21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated by Keith Scott-Mumby

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The document discusses dissenting views on vaccination and argues that parents should have the right to choose whether or not to vaccinate their children.

The author argues that vaccines are ineffective and potentially harmful. They also claim the medical establishment presents an unbalanced view in favor of vaccination.

The author is skeptical of government medicine and believes one cannot have both government and good medicine. They would consider moving their family to avoid mandatory vaccination policies.



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Always consult your own licensed medical practitioner if you are in any way
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of this newsletter.

I found that the whole vaccine business was indeed a gigantic
hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful, but if
you look at the proper statistics and study the instances of
these diseases you will realize that this is not so.

— Dr Archie Kalokerinos MD June 1995, who saved the lives of
uncountable Aboriginal children in Australia, by administering vitamin
C at around the time of vaccination.

My thanks to John Scudamore of www www.whale.to,

.whale.to, for the initial information.
John is a brilliant journalist and an avid collector of information of the type
which makes the medical profession cringe and wriggle with embarrassment.

Va ccination is virtually a sacrament; a religious
cult! If you still believe in vaccination and are
not involved in the vaccine industry then perhaps
you need
need to look atat your
your beliefs. We tend to cling to
beliefs as if our life depends on them

It is hard for many to give up their beliefs regarding vaccination,

as allopathic medicine has been cleverly set up as a crypto-
religion, using the authority ploy with God as Modern Medicine, and
vaccination as the Holy Sacrame

For a paediatrician to attack what has become the “bread and

butter” of paediatric practice is equivalent to a priest denying
the infallibility of the pope.

  — Dr Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

You are encouraged to believe that if you doubt one medicine, vaccination,
you are doubting everything, but in fact, you can give up vaccination and
survive meltdown.
meltdown. I still use an allopath,
allopath, I just avoid
avoid taking most allopathic

medicines if possible.


Vaccines have become sacraments of our faith in biotechnology

in the sense that:

1. their efcacy and safety are widely seen as self-evident and
needing no further proof

2. they are given automatically to everyone, by force if necessary,
but always in the name of the public good and

3. they ritually initiate our loyal

loyal participation in the medical
enterprise as a whole.

They celebrate our right and power as a civilization to

manipulate biological processes ad libitum and for prot,
without undue concern for or even any explicit concept of the
total health of the populations about to be subjected to them.

— Richard Moskowitz M.D

www.alternative doctor.com/vaccination 2

Physicians have taken the place of priests;

Vaccination plays the same initiatory role as baptism, and is

accompanied by the same threats and fears;

The search for health has replaced the quest for salvation;

The ght against disease has replaced the ght against sin;

Eradication of viruses has taken the place of exorcising


The hope of physical immortality (cloning, genetic engineering)

has been substituted for the hope of eternal life;

Pills have replaced the sacrament of bread and wine; donations

to cancer research take precedence over donations to the
church; a hypothetical universal vaccine could save humanity

from all its illnesses, as the Saviour has saved the world from
all its sins; the medical power has become the government’
government’s s
ally,, as was the Catholic Church in the past;
ally p ast;

 “charlatans” are persecuted

persecuted today as “heretics” were
yesterday; dogmatism rules out promising alternative medical
theories; the same absence of individual responsibility is now
found in medicine, as previously in the Christian religion;

  Patients are alienated from their bodies,

bodies, as sinners used to be
from their souls.” 

  — Olivier Clerc 
www.alternative doctor.com/vaccination 3
It is a false idol.
he Truth shall set you free.
www.alternative doctor.com/vaccination 4

Double The Vaccines,

1 Double The Risk
Let’s lay it out here, right at the head of the book!
Vaccines kill. It’s pure math (and some whimsy),
whether or not you save more lives than you
eliminate. In broad terms, it’s never been proven.

(Hard Science, Nasty Statistics)

There’s “science” and there’s REAL science and

then there is deliberate spin. How members of the
public can keep up is beyond me. I have a hard time
myself,, sifting through the convenient lies and spin to
get at real science.

Here are some gures it’s difcult to get round!

In the USA, kids are required to get 26

injections (the most in the world) yet more
than 6 U.S. infants die per every 1000
live births. In contrast, Sweden and Japan
administer 12 vaccines to infants, the least
amount, and report less than 3 deaths per
1000 live births.

You don’t have to be a mathematician to

see what this says: twice the vaccinations
= twice the infant deaths. Infant deaths,
by the way
way,, directly relate to how civilized
or primitive the country is. The USA is 34th in the international table and
healthier countries include Slovenia, Greece and Cuba!

This data comes from a new study

study,, published in
i n Human and Experimental
Toxicology, a prestigious journal indexed by the US National Library of
Medicine [Miller and Goldman, “Infant Mortality Rates Regressed
Regressed Against
Number of Vaccine Doses Routinely Given: Is There a Biochemical or
Synergistic Toxicity?”]
www.alternative doctor.com/vaccination 5

Researchers found that developed nations with higher (worse) infant

i nfant
mortality rates tend to give their infants more vaccine doses. In scientic-
ese: they found “a high statistically signicant correlation between increasing
number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates.” 

In a nutshell—vaccinations are not really saving kids lives so much as

claimed. We are killing a few to save a few. Bad math…

[Hum Exp Toxicol

Toxicol published online 4 May 2011. DOI:

You can download the entire study here:

www.alternative doctor.com/vaccination 6

2 Not Needed

Infectious diseases were on the decline for over

a century before modern mass vaccination was
introduced. It cannot be the reason these diseases
have declined.

See charts in the appendix for a vivid graphic

representation of just how useless vaccination
really was. Yet the mythology continues,
uncontrolled, that vaccines have saved everybody.

Some vaccines are effective, it is true. But that

does not excuse the lies about those which don’t
work, or the disgusting and mindless toxins used,
or the obscene prots, or the lies or the bullying and threats against parents
or the conspiracy to cover up adverse reactions.

a. Disease decline

Believe it or not, there isn’t any convincing evidence through the statistics
that vaccination reduced the death rate for any disease such as measles.
So, where is the benet? Measles deaths had declined by
by 99.4% before

Up to 90% of the total decline in the death rate of children

between 1860-1965 because of whooping cough, scarlet fever,
diptheria, and measles occured before the introduction of
immunisations and antibiotics.

“ — Dr Archie Kalokerinos, M.D.
www.alternative doctor.com/vaccination

   “ 7

There is no convincing scientic evidence that mass

inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood

“— Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD

b. or eliminated any disease such as smallpox or polio:

It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we ever vanquished smallpox

with vaccines, when only 10% of the population was ever

“— Dr Glen Dettman

That the polio virus is the sole cause of polio is accepted by
most people as gospel, and that the Salk and Sabin vaccines
eradicated polio in the western world is etched into our
collective consciousness as the major medical miracle of our
time. But the history of polio and its vaccines is shrouded in a
murky mist of politico/scientic manipulation, altered statistics,
redenition and reclassication of the disease, increased
cases of vaccine induced paralytic polio, and monkey viruses
transmitted by contaminated vaccines to millions of people

  — Edda West 
www.alternative doctor.com/vaccination 8

Within a few years of the polio vaccine we started seeing some
strange phenomena like the year before the rst 300,000
doses were given in the United States childhood leukaemia had
never struck in children under the age of two. One year after
the rst onslaught they had the rst cases of children under
“ the age of two that died of leukaemia... Dr Herbert Radnor
observed that in a small area of this little town, in an area
where no cases of leukaemia had been expected or at the most
one in 4 years according to previous statistics, they suddenly
had a rash like an epidemic within a few blocks

  — Dr Snead 

c. While there is plenty of evidence smallpox vaccination
increased the incidence, and spread smallpox along with
syphilis, leprosy and TB/consumption around the world

Smallpox was on the way out, indeed epidemics disappeared

decades before the WHO decided to conduct the nal
 “eradication” campaign.
campaign. It is also well-documented that the

largest epidemics occurred in the most highly vaccinated

“ populations, while whose who were unvaccinate

the same epidemics.
d, did not have

  — Dr
Dr.. Viera Scheibn

We also hear of the noble work of Father Damien among the

lepers of Hawaii, but we are not told that there was not one
leper in the whole of the Hawaiian Islands before the noble
work of Jenner reached them. By the nineties, 10 per cent of

the natives were lepers.

  — Lionel Dole
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 9

…while ignoring for 200 years the real causes of smallpox -
sanitation and poverty:

Sanitation did for Prussia what 35 years of compulsory

vaccination was unable to accomplish. At the present time in
Prussia small-pox is almost extinct. (Cheers.) It is not that
people ‘are being vaccinated more; they are vaccinated less.

“— Dr Hadwen MD (The Case Against Vaccination - nan address at

Gloucester on Saturday, January 25th, 1896, during the Gloucester
Smallpox Epidemic)

Perhaps the greatest evil of immunization lies in its diversion
of public attention from true methods of disease prevention.
It encourages public authorities to permit all kinds of sanitary
defects and social problems to remain undressed, particularly

in schools. It ignores the part played by food and sunlight
and many other factors in the maintenance of health. It
exaggerates the risk of diphtheria and works upon the fear
of parents. The more it is supported by public authorities,
the more will its dangers and disadvantages be concealed or

  — M. Bed dow
dow Bayly, M.R.C.S., 1944

d. If vaccination suppresses one disease another one increases

or replaces it
The use of Hib vaccines has displaced haemophillus as a cause
of disease and death, but other organisms like the far more
serious, and more untreatable pneumococcus or other bacterial
meningitis types have risen to take the place of Hib as causes

of meningitis.

  —Hilary Butler 
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 10

Now 1 in 100 children have autism, 1 in 5 asthma, 1 in 10 dyslexia, 1 in 20

Attention-decit disorder,
disorder, Epilepsy 5-8 per 1000, Cerebral Palsy (1 in 400 to
1 in 166), an epidemic of Type
Type 2 diabetes. Nearly one third of high school
girls and 16% of high
hig h school boys show symptoms of an eating disorder...

and the number one suspect is vaccination. The Government/Vaccine
Industry is going to carry on vaccinating, covering up, and claiming vaccines
are safe, until every other child has a vaccine induced disease, so only parent
awareness is going to stop that.

Instead of epidemics of measles and polio, we have epidemics

of chronic autoimmune and neurological disease: In the last
20 years rates of asthma and attention-decit disorder
di sorder have
doubled, diabetes and learning disabilities have tripled, chronic

arthritis now affects nearly one in ve Americans and autism
has increased by 300 percent or more in many states.

  — Barbara Loe Fisher 

We are in the midst of an international epidemic. Those responsible

for investigating
investigating and dealing with
with this epidemic have failed. Among
the reasons for this failure is the fact that they are faced with the
prospect that they themselves may be responsible for the epidemic.

Therefore, in their efforts to exonerate themselves
themselves they are an
impediment to progress. I believe that public health ofcials know

there is a problem; they are, however,
however, willing to deny the problem
and accept the loss of an unknown number of children on the basis
that the success
necessity ofsacrice.
involves public health policy
Neither - mandatory
I, nor vaccination
my colleagues - by
subscribe to
the belief that any child is expendable. History has encountered and
dealt with such beliefs. You, the parent’s and children, are the source
of the inspiration and strength for our endeavours; our quest for truth
through science - a science that is compassionate, uncompromising
and uncompromised. I do not mean to stir you to mutiny,
mutiny, but be
assured that armed with this science it is in your power to force this
issue, in your pediatricians ofce, in Congress, in the Law Courts.
Keep faith with your instincts - they have served you well.

— Andy Wakeeld (April 22, 2002 “POWER of ONE - IDEA” Rally,

Washington DC)
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 11

While everyone just gets sicker and sicker:

Nearly half of Americans suffer at least one chronic disease,

everything from allergies to heart disease - 20 million more
than doctors had anticipated this year, researchers say.

— Media
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 12

The Disease Dangers

Have Been Grossly
3 Exaggerated
It’s about creating fear and
propagating it, to sell the

vaccination and medical

You can see this easily in the

case of chickenpox
considered which
a killer in wasn’t

Varicella always runs a favourable

course. It has no sequelae...
PROGNOSIS — This is always

  — Dictionary of Medicine (1894)

or 1953

MILD--Mumps, Chickenpox and rubella... are mild. In other

words there’s not much point in trying to avoid them. They
don’t do much to young children and they do build up their
general immunity and resistance.

  “ — T Anderson MD, British Medical Journal booklet (c 1953)

www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 13

Now it kills due to the use of steroids

s teroids and chemotherapy which depress the
immune system, so we have the use of other drugs leading to deaths being
used to sell another drug: the chickenpox vaccine. Kind of neat marketing,
although they usually forget to tell you the deaths are down to allopathic

If you think you have been informed on the real disease dangers then
what does it say about the “terrible” smallpox when they considered it less
dangerous than measles:

In a recent number of the Leicester Free Press (UK), it is said:

So far as we are concerned in Leicester,
Leicester, a town containing
120,000 inhabitants, with many thousands of unvaccinated
children, smallpox seems to be about the least dangerous of all
diseases, and is not to be named by the side of scarlet fever,

“ measles, whooping cough, diarrhea, or even consumption. If

a case of small-pox is discovered, instant isolation is adopted,
and during the last ve years we
w e have hardly had ve deaths.
That being the state of the case, one need not wonder that
the fear of the disease should disappear,
disappear, or that resistance to
vaccination should increase.

  — William Tebb 1881

Fear is a traditional state to keep people in so you can lead them in the

direction youknow
state. They want
kno and stop
w that. outhem
(Y can’tthinking.
get sheepYou can’t
to go think
in the in an emotional
direction you want
with a timid sheepdog that wont bite to make them fearful, incidentally).

For the public ever to break command science it must rst

understand the basis of its enormous powers... Traditionally
the power of medical sciences has been based on the fear of
disease, particularly infectious disease.

“ — Peter Deusberg (Inventing The AIDS Virus).


   “ 14

There is no doubt, however

however,, that the risk has been, for some
years, vastly exaggerated,
exaggerated, seemingly to prepare the public
publ ic
mind to accept the new (diptheria) vaccine.

  — M. Bed dow
dow Bayly, M.R.C.S.

Since people cannot be vaccinated against their will, the
biggest job of a health department is always to persuade the
unprotected people to get vaccinated. This we attempted to do
in three ways, education, fear, and pressure. We dislike very
much to mention fear and pressure, yet they accomplish more
than education because they work faster than education, which
is normally a slow process. During the months of March and
April, we tried education and vaccinated only 62,000. During
May we made use of fear and pressure and vaccinated 223,000

  — Dr. John Keller 

I have lectured all over the world... I have always had a

special interest in newspapers. All of them have one thing

in common, there is always some reference made to some
epidemic in some part of the world. For instance, two years

ago, one paper referred to a polio epidemic in Holland. For
the past three years, our newspapers have commented on the
diphtheria epidemic in Russia. By these means, the population
to constantly
fear them,threatened with epidemics,
and the reports they have
always conclude: “Go been made
and get

  — Dr Buchwald MD
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 15

4 Disease Risk Ploy

Contrary to a very popular government lies, the vaccines aren’t safe unless
you stretch the denition of “safe” to include death, numerous diseases, and
serious brain damage.
damage. They have
have paid out for 900
900 children (UK) with serious
brain damage from DPT vaccines, but now deny it (“science has moved
on” is the phrase used), saying on their leaets DPT doesn’t cause brain
damage! How come vaccines
vaccines can cause serious
serious brain damage,
damage, & death but
somehow not autism?

Natural immunisation downplayed. Some vaccines are less dangerous than

others. Safe is breastfeeding, which incidentally
inci dentally,, is natural immunisation,
also ignored and downplayed:

I accused doctors of still failing to give women detailed

information about the immunological benets to babies of
breast milk, at which point the only woman paediatrician got

very upset at me, and said that was a mother’s choice, just

“ like abortion. I looked her square in the face and asked if

she had children, and her answer was “Yes” I then raised my
eyebrows and “Who you bottle fed, right?”
rig ht?” She instantly got
up and left. I think the unspoken implications got through loud

and clear.
  — Hilary Butler 

Formula manufacturers
manufacturers “donate $1 million annually to the American
Academy of Pediatrics in the form of a renewable grant that has already
netted the AAP $8 million. The formula industry also contributed at least
$3 million toward the building costs of the AAP headquarters.”
headquarters.” (Mothering
magazine, July-August,
July-August, p.60; refers to a book Milk, Money and Madness by
Naomi Baumslag and Dia L. Michels (Westport, Conn.: Bergin and Garvey
1995, p. 172))
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 16

Governments Are Run

By The Corporations
5 (For The Corporations)
So don’t expect much light from
that direction. The two main UK
government spokesman for MMR
receive funding from the makers.

Professor David Elliman,

whose study said fears of a
link between the MMR vaccine
and autism were unfounded,
admitted that he and Dr Helen
Bedford had been given money
“ by drugs giants SmithKline

Beecham and Pasteur Merieux
Merck Sharp & Dohme. Their
report, MMR Vaccine - Worries Are Not Justied, isi s published

in the current issue of the medical journal Archives of Disease
in Childhood, and was used by the government to reiterate its
view that the vaccine is safe.
  — Media 

It is also easily seen in the government organisations & vaccine advisory

committees, one even chaired by a Merck man:

I have minutes from a CDC Study Group Meeting on the

Hepatitis B vaccine held in March, 1997. ....It should be noted
that the afternoon session of this meeting was chaired by Dr.
Robert Sharrar of Merck.

“ — Betty D. Fluck

   “ 17

Asking the CDC to look

l ook into vaccine safety is like asking the fox
to guard the chicken coop.

  — Dr Bernard Rimland http://autism.com/ari/editorials/explosion.html 

Still persisting in my inquiries, the issue came up that vaccine
manufacturing was an essential component of industry,
industry, this
country’s (U.S.) protection against potential biological
bi ological warfare.
A number of companies had given up making vaccines. It’s
an economically risky business. If one criticizes, in this case,

Lederle, too much and they stop production, then all the
production will go to Switzerland. The Swiss would then be
bought out by the Russians, and then there will be biological
warfare...That stays as a memory of the way the government
works... I have approached individuals to try and understand
why that system would operate like that. The major
explanation was that the regulatory authorities are controlled
by and depend on the industry,
industry, and so, industry growth, if you
want, calls the shots

  — Dr Martin

a. The CDC’s ACIP committ
The Committee’s investigation has determined that conict of
interest rules employed by the FDA and the CDC have been
weak, enforcement has been lax, and committee members
with substantial ties to pharmaceutical companies have been

given waivers to participate in committee proceedings.

  — Committee staff report

In the case of vaccines, they have this particular panel called

the ACIP [Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices].
I’ve sat through their meetings and know pretty much what
goes on there. Basically,
Basically, they rubber-stamp whatever the drug

companies put in front of them. But this committee
committee comes
up with language saying, such and such a person should get
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 18

this vaccine at such and such a date. Then the drug company
lobbyists take that recommendation from the ACIP and
they go around to all the state legislatures and state health
departments saying, “Did you see what the CDC says to do?”
And the American Academy of Pediatrics, of course, jumps in. i n.
There are huge donations owing back and forth between all
these people. It’s a huge conict of interest.

  — Michael Belkin

The CDC no longer permits
p ermits members of its vaccine advisory
committee to vote on issues involving any company with whom
they have a nancial relationship. But they can participate in
discussions--which allows them to continue inuencing policy.

Minutes of a June 1995 CDC advisory committee meeting, at
which members voted to delay recommending use of a safer
polio vaccine, show that ve of the nine members present had
nancial ties to vaccine manufacturers.

  — Money Magazine

b. Also the makers and the government shielded themselves
from liability!
liabilit y!
Once a vaccine is mandated for children,
child ren, the manufacturer
and the physician administering the vaccine are substantially
relieved of liability for adverse effects.

  — Jane Orient MD

c. If you look at the gov
ernmentt supplied vaccine
vaccine leaets you
will be amazed.
If I had not been computer
computer literate,
literate, and had not been
internet-literate,, I would have still believed
internet-literate believed that (1) my
daughters sudden turn to poor health was in no way related to
the Hepatitis B vaccine (2) that “SHE WAS THE ONLY

www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 19

who had
had ever
ever been sick after
after receiving this vaccine
vaccine and
and (3) I
am crazy for drawing a correlation between the vaccine and
her health problems immediately following the Hepatitis B

  — Parent (eMail forum)

You can read the vaccine package

package inserts which only doctors are meantmeant
to see, describing the manifold dangers, and then read those government
vaccine information leaets! You’ll see just how full of lies and phoney
p honey re-
assurances they are.

In nothing are ofcial leaets so evil as the way they play down dangers or
pretend they don’t exist. In who’s interest? The public? Governments are
supposed to work for us, the people, not big cartels.
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 20

Run By The Drug
6 Corporations/Industry
So it’s self-policing by the makers, and its hard not to conclude that parent

groups like the NVIC are the only independent watchdogs on vaccine safety,
and because of them that any vaccine injury payments exist at all (no
compensation in any third world country, and only very recently in Canada!).

Today we have a system in which vaccine production by

the pharmaceutical companies is largely self-regulated. Of
course these companies are interested in prots from their
products which, in itself, is not wrong. However, when arbitrary
decisions in the mandating of vaccines are made by the
government bureaucracies,
bureaucracies, which are highly partisan to the
“ pharmaceuticals, with no recourse open to parents, we have all
the potential ingredients for a tragedy of historical proportions.

  — Harold Buttram MD

a. Secrecy is the name of the game, and you hav

have to
to ask--
what are they trying to hide?
Did you know that the CDC committee which sets national
vaccine policy,
policy, the Advisory Committee on Immunizatrion
Practices (ACIP), (until 1997) operated for more than 20 years
without making verbatim transcripts of its meetings available

“ to the public?

  — Ingri Cassel 
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 21

You can see why they keep them secret when their leading smallpox expert
said at an 2002 ACIP meeting (was on web but withdrawn) that smallpox
would have died out without vaccination!:

If people are worried about endemic smallpox, it disappeared

from this country not
not because of our mass
mass herd immunity
immunity. It
disappeared because of our economic
economic development.
development. And that’s
why it disappeared from Europe and many other countries,

and it will not be sustained here, even if there were several
importations, I’m sure. It’s not from universal
universal vaccination.

  — Dr. Mack 

b. Even the medical doctors are not in the inner “knowledge
In speaking with an AMA lobbyist, I understood they “would
not want the public to know that their doctors were not in
the knowledge loop”......The world and, in particular, its
children appear to be at risk for stealth adapted viruses. The
contribution of vaccines to the formation and dissemination of

“ these viruses should be an open topic for scientic discussion.

This is not occurring with those presently in charge of
overseeing the safety of the Nation’s immunization program.

  — Dr John Martin

And essentially work for the Drug Industry,

Industry, so don’t
don’ t expect any light from
that direction, as Dr Mortimer points out:

CASE No. 82-1232, Cossette Krause, vs F.K. Abbousy, MD et al (State of

Ohio), transcipt of videotape deposition of Dr Edward Mortimer September 6,
1984.. On page 11 reads
reads the following:

 “Several years ago, because

 “Several because of the increasing amount of litigations over
over DTP,
members of the so-called Red Book Committee of the American Academy of
Pediatrics agreed in a sense that we would sort of divide up the cases to try
to help the manufacturers in these lawsuits, and therefore I and a number of
my colleagues agreed to serve as expert witnesses.” 


   “ 22

For a paediatrician to attack what has become the “bread and

butter” of paediatric practice is equivalent to a priest denying

the infallibility of the pope.

  — Dr Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

In the last century the practice of medicine has become no

more than an adjunct to the pharmaceutical industry and the
other aspects of the huge, powerful and immensely protable
health care industry.
industry. Medicine is no longer an independent

profession. Doctors have become nothing more than a link
connecting the pharmaceutical industry to the consumer.

  — Dr Vernon Coleman

Indeed the modern physician now only represents an extension

of these (medical) industries into the public.

  — Carl Reich, M.D.

Did you know that the research information
i nformation contained in the
Physicians’ Desk Reference the pharmaceutical bible used by
M.D.s is supplied by the drug manufacturers themselves? Did
you know that the FDA approves drugs not by actually doing

“ the testing, but simply by reviewing studies submitted by the

drug manufacturers? Did you know that a drug manufacturer
needs to submit only two studies showing satisfactory results
to get a drug approved by the FDA even if there are even
more studies showing the drug causes adverse reactions in an
unacceptably high number of cases?

Did you know that most of the articles discussing the efcacy
of drugs that are published in medical journals are studies
paid for by the drug manufacturer? And that often, as the
New York Times reported last summer, the academic scientists
listed as lead authors are often just “window dressing, to

lend credibility
companies. Thetoacademic
papers that are really
scientists’ therole
main work of drug
in such studies
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 23

is to recruit patients and administer experimental treatments.
The scientists or their universities are paid for this work.

And did you know that a study conducted by USA Today

found that more than half of the experts hired to advise the
government on the safety and effectiveness of medicine had
a direct nancial interest in the drug or topic were asked to

  — Burton Goldberg http://www.alternativemedicine.com/ 

www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 24

Toxic Vaccine
7 ingredients
There is no way even one of these highly
toxic substances is going to be injected
into my
my children. One estimate put
mercury as 5,000 times the toxicity of
lead, and neomycin (found in MMR) is
one of the most toxic antibiotics every
made. Autism started just after mass

mercury containing DPT vaccination, and
no, I don’t believe for a nanosecond it
has appeared due to better diagnosis.
Mercury poisoning symptoms almost
mimic autism
autism symptoms.
symptoms. Now we havehave
500,000 people with autistic spectrum
disorders in the UK.

Vaccination programs were instituted in the late 1930s, and

the rst handful of autistic babies were noted in the early
1940s. When vaccination programs were expanded after the
war, the number of autistic children increased greatly.

  “ — Harris Coulter Ph.D.

A single vaccine given to a six-pound newborn is the

equivalent of giving a 180-pound adult 30 vaccinations on the
same day.
day. Include in this the toxic effects of high levels of
aluminum and formaldehyde contained in some vaccines, and

the synergist toxicity could be increased to unknown levels.
“ Further,, it is very well known that infants do not produce
signicant levels of bile or have adult renal capacity for several
months after birth. Bilary transport
transport is the major biochemical
route by which mercury is removed from the body, body, and infants
cannot do this very well. They also do not possess the renal
(kidney) capacity to remove aluminum. Additionally,
Additionally, mercury
is a well-known inhibitor of kidney function.

  — Boyd Haley Ph.D.

www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 25

Filthy Vaccine
8 Contaminants
No way is an African monkey kidney soup going to be injected into my
children either.
either. No real effort is being made to screen vaccines
contaminants and its left to the makers!
vaccines for all

FDA virologist Peter Reeve........ acknowledged that the FDA

suspended its own independent tests of vaccine purity 15 years
ago, leaving it entirely up to the manufacturers to ensure the
vaccine is contaminant free.

  “ — “The Virus and the Vaccine”: Atlantic Monthly

Numerous organisms (Acanthamoeba, Mycoplasma, Simian cytomegalovirus,

stealth virus) can be in the vaccines and not much effort if going on to nd
them, for obvious reasons.
reasons. Ever wondered where new diseases like AIDS

come from?
from? Now you
you know.
know. SV40 cancer causing virus is now being found
in tumours, and is still in polio vaccines:

Stanley Kops....has produced proof positive that the oral

polio vaccine has always been contaminated with SV-40, a
monkey virus which has been linked by the FDA and other
organisations with cancers such as mesothelioma and
meduloblastoma. Since 1963, we have been assured that polio
“ vaccines have not contained this deadly contaminant. Stanley
Kops shows that not only is this not the case, but that the
vaccine regulators who are charged with keeping our families
safe, have known all along that SV-40 was never removed
from vaccines.

  — Meryl W. Dorey 
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 26

Had my mother and father known that the poliovirus vaccines
of the 1950s were heavily contaminated with more than 26
monkey viruses, including the cancer virus SV40, I can say
with certainty that they would not have allowed their children
and themselves to take those vaccines. Both of my parents
“ might not have developed cancers suspected of being vaccine-
related, and might even be alive today.

— Dr Urnovitz 
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 27

Knowledge of
9 medical politics
Vaccines are the medicine of one group of medical doctors--the allopaths
(drug using medical doctors). Many medical
medical doctors (usually
(usually ones
knowledgeable in non-drug/alternative medicine) advise against using
vaccines. The allopaths have a medical monopoly-----this
monopoly-----this explains many,
many “mysteries” such as why the cause of numerous diseases such as
Alzheimer’s, SIDS, & autism are “unknown”, and why most diseases are

 “uncurable” (with drugs, apart from bacterial infections), eg alzheimer’s,
AIDS, cancer,
cancer, arthritis, heart disease etc, and why you can only get drug
medicine “free” on the NHS.

Society today is paying a heavy price in disease and death for

the monopoly granted the medical profession in the 1920’s.
1920’s. In
fact, the situation peculiarly resembles that of the 1830s when
physicians relied on bloodletting, mercurial medicines, and
quinine, even though knowing them to be intrinsically harmful.

“ And precisely the same arguments were made in i n defense

of these medicines as are employed today, namely, that the
benets outweigh the risks. In truth, the benets accrue to the
physician, while the patient runs the risks.

  — Harris Coulter 

We know the cause of SIDS. We can and have prevented them.

It’s all done with a compound called ascorbate. Not to use it
means deaths will continue. There is no other answer.
answer. There
never will be. For our ndings are based on scientic facts.

Not medical opinion.

  — Dr Kalokerinos MD.
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 28

The main reason they wont ever admit vaccine reactions like autism is partly
revealed by this ex-v
accine researcher:

Vaccines are the last defense of modern medicine. Vaccines are

the ultimate justication for the overall “brilliance” of modern

  — Jon Rappoport interview 

The whole of allopathy/pharma
allopathy/pharma medicine rests on the vaccination hoax.
hoax. If
that goes then the rest of the pharmaceutical drug hoax will follow. Only
around 2% of pharmaceutical drugs have any therapeutic value. Salvador
Allende found that out in Chile which was one reason why he was ousted.
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 29

Vaccinated Patients
Often Get The
10 Disease Anyway
Even if you run the risk of vaccinating your child can still get the disease,
and many measles deaths, for example, are in kids under the age of

What they don’t tell you is that a child who receives the MMR
vaccine can still get measles. In an outbreak of measles in
Texas in 1987, 96 percent of the cases were considered non-
preventable. In other words, all the measles cases were either
fully vaccinated, had a religious or medical exemption or were
“ born before 1957... According to the Panhandle Health District,

85 percent of the documented cases of pertussis had 4 out of
4 of their DPT shots and 15 percent had 3 out of 4 of their DPT
shots... The CDC statistics for this outbreak in all ve northern
counties states that out of 253 reported cases, 81.5 percent
were fully vaccinated or had 4 out of 4 of their DPT shots.

  — Ingri Cassel 

Tetanus is a very rare disease in developed countries: there

are only about 12 cases of tetanus per year in Australia, and
half of those who got it were vaccinated.

“ — Viera Scheibner 

so much for the oft repeated mantra “vaccine

“vaccine preventable disease”.
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 30

The Real Disease

11 Issues Are Ignored
Perhaps the greatest evil of immunization lies ini n its diversion
of public attention from true methods of disease prevention.

It encourages public authorities to permit all kinds of sanitary
defects and social problems to remain undressed, particularly

in schools. It ignores the part played
pl ayed by food and sunlight
and many other factors in the maintenance of health. It
exaggerates the risk of diphtheria and works upon
up on the fear
of parents. The more it is supported by public authorities,
the more will its dangers and disadvantages be concealed or

  — M. Meadow Bayly, M.R.C.S., 1944

That means the naturopathic disease model makes more sense than the

allopathic one, and if you study the results of natural healing (naturopathy,
homeopathy,, metabolic, nutritional) over allopathy you can see the results
are far more
more successful, and more capable
capable of dealing with disease. Possibly
the best cancer therapy is the metabolic Gerson therapy (he was curing 50%

of terminal
possibly thecancer
worst iscases 50 years
chemotherapy ago), or the similar
or radiation Kelley
. Liketherapy.
therapy therapy . And
it’s not science, it’s politics.

We are not dealing with a scientic problem. We are dealing

with a political issue.

  — Samuel Epstein, M.D.

www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 31

And look at allopathic (vaccinators) iatrogenic disease, now ofcially the third
cause of death, costing about £4 Billion in compensation every year (UK).

Why would I want to risk my child’s life for one type of unproven
experimental medicine, vaccination of allopathy,
allopathy, when there are are other
safe & better systems available?
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 32

No Long-Term
Research Into The
12 Dangers Ever Done
No research is being conducted into the long term effects of vaccines (for
obvious reasons) so vaccination is still an experiment and contracting some

childhood diseases looks to be a benecial immune process:

After contracting measles and other childhood illnesses

il lnesses
(e.g.. chickenpox, scarlet fever,
fever, whooping cough, rubella,
mumps and may be others), it has been widely accepted by
many health practitioners, including experienced orthodox
paediatricians that this is often benecial for the general
health of many children. Specically it has been shown that

“ children contracting measles naturally were less likely to suffer

from allergic conditions such as asthma, eczema and hayfever

(Lancer June 29 1996).

  — Trevor Gunn BSc 

Trouble is, no research has ever been done using completely

non-vaccinated children (if you can nd enough to study).
study ).

One of the aws in studies of vaccines is that there are no

true placebo groups. The vaccine is tested in one group of
immunized children and is compared to another group of
immunized children.

  — Peter Baratosy 
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 33

Another point which I document in my presentation... is that

there is little or no objective research into the possible adverse
effects of vaccines. There has never been a study comparing
vaccinated to unvaccinated
unvaccinated children. The only explanation for

“ this is bias and political pressure.

— Philip Incao MD

They are too afraid to do so for they know

k now what they would nd.

Parents are not listened to

The conclusion of the research report was: Children who received all of
the AAP recommended vaccinations were 14 times more likely to become
learning disabled and 8 times
ti mes more likely to become autistic compared with
childr en who were never vaccinated
vaccinated.. Donald Meserlian, P.E.,
P.E., VOSI Chairman
& ASTM Member March 2002

What is vaccination
vaccination doing to the immune system? They don’t know that
much about the immune system of babies. Maybe in 50 years time; by then
it will be too late.
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 34

Unvaccinated children
are healthier than
13 vaccinated children
I observed that my unvaccinated children were healthier,

hardier and more robust than their vaccinated peers. Allergies,
asthma and pallor and behavioral and attentional disturbances
were clearly more common in my young patients who were

vaccinated. My unvaccinated
unvaccinated patients, on the other hand, did
not suffer from infectious diseases with any greater frequency
or severity than their vaccinated peers: their immune systems
generally handled these challenges very well.

  — Incao’s Hepatitis B Vaccination Testimony 

and the whistle is being blown by medical doctors:

the process of recovering from the natural disease also

 “primes” the organism nonspecically to respond promptly and
efciently to other micro-organisms in the future. A crucial step

in the maturation
a vigorous,of a healthy immune system,unquestionably
the ability to

mount acute response to infection
represents a major ingredient of optimum health and
well-being in general... It has taken us many centuries of
adaptation and “herd immunity” to convert it into an ordinary
childhood disease, such that, when I rst encountered it at
the age of 6, nonspecic mechanisms were already in place

to help me deal with it effectively.
effectively. In that historical
hi storical sense, the
permanent immunity acquired by recovery from the natural
disease represents an absolute net gain for the total health of
the race as well. However the vaccines act inside the human
body,, true natural immunity or any other qualitative benet
cannot be ascribed to them: their effectiveness is a mere
statistic, and the resulting “immunity” a narrowly dened

— Richard Moskowitz, M.D.(Vaccination: A Sacrament of Modern

www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 35

The Staggering Wasteful

Costs of Unnecessary
14 Vaccinations
Vaccine income world wide
costs taxpayers around many

That doesn’t take into account

the cost of treating vaccine
induced disease. This could
be 10 times as
as much, all paid
for by the hapless taxpayer.
Much of this money comes
back down the money chain to
the allopaths, who, in reality
market the products of the drug
industry, eg vaccines.

accounts for .26
age 6 visits
At least half of all U.S children have had otitis media by their

rst birthday 90% have had them.

to physicians Thisyear.
every condition
year. In
addition, about 1 million children have tubes inserted in their
ears every year, at a cost of $1000/operation. Thus $1 billion is
spent each year on this operation. Just imagine what it means

if this is all, or mostly all, caused by the pertussis vaccine. This
particular “glue ear” type of otitis was not known in American
medical practice before the late 1940’s or early 1950’s -- in
other words, the time when the pertussis vaccine was being

  — Harris Coulter Ph.D.

www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 36

15 Misplaced Trust

It is comforting to trust the medical industry as this media writer points out:

I don’t know why my son is autistic. I suspect it has something

to do with his mysterious genes. For now, I nd the idea of
a mystery much more comforting than the possibility of a
conspiracy.. With a little trust, we might be able to put this
sorry tale behind us, and instead of pouring energy and money
“ into nding a culprit we can instead direct resources toward
nding a cure. Autism is a mystery, not a medical conspiracy

— Gerald DeGroot 

This trust is misplaced. It is unwise to place

place trust in a self-policing
self-policing monopoly
business that has a history of covering up the truth to protect itself. Don’t let
your child suffer the consequences of misplaced trust.

The Medical Cartel is a covert-hostile tyrant that has been identied as

psychopathic, while selling itself as a benevolent mother Teresa
Teresa gure which
the above writer is still seduced by

Just look at a few facts that show the folly of this position:

a. Glaring conicts of interest:

You can’t serve two masters, Truth and a Business/Career.

And they have the brass to accuse Wakeeld of being guided by money in
doing research into MMR and bowel disease!
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 37

b. That has lied and continues to lie on a daily basis:
When you have
have power you
you don’t have to tell the truth. That’s
a rule that’s
that’s been working in this world for generations.
generations. And
there are a great many people who don’t tell the truth when

they are in power in administrative positions.

“ — Dean Burk former head of National Cancer Institute
Ins titute Research
(interview on the Owen Spahn Talk Show, San Francisco, june 1972).

Read the lies they came out with on laetrile: See How They Lie by Dean

They (Merck) told her that she was the only person who had
ever phoned... she said that when her doctor phoned, he too
was told he was the only person in the world that had ever
called, and when each of the doctors of the other nurses called

in, each was told the same thing. I also called Merck...and they
said..”” Oh Dr Hyde, you are the only doctor in all of Canada
that has ever contacted us with such a complaint.” 

  — Dr Hyde

c. That has suppressed or ignored numerous life saving

therapies for decades ignoring or suppressing non-drug medicine and
disease prevention, while spinning the yarn “if it works (and can be proven to
work) orthodox physicians
physicians will use it and call it conventional medicine.
medicine.”” The
cures for cancer,
cancer, AIDS, cot-death, alzheimer’s,
alzheimer’s, heart disease
disease etc. Aren’t they
the nice guys?

d. That has a huge blind eye over iatrogenic disease for

obvious reasons. eg meningitis
In the towns with meningitis clusters, there were almost
50% more prescriptions for antibiotics and nine times more
case of the killer disease than in the low-incidence” towns.
One antibiotic drug, erythromycin, which is marketed under

www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 38

a variety of brand name and is used as a routine treatment

for sore throats appeard with mysterious frequency or the
prescriptions. It was being used up to four times more often
in the towns with the serious meningitis problem than in the
other towns.” 

  — Media 1996

Could the increase in all forms of meningitis and other

infectious disease complications and deaths be because for the
last 40+ years, the rst thing parents do at the slightest sign
of temperature is push paracetamol? I believe so.

  “ — Hilary Butler (VRAN Newsletter Jan-March 2003)

When notications of meningitis (from MMR vaccine) from

physicians were included; when the vaccine records of hospital
cases of meningitis were included; when cross linkage of
vaccine records from laboratory reports (4 laboratories) was

performed and included the gure was increased to 1 in
11,000. It should be noted that in the case of one particular
laboratory, this was 1 in 4,000.

Paul Shattock and Dawn Savery, Autism Research Unit, University of

Sunderland, Sunderland, UK.

— http://www.whale.to/vaccines/meningitis2.htm

Every time you hear of the tragic death of an infant, carried off
in the rst weeks of life by ‘viral meningitis’, you have the right
to suspect that BCG is at work,
w ork, even if the autopsy conrms a

viral diagnosis. My wife lived through this tragedy in a major

Swiss hospital where she worked. The autopsy of the child
revealed the tubercular nature of the ‘viral’ meningitis following
a BCG inoculation, but all the assistants and nurses had
received very clear instructions to say nothing or risk terrible
absolute amongAs with all secret societies, the law of silence is
doctors! is

  — Dr Jean Elmiger (Rediscovering Real Medicine ISBN 1862041997)

www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 39

My rst lesson in vaccine propaganda is when I learned, back
in the forties, that the “epidemics” of meningitis amongst
miltitary recruits were not epidemics but clusters, and the
second thing I learned was that only the freshly vaccinated
recruits “caught” meningitis. The mess sargeant didn’t, the drill

sargeant didn’t, only the recruits did. Not even the girls who
worked at the base exchanges and service clubs, with whom
the recruits played kissy face “caught” meningitis - only the
freshly vaccinated recruits “caught” it.

  — Daniel H Duffy Sr. DC 

When I heard about the 14 year old boy who died of group C
meningitis I remember wondering how soon beforehand he had had
his BCG vaccination (another vaccine with a ‘live’ organism).

“ — Dr Jayne L M Donegan
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 40

16 The Meningitis Factor

At no time are parents advised that drugs and vaccines are causes of
meningitis, so they can avoid these as much as possible and reduce FEAR,
instead the fear of meningitis is used to sell vaccines such as the Meningitis
C vaccine which is “linked” to 11 deaths:

or that bottlefeeding is a factor:

Hanson LA. Human milk and host defence: immediate and long-term effects.
Acta Paediatr Suppl. 1999 Aug;88(430):42-6. Review. PMID: 10569222
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Convincing studies demonstrate signicant protection during breastfeeding

against diarrhoea, respiratory tract infections, otitis media, bacteraemia,
bacterial meningitis, botulism, urinary tract infections and necrotizing
enterocolitis. There is also good evidence for enhanced protection for years
after the termination of breastfeeding against Haemophilus inuenzae type b
infections, otitis media, diarrhoea, respiratory tract infections and wheezing
bronchitis. In some reports breastfeeding has also improved vaccine

So what are the odds all or most meningitis being down to vaccines,
antibiotics, other drugs, low vitamin c levels, junk food like sugar and
aspartame, or pesticides, or a combination
combination of them? One thing is for sure
you are never going to nd out unless you go
g o and look for the answers

The matron was convinced that the diagnosis was meningitis

so she prepared a lumbar puncture. I had however,
however, seen this
problem before. Lumbar punctures performed by me had
been negative and the infants died... the trauma of inserting a
needle..might result in a haemorrage that might cause spinal
“ cord paralysis. So I decided to give an injection of vitamin C..I
probably gave as many as 6 injections, each 100mg. After
half an hour Mary
Mary was normal.
normal. It was hard to believe, but I
had performed a miracle!... I found that any viral infection,

   “ 41

including measles and hepatitis, could be dramatically ‘cured’

by administering Vitamin C intravenously in big doses -
provided that treatment was commenced early.

  — Dr Kalokerinos MD (Medical Pioneer of the 20th century p175)

When all the drugs have been used up?

www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 42

An Unethical
Experiment On (Your)
17 Children

Can you live with that, in years to come, especially if there is post-
vaccination damage?

To determine the effect of different amounts of the vaccines,

researchers at the hospital inoculated newborns from mostly
lower-income black families with doses ranging up to more
than 100 times the dose recommended for adults.

  “ — Media

Using kids as guinea pigs in potentially harmful vaccine

experiments is every parents’ worst nightmare. This actually
happened in 1989-199
1989-1991 1 when Kaiser Permanente of Southern
California and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) jointly

“ conducted a measles the

parental disclosure, vaccine experiment. Without
Yugoslavian-made proper
“high titre”
Edmonston-Zagreb measles vaccine was tested on 1,500 poor,
primarily black and Latino, inner city children in Los Angeles.
Highly recommended by the Wo World
rld Health Organization (WHO),
the high-potency experimental vaccine was previously injected
into infants in Mexico, Haiti, and Africa. It was discontinued in
these countries when it was discovered that the children were
dying in large numbers.

  — Dr Alan Cantwell MD
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 43

No concern for child safety when it comes to prots:

Up to 300 cases relate to this brand of vaccine - Pluserix -

which was banned

being linked by the Department
with meningitis. This was of
yearsin 1992
after anafter
identical vaccine was banned in Canada.

“ — Media

THE Department of Health has told doctors they must use

stocks of a mercury-based vaccine for infants even though it is
being phased out for safety reasons.

  — Media Aug 2001

MMR Urabe - Withdrawn 2-3 years after proven unsafe:

I believe the documents clearly reveal how the central

government hid undesirable data and delayed discontinuation
of the (MMR) vaccine,” lawyer Tatsuro Shigemura said.

  — Media 2002

In 1990, scientists from the Queen’s Medical Centre
Nottingham found some children developed a form of
meningitis after receiving it. But despite this the Government
went on using it for more than two years. The Canadian

Government, also using the vaccine, immediately switched
to a safer version. It was not until September 1992 that the
UK Department of Health issued pharmacists with emergency
supplies of a safer brand with instructions to withdraw existing

  — Sunday Express
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 44

Still in use 7 years later, 1997, in Brazil:

Outbreak of aseptic meningitis associated with mass

vaccination with a urabe containing mmr vaccine
Still in use 12 yrs later
later,, 2002:

Ofcers are also investigating how a consignment of potentially

dangerous mumps vaccine was sent to one of Direct Health
2000’s suppliers. The vaccine sent by a German distributor
turned out to be of the Urabe strain, banned in Britain since

1992 as it can cause viral meningitis in babies.

— Media 2002

You can see in this story that they have no interest in the truth but are
covering it up PRIVATE
PRIVATE EYE 17 October - 30 October 2003 Kids come second
when a huge trillion $$ industry is at stake. History shows that time and time

And it took them 30 years to give up smallpox vaccine after it had died
di ed out:

For thirty years kids died from smallpox vaccinations even

though no longer threatened by the disease.

  — Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD

And they admitted the smallpox vaccine was then killing 20 children a year
 just in Western
Western countries. And they admitted it killed 826 children from
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 45

18 Genocide?
The planet is being controlled, to an alarming extent, by elites,
or, as I call them, cartels. There are many cartels, but 7 are
the most powerfu
l. They evolve, they learn from one another,
they both compete and cooperate. Unfortunately,
Unfortunately, the trend
is more towards cooperation. These 7 cartels represent the


ENERGY, MONEY, MEDIA, AND MEDICAL... I came to this map
of cartels through my own research on the medical monopoly.
That’s where it started, in 1986... Once you understand these
cartel elites, you can begin to separate out information into
loose layers of importance, as in, which layer of the control
game are we talking about? Because it’s all about layers. And
at most layers, the players are forwarding agendas which they
do not realize t into higher and more destructive agendas.

  — Jon Rappoport 

Now you know why the media cartel makes us think conspiracies
c onspiracies don’t exist,
and why they like us to think “conspiracy theorists” are paranoid, mad etc.
That is just effective propaganda.

Covert genocide. When you follow the neck to the body you come across
a highly secret and nasty government that carries out covert-genocide on
Africans using vaccines:

My nal conclusion after forty years or more in this business

[medicine] is that the unofcial policy of the World Health
Organization and the unofcial policy of the ‘Save the
Children’s Fund’ and... [other vaccine promoting] organizations

“ is one of murder and genocide... I cannot see any other

possible explanation.... You cannot immunize sick children,
malnourished children, and expect to get away with it. You’ll
kill far more children than would have died from natural

  — Dr Kalokerinos (International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995)


   “ 46

Deliberate attempts have been made to allow (Aboriginal)

infants under my care to die. The real authorities don’t want
these infants to live. The real intention on the part of the
authorities is genocide.

“ — Was the AIDS Virus tested on Expendable People By Harry V. Martin

The overwhelming evidence for the existence of the sinister shadow

government is here and their [Overview] covert war against humanity

Hardly a fact to inspire condence in government (cartel) and medical

(cartel) propaganda and motives
motives to put it mildly.
mildly. They couldn’t give a rat’s
ass about my kids.
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 47

They Wil
Willl Blame
Blame YOU
19 if there is a problem

Shaken baby syndrome (otherwise known as post-v

accine damage) is one of
the greatest scandals and medical injustices of all time.

Vaccination causes brain inammation, with characteristic swelling, bleeding

on the brain surface and bleeding behind the eyes. There may also be water-
lled cysts.

Phoney,, stupid, incompetent

Phoney i ncompetent pathologists have long considered this to be
evidence of brutality to the child. They have NEVER investigated whether or
not vaccination damage is similar (because vaccinations can’t possibly cause
any brain damage, right?).

Countless parents have been sent to jail on the imsy pathological evidence
and no other proof of parental violence; found guilty of shaking their baby to
death. Many others have gone through the stress of being tried in court and
had to add the stress of that to the pain of losing a baby.

Parents denials and protests are never taken into account and this cruel
 juggernaut goes on, blaming parents for what
what is without question a common
side effect of the heavy vaccination programs
programs currently in use.

In 1998 Alan Yurko waswas found guilty of “murdering” his child and sentenced
to 10 years in jail, without parole. He was nally released in 2004, when it
emerged the evidence against him was fake and had been concocted simply
to protect the vaccine industry.

Pro-vaccination cranks are quick to point out that Alan Yurko was a convicted
burglar (therefore he must have done it, right?)

Well, I wouldn’t like to be in your shoes if your baby has the misfortune to
suffer this all-too-common side effect.
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 48

Treats Victims With

20 Contempt

The industry treats vaccine victims with such contempt while covering up
vaccine injuries often by blaming the parents.

Vaccine victims (remember that these are the children who have given up
their health or lives for the greater good according to the propaganda) and
their families are treated with absolute contempt, and few, if any,
any, third world
countries compensate victims and even Canada didn’t until very recently and
then only in one Province:

[Media Canada, Nov 2002] Only Quebec pays out for vaccine injuries

They will deny any connection, and may:

a. Lose your medical records

The main reason given was lack of medical evidence, in many
case the medical records had been “lost” or “destroyed”.
“destroyed”. We
had the experience of this ourselves, when we appealed we
received the evidence from the Unit only to discover that the

rst four years of Paul’s records were missing from his le...
How many were refused payment because of “lost” medical
les is anyone’s guess.

  — Wm. H Wain BEM 

The Department of Health has admitted that at least 400
records sent to its Committee on the Safety of Medicines in the
Eighties no longer exist. As a result, dozens of families with
sick children have lost out on payments from the Government

of up to £100,000 under the Vaccine Damage Payment
Scheme. They have been forced to abandon legal action for
compensation because essential information was missing which
may have proved their child did not have the condition before
the vaccine.
  — Media Jan 2003

www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 49

b. rewrite the laws to avoid paying out and then pass the buck to the

Vaccine manufacturers and others are sheltered from product
liability lawsuits by a special 1986 act of Congress. (See the

US Code 42 USC
compensate those300aa for details.)
who can This act
prove serious set from
injury up a vaccines.
fund to

“ — Roger Schlay 

It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of

making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands
of people who pay no price for being wrong.

“ — Thomas Sowell 

Next, consider that vaccine manufacturers themselves have

almost no legal accountability for their products, which is
unprecedented protection for any any drug. Any other
other drug
that has had to face as many lawsuits would have gone out
of business already.
already. Federa
Federall laws stipulate that
that vaccine
“ manufacturers and administrators cannot be sued in court
for vaccine liabilities, until after the government approves

or denies compensation through the National Vaccine
Injury Compensation
Compensation Program
Program (VICP). Interestingly
Interestingly,, our
own Department of Justice lawyers intentionally delay and
antagonize the processing of VICP claims,
cl aims, sometimes for as
long as 10 years
years before an answer
answer is given. This means those
families cannot take vaccine manufacturers to court for as
long as ten years
years or more after the initial injury or death. This
tedious process makes it extremely difcult to litigate; the
victims would have to retain the few lawyers in the country
who are able and willing
willing to invest this kind of time.
time. As
unpleasant as litigation is, it is one of the few checks and
balances consumers have to trust products they use, let alone
inject into their children.

  — Sally Tuker 
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 50

and write barbaric laws (that maybe even George Orwell would consider
c onsider too
unbelievable for ction) to further avoid paying out:

Some were deemed to be under 80% disabled as required by

the Act, this was always considered by the patients unjust, if

the child was 79% it did not qualify but it if was 80% it did.

  — Wm. H Wain BEM 

I know parents who have been turned down because they say

the child is 79.5 per cent disabled (not 80%).

  — Ann Coote

I wonder which heartless bastard dreamt that one up?

But then we are in fact living in a Fascist state according to an expert on


Fascism should more properly be called corporatism since it is

the merger of state and corporate power.

  — Benito Mussolini 

Corporations run medicine and governments.

c. or change a medical denition to avoid liability:

Encephalopathy was redened so that the diagnosis requires

as a sine qua non in excess of 24 hours of a diminished
di minished level
of consciousness, a criterion which is far more restrictive than
that of the leading epidemiological study of pertussis vaccine
injury,, the British National Childhood Encephalopathy Study
“ (NCES). Moreover, seizures have been removed from the
Table, although that the pertussis vaccine can cause seizures
is uncontested (and warned in the manufacturer’s package

  — Marcel Kingsbourne
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 51

or even decide to deny DPT vaccines cause serious brain damage by

arranging to win a court hearing, even after paying out for 900 children in
the UK alone over many years:

The case commenced in October 1987 in front of Lord Justice

it was the ith at the
Judge whoHigh Court.
decided I was
which alarmed
case to discover
he wanted to hearthat
and which witnesses he would allow to be heard and that there

would be a moratorium on all other Legal Aid Certicates.
Lord Justice Stuart-Smith... found that the Plaintiff had failed
to show on the balance of probabilities that the vaccine could
have caused permanent brain damage in young children... His
Lordship’s decision did not surprise me and others because
he had been deprived of hearing vital evidence from the
parents of vaccine damaged children, their medical experts,
independent medical experts from the Vaccine Damaged
Tribunals and reports from the Yellow Card system. Before the
case commenced I wrote to the Lord Chancellor and the Master
of the Rolls saying that the case had been chosen to fail, they
replied saying they could intervene. I also wrote to the Learned
Clerk to the Lord Stuart-Smith about the witnesses to be
called, he replied saying that this was up to the Counsel in the

There is little doubt
d oubt the Loveday v Renton case left a lot to
be desired in the interests of natural justice. When was the
Loveday case selected when Miss Loveday had been refused
Paym ent under the Act and had previously been to the court
of appeal on two occasions which had refused her applications.
There were hundreds of cases which could have been selected
which had been awarded the Payment and where evidence
could have been called by medical experts.

  — Wm. H Wain BEM 

www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 52

d. While hiding vaccine deaths under Cot-Death/SIDS/Crib-Death or
Shaken Baby Syndrome

Scott Warren Walters,

Walters, 28, was acquitted of the manslaughter
of three-month-old Rikki-Lee after a Supreme Court Judge

found that herbaby

than “shaking deathsyndrome”....
could have been caused by Kalokerinos
Dr. Archivides factors other
said a possible cause of Rikki-Lee’s death was “scurvy
“ haemorrhages precipitated by pertussis [whooping cough)
vaccine”. Another doctor Mark Donohoe said Rikki-Lee may may
have been suffering from a bleeding disorder which combined
with other factors could have caused the haemorrhaging.

  — Media

e. And ght you all the way in court where few get compensated:

Despite changes in the law, only one out of 171 cases

succeeded in 2000 and the following year just two out of 176
were successful. Claims jumped to 406 in 2002 but only eight
families received payments,
payments, while of the 183 families....Kay

Stait is still ghting for compensation for her son Ben, who
developed epilepsy after a three-in-one jab in i n 1994 and has
ts every day,’
day,’ she said. ‘He needs 24-hour care and has been
in and out of hospital for years. Yet he was a perfect baby,
baby, just
beautiful. I feel bitter and terribly cheated but we won’t stop

  — Media 2004

NVIC charges that the Departments of Health and Human

Services (DHHS) and Justice have violated the “spirit and

intent of the law” and turned what Congress promised
parents would be a “non-adversarial, expeditious and informal

process” into a “highly adversarial, lengthy,
lengthy, traumatic and
unfair imitation of a lawsuit.”
lawsuit.” Pointing out that three out of
four children are turned away for federal compensation for
permanent immune system and brain damage following receipt
of mandated vaccines.
  — NVIC Press release sept 1999
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 53

[Media Feb 2004] Payout

Payout scandal of children left disabled by jabs

[MMR litigation] A life sentence with no appeal; It’s the nal insult.

[Media 27 February,
February, 2004] Parents refused aid to ght MMR

f. Buy up the vaccine experts so they are even less likely to lose in

And then the industry

ind ustry started buying up the experts,
experts,”” he
contends, citing the example of James Cherry,
Cherry, a widely
recognized pertussis expert who has served on both the ACIP
and the AAP’s vaccine advisory committee.

  “ — Congressional Quarterly Researcher 

CASE No. 82-1232, Cossette Krause, vs F.K. Abbousy, MD et al (State of

Ohio), transcipt of videotape deposition of Dr Edward Mortimer September 6,
1984.. On page 11 reads
reads the following:

 “Several years ago, because of

 “Several of the increasing amount of litigations over
over DTP,
members of the so-called Red Book Committee of the American Academy of
Pediatrics agreed in a sense that we would sort of divide up the cases to try
to help the manufacturers in these lawsuits, and therefore I and a number of
my colleagues agreed to serve as expert witnesses.” 

g. Use junk/fraudulent science to further avoid paying out:

The Taylor
Taylor study is seriously awed in
i n many ways, as had been
noted in a number of letters to the editor
editor of The Lancet
Lancet and in
a number of additional letters on the subject which have been
posted on the internet. It was subject to strong attack at a

“ recent meeting of the British Statistical Society

Society. I have been
a full-time researcher my entire professional life, for almost
50 years, and I respectfully asked Dr. Taylor for a copy of the
data so that
that I could reanalyze them. He refused this
this ordinary
professional courtesy,
courtesy, and I have subsequently written to the
editor of The Lancet requesting that an
an impartial committee

   “ 54

be asked to reexamine Dr.

Dr. T
aylor’s statistical
statistica l methods. If he
refuses again, I urged The
The Lancet to retract his paper.

  — Dr Rimland 

Junk science quotes

Read what a parent of a MMR injured child has to go through on a daily
basis, with no help from government, for 20 years in this instance: We need
help for our son, Eric who has autism from MMR - Raymond Gallup

damage caused by vaccinations means the complete

paralyzed, idiots, imbeciles.
and frequently,
frequently , they alsoOften,
cramps... Sometimes whole families are destroyed.
destruction of a child, of an individual. Those kids can’t speak.

They’re spastically

  — Dr Buchwald MD

Just think for a moment about the mind set of people who can treat vaccine
victims with such contempt, and then ponder the fact that they are the very
same people who claim MMR doesn’t cause autism and that vaccines are
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 55

Many Skilled Medical

Doctors Advise
21 Agains
Ag ainstt Vacci

Many doctors who have been reared on vaccines now advise against them so
why should I as a parent vaccinate?

and greatest threat
ineffectual of made
efforts childhood diseases
to prevent lies through
them in the dangerous
immunization.....There is no convincing scientic evidence
that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any
childhood disease.

“ — Dr Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

forced me to look into the question of vaccination further,
further, and
the further I looked the more shocked I became. I found that
the whole vaccine business was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most
doctors are convinced that they are useful, but if you look at
the proper statistics and study the instances of these diseases
you will realize that this is not so.

  — Dr Kalokerinos MD (International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995)
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 56

An interview of a former vaccine researcher by columnist Jon
Rappaport (taken from www.whale.to, this document is now in
the public domain).
Q: You were once certain that vaccines were the hallmark of good
A: Yes I was. I helped develop a few vaccines. I won’t say which ones.

Q: Why not?
A: I want to preserve my privacy.

Q: So you think you could have problems if you came out into the
A: I believe I could lose my pension.

Q: On what grounds?
A: The grounds don’t matter. These people have ways of causing you
problems, when you were once part of the Club. I know one or two people
who were put under surveillance, who were harassed.

Q: Harassed by whom?
A: The FBI.

Q: Really?

A: Sure. The FBI used other pretexts. And the IRS can come calling too.
Q: So much for free speech.
A: I was “part of the inner circle.”
circle.” If now I began to name names and make
specic accusations against researchers,
researchers, I could be in a world of
of trouble.

Q: What is at the bottom of these efforts at harassment?

A: Vaccines are the last defense of modern medicine. Vaccines
Vaccines are the
ultimate justication for the overall “brilliance” of modern medicine.

Q: Do you believe that people should be allowed to choose whether

they should get vaccines?
A: On a political level, yes. On a scientic level, people need information,
so that they can choose well. It’s one thing to say choice is good. But if
i f the
atmosphere is full of lies, how can you choose?Also, if the FDA were run by
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 57

honorable people, these vaccines would not be granted licenses. They would
be investigated to within an inch of their lives.

Q: There are medical historians who state that the overall decline of
illnesses was not due to vaccines.

A: I know. For a long time, I ignored their work.

Q: Why?
A: Because I was afraid of what I would nd out. I was in the business of
developing vaccines. My livelihood depended on continuing that work.

Q: And then?
A: I did my own investigation.

Q: What conclusions did you come to?

A: The decline of disease is due to improved living conditions.

Q: What conditions?
A: Cleaner water
water.. Advanced sewage systems. Nutrition. Fresher food. A
decrease in poverty. Germs may be everywhere, but when you are healthy,
you don’t contract the diseases as easily.

Q: What did you feel when you completed your own investigation?
A: Despair.
Despair. I realized I was working a sector based on a collection of lies.

Q: Are some vaccines more dangerous than others?

A: Yes. The DPT shot, for example. The MMR. But some lots of a vaccine
are more dangerous than other lots of the same vaccine. As far as I’m
concerned, all vaccines are dangerous.

Q: Why?
A: Several reasons. They involve the human immune system in a process
that tends to compromise immunity.
immunity. They can actually cause the disease
d isease
they are supposed to prevent. They can cause other diseases than the ones
they are supposed to prevent.

Q: Why are we quoted statistics which seem to prove that vaccines

have been tremendously successful at wiping out diseases?
A: Why? To
To give the illusion that these vaccines are useful. If a vaccine
suppresses visible symptoms of a disease like measles, everyone assumes
that the vaccine is a success. But, under the surface, the vaccine can harm
the immune system itself. And if it causes other diseases -- say,
say, meningitis
-- that fact is masked, because no one believes that the vaccine can do that.
The connection is overlooked.
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 58

Q: It is said that the smallpox vaccine wiped out smallpox in England.

A: Yes. But when you study the available statistics, you get another picture.

Q: Which is?
A: There were cities in England where people who were not vaccinated did

not get smallpox.

experienced There
smallpox were places
epidemics. Andwhere people
smallpox waswho wereon
already vaccinated
the decline
before the vaccine was introduced.

Q: So you’re saying that we have been treated to a false history.

A: Yes. That’s
That’s exactly what I’m saying. This is a history that has been cooked
up to convince people that vaccines are invariably safe and effective.

Q: Now, you worked in labs. Where purity was an issue.

A: The public believes that these labs, these manufacturing facilities are the
cleanest places in the world. That is not true. Contamination occurs all the
time. You
You get all sorts of debris introduced
i ntroduced into vaccines.

Q: For example, the SV40 monkey virus slips into the polio vaccine.
A: Well yes, that happened. But that’s not what I mean. The SV40 got into
the polio vaccine because the vaccine was made by using monkey kidneys.
But I’m talking about something else. The actual lab conditions. The
mistakes. The careless errors. SV40, which was later found ini n cancer tumors
-- that was what I would call a structural problem. It was an accepted part of
the manufacturing process. If you use monkey kidneys, you open the door to
germs which you don’t know are in those kidneys.

Q: Okay, but let’s ignore that distinction between different types of

contaminants for a moment. What contaminants did you nd in your
many years of work with vaccines?
A: All right. I’ll give you some of what I came across, and I’ll also give you
what colleagues of mine found. Here’s a partial list. In the Rimavex measles
vaccine, we found various chicken viruses. In polio vaccine, we found
acanthamoeba, which is a so-called “brain-eating”amoeba.
Simian cytomegalovirus in polio vaccine. Simian foamy virus in the rotavirus
vaccine. Bird-cancer viruses in the MMR vaccine. Various
Various micro-organisms in
the anthrax vaccine. I’ve found potentially dangerous enzyme inhibitors in
several vaccines.
vaccines. Duck, dog, and rabbit viruses in the rubella vaccine. Avian
leucosis virus in the u vaccine. Pestivirus in the MMR vaccine.

Q: Let me get this straight. These are all contaminants which don’t
belong in the vaccines.
A: That’s right. And if you try to calculate what damage these contaminants
can cause, well, we don’t really know, because no testing has been done, or
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 59

very little testing. It’s a game of roulette. You

You take your chances. Also, most
people don’t know that some polio vaccines, adenovirus vaccines, rubella
and hep A and measles vaccines have been made with aborted human fetal
tissue. I have found what I believed were bacterial fragments and poliovirus
in these vaccines from time to time -- which may have come from that fetal

When you look for contaminants in vaccines, you can come up with material
that IS puzzling. You know it shouldn’t be there, but you don’t
don’ t know exactly
what you’ve got. I have found what I believed was a very small “fragment”
of human hair and also human mucus. I have found what can only be called
 “foreign protein,”
protein,” which could mean almost anything.It
anything.It could mean protein
from viruses.

Q: Alarm bells are ringing all over the place.

A: How do you think I felt? Remember,
Remember, this material is going into the
bloodstream without passing through some of the ordinary immune

Q: How were your ndings received?

A: Basically,
Basically, it was, don’t worry, this can’t be helped. In making vaccines,
you use various animals’ tissue, and that’s where this kind of contamination
enters in. Of course, I’m not even mentioning the standard chemicals
like formaldehyde, mercury,
mercury, and aluminum which are purposely put into

Q: This information is pretty staggering.

A: Yes. And I’m just mentioning some of the biological contaminants. Who
knows how many others there are? Others we don’t d on’t nd because we don’t
don’ t
think to look for them. If tissue from, say
say,, a bird is used to make a vaccine,
how many possible germs can be in that tissue? We have no idea. We have
no idea what they might be, or what effects they could have on humans.

Q: And beyond the purity issue?

A: You are dealing with the basic faulty premise about vaccines.That
they intricately stimulate the immune system to create the conditions for
immunity from disease. That is the bad premise. It doesn’t work that way. way. A
vaccine is supposed to “create” antibodies which, indirectly
indirectly,, offer protection
against disease. However,
However, the immune system is much larger and more
involved than antibodies and their related “killer cells.

Q: The immune system is?

A: The entire body, really. Plus the mind. It’s all immune system, you
might say.
say. That is why you can have, in the middle of an epidemic, those
individuals who remain healthy.
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 60

Q: So the level of general health is important.

A: More than important. Vital.

Q: How are vaccine statistics falsely presented?

A: There are many ways. For example, suppose that 25 people who have

received the hepatitis

liver disease. B vaccine
But you can come
call liver downmany
disease with hepatitis.
things. YouWell,
canhep B is a
change the
diagnosis. Then, you’ve concealed the root cause of the problem.

Q: And that happens?

A: All the time. It HAS to happen, if the doctors
d octors automatically assume that
people who get vaccines DO NOT come down with the diseases they are now
supposed to be protected from. And that is exactly what doctors assume.
You see, it’s circular reasoning. It’s
It ’s a closed system. It admits no fault. No
possible fault. If a person who gets a vaccine against hepatitis gets hepatitis,
or gets some other disease, the automatic assumption is, this had nothing to
do with the disease.

Q: In your years working in the vaccine establishment, how many

doctors did you encounter who admitted that vaccines were a
A: None. There were a few who privately questioned what they were doing.
But they would never go public, even within their companies.

Q: What was the turning point for you?

A: I had a friend whose baby died after a DPT shot.

Q: Did you investigate?

A: Yes, informally.
informally. I found that this baby was completely healthy before the
vaccination. There was no reason for his death, except the vaccine. That
started my doubts. Of course, I wanted to believe that the baby had gotten
a bad shot from a bad lot. But as I looked into this further
f urther,, I found that was
not the case in this instance. I was being drawn into a spiral of doubt that
increased over time. I continued to investigate. I found that, contrary to
what I thought, vaccines are not tested in a scientic way.

Q: What do you mean?

A: For example, no long-term studies are done on any vaccines. Long-
term follow-up is not done in any careful way.
way. Why? Because, again, the
assumption is made that vaccines do not cause problems. So why should
anyone check? On top of that, a vaccine reaction is
i s dened so that all bad
reactions are said to occur very soon after the shot is given. But that does
not make sense.
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 61

Q: Why doesn’t it make sense?

A: Because the vaccine obviously acts in the body for a long period of time
after it is given. A reaction can be gradual. Deterioration can be gradual.
Neurological problems can develop over time. They do in various conditions,
even according to a conventional analysis. So why couldn’t that be the case

with vaccines?
be the If a
case with chemical
vaccine poisoning can occur
which contains gradually, why couldn’t that

Q: And that is what you found?

A: Yes. You
You are dealing with correlations, most of the time. Correlations
are not perfect. But if
i f you get 500 parents whose children
child ren have suffered
neurological damage during a one-year period after having a vaccine, this
should be sufcient to spark off an intense investigation.

Q: Has it been enough?

A: No. Never. This tells you something right away.

Q: Which is?
A: The people doing the investigation are not really interested in looking
at the facts. They assume that the vaccines are safe. So, when they do
investigate, they invariably come up with exonera
tions of the vaccines.
They say, “This vaccine is safe.” But what do they base those judgments
on? They base them on denitions and ideas which automatically rule out a
condemnation of the vaccine.

Q: There are numerous cases where a vaccine campaign has failed.

Where people have come down with the disease against which they
were vaccinated.
A: Yes, there are many such instances. And there the evidence is simply
ignored. It’s discounted. The experts say, if they say anything at all, that this
is just an isolated situation, but overall the vaccine has been shown to be
safe. But if you add up all the vaccine campaigns where damage and disease
di sease
have occurred, you realize that these are NOT isolated situations.

Q: Did you ever discuss what we are talking about here

with colleagues, when you were still working in the vaccine
A: Yes I did.

Q: What happened?
A: Several times I was told to keep quiet. It was made clear that I should go
back to work and forget my misgivings. On a few occasions, I encountered
fear. Colleagues tried to avoid me. They felt they could be labeled with “guilt
by association.”
association.” All in all, though, I behaved myself.
myself. I made sure I didn’t
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 62

create problems for myself.

Q: If vaccines actually do harm, why are they given?

A: First of all, there is
i s no “if.”
“if.” They do harm. It becomes a more difcult
question to decide whether they do harm in those people who seem to show

no harm.
done, but Then
isn’t. you are dealing
Researchers with be
should theprobing
kind of to
discover which
a kindshould be
of map,
or ow chart, which shows exactly what vaccines do in the body from the
moment they enter. This research has not been done. As to why they are
given, we could sit here for two days and discuss all the reasons. As you’ve
said many times, at different layers of the system people have their motives.
Money,, fear of losing a job, the desire to win brownie points, prestige,
awards, promotion, misguided idealism, unthinking habit, and so on. But, at
the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because
they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard
to accept, but it’s true. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out
to help people, iti t is out to harm them, to weaken them. To To kill them. At one
point in my career,
career, I had a long conversation with a man who occupied a high
government position in an African nation. He told me that he was well aware
of this. He told me that WHO is a front for these depopulation interests.
There is an underground, shall we say say,, in Africa, made up of various ofcials
who are earnestly trying to change the lot of the poor poor.. This network of people
knows what is going on. They know that vaccines have been used, and are
being used, to destroy their countries, to make them ripe for takeov takeoverer by
globalist powers. I have had the opportunity to speak with several of these
people from this network.

Q: Is Thabo Mbeki, the president of South Africa, aware of the

A: I would say he is partially aware. Perhaps he is not utterly convinced, but
he is on the way to realizing the whole truth. He already knows that HIV is a
hoax. He knows that the AIDS drugs are poisons which destroy the immune
i mmune
system. He also knows that if he speaks out, in any way,
way, about the vaccine
issue, he will be branded a lunatic. He has enough trouble after his stand on
the AIDS issue.

Q: This network you speak of.

A: It has accumulated a huge amount of information about vaccines.The
question is, how is a successful strategy going to be mounted? For these
people, that is a difcult issue.

Q: And in the industrialized nations?

A: The medical cartel has a stranglehold, but it is diminishing. Mainly
because people have the freedom to question medicines. However,
However, if the
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 63

choice issue [the right to take or reject any medicine] does not gather
steam, these coming mandates about vaccines against biowarefare germs
are going to win out. This is an important time.

Q: The furor over the hepatits B vaccine seems one good avenue.

theI next
so, yes.admitting
To say that
thatbabies must
a person have
gets the
hep vaccine-and
B from then in
sexual contacts
and shared needles -- is a ridiculous juxtaposition. Medical authorities try to
cover themselves by saying that 20,000 or so children in the US get hep B
every year from “unknown causes,” and that’s why every baby must have the
vaccine. I dispute that 20,00 gure and the so-called studies that back it up.

Q: Andrew Wakeeld, the British MD who uncovered the link between

the MMR vaccine and autism, has just been red from his job in a
London hospital.
A: Yes. Wakeeld
Wakeeld performed a great
g reat service. His correlations between the
vaccine and autism are stunning. Perhaps you know that Tony Blair’s wife
is involved with alternative health. There is the possibility that their child
has not been given the MMR. Blair recently side-stepped the question in
press interviews, and made it seem that he was simply objecting to invasive
questioning of his “personal and family life.”
life.” In any event, I believe his wife
has been muzzled. I think, if given the chance, she would at least say she is
sympathetic to all the families who have come forward and stated that their
children were severely damaged by the MMR.

Q: British reporters should try to get through to her.

A: They have been trying. But I think she has made a deal with her
husband to keep quiet, no matter what. She could do a great deal of good
if she breaks her promise. I have been told she is under pressure, and not
 just from her husband. At the level
level she occupies, MI6 and British health
authorities get into the act. It is thought of as a matter of national security.

Q: Well, it is national security, once you understand the medical

A: It is global security.
security. The cartel operates in every nation. It
I t zealously
guards the sanctity of vaccines. Questioning these vaccines is on the same
level as a Vatican bishop questioning the sanctity of the sacrament of the
Eucharist in the Catholic Church.

Q: I know that a Hollywood celebrity stating publicly that he will not

take a vaccine is committing career suicide.
A: Hollywood is linked very powerfully to the medical cartel. There are
several reasons, but one of them is simply that an actor who is famous
can draw a huge amount of publicity if he says ANYTHING. In 1992, I was
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 64

present at your demonstration against the FDA in downtown Los Angeles.

One or two actors spoke against the FDA. Since that time, you would be hard
pressed to nd an actor who has
ha s spoken out in any way against the medical

theWithin the National
basic frame of mind? Institutes of Health, what is the mood, what is
A: People are competing for research monies. The last thing they think about
is challenging the status quo. They are already in an intramur
intramuralal war for that
money.. They don’t need more trouble. This is a very insulated system. It
depends on the idea that, by and large, modern medicine is very successful
on every frontier. To admit systemic problems in any area is to cast doubt
on the whole enterprise. You might therefore think that NIH is the last place
pl ace
one should think about holding demonstrations. But just the reverse is true.
If ve thousand people showed up there demanding an accounting of the
actual benets of that research system, demanding to know what real health
benets have been conferred on the public from the billions
b illions of wasted dollars
funneled to that facility
facility,, something might start. A spark might go off. You
might get, with further demonstrations, all sorts of fall-out. Researchers -- a
few -- might start leaking information.

Q: A good idea.
A: People in suits standing as close to the buildings as the police will allow.
People in business suits, in jogging suits, mothers and babies. Well-off
people. Poor people. All sorts of people.

Q: What about the combined destructive power of a number of

vaccines given to babies these days?
A: It is a travesty and a crime. There are no real studies of any depth which
have been done on that. Again, the assumption is made that vaccines are
safe, and therefore any number of vaccines given together are safe
s afe as well.
But the truth is, vaccines are not safe. Therefore the potential damage
increases when you give many of them in a short time period.

Q: Then we have the fall u season.

A: Yes. As if only in the autumn do these germs oat in to the US from Asia.
The public swallows that premise. If it happens in April, it
i t is a bad cold. If it
happens in October, it is the u.

Q: Do you regret having worked all those years in the vaccine eld?
A: Yes.
Yes. But after this interview, I’ll regret it a little less. And I work in other
ways. I give out information to certain people, when I think they will use it
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Q: What is one thing you want the public to understand?

A: That the burden of proof in establishing the safety and efcacy of vaccines
is on the people who manufacture and license them for public use. Just
that. The burden of proof is not on you or me. And for proof you need well-
designed long-term studies. You need extensive follow-up. You
You need to
and what mothers
happens and pay attention
to them to what mothers
after vaccination. You needsay
You about things.
all these their babies
things that are not there.

Q: The things that are not there.

A: Yes.

Q: To avoid any confusion, I’d like you to review, once more, the
disease problems that vaccines can cause. Which diseases, how that
A: We are basically talking about two potential harmful outcomes. One,
the person gets the disease from the vaccine. He gets the disease which
the vaccine is supposed to protect him from. Because, some version of the
disease is in the vaccine to begin with. Or two, he doesn’t get THA
T disease,
but at some later time, maybe right away
away,, maybe not, he develops another
condition which is caused by the vaccine. That condition could be autism,
what’s called autism, or it could be some other disease like meningitis. He
could become mentally disabled.

Q: Is there any way to compare the relative frequency of these

different outcomes?
A: No. Because the follow-up is poor
poor.. We can only guess. If you ask, out of
a population of a hundred thousand children who get a measles vaccine,
how many get the measles, and how many develop other problems from the
vaccine, there is a no reliable answer. That is what I’m saying. Vaccines are
superstitions. And with superstitions, you don’t get facts you can use. You
only get stories, most of which are designed to enforce the superstition. But,
from many vaccine campaigns, we can piece together a narrative that does
reveal some very disturbing things. People have been harmed. The harm is
real, and it can be deep and it can mean death. The harm is NOT limited to
a few cases, as we have been led to believe. In the US, there are groups of
mothers who are testifying about autism and childhood
chi ldhood vaccines. They are
coming forward and standing up at meetings. They are essentially trying to
ll in the gap that has been created by the researchers and doctors whow ho turn
their backs on the whole thing.
www.alternative-doctor.com/vaccination 66

Q: Let me ask you this. If you took a child in, say, Boston and you
raised that child with good nutritious food and he exercised every
day and he was loved by his parents, and he didn’t get the measles
vaccine, what would be his health status compared with the average
child in Boston who eats poorly and watches ve hours of TV a day
and gets the measles vaccine?
A: Of course there are many factors involved, but I would bet on the better
health status for the rst child. If he gets measles, if he gets it when he is
nine, the chances are it will be much lighter than the measles the second
child might get. I would bet on the rst child every time.

Q: How long did you work with vaccines?

A: A long time. Longer than ten years.

Q: Looking back now, can you recall any good reason to say that
vaccines are successful?
A: No, I can’t. If I had a child now, the last thing I would allow is vaccination.

move outWith
of the
my state if I had
family. to. Isaying
I’m not woulditchange the family
would come name.
to that. I
are ways to sidestep the system with grace, if you know how to act. There
are exemptions you can declare, in every state, based on religious and/or
philosophic views. But if push came to shove, I would go on the move.

Q: And yet there are children everywhere

ev erywhere who do get vaccines and
appear to be healthy.
A: The operative word is “appear.” What about all the children who can’t
focus on their studies?
s tudies? What about the children who have tantrums from
time to time? What about the children who are not quite in possession of
all their mental faculties? I know there are many causes for these things,
but vaccines are one cause. I would not take the chance. I see no reason
to take the chance. And frankly
f rankly,, I see no reason to allow the government to
have the last word. Government medicine is, from my experience, often a
contradiction in terms. You get one or the other, but not both.

Q: So we come to the level playing eld.

A: Yes. Allow those who want the vaccines to take them. Allow the dissidents
d issidents
to decline to take them. But, as I said earlier,
earlier, there is no level playing eld if
the eld is strewn with lies. And when babies are involved, you have parents
making all the decisions. Those parents need a heavy dose of truth. What
about the child I spoke of who died from the DPT shot? What information
did his parents act on? I can tell you it was heavily weighted. It was not real
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Q: Medical PR people, in concert with the press, scare the hell out of
parents with dire scenarios about what will happen if their kids don’t
get shots.
A: They make it seem a crime to refuse the vaccine. They equate it with bad
parenting. You ght that with better information. It is always a challenge to

buck the responsibility

person’s authorities. And only you
to make canmind.
up his decideThe
whether to cartel
medical do it. It is every
likes that bet.
It is betting that the fear will win.

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