Rico - Module 2 - GE102-ETHICS
Rico - Module 2 - GE102-ETHICS
Rico - Module 2 - GE102-ETHICS
Lesson 1:
Activity 1. Marriage Practices
In the table below, provide at least 5 difference between the traditional marriage practices of Filipinos
and Koreans. Explain the “why” behind these different marriage practices. (You may attach some
pictures to further illustrate) Are they morally acceptable?
Filipino Korean
The traditional marriage proposal takes the form Pre-Wedding Korean Traditions
of the pamanhikan or pamamanhikan or the
“parental marriage proposal”, a formal way of During the Jeonanrye ceremony, a kireogi or a
asking the parents of the woman for her hand. wild goose was presented to the prospective
The would-be groom and his parents go to the groom. The groom was expected to bow twice
would-be bride’s home, and ask the parents for before presenting the kireogi to his future
their consent. Once the woman’s parents accept mother in law. In modern Korean weddings, a
the proposal, other matters will be discussed wooden goose may be given in place of a
during this meeting including among other traditional kireogi. This Korean tradition is
things, the wedding plan, the date, the finances, respected as a symbol of harmony and structure.
and the list of guests. The expenses for the Wild geese mate for life, so by giving the mother
wedding are generally shouldered by the groom a goose, the groom is promising a life of love and
and his family. care to the woman’s daughter.
The bride’s gown is often custom made and both The parents of the bride and groom are entitled
the bride and groom wear white. It is bad luck for to invite whomever they please, often resulting in
the bride to try on her dress before the wedding a guest count as large as 500! It is Korean
day and to wear pearl jewelry, which is tradition that the bride and groom wander the
considered a bad omen. The groom wears a wedding venue to welcome each guest on their
sheer, long-sleeve button-up shirt (barong special day, this can often become a stressful task
tagalog) that is worn un-tucked over black pants from the bride and groom. However, the groom
with a white t-shirt underneath. may greet the wedding guests in one area while
the bride has her own special room in which to
greet her guests. Photos of the bride and her
guests are also taken before the ceremony.
The groom presents his bride with 13 gold pieces The Korean Wedding Ceremony
as a pledge of his dedication to his wife and the During the Korean wedding ceremony, vows are
welfare of his children. These are carried in by a taken in the kunbere ceremony. Both bride and
coin bearer who walks with the ring bearer. A groom wear the traditional hanbok, a traditional
white cord is draped around the couple’s Korean dress specially designed for the
shoulders as a bond of infinite marriage and veils ceremony. The hanbok represents thousands of
of white tulle are draped on the bride’s head and years of tradition and is usually made of a
groom’s shoulders to symbolize two people lightweight material with bright colors, simple
clothed as one. lines, and no pockets. The bride will wear a pink
or purple hanbok, while the groom’s mother
wears a blue hanbok. Female members of the
family may also wear the hanbok, but they may
choose more modern clothing in place of the
traditional dress.
Another tradition that symbolizes the unity of the A celebrant and a Master of Ceremonies officiate
couple is the lighting of a unity candle by two at the ceremony. After vows are spoken, the
separate candles held by the bride and groom to bride and groom seal their vows by bowing and
represent the joining of the two families and sipping wine from a gourd grown handed off by
invoke the light of Christ. The bouquet is not the mother of the bride. The ceremony is quick,
tossed and rather offered to a favorite saint, the and usually never lasts longer than one-half hour.
virgin, or on the grave of a loved one. After the vows are spoken, and the wine is
finished, the family and guests will participate in
a simple meal.
The main requirement for attending a Korean
wedding is that you bring a white envelope that
contains money to present to the bride and
groom. The amount of money given depends on
the relationship between the guest and the
couple. It is traditional to give the chosen amount
of money in one clean, crisp bill inside the white
While in Korean traditional wedding it begins by giving the goose, “the groom is making a promise to take
care of his future in-laws’ daughter,”. Then two wooden ducks are presented to the couple on their wedding day,
symbolizing three things – peace, many children and no separations. If the couple quarrels, one will point to the
ducks placed prominently in their home, to remind them of the peaceful wedding, and the pair will stop fighting.
Or if a fight ensures, visitors to the couple's house may find the wooden ducks turned tail to tail. If all is happy
between the two, the ducks remain beak to beak. Korean tradition, the Chinese dates and chestnuts are thrown.
Chinese dates symbolize a healthy future, and chestnuts, which are hard and strong, are a symbol of the strong
sons to be born. The quantity caught is an omen of good health and many sons.
Activity 2. True or False. On the space provide, draw a circle if the statement is TRUE and
triangle if the statement is FALSE.
_______2.Culture shock is a two-way process: you are shocked by the way people do things, and people
are shocked by your actual reaction.
_______5.Cultures of peoples around the world are vastly different from each other. Some are inferior
cultures and some are superior cultures.
_______6. A person may totally forget his birth culture when he lives in a foreign land with a different
way of life.
_______9. Culture is the expression of our nature in our modes of living and thinking
I. True or False. Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE. Write your
answer on the space provided.
T 1.You need to embrace someone else’s culture for you to be a true cultural relativist.
T 9.According to cultural relativist, what may be true to you, may not be true to me.
T 10. Ethnocentrism is the practice of viewing and judging someone else’s culture based on the values
and beliefs of others
II: Read and analyze the questions. Express and substantiate your thoughts through a 3 to 5 –
sentence essay. Use the rubric as your guide.
1. Cite a behaviour of yours which is influenced by your culture. Is that behaviour morally right?
Answer: I believe that all the dream has a meaning it’s either it give me a warning, problem or a
blessing. Sometimes I avoiding to do things that might makes my dream come true in real life. I also
believe in superstitious belief in which there are things we can and cannot do/see. My family always told
me before that we are not the only one living in this world there are other creature that we didn’t see
that live we us, that’s why I always say 'tabi-tabi po' to give respect and to ask permission in anything I
do especially the place is too quiet and not familiar to me. Different pamahiin are one of those things I
usually believe and do. In different event or ceremony I always follow it and avoid things that is not
allowed to prevent being disrespectful, and the possible outcome of my action.
Answer: Our culture is one of the factor that shape our personality from our attitude to our belief and
behaviours. Yes, culture limit human person’s freedom because it give us limit to do things that we
might want to do. Our culture belief hold us in doing things that prohibited or might cause disrespectful
in our culture. The best example is our religion where there are Don’t and Do’s that we need to observe
and follow.
3. Cite two more proofs that culture influences human behaviour. (6pts)
Answer: You start acting and behaving in ways that are seen as appropriate to such a culture. Your dress
sense, grooming, language, belief system and attitude become molded to fit into that society which
makes you become accepted by them. For example, in some places, baring the breasts is seen as
normal, while in some places it is forbidden. Some places allow males and females to mingle freely in
public places: others do not. This has a tremendous impact on behaviour, and is evident when these
persons go to a place that has a different culture compered to theirs. They encounter what is known as
“culture shock”, and it is most evident from their reactions and behaviours to certain unique stimuli
which they come in contact with in a new place.
Answer: Cultural relativism refers to not judging a culture or our own standards of what is right or
wrong, strange or normal. Instead, we should try to understand cultural practices of other groups in its
own cultural context. This is to promote understanding of cultural practices from one group to another.
Using this perspective of cultural relativism leads to the view that no one culture is superior than
another culture when compared to system of morality, law, politics and etc.
Answer: Cultural relativism refers to not judging a culture to our own standards of what is right or
wrong, strange or normal. Instead, we should try to understand cultural practices of other groups in its
own cultural context. While a cultural perspective is viewing a situation or concept through the eyes of
an individual's native environmental and social influence. It is the influence that a culture and society
has on a person's worldview and perspective. The goal of this is promote understanding of cultural
practices that are not typically part of one’s own culture. Using the perspective of cultural relativism
leads to the view that no one culture is superior than another culture when compared to systems of
morality, law, politics, etc.
6. What is the strength of cultural relativism? What about its weakness? (5pts)
Answer: Cultural relativism is the idea that a person's beliefs, values, and practices should be
understood based on that person's own culture, rather than be judged against the criteria of another.
The strength of cultural relativism is that it promotes greater diversity and understanding of ethical
differences and reduces the likelihood of an imperialist imposition of values. The weakness of cultural
relativism is its propensity towards quietism which may compromise action to protect human rights.
7. Give at least 5 traditions in some societies that we may deem “immoral” if we are to judge
them based on our culture. Cite the source of your information. (10 pts)
1. Female genital cutting - refers to all procedures involving partial or total removal of female
genitalia or other injury to female genital organs for any cultural, religious or otherwise
nontherapeutic reasons. This practice is common in many refugee populations, particularly
those from East Africa (i.e. Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan), although the practice is pervasive
throughout the world. This controversial practice is considered a human rights violation by
many. (www.cdc.gov)
Sociocultural reasons: in some communities, FGM is believed to ensure a girl’s virginity and
thereby her family’s honour, because virginity is often a prerequisite for marriage.
Psychosexual reasons: in some communities the unexcised girl is believed to have an overactive
and uncontrollable sex drive which makes her likely to lose her virginity prematurely, disgracing
her family and damaging her chances of marriage.
Spiritual and religious reasons: for some communities, removing the external genitalia is
necessary to make a girl spiritually clean and is therefore required by religion. Muslims who
practise FGM tend to believe that it is required by the Koran. However, FGM is not mentioned in
the Koran.
Hygienic and aesthetic reasons: in some cultures, woman’s external genitalia are considered as
ugly and dirty and removing these parts of the external genitalia is believed to make girls
hygienically clean.
2. Baby Tossing - From then on, prayers for the birth of a healthy baby in the region have included
a promise to toss the baby as an offering to the god who granted the prayers. Villagers believe
that the ritual brings the child long life and good luck, and maintain that it does no harm.
3. Abortion - abortions are legal at least under certain conditions in almost all countries, these
conditions vary widely. According to a United Nations report with data gathered up to 2019,
abortion is allowed in 98% of countries in order to save a woman's life. Other commonly-
accepted reasons are preserving physical (72%) or mental health (69%), in cases of rape or incest
(61%), and in cases of fetal impairment (61%). Performing an abortion because of economic or
social reasons is accepted in 37% of countries. Performing abortion only on the basis of a
woman's request is allowed in 34% of countries, including in the United States, Canada, most
European countries, and China. (en.m.wikipedia.org)
4. Honour Killing/ Shame Killing - is the murder of a member of a family, due to the perpetrators'
belief that the victim has brought shame or dishonor upon the family, or has violated the
principles of a community or a religion with an honor culture. Typical reasons include divorcing
or separating from their spouse, refusing to enter an arranged, child or forced marriage, being in
a relationship or having associations with social groups outside the family that is strongly
disapproved by one's family, having premarital or extramarital sex, becoming the victim of rape
or sexual assault, dressing in clothing, jewelry and accessories which are deemed inappropriate,
engaging in non-heterosexual relations. (en.m.wikipedia.org)
Give at least 3 strengths of Filipino character that you also possess and tell us how that character
contributes to your moral growth.
The three strength of Filipino Character that I also possess are pakikipagkapwa tao, spirituality, and
ability to survive. It help me to become who I am right now. The pakikipagkapwa tao which opening
yourself to others and feel one with others with dignity and respect deal with them as fellow human
beings. It help me to connect with the people in my surrounding and build a strong and good
relationship with them. It is also one of the factor to make me feel comfortable with other person and
live my life in peaceful and meaningful way. Then Spirituality means, Faith in God – accepting reality to
comprehend as a human created by God. It help to take a risk and let God decide of what possible event
will come or happen to my life or the outcome of my decision or action. This character help me to
decide as quick as I can and as strong as I can to make a move or action. One of the factor that help me
survive in the most doubtful situation. And lastly, the ability to survive which is manifested in our
capacity for endurance despite difficult times, and in our ability to get by on so little. This
survival instinct is related to the Filipinos who bravely carry on through the harshest economic
and social circumstances. I can say that this ability help me to become more stronger in all the
challenges I experienced before, until now. It give me more courage that if I can survive the
smallest trial then I can even more overcome the bigger one. This three characters mold myself
of who I am right now. It make the better version of myself and help me build my own belief
system which can give me the instinct to see and know what is right and wrong in my own eyes
and heart.
Activity 2. Matching Type. Match column A to column B by writing the correct answer on the space
A. B.
1. Complete the table below.
Filipino Trait What is positive about What is negative about What should be done
it? it? to make it a possible
Hospitable For Filipinos, it is a Hospitality that could Don’t be too kind, you
pleasure and the get a little too much. can still be hospitable
country’s honor to Sometimes a Filipino in other way. It is not
accept foreigners as cares so much for the hard to talk to them
visitors and build comfort of his guest frankly and there is no
genuine relationships that he forgets about need to be ashame to
and friendship with his own. He offers the show your true
them. Did you know best food when he has situation that’s why
that being hospitable guests but didn’t think you can give them a
reflects positively on if she/he will still have kind of hospitable
your physical and a food the next day or which is you can only
emotional health? The when the visitor is off afford, just be true to
best part is, it’s good to go. Sometimes yourself.
for both parties! It people become
increases self esteem, independent of the
decreases stress and thought that they are
depression, and even welcome to once
boosts your immune house no matter what
system. that they forgot to
think the house honor
situation. Sometimes
they forgot to give
respect to the house
honor because of to
much feel comfortable
and feel at home.
Respectful Receiving respect from Sometimes people take Be patience and try
others is important advantage in you harder to widen your
because it helps us to because of that understanding in the
feel safe and to express attitude they will think situation and the
ourselves. Being that no matter what person involved. Think
respected by important they do to you (bullying positively and control
people in our lives or insulting) still you your temper. Always
growing up teaches us will act professional remind ourselves that
how to be respectful and respect them. we are unique and
toward others. Respect There also time where different in every way
in your relationships you are forced to that’s why we need to
builds feelings of trust, respect someone even respect each other.
safety, and wellbeing. you don’t want
because of the reason
that you must be
Strong family ties and They go to church and When family ties go Everybody must work
religious pray together because awry, a multitude of to survive, not always
their religion is negative psychological ask for help to survive.
important making God effects overtake the it's okay to ask for
as a center of their life. behaviors and some help. but never
It also help to personalities of people abuse the help given. If
strengthen the bond involved. This includes we really want to help
between the family in extreme cases: our relative/s, we must
member and their psychological trauma, teach them how to fish,
connection to Him tensions, bitterness, not just giving them
above. It is one way to fears, anxiety, the fishes.
make a stronger family depression, frustration,
relationship . Yes resentment or hostility
filipinos value their against each other. This
families so much that is common in monetary
they tend to be so help in close family
intact. ties. I have observed
many are just
dependents of their
relative/s who are
working abroad or
even who are just
working here.
Generosity and helpful This is observed when Other people abuse Do not be tired or think
one person has nothing this attitude, they take to surrender. Think
and they tend to share advantage on it and positively and widen
what they have to sometimes don’t your understanding. No
them. appreciate your small matter what show
deed. kindness to others and
time will come they will
just realized it.
Hardworking The fact that they are Both overtime and It’s okay to be
willing to work several work intensity were hardworking just learn
times to almost whole found to be associated when to stop and rest.
day just to feed their with stress, fatigue and Balance and know your
families and give them decreased job priorities is the best
their need and want or satisfaction. People way to still make this
give them a better life . who frequently worked trait possible.
overtime or pushed
themselves to the limit
professionally also
tended to view their
career prospects less
positively and lacked a
sense of job security
and recognition –
suggesting that they
felt their hard work
wasn’t even noticed. It
also destroy your
relationship with your
family because of not
having a time to spend
with them and
sometimes you miss
some important event
or occasion.
DIRECTION: Read and analyze the questions. Express and substantiate your thoughts through a 7 to
10 – sentence essay.
2. What is meant by “Filipino Time?” Do you favor this? Why or why not? (10 pts)
Filipino time means being minutes to hours late compared to the standard time. It’s like having our own
clock, It is an excuse for arriving anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours late to any party, meeting or hanging out.
For Filipinos, being late and starting things late have always been part of our culture. Many Filipinos seems to
either practice it or accept it, so much that we’ve been given a term for it — Filipino Time. No, because we must
think or consider others feeling, effort and time. It is not bad to be punctual or on time, actually it’s a good habit
because aside from prevent to become stress of being rush you will have enough time to think the important
things you will needed to bring. All in all, with the deep-rootedness in Philippine culture and literature of
Filipino Time, our horrible traffic and poor public transportation, and our acceptance of Filipino Time as a
brand, it is nearly impossible to eradicate tardiness from our culture and society. However, what’s
important is that we do not celebrate our tardiness as a brand for us Filipinos. We cannot blame why we
ourselves are always late simply on Filipino Time. We should see that it is usually because of our own lack
of discipline and lack of respect for other people’s time. When we label our tardiness as Filipino Time, we
simply further perpetuate the crippling network effects of the habit and its negative brand. This is unfair
for the many Filipinos out there who are punctual, disciplined, and mindful of other people’s time. As such,
the next time you are tardy, don’t blame it on Filipino Time. It’s time we start admitting our own faults. It’s
time we stopped Filipino Time from being a celebrated part of our culture as Filipinos.
3. Among the weaknesses of the Filipino character, which of them applies to you? What
have you done to counteract such to become the moral person you are called to be? (25
The weakness character that I have is ‘Colonial mentality' it is the thinking that foreign talents and
products are always better, and the local ones are poor or no quality at all. Colonial mentality is also defined as
a form of internalized oppression, in which the colonizer’s values and beliefs are accepted by the colonized as
beliefs and truths of their own; the colonized come to believe that the mores of the colonizer are superior to
their own. We have this mind-set because of these reasons Feelings of inferiority for being Filipino;
Feelings of shame, embarrassment, resentment, or self-hate about being a person of Filipino heritage;
Denigration of the Filipino body (regarding white physical characteristics as more attractive,
advantageous, and desirable than typical Filipino physical traits such as brown skin and flat nose);
Discriminating against less-Westernized Filipinos (e.g., making fun of people from the provinces
—“Promdi”—or indigenous peoples and regarding them as “backward”); and Tolerating or minimizing
historical and contemporary oppression of Filipinos (because such oppression is accepted as the
appropriate cost of civilization). On the other hand the thing I do to counteract this attitude is that I
started to appreciate local product. I started to buy and try one and I prove it that all my judgement
before are not true maybe I’m just been deceived of others testimony or feedback. I realize that any
product came from any country have a advantage and disadvantage. It only means that I must not
judge it an instant. I also realized that patronize Filipino product not only help me to counteract my
weakness but also help our fellow Filipino to sell their product and to promote it to other people
around the world.
Lesson 3.
Activity 1. Universal Values
If you are the president of the United Nations General Assembly and you would like the world
to adhere to at least 10 universal values, what would it be and why? Give reasons for each
universal value.
Peace - When we have peace in our world, we can live side by side with everyone, trying
to create something beautiful or useful for mankind. Without peace our friends can be
our enemies. Our significant others can be the ones we need to fight against. When
peaceful conditions prevail in a society all activities take place in their proper form. But
if the atmosphere of peace is disturbed, the normal functioning of society is disrupted.
Peace is the only religion for both man and the universe. In a peaceful environment all
good things are possible, whereas in the absence of peace, we cannot achieve anything
of a positive nature, either as individuals, or as a community, or even at a national or
international level.
Freedom – it is a condition in which people have the opportunity to speak, act and pursue
happiness without unnecessary external restrictions. Freedom is important because it leads
to enhanced expressions of creativity and original thought, increased productivity, and an
overall high quality of life. Freedom, for most of us, means an independence from the
operations of mass society and the pressures it instills. Freedom is the state of being aware
of one’s own place in the world, taking responsibility for it, and deciding for one’s self how
best to act: striving for authenticity.
Social progress - measuring social progress offers citizens and leaders a more complete
picture of how their country is developing. And that will help societies make better
choices, create stronger communities, and enable people to lead more fulfilling lives.
Equal rights(human rights)/ equity/ fairness: committed to justice, equal treatment,
and respect for diversity. Human rights also guarantee people the means necessary to
satisfy their basic needs, such as food, housing, and education, so they can take full
advantage of all opportunities. Finally, by guaranteeing life, liberty, equality, and
security, human rights protect people against abuse by those who are more powerful.
Human dignity - Dignity is one of the most important things to the human spirit. It
means being valued and respected for what you are, what you believe in, and how you
live your live. Treating other people with dignity means treating them the way we'd like
to be treated ourselves.
Accountability - consider and accept the impact and consequences of personal action
and decisions. On the other hand, Accountability eliminates the time and effort you spend
on distracting activities and other unproductive behavior. When you make people
accountable for their actions, you're effectively teaching them to value their work. When
done right, accountability can increase your team members' skills and confidence. It is an
important element of good government. It is about the relationship between the State and its
citizens, and the extent to which the State is answerable for its actions. The principles and
concepts important to public sector accountability include transparency, fairness, integrity,
and trust.
Universalism - Understanding, appreciation, tolerance, and protection for the welfare of
all people and for nature. Universalism is important because it is a view about the
shared characteristics of all humans. Universalism is also a normative perspective – a
view that there are principles of justice that require that each person, whoever and
wherever they are, is treated fairly and equally.
Pursuit of excellence - Pride in work, best effort, and reflection of work. We must
choose carefully where to invest our time, energy and money. But regardless of the
choices, we must always strive for excellence. Adopting the pursuit of excellence as an
ideal in health care, health education and health research will ultimately generate
innovations in care and better health outcomes.
Tradition - Respect, commitment, and acceptance of the customs and ideas that
traditional culture or religion provide. Tradition contributes a sense of comfort and
belonging. It brings families together and enables people to reconnect with friends.
Tradition reinforces values such as freedom, faith, integrity, a good education, personal
responsibility, a strong work ethic, and the value of being selfless.
Security - Safety, harmony, and stability of society, of relationships, and of self.
Individual safety and security is important because both safety and security affect an
individual’s well-being. Safety is freedom from physical or emotional harm. Security is
freedom from the threat or fear of harm or danger. Violence and injury, at their most
extreme, threaten life itself.
Activity 2. Read the quote poem below and answer the questions that follow:
Be honest
-Abhishek Tiwari
1. Is honesty and truth telling considered a universal value? Why or why not?
Answer: Yes because it's an important moral value that all people should learn and apply to
themselves. With us being truthful with each other, we create freedom and lightness to
ourselves and towards others.
2. What are the possible consequences of dishonesty?
Answer: The consequences of lying are not as simple as they might seem. People often think
that lies breed contempt and guilt, but they do much more. They foster relationships, build
trust, destroy social networks, create social networks, make people more creative, and
influence how often other people lie. Lying can be cognitively depleting, it can increase the risk
that people will be punished, it can threaten people’s self-worth by preventing them from
seeing themselves as “good” people, and it can generally erode trust in society.
DIRECTION: Read and analyze the questions. Express and substantiate your thoughts through a
3 to 5 – sentence essay.
1. On what universal values are these 17 SDG 2015-2030 founded? (3 pts)
Answer: I think the universal values are these 17 SDG 2015-2030 founded are peace, freedom,
social progress, equal rights and human dignity because The Sustainable Development Goals are
the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global
challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace
and justice. Its main goal is to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace
and prosperity. On the other hand, we all know that extreme poverty, is the greatest global
challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. We are resolved to
free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet.
We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to
shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path. As we embark on this collective journey,
we pledge that no one will be left behind. The 17 SDG are determined to end poverty and
hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can fulfil their
potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment.
2. Explain why universal values are a necessity for human survival. (5 pts)
Answer: The universal values is clearly evident that we need for us human beings to survive
because it informs us our thoughts, actions and words. Universal values is helping us to grow
our everyday as a dignified person, it help us also to develop our skills, talents and human
dignity. Truth, respect, kindness, benevolence, patience, tolerance, peace, democracy, etc. Are
expected to be universal human values throughout globe. It is a universally accepted view that
without these human values, human society will not sustain for a long time. Also, our universal
values require us to recognise the human characteristics, both good and bad, that we have in
common with all our fellow human beings, and to show the same respect for human dignity
and sensitivity in people of other communities that we expect them to show for ours.
3. What are the 30-UN declared human rights? (Hint: Google) Are these universal values?
Defend your answer. (10 pts)
1. We Are All Born Free And Equal 16. Marriage And Family
2. Don’t Discriminate 17. The Right To Your Own Things
3. The Right Of Life 18. Freedom Of Thought
4. No slavery 19. Freedom Of Expression
5. No Torture 20. The Right To Public Assembly
6. You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go 21. The Right To Democracy
7. We Are All Equal Before The Law. 22. Social Security
8. Your Human Rights Are Protected By Law 23. Worker’s Rights
9. No Unfair Detainment 24. The Right To Play
10. The Right To Trial 25. Food And Shelter For All
11. We’re All Innocent Till Proven Guilty 26. The Right To Education
12.The Right To Privacy 27. Copyright
13. Freedom To Move 28. A Fair And Free World
14. The Right To Seek A Safe To Live 29. Responsibilities
15. Right To A Nationality 30. No One Can Take Away Your Human Rights
Yes, there are considered to be universal values for it has the same value to us or almost
in all people. It is show a human rights which guarantee people the means necessary to
satisfy their basic needs, such as food, housing, and education, so they can take full
advantage of all opportunities. Finally, by guaranteeing life, liberty, equality, and
security, human rights protect people against abuse by those who are more powerful.
Activity 2.
1. Are those values and moral concepts applicable to us, Christians? Explain your
There are some values and moral concepts applicable to us, Christians. We cannot deny the
fact the were once belong to a indigenous group. We also believe and practice the same as they
are doing. All of us has its very own ancestor it simply means that every indigenous group or
people have the right to promote, maintain and continue practicing this values and moral
concepts. We also Christian has the right to do so, difference may vary sometimes but each of
us has right and choice no matter how different in form and expression from the way many
people see, understand and practice it.
DIRECTION: Read and analyze the questions. Express and substantiate your thoughts through a
7 to 10 – sentence essay.
2. What moral standards would you like to adhere to among the moral standards of the
leading indigenous people presented in this module? Why? (20 pts)
Answer: As I was reading and understand the different indigenous people presented in this
module almost of their moral standard I don’t agree on it but there is only one where the same
in my belief and that is a courtship rituals take place at the girls’ houses, it is from Ifugao values
and moral concepts. I do believe that by doing it the man can show how real and true his love
for the girl. It also show a respect to their parents and show his good intentions for the girl. It is
a formal way of asking the blessing of the parents to allowed him to marry the his beloved.