This document is an online examination registration form for a student named Chittampalli Vishnu for the first semester at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University. It lists the 7 theory papers the student has registered for between August 9-16, 2021, the practical papers not applied for, and notes that the exam center will be displayed after confirmation and a total fee of Rs. 700 must be paid. It also provides instructions that the hall ticket is required for entry to the exam hall and will be available online 3 days before exams.
This document is an online examination registration form for a student named Chittampalli Vishnu for the first semester at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University. It lists the 7 theory papers the student has registered for between August 9-16, 2021, the practical papers not applied for, and notes that the exam center will be displayed after confirmation and a total fee of Rs. 700 must be paid. It also provides instructions that the hall ticket is required for entry to the exam hall and will be available online 3 days before exams.
This document is an online examination registration form for a student named Chittampalli Vishnu for the first semester at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University. It lists the 7 theory papers the student has registered for between August 9-16, 2021, the practical papers not applied for, and notes that the exam center will be displayed after confirmation and a total fee of Rs. 700 must be paid. It also provides instructions that the hall ticket is required for entry to the exam hall and will be available online 3 days before exams.
This document is an online examination registration form for a student named Chittampalli Vishnu for the first semester at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University. It lists the 7 theory papers the student has registered for between August 9-16, 2021, the practical papers not applied for, and notes that the exam center will be displayed after confirmation and a total fee of Rs. 700 must be paid. It also provides instructions that the hall ticket is required for entry to the exam hall and will be available online 3 days before exams.
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Applied Date : 2021-07-14
Application No. : 105060781 Admission No. : 0422060313 Student Name : CHITTAMPALLI VISHNU Father Name : CH RAMATIRTHA FIRST SEMESTER PAPERS
Theory Papers PaperCode PaperName Examdate ExamDay ExamDate ExamTime 01 Gender Sensitisation(AECC) Day1 Day1 09-08-2021 2:00 PM TO 3:30 PM 02 Science and Technology(GE) Day2 Day2 10-08-2021 2:00 PM TO 3:30 PM 03 English (LSC) Day3 Day3 11-08-2021 2:00 PM TO 4:00 PM Practical Papers Not Applied 04 MIL-Telugu Day4 Day4 12-08-2021 2:00 PM TO 4:00 PM 20 ECONOMICS Day5 Day5 13-08-2021 2:00 PM TO 5:00 PM 23 POLITICAL SCIENCE Day6 Day6 14-08-2021 2:00 PM TO 5:00 PM 25 PUBLIC ADMINISTRTION Day7 Day7 16-08-2021 2:00 PM TO 5:00 PM Examination Center :
YOUR EXAM CENTRE WILL BE DISPLAYED AFTER CONFIRMATION Total Fee Amount to be Paid : Rs. 700 Note : 1. After Examination Fee Payment Updataion will not be allowed .
2. This is exam registration print out only (It's not a Hall ticket) .
3. Student will not be allowed into examination hall with out hall ticket.
4. Hall tickets will be available in our website 3 days before the date of examinations.
5. Exam registration fee is Rs.100/- per paper.
6. You need to pay examination fee at any TS/AP ONLINE franchise centers.