Assessment 2 - 20 Credits

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Module title Integrated communications

Module code BUS7B29
Module leader Teresa Malinga
Assessment title Assessment 2:Presentation
Launch date September 2022
Submission deadline 19 January 2023
Expected date for return of
marks and feedback
Module outcomes assessed 2.Design and evaluate an integrated marketing communications mix
3.Identify appropriate techniques and resources to build cross
functional relationships
4.Critically evaluate communications role in delivering value to a range
of stakeholders

Assessment weighting 50%

Word count (if relevant)
Assessment task details:
Prepare a groupwork presentation that evaluates communication strategies and cross-functional
relationships within an organisation of your choice. You then need to identify new strategies to
improve business functions and stakeholder value.

Submission instructions - What should be the format of the submission? / Where should it be

Format of submission: PowerPoint. Please see the assessment template below

How should it be submitted? Turnitin Submission Point

Hints and tips

This is a group presentation
Assessment Template:
Powerpoint should cover the following.
 Overview of the company of your choice

 Communication strategies and cross functional relationships

 New strategies to improve business functions and stakeholder value

 Total number of presentation slides should not exceed 12 slides including the reference list
Additional Guidance:

1.Reference list, which is part of the presentation slides with proper Harvard Referencing according to WGU
2.All students are required to convert their PowerPoint slides to PDF file for final submission.
3.All students are encouraged to use the Turnitin Similarity Checker to check on their work’s similarity rate
before the final submission to Turnitin.
4. Total number of presentation slides should not exceed 12 slides including the reference list.
5. In-text citations must be included within the presentation slides.

All submitted work is expected to observe academic standards in terms of referencing, academic writing, use
of language etc. Failure to adhere to these instructions may result in your work being awarded a lower grade
than it would otherwise deserve.

Marking and moderation

The work will be 1st marked and internally and externally moderated.
Please see Marking Criteria below
Grade Boundaries 0 1-29% 30-39% 40 – 49% 50 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 – 79% 80 – 89% 90-100% Total
N.S Unsatisfactory Minimum Satisfactory Fairly good Good Excellent Exceptional Outstanding

Criteria 1: Does not meet Minimum Satisfactory Fairly good Good Excellent Exceptional Outstanding
Present critical the learning understanding and understanding and understanding and understanding and understanding understanding and understanding and
outcome and knowledge of key knowledge of key knowledge of key knowledge of key and knowledge of knowledge of key knowledge of key
insights of criteria to pass ideas in ideas in ideas in ideas in key ideas in ideas in ideas in
communication the assignment communication communication communication communication communication communication communication
strategies and strategies and strategies and strategies and strategies and strategies and strategies and cross- strategies and
cross-functional cross-functional cross-functional cross-functional cross-functional cross-functional functional cross-functional
relationships. relationships. relationships. Fairly relationships. Good relationships. relationships. relationships.
relationships. (40%) Lacks systematic, in Satisfactory good systematic, in systematic, in depth Excellent Exceptional Outstanding
depth engagement systematic, in depth depth engagement engagement with systematic, in systematic, in depth systematic, in depth
with key concepts. engagement with with key concepts. key concepts. depth engagement with key engagement with
key concepts. engagement with concepts. key concepts.
key concepts.

Criteria 2: Does not meet Minimum analysis, Satisfactory Fairly good Good analysis, Excellent Exceptional analysis, Outstanding
the learning enquiry, and critical analysis, enquiry, analysis, enquiry, enquiry, and critical analysis, enquiry, enquiry, and critical analysis, enquiry,
outcome and evaluation. and critical and critical evaluation. and critical evaluation. and critical
Create, design and criteria to pass Arguments are evaluation. evaluation. Development of evaluation. Development of evaluation.
evaluate the IMC the assignment poorly developed Arguments are Development of arguments is good Development of arguments is Development of
mix, and new with minimum satisfactorily arguments is fairly with good support arguments is exceptional with arguments is
strategies to support from developed with good with fairly from research, excellent with exceptional support outstanding with
research to make satisfactory support good support from judgements or find excellent support from research to make outstanding support
improve business judgements or find from research to research, to make solutions. from research to judgements or find from research to
functions and solutions. Ideas are make judgements judgements or find make judgements solutions. make judgements or
stakeholder value poorly or find solutions. solutions. Communication of or find solutions. Communication of find solutions.
(45%) communicated. Ideas are Communication of ideas is good. Communication ideas is exceptional. Communication of
satisfactorily ideas is fairly good. of ideas is ideas is
communicated. excellent. outstanding.

Criteria 3: Inadequate or Written to a poor Satisfactory attempt Fairly good attempt Good attempt to Power and Exceptionally powerful Outstanding,
Quality of the incomplete standard, poor to construct a fluent to construct a fluent construct a fluent persuasive and persuasive original, and
English, and and coherent and coherent and coherent conclusion made, conclusion made, persuasive
written work. Clear Grammar. argument. Spelling argument. Legible argument. Legible based upon the based upon the conclusion made,
structure to the work mistakes and and carefully and carefully analysis/evaluatio analysis/evaluation based upon the
and correct spelling grammatical errors proofread. Spelling proofread Spelling n presented. presented. analysis/evaluation
was used present. Accurate mistakes and mistakes and Spelling mistakes Spelling mistakes and presented. Spelling
and written to a grammatical errors grammatical errors and grammatical grammatical errors mistakes and
throughout (10%) satisfactory non-existent). non-existent. errors non- non-existent. Accurate grammatical errors
standard Accurate and Accurate and existent. Accurate and written to a very non-existent.
written to an written to a very and written to a exceptional standard Accurate and
adequate standard good standard very excellent written to an
standard outstanding

Criteria 4: Harvard Inadequate or No references in Many omissions of Occasional Good range of Broad range of Exceptional range of Outstanding range
Referencing incomplete text with errors in references and omission of source material. All source material. source material. All of current and field
text and list of format errors in text reference in text sources All sources sources leading source
formatting and use sources and/or only with omissions and with some format acknowledged in acknowledged in acknowledged in text material. All sources
of source material websites used. format errors on list errors in text and list text with minor text and and appropriately acknowledged in
(5%) of sources. of sources. Limited format error in text appropriately referenced in line with text and
range of source or list of sources. referenced in line LBS Harvard appropriately
material. with LBS Harvard referencing. referenced in line
referencing. with LBS Harvard

All marks/grades remain indicative until they have been considered and confirmed by the Assessment Board- Total
% Level 7 Generic Marking Criteria
Outstanding: Outstanding systematic understanding of knowledge and critical awareness of current
problems and/or new insights, informed by the forefront of the academic discipline, field of study or area of
professional practice. The work demonstrates an outstanding knowledge of techniques applicable to
research and advanced scholarship. Application of knowledge is original with outstanding practical
understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret
knowledge in the subject discipline.

Work evidences outstanding critical evaluation of current research, advanced scholarship and
methodologies to propose new hypotheses if appropriate. There is evidence of outstanding systematic and
creative management of complex issues to make sound judgements in the absence of complete data.
Outstanding communication of conclusions to specialist and non-specialist audiences.

Outstanding self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems with evidence of an outstanding
ability to advance personal knowledge and understanding and to develop new skills at a high level.

An outstanding display of the qualities and transferable skills needed for employment that require initiative
and personal responsibility, complex decision-making and independent learning for continued professional
Exceptional: In most areas, the qualities required for the grade above are displayed, though there may be
70-79 80-90

negligible errors.

Excellent: In most areas, the qualities required for the grade above are displayed. There may be negligible
errors and some minor inaccuracies/omissions.

Very Good: Very good systematic understanding of knowledge and critical awareness of current problems
and/or new insights, informed by the forefront of the academic discipline, field of study or area of
professional practice. The work demonstrates a very good knowledge of techniques applicable to research
and advanced scholarship. Application of knowledge is original with very good practical understanding of
how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in the
subject discipline.

Work evidences very good critical evaluation of current research, advanced scholarship and methodologies
to propose new hypotheses if appropriate. There is evidence of very good systematic and creative
management of complex issues to make sound judgements in the absence of complete data. Very good
communication of conclusions to specialist and non-specialist audiences.

Very good self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems with evidence of a very good ability
to advance personal knowledge and understanding and to develop new skills at a high level.

A very good display of the qualities and transferable skills needed for employment that require initiative and

personal responsibility, complex decision-making and independent learning for continued professional
Fairly Good: Fairly good systematic understanding of knowledge and critical awareness of current problems
and/or new insights, informed by the forefront of the academic discipline, field of study or area of
professional practice. The work demonstrates a fairly good knowledge of techniques applicable to research
and advanced scholarship. Application of knowledge is original with fairly good practical understanding of
how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in the
subject discipline.

Work evidences fairly good critical evaluation of current research, advanced scholarship and methodologies
to propose new hypotheses if appropriate. There is evidence of fairly good systematic and creative
management of complex issues to make sound judgements in the absence of complete data. Fairly good
communication of conclusions to specialist and non-specialist audiences.

Fairly good self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems with evidence of a fairly good
ability to advance personal knowledge and understanding and to develop new skills at a high level.

A fairly good display of the qualities and transferable skills needed for employment that require initiative

and personal responsibility, complex decision-making and independent learning for continued professional
Satisfactory: Satisfactory systematic understanding of knowledge and critical awareness of current
problems and/or new insights, informed by the forefront of the academic discipline, field of study or area of
professional practice. The work demonstrates a satisfactory knowledge of techniques applicable to
research and advanced scholarship. Application of knowledge is original with satisfactory practical
understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret
knowledge in the subject discipline.

Work evidences satisfactory critical evaluation of current research, advanced scholarship and
methodologies to propose new hypotheses if appropriate. There is evidence of satisfactory systematic and
creative management of complex issues to make sound judgements in the absence of complete data.
Satisfactory communication of conclusions to specialist and non-specialist audiences.

Satisfactory self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems with evidence of a satisfactory
ability to advance personal knowledge and understanding and to develop new skills at a high level.

A satisfactory display of the qualities and transferable skills needed for employment that require initiative

and personal responsibility, complex decision-making and independent learning for continued professional
Marginal Refer/Fail: Some systematic understanding of knowledge and critical awareness of current
problems and/or new insights, informed by the forefront of the academic discipline, field of study or area of
professional practice. The work demonstrates some knowledge of techniques applicable to research and
advanced scholarship. Application of knowledge is original with some practical understanding of how
established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in the subject

Work evidences limited critical evaluation of current research, advanced scholarship and methodologies to
propose new hypotheses if appropriate. There is some evidence of systematic and creative management of
complex issues to make sound judgements in the absence of complete data. Limited communication of
conclusions to specialist and non-specialist audiences.

Some self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems with evidence of a limited ability to
advance personal knowledge and understanding and to develop new skills at a high level.

A limited display of the qualities and transferable skills needed for employment that require initiative and
personal responsibility, complex decision-making and independent learning for continued professional

development.(Compensation is possible within regulations of board for undergraduate & postgraduate

Refer/Fail: Minimal systematic understanding of knowledge and critical awareness of current problems
and/or new insights, informed by the forefront of the academic discipline, field of study or area of
professional practice. The work demonstrates minimal knowledge of techniques applicable to research and
advanced scholarship. Application of knowledge is original with minimal practical understanding of how
established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in the subject

Work evidences minimal critical evaluation of current research, advanced scholarship and methodologies to
propose new hypotheses if appropriate. Evidence of systematic and creative management of complex issues
to make sound judgements in the absence of complete data is lacking. Limited communication of
conclusions to specialist and non-specialist audiences.

Minimal self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems with evidence of a limited ability to
advance personal knowledge and understanding and to develop new skills at a high level.

Minimal display of the qualities and transferable skills needed for employment that require initiative and

personal responsibility, complex decision-making and independent learning for continued professional
Clear Refer/Fail: Unsatisfactory systematic understanding of knowledge and critical awareness of current
problems and/or new insights, informed by the forefront of the academic discipline, field of study or area of
professional practice. The work lacks knowledge of techniques applicable to research and advanced
scholarship. Application of knowledge is unoriginal without practical understanding of how established
techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in the subject discipline.

Work lacks critical evaluation of current research, advanced scholarship and methodologies to propose new
hypotheses if appropriate. Evidence of systematic and creative management of complex issues to make
sound judgements in the absence of complete data is insufficient. Poor communication of conclusions to
specialist and non-specialist audiences.

Inadequate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems with little to no ability to advance
personal knowledge and understanding and to develop new skills at a high level.

Work does not display the qualities and transferable skills needed for employment that require initiative
and personal responsibility, complex decision-making and independent learning for continued professional


Refer/Fail: Non-submission

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