Lois Adu-Gyamfi CV

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BA. Information Studies and Political Science

University of Ghana, Legon

adugyamfilois1@gmail.com || 0203445344 / 0277040835

Maseru Street No.12 – East Legon, Accra


A dedicated social worker with experience in providing needed support to vulnerable people; migrants and
the less privileged. Adept in physical and mental safety and counseling methods. Experienced in managing
assigned workloads in an efficient manner, while displaying excellent time management skills to successfully
accomplish set goals. A great administrator and communicator with the ability to work in a team environment.


 University of Ghana, Legon - 2017 to 2021

BA Information Studies and Political Science

 Adiembra Senior High School - 2014 to 2017

General Arts, WASSCE


 MS Office Suite ▪ Effective communication skills

 Good client-service relationship ▪ Strong collaborative skills
 Time management ▪ Sales and Marketing
 Excellent problem-solving skills ▪ Social Media Management

Work Experience

 Migration Officer - Migration and Integration Dept

NADMO Headquarters, Accra October 2021 – August 2022
 Received migrants and deportees, evaluated and address their needs and
concerns, including mood disorders, grief counseling, and family maintenance.

 Communicated with the Head of the Department and District NADMO offices
to obtain and provide information on clients and families to create appropriate
treatment plans and improve their well-being.

 Provided social work support, including counseling and guidance, community

resource planning, and crisis intervention to selected NADMO District offices.

 Sales Executive - Seraphim Beauty Limited

January 2020 – September 2021
 Communicate with customers proactively via, phone, email, and in
 Experience in advertising, social media marketing, and business
 Data entry about product details and invoice generation.
 Worked with the sales team to manage client relationships, build and
retain revenue for the business.
 See to the day-to-day administration of the shop.
 Provided quick responses to online customer queries.

Social Experience
 Music Minstrel, Harvest Chapel International Ministries
 GHAMSU Secretary, Adiembra Senior High School (2016 – 2017)
 Scripture Union Music Coordinator, Adiembra Senior High School
(2016 – 2017)
 Assistant Chaplain, Adiembra Senior High School (2016 – 2017)
 Assistant Chaplain, ESPO Best Child School (2013 -2014)


Mr. Osei Kofi Mr Nii Gogo

Director for Migration and Integration CEO
NADMO Headquarters Seraphim Beauty Ltd
Accra East Legon, Accra
0244433160 0249132998

Pastor Eugene Nyamekye

Harvest Chapel International
East Legon, Accra

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