Atividade Inglês - Noturno 23.11
Atividade Inglês - Noturno 23.11
Atividade Inglês - Noturno 23.11
“Ninguém educa ninguém, ninguém educa a si mesmo, os homens se educam entre si, mediatizados pelo mundo.”
Paulo Freire
How to Develop a Reading Habit
Reading has a number of benefits including improving your memory and
ary, helping you learn new things, and improving focus and concentration. A lot of
people say that they want to develop a reading habit but are unable to due to a lack
of time. I was one of those people myself at one point in my life. I have used a
number of tricks to help me read more and develop a daily reading habit. I have
outlined these below: Create a reading list, set a goal, Schedule a time for
Reading, find a good place to read and eliminate distractions.