ELC Persuasive Outline

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Name: Nurul Anis Suraya binti Mohd Sukri

ID : 2021478306
Group : elc 590 BA-49
Title : Should Animal Testing Be Banned?
General Purpose : To Persuade
Central Idea : Animal testing is wrong because it is inhumane, costly and unpredictable.

I. Millions of animals are drugged and slaughtered each year in brutal and outmoded tests
designed to assess the risks of consumer items and their contents.
II. Baboons, cats, cows, dogs, ferrets, fish, frogs, guinea pigs, rabbits, horses, llamas, mice,
monkeys (such as marmosets and macaques), owls, pigs, hamsters, quail, rats, and
sheep are among the animals involved in trials.
III. Animal testing is unethical because it causes suffering to nonhuman animals, who cannot
consent to get their bodies abused and tested on by humans.
IV. Animal testing is wrong because it is inhumane, costly and unpredictable. They are
exposed to getting chemicals spilled into their eyes, injected into their bodies, shoved up
their nostrils, or forced down their throats. They are drug-addicted, forced to inhale or
ingest harmful substances, deafened, blinded, burned, stapled, and infected with illness

(Transition: …………………………………………………………………………….)


I. What Happens If We Don't Put an End to Animal Testing?

A. Animal Torture
1. Though the precise number of animals subjected to testing each year is
uncertain due to the absence of reporting regulations, estimates place the
figure in the tens of millions worldwide. Mice, fish, and rats are the most often
used research creatures. However, labs house a diverse range of other
species, including dogs, cats, apes, primates, horses, pigs, and sheep, to
name a few.
B. Financial Waste
1. Annually, the federal government of the United States spends over $15 billion
on animal testing. Only 10% of the medications under investigation
successfully pass the animal testing phase of research and are declared safe
to proceed.

(Transition: Now that you know what will happen if animal testing still continue, let’s look at other
option instead testing on the animals)

II. Alternative Options For Testing On Animals

C. Replacing animal tests does not suggest endangering human patients. It also does not
suggest putting a stop to medical advancement. Rather, substituting animals used
during testing will increase both the quality and humanity of our work.
1. Cultures of cells can be used to investigate biological, disease, and
medication metabolic processes. Cells have even been coaxed to develop
into 3D structures, such as tiny human organs, by scientists. The ultimate
goal is to develop an entire "human-on-a-chip".
2. Human tissue could be a more relevant approach to understanding human
biology and illness than animal testing. Skin and eye models constructed
from reconstituted human skin and other tissues have been developed.
Post-mortem brain tissue has generated crucial clues in understanding the
impact of Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.


I. Animal testing should be abolished since it violates the rights of animals, causes pain and
discomfort to experimental animals, and other methods of assessing product toxicity exist.
People cannot excuse torturing and slaughtering thousands of animals each year in order
to conduct laboratory experiments or test products. Animals deserve to be treated with
honor and respect, and this right is violated when they are exploited for greedy human
A. Choose cruelty-free products. Many companies still use animal
testing to evaluate the safety of their products. By choosing
cruelty-free products, you can support companies that do not
engage in animal testing. Look for the Leaping Bunny or
PETA's Beauty Without Bunnies logos on product packaging to
identify cruelty-free products.
B. Educate others about the issue. Many people may not be
aware of the suffering that animals endure in experiments. By
educating others about the issue, you can raise awareness
and help to create a societal shift towards more humane
II. Experiments are frequently terribly painful for the animals tested, and their duration can
range from days to months to years. The test can result in puking, diarrhea, irritation,
rashes, bleeding, lack of appetite, losing weight, seizures, breathing difficulty, drooling,
paralysis, tiredness, organ problems, tumors, heart problems, liver illness, cancer, and
even death during this period.
III. If these horrific crimes were committed outside of laboratories, they would be considered
offenses. However, animals die and suffer in laboratories every day, with little to no safety
from brutality. So it starts with us stopping this insane and inhumane testing on animals.


Alternatives to animal testing. (n.d.). Cruelty Free International.


Animal testing and experiments FAQ. (n.d.). The Humane Society of the United States.


Hussain, G. (2022, October 25). What Can We Do to Stop Animal Testing: 5 Things to

Consider. Sentient Media. https://sentientmedia.org/stop-animal-testing/

Otto, C. (2022, October 25). Why Is Animal Testing Bad and Why Should We Stop

Animal Testing? Sentient Media.


The Cruelty of Lab Animal Testing | Down to Earth Organic and Natural. (n.d.).



Toxic and Tragic Consequences of Product Testing on Animals. (2021, November 10).




6 Ways to Help Animals Suffering in Experiments. (2021, August 14). PETA.


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