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SOCAR Proceedings Special Issue No.

2 (2021) 070-079

Well Drilling

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R.I. Ganiev1, Luc Deboer2, A.H. Agliullin3, R.A. Ismakov1
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia; 2Dual Gradient Systems LLC, Texas, USA;
Center for Engineering Technologies LLC, Moscow, Russia

Abstract Keywords:
The article is about problem of drilling deepwater oil and gas wells that consists Managed pressure drilling;
in complicating and increasing cost of their well design due to narrowing mud Deepwater drilling;
window at different depths. The authors analyse drilling technology developed Offshore drilling;
and applied in practice of offshore drilling with a dual gradient drilling, which Dual gradient drilling;
allows drilling significant intervals without overlapping an intermediate casing Riser;
string. Based on analysis of these technologies and taking into account their Oil and gas exploration in sea.
disadvantages the authors proposed and tested a new drilling technology of
dual gradient drilling with placement of all necessary innovative equipment on
drilling platform.

© 2021 «OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute. All rights reserved.

Introduction The MPD technology for deepwater wells may

Mineral resources are increasingly exhausted be implemented as a dual gradient drilling system
thereby requiring more sophisticated solutions (hereinafter referred to as DGD). The Underbalanced
to increase efficiency of drilling and production and Managed Pressure Drilling Committee at the
technologies. The introduction of new technologies International Association of Drilling Contractors
will enable efficient well drilling that was previously (IADC) has defined the dual gradient drilling as the
considered either abnormal or impossible in terms special application of two pressure gradients in the
of view of trouble-free drilling [1,2]. wellbore and/or pipeline [3,4].
Prospecting and appraisal deepwater and HTHP The application of DGD technology when making
wells (high temperature and high pressure) with deepwater wells enables to significantly reduce the
subsurface uncertainty due to such risks as mud overburden on formations with a "narrow mud
loss, differential sticking of drill pipes, and gas, window", therewith having the necessary tools for
water and oil shows are striking examples thereof. reducing risks of oil, gas and water shows and mud
Such problems may result in failure to achieve loss. Such approach provides making longer drilling
exploration targets, and even in loss of wells under intervals in problem conditions. Various versions of
application of traditional drilling methods. DGD have been studied, with many of them having
Such data complicating drilling result in searching been failed or closed.
for new equipment and technologies to be implemented Proceeding from the above, the aim of this study
for reducing both risks and costs for the construction is to theoretically analyze the DGD, and to consider
of complicated offshore wells. The Managed Pressure the results of both laboratory and field tests of the
Drilling (MPD) technology in the «well-formation» key element of the DGD system, i.e. a centrifuge
system [3] enabling safe construction of a section that is separating the mud to fractions of different
within the narrow drill slot of safe pressures (range densities for deepwater drilling.
between formation pressure and loss start pressure) An integrated approach was used for analyzing
is one of the promising directions for solving this the obtained information, i.e. analysis of various
problem. It is achieved through the use of low- DGD technologies and literature and electronic
density mud, accurate annular back pressure control sources; laboratory and field tests.
and current analytic algorithms enabling analyzing
the well for losses / demonstration. Dual gradient drilling technology
Under conventional single-gradient drilling
*E-mail: (hereinafter referred to as SGD) the bottom- hole pressure is made up of two components i.e.

R.I. Ganiev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings Special Issue No.2 (2021) 070-079

hydrostatic pressure and pressure friction loss stability and removing cuttings therefrom (fig. 3):
during the drilling mud annular flow movement The drilling rig may be conventionally said to be
from the bottom-hole to the wellhead. For better located on the seabed, since the overlap of the water
understanding we will not consider herein the column is balanced by the seawater line gradient
influence of cuttings/ROP on the hydrostatic (fig. 4b). The DGD is to be noted to be already
component of pressure, as well as RPM of topdrive, applied in drilling of pilot holes or upper sections of
eccentricity of bottom-hole assembly (BHA), and wells prior to installation of BOP.
flow properties upon pressure friction loss within The two fluids within the annulus may present
the annular space. Under static conditions of the more favorable wellbore pressure profile compared
well the last component of the equation is zeroed to conventional drilling. The DGD system is
and the bottom-hole pressure is reduced (fig.1): transforming the general pressure profile with
depth compared to conventional drilling providing
a larger drilling margin by shifting the pressure
profile to the left.

Scientific and technological research of the

dual gradient pressure drilling system
Fig. 1. Bottom-hole pressure components An industrial project for engineering the well
during SGD and making connections drilling technology with dual gradient pressure
drilling was launched in early 1996.The technology
Due to the application of a set of additional was intended to be used in ultradeep water conditions
equipment MPD there appear conditions of a closed under high formation pressure and low fracture
circulation circuit (similar to circulation conditions pressure gradient (such formation conditions are
with a closed blowout preventer (BOP) enabling to found in the Gulf of Mexico and in various parts
add an additional component to the equation i.e. of West Africa shelf). Without this technology, the
surface backpressure (SBP) (fig. 2): drilling contractor could hardly be able to develop
The backpressure is especially important in static the identified resources in such conditions [8,9].
conditions thereby enabling compensating for the The leading western oil companies have invested
absence of friction pressure loss in the annular space hundreds of millions of dollars over a 15-year period
keeping the bottom-hole pressure unchanged. Such (until 2011) in the research and development of
notions as equivalent circulating density (ECD) and DGD technology.
equivalent static density (ESD) are used for better The world's first «Max Lift Drilling» dual gradient
comparison of both hydrostatic head and flowing well was successfully made in September 2001 in the
pressure in the well with mud density and the Green Canyon of the Gulf of Mexico of 277 m in
formation pressure gradients and fracture pressure depth. The initial enormous cost of the project has
(FP). ECD of the drilling mud is the equivalent of somehow undermined the Customers' enthusiasm
the flowing pressure in the well expressed as density for the continuation of the project. Current status
(most often in g/cm3). In the absence of drilling mud of research and development in the field of DGD
circulation the notion of ESD is used i.e. the value drilling is given in table below. Some companies
of the mud density equivalent to the bottom-hole are developing systems being supplementary ones
pressure in static conditions being more relevant in to the research. The other companies have merged,
wells where MPD technology is applied. while the third companies have been terminated as
Unlike conventional SGD or MPD the DGD [5] they originally were.
is applying two hydrostatic pressure gradients. For However, the DGD technology is one of the few
example, the seawater gradient (the top mud in methods available in the drilling industry for deep
table) from the sea surface to the seabed is used to water drilling thereby providing positive results as
control the well, while the mud gradient from the compared to conventional drilling technology, such
seabed to the bottom-hole is used for the wellbore as: better well control in difficult conditions, less

Fig. 2. Bottom-hole pressure components during drilling with MPD

Fig. 3. Bottom-hole pressure components during drilling with DGD

R.I. Ganiev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings Special Issue No.2 (2021) 070-079

Dual gradient drilling systems analysis [12]
DGD system Subsea pump Subsea pump with Dilution Controlled mud level
(riserless) riser
Technology name RMRTM Max Lift Drilling CMP** CAPM*** EC-Drill**** EC-Drill+
(previously SMD)
Technology promoting Enhanced Chevron/GE/ Enhanced Drilling Transocean Enhanced Enhanced
company Drilling Pacific Drilling/ Drilling Drilling
Enhanced Drilling
Reducing the risk of Y N N N N N
shallow gas release,
drilling with zero
discharge of the top-hole
sections and direction
Ultra deepwater tight N/A Y Y Y Y Y
pressure margins
Abnormal pressure N/A Y Y Y Y Y
Closed system with RCD? N Y Y Y N N
Reduces number of casing Y Y Y Y N Y
Top fluid, static Seawater Seawater density Seawater, OBM or Diluted well Riser full/ Inert gas
conditions density inert gas fluid atmospheric atmospheric
pressure pressure
Top fluid, dynamic Seawater Seawater density Inert gas or air Diluted well Inert gas or air Inert gas or air
conditions density fluid
Base fluid Higher than Higher than Conventional Higher than Conventional Higher than
conventional conventional or higher than conventional mud density conventional
density mud density mud conventional density mud density mud
density mud
Pump location Near seabed In-line above LMRP Near seabed / N/A Suspended or Suspended or
midriser riser fixed 365 m midriser fixed
below sea level
Pump type Centrifugal Positive Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal /
displacement PD
Fluid kick point Wellhead Near seabed Riser/choke line Riser Riser Riser
(booster line)
Power source Electrical Surface seawater Electrical Surface mud Electrical Electrical
pump pumps
Pump electric power Case dependent ~ 100 HP Case dependent N/A Case dependent Case
Riser modification N/A Mud return and One Modified Upper Riser One Modified Two Modified
seawater power Riser Joint Flow Control Riser Joint Riser Joints +
lines Modified Choke Equipment Riser annular
Line (gas handler)
Surface mud treatment Standard Standard Standard Centrifuges Standard Standard
RCD location Casing head (if Near seabed None Upper Riser None None
used) Flow Control
Downhole valve in BHA? N (optional) Y (optional) Y (optional) Y (optional) Y (optional) Y (optional)
Max water depth 1524m 3000m 1524m / all 3000m All All
Max flow rate of drilling 4542 l/min 6813 l/min 6056 l/min Light - weight 6056 l/min 6056 l/min
pump at max. WD mud: 11356
Heavy - weight
mud: 5678 l/
Max mud density 1677 kg/m3 2216 kg/m3 Depth dependent Heavy - weight 2216 kg/m3 2216 kg/m3
mud: 1437 –
2216 kg/m3
Light - weight
mud: 1078 –
1677 kg/m3
Min water depth 30m 900m 900m 0 – 900m 90m 180m
Variable interface level N Y Y N Y Y
Variable top fluid density N N N Y N N
Cuttings size limit 50.8 mm N 50.8 mm N 50.8 mm 50.8 mm

R.I. Ganiev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings Special Issue No.2 (2021) 070-079

table continued
Specialized well control
equipment required?
Is full riser margin Y (case
pressure restorable? N/A Y Y N N
Well control method
(driller’s, bullhead and N/A All All All All All
Kick detection method Pump speed / Pump speed under Pump speed/ Closed Volume control Volume
power circulations, flow power and/or system, secure (including riser control
in static condition, flow meter control software level) and ccurate (including
if not system with delta and Coriolis outlet flow riser level)
flow measurement flowmeters and accurate
outlet flow
Direct measurement N/A Y, multiple N Y, multiple Y N
SIDPP methods methods
Use of choke/kill lines for Y (Drillers Y Y (part way)
well control method)
N (Modified
Well control fluids via N/A Y Y N/A N Liquids only
How high gas fraction is N/A Lower pump rate 10% (free gas) N/A Not affected in Not affected
pumped maximum WC events in WC events
Estimated smallest < 0.318 m3 < 0.318 m3 < 0.318 m3 1 bbl < 0.159 m3 < 0.318 m3
detectable inflow
Max pump flow at well N/A > 1589 l/min Case dependent Method N/A Case
killing dependent dependent
Max circulation rate N/A Gas handling Gas handling Friction losses/ Depends on Depends on
limitation Gas handling procedure procedure
DGD operations and
WC procedures fully Y Y Y Y Y Y
DGD operations and
WC procedures training Y Y Y Y Y Y
program fully developed?
Number of specialists
trained by 2013? >20 ~300 <10 <10 <20 <10

Highest level of 200 well drilled 1 well drilled Pump type to be Dilution 3 DW wells SS choke to be
equipment testing: specified principle – drilled specified
(none/component in flow loop test
shop/flow loop/field Upper riser
test components/field package – Dry
test system/well drilled/ Run on DEN
multiple wells drilled) & similar
package in
use (MPD
from a DP Drill
Flow Stop
Valve – Flow
loop and open
water tested
Estimated first test system 2004 Sep-01 2013 2014 Done in 2012 2014
deployment date (failed) (failed)

Estimated first Acting 2013 (project 2015 2014 Acting 2015

commercial deployment closed) (project closed?) (Abandoned) (Abandoned?)
Basic operations 5 days (basic + 8 days 3 days days RMR training + 5 days general
RMR specific) introduction 6 days specific + specific
specific, 2 days course courses
specific and 3 days
simulator course
Advanced well control N/A 5 days. Written and Case specific. Case specific None 3-5 days. Case
simulator testing Written and specific.
simulator testing

R.I. Ganiev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings Special Issue No.2 (2021) 070-079

table continued
Compliance with Active IADC Accreditation None Training Training Training
regulatory / industry received for Basic meetings with meetings with meetings with
standards DGD Operations BSEE BSEE BSEE
and Advanced Well
Control Subsea
option of WellCAP.
Certificate to be
International standards Norsok Z-015 / ABS / DNV DNV-OS-E101 DNV DVR for DNV-OS-E101 DNV-OS-E101
for equipment DNV Drilling facility equipment Drilling facility Drilling
certification installation facility
to be checked
depending on
Peer review Regulatory Regulatory - HAZID / HAZOP Blade Energy DNV as per Y
- approved by approved by the and DNV Services DNV-RP-A203
the 3rd party 3rd party operators accepted Qualification of
new technology
and HAZID /
* Riserless mud return system
** Controlled Mud Pressure system
*** Continuous Annular Pressure Management
**** EC-Drill® is a Controlled Mud Level (CML) system

It will take 57 days to construct the well (instead of

96 days under the conventional method), if the DGD
system is applied, with the economic effect being
estimated about USD 39 mln.The greatest effect is
due to the cost savings for casing, cement, drilling
mud and time for RIH/POOH operations.

Dual Gradient Pressure Drilling Technology

According to the analysis given in table the
«Continuous Annular Pressure Management (CAPM)»
System is considered to be one of the most promising
Fig.4. Graphical comparison between (a) SGD and and underanalyzed methods of the DGD [11,12].
(b) DGD: (a) red solid line; (b) blue solid line till The principle of CAPM system operation is
«Seabed» line further being changed to brown solid line shown in figure 6: low density drilling fluid (light-
weight drilling mud) is pumped into the annular
space through the kill lines, where over the lower
riser package it is mixed with the heavy-weight
drilling mud flowing up from the bottom-hole to
the surface. A diluted mud is thereby made inside
the riser. The diluted mud on the surface (either
platform or ship) is passing through the treatment
system to the centrifuge being separated again to
light- and heavy-weight drilling mud. As a result,
the bottom-hole pressure is formed as the sum of
the hydrostatic pressure of the heavy drilling mud
column and the diluted mud.
The main elements of the CAPM systems are the
Fig.5. Graphical comparison between (a) SGD and Rotating Control Device (RCD) and the Bearing
(b) DGD Packing Unit (BPU) to be installed below the
telescoping joint between the riser and the tensioner,
casing strings, more possibilities in well completion preventing the exit of the drilling mud from the
(larger tubing diameters may be applied) and well and directing the circulation thereof along
reduced drilling costs [4-7]. the closed DGD loop, therewith enabling BHA
The potential economic effect of applying the rotating, RIH/POOH and drilling. The drilling mud
DGD system is indicated in figure 5 taking deep is then flowing to the DGD choke valves, where the
water well in the Black Sea as an example. Therewith required backpressure is generated.
the one day cost of a deep-water well construction The API CAPM choke manifold is a combination
(including all materials and services) under the of valves and chokes enabling the diluted mud going
conventional method is approximately USD 1 mln. out from the well and controlling the annular pressure.

R.I. Ganiev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings Special Issue No.2 (2021) 070-079

enables making more accurate control of the annular

pressure during the connection process, preventing
sudden pressure fluctuations when the mud pump
is starting, and performing RIH/POOH operations
preventing surge and swab, controlling the well for
the loss or manifestation. The pump may be started
remotely, forcibly or automatically depending on
the operation. To protect the pump against various
impurities found in the drilling fluid a coarse filter
is to be installed in the pump suction line.
The CAPM centrifuge is a decanter centrifuge
with bowl diameters of 20 inches and more, with
the ability to pump mud at 2200 l/min separating
the diluted mud into light- and heavy-weight mud.
Six centrifuges (including a reserve one) with a total
capacity of 11,000 l/min are required for the non-stop
operation of the CAMP system on a drilling vessel.
Fig. 6. The «Continuous Annular Pressure The FlowStop downhole valve not only stops
Management» system the flow of drilling mud from the annular space (AS)
to the drill string (DS) but from the drill string to
Programmable logic controller (PLC) is a system the annular space either, when the mud pumps are
for collecting and processing data from DGD stopping the drilling mud circulation in the FlowStop
instrumentation and mudlogging, as well as a system DS-AS system. This downhole valve is installed above
for remote automatic control of Integrated mud the bit and is pre-set for a certain design opening
cleaner hydraulics. It is the link between the human- pressure by changing the spring characteristics.
machine interface and the entire DGD equipment. According to this calculation, two factors influence
Human Machine Interface (HMI) is software the opening pressure calculation of the FlowStop –
enabling to control the DGD equipment by sending water depth and density of drilling mud [13,14].
commands to the PLC. An individual well analysis
model is preliminarily developed and loaded inside CAPM centrifuge making and testing
the HMI for applying the automatic pressure control. The CAPM centrifuge for drilling mud separation
Based on the current drilling values, the system is is unique that at the time of the CAPM system
specifying the required backpressure value at the development (patent of 2001) there was no
current moment and is sending a command to the documentary evidence in the world of applying
PLC to move the choke. The HMI has built-in early such centrifuges. There was also neither literature
detection function of fluid kick / fluid loss thereby nor technical books on this process. We had to start
enabling real-time monitoring of the well condition. from scratch therefore tests 1, 2 and 3 were critical
The Coriolis flowmeter is a device for measuring in determining the type and size of the centrifuge to
the values of the drilling mud flow by the principle suit the CAPM unit performance.
of accurate measurement of the Coriolis effect. The Centrifuges in drilling are used for cleaning
flowmeter is equipped with an electronic measuring drilling mud from cuttings, as well as for
device connected via a signal cable to the workstation. regenerating drilling mud heaver (ex. barite). Until
The software compares the drilling mud flow at the recently, sedimentation scroll centrifuge with a rotor
outlet with the flow at the inlet of the well thereby diameter of 320 ... 500 mm were usually applied
determining either the loss or manifestation. [1]. But there was no centrifuge for separating the
drilling mud into two new fluids with the required
The backpressure pump is making the mud densities. We also needed to know what centrifugal
flow on the surface in the DGD piping system. force is required and for what period and whether
The backpressure pump, like a vacuum cleaner, the centrifugal forces (hereinafter G) in a centrifuge
may destabilize the emulsion in the drilling mud.
Test No.1 was made in September 2002 at Derrick
Equipment Services in North Houston. We have
tested and validated the concept of separating 100%
9.5 ppg SOBM at high speeds (>180 GPM) applying
a 14” DE-1000 Derrick decanter centrifuge.

Main results of Test No.1:

1. Diluted 9.5 ppg SOBM mud may be separated
into 7.3 ppg light-weight mud and heavy-weight
mud (12 ppg to 18ppg) depending on the centrifuge
Fig.7. 14” DE-1000 Derrick decanter centrifuge 2. The drilling mud property (viscosity) remained

R.I. Ganiev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings Special Issue No.2 (2021) 070-079

the same during the separation and mixing process. 20 inches while the rotor length should 2½ times
3. According to the test a small centrifugal force exceed the diameter thereof to provide 500 GPM of
(< 700G) is enough to separate the drilling mud. mud flow into the centrifuge.
4. The polymers or drilling mud used in the 2. The main drive should have at least 0.25 HP/
process retained the properties thereof during many GPM for a centrifuge flow rate of 500 GPM.
circulation cycles. 3. Diluted 10.5 ppg 80/20 OWR/SOB mud may
5. One of the flow rate limitations was due be separated into 8.5 ppg light-weight mud and 12
to the centrifuge engineering constraints. To put ppg to 18ppg heavy-weight mud, depending on the
it differently, if the main drive had more power centrifuge setting.
(horsepower), the unit could handle over 250 gpm. 4. According to the test a small centrifugal force
6. We may conclude that the process of separating (G <700G) is enough to separate the viscous fluid
the drilling mud to parts of different density is from barite in SOB mud.
possible and is a repeatable process. 5. The properties or drilling mud used in the
7. To increase the flow rate to > 400 GPM per unit, process remained the same in the course of separation
a larger inner diameter of the centrifuge bowl > 20 and mixing.
inches is required. 6. We may conclude that 100% SOBM and SOB
Test No.2 was made in August 2003 at CTI with 80/20 WNF were identically separated with
facilities in West Houston. We have tested and the only difference that the 80/20 OWR light-weight
validated the concept for separating a synthetic oil- mud was 1 ppg more as compared to 100% OBM,
based mud (SOB) containing 20% brine (WNF 80/20). i.e. 100% OBM contained about 7.5 ppg light-weight
Maximum flow rate of the mud through the rig was mud, while 80/20 OWR contained about 8.5 ppg
160 GPM if a Sharples 3400 14" centrifuge identical (including 20% brine).
to the DE1000 Derrick rig is applied. We also found A modified Sharples P-5000 centrifuge was
that the power consumption for separating the developed and made under finance of Transocean
drilling mud is 0.25HP/GPM at 10.5ppg. Company for making Test No.3 in June 2006 at CTI's
West Houston office. We have successfully tested
Main results of Test No.2: high mud flow rates up to 500 GPM in the modified
1. Under the test results it was concluded that the centrifuge, and have made tests for separating two
inner diameter of the centrifuge bowl should be over types of drilling mud: 80/20 OWR / SOBM and 100%

Fig.8. Results of Test No.1 of DE-1000 Derrick centrifuge

a) Reduced mud weight by increasing flow rate from 100 gpm to 170 gpm (from 16 to 14 ppg)
b) Change in the weighted drilling mud density at the outlet of the centrifuge
due to an increase in centrifugal force G thereof

Fig.9. Results of Test No.2 of Sharples 3400 Centrifuge

a) The various size particles velocity at different viscosities of the mud and fixed weight of the
drilling mud; b) The required horsepower for a 14-inch centrifuge at various centrifugal force values

R.I. Ganiev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings Special Issue No.2 (2021) 070-079

• The more is the centrifuge power (0.25 HP /

GPM), the more is the capacity of the unit > 500 GPM.

Main results of Test No.3:

1. The larger centrifuge with outer bowl diameter
(25" vs 14") with more main drive power (150
HP) specially modified for making this test was
confirmed to really meet our calculations and exceed
our expectations in the mud flow rate over 500 gpm.
2. The results of separating the tested drilling
fluids themselves coincide with the results of our
two previous tests. Moreover, the water-based
drilling mud was separated in the same way as with
Fig.10. The Modified Sharples P-5000 SOBM but its light phase of the mud was heavier as
decanter centrifuge expected (all water-bases + additives).
3. Also, this separation process required a little
WBM. more power mainly due to the greater weight of
The modified Sharples P-5000 decanter centrifuge the drilling mud itself (0.32 HP/GPM, on average)
was taken for making this test for the following (11ppg).
reasons: 4. Separation of WBM mud gave the same results
• Sharples P-5000 was considered to be the most as with SOBM mud.
suitable decanter centrifuge for the mud separation 5. The properties of the drilling mud remained
process, basically due to internal configuration and the same in the course of separation and mixing.
performance thereof. 6. During the extended test for separation this
• Prior tested Sharples P-3400 decanter block (14" process was confirmed to generate internal heat (as
bowl size) has demonstrated very good results in the expected) as all the energy required to separate the
high speed separation process. drilling mud is converted into friction generating
• Drilling mud was separated by Sharples P-3400 the heat in its turn.
as expected. 7. The separation process could be repeated
• Scaling up the unit as recommended by Sharples for both SOBM and WBM without any changes or
will increase the capacity thereof by a factor of 10 requirements for adding chemicals to the drilling
(P-3400) to 22 (P-5000). mud for maintaining the specified properties thereof.

Fig.11. Results of Test No.2 of Sharples 3400 Centrifuge

a) Block diagram of the CAPM centrifuge test; b) Graph
parameters of the modified Sharples P-5000 centrifuge
(density of drilling mud vs depth of the basin, screw
rotation speed, flow through the central pipe)

R.I. Ganiev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings Special Issue No.2 (2021) 070-079

• The DGD opens up new fields for technological possibilities in making deep-water wells with "narrow
mud window". Reducing the cost of well construction by up to 40% due to the application of this technology
may result in increase of financing for geological exploration.
• The leading Western oil companies have invested up to USD 100 million over a 15-year period in
research and development of DGD technology but currently all these developments still have to be applied.
Some companies continue to develop DGD systems, being supplementary ones to the original inventions
(see table). Nowadays some drilling vessels are technically equipped for making DGD, e.g. 6-7 mud pumps
for 510 atm are installed in the Pacific Santa Ana, Pacific Khamsin and Pacific Sharav offshore drills.
• One of the most promising and underanalyzed methods of the DGD is the CAPM "Continuous
Annular Pressure Management" System, with all the components thereof being tested in the field, except for
centrifuges enabling to separate the diluted drilling mud into light-weight and heavy-weight drilling mud.
• According to the centrifuge test results the diluted drilling mud (all types) may be separated into
light mud at 7.3 ppg and heavy mud (12 ppg to 18 ppg) depending on the centrifuge setting and with no
changing of other mud properties.
• Test No.3 results confirmed that the larger centrifuge with outer bowl diameter (25" vs 14") with more
main drive power (150 HP) may increase the flow rate of drilling mud through the centrifuge to 500 gpm.
• The next step in implementing the CAPM DGD technology is field testing of Flottweg Z6E-3/451
decanter centrifuges (bowl diameter 24", length 72") capable of pumping 11 ppg mud at 500 gallons per a

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R.I. Ganiev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings Special Issue No.2 (2021) 070-079

Бурение с двойным градиентом: экспериментальные исследования

декантерной центрифуги для технологии CAPM

Р.И. Ганиев¹, Люк Де Боер², А.Х. Аглиуллин³, Р.А. Исмаков¹

¹Уфимский государственный нефтяной
технический университет, Уфа, Россия;
²ООО «Системы бурения с двойным градиентом», Техас, США;
³ООО «Центр инженерных технологий», Москва, Россия

Статья посвящена проблеме бурения глубоководных нефтегазовых скважин, заклю-
чающейся в усложнении и удорожании их конструкций из-за сужения диапазона
выбора плотности бурового раствора на разных глубинах.
Авторы анализируют разрабатываемые и применяемые в практике морского буре-
ния технологии бурения с двойным градиентом давления, позволяющие бурить зна-
чительные интервалы без перекрытия промежуточной обсадной колонной.
На основании анализа данных технологий и с учетом их недостатков авторами
предложена новая технология бурения с двойным градиентом давления с размещени-
ем всего необходимого инновационного оборудования на буровой платформе.

Ключевые слова: бурение с контролем давления; глубоководное бурение; морское

бурение; бурение с двойным градиентом; райзер; морская геологоразведка.

İkiqat qradient ilə qazma: CAPM texnologiyası üçün dekanter sentrifuqanın

eksperimentləri üzrə tədqiqatlar

R. İ. Qaniyev¹, Luke De Boyer², A. X. Agliullin³, R.A. İsmakov¹

¹Ufa Dövlət Neft Texniki Universiteti, Ufa, Rusiya;
²«İkiqat gradient ilə qazma sistemləri» MMC, Texas, ABŞ;
³«Mühəndislik Texnologiyaları Mərkəzi» ММС, Moskva, Rusiya

Məqalə dərin sulu neft-qaz quyularının qazılması zaman müxtəlif dərinliklər üçün
qazma məhlulunun sıxlığının seçilməsi diapozonunun daralması səbəbindən onların
konstruksiyasının mürəkkəbləşməsi və bahalaşmasından ibarət probleminə həsr olunmuşdur.
Müəlliflər, dəniz qazma təcrübəsində işlənilən və tətbiq edilən aralıq qoruyucu kəmərdən
istifadə etmədən geniş intervalların qazılmasına imkan verər ikiqat təzyiq qradienti
ilə qazma texnologiyalarının təhlilini verir. Məqalədə müəlliflər bu texnologiyaların
təhlili əsasında və onların çatışmazlıqlarını nəzərə alaraq qazma platformasında bütün
zəruri innovasiya avadanlığının yerləşdirilməsi ilə ikiqat təzyiq qradienti ilə yeni qazma
texnologiyası təklif edilir.

Açar sözlər: təzyiqin nəzarəti ilə qazma; dərin sulu sahələrdə qazma; dəniz qazma işləri;
ikiqat qradient ilə qazma; rayzer, dəniz şəraitində geoloji kəşfiyyat.


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