Mslearn dp100 02

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Before you start

Use Automated Machine Learning

Azure Machine Learning includes an automated machine learning capability that leverages the scalability of cloud
Provision an
Azure Machine compute to automatically try multiple pre-processing techniques and model-training algorithms in parallel to
Learning find the best performing supervised machine learning model for your data.
In this exercise, you’ll use the visual interface for automated machine learning in Azure Machine Learning studio
� Note: You can also use automated machine learning through the Azure Machine Learning SDK.

Create a dataset

Run an
automated Before you start
learning You’ll need an Azure subscription in which you have administrative-level access.

Review the best

Provision an Azure Machine Learning workspace
An Azure Machine Learning workspace provides a central place for managing all resources and assets you need
Deploy a
predictive to train and manage your models. You can interact with the Azure Machine Learning workspace through the
service Studio, Python SDK, and Azure CLI.

Test the
deployed Create the workspace
To create the Azure Machine Learning workspace and a compute instance, you’ll use the Azure CLI. All necessary
Delete Azure
commands are grouped in a Shell script for you to execute.

1. In a browser, open the Azure portal at, signing in with your Microsoft account.
2. Select the [>_] (Cloud Shell) button at the top of the page to the right of the search box. This opens a Cloud
Shell pane at the bottom of the portal.
3. The first time you open the cloud shell, you will be asked to choose the type of shell you want to use (Bash
or PowerShell). Select Bash.
4. If you are asked to create storage for your cloud shell, check that the correct subscription is specified and
select Create storage. Wait for the storage to be created.

5. In the terminal, enter the following commands to clone this repo:

```bash rm -r mslearn-dp100 -f git clone mslearn-


6. After the repo has been cloned, enter the following commands to change to the folder for this lab and run
the script it contains:

Code  Copy

cd mslearn-dp100

7. Wait for the script to complete - this typically takes around 5-10 minutes.

Configure compute resources

To use automated machine learning, you require compute on which to run the model training experiment.

1. Sign into Azure Machine Learning studio with the Microsoft credentials associated with your Azure
subscription, and select your Azure Machine Learning workspace.
2. In Azure Machine Learning studio, view the Compute page; and on the Compute instances tab, start your
compute instance if it is not already running. You will use this compute instance to test your trained model.
3. While the compute instance is starting, switch to the Compute clusters tab, and add a new compute
cluster with the following settings. You’ll run the automated machine learning experiment on this cluster to
take advantage of the ability to distribute the training runs across multiple compute nodes:

◦ Location: The same location as your workspace

◦ Virtual Machine tier: Dedicated
◦ Virtual Machine type: CPU
◦ Virtual Machine size: Standard_DS11_v2
◦ Compute name: enter a unique name
◦ Minimum number of nodes: 0
◦ Maximum number of nodes: 2
◦ Idle seconds before scale down: 120
◦ Enable SSH access: Unselected

Create a dataset
Now that you have some compute resources that you can use to process data, you’ll need a way to store and
ingest the data to be processed.

1. View the comma-separated data at in your web browser. Then save this as a
local file named diabetes.csv (it doesn’t matter where you save it).
2. In Azure Machine Learning studio, view the Data page. Datasets represent specific data files or tables that
you plan to work with in Azure ML.
3. Create a new dataset from local files, using the following settings:

◦ Basic Info:

◦ Name: diabetes dataset

◦ Dataset type: Tabular
◦ Description: Diabetes data
◦ Datastore and file selection:

◦ Select or create a datastore: Currently selected datastore

◦ Select files for your dataset: Browse to the diabetes.csv file you downloaded.
◦ Upload path: Leave the default selection
◦ Skip data validation: Not selected
◦ Settings and preview:

◦ File format: Delimited

◦ Delimiter: Comma
◦ Encoding: UTF-8
◦ Column headers: Only first file has headers
◦ Skip rows: None
◦ Schema:

◦ Include all columns other than Path

◦ Review the automatically detected types
◦ Confirm details:

◦ Do not profile the dataset after creation

4. After the dataset has been created, open it and view the Explore page to see a sample of the data. This
data represents details from patients who have been tested for diabetes, and you will use it to train a
model that predicts the likelihood of a patient testing positive for diabetes based on clinical
� Note: You can optionally generate a profile of the dataset to see more statistical details.

Run an automated machine learning experiment

In Azure Machine Learning, operations that you run are called experiments. Follow the steps below to run an
experiment that uses automated machine learning to train a classification model that predicts diabetes

1. In Azure Machine Learning studio, view the Automated ML page (under Author).
2. Create a new Automated ML run with the following settings:

◦ Select dataset:

◦ Dataset: diabetes dataset

◦ Configure run:

◦ New experiment name: mslearn-automl-diabetes

◦ Target column: Diabetic (this is the label the model will be trained to predict)
◦ Select compute type: Compute cluster
◦ Select Azure ML compute cluster: the compute cluster you created previously
◦ Task type and settings:

◦ Task type: Classification

◦ Select View additional configuration settings to open Additional configurations:

▪ Primary metric: Select AUC Weighted (more about this metric later!)
▪ Explain best model: Selected - this option causes automated machine learning to
calculate feature importance for the best model; making it possible to determine the
influence of each feature on the predicted label.
▪ Use all supported models: Unselected - we’ll restrict the experiment to try a few specific
▪ Allowed models: Select only LogisticRegression and RandomForest. These will be the
only algorithms tried in the experiment.
▪ Exit criterion:

▪ Training job time (hours): 0.5 - this causes the experiment to end after a maximum
of 30 minutes.
▪ Metric score threshold: 0.90 - this causes the experiment to end if a model achieves
a weighted AUC metric of 90% or higher.
◦ Select View featurization settings to open Featurization:

▪ Enable featurization: Selected - this causes Azure Machine Learning to automatically

preprocess the features before training.
◦ Select the validation and test type:

◦ Validation type: Train-validation split

◦ Percentage validation of data: 30
◦ Test dataset: No test dataset required
3. When you finish submitting the automated ML run details, it will start automatically. You can observe the
status of the run in the Properties pane.
4. When the run status changes to Running, view the Models tab and observe as each possible combination
of training algorithm and pre-processing steps is tried and the performance of the resulting model is
evaluated. The page will automatically refresh periodically, but you can also select ↻ Refresh. It may take
ten minutes or so before models start to appear, as the cluster nodes need to be initialized and the data
featurization process completed before training can begin. Now might be a good time for a coffee break!
5. Wait for the experiment to finish.
Review the best model
After the experiment has finished; you can review the best performing model that was generated (note that in
this case, we used exit criteria to stop the experiment - so the “best” model found by the experiment may not be
the best possible model, just the best one found within the time and metric constraints allowed for this

1. On the Overview tab of the automated machine learning run, note the best model summary.

2. Select the Algorithm name for the best model to view the child-run that produced it.

The best model is identified based on the evaluation metric you specified (AUC_Weighted). To calculate this
metric, the training process used some of the data to train the model, and applied a technique called cross-
validation to iteratively test the trained model with data it wasn’t trained with and compare the predicted
value with the actual known value. From these comparisons, a confusion matrix of true-positives, false-
positives,true-negatives, and false-negatives is tabulated and additional classification metrics calculated -
including a Receiving Operator Curve (ROC) chart that compares the True-Positive rate and False-Positive
rate. The area under this curve (AUC) us a common metric used to evaluate classification performance.
3. Next to the AUC_Weighted value, select View all other metrics to see values of other possible evaluation
metrics for a classification model.
4. Select the Metrics tab and review the performance metrics you can view for the model. These include a
confusion_matrix visualization showing the confusion matrix for the validated model, and an
accuracy_table visualization that includes the ROC chart.
5. Select the Explanations tab, select an Explanation ID, and then view the Aggregate Importance page.
This shows the extent to which each feature in the dataset influences the label prediction.

Deploy a predictive service

After you’ve used automated machine learning to train some models, you can deploy the best performing model
as a service for client applications to use.

� Note: In Azure Machine Learning, you can deploy a service as an Azure Container Instances (ACI) or to an Azure Kubernetes
Service (AKS) cluster. For production scenarios, an AKS deployment is recommended, for which you must create an inference
cluster compute target. In this exercise, you’ll use an ACI service, which is a suitable deployment target for testing, and does
not require you to create an inference cluster.

1. Select the Overview tab for the run that produced the best model.
2. From the Deploy option, use the Deploy to web service button to deploy the model with the following

◦ Name: auto-predict-diabetes
◦ Description: Predict diabetes
◦ Compute type: Azure Container Instance
◦ Enable authentication: Selected
◦ Use custom deployment assets: Unselected
3. Wait for the deployment to start - this may take a few seconds. Then, on the Model tab, in the Model
summary section, observe the Deploy status for the auto-predict-diabetes service, which should be
Running. Wait for this status to change to Successful. You may need to select ↻ Refresh periodically.
NOTE This can take a while - be patient!
4. In Azure Machine Learning studio, view the Endpoints page and select the auto-predict-diabetes real-
time endpoint. Then select the Consume tab and note the following information there. You need this
information to connect to your deployed service from a client application.

◦ The REST endpoint for your service

◦ the Primary Key for your service
5. Note that you can use the ⧉ link next to these values to copy them to the clipboard.

Test the deployed service

Now that you’ve deployed a service, you can test it using some simple code.

1. With the Consume page for the auto-predict-diabetes service page open in your browser, open a new
browser tab and open a second instance of Azure Machine Learning studio. Then in the new tab, view the
Notebooks page.
2. In the Notebooks page, under My files, browse to the /users/your-user-name/mslearn-dp100 folder
where you cloned the notebook repository, and open the Get AutoML Prediction notebook.
3. When the notebook has opened, ensure that the compute instance you created previously is selected in
the Compute box, and that it has a status of Running.
4. In the notebook, replace the ENDPOINT and PRIMARY_KEY placeholders with the values for your service,
which you can copy from the Consume tab on the page for your endpoint.
5. Run the code cell and view the output returned by your web service.

Delete Azure resources

When you finish exploring Azure Machine Learning, you should delete the resources you’ve created to avoid
unnecessary Azure costs.

1. Close the Azure Machine Learning Studio tab and return to the Azure portal.
2. In the Azure portal, on the Home page, select Resource groups.
3. Select the rg-dp100-labs resource group.
4. At the top of the Overview page for your resource group, select Delete resource group.
5. Enter the resource group name to confirm you want to delete it, and select Delete.

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