Math Enhance (Trigonometry) Exam

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Eastern Visayas State University

College of Engineering
EE Department

Math Enhance 1: Algebra and Trigonometry

Final Examination
Name: ____________________________________________ Section: _______ Date: ________________

I. pMultiple Choice: Shade c. sin A are on a level ground. if the (d) 0°

the letter of the d. -sinA height of the tower B is 120, 20. If A, B and C are interior
corresponding Number in 8. Find the value of y: y = how high is tower A? angles of a ΔABC then
the answer sheet. (1 + cos2θ) tanθ a. 38.6 m is equal to
a. cosθ b. 42.3 m (a) sin A/2
(b) cos A/2
1. What are the exact values b. sinθ c. 44.1 m
(c) -sin A/2
of cosine and tangent c. sin2θ d. 40.7 m
(d) -cos A/2
trigonometric functions of d. cos2θ 14. Points A and B are 100
acute angle, given that sin 9. Solve for x: x = (1 - m apart and are on the 21. If A and (2A – 45°) are
= 3/7? tan²a)/ (1 + tan²a) same elevation as the acute angles such that
a. cos A = 7/(2√10); tan A = a. cos a foot of a building. The sin A = cos (2A – 45°),
(2√10)/3 b. sin 2a angle of elevation of the then tan A is equal to
b. cos A = (2√10)/7; tan A = c. cos 2a top of the building from (a) 0
(3√10)/20 (b)1/√3
d. sin a points A and B are 21°
c. cos A = (2√10)/3; tan A = (c) 1
10. Find sin x if 2sinx + and 32°, respectively.
7/(2√10) (d) √3
d. cos A = (2√10)/3; tan A =
3cosx - 2 = 0 How far is A from the
(7√10)/20 a. 1 & -5/13 building?
22. If y sin 45° cos 45° =
2. Given three angles A, B, b. -1 & 5/13 a. 271.6 m
tan2 45° – cos2 30°,
and C, whose sum is 180°, c. 1 & 5/13 b. 265.4 m then y = …
If tanA + tanB + tanC = x, d. -1 & -5/13 c. 259.2 m (a) –1/2
find the value of tanA ⋅ 11. An observer found the d. 277.9 m (b) 1/2
tanB ⋅ tanC. angle of elevation of (c) -2
a. 1 – x the top of a tree to be 15. The hypotenuse of the (d) 2
b. √x 27°. After moving 10m right triangle is 34cm.
closer (on the same Find the length of the 23. If sin θ + sin² θ = 1,
c. x/2
vertical and horizontal shortest leg if it is 14cm then cos² θ + cos4 θ
d. x
plane as tree), the shorter than the other =?
3. What is sine 820°? (a) -1
a. 0.984 angle of elevation leg.
(b) 0
b. -0.866 becomes 54°. Find the a. 15 cm
(c) 1
c. 0.866 height of the tree. b. 16 cm (d) 2
d. -0.500 a. 8.65 m c. 17 cm
4. If sin40° + sin20° = sinθ, b. 7.53 m d. 18 cm 24. 5 tan² A – 5 sec² A + 1
find the value of θ. c. 7.02 m 16. The value of is equal to
a. 20° d. 8.09 m cos0°cos1°cos2°cos 3°… (a) 6
12. From the top of the cos 89°cos 90° is (b) -5
b. 80°
building 100m high, (a) 1 (c) 1
c. 120°
the angle of (b) -1 (d) -4
d. 60° (c) 0
depression of a point 25.10. If sec A + tan A = x,
5. For what values of θ (d) 1/√2 then sec A =?
(less than 2π) will the A due East of it is 30°.
17. If x tan 45° sin 30° = 2
x −1
x −1
following equation be From a point B due cos 30° tan 30°, then x is (a) (c)
south of the building, x 2x
satisfied? equal to 2
the angle of elevation x +1 x2 +1
sin²θ + 4sinθ + 3 = 0 (a) √3 (b) (d)
of the top is 60°. Find (b) 1/2 x 2x
a. π
b. π/4 the distance AB. (c) 1/√2
c. 3 π/2 a. 100 + 3√30 (d) 1
26. A type of angle that
b. 200 - √30 18. If x and y are
d. π/2 measure to 1 complete
c. (100√30)/3 complementary angles,
6. Solve for x: x = 1 - revolution or 360 degrees.
d. (100√3)/30 then
(sinθ - cosθ) ² a. (a) sin x = sin y a. Reflex Angle
a. sinθcosθ b. (b) tan x = tan y
13. From the top of a b. Right Angle
b. -2cosθ c. (c) cos x = cos y
tower A, the angle of c. Perigon
c. cos2θ d. (d) sec x = csc y
elevation of the top of the d. Obtuse Angle
d. sin2θ 19. If sin 2B = 2 sin B is
7. Find the value of sin tower B is 46°. From the true when B is equal to
(90° + A). foot of tower B, the angle of (a) 90° 27. A measure of a central
a. cos A elevation of the top of (b) 60° angle subtended by an
b. - cos A tower A is 28°. Both towers (c) 30°
arc equal in length to 33. A special line or 41. A man standing on a divided by a line bisecting
the radius of a circle. segment in a triangle 48.5-meter building high, the longest side and
a. Degree from one of its vertices has an eyesight height of drawn from the opposite
b. Radian perpendicular to the 1.5 m from the top of the vertex. Find the length of
c. Gradians opposite side. building, took a the line.
d. Mils a. Perpendicular depression reading from A. 120 m B. 130 m
Bisector the top of another C. 125 m D. 128 m
28. It is a pair of angles b. Angle Bisector nearby building and 46. The sides of a triangle are
that have same vertex c. Median nearest wall, which are 8, 15 and 17 units. If each
and have one common d. Altitude 50° and 80° respectively. side is doubled, how many
side and do not overlap. 34. A type of triangle in a Find the height of the square units will the area
a. Vertical Angle form c2 ¿ a2 + b2. nearby building in of the new triangle be?
b. Coterminal Angle a. Right Triangle meters. The man is A. 240 B. 420
c. Adjacent Angle b. Obtuse Triangle standing at the edge of C. 320 D. 200
d. Reference Angle c. Acute Triangle the building and both
d. Equiangular Triangle buildings lie on the same 47. Two triangles have equal
29. It is a positive acute 35. A triangle with no horizontal plane. bases. The altitude of one
angle in standard equal side is called A. 39.49 B. 35.50 triangle is 3 units more
position between the x- a. Oblique Triangle C. 30.74 D. 42.55 than its base and the
axis and the terminal b. Scalene Triangle altitude of the other
side. c. Isosceles Triangle 42. Sin (B – A) is equal to triangle is 3 units less than
a.Vertical Angle d. Equilateral Triangle _____ when B = 270 its base. Find the altitudes
b.Reference Angle 36. The two legs of a triangle degrees and A is an acute if the areas of the
c. Adjacent Angle are 300 and 150 m each, angle. triangles differ by 21
d.Coterminal Angle respectively. The angle A. – cos A B. cos A square units.
opposite the 150 m side is A. 6 and 12 B. 3 and 9
C. – sin A D. sin A
26°. What is the third
30. A branch of C. 5 and 11 D. 4 and 10
mathematics dealing 43. Points A and B are 100 m
A. 197.49 m C. 341.78 m
with the relations of the apart and are of the same 48. From a point outside of an
B. 218.61 m D. 282.15 m
sides and angles of a elevation as the foot of a equilateral triangle, the
triangles and with the Use the figure below to solve building. The angles of distances to the vertices
relevant functions of for the unknown side (37-38) elevation of the top of the are 10 m, 18 m and 10 m,
any angles. building from points A and respectively. What is the
a. Algebra B are 21° and 32° length of one side of a
b. Analytic Geometry respectively. How far is A triangle?
c. Trigonometry from the building in A. 17.75 m B. 18.50 m
d. Solid Mensuration meters? C. 19.95 m D. 20.50 m
A. 259.28 B. 265.42
37. Side b =
31. The Point of C. 271.64 D. 277.29 49. The sides of a triangle are
a. 42.6
intersection of altitudes b. 51.6 195, 157 and 210,
of a triangle is called c. 60.6 44. An observer wishes to respectively. What is the
d. 69.6 determine the height of a area of the triangle?
a. Orthocenter 38. Side c =
b. Incenter tower. He takes sights at A. 73,250 sq. units
a. 42.6
c. Circumcenter b. 51.6 the top of the tower from B. 10,250 sq. units
d. Centroid c. 60.6 A and B, which are 50 feet C. 14,586 sq. units
d. 69.9 apart, at the same D. 11,260 sq. units
32. A special line or 39. A regular dodecagon is elevation on a direct line
segment in a triangle
inscribed in a circle with with the tower. The 50. The point of concurrency
radius 100 cm. What is vertical angle at point A is of the angle bisector of
from one of its vertices
the perimeter of the the triangle is called
to the midpoint of the 30° and at point B is 40°.
dodecagon. ______.
opposite side. What is the height of the
a. 611 cm
tower in feet? A. orthocenter
a. Perpendicular b. 621 cm
A. 85.60 B. 92.54 B. circumcenter
Bisector c. 631 cm
C. 110.29 D. 143.97 C. centroid
b. Angle Bisector d. 641 cm
40. tan(90-A) = D. incenter
c. Median
d. Altitude a. cot A 45. The sides of a triangular
b. cos A lot are 130 m., 180 m and
c. sin A 190 m. The lot is to be
d. tan A

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