Hkcee Amath 1988 Paper 1 2

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28-ce A MATHS, Parent ONG KONG EXAMINATIONS AUTHORITY {ONG KONG CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION EXAMINATION 1998 Pn BLE ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS PAPER | 230 «n-10204m (2hous) wer ALL quis i Secon A ae ay A woking mi eat shown fulficent for mimes answers to be es fhct to ce sean ae ( SECTION A G9 ma) Answer ALL queions in hs eon, Le) Senpy (VEFTFER = VEFINTFTFBR + VERT, Oty EFT Ft om tri my 2nd th egutons of the two tangents to the cae 9 aly #2 a ‘te pone bee = mas) 2 ‘ey ‘eon : Claetueaaees ca dD. for pats te And dag (ne Fe th °C tept thethee compen nantes = Sy andy repel (0) Expos 2222 athe form a 4 whee and te toa (0). 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