Atividade Inglês - Noturno 23.11

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(antigo nome: Colégio Estadual Professora Maria José de Lima Silveira)

INEP  29097703 Tel: (75) 3204-5274 WhatsApp: (75) 9 8819-9159

Estudante: N°: Conceito:

Professor(a): Maycon Almeida Disciplina: Inglês

Data: _____/ _____/ 2022 – AVI III CICLO Série/Turma/Turno:

“Ninguém educa ninguém, ninguém educa a si mesmo, os homens se educam entre si, mediatizados pelo mundo.”
Paulo Freire
How to Develop a Reading Habit
Reading has a number of benefits including improving your memory and

ary, helping you learn new things, and improving focus and concentration. A lot of
people say that they want to develop a reading habit but are unable to due to a lack
of time. I was one of those people myself at one point in my life. I have used a
number of tricks to help me read more and develop a daily reading habit. I have
outlined these below: Create a reading list, set a goal, Schedule a time for
Reading, find a good place to read and eliminate distractions.

1.1 O tema do c) Agricultura familiar

texto é d) Queima de combustíveis
a) Mudanças climáticas
2.1 Assinale a abaixo a forma negativa da frase “ Sally travels to
b) Sustentabilidade
Ireland every year”.
c) Corona vírus
a) Sally don’t travel to Ireland every year.
d) Brazilian population
b) Sally doesn’t travel to Ireland every year.
1.2 O que impede que o calor escape da Terra? c) Sally do not travel to Ireland every year.
a) As nuvens d) Sally travel to Ireland every year.
b) As chuvas
2.1 Assinale a abaixo a forma interrogativa da frase “ Kate and
c) Certos gases
Orlando have a baby girl”.
d) Os ventos
a) Do Kate and Orlando has a baby girl?
1.3 Quais atividades humanas contribuem para mudanças b) Does Kate and Orlando have a baby girl?
climáticas? c) Kate and Orlando have a baby girl?
a) Reaproveitamento de água d) Do Kate and Orlando have a baby girl?
b) Economia de energia
2.2 Preencha a cruzadinha com as palavras cognatas presentes no
texto relacionadas abaixo.

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