
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
Without prejudice to any of the rights or remedies under this contract, if the Bidder dies or
attains legal disability, the Accepting Officer shall have the option of terminating the contract
without any compensation to the Bidder. IIMB shall have the right to get the work completed
by itself, or through any other contractors or agency at the cost and risk of the contractors
or his successors in interest.
IIMB may at any time terminate the Contract by giving written notice to the Supplier, if the
Supplier becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent. In this event, termination will be without
compensation to the Supplier, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any
right of action or remedy, which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to IIMB.
II.2.F.i) IIMB, by written notice sent to the Supplier, may terminate the Contract, in
whole or in part, at any time on its convenience. The notice of termination shall specify that
termination is for IIMB's convenience, the extent to which performance of the Supplier under
the Contract is terminated, and the date upon which such termination becomes effective.
II.2.F.ii) The Goods that are complete and ready for shipment within 30 days after the
Supplier's receipt of notice of termination shall be accepted by IIMB at the Contract terms
and prices.
II.3. Arbitration:
Except where otherwise provided for in the contract, all question and disputes relating to the
meaning of the specifications, designs, drawing and instruction herein before mentioned and
as to quality of workmanship or equipment used on the work or as to any other question,
claim, right matter or thing whatsoever in any way arising out of or relating to the contract,
designs, drawings, specifications, estimates, instructions, orders or the conditions or
otherwise concerning the works, or the execution or failure to execute the same whether
arising during the progress of the work or after the completion or abandonment thereof shall
be referred to the sole arbitration of the Director if the Director is unable or unwilling to
act, to the sole arbitration of some other person appointed by the Director willing to act as
such arbitrator. The arbitrator to whom the matter is originally referred being transferred or
vacating his Office or being unable to act for any reason such Director / aforesaid at the time
of such transfer, vacation of Office or inability to act, shall appoint another person to act as
arbitrator in accordance with the terms of the contract. Such person shall be entitled to
proceed with the reference from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor.
II.3.A. Subject to as aforesaid the provision of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act or any
statutory modification or re-enactment thereof and the rules made thereunder and for the
time being in force shall apply to the arbitration proceedings under this Clause.
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Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
II.3.B. It is a term of the contract that the party involving arbitration shall specify the dispute
or dispute to be referred to arbitration under the Clause together with the amount or
amounts claimed in respect of each dispute.
II.3.C. The arbitrator(s) may from time to time with consent of the parties enlarge the time,
for making and publishing the award.
II.3.D. The work under the contract shall, if reasonably possible, continue during the
arbitration proceedings and no payment due or payable to the Bidder shall be withheld on
account of such proceedings.
II.3.E. The arbitrator shall be deemed to have entered on the reference on the date he issues
notice to both parties / fixing date of the first hearing.
II.3.F. The arbitrator shall give a separate award in respect of each dispute or difference
referred to him.
II.3.G. The venue of arbitrator shall be a place as may be fixed by the arbitrator in his sole
II.3.H. The award of the arbitrator shall be final, conclusive and binding on both the parties
to this contract.
II.4.A. General:
The Bidder shall take all safety precautions / measures and ensure safety for the works,
he has been contracted to execute.
All necessary personal protective equipment as considered suitable by the IIMB for
protection against chemical used while carrying out the work shall be used mandatorily
while on work. The Bidder shall take adequate steps to ensure proper use of equipment
by the concerned worker.
▪ Bidder shall maintain first aid facilities for his workmen. First aid appliance including an
adequate supply of sterilised dressings and sterilised cotton wool should be maintained
in a readily accessible place. Appliances should be kept in good order and they should
be placed under the charge of a responsible person who should be readily available
during the working hours.
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Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
▪ Bidder shall make adequate arrangements for ambulance service and for treatment of
injuries. Names of those providing these services shall be furnished to IIMB prior to
start of constructions and their telephone numbers shall be prominently posted in
Bidder's field office.
“The bidder should have a valid registration with the concerned authorities and a copy of
such registration certificate should be submitted along with the tender. Quoted price should
be exclusive of GST. Please note that the responsibility of payment of GST lies with the
bidder for his portion only. In case GST is applicable for the Tendered work, bidder shall
claim GST indicating rate of abatement/ deduction allowed as per “Goods and Services Tax
Act” from the 1st invoice itself. Bidder providing taxable GST shall issue invoice / a bill as
the case may be, a Challan which is signed, serially numbered and containing the following:
Payments to the contractor for claiming GST amount will be made provided the above
formalities are fulfilled. In case of statutory variation in GST during the currency of contract,
the bidder shall submit a copy of the “Government Notification” to evidence the rate as
applicable on the date of submission of bid and on the date of revision. Claim for GST/
Statutory variation in GST should be raised within Two (02) Months from the date of issue
of “Government Notification” for payment of differential GST, otherwise claim in respect of
above shall not be entertained for payment of arrears.
1. GST is applicable as on the date of service.
2. L1 will be determined without considering GST element.
3. Any variation in tax structure during the currency of contract shall be
compensated by the employer to the bidder.
II.4.E. Interpretation:
II.4.E.a) In interpreting the conditions of contract, singular also means plural, male also
means female or neuter and the other way around. Headings have no significance. Words
have their normal meaning under the language of the contract (English) unless specifically
defined. The EIC or his nominee will provide instructions clarifying queries about the
conditions of contract.
II.4.F. In the event of any ambiguity or doubt as regards the Tender Documents or
inconsistency or conflict as between the provisions of the Tender Documents, the
interpretation placed by IIMB shall be final and binding on the Bidders.
II.4.G. IIMB does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other tender.
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Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
II.4.I. The bidder shall carefully study the schedule of quantities in detail to
understand the schedule of work.
II.4.J. The technician deployed by the vendor should possess valid ID proof.
The copy of the same shall be submitted on demand from IIMB.
II.4.K. Bidder should provide information regarding any current litigation in which the
bidder is involved.
II.4.L. In the event of the tender being submitted by a partnership firm, the tender
must be signed separately and legibly by each partner or member of the bidder, above their
full names and current addresses, or, in their absence, the tender must be signed by a
person holding Power of Attorney on behalf of the bidder concerned. In the latter case, a
copy of the power of attorney duly attested by a Gazetted Officer must accompany the
tender. Certified true copy (attested only by Gazetted Officer) of the partnership deed, full
names and current addresses of all the partners of the bidder must be enclosed along with
the tender submitted by the partnership firm. The Partnership Deed must have been entered
into before the date of notification.
II.4.O. In the case of joint ventures, the Annual Maintenance Contracts executed by
them after the registration of the joint venture will only be considered for Technical
II.4.P. Wherever the bidder is a joint venture of two or more bidders, a statement
signed by all parties to the joint venture, of the proposed administrative arrangements for
the management and execution the contract, the duties, responsibilities and scope of work
to be undertaken by each party, the authorized representative of the joint venture, and an
undertaking that the several parties are jointly and severally liable to the Employer for the
performance of the contract.
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Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
II.4.R. The bidder applying as a company or a joint venture or any other bidder /
organization / Consortium should have the similar work experience in its own name.
During currency of the contract, it shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to safeguard his
staff and equipment against all losses, damages, on account of thefts, shortages, fire or any
reasons whatsoever and IIMB shall not be responsible for loss, damages etc. as aforesaid.
The Bidder shall solely be responsible for protecting and securing such property.
II.4.U.a) If the bidder makes default in commencing the work within a reasonable time
from the date of award of work.
II.4.U.b) In the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge at any time, the bidder makes default
in proceeding with the work, with due diligence and continues in that state even after a
reasonable notice from Engineer-in-Charge.
II.4.U.c) If the bidder fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of the contract
before or after reasonable notice in writing, orders properly issued thereunder, or
In case IIMB completes the work or any part thereof under provisions of the conditions of
contract, the cost incurred for such work shall be borne by the bidder only.
II.4.V. Enclosures:
Agreement required to be executed under this contract shall be made at the cost of the
Bidder with proper stamp duty as per the Format given in this document. However, IIMB
shall have the rights to alter, modify, delete any equipment in such formats as deemed fit
by him.
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Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
II.4.X.a) The Contractor shall take all appropriate and reasonable efforts to complete the
work at IIMB to the satisfaction of IIMB in a timely and effective manner, according to the
instructions of the authorized officer of IIMB.
II.4.X.b) The Contractor shall comply with all the Terms of this Tender Document, the
Work Order and the Agreement.
II.4.X.c) The Contractor shall be responsible for complying with all the applicable Laws
and IIMB shall not be held liable for any default of the Contractor in this regard.
II.4.X.d) The Contractor shall ensure that his employees engaged pursuant to this
Agreement at IIMB are contractor’s employees. The Contractor shall be solely responsible
to these employees, for payment and provision of wages and all applicable benefits such as
EPF, ESI if applicable, under the applicable law for the time being in force.
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Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
III.1. Based on the works executed during the past three years, the quantum of work will
be arrived at. Quantity mentioned in the BOQ is subject to vary based on the
requirement at the time of execution.
III.2. Only the item rates will be binding on the bidder throughout the contract, but not
the quantities in any case.
III.3. The tender is restricted to only local bidders to ensure that bidders are available
immediately on call basis, to execute the work without any hindrance, by
immediately mobilizing the men and material.
III.4. After finalization of the lowest rates for each item of works, the rates will be kept
constant for a period of one year.
III.6. The technician deployed on the work at IIMB site shall be properly trained, neatly
dressed and should be well-behaved.
III.7. The technician should be in uniform and should carry valid ID proof.
III.8. Any other unforeseen works desirable to be executed based on Site Conditions,
which are not covered under the scope of term Contract shall be treated as separate
and to be taken up independent of term contract and shall be executed by the same
bidder based on derived market rates based on the market rate analysis.
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Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
IV.1. Works related to Part A & Part B shall be attended on complaint/call basis and attend
the same on given time schedule without fail.
IV.3. Frequency of Service shall be once a month, Fortnight Visits, Weekly Visits & Daily
Visits based on the nature of work and complaints received.
IV.4. Every complaint attended shall be recorded and submit the same with feedback taken
from the customer and submit along with the work execution reports during the time
of billing.
IV.5. All the complaints attended shall be raised by customers / concerned department and
signature shall be taken from them for proof of work carried.
IV.6. Department-wise job cards shall be maintained containing the details of the work
carried out on daily/regular basis which should be signed with seal by the competent
authority nominated by the contractor. Such job cards should be enclosed with the
invoice which will be submitted every month to a particular department.
IV.7. Use additional personal protective equipment required for safe performance of work
as determined, conforming to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
standards for products being used.
IV.8. Field officer / supervisor shall visit the campus once in a month to know the progress
of works and improvement in pest control.
IV.9. Attendance Register shall be maintained at Security Office and the technician deployed
at IIMB site shall sign in the Attendance Register regularly.
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
V.1. Online Price Bids of the bidders qualified in the Technical Bid will be opened.
V.2. The date and time of opening of the online Price Bids will be intimated to the bidders
through email.
V.3. Issue of online Price Bid: Price Bid document (Excel sheet) will be uploaded in MHRD
V.4. Downloading the online Price Bid: The bidders shall follow the instructions given under
Clause “Instructions to Bidders” (Downloading the Tender Document) and under “e-Bidding
V.5. After opening the Excel Sheet (Schedule of Quantities – Price Bid), the bidder should
follow the below mentioned steps to quote the rates.
V.5.A. The bidders should carefully study and understand the scope of work before quoting
the rates.
V.5.B. The bidder must enter the company name in the space provided i.e. in the cell next
to the cell containing the text “Enter Company Name Here”, before proceeding to quote the
V.5.C. The bidder shall quote the rates for every item of work, in its corresponding Rate
V.5.D. If the bidder does not quote any rate / quotes Zero rate for any one or more items /
leaves them blank (i.e. without quoting any rate), the tender of such bidder will be summarily
V.5.E. The bidder may ask for the clarifications if any regarding the Schedule of Quantities,
in the pre-bid meeting or through email or may ask for clarifications orally during the working
hours on any working day till the last date of submission.
V.5.F. L1 will be arrived at considering the total amount quoted by the bidder without
GST element and the work will be awarded to him.
The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bid electronically on the e-Wizard
Portal using valid Digital Signature Certificates. Below mentioned instructions are meant to
guide the bidders for registration on the e-Wizard Portal, prepare their bids in accordance
with the requirements and submit their bids online on the e-Wizard Portal. For more
information, bidders may visit the Portal (https://mhrd.euniwizarde.com/)
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Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
b) The bidders to choose a unique username and assign a password for their accounts.
Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of the
registration process. This would be used for any communication from the e-Wizard Portal.
c) Bidders to register upon enrolment, with their valid Digital Signature Certificate (Class
III Certificates with signing and Encryption key) issued by any Certifying Authority
recognized by CCA India with their profile.
d) Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are
responsible to ensure that they do not lend their DSCs to others which may lead to misuse.
e) Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user
ID/password and the password of the DSC / e-Token.
a) Various built-in options are available in the e-Wizard Portal like Department name, Tender
category, Estimated value, Date, other keywords, etc. to search for a tender published on
the Online Portal.
b) Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may download
the required documents/tender schedules. These tenders an be moved to the respective
‘Interested tenders’ folder.
c) The bidder should make a note of the unique Tender No assigned to each tender, in case
they want to obtain any clarification/help from the Helpdesk.
a) Bidder should take into account any corrigendum published on the tender document
before submitting their bids.
b) Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document carefully to
understand the documents required to be submitted as part of the bid.
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
c) Please note the number of covers in which the bid documents have to be submitted, the
number of documents - including the names and content of each of the document that needs
to be submitted. Any deviations from these may lead to rejection of the bid.
d) Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as indicated in
the tender document/schedule and generally, they can be in PDF/XLSX/PNG, etc. formats.
a) Bidder to log into the site well in advance for bid submission so that he/she uploads the
bid in time i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be responsible for any delay
due to other issues.
b) The bidder to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as indicated
in the tender document.
c) Bidders to note that they should necessarily submit their financial bids in the prescribed
format given by department and no other format is acceptable.
d) The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dashboard) will be considered as the
standard time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the bidders, the
opening of bids, etc. The bidders should follow this time during bid submission.
e) All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI
encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data, which cannot be viewed by
unauthorized persons until the time of bid opening.
f) The uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening by
the authorized bid openers.
g) Upon the successful and timely submission of bids, the portal will give a successful bid
submission message & a bid summary will be displayed with the bid no. and the date & time
of submission of the bid with all other relevant details.
h) The off-line tender shall not be accepted and no request in this regard will be entertained
At any time prior to the deadline for submission of proposals, the department reserve the
right to add/modify/delete any portion of this document by the issuance of a Corrigendum,
which would be published on the website and will also be made available to the all the Bidder
who has been issued the tender document. The Corrigendum shall be binding on all bidders
and will form part of the bid documents.
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
a) Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions contained
therein should be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a tender or the relevant
contact person indicated in the tender.
b) Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to e-
Wizard Portal, in general, may be directed to the 24x7 e-Wizard Helpdesk. The contact
number for the helpdesk is 8448288994/86/87/89/88/81/90/92/82 011-49606060,
07903269552, 9355030608, 9055030613, 7903810198, 9355030606, 9315620706,
9355030623, 9355030628, 8800526452, 9205898228, 9122643040, 9355030604,
eprochelpdesk.01@gmail.com, eprochelpdesk.44@gmail.com,
c) The tender inviting authority has the right to cancel this e-tender or extend the due date
of receipt of the bid(s).
e) The bidder has to “Request the tender” to MHRD portal before the “Date for
Request tender document”, to participate in bid submission.
f) No deviation to the technical and commercial terms & conditions are allowed.
1. The bid should be submitted in two covers System-Technical Bid and Price Bid
online through portal https://mhrd.euniwizarde.com:
1.1 Technical Bid: The agencies should give details of their technical soundness and provide
a list of customers of the previous contracts of similar nature with the Universities, Institutes
or Government Departments/ Undertakings/ public sectors/ private sectors with contact
details. The details of the Bidder/ profile should be furnished along with the copy of all
related documents. These should be uploaded online tender
(https://mhrd.euniwizarde.com) and digitally.
a) The Bidder should possess a Licence certificate for manufacture /supply of the item.
b) List of Owner/partners of the firm and their contact numbers
c) The Bidder should possess Income-tax PAN Number.
d) The Bidder should possess a valid GST registration number.
e) Catalogue of the Product with detailed product specifications.
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5
Remarks if any
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Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
(Please submit this undertaking letter in your letter head with technical bid)
Dear Sir,
This has reference to your above Notice inviting the tender (NIT) published in your IIMB web
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
c. Branch, Place
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
f. MICR No.
g. IFS Code No
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
Dear Sir,
I / We hereby request you to remit our payments to our bank account as per the details
furnished below:
1 Name of the
2 Complete Address
4 Contact Numbers
E-mail id
5 Savings /current
account number
8 IFSC Code
9 PAN Number
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
I / we hereby declare that I /we are authorized to sign this form and that the particulars
furnished above are correct and complete in all respects. If the transaction is delayed or not
effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I /we shall not hold IIMB
Authorised Signatory:
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
(Please submit this in your letter head along with technical bid)
Dear Sir,
Please find herewith enclosed the Technical Bid document comprising of Terms & conditions,
General & Special Conditions and Safety Code relating to the works specified in the Technical
Bid Document hereinafter set out and having acquired the requisite information relating
thereto as affecting the Technical Bid, I / We hereby offer to execute the works specified in
the said document with the rates mentioned at Price Bid portion of Technical Bid Document
and in accordance in all respects with the conditions, specifications, & instructions in writing
referred to in conditions of Technical Bid, articles of agreement, general conditions of
contract, annexure, safety conditions, scope of work, and in all other respects in accordance
with such conditions so far as they may be applicable.
The document being read and understood all the contents of the Technical Bid
Document do hereby accept all the Terms and conditions laid down in the said
Tender Document and will abide by the same on acceptance and award of work.
Yours Faithfully,
FOR M/s________________
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
Articles of Agreement for “Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB”
(“Agreement”) is executed on the <Insert Present date>day of ______________ Two
Thousand __________.
_______________________, an organization duly incorporated under the applicable laws
of India and having its office
___________________________, represented by its ________________________
hereinafter called the “Bidder” (Which expression shall include its successors and assigns
wherever the context or meaning shall so require or permit) of the Other Part.
IIMB, and the Bidder shall be individually referred to as "Party" and jointly referred to as
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
Hence this Agreement is now made and entered into and both the Parties agree as follows:
1. Scope of Work: The Scope of Work shall be as stipulated in the Tender Document and
as mentioned in the work order bearing number
______________________________________ dated _____________________, and
the terms contained in the Tender documents on “Establishing of term contract for pest
control works at IIMB” at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore dated
________________. The approximate value of the project, as per the Work Order is
Rs_______ (Rupees _____________________________________Only) exclusive of
applicable GST.
2. Time: Time is the essence of the Contract. The Bidder shall execute and fully complete
all the works specified in the Work Order, i.e., within _________________________
from the date stipulated in the Work Order and in the manner and pursuant to the
terms, obligations and conditions set forth herein and in the said Tender and Work
3. Payment Terms: In consideration of the work done under this Agreement, IIMB agrees
to pay the Bidder at different stages as set forth in the Tender in that behalf. The
Bidder shall be responsible for payment of all applicable Taxes on the works contract.
i. The Bidder shall raise invoice on the respective departments of IIMB separately
(Hostels, Security and Estate) on the completion of work of a particular
department in a particular month as per the Tender terms before 25th of that
ii. The invoice shall be enclosed by the job cards maintained for the works done
every month for a particular department.
iii. The invoice will be processed by the concerned department after certifying the
iv. IIMB shall pay such invoice within thirty (30) working days from the date of
receipt of the undisputed invoice.
v. On receipt of the Final payments, the Bidder shall furnish a “No Demand
Certificate” to IIMB.
4. Obligations of Bidder:
a. The Contractor shall take all appropriate and reasonable efforts to complete the work
at IIMB to the satisfaction of IIMB in a timely and effective manner, according to the
instructions of the authorized officer of IIMB.
b. The Contractor shall comply with all the Terms of this Tender Document, the Work
Order and the Agreement.
c. The Contractor shall be responsible for complying with all the applicable Laws and
IIMB shall not be held liable for any default of the Contractor in this regard.
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
d. The Contractor shall ensure that his employees engaged pursuant to this Agreement
at IIMB are contractor’s employees. The Contractor shall be solely responsible to these
employees, for payment and provision of wages and all applicable benefits such as EPF, ESI
if applicable, under the applicable law for the time being in force.
6. Indemnity: The Bidder shall be responsible for any accident and all compensation
payable to anybody including contract technician employed by or out of this
Agreement or arising out of and in the course of execution of this Agreement. IIMB
shall not be responsible or liable for making any payment whatsoever, which is to be
made by the Bidder. If for any reason IIMB is made liable to pay compensation for
any accident arising out of and in the course of execution of this Agreement, the
Bidder shall indemnify IIMB to the fullest extent of compensation awarded or ordered
by any Authority.
In the event of the non-fulfilment in any respect of the said covenant’s, terms,
obligations and conditions on the part of the Bidder, the Bidder shall pay IIMB, all
losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses, including legal expenses as IIMB may
be directly or indirectly put to in consequence of such non-fulfilment by the Bidder.
8. Termination: If the Bidder fails to perform the work set out in this Agreement within
the stipulated period of time or carry out the work to the satisfaction of IIMB, IIMB
shall terminate the Agreement as a whole or a part thereof at the risk and cost of the
Bidder, without prior notice.
In case of termination due to breach of the terms of this Agreement by the Contractor,
IIMB shall get the balance work executed through a third party and recover from the
Contractor all the additional costs incurred by and damaged caused to IIMB in
procuring such services from any other third party.
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
10. Arbitration: In the event of any dispute arising out of or in connection with this
Agreement, the Parties agree to resolve the disputes amicably, failing which the
disputes shall be referred to an Arbitration. The Arbitrator shall be appointed by the
Director of IIMB. The venue of Arbitration shall be at Bangalore.
11. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction: This Agreement shall be governed and construed in
accordance with the Indian Laws and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent
courts at Bangalore, India.
12. Miscellaneous:
a. Relationship of Parties: Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as
creating a partnership between the Parties or as deeming either Party as an agent or
representative of or employee of the other. Neither Party may act as the agent of the
other Party or incur any liability on behalf of the other Party.
c. Publicity: Both the Parties shall be entitled to issue or make any press releases or
other public announcements relating to this Agreement. However, all press releases
or other public announcements relating to this Agreement must be approved in
advance and in writing, in each instance, by both the Parties.
d. Notice: All notices, including notice of address change, required to be sent hereunder
shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been delivered when mailed by first
class mail or reputable courier service return receipt requested to the address stated
in the first page of this Agreement. Electronic communications are admissible provided
these are sent with delivery consideration receipt and followed by physical copy mailed
as set forth above.
g. Force Majeure: No Party shall be in default under this Agreement by reason of its
failure or delay in the performance of its obligation if such failure or delay is caused
by acts of God, Government Laws and Regulations, Strikes/lock-outs at the venue,
war, natural calamities or any other cause beyond its control and without its fault or
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
The Party claiming the relief under force majeure shall notify the other Party thereof
without undue delay and if the impediment continues for more than three (3) months
due to such causes as mentioned above, either party shall be entitled to terminate
the Agreement by written notice to the other party without incurring any liability for
breach of contract.
h. Entire Agreement: The terms and conditions contained in the following documents are
deemed to form part of this Agreement, namely, the Tender document including the
Notice Inviting Tender, General Conditions, Special Conditions, the Specifications, the
Priced Bill of Quantities, the Schedule of rates and prices, and the Drawings mentioned
in the Specifications. The letter of Acceptance, Work Order and all the communication
between the Parties will also form part of this Agreement.
i. Counterparts: This Agreement shall be signed in two counterparts, each of which shall
be deemed as original and which shall together constitute one Agreement.
In Witness Whereof the said parties hereto have hereunto set their hands.
Witnesses: Witnesses:
1. 1,
2. 2.
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11
Establishing of Term Contract for Pest Control Works at IIMB
(To be executed and attested by Public Notary / Executive Magistrate on Rs.100/- non-
judicial stamp paper by the Bidder)
I / We ………. hereby declare that the bidder / bidder namely M/s …………………………….. (name
of the bidder) has not been blacklisted or debarred in the past by Union / State Government
or organization from taking part in Government tenders in India and should not have any
litigation in any of the courts.
I / We ……………… (name of the bidder) hereby declare that the bidder / bidder namely M/s
………………………….. (name of the bidder of the bidder) was blacklisted or debarred by
Union / State Government or any organization from taking part in Government tenders for
a period of ………….. years w.e.f. ………. To ……………… The period has been completed on
……………… and now the bidder / bidder is entitled to take part in Government tenders.
In case the above information is found false, I / We are fully aware that the tender / contract
will be rejected / cancelled by the Institute and the PEMD submitted by the bidder will be
In addition to the above, Institute will not be responsible to pay the bills for any completed
/ partially completed work.
(Public Notary / Executive Magistrate)
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.11.11