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SESSION 2021/2022











Online Education is a form of distance education that has unlimited participation

and interaction with students and teachers from around the world. Online learning has
become the new norm for college students in the range of 18 to 24 years old students, it
also allows you to learn from anywhere and at any time.

Online learning can be defined as an education that takes place over the web. It is
often referred to as ‘e-learning’. Online studying makes students' lives easier with the use
of modern technology.

For college students to join their class, they need to use suitable devices such as
laptops and tablets. But now not all people can buy updated gadgets because it is
expensive. Some of college students only use the same devices and share with their
siblings to join the class. Thus the effectiveness of online classes is not going very well.
For the point in rural places such as Sabah and Sarawak with low connection, students
will not be able to join their classes in that condition. People who live in poor places cannot
focus on their class because they are not comfortable enough to pay attention.
Professor Dr. Abd Karim from Universiti Sains Malaysia, stated that the academics
will begin to see the importance of online learning design in providing and enhancing the
learning experience of the students. They will be better prepared with the skills to acquire
and integrate online learning seamlessly to complement the face-to-face class using a
blended learning approach. This shows the effectiveness of online classes towards
college students.

In my perspective, online learning is not effective for college students. Most of the
students did not perform in their study through the online classes. One of the reasons
why students did not perform in online learning is lack of guidance and communication.
The physical classroom allows students to interact with the lecturer anytime. Students
also are able to ask any questions they might have. Meanwhile, in online classes,
students are unable to reach the lecturer outside of the digital classroom. It might be hard
for them to ask the lecturer through the device because they cannot explain clearly. This
idea is the main reason students should be interactive and be more talkative in online
classes to understand any topic. For example, students should ask questions during
discussions with the lecturer. Besides, lack of motivation in online classes is one of the
reasons students cannot perform in their studies. In a traditional classroom, it is easy to
motivate students. However, when it comes to online learning, it is hard to stay motivated
during online classes because the environment is unsuitable for them to study. For
example, at home they cannot stay focused in online classes because there are too many
obstacles such as internet problems, and they also have to share devices with their
siblings to join classes. To overcome this problem, students should refer to counselors to
get some advice and stay motivated through online learning. Students also can get help
from the government to get free devices to join the class. (AFWANI BT MOHD
In my opinion, online classes are not really effective for college students. Online
learning is not as effective as when they are learning face-to-face. It is so different when
you learn offline and online. As you can see, they keep getting distracted with their
environment such as siblings and the condition of internet connection. Some students
also find it hard to focus and keep getting sleepy when they are in class. We can see that
a lot of students are getting depressed since online classes started. Students are getting
stressed and depressed because they could not manage their time very well. Students
should make their own timetable so that they can make themselves less stressed. If
students are having difficulty understanding the lesson, I would like to recommend that
the student should tell the lecturer if they do not understand the lessons so that the
lecturer will explain it again. Those who stay in rural areas might have some problems
with their online classes as the internet connection is not that stable. For those who have
completed their vaccine, they can learn face-to-face at university so that they can learn
offline. It is also good if the university is doing a counselling session with students so that
we could avoid students from getting depression. Students should take care of their health
mentally and physically. (NUR FADHLIN SAKINA BT OBAIDILLAH)

From my point of view about the

effectiveness of online classes for college students, it is possible to argue that online
classes are still not effective for college students. Most of the country lives in the modern
technology world but there are some poor country lives in rural areas owing to lack of
internet connection to have an online class. In India, some people only use credit to
communicate or call with other people. So from my perspective, if they want to use the
internet to surf the internet it will take numerous costs for them to buy it. Therefore, I do
not think that poor college students can afford to buy smartphones and internet to join
their online classes. If they can join online classes, they might be clueless or take time on
how to adapt with these new technologies. Going to my next point, some people live in
unconducive places to study. I have some friends that stay in rural areas in addition to
problems joining his online classes. To join the online classes, he has to go to better
places such as the river near his house to get a good connection. I believe if I stay there
for a long time, I will not be comfortable enough to focus in my class. Hence, it will affect
the understanding during the class. For my suggestion to overcome this problem,
government should give allowance for needy college students. It helps student to buy
gadget or data supply for online classes. In the next 2 years, I think online classes would
still exist because we are now lives in a 21st century. (NURAININA BINTI KHAIRI)

In my opinion there are a lot of benefits

about online class. One of the benefits is the students will have a very comfortable space
and environment since they are all studying from their comfort place such as their
bedroom. Transferring all the stuff from college to online class would be a blessing
towards the college students since they would be more focused on studying. This method
gives a tremendous effect to me since I can focus even more in my class. This online
learning benefits me personally because during this time, I am all by myself. The work
might be a lot during online learning but we are all safe from it because most of the due
date and the way we are doing the work given is different. Assignments were given in text
form or documents, just type it up and send it to our lecturers. Between online learning
and physical class learning, I realized that we will use less energy compared with physical
class. During the class, online, the access to any information is bigger between traditional
classes. More information for the students. Causes in online learning include flexible
schedule. This is proven to all college students that each time the class ends, there's
going to be at least a 30 minutes break for them. Some recommendations for online class
to be more effective is to get motivation so all the session is going to be stable.


To sum up, looking from all perspectives, we all agree that online classes were not
really effective for college students because of certain reasons. Online classes lack
guidance and communication. Thus, students might be lost during class. Moreover,
several students cannot afford to have WIFI in their house. Besides, some students are
getting pressure with their parents’ hopes. Some parents have no idea what their kids
have been through online classes and keep pushing the students to study. This is one of
the reasons why the students are getting depressed and stressed.

1) https://www.dexway.com/5-reasons-why-online-learning-is-more-effective/
2) https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/in-the-time-of-the-pandemic-classes-go-
3) https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0250378
4) https://www.educations.com/study-guides/study-online/
5) https://ditacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Online-Learning-Effective.pdf
6) https://www.techradar.com/sg/best/best-online-learning-platforms
7) https://www.northeastern.edu/graduate/blog/benefits-of-online-learning/
8) https://colorwhistle.com/top-e-learning-web-apps/
9) https://www.regiscollege.edu/blog/online-learning/7-tips-online-learning-during-
10) https://www.jagranjosh.com/articles/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-online-

Susanna Loeb
Susanna Loeb is a professor of education and of public affairs at Brown University and the director
of the university’s Annenberg Institute for School Reform. She studies education policy, and her
interests include social inequality.
Editor’s Note:
This is part of a continuing series on the practical takeaways from research.
The times have dictated school closings and the rapid expansion of online education. Can online
lessons replace in-school time?
Clearly online time cannot provide many of the informal social interactions students have at
school, but how will online courses do in terms of moving student learning forward? Research to
date gives us some clues and also points us to what we could be doing to support students who
are most likely to struggle in the online setting.
The use of virtual courses among K-12 students has grown rapidly in recent years. Florida, for
example, requires all high school students to take at least one online course. Online learning can
take a number of different forms. Often people think of Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs,
where thousands of students watch a video online and fill out questionnaires or take exams based
on those lectures.
“ In the online setting, students may have more distractions and less oversight, which can reduce
their motivation.”
Most online courses, however, particularly those serving K-12 students, have a format much more
similar to in-person courses. The teacher helps to run virtual discussion among the students,
assigns homework, and follows up with individual students. Sometimes these courses are
synchronous (teachers and students all meet at the same time) and sometimes they are
asynchronous (non-concurrent). In both cases, the teacher is supposed to provide opportunities
for students to engage thoughtfully with subject matter, and students, in most cases, are required
to interact with each other virtually.
Online courses provide opportunities for students. Students in a school that doesn’t offer statistics
classes may be able to learn statistics with virtual lessons. If students fail algebra, they may be
able to catch up during evenings or summer using online classes, and not disrupt their math
trajectory at school. So, almost certainly, online classes sometimes benefit students.
In comparisons of online and in-person classes, however, online classes aren’t as effective as in-
person classes for most students. Only a little research has assessed the effects of online lessons
for elementary and high school students, and even less has used the “gold standard” method of
comparing the results for students assigned randomly to online or in-person courses. Jessica
Heppen and colleagues at the American Institutes for Research and the University of Chicago
Consortium on School Research randomly assigned students who had failed second semester
Algebra I to either face-to-face or online credit recovery courses over the summer. Students’
credit-recovery success rates and algebra test scores were lower in the online setting. Students
assigned to the online option also rated their class as more difficult than did their peers assigned
to the face-to-face option.
Most of the research on online courses for K-12 students has used large-scale administrative
data, looking at otherwise similar students in the two settings. One of these studies, by June Ahn
of New York University and Andrew McEachin of the RAND Corp., examined Ohio charter
schools; I did another with colleagues looking at Florida public school coursework. Both studies
found evidence that online course taking was less effective.
It is not surprising that in-person courses are, on average, more effective. Being in person with
teachers and other students creates social pressures and benefits that can help motivate students
to engage. Some students do as well in online courses as in in-person courses, some may actually
do better, but, on average, students do worse in the online setting, and this is particularly true for
students with weaker academic backgrounds.
Students who struggle in in-person classes are likely to struggle even more online. While the
research on virtual schools in K-12 education doesn’t address these differences directly, a study
of college students that I worked on with Stanford colleagues found very little difference in learning
for high-performing students in the online and in-person settings. On the other hand, lower
performing students performed meaningfully worse in online courses than in in-person courses.
But just because students who struggle in in-person classes are even more likely to struggle
online doesn’t mean that’s inevitable. Online teachers will need to consider the needs of less-
engaged students and work to engage them. Online courses might be made to work for these
students on average, even if they have not in the past.
Just like in brick-and-mortar classrooms, online courses need a strong curriculum and strong
pedagogical practices. Teachers need to understand what students know and what they don’t
know, as well as how to help them learn new material. What is different in the online setting is
that students may have more distractions and less oversight, which can reduce their motivation.
The teacher will need to set norms for engagement—such as requiring students to regularly ask
questions and respond to their peers—that are different than the norms in the in-person setting.
Online courses are generally not as effective as in-person classes, but they are certainly better
than no classes. A substantial research base developed by Karl Alexander at Johns Hopkins
University and many others shows that students, especially students with fewer resources at
home, learn less when they are not in school. Right now, virtual courses are allowing students to
access lessons and exercises and interact with teachers in ways that would have been impossible
if an epidemic had closed schools even a decade or two earlier. So we may be skeptical of online
learning, but it is also time to embrace and improve it.

Source: .https://www.edweek.org/technology/opinion-how-effective-is-online-learning-

The challenges of online learning

There are, however, challenges to overcome. Some students without reliable internet access
and/or technology struggle to participate in digital learning; this gap is seen across countries and
between income brackets within countries. For example, whilst 95% of students in Switzerland,
Norway, and Austria have a computer to use for their schoolwork, only 34% in Indonesia do,
according to OECD data.

In the US, there is a significant gap between those from privileged and disadvantaged
backgrounds: whilst virtually all 15-year-olds from a privileged background said they had a
computer to work on, nearly 25% of those from disadvantaged backgrounds did not. While some
schools and governments have been providing digital equipment to students in need, such as in
New South Wales, Australia, many are still concerned that the pandemic will widen the digital

Is learning online as effective?

For those who do have access to the right technology, there is evidence that learning online can
be more effective in a number of ways. Some research shows that on average, students retain
25-60% more material when learning online compared to only 8-10% in a classroom. This is
mostly due to the students being able to learn faster online; e-learning requires 40-60% less time
to learn than in a traditional classroom setting because students can learn at their own pace,
going back and re-reading, skipping, or accelerating through concepts as they choose.

Nevertheless, the effectiveness of online learning varies amongst age groups. The general
consensus on children, especially younger ones, is that a structured environment is required,
because kids are more easily distracted. To get the full benefit of online learning, there needs to
be a concerted effort to provide this structure and go beyond replicating a physical class/lecture
through video capabilities, instead, using a range of collaboration tools and engagement methods
that promote “inclusion, personalization and intelligence”, according to Dowson Tong, Senior
Executive Vice President of Tencent and President of its Cloud and Smart Industries Group.

Since studies have shown that children extensively use their senses to learn, making learning fun
and effective through use of technology is crucial, according to BYJU's Mrinal Mohit. “Over a
period, we have observed that clever integration of games has demonstrated higher engagement
and increased motivation towards learning especially among younger students, making them truly
fall in love with learning”, he says.

Source: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/04/coronavirus-education-global-

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